í I S O D D S F IS T IO E N D S . ! * « $ ■ * “ '— o * $ * * w * * * * ^ * $ o ’ ■ •* — * * w “ * ■ m e * * ¡ * * * * * * * * o * * * THEY W ERE BAD MEN THE LADY AT THE W,NDOW- A HETEROPIIEMIST. THE FORMER INHABITANTS OF ELLS­ W ORTH ANO HAYS CITY. H a c k Iu th o S ix tie s T h p w T o w n . W s r s X o t S o Q u iet x s T h e y A r e N o w —Alow S o m e n f th e C itiz e n . S e tt le d D o w n — W ild l l i l l an d J im C urry. A big hotel stands o ’er the w ay, A nd every m orning there At a w indow Just a c r tc i from m ine I see a lady fair. In fluffy garm ents, w hite and aoft, H alf hidden in the lace That forma tho curtain, 1 may see Her rosy, girlish face. O lady fair, O lady fair, I often wonder why It U th at you stand, gazing there, Bo radiant, ao why I You aoeiu to look acroaa tho w ay. Oh, can it, can it, bo T hat you urine to feast your eyoa, Each m orning upon me? KOW HE INJURED THE FINANCIAL IN­ TERESTS OF TH E CONFEDERACY. M r. B la n k W a s S e n t t o E n g la n d to S o lic it A id a n d F a ile d — T h e M e n a g e l i e Sunt t o M r. M e tu in ln g c r W aa t h e O p p o site of W h a t H o S u p p o sed . Three ★ A Woman Saved. Desirable ★ A CASE OF w ffltN Mrs. Henry Younghans Tells a Story of Suffering Stars in ★ and How She Was Cured. FYom the evening Newt, Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Henry Younghans, of Detroit, Mich., and asked me to give them a trial. J takinc Dr. W illiam s’ Fink P ills for 1 ale vi'no resides at 1U0J Grand River Avenue, People that ilay aud put the other medicine a id : “ Ever since our last little one came I away, thinking it would please him it I tried | as an invalid. For year» I have bad the the pills. Before I had laken one lx>x I telt My husband noticed the traprove- -.ost painful experience aud would have to better. iuwu iu ,». V. . . . . time. ...u c . . last uient and bought two more boxes. I kept tic ■ down most o f the After . tile I aby was bora I was unable to attend to my I on using them until I bad taken four boxes, , housework. I could hardly staud up and and I was entirely cured. 1 keep them in the house now and use '.ail dizzy spells. I wanted to sleep all the time and wai treated by several of the best them occasionally, us they are a great help physiciaus. I would have the most fearful to all women. You would not have known raiup, for whicli hot applications were used, me two years ago. W lat I am to-day 18 i usMi these hot applications until I hlist- »win-- to Dr. W illiam s’ Fink Pills lor Pale ered m yself severely, sly. ^Signed) M rs . II. Y ounghans . Before sfor oar child was horn I had been a Mrs. H . Younghans, being duly 8W®rn, trong, healthy woman and was scarcely ever ink. After he was horn I grew weak anil states that she has read the above and that :hin, and received scarcely any help from it is true in every particular. R obert E. H ull , J k . Notary Public. the medicine left by the doctors. They said Wayne County, Michigan. [ was not properly cared for and that the Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills for Pale People baby was too strong for ms. My back seemed to be breaking and I was scarcely ever with- contain in a condensed form, all the elements tit a severe headache. Could not tell you necessary to give new life and richness to the how many different prescriptions 1 have taken, blood and restore shattered nerves. They are [ ut every doctor had a diderent plan of treat- also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, p.g my esse. I wore supports aud laid for such as suppressions, irregularities and all veeks with my limbs elevated, but without forms o f weakness. They build up the blood, iv a il. One day uiv husband suggested that and restore the glow ofhealth to pale and sallow I try Dr. W illiam s’ Fink P ills for Pale People, cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure •is lie had read several articles in the paper In all cases arising from mental