w e s t , PUBLISHED avaar fhiday R apai makaa Iba teed p a n . uobnino — „F lorence . L ax B C ounty , O beoon .— ... by - - - Mrs. kannir wih have a new stuck of W IL L T A K E T H K S T U M P . the latest styles of milliner’s goods ar­ rive in a few days. Ladies are invited A U u b l y C a n a n a ic a q b L e g a lit y o f th « 1 Fill a bottle or common glass with | to call and examine them. C o u r t H o u a o C o a a tr u c tlo n . i urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; While at work husking corn near G r burg last Monday, a young man name.! ! Regi.ter, Oct. I: Senator I D. Dr» J • ~ J““' burg last Monday, a young man name.! Nelson Hulin was shot by Dr. Tyler who ver. and perhaps a colleague or •w o*. T **«“ 0!* U to «1 kid. HOW TO FIND OUT. 1 saw Hulin’s hut anil misbiok it for a will take the stump neat week quail. He waa not seriously injured. I U>e court house construction. Dr. Dri- neF tro bl • . . 4 The F lo re n c e C o n n e r* w ill h , . ver says he is not opposing the ultimate “"»•«« or pa.n in the l»ck i. also con The Florence cannery will probably ______ I.'.., ,____ ________ vincing vincing proof tha a1. the proof th tlie kidneys and Editor aiul Proprietor. fini.h the work of packing fist, this buildil'« o t » new co,,rt l,ouse- b,,t co“ ' bladder are out of order. week for the season, having cannel »¡dera the title to the present site too W H A T T O DO. L ^ T kbms : »160 “ yettr in »d*»“«*------ 3,600 cases and salted 100 barrels oi i Precarious to admit of the immediate There ia comfort in the knowledge so salmon construction of the building. He says T1 ’ .. . . . . tie feara that heirs of tlie original own- often exp-essed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Vntered at the pout-office at Florence, The names of jurymen for the No-1 eri of lhe propert, will wait until the swamp-root, tlie great kidney remedy ,.,ne county, Oregon, a« secoml-class vem l«r term of court were drawn I new buildings are erected, and then fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the wail matter. Absolutely Puro Eugene thia week As published, no Rgw,ft , u |e wll(s„ property will back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary paesage. It corrects names are given of people from .he <(|rth n)illion dollar, . R „ Baid „ vfbtising bates made known on a p - * DVfc P LIC A TIO N . western part of the county. tllis wU, foundation for lhe inability to hold urine and scalding pain ^c .1 notice» » cent» per lin e , each tiu ertlo n paasing it, or bad effects following Born, in Florence, Oregon on Sunday 1 paign 1Hig„ to be conducted, and tlie the apeaker speaker I in passing WOVM PAK1M0 POWOTR C O .. WPW VOWK. Oct. 3rd, 1897, lo ttie wife of Chas Hub- certainly consideis himself well fortified use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ V 7E 8TL IN G S . m child e n , ! i„ bis claims. The campaign will lie comes that unpleasant necessity of be- The Robarts went to Coos bay Monday bard a 9 ^ pound boy. Motiier and doing well ami Charles has llready (,peiied Tuesday at Junction City and on ¡ng compelled to get up mauy times Dame Rumor says that two young Thursday following Cottage Grove will during the night to .innate. Tl.e mild Work at the creamery was finished people of this vicinity will soon unite furnished the cigars. be We have not been able to and extraordinary effect of swamp-root E d u c a te T o u r B o w e ls W i t h C a a c a re t» . _ visited. last week lor the season. their fortunes for better or worse. We ' learn whether speakers will he commis ia soon realized. It stands the highest Try the Pacific Queen sewing machine. hope it will prove to be for the lietter. w. Al v . V- V. lu ll, UrUgKlSl* rciu au in o n ej. | • .........I A ... h S I the I, a oilier M ialas of tli „ , . , i . sioned to .. represent side tlie for its wonderful cures of the most dis For eale by Meyer & K yle. The school census of the state of By order of the supreme court, a per- t retain g cases. If you need a medicine . . . ., , case or not. Ibout 20 couples attended the dance Washington has just been taken, and emptory writ was issued in the case of ! „ „ ... ~ ____, „ you should have the best. Sold by L o; . . . . , Ex-U S. Attorney-General Geo. H. shows 118,238 persons of school ago in E. D. Shattuck vs. Harrison R. Kincaid I , t Seaton Saturday evening. ...» . . . . . . . . . , , , Williams and the other attorneya re­ druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ the defend- . . . ... Some correspondence irom Rlachley the state, a decrease of 2325 since last secretary 1 of state, ’ directing , “ , tamed to represent the various phases lar. You may have a sample bottle and year. ant, as secretary 7 of state, * to draw a of , the , question . . , , seem ___ unwilling pamphlet both sent free by mail. w,e received too late for this issue. involved, On the second inst., Clark Rogers an warrant in favor of the plaintiff for to stump the county, but will reserve Mention The W est and send your ad­ The sale of properly for delinquent old resident of Marion county while at $750, the amount claimed an salary 1 their opinions for tlie circuit court, so dress to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, Uies was begun at Eugene Monday. fourth judicial the ” speakers • . ___ . ..... work on his ham near Salem fell from a as .. circuit . . _ . judge 9 * of the _ .. at . present will probably be N. Y. The proprietor of this paper The San Francisco Exam iner and the for the quarter ending March 31, . , . . . . _ „ . nr«r...inn guarantees the genuineness of this offer. box about feet high and fractured district a-.»,- i . . I entirely made up of those not profession- W est one year for »2.50 paid in ad­ 189/. The writ was issued and served; n llv i n ; t e r e s t . e . d . in t h . e case. his skull. H e died next morning. S T O C K H O L D E R S M E E T IN G . ally interested in the case. on tlie secretary of state, and tlie war­ vance. Tlie schooner Bella will sail for San Bring vour job work to the W est There will lie a meeting of the stock­ Francisco about October 15th. Cheap rant drawn. YELLO W F E V FR . office. Good work. d?ne at reasonable rates for freight. For further informa­ ANTED-TRUST WORTHY AND holders of the Alnska Gold Mining A active gentlemen or ladies to The yellow fever now exists in several Navigation Co. on Saturday 9th inst. prices. tion inquire of Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Hood’s Pills are purely v i. stable and Oregon. travel for responsible, established house localities in Alabama, Mississippi, Lou- at 2 p. m. at secretary’s office in Hurd’s tnOregon, Monthly »65.00 and expenses, isians, and probably Texas, and spora- Block. A full attendance is expected do not purge, pain or g ’pe. All Register, Oct. 5 th : Workmen today Position steady. Reference. Enclose die cases have appeared in Louiaville, as business of importance is to be con­ druggists. commenced laying the stone foundation Always something special tooffer yon; to the new court house. Rough stone self-addressed stamped envelope. The K y., and Atlanta, Ga. The fever began sidered. O. H . H olden , sec. nearly a month latter in the season ttian this time Hats at about half price. is In d to a bight of three feet, and on Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago, ever liefore in this country, the dura­ C E N E R A L N EW S. Hurd & Davenport. top of thia will be laid the cut Btone. tion of tlie epidemic may be short and Memorial eervices are to be held in PERSONALS. The date for (lie entertainment by the the mortality small. A temperature Gen. Neal Dow, the veteran prohibi­ the university at Eugene today in mem­ i Ladies Missionary Society of Florence over 70 deg. is favorable to ita propaga­ tionist, died nt Portland, Maine Oct. ory of the late Prof. McClure. has been postponed to October 23rd. Mrs. Kobe leaves today on lier way to tion, while one below 65 deg. promotes 2nd of old age. He was born March Our delinquent subscribers will co n -' The exercises will consist of recitations, Seattle, Wash. its decline. Only a frost is sure to kill 20th, 1804. (era favor if they will call and settle , tableaus, dialogues and music. Mr. Landerking of Maple creek came ' tlie germs and during tlie years from State Fish Commissioner Little, ot