M ' ">W > JTH E W E S T 1 Y O U R H O H E PA PER L j I < ► S U PP O R T IT -*--*-— - * - * - - * - * * ^ A D V E R T IS E R S SIUSLAWS ONLY PAPES. O P P O R TU N ITY 1 .A ~ 1 VOL. V IH . NO FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Sept. 24, 1897. GENERAL directory T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE Naw Method la rwhUa In atraaU aa. FILLING A BU LLD O G ’S T E E T H . Ç 9 L a w y e r » ’ S to rie s . “ The most thrilling incident I ever The promottvn examination having saw iu a courtroom,” remarked a west­ Aa O p « r» tlo « » W h i c h a S c ra n to n D e n t U t beeu abandoned, the teacher'« estimate ern attorney the other day, "was in IM d W i t h H e s it a t io n , b u t Success. STA TE O F F IC E R S - s O _ - . A . Z R . r m s r E Z R . When you take Hood's Pills. The big, oki-fub- of the pupil’s ability to do advanced A powerful aud ferocious bulldog, fonthern Kansas. Tho senior lawyer of work determine» hia promotion. A* ioned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to owued by Dr. Ward of Scnuiteu, Pa., the county bar was a distinguished pieces, are not hi It with Hood’s. Easy to take the teacher’« estimate it shown on ~ 8 A IL 8 ---------- enjoys the distinction of having a big looking and courteous geutlemnu 'of tlio the report, the pupil and hi« parent* ........W illiamP.Lord. __ gold filling in one of his incisors, and a old school,’ who had little patience know monthly what progress he is On -h - and 20tli of «»ci w ith the joking always going ou during " ¡ X oii .'« k .............“ ■ K . K t a » w . ' H . r i . making toward advanced work. In the good many citizens, who have caught a ronrt reoess. He was exceedingly near­ m o n ti !re' ..........Philip Metchen _ gleam of the gold in his mouth, wonder primary grades the teacher’« judgment [»¿'ircl.......... . r M „ I Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- sighted, bnt had a habit of lnyiug his t. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. , ltayg and Fri(,avH Siugk iio u in l trip $5.* m determines the record, and in the high­ how the filling was done. Some think it glasses on the table during his speeches was done through hypnotic influence by aud easy to o|M-rate, is true It,. Printer ...............W. II. Leeds. ; Arrives at Florenco Tuesdays, Tliurs- er grades the teacher's judgment is cor­ to the jury. One day, as his back was F of Howl's Pills, which are 1 to Y a q i iiu a . 1 . • General........... C. M. Idlenian. days and Saturdays. rected by written recitations and tests. tlic doctor over the dog, while other's turned toward the other lawyers, Ona up to date In every respect. i°rliei 1 , g. Bean i Connects with Steamer and Scotts- This method puts a premium on the insist that it was through the dog’s im­ cf them picked up the glasses, and with Sate, certain aiul sure. All Pnnrt F. A. Moore Line (or Drain. Alsowitli work and gives a moderate but plicit obedience to his master's com­ a hit of wueilugo fastened to the lenses in I F reight Rates druggists. We. C. I. Hood ft Co., Lowell. Mass. daily ketne court v • ■ E Wolveiton Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge For mand. The only l'llls to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. eoutiuuous stimulus rather tbau an ex­ . reasonable. The bulldog’s name is Gem. He is as pieces cf tissue paper which exactly cov­ cessive and spasmodic one. Testa giveu -«.Second D istrict. . .J. C. Fullerton ------ V l'i’I.