worry, over- boat women who had been helped by them. work or excesses o f whatever nature. Pink 1 was discouraged aud thought 1 must always P ills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) be an invalid, hut said I would try them at 50 cents a hox or six boxes for $2.50, and filter I had taken the bottle of medicine I mav lie had of all druggists, or direct by mall from Dr. W illiams’ Medicine Company, M l then using. “ A few days after he brought me in a box Schenectady, N. Y. And The "Kllswr.rtbl” shouted a brakeman ou Tho Southern Confederacy was only a the Union Pacific railway. Kansas divi­ few mouths old when a financial agent sion, as flic train swept through a was sent to England on a very impor­ prairio valley and slowed up at a sleepy, tant mission. Mr. Blank was a politi­ O lady at tho w indow there .ottonwcod shaded, prairie encircled cian and a banker. He was also an ele­ In robes of fluffy w hite, western Kansas town. To the left could gant gentleman, with many influential M ethink» I neo you amile upon ho seen a large and peculiar building, acquaintances on Loth sides of the wa­ Me, even ua I w rite. If thia bo true, tom orrow morn, ter. located on the ontskirts of tbo villngc. I pry thee, com e again “ What is that building?“ I asked of Before leaving Richmond he liad a And w ave your handkerchief, and t the gray bearded man who had shared long talk with Menmiinger, the secre­ Will answ er w ith my pen. my seat for the last ¡JO miles. tary of the treasury. Sold W ith •EQUBI* “ That is the Grand Army grounds “ If I find that England w ill aid us,” Alxw. alaa, and w oe ia met aud building," he said. “ It belongs to ho said, “ I w ill send you word by some A gain I aeo her face! A gain I see her apotleaa robe, tbo old soldiers, and they hold a reunion reliable blockade runner. It w ill he a H alf hidden in tlie la■ •* •! there every sonimcr. ” very brief message, hut you w ill under­ Bho w aves her handkerchief at met “ They have picked on a very quiet stand it, while it w ill mean nothing to Oh, for Home friendly ahadel town in which to rendezvous. ” I'vo ju st found out, alack, that she I he enemy if it should he intercepted.” Is a freck led cham berm aid 1 “ Yes, this is a quiet town now, but 1 Tho confidential agent slipped lln-ough —C leveland Leador. can remember, 80 years ugo, when Ells­ tho lines, und in less than a month was worth was hell’s half acre. Yes, worse comfortably established in London. Iu H o w S h e L ost H e r F a r e . than that, for all tbo cussedness going tho metropolis ho found many southern­ •‘F»re, please,” said the conductor on in this town in the sixties couldn't ers und many prominent Englishmen to the young woman who sat in tho cur have been crowded on to less than hell’s who sympathized with tho secessionists. half section. Times was mighty dull in a picture of woe. Ho saw Mr. Yancey, the Confederate j “ I cau’t pay you this trip, ” answered ministft*, erory day, aud the two work-' Ellsworth them days when there wasn’t work for the coroner six days in tbo tho young woman faintly. ed together in harmony. Mr. Yancey “ Why cau’t you, ma’am?” iu a sus­ v.’us a practical man and was not long week, and lie generally had to work picious tone. overtime on Bundays. It was the tough­ ia coining to the conclusion that no aid “ I—I have lost my car fare.” est place on tho plains until the rail­ was to be expected from the British gov- ‘‘Did you have it when you boarded I ¿ « ¿ m p iit road moved ou west, and the killers, this car?” “ Yes, but I haven’t it now. toughs, gamblers aud their female com­ “ Tlio abolition sentiment controls panions followed on to Hays City. Then Ycu cau take my address or give me here,” lie said to Mr. Blank. “ Some ot tbo carnival of crime and the contract yours, and I’ll send it to you. ” ” 1 cau’t tho ttutcsinen would like to help th e, for filling the graveyard was transferred do that,” said tho man. ‘‘It’s against south iu order