^AD VERTISERS 1 T H E W EST YOUR HOHE PAPER SUPPORT IT 1 p. VOL. V ili THAVELF h S’ vj FFIGERS r a - J L R Governor ................... William P. Lord. gecretsry of S 'a te .............H. R. Kincaid. frrasiirer..........................P hilip Mstcl.en c„„t Public Instruction.. ..U. M. Irwin. S o Printer........................ W. H. U eds. .D g u id e . TRAVELERS’ GUIDE Steamer I 3 S T E F t 3 T A a a u n k . ........ H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, On the 1st, 10th ami 20th of each month. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays. Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 Florence to Yaqnina. Id-SSCnger and Freight Rato» ------- APPLY TO-------- Meyer A Kyle, E U G E N E -F L O R E N C E ST A G E L IN E . COUNTY OFFICERS- Robarts ~ S A IL S Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ Attorney General........... C. M. Idlemna. days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ I ................. It. S. Bean burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with SapremeCourt j . . . Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge i reasonable. judge Second D istrict. . . .J. C. Fullerton Attorney Second D istrict,G eo. M. Brown Florence, Or. S T E A M ER " C O O S ,” o —— Will make7 o .. ,E . O. Potter. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, R E G U L A R D A IL Y . . . W. T. Bailey I — Between — Wednesdays and Fridays at G a. . . . J . T. Callison | Judge................ Coniiniasi°ners Clerk............................. .A. C. Jennings . . A. J. Johnson Sheriff............................... Treasurer...................... . .A. 8. Patterson Assessor........................ ., ,D. P. Burton School Superintendent ........ O. 8. H unt Surveyor........................ . ...C . M. Collier Coroner.......................... . . . . j . W. Harris I Justice of Peace........... , ,.F . B. Wilson Constable......................... . John F. Tanner CITY OFFICERS. President.............. . ,F . B. Wilson Board of Trustees O. W. Hurd Wm. Kvle Marion Morris C. C. Behnke Recorder............................... Drew Severy Treasurer ..............................J- A. Pond Marshal...............................J- R- Weddle SECRET SOCIETIES. It was suspected a full century ago by Herscbel that the variations iu th« Is (or no modi medi­ uulubcr of sun spots had a direct effect la especially especially true of Hood'» Hood'» Pills, for cine ever contained so great curative power In upon terrestrial weather, and he ut- so small space. They are a whole medicine J tempted to demonstrate it by using the price of wheat as a criterion of climatic ' conditions, meantime making careful observation of the sun spots. Nothing very definite came of bis efforts iu this direction, the subject being far too chest, always ready, al­ complex to be determined without long ways efficient, always sat­ periods of observation. Latterly, how­ isfactory; prevent a cold ever, meteorologists, particularly in the or fever, cure all liver ills. tropics, are disposed to think they find sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. The ouly Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. evidence of some such connection be­ tween sun spots and the weather as Herscbel suspected. Indeed, Mr. Mel- drum declares that there is ». positive coincidence between periods of numer­ ous sun spots and seasons of excessive rain in India. W ALTON, VINCENT j That some such connection does exist seems intrinsically probable, but the V . H E M IN W A Y .) ( successors modern meteorologist, learning wisdem of the past, is extremely cautious about *1 ascribing casual effects to astronomical phenomena. He finds it hard to forget . . . . AND . . . . that until recently all manner of cli­ A Complete Line of Drug matic conditions were associated with phases of the moon; that not so very long ago showers of falling stars w»ro Sundries and Toilet Articles. considered “ prognostic” of certain ......... ................... kinds of weather, aud that the “ equi­ noctial storin’’ had been acceptedas a Corner 9th & Willamette St». verity by every one until the unfeeling Eugene, : : : Ore. hand of statistics banished it from the earth. Yet, on tbo other band, it is easily within the possibilities that the science TE R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. of the future may reveal associations between the weather and sun spots, au­ roras and terrestrial magnetism thut as yet aro hardly dreamed of.—Henry Smith Williams, M. D., iu Harper's Magazine. m., arriving in Florence the day following at 10 a. m. Returning-stage leaves F lo r-: ence on Mondays, Wedneslays 1 and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving j in Eugene the following d a y , at G p. in. TR IP S Florence anil Head of Tide. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. Single fare - 85.00 Round trip - - - 89.