the little bills they owe the W est . Will you give up all that health means in from the valley ttiis week. 1891-95 the earliest recorded frost in Wash, says this year’s pack ot Pacific Capt. Robertson’s family are expected to you? If not, look out for impure Mrs. Yates was visiting Mrs. Rogers New Orleans di,I not come until No­ coast sail.ion will amount to more than vember 30. In Mobile, during tlie same 3,000,000 cases, making it the largest to be passengers from Newport to Flor­ blood. Cure boils, pimples, humors, on Maple creek a few days ago. years, frost came earliest on November pack on record. ence on the next trip of the Robarts. and all scrofulous tendencies by taking J. A. Lev age and family intend soon 16; in Galveston, December 27; in Jack- Hood's Sarsaparilla. They will occupy the Kobe bouse. to move into town for the winter. Indiana is tlie only state which pays son, Miss., October 10, and in Atlanta, The concert given here by Prof. Fer- Last Saturday’s Oregonian publishes . its minor state officials larger salaries J. U. Sutiierland and C. B. Morgan •eports from 20 of the counties of Ore- guson n few evenings ago was greatly brought a raft of logs to Saubert’s mill October 10. than it does its governor. The gover­ •on all of which declare that business at enjoyed by tlie audience. Prof. Fergn- Wednesday. nor of Indiana gets »5000, tlie secretary M IL L IN E R Y - present and prospects for the future are son has great skill on the violin, and of state »6500, and tlie auditor of the Mrs. Howe is taking a few days rest in ltis ability as an imitator lie cannot better than for several years. Mrs. H. A. McClaran of Drain will be state »7500. from her work, in the hoarding house at J. R. Cleaves, jeweler and engraver, be surpassed. People throughout the United States at Florence with a stock of milliner's Point Terrace. M o-T o-B nc (o r F ifty C ents. mine upon Barrett’s stage Tuesday and Mr. Wilson of New York was a pas­ goods on October IStli to remain three are taking great interest in the election Guaranteed tobacco habit cure makes weak will remain about a week. Take your men strong, blood pure. 60c, 11. A ll druggists. senger to Florence by the Mink yester­ days. Call and see the newest styles. of the first mayor of Greater New York. There are now four candidates in the work to him and have it well done. He The University of Oregon Athletic day. He is the guest of Mrs. Howe. field. Tracy, the republican; Van can be found at Meyer & K yle’s store. SCHOOL R E F O R T . Club have decided not to put a team in Miss Ida Sell lister returned to the Wyck the democratic or Tammany can­ Educate Y o a r B o w e l« W i t h C aecnret«. field to compete in tl e inter-collegiate Life Saving Station Monday after a few Report of Alder Ridge school for six didate; Candy C athartic, cure constipation forever. Henry George, represent­ 10c, 25c. I f C. C. C. f a il, druggists refund money. games this year. One reason given is days visit with tier parents. weeks ending Oct. 1st, 1897. ing the Bingle tax people; and Seth Low, lack of material ns it is said athletes A. Hickethier went to Heeita Monday. No enrolled 21 independent or union league candidate. People who reside here generally pre­ 1 will not. come there to school under the 440 He took liis camera witli him and we No days attendance fer salmon to flounders when they go On Sept. 30th near Stockton, Oal. two ‘ rules adopted liy the faculty. 15 highwaymen stopped three stages with­ expect to see some fine pictures of tlie Average daily attendance out fishing at this season of tlie year, W anted —Young or middle aged man beautiful scenes in that vicinity. hut one party of pleasure seekers ap- No times tardy in 35 minutes and robbed most of the pes-ed to prefer the flounders. At any to travel in this mid adjoining counties; Mr. and Mrs. Dressier arrived here No visits by Directors passengers. The driver and passengeis permanent position; salary »60 a month tale they brought in five large strings Tuesday having travelled all the way No “ “ Co. Supt. of the first stage were compelled to get and expenses; good chance for advance­ ol them numbering at least 103 