to break up tho Union, i to Uuys. Gut today both towns nro as the rules. If you lost your fare in this but the people w ill never consent The 254 50 ♦ I iT illffilÜ DRUGGISTS, qnict and orderly as a New England cor, there is no reason why you should south w ill liavo to fight alone, ” ARQiU IITCT V ilTlÄPÄliTC’P n to cur® any raseof constipation, fasenret» are the Ideal Laxa- village. Some of the had men of those not find it aguin. I ’ll help you look for A D u v L U lu b l llU A n A Il 1 u u l/t ir e , nerer arrip or ?rine hnt cause easy natural results. Sam­ Blank felt pretty blue when he heard ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING REMERY CO., Chicavo. Montreal. Can., or New York. days settled hero in Ellsworth perma­ i t ” this, and that night he wrote the single “ No, no,” said the woman in a state word “ successful” on a thin slip of pa­ nently und became quiet citizens—after they became residents of the graveyard of wild alurm. “I tell you that it is per aud skillfully secreted it iu an or­ lost, and you will have to trust me to dinary cout button. Tho next day he on tbo bill yonder. LOSS OF THE LIZA JANE. None who are engaged in any of the mechanical •‘Mad© I n C erraany.” “ Apache Bill, scout and tough, took send it to you. was visited by n southern friend, who “ Very itrange,” -»id »be conductor I wi7h ifim form fhoi^T norey up a permanent rcsidenco out yonder Apparently ono ct tlio chief results of I t H a p p e n e d a t Sea an d W aa a R e m a r k ­ pursuits can succeed without reading and because a bartender got tho drop on him guspiciously. If you lost it on ou this During liis stay ho removed the top but­ the idiotic "made in Germany” act is a b le O ccu rren ce. car, I cau’t see any reason why yon studying this standard Magazine of Sciences ono night and added about two ounces , ton from liis coat and sewed on one to render importers of foregin goods1 It was u.ght—midnight—not at As­ to Bill's weight in the shape of lead find it again. How did you lose given by Mr. Blank. specially anxious to pass themselves off bury Park, but on the rolling ocean off and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with placed where it would do tue most good. - *“ “ I understand it all, ” ho said when as British manufacturers, says London “ I—I swallowed itl” shrieked the ho left. “ If I get safely to Wilmington, Truth. Here is a geed example: The Cap« Horn. The ocean had been rolling Comstock Charley, a half breed Chey­ all modern cuts of latest inventions in all enne scout, tough and general all ronnd young woinuu, driven to desperation, I w ill go at once to Richmond and givo label round a matchbox extensively sold moro or less for three days— three days had man, also became a quiet citizen of and the conductor went out ou the rear this button to Mr. Mcmminger. I prefer in London and the provinces bears a sort of terrific tempest, which had tossed the branches of mechanism, and its fund of the place where they planted ’em in end of the car and cuffed a small boy's not to know tho nature of the message, of trademark iu the shape of a sailor's the good ship Liza Jane as a bull tosses a yellow puuipkiu when he's fighting 1 hose days on account of a puncture put ears.—Chicago Tiwes-Herald. as you say that it explains itself. ” head, with the legend “ England’s he­ mad. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ iuto him by Henry Whitney, sheriff. "Y es,” replied Blank, “ it w ill be roes” and the following inscription in The Liza Jane rolled and staggered W h a t W as U , T h e ra F o r t “ Bill Hickok (Wild B ill) gained bis understood by tho secretary, and as it red and black letters: ventors and mechanics. Sold with T he “ Mr. Speuker,” the new member refers to n state secret I cannot say any­ fame at Haya City, west of hero, aa "Manufactured by Martin Harris & aud plunged forward iuto the gigantic waves which broke on her bows and W est at clubbing rates. quavered, “ I