ÍH B W EST R oyal oiake* th e food pore. v/holeiom c and dallztoo*. PERSONALS. Mias Yuba Huston was in town Satur­ day. _FLüKE-'itS ' E. C. Knowles was in town days this week. L a s « C ount », O bkion .— , BY • • • R- N. Parks was a passenger to Flor­ ence on the Mink Mouday. W.H. WEATHERSON Editor and Proprietor. L -T ekm »: »16» « year in advance.----- P n tc red ut the poet-office ut Florence,1 L,ne county, Oregon, uh second-class w»il matter. • WlH6 BBK9EB LvïBTiaiNO bates made known on AP *U PLICATION. Local notice« 8 ce.il« per lin e , each tnaertlon »OVAI BARINO BOWQgR C O .. NPW YORK. W E S T L IN G S . JolinSafley is now mate on the several An Albina woman gave birth to twins this week, ami when their five-year-old brother saw them lie said, “ Why mam­ ma's been getting bargains again.” The work of laying the concrete foundation for tlie new court house commenced last Saturday. The concrete is made of cement, sand, line gravel and crushed rock. The Missing Word was NATURAL: Schilling's Hist lea. is not only p u tt but it is N A 1 U R A L because it is fresh roasted. The following 154 each got $6.50. C A L IF O R N IA C U K W B E R E BAN FRANCISCO 3P*4 M erritt I.o rejey , Cool 1 IU ilarrtAon Clara FisucD W Lewis, Con«x»rd B i Folsom M ra k a le M anning, ' * • Buchanan, Downey IN » ’ , Market Mrs. 11.3. Gibbs. K U t reek today MI m A. Carter, « 1 Sat-ramen to Mrs A nuaS. Dooley. Kurvka C. ClaaMwii £fcl and Capp Alii*« Thompson, M r*. L During, Bryant Hl. . U. L evis. Folsom Mr*. ICIlte. Lark io and H’way o Mrs. J. E. Keunlng, F ruitvale towu Mary C. * M ra Uo U Ä tÄ k lÄ n «*«'.?.*»• even­ Mrs Haur>ath, Mra. N D a v e y / Oreenw«x>«l M -M cKensle, JO C lem entina Orey Dar.n, Uydeavl le 1\ L M iller. _ )U S c Butter Mra. W Buncombe. Keuneit 706 Tennessee Anus A. Lewis, 1 Recline, R RvawicM Mayor Wilson went to the capo Kate Mra. T. Salomon. Eddy Mra. B'.la Kraus. Loa A la mi ms Mra. Cha*. Btfæk, <12 I r r Ave Tuesday on liis bicycle for a short vaca­ Kos» Pi ice, Madera V17 Cl lay Mi«» Kva M cCarthy, Mra. W. Taylor, Magalia tion. Mra. Tborutou, m K ilben V ivian Duncan, M axw ell ÎM Ovary Mra. A. Verdier, Flanagan, Mendocino J. F. Tanner who spent several weeks Mra. 8. W a taon, <29 Dotisi«*» Flossie M ri. Q Br.wiiey, Middletown 177 Cook Sarah Stanley, Mladon aanJoae at Oakesdale, Washington, returned to Mlaa Katie Wain. I l.avom arrlnn.M okelunineH lIl C A L IFO R N IA B LB 2W IIK LB Florence a few days ago. Monson Mra. Olla Bordweil, Alamcua Kila Campbell, Mr«. N. Mi shop. N ational City Mrs. O. F. Woodrow, ‘ Mr. Kane, who took up a homestead KmnaaT. Don nelly, Loa A njeies Mra. J A. Sim eons, Oleander Mrs. M in nie H orn, M Mra. Joo. b. Hauabe, M southeast from Glennda last summer, Cecilia Mr«. B K Johnson, The Pa ma Nolan, * Frank Perry. Palo Alto M arrived from Harrisburg Monday witli Mra. E. M -shipeaaa Mm C A. H arla n . P a rk lie l' Addle William s, “ bis family. Pasadena Mra. C. L. B«ck. Oakland O. W. Robinson, Miss Koto A. Coxhead. Peraita M ra 1«. Brunjs. ‘ Petrie Mr. Knotts leaves next week to attend A rth ur Eränä. K. Oakland Mrs A. J. Coy I t . Mra. tU ch'dG raham . Feta, urns Wra. McKay. Oak laud a meetiug of the Presbytery at Albany. Mrs. Mamie Goyas. Piaoervll e Cha«. A. McDonald, Mrs. W. H. KuaseH. Pomona He expects also to attend tlie synod at M rs.Q .Il. M ainw arlne, Porterville Rena M arvin, E Oakland J. J. Rodreia, Grants Pass before returning. Mrs. Geo. P Moore, Oakiaud Mr« A G W alker Port Coats Mra. Geo. W ard, Mrs. Chas. B. Tenney, *• Ex-County Commissioner B. 8. Hy­ Louise llagelateln,Sacram ento Mr». C. IIendrlek«on, Redland» Mias U O b rie n , lied w ool Clt» Adeline Lima, land and son F. E. with their families k C Ruble, Reed e San Diego Mra. J R. b a ik w tll. Mrs. F. J Kalber Rio Visit. W. E Bharmaa. of Junction came to Florence Wednes­ Mrs. B. Shaw, H, G. M arling, Ito cklb Rohnervb , B. Bao Jos. W. J. Meyers, W. K. Cord, day for a few days camping out. Tiiey Ban Raise Ban Jose Mra. J. Graham M. I. Corey. Joan Bauer, “ went to Heceta yesterday to take in the George Frollck, Mlaa Eva Series, Santa C m AU rod Manhne, sights at the light house. Teh a in H enrietta M iller, Arcata Olive Smith, Vacavi Auburn George C. A karly, illia r n llam *• ón, Miss May Lyons of Eugene, returned lu Mrs. Cora Bentley Mr« Oeo. W H am ilton. F. H Hacks to her home Saturday after visiting Mrs. A. M. Macie n n an. Baden Mrs V in Mrs. J. D. Jones. Mra. Chea. Henry. \V. Berkele W a'lac friends and relatives for several days in C M c klllic an , N. Bloomttviu Mrs. J. A. W inana dim BeHe McCann W heallan Neil H Katon, Brodle; Florence. Miss Lyons will leave in a lira . J. D. C nnnlngham . Chino Mra Garner Wlaeburr. Albert Bristow was in from the Sunday after a load of Salmon. Mattie Brvnd goes to Gardiner fora visit with Mrs. Huddleaton. IV. F. Phipps of Heceta was iu and attended the ihurcli Tuesday ing. valley u ” . Buck"0'1’ 1 »» K m ": U» FOR KLONDIKE W A SH IN G TO N HildurAM helgren,Longbranch J. P. D unn. Marcus Frances Dudley Medics. I^ a e R in v ìi e ileo Keitel, Beatue Jîra. K atie Peterson. Spaiig.e Mr». Jesse H ear crio Bpokane Kllxaheth A. Helliä. Tam m a Mra l ’red II . C arr, Epulane K o t i l a k Button. UTAH C orinne J. k Rheod. D iaper Nina Mickelson, Goahen Mia. T Peterson, , Midway Mra Maggie 11 über. Anna Fry’, Morgan C ity Mra. Henry banm elater.Ogden Mrs. Ktuina Streeker, Ogdeu Cora W arw ick, pleasant Grove Mr«. E C. Henrlchaen, Provo 11 oraceC b a lm e r.S a ltL a k eC ltF C lara L. Deightou. ** ** ,Mra.C. J .T rn m p t “ " Mr». J. busby, * A Siuslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $20,000 O T H E R STATES Mra. R. Woodln, Albany Or. Mra.KaiehugbcrM.Bigeiow, i Mrs. A. W ii.e it.B rW a I V eil. " j Mra.W H owell, Oregon C ity, * • H ild a Jonnaou, P or'lahd. j Mamie Manning V lr « ln la .N e r .. Kila M. sm ith, Waanee • Mr». W. F u n k .W in u e iu u m a ,'• I Mra. God ward. A tlantic wyt o A rnold, Evanston, lia r lander. G i t a la, Mont, d ra G M erritt.Bolav C ity , da, . W .Kaintorth, B onnererv. tjtu ra ia /t , Halida, Colo. M ra.C.Carpenter.Florenee.ArU ¿ngene R le u k e Pnrenlx, " uella W illis. “ .* lra.8.C . Marsh. C errllloe, h.M . Lillian. Hurd & Davenport have a change in their ad. this week. p S. Sherwood has been appointed postmaster at Collage Grove. S E. McClure lias been appointed postmaster at Elmira, Oregon. The Florence cannery has been the Dress Goods, Outing Flannels, Ladies | scene of more than usual activity the Capes and Macintoshes at A. O. Funke’s. j past few days, the increased run of fish Mr. and Mrs E. E. Benedict gave an liaving kept all hands busy to can up i‘at home” to a few friends last evening. what are brought there. The Florence A Acme dancing club B R J lin H COLOM BIA The San Francisco Examiner and the Mrs. John Wader. Ladners W est one year for »2.60 paid in ad­ will meet regularly every other Satur­ »•»Ha P. McGary Victoria day hereafter. It is supposed that they vance. M EX IC O Briogyour job work to the W est will meet in Florence as Acme will have «■ U eB B d. a vador «arelo. no hall this winter. office. Good work done at reasonable few weeks for Wallace, Idaho, where The winners of the two $150.00 prizes tor sending .n the largest niun-1 Sheriff Agee, of Douglas county, has she will join her sister Mrs. Cowgill, prices. ber ol tickets were: a prune orchard of 160 acres in full who left for that place several weeks Hood’s Pills are easy to take, easy to M r . J. Bu»by. S rtt L t t c C I t , . C t .n —111» nrt«ia bearing, and has five large driers. He ago. Mr«. A n a l, F M k .r , Ar'.«.—13. llckel» operate. Cure indigestion, hilious- estimates his crop at 400,000 lbs. of Rev. Mr. Horsefall an Episcopal iiess. 25c. dried prunes this year. Some people sent coupons instead of .ickets. W rong!—we can’t minister of Marshfield held services in A few young people of the neighbor­ Arrangements are being made to run tlie Presbyterian church Tuesday even­ hood indulged in a social dance at Sea­ count them. The “ ticket” is the paper 4 x 2 ^ inches. steam ice sleds on the Yukon next wint­ ing. Bishop Morris had an appoint­ ton Saturday evening. er to carry supplies to Klondike. Dis­ Always something special to offer yo u ; patches Btnte tliat several steam engines ment to be here that evening but was Yen must follow the rules exactly n the $2000.00 contest or we can’t prevented by illness and Mr. Horsefall this time Hats, at about half price. have already been onL.cd count your words. came instead. A good sized audience Hurd & Davenport. Sept. 27th, a train on the O. R. & N. gathered to hear him and they were Address, M O NEY-BACK , San Francisco. «« Sunday, Oct. 3id, is the day set by the road run into a sand drift throwing the rewarded witli a very interesting ser­ members of Heceta Lodge I. O. O. F. Io locomotive and two cars down an em­ mon. Mr. Horsefall set out on his way IN JU NCTIO N FILED * have their pictures taken. bankment. Engineer Johnson was home next morning. Our delinquent subscribers will con­ killed and fireman Hock man probably S u it la to V a c a te S t r e e t s a n d R e s to r e S E V E N C A R S O F F R U IT . P u b lie S q u a r e . fer a favor if they will call and settle fatally injured. the little hills they owe the W est . Secretary of State Kincaid, has con- The P r o d u c t o f 8 . P , S ladd en *« F r u i t OUR MOTTO. An injunction suit in tlie court house The annual meeting of the Oregon eluded ro draw warrants for the state F arm . For God, Home and N ative Land. matter was filed in the office of tiie Frees Association will lie held this year and district fairs, and Treasurer county clerk Sept. 22nd, tho parties to Register, Sept. 24tti: Mr. S. P Sla and John Weddle of which we will fnrnish tlie Weekly hundred dollars for any case it fail« i If R ia «rtistertory - . . Sarsaparilla the largest sales I n J Florence. Oregon. tore. Send for circulars and tertimoni- ,pec‘| ’ nuTrieard an amoont of the Oregonian with the W rat for n rear R M. V fatcw , «■a- Address. F. J. Cheney A Co., ''i m ' V "T here it Toledo, O. Sold hy all druggists, 75c. T*c°" \ 1 lare, payable cash in advance. 7 I oughly tested. H b U’ b Family Pill» ara tbe b-«t. M Æ Ä b _ ooKkeepinb-l OKkrei Penmanship’ relegrapby-j 01 -4-14 ÿaml)lll 5L. PORTIMStOa