in all. from Iowa with a team. Mrs. Dressier No “ “ others out and deliver up their money then go ment. Address Shepp Company, 1,020 S cott M orris , teacher. Guard: The fruit dryers throughout Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. is a daughter of Mrs. J. W. Nelson. into the brush out of sight, the etngo being driven off the road out of sight. A VESSEL T o BE B U IL T and O W N E D BY T H E Lane county should make a run on the T. A. North left Monday morning on T O OUR PATRONS- 175-10t. In a few minutes the second arrived and tipple crop. Grocery men tell us that Barrett’s stage, having finished work in There is more catarrh in this section the creamery for this Beason. Mr. the demand for dried apples will lie COMPANY- We have made arrangements by the same ceremony was goue through. larger than for years and the prices o f'lie country than all other diseases North will stop a few days at Marshfield which we will furnish tlie Weekly The driver of the third stage whipped lietter, on account of a partial failure of put together, and until the last few years then go to San Francisco. Oregonian with the W est for one year up bis team and tried to get away but was supposed to be incurable. For a tlie apple crop east. William Johnson, well known on tlie to any address for tlie sum of two dol­ the robbers shot two of his horses and great many years doctors pronounced it wounded two passengers. Tlie people Siuslaw, arrived here from Cottage lars, payable cash in advance. The grand jury of Clatsop county have a local disease, and prescribed local then left the stage and made their Grove Wednesday. He will take stock indicted R. L. Ward Hnd W. G. Howell, remedies, and by constantly failing to escape, ¡u the Alaska Gold Mining A Navigation the former being county treasury and R E S O L U T IO N S PASSED- cure with local treatment, pronounced Oregonian: A band of fanners living Co., and came in to work on their new the latter his deputy, They are charged it incurable. Science has proven ca­ boat. Four other men from Cottage with larceny of public money to the The W. C. T. U . state convention at in the region of Fulton, Mo., recently tarrh to be a constitutional disease, and demolished a church and destroyed a Grove accompanied him. Albany yesterday passed resolutions. amount of »11,955, therefore require constitutional treat­ The resolutions demanded that the printing plant belonging to an intoler­ T o C u r e C o n s t ip a t i o n F o r e v e r . Guard: Col. B. F. Alley, of Baker Take Cascarsts Candy C athartic. 10c or 2ft®. ment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac­ Christian temperance men support in ant sect in that town who vaingloriously If C. C. C. fa il to cure, druggists refund money. tured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, City, visited Eugene over last night, re­ turning home on this morning s local the ballot box, candidates of no party call themselves “ Brethren of the Ohurch The ked for the Alaska Gold Mining Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on train. He had been to Roseburg attend­ which stands committed to the license of Jesus Christ in Love and U nion.’’ It Navigation Co.’s lioat has lieen hauled tlie market. It is taken internally in ing a meeting of the trustees of tho policy, or which refuses to avow open may lie hoped that these misguided pon the hank at tlie new ship yard, doses from 10 drops to a tenspoonfnl. Soldiers’ Home, and was elected presi­ hostility to saloons, also that the laws brethren learned from the nilld-inan- he stick measures 126 feet in length, It acts directly on tlie blood and mucous of temperance education in the public nered farmer folks a lesson in seal, dent of tlie board. he company have made arrangements surfaces of the system. They offer one schools tie enforced. The resolutions tempered liy prudence, and that they will hereafter be becomingly tolerant of ith Mr Benedict to have their lumber hundred dollars for any case it fails to further declare: cure Send for circulars and testimoni­ A C C ID E N T A L L Y SHOT. iwed at the Spruce Point mill. “ We deplore the carelessness of par­ the religious opinions of others. als. Address. F. J. Cheney A Co., The recent announcement to the effect S T O O K S U B S C R IP T IO N B O O K S C A N BE S E E N A T T H E ents and guardians in permitting tlie The W est has for sale one year s Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. At Lebanon, Or., last Saturday morn­ indiscriminate association of young peo­ that the president hnd practically decid­ lition in the Holmes Business College O F F IC E O F C. H . H O L D E N .. ing Joseph Buhl was killed by the acci­ ple in hop yards, believing that no ed upon the appointment of Mr. 8. N. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. 1 Portland. This is one of tlie leading dental discharge of a shotgun. It ap­ Referee A. C. Woodcock was bolding amount of money earned can compen­ D. North, of Boston, to he superinten­ nsiness colleges on the coast, having pears that be went to get bis gun for sate for the toes of purity frequently dent of the next census will attract English, Commercial, Shorthand and a session of bis court at Salem this week the purpose of cleaning it, pulling it ensuing. We deprecate the picking of attention to the bill providing for a per­ elegraphic departments and we offer in the Oregon Pacific matter. The a- towards him over some flour sacks when hope by temperance people, (caring that manent director of the census, which mount in question and to be distributed lis tuition on easy terms. is »19,800, and is the proceeds of the t was discharged with the result men- this much assistance to the manufac­ has been drawn up and advocated by T o C o r e C o n s t ip a t i o n F o r e v e r . Take Cascarcta C auilv C ath artic. 10c or25c. sale ol the steamship Willamette A alley tioned above. The deceased was about ture of beer may tend to deaden the Hon. Carroll D. Wright, the preaent ’ C. C. C. fa ll to cure, druggists refund money. commissioner ol lalmr. It will be one in the U . S. court in San Francisco in S3 years old and had resided in Lebanon cunacience oil the temperanc© isuue. The Bible Institution Colportage As- of the duties’ of congress at its coming 1895. The question is whether the 10 years wiation, D. L. Moody, president, is in T O CURE A OOLD IN ONE DA Y . session to authorize the taking of tlie money goes to Bonner A Hammond, the | Take lax a tiv e Bromo Quinine Tablets. eed of colporterff. Earnest young peo- pm ehasersofthe Oregon Pacific rad- 12tb decennial national census in 1900. GREENLEAF ITEMS. All druggists refund money if it fails to le desiring to give tlie whole or portion If Mr. Wright’s recommendation is to road or whether it goes to numerous cure. 25c. I their time to Ciiristian work, with be considered s ta ll, it will therefor liavo creditors of the road created by receivers B y a W est C orrespondent . uuuneration, should address A. P. Fitt, to be disposed of at the coming session, prior to the purchase of the road by tl.e ipt., 260 La Salle A ve., Chicago, for when the taking of the next census is Oct. 2nd, 1897. above firm. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. provided for. articqlars. Box X . Baseball game next Saturday. Clarence Burnett is hauling lumber Land Offlce, at Roseburg Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. September » , 1S97. for a fruit dryer. Persons Desiring to Subscribe for Stock Can do so by N otice Is hereby given th a t tbe follow ing- Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Miss Alpha Lundy of Alpha is visiting named K tlle r has Bled notice of his Intention September 1 6,1S97. to make final proof in support of his claim , and at J. A. Burnett's. Notice 1« hereby given th a t tbe follow ing- .^^^___Leaving Their Names Burnett that said proof w ill be made liefore C. H . H o l­ named settler has (lied notice of his In ten tion Fear of rain deterred J. A. uunwnv W.H. WEATHERSON A Siuslaw Company Organized, POWDER CAPITAL STOCK $20,000 No. of Shares 2,000, at $10 EACH. 3% W E veryb od y’s O pportunity W h o De­ s ir e s to V isit th e N ew Eldorado. This is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley Should Own at Least one Share. ITS AIMS ABE PEBELÏ GO-OPERATIVE.