should like to rise to a also did Jim Curry, who later ou shot thing about it. ” Co., Ltd., Stratford, London, E. sent the spray flying 50 feet high. The mid killed Ben Porter, an actor, at Mar­ question of privilege.” Tho t'vo shook hands, and tho gentle­ "Support English Workpeople only men ou deck had to cling to life lines, “ The gentleman from Ku'isas has the man with tho precious button took tho by using English imide mate-lies, ’* shall, Tex. I knew Jim Curry when bo and the carpenter stood ready with a was nn engineer on this mad. Ho be- floor. ’' This covers three sides of the box. next train for Liverpool, where ho “ I want to know if I got a right to boarded u steamer bound for Wilming­ The fourth is covered by a piece of hunk of pat ty to stop a leak at the peril onmo enamored of a woman, married her, and they settled down in Hays mention thut I got a lot of pure Jersey ton. sunded paper to strike the matches on. of liis life. Even the cook, who had been at sea six months, had never seen City, keeping n little restnuruut there. heifers to sell iu tbo speech I am going Tho steamer was chased by Federal Remove this paper and you find under­ There was n regiment of negro soldiers to have put iu The Hecord for circula­ craisers, but she managed to reach her neath the further and still more interest­ sucli a storm in all his born days. Not quartered at fo rt Haya. The negroea tion in my district?”—Ciucinuati En­ destination without any serious mishap. ing notification, “ Printed in Germany. ” ono man of ail that crew had the slight­ est hope of ever reaching New York took offenso ut Jim because be refused quirer. Iu the course of two or three days tho and dining at Delmonico’s. H ow lie A n sw ered T hem , to hcrve them with meals at his bouse. mysterious traveler called ou Mr. Mcm­ T he C lash s f B m I b I Atom s. neljin! > Of a sudden tlie captain and mate They came around to clean out the minger iu Richmond and presented him A well known artist received not long “ So you and your husband have sep­ with a button. Tlie secretary cut oil its ago a circular letter from a business were missing from the deck. Two min­ place. Jim wcut to shooting, and when he quit Undo Barn's army was deci- arated?” covering iu a hurry aud smiled when house engaged in the sale of California utes later they were discovered seated “ Yea, it waa a continaal fight.” mated to some extent. dried fruit, inviting him to compete for , at tho cabin table. The crew thought ho read the word "successful. ” ’’Dear, dear!” “ Wild Bill was a nervy man and did “ Did Mr. Bliuik show this message to a prize to be given for the best design to they hud gone to consult the chart, but “ And we couldn’t agree aa to tho ki- you?” ho asked. some killing in his day, and ha might be used in advertising their wares, i that’s where the crew didn’t sniff tho] right brand of snuff. have lived lougcr if be bad not grown netnscope rights. ” "N a We both thought it best that I Only ono prize was to be given, aud all With the advance of civilisation, hu­ should remain iu ignorance so that no unsuccessful drawings were to become I “ I ’ll deal, ” said tho captain as he «•ureles»’ Yon see. Bill, like all men of This monthly magazine is one of the verv his class, was always expecting trouble man relations grow more complex, aud telltule expression of my face would h e-1 the property cf the fruit men. After read­ picked up the cards, and the next min-; aud wasulwnysou guard. Bill for yea's the social atoms clash more fiercely one tray anything if tho enemy captured ing the circular the artist sat down and nto each had five pasteboards before best printed in this country, anil uiiHe:-: him. had never allowed himself to get into a aguinst another.