« I’o - ugly in appearance as a prize winner in ered the glass—not particularly notice­ by the principal and the superintendent torncy Second District.Geo. M. Brown : ------------------------------------------- ------ a dog show. His nose is a mass of wrin­ able, hut at the saiuo time preventing show the proper completion of work M ay- ■ Florence, Or. kles, und his eyes have a wicked gleam vision through them. Soon the owner and are useful to direct and broaden for any one but his master and Mrs. of Ihe glasses cante hack to Ihe table to the instruction, but have UJthiug to do exumiue some papers for reference in with promotion. Pupi's promoted pre­ Waru. His affection for them, however, his address. He put ou Ihe glasses, WZLTON, V ’N C E N T maturely are returned whence they knows no hounds. When Gctn w as dis­ looked nt the paper, adjusted them COUNTY O F F IC E R S - S T 6 . M E R ‘‘ C O O S ,’ came, and teachers become more careful covered one (lay clasping his muzzle be­ again—and then a pallor overspread his ( successors TO V HEMINWAY.) tween his paws, rolling over aud over thereafter. E -B a n g s , Proprietor. face that was pitiful to see. He stag­ It may be said that the teaching test ou the floor aud moaning, his mouth gered to u chair. was examined, and it was found that lJffe.......... ....................E. O. Potter.! Stage leaves E ugene Mondays, R E G ULAR D A I L Y T R IP S is but another name for the promotion " My God, gentlemen, I am blind! examination, but a moment’s thought there was a big cavity in one of the ii: I have feared it for years, ’ he exclaimed, j ............. W. T. Bailey I W ednesdays an d F ridays a t 6 a. cisora. It was decided that a dentist w ill show that there is a great differ­ aud dropped his head ou his hands. pniiiisstoners -j............ J . T . Caihsou J J A Complete Line of Drug ence between the two. One is u cureful should ho consulted. The dentist found “ For an instant tho courtroom was ' „ , . m ., arriv in g in Florence the dav that it would be necessary to use tv rub­ diagnosis at frequent intervals for the , . . . . A. C. Jennings hushed. Even the practical joker must ber dam, and he promised to fill the Sundries n. To e A iicles diaer.se in its purpose of discovering the ierk_........" ............A. J . Johnson follow ing a t 10 a. in. have lelt remorse at the evident suffer­ incipience in orucr to apply l ho proper cavity provided Gem was etherized. ing of his vie tint. Before any one could IC&su(8r .................... A. 8. Patterson R etu rn in g —stage leaves Flor- This was done, aud the operation was remedies and to save the pulitnt. The speak or the sheriff lap for order the .................................... IL P- Burton fcuee OI1 M ondays, W ednesiays other is a blundering post mortem to cousideresl a successful one, r''hough attorney lifted Ris head, look off 1 be­ C orner 9t h & \\ ¡liannette Sts. Gem evidently thought otherwise. Some ¡Iwul Superintendent.. . .^C^S.^ IIoni^ an d Fridays a t 3 p. in., arriving learn the cause of death. Common seuso time afterward the filling camo cut, aud glasses and hud his sight ngain. llis E ugene, : : : O re . and experience unite in detluriug that Gem’B last state was worse than his face flushed as ho rubbed the tissue pa- irvey°r ........ ................. / W. Harris in E u Sene tllu following day every efficient teacher knows which pu­ per from the lenses, aud ho stood up, au pils are rt-udy for advanced work better first, for he refused to submit to another angry and excited man. S o l Pe'iico •'•'> • B. Wilson a t 0 p. in. operation with ether. At the first sniff tbau a superintendent can know. All “ ’If I knew who did that dastardly .................John F. Tanner -------- T E R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. who have had experience with this plan of the aiUEsthctie ho not only added a ! triek, if I knew who had brought that 01 Single fare - - - - $5.00 score of wrinkles to those already in his of promotion agree thut never before It minute of grief tom e,'h e broke out, Round trip - - - - $9.00 were promotions wude so satisfactorily nose, but showed his tcetli in so danger­ ‘1 swear I would kill him.’ He left tho ous a way that the dentist refused to und never before did the teachers study courtroom, aud the judge adjourned the CITY O F F IC E R S . T ickets for sale a t E. Bangs’s individuals to closely.—W. J. Shearer proceed. Dr. Ward insisted that lie could session for the day. 1 never want any make Gem stand ou tho table and have - livery barn, E ugene, and a t Ilu rd in Atlantic. N the tooth filled without wincing. Tho more practical jokiug. "—Detroit Frea & D avenport’s oilice in Florence. ___________ ____ dentist was dubious about trusting hia , Press. Q u e e n V i c t o r i a ' . C o r o n a t io n O a t h . resident................................ Wilson hand between the bruto’s jaws, but F r u it a . Foo d. “ Queen Victoria’s'Corouution Roll’ " dfthe J 3 ( o . W. Hurd A Chicago physician is responsible is described in The Century by Florence finally consented to try. Gem was put on tho table, and liis | for revolutionary theories in regard to P u l lm a n Hayward, who copies from the offic, I loard of Trustees i Marion Morris master stood iu front of him, kept Ilia fruits. He undertakes to prove the prac­ records the following oath signed iu.d C a r. Sleeping C. C. Behnke ’ subscribed by the queen on her cuionu- eyes fixed on Gem’s and told him tc tical worthlessness as food of ull culti­ | .........J. 0. F L IN T , P ro p rie to r....... open his mouth. Gem did so, and a rub- vated varieties. H.vper-acid fruits, such E le g a n t tion: lecoriler............................................ D,re '1 S *J>o„a F lo r a n o a , O r e g o n .. bi r ilow was soon adjusted iu pluce. as tho lemon, shaodock, orange, applet Archbishop—Madam, is your majesty l i n in g C ars The dentist set to work with the instru­ iuid cherry, ho asserts, should uever H willing to tuko the oath? ment of torture called a bur, and one | eaten. Subaciil fruits, such as tho [.„hal ........................J- R- Weddle T o u ris t The Queen—I urn willing. Gem’s cars went down iu a threaten­ grupe, pear and peach, mny he eaten, ______________ ________ OUR A IM —To furnish th e best S leeping C are T H E C H R O N IC L E r a n k . w ith Ml. snatMS Archbishop— Will yon solemnly prom­ of ing way, while the other remained cock­ hut w ith extreme caution. Sweet fruits, ise and swear to govern the preplan! _ ' accomiiiodutions a t reasonable a , » , l » l * m in m f U nited Staton. 3T. PAUL this Uuit3d Kingdom of Great Liitaiu ed. The doctor held one linger raised like the tig. banana aud date, he un­ T H E C H R O N IC L E Ba. no «to si on 111. PscISo SECRET S O O IE T IE S . Coast I t toad. a ll In ab ility, an te rp rl.e and news M IN N E A P O L IS and Ireland nod the uciniidenu ilir ito nnil kept his eyes fixed on Gem’s, that qualifiedly commends, us they are sim­ r — prices. T H E C H R O N IC L E 'S Telegraphic Report, a r . belonging nccordiiiR to the statutes in uever vvautiercd from his master’s gaze. ply wild fruits and hnvo not been l b . latoflt and moat reliable. Its Local News t b . DULUTH parliament agreed on ano the letptciivt The uttitude of Gem's ears proved a changed from their natural condition» (Bllest and spl.Kw» aod IU E d ito ria l, from IB . barometer of his sufferings when the or flavor by man. On the other hand, F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. F A ftQ O ablest pens In the country. laws and customs of the same? T H E C H R O N IC L E Baaalwaye been, and al way» Regular soiiiiiiiiiiication on second G R A N D FO RK S The Queen—I solemnly promise