^ Work to Commence at Once. DON’T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIKE. Closed August 31st T hat Schillings Best tea missing-word = ' » t u t S L closed V I lS S C L l August o 31st. ------- contest W e shall announce the winners and the voi d at the first possible moment. A $2000.00 missing-word contest begins once. Schilling s Best baking powder and tea r JbcCAUS£ they tnonev-nack. S W hat is the missing word? Every ticket taken from Schillings cs r ‘ J powder or tea ’ is goo 1 for one •aking [uess at the missing word. Send your ticket with your guess and ame and address to MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCIS I - «« . a V Potatoes are giving an sinn/immAfll uncommonly good vield, both in quantity and In #nd there are about ¡is many cattle buyers as cattle. A Mr. La Vest, now living on rented land near tioslien, has bought William Parker’s place on Indian creek and is now in that vicinity, with his father, hunting and fishing. I hear ill y are not in love with the claim, which they bought without seeing ¡t. Emil Robert mourn« tlie loss of many tools which he left on his farm when lie left it in charge of William Austin ami went to Kwitxerlaml two years sgo. He had a gooil many good carpenter’s and metal-workers’ tools that he had made himself snd it will be years before be can replace all that are loet. w HI1 llie ciail Q U R E BLOOD la tlie foundation heal ti I. Hood’s Sarsaparlllamskes ■ of beali the blood pare, rich and n o n r i a h f ’ gives and maintain« good H E A I den, U. ». Commfsaioner at Florence, Oregon, to m.-.ke Anal proof In support of his claim , and November IS, 1897, »1«: John Holger on h. e. no. that said proof w ill be made befor. C . H . H o l­ 7SS6 for the lot 21, se.Q aeii, sec 21; rw Q awQ. den U. 8. Commissioner a t Florence. Oregon, aee. 22; n w Q nw ’4 - «<-'• 27; tp. IS »., r., 11 West. on November 2nd, 1S97, via: Joseph Duncan on H e namea the follow ing witnesses to prove h e. no. S117 for the a r% aeQ, aec. M : wl< nw>4, • his continuous residence upon and c u ltiva tio n n w li swQ, aec. «6; tp 1# a., r. 10 west. of. salu land, viz: He nam cathe follow ing witnesses to prove R. 1-, Bernhardt, John 'l a i, W lllls m Hoff­ man and Charles Cox a ll of Florence Precinct, his continuous resilience upon and cultivatio n Oregon. R. M. VBATCM, Register. I of, said land, viz: 1 j . L. Tay lo r, 8. L Tay lo r, Jnlluz Koepp and j W illiam K irby a ll of H erm ann, Oregon. R. M. V B iT c a , Register. | Alaska Cold Mining A Navigation Co. FLORENCE, ; : : : OREGON. notice for publication . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- I^ n d Office, at Roeeburg, Oregon. September 1 7,1S97. Notice Is hereby given th a t the follow ing- named aettler hat M ed notice of hie intention to make M tal proof In support of hl« cla im , and that said proof w ill be made before IL H . H o l­ den U. 8. Commlasloner, at Fl-weuee, Oregon on | October SO, 1*97, » It: Oeorge W. Maateraon on h. ; e. no. 72S2 for the w H ne‘4 and • % nw !4. see. • 26, tp. 18 a , r, 12 West. > e e .7 ,tp . l» a .,r . 11 » « . ' He nam e, the follow ing wltneaaea to prove He name» the follow ing wltneaaea to prove hla continuous residence upon and cultivatio n h it continuous rezfdeuev upon and c u ltiva tio n of raid land, via: of said land, viz: Fred Welle and W illia m W e ll, of M apleton, | R. B. Jlllla, O. R. M ill» and O. C. Compton of Ore., Oeorge O. Knowlee and John Weddle of Fliwenee, Oregon aq l George Glover of Acme, Florence. Oregon. i Oregon, R. M. V h t c s , R M V a tv c a . iNDY CATHARTIC Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Beptemla?r l i , 1897. U n til« la hereby given ¿ tM the follow ing- named w itte r has filed notice of bia IntenUon to make final proof I- »uppor- < f his claim , and that m hl proof w ill he ir .oe I w lo r e C. H . H o l­ den, C. 8. C om m lavioier at Lake Precinct, fiouglaa Co., Ore. on October 30, 1»*7. viz: Fre-I B. Kneaper on h. s. i-tt. *51" tor t h« * ‘4 of Rs«UM> ' Rrgtiter CURE COnSTI RATION IO ♦ 25 < 50 ♦ ABSOLUTELY 6DARAKTEED DRUGGI5TS K«wY«Hk pleaad heehM free. A4. MTFEI1S« gg»F P T CO., fh lo r t). g a a t w i . fa».*. arKl SIK