—Detroit Journal. wrote the following letter: me. ” Tho mate discarded and drew two. j position where his keen eye and ready At n meeting of tho cabinet that aft­ T h o -----------D ried F ru it Company: to all subscribers at rates within the With a fiendish chuckle the captain revolver were not master of the situa­ G knti - kmkn —I am offering a prize o f 50 cents ernoon Mr. Mcmminger was iu high tho b est Rpccimen of dried fruit and should drew a full house and snecrmgly ex­ tion, but ho did allow tho drop to be spirits. He predicted that tho war would for ability of all to pay. I t is finely illiw be glad to liavo you take part in the co m p eti­ got ou him twice to my knowledge. The bo over ill lit) days aud said that England tion. T w elve dozen boxeaof each kind o f fru it claimed : “ Shiver my timbers, but what’ll you first timo I was present, aud tbo next was preparing to recognize the Confed­ should bo sen t for exam ination, and all fru it trated and presents the names of fanmu do?" tim e—well. Bill was was gone himself eracy and send over her warships to th at is not udjudged w orthy of the prize w ill “ I ’ll bet $10,“ calmly replied the rem ain th e property of tbo undersigned. It ia when the second time came to a climax. authors as contributors. T he W ho break tho blockade. also required th at th e express charges on tho “ I w ill tell you tbo story of the time “ I have this,” he said, "from my con­ fr u it so forw arded be paid by th e Bonder. Y ery mato as the gale above them seemed to increase iu intensity. and the Cosmopolitan are sold a; r I was present Now, I never kuew Bill tru ly yours, ----- -----. fidential agent, Mr. Blank." “ I’ll go $40 betterl" to pull hit gun to kill unless it was iu The nnine commanded respect, and — Bixiknian. “ I ’ll make it $1001” duced rates at this office. self defense or there was no other way when the sis-retary said that under tho “ Two hundred!” to secure the peaco and quiet Bill al­ A rilffriw« circumstances a loan of $15,000,000 ne­ “ Five hundredl” ways hunkered for and would have— gotiated iu Europe would be sufficient Au inspector of nchools was ono day “ A thousundl” peaceably If ho could, forcibly if ho everybody agreed with him. Tlie weeks examining a class of village school chil­ “ Say, Jim i” whispered the captain must. Jiui Uuiry was a coward, but he rolled ou, and Erlanger in Paris adver­ dren, and he asked them what wa3 was determined to acquire a reputation tised for bids for $ 15,000,000 iu Confed­ meant by a pilgrim. A boy answered, os he leaned forward, with the light oi us u bad man, and, us Bill Hickok held erate bonds. Mr. Blank read this at liis “ A man what travels from one place to avarice in his eyes, "I’ll bet the Liza the ehaiupiotiBhip of I be world at tbal London liotel and dropped his paper in another.” The inspector, with elaborate Jane ag’in your farm I” "Done, old maul” time as u killer, Curry thought be his agitation. patience, hoping to elucidate intelli­ “ A full house, and the farm is mine!" might safely ruu a bluff ou Wild Bill. "Well, I’ll bo d ■-■dl" ho remarked. gence, said: "Well, but I am a man “ Hold ou, old man—I have four aces, “So he sent Bill word he would kill “ Must be a mistake. I'll run over aud who travels from one place to another. him on sight, not that he bad anything see about it. ’’ Am I a pilgrim?” Whereupon the boy and the Liza Jane belongs to me!” It was true. And the tempest howled against Bill, but Uurry bad gone iuto The next day he was at Erlanger's promptly exclaimed, “ Oh, but please, ilie killing businesa, and be proposed to office iu Paris. The French banker in­ air, I meant a gan* hab er 'p'intm vnt, ’tw o n ’ bo any fa u lt o* m ine. sold with T he W est . him a show to defeud bia life, would the coast, exclaimed: Mr. Yancey should hnve wnrned you I’ze flic»I m y application an I ' m ready fob ter you?' ' Wouldu’t 1? Wliat show did you ; "HorribleI Horrible I Aud be had on that there was something wrong. ’’ do ii gold watch, three diamond riugs and aver give any one, you — — —?' "His dispatahea were intercepted,” Mot* anjrt'ing dat Uccio Bam aeea fit ter ax Chorus From the Bank—Hoy, mister, n»e to “ The Dutchman was dancing around diamond shirt studs. "—Atlanta Con­ answered the other. 