so io Lur touched a sjiot close to tho nerve. tiro fruits he condemns, ho says, aiu TO wUl be, the friend and champion of the people a . Y.'licu both ears went down, tho dentist forced or nbnoimal variations, as is nd fourth Saturdays in each month. S fam ai com binations, cliques, corporations or da C R O O K 8TO N sppreeelona at any kind. I t w ill be la d e p .n d .n t 8. L. R obekds , W. M. ^rchbishcp— Will yon to yonr rower knew he had gone as fur as dogs’ nature shown when cultivated and afterward let him go. Gem’s eyes novel ! allowed to run wild. They immediate­ l a a .a c y U U o f neu tral la nothin«. W IN N IP E G , G. K xotts , Secretary. cause law und justice in mercy to to would P R IN C IP A L H O T E L ★ wandered from the doctor’ll iu the 1 lg ly retrograde and assume tho sonr und executed in all your Judgments? H E L E N A «'»I hours Ihe dentist was at work. Gem inedible qualities originally inherent in O N E B LO C K F.TO M D E P O T The Qneeu—I will. BUTTE Archbishop—Will you to the utmost stood tho final polishing, und when hie I them. Man, l.e claims, has not been ----- RATES $1.00 Per D A Y ----- master gave tho word for him to get i able to make a proper food of them A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58. of your power maintain the laws of God, -------- „ down from the table Gem daueed with ure unnatural combinations of Is meets second and fourth Saturday« M aksteus , Prop. the true profession of the gospel ano Mus. L. demonstrations of joy at his release. fruit J elements, - Í each mouth at 1:30 p. m. und ure frequently the Protestant reformed religion estab­ : : O r e g o n . TO E ugene, J. I. BuTTKiiriKLD, Commander. lished by law? And will you mniutuin Since thut day ho lias no trouble in prone to cause digestive disturbance, C H IC A G O J. L. F ubxish , Adjutant. and preserve inviolably the settlement masticating the tiggest beef hone.— when taken into the stomuch. By forc­ W A S H IN G T O N ing seedlings, graltmg und assiduously of the united eburoh of England and New York Sr.u. cultivating tinder artificial coliditiou» P H IL A D E L P H IA Ireland, and the doctrine, worship, dis­ Ralarl«*» E a r n e d l»y R u ccc»« fu l B u y e r » . man has modified the progenitors of cipline and government then of, us by w . W. N E E L Y , Prop'r. N E W TO RK A good buyer who year after year in­ onr present domestic fruits, he has 0. U. W. Perpetiia Lodge, No. 131, law established within England aud creases his business aud the reputation made them aeceptahlo to the palnte, T ables furnished w ith all tin* B O S T O N A N D A L L Is meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays Ireland aud the territories thereunto Heli month. Members and visiting delicacies of the season. belonging? Aud w ill yon preserve unto of his department, who leaves for th' but ho lias not eliminated their harmful \ \ ihl P O IN T S E A S T " '“I S O U T H semiannual inventory a clean and de­ irethrea in good standing are cordially ________ ___ the bishops aud clergy of England ano sirable stock—one who, in fact, has the qualities. nvitedto attend. 1. G. K tiorrs, M. W. game, tisll and fru it ill season. Best |rortiiforini«tioii. time cards, map. «ad ticket., Ireland and to the churches there com S to r l« » o f Itr a l ii n » . iVst. K yle , Recorder. genius of money making—is paid a «d- _ accom odations for th e traveling etc., esh <« or write milted to their charge all soch rights Many stories ate told of how the Into ary in the big houses of from $5,000 tc and privileges as by law do or shall ap $10,000 and often a percentage on the composer brnhtus treated pianists aud R . M c M urphey , 0 .0 . F Heceta Lodge No. Ill,m eets public. Charges reasonable. pertain to them or any of them? General A g ent. Room» 2 a n d t, S h elton B lo ck , yearly increase of his sales. lit «line of I singers w ho were eager to get itis criti- every Wednesday evening in Lodge _______ The Queen—All this I promise to do. tlie largest departments a number of the ! cism. If one of. these aspirants for hi» EU G ENE, OREGON. Isll, Florence, Oregon. Brothers The things which I have here before most capable buyers thus receive a- favor wus fortunate enough to find him id standing invited to attend. A. D .C H W L T O M , promised 1 w ill perform and keep. much as $80,000 a year and are regard I at home and he received, Brahms’ first W. II. W zathebson , N . G » « » Ir ta n tH e a s r a l Passenger A g ent. So help mo God. V ictoria B M arion M orris , See cd as cheap at that, a fact which can be | concern was to seat himself ou the lid 255 M o rriso n St. Cur. M . .*» *** readily understood when it is renient ( of his piano, a position from which he P o r tla n d O r T h e B in t Malta. bored that in a single department of a rightly defined few would have the te- W. O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. The first nails were undoubtedly the great shop selling, say, $1,000,000 merity to oust him. If this failed, ho sharp teeth of varioos animals. Thin, worth of goods a year, a difference of * 6 ’ had recourso to the statement thut tho E U G E N E , - - - OREGON The Funk & W agnalls it is believed, pointed fragments of flint percent in the profits, which may be inslruin?nt was out of tune. "Ob, that followed. The first manufactured metui the result of a gotsl manager as distin­ does not mutter, ” rentalked one cour­ IRESBY rERIAN CHURCH, Florence, nails were of bronze. The nail with guished from a mediocre one. amount, ageous individual. “ Perhaps not to yon, Oregon. S.vboatii service. Sabbath* which Jael killed Sisera was a wooden to $30,000. On the other hand, iu th< hut it does to m e,” replied the muster. I'liooi, 111 o’clock a m. Preaching 11 tent pin, probably pointed with irou. lower class stores buyers ill many of tho On one occniion he was just leaving Of The I'ciock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament <>l Bronze nails have been found in the departments are paid as low us $25 u his house winn u long haired youth, lie Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath of ENOLISH LANGUAGE Swiss lake dwellings, in several pi» es week, with no percentage. If tho large with a bundle of utusio under his arm, aimary, April, July and October. T w en tv-th ree in France and in the valley of the Nile incomes ore the great exception, it it hailed him with, “ Uuu you tell me» Ivsryhody is welcome to all the services, CO M PLETE Until the present centmy Iron nails also to be said that the opportunities art where Dr. Brahms lives?" “ Certainly,” M ile s W est ’»stir requests Christians to make B y M a ll. Pnetacn P aid . were forged, a blacksmith being able to more numerous than the men with the answered Ihe muster in the most amia­ S U C C IE N T heiuselves known. of E ugene. mako only two or three dozen a day ability to take uuvantage of them.— ble inunitr, “ in this house, up three I. G. K notts , Pastor. authoritativ The first cut nails were made by Jere­ "The Department Store,” by Samuel Hights. ” Aud no saying he lmrried away. miah Wilkinson in Rhode Island in 1770. Hopkins Adams, in Scribner’s. The first pstented nail muebiue was by G r a n t a» u b o ld ie r . lETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH J O I,M s V o c ^ u l e r y T e r m . service. Preacliing at Glenaoa Perkins, 17B6, and its product of 800, It it pcnietinns finked where General T w o U n ra e a . 000 nails a day was considered so enor­ » 4 7 E d it o r , ond sp e cialists iiid Acme two Sundays of each month. Tho editor of the New York Chris Grant get Ins military genius. It waa mous that some persons deemed the re­ tian Advocate learned not long since simply a part of his nature. God gain j j j R e a d e r, lo r Q u o ta tio n , ithbalh-Scliool every Sunday «• sult due to superuuturul agency. 10». in. Prayer meeting every rlinrs- jo o o l ll u .t r a t lo n . from a coachman that horses aro not it to him. Almost by intuition it muy | The Greit «I W eikly in th e touitry. i»y evening at the church. Everybody be said thut lie knew what should be nnlike human beings. He writes: Coot o v e r » » d o .o o o B M n e t h ln g F o r N o t h l a f t . :ordially invited. G. F. R ounds , Riding in a friend’s carriage one day, done in nn emergency. Seme men have A ppendix ol 4 7 .4 6 » E n t r l e . Pastor. "Where are your tickets, gentlemen?” wc noticed that the coachman mode con to study vciy hard in order to learn a Money Saved asked the doorkeeper of a tbealrr to u slant efforts to restrain one of tin certain thing; others will leuru itcusily a l a line of men who confronted 1,.m in In­ horses and to hasten the oilier. As th» and nutundly. Grant could go on the By T h e f u ll n u m b e r <>f w o rd * an d te r m * « (In d n d ln g poetagoi to any p a n ol tbo Unltod ntato a Canada and Mexloo. dian file. ATTORNEYS pair were handsome and perfectly field und post a linn of buttle In 20 d iffe re n t d le tm u a rie * fo r th e e n tire a lp h a b e t I- p a tro n izin g it. T H H W K E K L Y C H R O N IC I.B . t h . brtgbtm t " It’s all right." shouted a man at mated, we said, "What is the difference miuntes, while another military innu AN fo llo w «: 6M öO ; W orciik Tr and most completo W eekly Now.papor In U>. the tail end of the line. " I’ve got the between these horses, that you are con wto) had been a hard student might world, p rin t, regularly M co lum na or tw elve W bbn TKR (iiite r n a tlo iiB l), 125,000; • r. tickets. There’s six of us with me stantly touching up one and holding ill tukti a day or two to do tho same thiug. pages, of New». I .norm a re and General Inform a- A. C. WOODCOCK, Prop. Woo: aim a m agnlScent A g rlcultural Dopartm ont. T cry . (» ix V »Inme«« c o m p le te ,> 225.0 Count ’em as they go in." I regnrd General Grunt us one of tho Geo. Hale the other?” “ Jn you go, gents," «aid the door­ SAMPLE COPIES S¿NT FR-E. B T A N D A K D , over 3tMk,0(l0; Said he: "Tho one that I whip can best ull around soldiers that ever lived. keeper, ano be tallied off five, who im­ not possib y overwork himself. I will —General Longstreet iu New York Iu- mediately mixed with the crow d w ithin. not say that he is lazy, but he is sc itoiiciidc nt. D O Y O U W A N T T H E bjsiness oa ^ ds ___ Sm- P agt» F ree............. O ra g o “ The Cerberus turned to look ftr the made that he never can and never will M e n e , T h a B s p a r t 'a Q n a m la r jr . C H R O N IC L E holder of the tickets, but he hull disap­ do himself any damage. It would toi « T iin o in . 7 »ad S McLaren’« **ul.w *1'*- Funlpty—I htar that yon have mat’s peared, ano five men saw the ptrform- Impossible to whip him so hard that he Ipecial Attendali given to collection« Pn •te business. ance safe firm icintifitaticu In Ihe tre­ would hurt himself. The other can trot a cuictul (xaniiUMtlon i t tho blooil ACENTS ’ /ANT 'D. flKST HATIOSAt mendous throng of people.—Loudon a mile iu less than 2:23, und he would stains found at Buiilot's barn What do yon make e,f tlirin? Fnn. _______________ trot from the love of It until he drop Heroin (an expert)—It is impossible OF EUGENE. E, O PO TTER. « ■ O W IN G p d dead. Hot or cold, he does hie best. T h e C o rp s « F l a n * . for me to suy just ut preset.! whether E. D. BRONSON & CO. S B. £AK»W. 4* , HEMOAiOKt. *’«•• The corpse plant is a remarkable car­ the status ure huniuit bleed or the blood The United 8utea, Dominion of ...........Attorney-at-Law I l l i t n ' t I.O i-a ts I t . Pacifk Coast Agents nivorous sjecimea that grows iu the ef a horse. You see, 1 may he engaged « 6 0 ,0 0 0 Otnsda end Northern Mexiao KÜGKNE. ORBGON. Dr. H. F. Fisk, principal of the acad­ by the government, ami I may to- cn- colony of Natal. Its principal feature SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. P A IO U P 0 A 8 H IS O COO S U R P L U S A N D P R O F IT S . is a bell rbuptti u.outh, with a throat emy of the Northwest» rn untvers.iy,is ta i igugrd by «lie defeuse.—Boston Trau- ‘ —O rn e s At the Court H o n «. 933 Market St. -W ftp* ***• opeuiug into a hollow stem, it is al- exact man, says lit»- Chicago Intir O: can. setift. meist black and covered with a thick nc has made it a rule that for all :tb- g O U C l T E ® aoooxjnts A C ru e l H a rd e n . glutinous seen lion, while its odor ’« scnces from rtxitutions his stadi nts OREGON SS VSASS* I’rnyu — Tho penenutry iu Euiopo EUGENE. E. E B E N E D IC T . O N 1 H X O T H K B B IO IC . very ofltnsive. Ib is sltracts carrion shall write out reasons in full v.liy tin y ■XfSRMMOC. feeoiLg L.lt.« Io It. *.!.< once they alight were away and w hat recitations vvers have u much easier time thou foiiuvrly, Send SB a n d G e t th e M a p an d - a t -: ■A- t t o r : W e - k l r « h r o n t c le t> r O n e T e a r , on it ibiy i.n lo.t Their t -uws to come missed. One day Dr. Fisk received a do they i.ot? N T T A '’ l- ui tnrmd Trsvchr— A h a tulc, yes. p e a ia fte p r e p a id on M a p a n d P n p s r . entangled in the Mcreticn, the bell note us follows; "On aoconut of the earache, headache, Scotland is llie cue exception. Tbtre O ie tr o u . shaped n.oulh f< da up, and they are lit­ Florence. ftO O l stemuch ache and cramps I was unable the poor things have to live up to their erally swallow, u M . H . do Y O Ü N G . A. R. BUTTOLPH to attend alg< bra at 8 a in., grun.mai novelists. — Brooklyn Life. __S. F. ( M n a le t * «AN r RANCI no». CAL. at 10 a m. aud English at 3 p. m. ” A Dn< la a Baodkoa. •S S M »». Dr. Fisk excwtal the student, bnt at Parisian restaurant ku pets mix a lit­ Doga are not p» imitleu iu the cars of O O PYR tC M TS f t * . the clevslcd road. Various means are the same time look occasion to rebnlto tle homy with thtir hnltir. This givi 8 taken to smuggle them aboard. They him for not stating iu his letter wtorr it an egrrcablo testo and flavor and S A~ta* w a ^ ^ Ä ^ S innkis Ihe inferior butter moro palata* A*- TF.D- FAITHFUL are carried into the ears, for mstanee, he had cramps. O re g o n . h i e . ________________ under coats and cionkft In a Sixth av- F io r a n o * - ftdvtaa. enne elevated car the other day psaarn- Trad » » arks ol-*»l«M andjHJ»* sponsible eelsMielied bouse in The peort fisiittiis iu the gulf of Mu­ “ Doctor. I’m so nervous that 1 toss •MEimFIC M CTLMI, gers who beard the whining of a small linar ut»: Ihe most iniporlaut in India. i Salarv f7»l and -xneoaes. r. ill night What’s the to-st r mcily? ’ FRANK B. WILDON- »log, nowhere to be seen, located It I iwrmanent. Referee e. Koc'o e "Just take a nap when you feci that Ardittg lo Filar Jordauus, N.Ot'tl finally in a I.anobox carried ou the boats were engaged in this gnlf iu 1380, Uin Pat**»».” witM co’t of iwa$l* »“• *’ ¡ addressed stamped envelope. ay. "—Detroit Free Press. k»«ee of a passenger.—Msw York San. " r '" .',‘i PATENTS w 1 NOTARY PUBLIC., O . Aa S N O W A C O . r Pawesrr O r r e m . W i/VI/lT1 ’ FLORENCE. - - OREOON