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s ! livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd | & Davenport’s ottico iu Florence. ) R * Sleeping ......... J. C. FLINT, P rop rietor........ F io r e n o a , O r e g o n . OUR AIM—To furnish the best accommodations at reasonable prices. MINNESOTA Cars Elegant D in in g C ars Tourist Sleeping C ars 8T . PAUL M INNEAPOLIS HOTEL. FA R G O g r a n d fo rk s TO C R O O KSTO N W IN N IP E G * O NE BLOCK FROM D E P O T -----RATES $1.00 Per DAY----- I A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58. i. meets second and fourth Saturdays M rs . L. L. M akstkiis , Prop. 1 each month at 1:30 p. m. E u g e ne, : : : O regon . J. I. B utterfield , Commander. J. L. F urnish , Adjutant. Head of Tide Hotel, W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. furnished with all the delicacies of the season. Wild brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. I. G. K kotts , M. 'V. game, fish and fruit in season. Best W m . K yle , Recorder. accomodations for the traveling public. Charges reasonable. IETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH I service. Preaching at Glenaua d Acme two Sundays of each month. bbath-Sciiool every Sunday at a. m. Prayer meeting every Tliurs- yevening at the church. Everybody rdially invited. G. F. R ounds , Pastor. ATTORNEYS A. C. WOODCOCK, e^ -R n o m » 7 and S McLaren’» Special attention given to collections end p bate business. T H R O U G H T IC K E T S .................. Attorney-at-Law .................. EUGENE, OREGON. W A S H IN G T O N P H IL A D E L P H IA B OSTON A N D A L L P O IN T S E A S T al,<1 8 O U T H For Information, time cards, maps and ticket», etc., call on or wilt© R. M c M u r p h e y , H O TEL EUCENE. ••• ••• W. O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. AT A T T O R N IIY - K ln ren ce. ■ : ¡ D ic tio n a r y T h « C h rsB lela B a tid la « . Twentv-three COM PLETE Miles West SU C C IE N T of Eugene. By M»H. Fnata«« Fold. ON EU CEN E AND 301.56j Vocabulary Term» FLORENCE »47 Editor» and Spectoltots ; S3J Reader» for Quotation» STA C E R O U TE. lit Gnaiut Weekly loft« M y , Cost o v e r 5o 6 o .o o o Appendix of »7.4«» Entries Prop. BUSINESS GARDS pIRST RATIONAL O. HCNOmCKS. - ï-u A -W - SAMPLE ». S. e * K lM . j " ■ c»»*« S50.000 »^O OOO E. D. BRONSON & c o , Pacific Coast Agents SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 933 Market St. S O L IC IT E D . OREGON bb veabb * ■XPB B M M O S. R. BUTTOLPH, P atents r TRAU, m aua«r N o ta r y F a illie , S n r v c y o r O.. p.«nw Orr,.«. W»S«»W«TUU. P-_£ ■ x a ie u s . COPIES DO YO U SENT FR£E. W ANT THE O regon g g g â w fe -ïp s * B T ,o rw T x °* ’ notary public ., RENOE. - - - OREGON Reversible Map? S H O W IN G The United 8tetee, Dominion of Ouede end Northern Mexiee OK O N X BID«, »ÌÌ e ÌITÌ f ÌC MKIIèM, MUM B s « l Br««4«*ak B w »•»*. It is a bugle made of two slabs of ce­ dar about three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness and bent into a funnel shaped horn. Tho bell or month is 18>i inches in circumference. It is boopod with cowborn rings and iron bands. The bugle is the property of Mrs. Annie | Maybell, granddaughter of the late Cap­ tain Robert Collius, who was u soldier iu tho war of 1813-15. It was in the campaign of Colonel Richard M. John­ son and was at tbo death of Tecumseh. Captuin Collins was a bugler for the regiment, and this is the identical in­ strument he used daring the war and which ordered the famous charge of Colonel Johnson. Captain Collins was a mechanical genins and with his own hands made the instrument. Every morning at sunrise he waked tho neigh­ borhood for miles aronud with bis reveille call from bis bngle until bis death in 1864.—Frankfort CalL Th e Deelelve ne e mn. First Swuettbing—So you aro going to marry Lord Old boy, my dear? Second Hwectthiug—Yes; it’s de­ cided. “ I suppose you made up your mind when you heard his titlew aaall right?” "No-o; not th en ." "When you heard of his castles and landed estates?" " » 6 ft" "Ah, I know. It was when you heard be had 1106,000 a year incom e." “ No; it was not then. ” "Then, pray, when did you decide to marry the old curmudgeon?” “ When I heard be bud the consump- tion.”—New York Journal. Something w hissed by— t u in g ls- Bieul of steel (pokes and red blooniers. _ « «VT 'f a "What is that there?" asked Uncís Hi»»", withdrawing bis gaze from the m ap Ui bigb high building boildiug to look after the Vision. O K TW B O T H X B B ID S . "That is the new woman,” answered »ad <*S« th e Map » U his nephew. “ The new woman? Looks W eek ly tk p ow tcle Bw One Taw, like the old boy."— Kalamazoo Tele M an o f th o W o r ld Send BS »oaia«« »— » a t .l m M a» M d P a$»st K. 4h Y O U N » , mertrtw s r. caraMw SA» »HANC1MX), caí » O O FVB W M TS A «. aeiikir WCPrt»ln, ire*. "DPtner ■ C