1'ae rallied up my influence an got a kyahpet- yer ken bo pinchcri fcr swim min in dis like mud, imploring Jim to put op his stitution. "I dou't understand it,” repeated pond !—Up to Date. bag guu aud for him aud Bill to shake I Chock full o* rccoir. m ends d at »ho’ly giba me Mr Blank. The k a r e tor brag. hands. If they would, he would staud | "Perhaps I do, ” quietly remarked A L ite r a ry P r o b lem . “ Muud has bad tho front handle bars the secretary. “ I have carefully noted B at, ta «aw o* uiaapp'intm cnt. I won* grieve treat for lb« lioum>, wliieb proposition n iy se’f a bit. Salesmen in bookstores ore so much was Uuully accepted. Wild Bill aud raised on the tandem.” yonr talk this morning, and I have dis Case din life am' all depend in ou da office dat accustomed to having people mix up "What for?" .Iim Curry shook huuds, after whieh yvh git. covered that you orc a heterophemist. authors aud titles that an inquiry for "Bho was afraid she couldn't lean B ill suid: ’Now, J iu i , I got notbiu For instance, yon say Ismdon when you Yoh kin alla» w atch dr »unahtne a» it rolla Noah Wehater’s orations or Daniel Web­ back far enough for Jack to kina her.” .ig'iu you, mid I don't want to kill you, aw ay dv gloom , mean Riehnioud and Richmond when ster’s dictionary no longer disturbs their kain* chahge no adnnaaion for 1er aee hut it you are hound to get a reputuUou —Cleveland Plain Dealer. you mean London. Yon similarly mis­ A d dry equanimity. Bnt a clerk in Chicago do vi leta bloom tin re's u town full of truderfert here use the names of other places and per­ It d ou 't m ake any dlff'nn re e f yoh clothe« la waa surprise«! not long ago when a Foro© o f H abit. aud lots of sassy uiggcr soldiers Go sons aud are uuoonsrinaa of it. When o a t o' style. young lady camo iuto the store and said An old librarian, uuable to find his practice on (hem. You’ll have to git you sent me that luessng, , the word ’un­ Dar ia nuffhi mo* beeoiaiu dan er in»vp©A»ive to him: amile. ombrella one evening whi n it was time more of 'em to give you a reputation, successful' waain your mind, but. being "I want to bay a present of a book in de fuma* I’ne been told la Jec’ mid it w ill take v.ora time to git that to cloac, returned aud looked auxionsly a hetero,llieinist, yon wrote au opposite A b u « aa concert for a young man. ” aw et than it you held a ibscussiou with ma. for it in the card catalogne under the word and ruined the Coufixierjcy. ’’ Aa vie eiugiti wbah d« w h ite folk s puya fo’ d o l­ “ Yes. miss," said he. “What kind of lars fur a seat. but 1 think you w ill live lougcr to en­ letter U. — Figaro. “ I may have made a mistake, sir," a bock do yon waul?" Bo I’«e gw in ter keep good natured ef de mahk joy it Mini fee happier than if you kept said Mr. Blank, rising from hia chair, "•Why, a bock foe a ycung man. " I fails t« r bit. Caa*t Keep M ill. op projectiu with m e. Ho now le’s Jes' "but I am ueitiier a lunatic nor aa Dia life uin* all dwpendm on de office dat yoh Well, but what kind of a young Mrs. Gsbbel—Do you know that you g it. zlrr.p thia, or I may get the idea iuto my idiot. I have the honor to bid you gixxl ■nau?” - - Washineton Ht-ar. , bead that you’re iu i-urnest, aud that talk in vonr sleep, James? morning ” j ----- Oil, he s tall and has light hair, Mr. Gsbbel—Du 1? Then I bet yon »night be hud for y o u .I n d i a n a p o l i s H'terophieniy is a fatal tiling in di-] An otdi.iarv brick weighs about four and bo a.ways wears blue necktie«! join in.—Fun. Journal. pltmiary. —Chicago Times Herald. pounds. Youth’s Coiupaafoa. J L R .T S a n d S C IE N C E S . ^ l A N D Y CATHARTIC „•obcaMth 10 ♦ CURE C0HS7IPATI0M y J' IL ALL Scientific AmErican.. THE rU S W Iir'III.IT A N , TH E ÄRENÄ. LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. make your seleo tio m . .THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR.