A Ufa Saved. o a S n a re . o f F u n O u la id o o f Tho a t r ie a l C ir c le , aa W e l l as W i t h in T h e m . fro m the Burning B eat, Detroit, Mfc*. Every one aotiesd n s . . M < nucleus for his investigation and looked a u d 'I bought two tuore boxes tbe rumor that the life o f the daughter of the change, and 1 Frank B. Trout, well known in Itetroit, f " h" - . had u k e n two boxes she was M la h ., real estate circles, had been saved, a w hen sha ns gn(| jn WForter oalled called on on Mr. b»«. i X S i f i S i t M i » something like herrelf. reporter M r. Trout_at t r o u t at K B G rtaw old Avenue. M r. T ro u t showed T ^ . r . l w ^ ; é n H 7 l ^ . í n d M U ^ entf a n « hesiuney in giving hie opinion for healthy girl, publication, but finally .» id : ‘ Lircuro- strong, u and ha. never h»3 a Mek ; day stnt ” nce; Manee. ami a h th e r’s love for h l. child • I do not think she uses them now, forcoi me to try D r. W illiam »’ Pink P ill, for thoueh 1 alw ay. keep them in the ho“**o Pale People, but sot until the whole medical M r wife and I have recommended them lo profeuion had exhausted their «kill. At our mighbors, and tent a few to ...other the age o f fourteen we had to take our voting girl who seems to be in the same cos daughter from »eliool owing to her health. dilion aa my daughter. HlMJ ¡>»‘ Before th i. she had been in the best of liams’ Pink Pills saved my «’“»«‘‘X * e 1 health, happy »nd in the best ot .pirit». Site I would not recommend them to any one- I began to foil stray and became pale and know they do all and more than is languid. She wa. to weak thut »he would for them, and I am glad to ft'™ foil down in s faint every time .he tried to to the world. I know D r. W walk un.upporteu. The best o f physician, Pills for Pale People saved my daughters attended her, bnt .he continued to grow T>OVT weaker and seemed to be gradually fading life, and that la enough for me^ Desirable IT' L . I T H JÄ -A -T T -T I And Tbe There is a man bom now and then A ChicRgo newspaper man who wan- with a sort of humorous silver spoon in «l«ii:il this wny one day last week walked his mouth. Uninterrupted good fortune into Tlie Kicker office and sent uh hi» as a humorist smiles ou him through »•aril. We happened to be out, aud the A R T S a n d S O I E I ' T C , life, aud that, too. with no seeming agricultural editor received the card aud Stthterihed an.' »worn to before me thia effort of his own. Ho somehow acquiree * ” (vhen aha was fifteen she weighed only then went out with two guns and held an early reputation for sayiug or doing ninety pounds, and the dorton said it was fourth day of March, 1897. the poor mnu up ugainst the wall for R obert E. H ui . i .. J r . „ Wavne County, Michijra«. funny things, which, once gained, noth­ amentia. Several phyaicians snid she might half an boor till we ctuld be sent for. outgrow it, but that it would no doubt ter­ Dr. W illiam s' Pink ' Pills for Pale People In doing thia he acted under the belief ing can take away. All the jokes in his minate in consumption. No doctor we had contain, in a condensed form all the ele­ that the man was an assassin. The east­ line of his generation, and often somo could help her, and we concluded ouraelve., ments necessary to give new life mid rteh- ■« we m n.t leee our child, aa she wa. growing ness to the blood amfrestore shattered n e rro . ern way Is to fend your curd to the ed­ of earlier and later generations, are weaker every day. Thev are also a specific for trouble., peculiar itor, and if lie doesn’t like the looks of We had tried all the well-known reme­ to female., .neh u .uppressiou., iffrin t’arl- credited to him, and nobody cares to rear name or one corner of yonr card i and finally shout u rear aeo I bought ties and all forms of weakness. In men they disputo tho honor. Collectors of jokes dies, K nd o f H is R o m an ce . a box of Dr. W illiam s’ Pink Pills for Pale lias been torn off in tho teeth of u bear- | effect a radical cure in all caaea arisinr rroni trap he sends back word that it