j Literarv. WASHINGTON LETTER. respect for mother. There is plenty of work »bout moat homes to give employ- •z Reru* Xl«»r Currier. ment to the boys and girls after tliey re- (O R IG IN A L AND SELECTED ) — 'm i s a r e gvsnv rr.jpAY www». 1 L^st wee!: wc were Informed by ore of turn from school that would add much Faux C B RfcOULAll CoatUsroXCIEMT. the rr.erciir.nt« of this city that a certain more to their dignity and usefulness —*T— W ash ., D. C. Sept, 20, 1897. If we rightly estimate what we call little boy has been lounging around the ; than to tie seen after 4 o'clock on the Senator Elkins is rather proud than j anJ cvj| wc (|,a|| iinJ it lies much Ocrocx I. a VS C o / xtî -, f tnnrxcg. store, ostensibly to while away the time, sheets with a wad of gum or with » cig- otherwise of his connection with the in comparison. - - - 0 Ï ■ • • but in reality to see something that tie , arettc in the mouth. I much discussed section 22 of the Dingley Cruelty, like every other vice, requires might by chance put into his pocket, Let us all awake to this the gravest tw ;ff the provisions of which are aliout no motive outside of itself, it only re­ while the merchant was busily engaged nnd greatest responsihility. Kings the same as those contained in a sepa­ in son.o other direction. Tho little ur­ have no greater, the world never decreed rate hill introduced in the senate by quires opportunity. Editor »nil Proprietor, Conrape is generosity of the highest chin’s hand followed the inclination of to any man a greater task than to Mr. Elkins. He says the section was his mind and he seized a small article “ Bring up the children in the way they intended to take away business hereto- ; ' order, for the brave are prodigal of tlie DIVERSIFIED INDUSTRIES, most precious tilings which he endeavored to conceal in his should go,” fore held hy the Canadian Pacific Rail­ pocket, hut the pocket was too small to Crimes lead into one another. They road, and thus emphasizes his own ft. F. Cbrouiele. completely hide the article and hence who are capable of being forgers are (Mrsition: “I am opposed to the Cana­ HOW TO FIND OUT. The manufactured product of tlie the uierchaut found him out and brought capable of being incendiaries. dian Pacific Railroad securing business New F.nJand Slates in I860 was valued him to task about what he had done, The court is like a palace built of Fill a bottle or common glass with that ought to go to American railways. ,it £1,499,000.000; that of the Middle and further inquired of him why he was urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; : I think tlie business which the Cana­ marble. I mean that it is made up of ptntea was £5,618,000,000; the Southern not in school, and to this the hoy gave a sediment or settling indicates an un­ dian pacific is now doing ought to las very bard and very polished people. States in the same year produced only answer, “ I don't want to go to school.” healthy condition of the kidneys. When In the man whose childhood has #700,000,090, Commenting on th ese, urine stains linen it is evidence of kid­ broken up and San Francisco become In this the little fellow evidently spoke the port of entry of the goods now go­ known caresses there is always a fibre figures, which show a production per ney trouble. Too frequent desire to the truth l>y natural instinct ami not by urinate nr pain in the hack, is also con­ ing to Vancouver. I am in favor of ot memory that can be touched to gentle inhabitant of £319, £253 and £39 respec­ any parental training. He was in school vincing proof that the kidneys and American shipping against foreign issues. tively for the sections mentioned, Mr. the day before and now he is out because bladder are out of order. shipping.” Tlie candor of Mr. Elkins Mulhall says; “The inferiority of the Courage that grows from constitution W H A T T O DO. “lie don't want to go.” His parents are is decidedly refreshing wfien compared often forsakes the man when lie has {south as regards manufacturing Is due There is comfort in the knowledge so as though they were dead us far as hav­ to the lower level of instruction, owing often expressed, Hint Dr. Kilmer’s with the dodging which has been done occasion for it; courage which arises These Goods W ill Run Out at Rates so Low That it W ill Make ing any control over the boy. swamp-root, tlie great kidney remedy by some of the other gentlemen who are from a sense of duty acts in a uniform to one third of the jiopiilation being Parents, you will please pardon us if fulflls every wish in relieving pain in the supposed to have had a hand in fixing i-olored and to the fact that the average I Quick Work of Their Distribution., manner. we take the ease <>f this little hoy as a hack, kidueys, liver, bladder and every up section 22. wealth per inhabitant is much less than > A Hippant, frivolous man may ridiiule pretest upon which to deliver a $hort part ul the urinary passage. It corrects in other parts of the union, nnd hence: President McKinley has personally others, may controvert them, scorn ‘ lecture containing some wholesome od- inability to hold urine and scalding pain the ability to consume manufactures is : i in passing it, or bad effects following requested Consul General Lee to return them; but fie who has any respect for 1 vice. use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ to Cuba and resume his duties at the himself seems to have renounced the less.’* Mr. Mulhall is n great statistican, I The public school is now in session comes that unpleasant necessity of be­ Of Ready made Clothing, that M eans that Mr. hut when we reflect that tho tier of i expiration of his present leave of ab­ right of thinking meanly of others. , and every iioy and girl in this district ing compelled to get tip many times states which ho includes in his prairie sence nnd General Lee has agreed to do If men could learn from history, what j liutween the ages ot 6 and 20 by all during the night to urinate. The mild Cash can F it Himself outat * section of the union, increased its pro- , so. This is authentic and otiicial and lessons it might teach us! but passion means should he in attendance, 'Tie and extraordinary effect of swamp-root dnetof manufactured articles from £147,-1 Cost of M anufacture.. is soon realized. It stands the highest it effectually disposes of much gossip. and party blind our eyes, and the light your duly to see to it that your children for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ It also indicates that President McKin­ «00,000 in 1850 to £3,161,000,000 in 1890 which experience gives is a lantern on Have some Special offerings in uro in school every day, you do them a tressing eases. If you need a medicine ley expects matters in Cuba to reach a we are inclined to lielieve that lie does the stern, which shines only on the wrong if you keep them at home with­ you should have the best. Sold hy Boots Shoes and Hats not sire up the situation correctly, Ifad crisis at a date not far in the future. out a good and legitimate excuse, or druggists, price fifty cents ami one dol­ waves behind us. the Prairie Slates remained content to General Lee does not expect to return permit them to hang around the streets, lar. Yon may have a sample hottie and The truth is, that most men want he merely producers of agricultural pro­ pamphlet both sent free by mail. to Havana until about the middle of and you do them a double, yea a quad­ knowledge, not for itself, but for the Mention The W est and send your ad­ October, unless something occu.-s to ducts they would have lieeu as poor to- ruple wrong if you allow them to stay dress to Dr. Kilmer 4 Co,, Binghamton, superiority which knowledge confers; »lay ns the south, But they took advan­ make an earlier return advisable. out oeeniise “ I don’t want Io go.” N. Y. The proprietor of this paper and the means they employ to secure tage of the protective system, promoted Commissioner II. Clay Evans, of the “Can’t make them go,” did you guarantees the genuineness of this offer. this siijieriority are as wrong as the FLORENCE STORE AND SEATON BRANCH manufacturing industries, and their pension bureau, estimates that the pay­ say 7 How often we have heard ultimate object, for no man can ever GREENLEAF ITEMS. jiossessions increased so rapidly that ment for pensions during the present expressions of this character, but end with being superior who will not ■■SI the per capita wealth of tho section is fiscal year will exceed the appropria­ tl-ey really make us heart sick and Bv a W est C orkkspoxdent . begin with being inferior. nearly ns great today as that of the tion by more than £6,000,000. The weary. Belter for you and for your The world has a particular way of Middle or New England States. If the Sept. 25th, 1897. appropriation for the year is £141,263,- children that they had never lieen born acting towards public persons of ac­ south perseveres in her present course Charles Potterf and family of Alpha 880. The deficit will, tho commissioner than to lie allowed to go astray in this knowledged merit; it gradually begins are visiting at Hale. she will have the same story to tell, in says, lie created by tho old claims for manner. Ernest Tabor returned today from a pensions, some 200,000 in number, to be indifferent to them, and to favor epito of the admitted drawbacks of nn W ill Continue to Carry a W e ll S elected Stock of Are there any parents in the city who week’s visit to Eugene. talents which are new, though far in­ ignorant colored population, All the which will be acted upon during the realize the sad fact that tiiere are tioys L Great, luscious apples are begging a ferior; it makes excessive requisitions south needs to do is to follow the advice year. and girls under 18 years of age who have market at 25 cents a bushel. on tlie former and accepts of anything of Adam Smith ami coaso acting as u In the big hatch of appointments to been seen on the street at the midnight Travel over the low-pass road has with approbation from tho latter. hewer of wood ami drawer of water for hour perambulating to destruction? been heavier this fall than ever before. office, made by President McKinley Which will be handled on the closest possible margin With children we must mix gentleness manufacturing countries, and she will Can any parent be so enwrapped in Hans of Chickahoniiny is trying to while bo was in Washington was a cou­ Consistent with the original cost and transportation. with firmness; they must not always soon have wealth enough to consume us slum her as to know nothing and to care sell out and go east to his family. He’s sin of liis own—Frederick E. McKinley, ,ibundan.lv an the people of tho north. to he receiver of public moneys at Guth­ have their own way, but they must not nothing of the whereabouts of tlieir own homesick. [ William Wheeler of Nelson creek has rie, Oklahoma—and a cousin of Vice- always be thwarted. If wo never have C a s h o r A n y t h i n g M a r k e ta b le flesh and blood at this hour. SQUATTERS’ RIGHTS GOOD IN ALASKA a carbuncle on each hand ami does noth­ headaches through rebuking them, we Put your children in school and keep ing this week hut lie around the house President Hobart—Edward F. Hobart, WILL BE TH E BASIS; This w e in ten d sh a ll work to lie receiver of public moneys at Santa shall have plenty of heartaches when them there every school day for nine and howl. The trouble overland titles in Jun- they grow up. Be obeyed at rdl costs. no hardship on our patrons; LOWER R A T E S MORE THAPi months in the year, and then the teach­ The Deadwood and Lake creek base­ Fe, New Mexico. gau, Alaska, has at last been settled by If you yield up your authority once, you COM PENSATING FOR PR O M PT SE T T L E M E N T S. er will have them in charge but one ball teams expect to play next Saturday All the politicians are deeply interest­ M decision of Judge Delaney of the United will hardly ever get it again. eighth of the time. The impressions if Fred Veil of the Deadwood team gets ed in the efforts of Senator Platt and his States court at Juneau. The possessory It is defeat that turns lionc to flint; made upon the child by the proper or Imine from the valley in time. followers to get President McKinley to HURD & DAVENPORT rights of squatters who luivo improved Emil Robert took some cattle to Junc­ it is defeat that turns gristle to muscle; the improper training of the child is, we commit himself and tho administration their holdings are held to bo good against tion for sale a week ago and has not got think, more than eight times that of the home yet. He seldom stays away like against the independent municipal it is defeat that makes men invincible; invasion. Titles given by Urn original teacher. The teacher has his work to do that. Besides, he had lieen home only ticket in greater New York headed by it is defeat that has made those heroic locator are by tbodecisiou rendered valid an(I|arv ofwrath on her tongue and is probably true, that if Mr. Low ing. This will not encumber him, for Judge Delaney has just rendered a de­ in any worthy undertaking. Keep it up, and solemnly promised to send a con- succeeds in becoming mayor of Greater be must have been practical beforehand cision iu favor of Adsit, A deed from be sure that your t«oys and girls oliey stable for them right speedily. And New York, he intends to enter the field in the exercise of liis intellect and be tho locater made while the premises hod you in every delail until they aro in a Ibero •• repentance ami marveling and as a candidate for the republican nomi­ strong in principles. One man collects improvement though unoccupied »as manner grown, and then they will hon- w“W'ng hmgues. BLANKETS FOS 65o. a PAIR. nation for president in 1900. It is need­ material and there they remain, ashajie- held to convey a good title. less heap; another, possessed of method, or father and mother and the day of less to say that Mr. McKinley hopes to Don't lobarro Kplt and Monka lo a r I.If» A nay. their birth, hut allow them to say, “ I T o q u it tubecco easily and forever, be mac get another term; he is not less human can arrange what lie has collected; but SHIRTS 25cts. TO $ 1 .5 0 T iie rAROi.v law passed hy tl» Mis­ nctle. fu ll of lire, nerve and vigor, take No-To don’t wunt to go to school,” and to iol- Itne. tbs wonder worker, th a t makes weak men than all his predecessors. So he isn't such n man as I would describe, by the -----------• • • i t r e n ( . A ll d r u g s » » . 50c or t l . C ure S unran- I souri legislature went into «fleet lately. . aid of principles, goes farther and builds low this course in their childhood days, • tie d B ooklet and «ample tree Address j hkely to assist in boosting a possible It provides that all persons under 25 then when they are grown the chances Sterling Ksmedy Co. Chicago or New York. rival. But the strongest reason for with bis materials. years of uge, who have Iwen convicted are in the majority of eaees that tliey believing that Mr. McKinley will throw It is both the curse and the blessing H o m « D u t i e s o f I n d ia n C h il d r e n . of offenses against tho law for «I ms first will curse father and mother and the day of our American life that we are never the influence of the administration There arc homo duties as well as time may secure an arrest of judgement of their birth. The child who is brought pleaiuiei for the children. Bova arc re- against the candidacy of Mr. Low is the quite content. We all expect to go for two years conditioned on good l>e- to look after the ponies, to lend , , . . . up to respect father and mother may go . quirtd hand in planting, to help in the bar-, reeortl ° ' Mr' McK,nley h'”"e ; be h«s somewhere before we die, and have a havior. If the person is guilty of a wrong in after life, hut thi# is the excep­ vest, and tiny are often made to do nc- ! always stood by the regular ticket of his better time when we get there than we second offense during the probationery tion and not the rule, and the child who tive duty as scarecrows iu the newly party and oppose«! all independent can have at home. The bane of our life («■riod the first punishment stands. If, planted Held, win re, like little Bopcep, 1 , is allowed his own way of disobedience Ibey fall fust asleep. The g .ri. belp to | movemen‘'- Tha only obstacle to the is discontent. We say we will work nn tlie itmtrary, his conduct is good, may in after life go right, but this too is gather wood, bring wutcr and look after success of Senator Platt in getting so long, and then we will enjoy our­ the sentence is revoked and tlie court the younger ones. As tlwy grow older declarr tion against Mr. Low's candidacy selves. But we find it just as Thackeray the exception and not the rule. has no furtlier juiisdiction over him, Again wo say to the indifferent, care­ they are taught to cut, sew aud make Ims lieen the doubt as to whether Mr. expressed it, "When I was a boy” he garments. Iu form« r days, the old O iuj Tho law is applicable to all cases except less parent, send your children to the has say, no girl was considered mar­ Low would succeed in his efforts to lie said “ I wanted some taffy,—it was a murder, treason and highway robbery, public school. ’Til your duty to send riageable uutil she hud learned to tan made the regular republican candidate, shilling—I hadn't one. Wfien I was a skius, make tents aud clothing, prepare them there snd keep them there, the No-To-IW« to r F l i t y C ento, meat fcr drying aud conld cultivate a doubt his friends have made the most man, I had a shilling, hut I didn't want G u a rn ite c i! tobacco hahl* w ire makes weak teacher's duty to teach them obedience, corn and beans, while a young man who ' of, but which Senator Platt and hit fol- any taffy. m en sirona, blood pure. W e l l A ll drgggiaU bad not hmrm>d to make his own wea-1 ,owera gav Jocg not exi8 „ >}r hut if they are found incorrigible be­ J ^ lU L U .- U -t L - jm 3 E pons and to be a skillful punter wim not cause of neglect on your part, then it lie- eousidcred fitted to take upou himself gets the endorsement of the regular T he FACT of the srholo matter is, that Comes the duty of the teacher to suspend the responsibilities of the provider of a republicans, lie can uount on the suj>- people who go abroad or send alwoad to them, the directors’ duty to expel them family.—’ Home Life Arnoug the In­ port of the administration to the full buy supplies of any sort have a right to diai», by Alice Ç. Fletcher, io Coo and some one’s duty perhspt your own, birr. extent tliat it shall l>e deem«l judicious do ao if they choose, hut in doing it tlwy though it is shameful to have to say it, , to go in a municipal campaign; other­ ■work more injury to their homo town “ Cures talk “ in favor ■ ■ ■ | | T o C u re C o n s ti p a tio n t o re r e r . to send them to the reform school, and wise not. While it is not probable of Hood's Sarsaparilla, I B IX than does any other influence towards; T a k e Cascareis Candy Cuthartie. M b o r tta . there as a last resort a further effort is I f C. C. C. fa ll le ttu re , d r u m s la rvfuud luuncy. ■ that Mr. McKinley will support any ua tor no other med I- I was I tearing down Imino establishments and cine. Its great cures recorded in truthful, made, where the environments are fa- j candidate not endorsed by the Tlatt re­ convincing language of grateful men and institutions. Dollars thus sent abroad A V e r u lla r D utch C uatoin. • vorable, to instill oln-divnce and man- ( publicans, a condition may arise tlial -women, constitute its most cfTectlvo ad­ never come back, and the mnre of them A prcnlinrily among Dutch farm, htHsl into them, failing in tide dernier who live ut a distance from a towi will cause him to remain neutral ns far vert Ising. Many of these cures are mar­ that are sent ftwnv tho |>oorer tho home velous. They have won the confidence ot (o have a c«ffiu iu rrudiucss for tl as it may be possible. He knows bow the people; have given Hood’s Sarsapa­ town and its eslahlishments become. | ‘ ' ! burial. It is by no means uncommon n penitentiary and it may be tor tlie gal-1 gee a still sturdy old patriarch going «. closely bis actions are being watch«! in rilla the largest sales In the world, and Injury to one class is injury Io all classes, Ions. an outhouse uud gravely «lutemplatin I Ids matter, both by (riende and op­ have made neceeeary tor Its manufacture tor ea< h depend upon the other. The Keep the children off the street after 1 tbat which is to bold his body w In u 1.« ponents, and will exercise nil care for the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's amount sent «way may seem small hut j Sarsaparilla to known by the cures it has shuffles off this mortal coil. This char j school clows give them a little manual aetenatic has also appear« d iu President which he has a reputation in Ohio poli­ made—cures ot scrofula, salt rheum and in the aggregate it becomes an hnpor- labor to perform, work with the hands Kruger, who lias recently imported u; tics not to take a step that lie may eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia tant factor. A goo.1 way to make home snd weak nerves, cures of dyspepsia, liver is one of the moat ’ potent factors in rear- vofflu, and at a cost, too. of £100. afterwards regret. I liew»pajHT» shabby and homo newspa troubles, catarrh —cures which prove ing ehildien. Tlie bucksaw and the ithmary Mraatirv. permen shabbier it to «end printing Patient—isn't it a little dangerous to wood pile will do the hoys no harm, but abroad, and till' same to true ot the mer- j K v e r v lio d r S n y . «U». on the contrary it deve!opa muscle sn«l admiuister aumstbetics? Must be terri­ Cascareta l'a n d «- Carltnrbc. the most «ron ble to have oue U m iu your chair a.ur x-hant an.l every other business, trade or , dt'i tul ntidical «hscovcrvof the a^e. |i« « v “ De- you have given him ether. profession in the to w n -f on-o/h. Ffm«.. ’ K “'-'"1’ »*•"* ant u tij re te »Fine m ib« lóate, nci geully Demist— Yea. It was for tbat reason and ikmu U v * l> en alone« s. llvev o mi hewela, ' _______I .-¡I'» tV..rl,.l.,.n Tl.« ..¡.I Tha girl employ«! I vil's ’• Workshop.” that we adopt'd a rule tbat where an dcoesiu«.' the r e tir e si si «n. dt»i»*l rolda, cure tM'wdiugi«-. levi-r, h a litiiu l i misil i an ón KJaealsVeas Mowel« With <’»«®areta- , with the broom or in tome other Itouoe- auanathetk) u administered the patient and b¡ lousnca. P irase Imy and trv n Iwx Is the t x r t - In fact the One Tree Blond Punikr. must pay in advance.—Boston Tran­ Ot C C . C trw tav; IU. il\ ■« cent«. Kcld and <•>»«1» m t h a r ilc , cure roo»ilpailei> ¿ /A ) , f f Ç.U.IalL -.......... * W, n.WEATUERSON WE ARE GOING OUT ★ t Valis for Voir Money at all St - HURD & DAVENPORT THE SEATON STORE GENERAL -L MERCHANDISE. H A M PT O N BEOS., FOB B t«m, CIO«, GEB FOSKHS. " All the Latest In Dress Goods, Trimming Etc. A H A M PT O N BROS., E ugene, : j : Or* ©son. ENTERPRISING LEADING — ^ s. H. FRIENDLY. S. H. FRIENDLY. PROGRESSIVE MERCHANT Cures CA R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Dry G oods, * Groceries ★ and * Notions. Hood's Sarsaparilla H ood’s P ills FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. ........ Just Opened. Goods as Represented. J, W. CARM AN, P R pFR IF Tp i