T H E — i - cnlisiikii W E ST. evkrv rmn.vv mobxi . no .— TRUE PROSPERITY. Proportion of Absolute Destitution It on A Good Schema for That Region but Unattractive to Jews. the Decreste. Ftwx or«s begi - lau c Literary. WASHINGTON LETTER. HEBREWS IN PALESTINE. O obhesfondent . (O R IG IN A L AND »ELECTED.) I I W ash ., Sept. 13th, 1897. No sacred bane requires us to subini t , ! Brooklyn Eagle. President McKinley returned today to contempt. F lobbxce , L ake C oi ’X tv , O regon Kon.uia C ity »tar. There is a revival of the »eherne for for the pur|iose of holding a cabinet In tlie Atlantic Monthly for SeptomU-r Observe your enemies for they first , • - - nv - • - the Hon. Carrol D. Wright, chief of tlie tlie prrcliaae of Palestine hv the He- meeting, discussing Cuban matters with find out your faults. federal bureau of moor statistics, pub- . brew», tiiat they may return to tlieir , Consul General l^ee, and dis|Ma>ing of It is good to rub and polisli our brain halted an article of much interest and old home after 20 centuries of wander­ -ottie pressing public business, after value on tlie question, "Are the Rich ing, There will be «to difficulty in find- which he will go away again, probably against that of others. Editor and Proprietor. He who rules must humor, full as Growing Richer amt the Poor Poorer?" ! ing the money, if tlie people are in to New England, to remain until aiiout A more active demand for mail u fact it red goods and products much as he commands. It has for ro long n time liven tlie cmn- earnest, for the Hebrews are a thrifty the first of October. NO "PULL" THFRE. Nations, like individuals, live and die, [ o f the ferm ¡s reported and at advanced rates. An improvement all mort custom of demagogues who know race and there are many among them Tlie suit for an injunction to prevent better and iUoinfornked persons who who could raise the purchase price Guard. • postmaster general from reducing an Intt civilisation cannot die. along the line will soon be realixed. If common sense has not the brilliancy Some one who did not know Sec' don't know, to make Hint false projwnti- alone. It is a sentimental movement, employe of his department was argued tury Kincaid intimated that certain tion tlie subject of harangue, tiiat it is liowever, and one more ttian doubts if '»•fore Judge Cox. of the supreme court of tlie sun, it has tlie fixity of the stars. In o rd e r to keep pace w ith th e tim e s o u r STO CK OF COOOt parties had sufficient intluieOce to get. not surprising it siiouid lie accepted anything of pradicul consequence will of the District of Oolumhia on Saturday ' He tiiat wrestles witii ns strengthens w ill be in cre ase d to conform th e r e w ith . their claim» against tlie »fate passed on more or less widely ns a truisiii. Tnerc result from it. The Hebrews are too The judge tooK tlie papers and stated our nerves and sliar|iens our skill. Our out of tlie regular order. To this the are in every community of considerable prosperous and contented in other tiiat lie would announce his decision in antagonist is our helper. population unfurlumite people who are parts of the world to wisli to give up a few days. It is believed that lie will secretary replied a» follows. The rule of carving holds good as to "Any broker or other person who unable to gut on, bow ever m uch they their home.- and go into a land where sit-tain the right of the head of tlie de­ criticism, never cut with a knite what stittes or imagine» that he Itaa a “ pull” try, and idle or dissolute |>ersoii» who 1 the people, the habits and customs are partment to Change or remove any of I you can cut with a spoon. in thia office, if by that he go from bad to worse, so far ns mater util strnng*. Moreover, Palestine is not a the employes at his discretion, by re- j Civilization has been called mankind s means that tie Will receive any comforts are concerned, and it is easy pleasant land to live in for those who .using the injunction asked for. What­ l)C struggle upward, iti which millir ns are special fnvors to be treated better o.- : to point to them in proof of the allega- are used to the fertility and comfort of ever the decision, tlie case w ilifferent from any other person or per- • tion that the poor are growing poorer, America and much of Europe. The de- appealed and carried to the U. S. trampled to dea'h, that thousands may mount on tiieir bodies. sons, is cither mistaken of Willfully j It is equally true that those who have foresting of the country converted it iu- supreme court. A person, too nice an observer of the lies. All have received vouchet» in : acquired oonsidorade menus have op-1 to a ¿eiert long ago—a desert with oases According to the returns from thirty business of the crowd, like one who is their regular order ns fast a» possible, port it it it ¡«9 of multiplying their posses- I to I* sure, lint it dry, tins v, barren land of the largest postolfi -c, the business of and all will receive voncltors or war­ »ions which the others do nut enjoy, (or I ho larger part. It is a land where which lias been regarded as a trust­ curious ill observing the labor of lives, rants, if warrants cart he issued, as and that fact to tlie casual observer farming, slocktaising and dairy husi- worthy barometer of the general busi­ will often he suing for his curiosity. rapidly as the cinims can he examined. supports the theory that tlie ricli are 1 ncss—the ancient employments of its ness conditions of the country, things Submission is the only reasoning be­ No broker or attendancy cart hurry up growing richer. Hut Mr. Wright takes people—will tie expensive and difficult, i are get'ing a decided move on them tween a creature and Its milker; and any claim or increase tlie »mount one issues witii each of these propositions, And in 2 J00 years or more that nave! and the country lias crossed the contentment in Ins will is the best cent. All claim» will be allowed for tlie and gives tlie facts and figures to sus­ passed since Palestine enjoyed Henr.dc | which separated it from prosperity, The remedy we can apply to misfortunes, ! autonomy, the character of the Hebrews ! full amount due anti as rapitfly as pos­ tain his position. business of these thirty postolfices was - A commit list is one who has yearn- In 1870, according to litis capable and ! pas changed. They have ceased to be an [ sible, willt the clerical force in this eight per cent greater in August 1897, ings for equal divisions ot unequal earn- O UR T E R M S ara C A S H or so n u th i ig co .v rtib: office, no matter who (ho claimant may conservative statistical!, there were 12,- ! agricultural people. They have shown , than it was in tin* same month last ¡ mgs. Idler or bungler, he is willing to ............. In to C A S H ............ lie. Your claims will roceivo attention 506,923, or 32.43 per cent of tlie entire i H positive distaste for farming and gar- year. A comparison of 1897 with 1896 fork out his penny and pc •ket vour as soon as itossiblc without any further population, engaged in self supporting lening. Tnu attempts to establish colo- ' shows, in January, a decrease of 3.5 per shilling. pursnits. In I860 the m in t t ie r had in­ ■lies that should he self-supporting n ivc A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUED FA IR O N A iE IS SOLICI CEI) trouble on your part. I cent ; in February, a decrease of 4.5 per Tliey who have toe true taste of >on- creased to 17,392,099, and tlio percent­ failed for the colonists unanimouslt Yours very respectfully, I cent , March, an increase of 2.2 per Vcrsation enjoy themselves in a coiii - age to 34.07. In 1890 ttie census returns turned to trade, or at least chose em II. It K incaid , I cent ; April an increase of .5 per cent; iiiiiriicati-n of each others excellence, showed an earning force of 22,731,001, ploynicnts that did not oblige them to Secretary of Stato. | May, un increase of .7 per cent; June an and not in a triumph over their imper­ which comprised 30.81 per cent of tlie work out of doors. Protably in case T ub F orestry Department oí tlie total population. These figures prove of a large exodus to tlie Holy Land tlie I increase of .5 per cent ; and July, of .3 fect ions. per cent. The jump to a elean 8 per -•'--"as .- It will lie very generally found that United States government makes a tiiat tim proportion of the total popu­ Hebrews would do as others are doing cent increase in August is considered A specialty of counting tlie aftmtal' rings lation employed in gainful occupations in our country | they would congest in those who sneer iiaiutuahy at human something extraordinary. nature, and a.'feet to despise it, are in trees. In tlie eastern states it 1ms i ¡„ increasing, so tiiat even if tliore was tlie cities and Jerusalem would take on W ill C ontinue to C a rry a W e ll S e le c te d S to ck of Somewhat of a sensation in official among its worst and least pleasant Iteen demonstrated that tlie growths in no perceptible improvet.'ent in tlie wage metropolitan proportion». This, how­ circles followed the report telegraphed 1813-14 and 15 were very slight. In­ rates there would lie nevertheless he a ever, would lead to a development of sa epics. vestigation showed tiiat tho winters of decrease rsther then an increase, in ttie surrounding country and if they did j from Charleston, S. 0 . that a Spanish Conversation warms the mind (Ito9e years were very sevoro, which poverty. Hut what are tlie (acts witii not work the farms, build railroads, i spy hud been making sketches of the livens.the imagination, and is on iuual- W..ich will be handled on tin* close»! possible margin accounts for tlie slow growth. Hume reference to tills feature of the subject? hotels and theaters, introduce electric I fortifications for tlie protection of ly starting fresn game that is imiuedi- Charleston harbor and of other forti­ observers ot tlie tree growth on this In 1850 tlie average n iiiiit a l earnings of lighting and traction and secure reliable aleily pursued an I taken, and which Consistent with the original cost anti transportation. coast assert that in tlie older trees a each employe engaged in manufactur­ sanitation and water supplies, others fications on the southern coast, although would neve? have arc I in the duller very slow rate of growth can be found, ing or mechanical labor, including men would do so at tlieir lieliest. In tlie no oifieial will discuss the matter for intercourse of epistolary coi r, spoudeit e. indicating tiiat there was some draw­ women and children, amounted in hands of the Turk, Palestine will proii- publication. Although congress has pro­ Tlie legitimate aim of criticism .s to back at work here u few centrurios ago. roiifid numliers to $247. In 186J the ably remain the de id-and-alive n-, on vided that no outfcidei shall he admitted WILL E E T H E B A SIS; T h is w e in te n d s h a ll w ork I direct attention to tlie excellent. The to any fortification belonging io the gov­ —•Exchange. average was $289, and in 1870 it hud that it is to liy. Under tlie go em ­ ernment, without a special permit from | *l*ts 'ts own rave, and the un - no h a rd sh ip on our p atrons; L O W E R R A T E S M ORE THA advanced to $302. It may lie observed inent of tlie Hebrews, whose wits have perfect may be safely left to that final B ecause a postmaster nt eno of the the officer in command of it, there are, tiiat for a considerable time, during ttie been sharpened by long dealing with CGM PE'-NSATINQ FÜ R P R O W IP '' S E T T L E M E N T 4*. neglect from w hich no amount of (ire- small offices lias just been dotocted in decsile between 1800and '70. tlie country tlie world and who have made their according to army officers, comparative­ sent undeserved popularity can rescue tlie swindling tlie government by filling was involved in war, mid an unusual mark in politics, ttie professions and ly easy ways which information may, it. out postal money orders upon which it ,l_ proportion of tlie labor was performed and the arts, it would regain something from time to time, lie obtained about is charged lie secured tlie money, it is A man takes contradiction much more our fortifications. Congress invariably by women and children, which natural­ of its old prestige. understood an attempt is to be made attaches to all appropriations for forti- easily than people think, only lie will ly reduced tlie percentage uf gain. Dur­ restricting tlie business men nod limit­ j Sentions, a stipulation that the work not hear it w hen violently given, even ing the succeeding decade the transfor­ E v s rv lx x jy Says So. ing the number of orders Which each ; shall he dono by contract, to lie given though it be well founded. Hearts are mation of industrial conditions incident Cascarets Cknd v UEUiurMc. tlie mn»i »von postmaster enn issuo in one month, medical disrov erv of the age. peas ' to tho lowest responsible bidder, and flowers; they remain open to the softly to the absorption of tlie vust body of deiftil ant aud rotr. slung to the tasie, Art gentlj with eaclt order limited to $100. This uml posltlvi ly mi kidneys. liver mid bowels j whenever any work is to be done upon ! falling dew, hut shut up in the violent soldiers turned lute the field ot indus­ cleansing tlie entire syst- in. dispel colds would lie all wrong and an unjust hard­ trial fits decreased values, yet in 1880 cure liemliiehe. l e v e r , I ih I-U uh I < nuslipalioi ; any fortification, lads have to lie asked , downpour of rain, amt lii.iousness. Please buy and trv a mo for Every man who expresses his | Wo do not wisely when we vent coin- ship in many eases. Tito postmaster is tho aven ge earnings were $347, und m o ft!. C. C to-dny; 1(1, g.i.. Ocents. Kelitnii'- a bonded officer ol tlie government and guaranteed to cure by ull dm gists. intention to bid for the work, must see • p|ttjnt ,,nd censure. Human nature is 1890 they had reached $445. Time, both tlie government siiouid protect itself where tlie work is to lx* done, and must | ,„ore sensible of smart in suffering than the percentage of |iereons employed and with out subjecting the citizens to un. ' have access to all the plans and spevi-! oi pleasure of rejoicing, and the present WHY GOOD TIMES ARE CERTAIN. tlie rate ot wages were vastly higher in necessary inconvenience.—Guard. lieations. That is one of tlie easy ways ! endurances easily take up our tliou Jits. 1890 than in 1880. of finding out about our fortifications, j \Ve cry out for a little pain, when we That tlie number of rich men is in­ Karin and Home. T hree is a grain of truth in the as­ and there are others, too numerous to : (lo not 9lllilj; for a great ,lea| of eontenl. 1. Farmers will receive this year for • sertion humorously put forth by a west­ creasing is undeniable, luit it is equally mention. Old army ntfieers regard it as ment. ern pai»er tiiat "lying is cxpectod in a true tiiat tlie nnmtier of poor men is tlieir produce a vast sum, over and above ' impossible to keep such things secret politician as much as a circus man, a decreasing, relatively speaking, and the tlieir income during the past years o f ' T he following expression and opin­ w — ~ B L A N X £ r 3 F 0 3 833. a P A IR ,. in tliis country, when all the European hunter or a fisherman, and nobody pays proportion of absolutely destitute is depression. ecuntries have failed in their attempts to ion, we think, meets the hearty indorse- 2. These increased profits of the ; do tlie same thing. They say that our j ment any more attention to it." The writer greatly diminished Wealth lias t a c i t ° i ibe uonunon j SHIRTS 253ts. TO $ 1 .5 0 had in view those who are described by discovered in immense quantities ta- farmers in the United States alone will I war department gets ationt all tlie in- l,l’°P'e* Also, would tend to extend and the word "politicians" in its deprecatory neatli and upon tlie surface of ttie toil be from 500 to 750 milliona of dollars, formation it wants about tlie fortifiua- | ra'!,e D>e standard of education more sense. Hut in a republic every man and it lias I wen brought fertli in gen­ according to tlie extent of tho upward lions in other countries, and tliey generally bv having ono main source siiouid lie a politician, Inking the word erous profusion through tlie splendid j trend of values. assume tiiat the other countries,- can do ol knowledge for tlie rising youth at ill its primary and best meaning. No I progress of seienee ami art. But these 3. These enormous extra profits will! the same about ours. It is altogether public expense. Our quotation conics one would say in seriousness that evory ¡additions to the common sturo have not come largely from abroad, nt least in- likely that Spain, and other countries from Gov. Lord and recently appeared inan should bo untruthful regarding his ! impoverished anybody. No man in Ids directly. This apparently means heavy ure constantly represented within our in an eastern paper on tlie subject of political acts and purposes. Even a right mind would say tiiat the liig grain l inqiortt of gold before spring, -^ ■ 'L i-g s r ie , : ; ; O r e g o n . fortifications, by men seek ng and get- education. "Replying to your recent diplomatist should not be a liar. One crop in Kansas and Nebraska this year 4. The farmers will invest tlieir m il-1 ling information, but nobody need lose question, I have to s»y that, in my of tlie greatest ol the»« said that h» «ill cause destitution in any quarter of lions in paying tlieir debts, in improving opinion, tlie most important subjects to any sleep on account of the practice. made it a rule alwlay« fb tell tlie truth, 1 tlie globe Some may liavo obtained a tlieir homes and farms, und In other en­ Considerable gossip tías been caused be tauglit in tlie American public tor, since no one would lolieve hint, larger share o f tlie lie n e fita than others, terprises They have long lieen tlie schools, are tlie common English it served the purpose of diplomacy bet­ as one man in the parable turned Ids largest consumer, of mauulactures. and Iin *,olitiertl ‘ ircles by ,he ,UWu‘en‘ tha‘ liranclies. In 1. 7 judgement it is not io ter than silence or evasion. Besides, lie talents to lietter neeount titan tlie other. now tiiat tliey have money again, tlieir ' Ö*nftlor IUnn“ is using tbo ,uoney nn,‘ pro|«*rly within tlie province of the state I kept itis conscience clear.— The louth't But in tlie increase of wages and the j extra puruitases will make an enormous intluence of tho republican national to fnrnisli tlie higher education fur tlie committee, of which lie is chairman, multiplication of opportunities fur em- aggregate. Companion, public; something must lie left for in-1 ploy ment the good is widely diffused This alone will beget activity and much more freely to aid His own sena- dividual ambition and energy, and I ! I t is generally ntsertud and believed ' and poverty is greatly diminished. In J profits in ad other industry. Tho Amer- ,or“‘l nsPira,l0ns tlian •“* ,s olitician» who do not look out for tlieir Merit in medicine nieaua means tue power .o .0 • w ■ personal interests, do not remain in cure. Hood's Sarsaparilla possease* actual gain is remarknblo in (ace of the fact UufinM« n te tt. But tliey are getting market, added to tlie fact tiiat in power and .h eie- Hint thirty-two yeatw liavo elapsed their money tack in an indirect way periods of rising price« people generally politics long. Tliis is not meant as anu unequalled cura! either excuse or defense for Senator fore it has true n.. ... When you buy since tho close ot the war, but is ex- jt saving tons ol fruit, tiiat otherwise :,ro making profits instead of suffering Hood's Sarsaparilla.and take it aceo dm ? Hanna, tiut as n plain statement of plained that the “defenders" have here- would go to waste, and giving employ- losses, ns has been tho case during tlie to directions, to purify your blood, or everyday facts, known to every ntan euro any of the many blood di-caaes, you tofore been negligent, and in some I K, many willing hands in orchards P«Rt four years. who is familiar witii political mcthixls are u.w. .¡y earutin to receive benefit. instances not uffordisl opportunity, o f 'al)(| plant,—GuarJ, 7. Tliis will put our people in a The power to euro Is there. Yon ar» not 1 in any party. entering into and enjoying the fcllotv- strong position to meet the reaction trying an experiment. It wilt make your Tlie treasury department is working blood pure, r ch and nou-ishlng. and thus i that will conic sooner or Inter. It will rhip of their associates in such trying Ttiaat' i t considerable dissatisfaction lime». The report furtlier sltows t »re- hasten tlie spirit ol progress, develop­ | througli all its agents in that section to drive out the germ» ot disewse, strengthen over the action of the Oregon's congres­ - keep Americans from venturing into tlie the nerve and saild up the whole system , i 1916 ment and invention. gon us liaving rtwidence ol sional delegation in recommending T. T. I Klondike gold regions, until after travel f« y iiieuiberi ol the order.— Goer for register ol tlie land office at ; opens next spring, in order to save them Bulletin. Oregon (lily while T. J . Block it allowed ANTKD-FAITHFUL MEN from certain starvation that will await or women to travel for re- to retain tlie office ol collector of cus­ many of them who succeed in getting in ¿oat TWtaw» «K* ata O om *« » o « w U » «"•»- spunsihle cstahltsiinl house in Oregon. toms at Portland after the expiration of To quit totsawo oiwlly »■»> tor»»»» I tliis fall. Salary $780 and expeuscs. Position M i l e , f a ll o f life , nerve .u d vigor. l * k . N 0 J 0 tlie term (or which ho was appointed. •’ thehest. infoet—thettneTraaBlmsIpiirtier Hoc. the wom ter w o r k e r jh a t m a k e , weak » . a permanent. References. Endoso sell­ Prepared only 8yC. Hoed A Co., Ixm.ll Ma.,, strong. A ll d r u g t l« « . Mo or « I. O M » « « s r » “ it scorns to ta the general opinion that addies-»»l stamped envelope. The f t 'I a r A t e T o u r H o w e l l W i l l i < «•< *« r e t a Cfcifclf C nthurtl<\ eur« constipation to re rtr. aa .. -------- — ------ ei'criti'g'Hcuîirb'hO , Chu'ago ot Hew York Gevr should he appointed collector National, Star Insurance Bldg., Cbicago. ’S w ij . B C C-C. tad, UruggHt» refund money. Hood S P ills W. IT. WEATIIERSON Rates Throughout Will be Placet) AT BED ROCK Fresh Groceries and Provi« sions by Each Boat, Im por* ta n t R eductions W ill be N oticed in Footw ear, Men’s Hats and S uits. ”"HURD & DAVENPJrfT" THE SEATON STO „.GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cash or Anything Marketable - HUÜD & DAVENPORT H A M P T O N BEOS., n b tow, ttoniB, m t!' foiib » All the Latest In : : Dress Goods, Trimming Etc. A HAMPTON BEOS., E N T E R P R IS IN G ^— * L E A D IN G — a* S. H. FRIENDLY. S. H. FRIENDLY. PROGRESSIVE MERCHANT M erit Talks CAR M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STOREI Dry Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and A* Notion© FLORENCE MEAT MARKET w Hood’s Sarsaparilla Just Opened. Goods as Represented. J. w . C A R M A N .