is his 1 “ Meu promise so much," said the are ready to accept Joe.M iller us Joe People and took them home. That day I mental worry, overwork or exccMes of iriiat- had reed of a csae about the same aa my evar nature. Pink Pills are « ’•«’ J " Miller, but no literary scholar believes linsy dsy. It is not the western way, maiden, with a little sigh. “ ODe never daughter’s, and decided to gtre them a In lno«e bulk) at 8« cents a box or six however. If you want to see a western knows how far one may trust them. I that he originated all tlie jests in his In a l, though 1 must confess I did not (never boxes for «2.50, and mny be had of all d rttr »•ditor, and particularly an Arizona ed­ dare say,” she continued, drawing cir­ alleged beck. Anybody can think for hare much faith. Before she had taken all gists, or direct by mail from Wr. V llliatUF ‘ the first box we noticed a change for the itor, you jiiBt walk into the shop and cles on the carpet with the toe of her himself of two or three similar examples kewarer. sained strength daily Medicine Coaipany, Schenectady, N. I- kick the sanctum door open aud utter a shoe and looking at him pensively, in the present half century, and, even yell of welcome. If you have a gun in “ you would agree to buy me some day so, it is not likely that John Stetson vour hand, it may hold him down until a bicycle of the very latest aud best pat­ ever really said all or half the amusing yon can explain that you called to shake tern if I should listen to your protesta­ things that were attributed to him. hands instead of to shoot. No cards for tions’’— us. Jnst walk right in aud feel at borne, . “ Mabel Millsap,” exclaimed tbe They wero good stories, some of them, and if we arc winding our cuckoo clock young man, seizing her hand, “ if it aud they wero told of Stetson, just as when you enter please drop into the will bring me the slightest clnim on the story of fiddling while Romo burned your fuvor, 1 w ill bring you within two was told of Nero, not because they were < hair at the head of the table. hours any wheel you waut and make true, but to show what kind of man O ld T im e « G o ne A w a y . Stetson was. His honor lhe mayor (who is ourself) you a present of it ” “ Then bring mo tbe Ferris wheel,” The stories which it was thought received word tho other day from old John Stark, who lives in a cavo 26 she said, clasping her hands together proper to fix upon John Stetson were miles away, that ho would enter Give- aud flashing a radiant smile at the in­ those which exhibited any Lread, com­ prehensive and picturesque ignorance. adum Gulch on Wednesday aud hold up fatuated youth. 25 ♦ 5 0 * DRUGGISTS Without a word he put his hat on his He was an ignorant man no doubt—ig­ tho town for four hours. Wo wero ready for him. At 1 o’clock in the afternoon bead and rushed out iuto the garish, norant enough, perhaps, to say all tho I the distant rumble of thunder proved mocking, unsympathetic glare of a things that it was ever said that ho i l>le sad haakUtftwe. Ad. STEBMm) WMRPT Pfo. Chleaas. Wtmtresl. Caw., arllew Tort. •• • that old John was approaching the city cold, raw, east windy afternoon The said, but the chances are that he did line. Ten minutes luter there wero yells pneumatic tiro of his hopes had col­ not say them alL But the stories are none the worso for that. Years ago ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN N in who are engaged in any of the mechanical and shouts us of a baud of warriors, aud lapsed forever.—Chicago Tribune. M’CLELLAu’3 W a RHORSE. Sophocles’ "(Edipus Tyranuus" was five minutes after that the mau was in D a m a n tla , played by the students of Harvard col­ the lockup and wondering what sort of pursuits can succeed without reading and ut ! n, th e O n ly C h a rg e r sponsible established bouse il l Oregon. lege and excited great comment through­ He—What is a crauk? it transformation had taken place. He « • , wl lto d e . Salary «780 and expenses. Position gbc—Why, a person with one Idea. out the country. It was discussed one studying this standard Magazine of Sciences had on him a rifle, u shotgun, two re­ Cietlui. a favorite war- permanent. Reference. Enclose self- Gen» i “ Would you cull me a crank?” evening at a dinner at which Stetson volvers, a singlo barreled pistol, two tlb'd Dan, was a dark addressed stamped envelope. horse, ti Tbe “ Why, no I never gave you credit was present, and he cheered tho com­ and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with knives und a tomahawk, and yet no one !. ids high, well bred, National. Star Insurance Bldg., Obicsgo. . ,y, ab> it ■was hurt. Up to a year ago old John for having oue idea. ”— Yonkers ¡States pany by announcing that he had con­ trilh . . and never showing all modern cuts of latest inventions in all tracted with Sophocles for the writing psed to hold nrtthc town repel ally once man of a new piay to he produced by him signs oi ijitiguc, no matter how long SLAUGHTER OF DEER. the course. He was an extremely hand­ the branches of mechanism, and its fund of the following season. This story belongs in the same class some, showy animal, with more than G a m e K ill e d I n M o n ta n a b y Sportsm en ordinary horse sense. Dan was a very knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ J n a t F o r th e F u n o f th e T h in g . as a somewhat more elaborate one. j W. H. Wright tells in Recreation Stetson once took posses»ion of a new fast walker—an important requisite in a ventors and mechanics. Sold with T he jommander'B charger—but a disagree­ where much of Montana’s game has theater and discovered in the lobby a able accomplishment so far as his staff gone. He says: picture that did not meet his artistio W est at clubbing rates. “ I have known two self called sports­ taste. "Take that picture down, ” he were concerned, as their horses In gen­ eral were kept ou a slow trot. men to leave Spokane for two days, and said. After the war Dan becauio the family on returning tell of buving killed 63 “ But, Mr. Stetson," somebody re­ monstrated, "that picture was painted horse at General McClellan's country deer, a story tho ranchmen at whose home in Orange, and seemed to be proud home they put up corroborated. That by Michael A n gela” of his position, performing his duties was years ago. It would take a long “ Michael who?" said Stetson. * < .a well aud easily. Ou one occasion, when hunt there now to kill 63 deer. I once “ Michael Angelo.’’ “ Well, tako it down,” said Stetson, driven to a neighboring estate by two knew a man to go and make a winter “ aud discharge Angela I wou’t have ladies of the general’s family, aud leit camp and kill over 100 deer, which ho *»l irtUJ any of these foreign scene painters untied, as usuul, at the door, Dan camo hung up. He tried to sell thi m where te- •/ around my theater; I’m going to em­ io the conclusion that they had remained they hung, but failed. He went east long enough for an afternoon call, so, somewhere, where ho lived, and I’ve z > ploy Americans. ” This so amused those who heard it uecliniug to waste any more time there, never heard of hint since. He claimed that they at ouce told tbo iuoideut to he trotted back to his stable, carefully to have killed 100, but I counted 150 friends of Stetson and themselves, and turning out to pass carriages and other carcasses in sight near bis camp the fol­ among them was Jack Haverly, the vehicles met on tho way home. Dan lowing spring. « A “ While going from Palmer’s lake, in famous negro minstrel manager. Hav­ uied aud was buried in Ornnge. Tho general said of him: "Dan was Washington, to the Salmon river I pass­ erly did not laugh when ho heard it, fltis monthly magazine is on« ol tin vii but simply looked puzzled. He thought one of those horses that could trot all ed through Toatscoulee a. d stopped for a few moments, and then a faint day long at a very rapid gait, which overnight near a small hike on whit 1: kept all ether horses at a gallop. He best printed in this country, and if was camped a p.tr.y of hunters. It smile come into his face, and he said, 1 "Oh, yes, I see; there ain’t no such per­ earned from the aids the title of 'that would have been easy to load a four devil Dan’—a name that he justified on to all subneriben at rates within tn. horso wagon with the heads of diet son as Michael Angelo I” This answer was thought good enough many a long aud desperate ride before I alone that were piled up iu one place. ability of all to pay. It ia finely ill«» to take hack to Stetson, who, it was as­ gave up the command of the Army of There were deer carcasi-es all about tbe the Potomac. Dan was the best horse I sumed, must have taken pains in tho camp. trat .xl and presents the ntiines offanuu meantime to inform himself of the his­ ever had He was never ill for an hour, “ I eonld name in. e ! ' . j i 5n , r su< A N D T E T NO ONE W A S H U R T . never fi.'.gned, never disturbed under tory of art sufficiently to understand i t bnntetswho have i. d : . t authors as contributors. T a i Vi6 “ What do yonthiuk, Stetson?” said his fire. The near old fellow survivod the deer aud left thi :' < : f ,!; (in­ war for many years, dying at a ripe old ) HI* B u » ln « te . frieud. "We have told Jack Haverly and the Cosmopolitan tire «told at ft* ; ly last winter two n n I, r non *t month and hail come to look upou it They aat in silence for some time what yon said about Michael Angelo, apa iu 1879. No matter how long we and kilhd 8 > tlct r iu 1 : . not bn i - ns his privilege. I le c s u ’t understand might be parted—once for nearly font duct rate ; ;it (bis office, “ Of what are you thinking?" he final and he said. ’Oh, I see; there ain’t no I of ni' . . in ■ b r it. why old times have passed away and a ye„rs—he always recognized me the mo­ ing out a pi such person as Michael Angelot' " “ I have st ti many In d ia n i nn ts. t n new doul has taken place. When given ly askeiL She blushed aud fidgeted uneasily in Stetson looked blank in his turn fora ment we met agaiu and in his own way of which rcsulied in tin: ; ¡f t .n his liberty Thursday morning, he broke moment and thcu received his own little showed his pleasure at seeing me. Even 400 deer, bnt m t t ,.e t f inedt vrwas and a few others liko him, but who can This story again recalls another with faithful hoDta than I had in Daniel from his track. Not on waa sat .1. ’ 8. R. Teacher—1 read in the papers Atop tho march of civilization? Webster. ”—Oar Animnl Friend* of some naughty boys w ho cut off a cat's a similar touch in i t The conversation A R e g r e t t a b le O c c u rren ce . T e n n y a o n a n t i I l i a V. ifr. tail. Con any of you tell me why it's once turned ou a clever passage in W. Thursday cveniug last Mrs Major wrong to do such n thing? J Florence’s old play, "The Mighty YOUNG MEN’S POPULARITY. Tennyson was devoted Hopkins gave a very recherche affair ut but, like a man of true tu Willy—Cause the Bible says, “ What Dollar, ” in which Bardwell Sloat ex­ her residence ou Cochise place, uud that God hath Joined together let no mau poses his ignorance by referring to a C m la b lllty . K in < llta e M . M a n lln ra a , In t e g ­ very little aLont bis f ... ...f for her. r it y , A r e It s F o u n d a tio n . it ended in a lamentable manner is not put asunder "— Brooklyn Life. hack mau whom ho had encountered in To the query. Are young men who That beautiful dedicat.ou be-iuniug, ill the least her fault. Indeed it was Venice. “ Yes," aaid Stetson, "that is cannot, from religious convictions, piny “ Dear, near and tree,” is t' * bit oi tho fault of a man who was iuvited to "We do not take possession of onr Ideas but are posssss+d oy then- clever; of course they don't hnve hacks cards, dance or attend the theater apt his writing which will be nt n often On» on tlio J o h o r. ho present through accident, autl whone A humorist leaps gayly upon the step iu Venice; it ’s such a slow plaoe they to be popular with young women of re- associated with her name. She was a They master ns and fores ns iuto tho aroaa, conduct proved lliat he would have been don't have anything but omnibuses and shrewd critio of her ht.i-band's werk. more ut home in a cowboy eamp. Wo of an omnibus und cries cheerfully to mule carta ' This fable found its way tlurment and education who indulge in Tennyson has Icon accused of inability Where like gladiators, we must figkt for them." :uch nmusemsnts? Edward W. Bok, in refer to the so called Colonel Cluy, who the conductor, "Is the ark full?" iuto print again only a few weeks bo- “ Problem» For Yonug Men" in The to fuse the diffitent portions of a long Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the "No, sir," replica the jovial conduct­ bus been hanging about town for the fore Mr. Stetson's death. poem, aud the difference iu style be­ Ladies* Home Journal, responds: Inst four weeks anti claiming to bo in­ or, "we have kept a scut for you Wbat "What do yon think of So-and-so?" nt ire contents of this monthly magazine "Why. certainly. Why uot? The tween "The Coming of Arthur” and terested in mini». As wo are the ac­ ho, within therel Boom for the won Stetson naked of a friend, naming one amusements in which a man indulge« “The Passing of Arthur" and the othet knowledged leuder of society til Give- key."—Tit-Bit* of the actors of his company. Ho meant have nothing to do with his outward "Idylls of the King” has been cited in are upon a plane and in keeping with its ndam Gnleh we were, of course, asked C n d e K b tn 'e W la d o o o . to ask what his friend thought of the attractiveness or popularity. It is the illustration. Concerning this difference to lead the german. When everything motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent “ When 1 sees how good some people way tho actor was playiug the part in wny in which a young man carries him­ Lady Teunysou said to her son only waa ready, the colonel Instructed us which he waa then engnged, hot the self in his deportment that mokes ot two days before her death. “ He said treats pet animal* an how had dey treats that the first movement was a double thinkers is a group of interesting men and frieud snpjxised that he meant to ask ‘The Coming of Arthur' and 'The Pass­ nhuffla. We disputed him, and he called human folks, “ said Uucle Ebeu, "hit wbat manner of man he thought him. mars his popularity with girls or men. ing of Arthur’ are purposely simpler in doesn' s'prise uio ter hyah somebody say Oue of the most popular and delightful in a liar. Owing to the presence of la women, and their thoughts are worthy the So ho answered. “ He’s well enough, style than the other idylls as ilea ling dies we ignored him, but be turned to tlat his dog is ’is nios’ faithful friend." only he seems to me to be a little too fellows I know iu New Y'ork has never been inside of a theater, although ho is with theawfnlness of birth and death," consideration of ail people The A w ,a Mr. Davis, Captain Scott aud others —Washington Star pedantio.'' 36 years of age. Nor has he ever danced and she wished this statement of the aud made himself so offensive thut he This etruck Steteon as a good word, or played rani* He was a personal poet to be put ou record in her eon's P e r i l « «» t h e H e a t e d M p e l l . «»old with T he W est . was Dually knocked dowu aud dragged “ Any beat proMtrutioua m your part and he stored it up in his memory for friend for ten years before I knew that biography of his father.—New York outdoors. I l l the straggle he pulled hit future use. A few days later, when he his religious principles precluded his in­ Tribune. gun and sent a bullet into the leg of ex- of the city?” "Yes, oiiMiun knocked another man met tho actor. he said, “ I waa iu front dulgence in these amusements. His se­ A Q a c c r C ota. Judge Holden,inflicting a severe wound. aAmg him if it waa hot watching you last night anti thought cret is that he does not carry his convic­ 'This broke up the party, aud tho colo­ dowu for aAl Folly half of the grown up people of you didn't play that part quite as pe­ tions on his sleeve for everybody to rub France believe the old story that Napo­ nel was given ono hour iu which to get j enough for him ’’—Chicago Hecortl dantic aa you usually da " against And of his popularity with out of town. Ho got, and it will be Sometimes Mr Stetson's expressions women, yonug and mature. I eon assure leon Bonaparte pet a check for 100,000 A B o th e r W a y o f I t . wise in him not to return. We are not S amounted to epigram* It w ill be re­ you absolutely. He reads about the now francs in a silver 6 frano piece and that "Do yon think Miss Flyte a flirt?” » xartly up to Fifth avenue style out “ Well, when she casts her bread on membered thai when Gilbert and Snlli- plays and eau, tlie ref ore, ta»k about the coin is yet in circulation. They say hero, but we know when to douhiashuf . the waters she expects It to come back a van'e "The Gondoliers " was first done them if they come up iu conversation. that tbe people did not want the 6 franc tie and when to prauco The whole town in thlsoouutry at the New Park theater, If asked if he has aeen a eertniu aetut piece, and that in order to create a de­ wedding cake. "—Fick Me Up is sorrv today that the man waa not now the Herald Square, it was a dread­ or play, he merely replies in the nega­ mand for it Napoleon resorted to the haugntl lustesd of beiug allowed to ride ful failure it waa clearly and obvious­ tive. Never does he force his convic­ device mentioned. The check or treas­ B e r r y in g W i l l . J . n « »way ly so to anybody who saw any consid tions upon other* A young man’s pop­ ury order, it is said, was written upou Th ere's a .ofr,»«idling w ind on t h . w iln w A F ly in g K dllor. Ttu< dalalm, are nodding away erablo part of it, even if be were ordi­ ularity with either sex rests upou some­ asbestus paper and inclosed in the met­ T h r lung all,-nt m arks of tho honra narily a had judge of such thiug* and thing more than his forms of aninse al at the timo the coin was made Thou­ We do not know the editor of the T h at drag through th r dreaintag day. Jiruan Valley Banner in a personal way. Stetson waa not a had judge He bad se­ incut. Amiability of manner, kindli- sands of 6 franc pieces arc annually And down through th r blow ing htuaauaas We Simply know that his name is Clark Aud ovar t h . gray «tono .t il« cured the rights to the opera for New nesfo a pleasant atldre-s, a manly ont- broken open and have been so inspected l oiorr J a n . w ith tn r harry Iw rk rt. ¿and that h«' is wore competent In a Euglauti. and he had paid a good deal of .talk ou life, honorable principles—at) since the story of the check was first cir­ H r r »ym alig h t w ith a atutía. nevutal way to pound sand than to edit mooey for them. He went to the New hose go for touanl insuring popular culated.—New York Journal. A tu.ul« th a t riv a ls tho glory st newspaper We saiii so a few davs Park on the first night to set' aud heat Of t h . raspbrrrlos Itauilng Bra. v" ,_______ » t i , after looking over hi* Inst issue, A nd I Sil h rr brimming l-adtet. what his property looked and sonndtd C rtU a fo a . White M w 1111» tuy w u l w ith dm lra. which waa a disgrace to civilisation, All trees have se»-d* In some, how like After the first act he strode out into "Artist? Why, he's a mere hewer of A nd lin n . when t h . ta d i is flnhdwd. ver, thr seeds are so small in propei wood and drawer of water." and be sent us a note dariug us to meet the lobby aud somebtaly beard him mnt Wr c a rt nt t h . old gray gatw him at tbe crossing * of the trie that they al Ant Jaoo s. nds t h . fr u it to t h . cHy. "He isn't even tho». His manure a n t » h e te II b rin g , r r n d o lla r. » p la in together escape crdiuary notice. smxai on Friday. We had intended to Gone dollars I"—New York Tribune execrable. '’—Detroit Tnuuu< -Jlew Vert T d i gv niW — 1st at the last w w «t>t •««« M» w ^ A N D Y CATHARTIC CURtCOHSTIMTIOH. io ♦ 11 Tl lIJirMin" 2 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED S Scientific American. - w 1 THE COSMOPOLITAN, THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS CROUF MAKE YOUR SELECTION. ■THE WEST. FLORENCE. «