TECE W E S T . POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS. WASHINGTON LETTER. ALASKA GOLB MINING A NAVI- GATtBN 0 0 . FLORENCE, ORE. | Literarv. —ccau»nx© XvcaY raitxv Mu««xn> Tlie Chicago Record list prepared n F mum o»*« a so cia s C oriuesmindevt . Mr. Editor. (ORKHNAL AND SELKt'TBD.) bill providing for a system of posts! Tlie purpose of this corporation is to —AT— savings banks and is sending out pcli- W ash ., D. C. Sept. Sth, 1897. engage in and carry on mining opera­ The truest wisdom is a resolute Fi.oRr.xcx, I,AKt C ovk T t , O beoox t¡'ins for signature, urging congress to Present indications arc that the entire tions on the Yukon River and its tribu­ I termination. I pass I tie bill. civil service law and rules will be passed tary waters in Alaska and Northwest , It’s easy finding reasons wliv other • • • BY • • • j Many countries have established | upon by tlie U. S. supreme court iu tlie Territory ; also to construct one or more folks should be patient. postal savings banks and it is claimed [ near future, and there is more or leas vessels to navigate said waters for In these times we fight for ideas, and that the people of those countries form trepidation among government officials freighting and passenger service and j newspaper# are our fortresses. ’ habits of saving their money and in Editor and Proprietor. wlio have supposed themselves anchored provide ocean transportation in connec­ time will improve their conditions much Emulation embalms tlie dead; envy, I in lifetime positions, under th** pro­ tion therewith, to buy, sell and deal in A more active demand for manufactured good.# and products more than under our present system of the vampire, blasts the living. AMERICAN RAPER. tection of that law and the rules pre­ mining supplies, and do aud perform a savings banks. This also furnishes a It is tlie enemy whom we do not sus- of the farm is reported aud at advanced rates. An ituproveinent a]| scribed for its enforcement. A test general commercial business. H. F. Chfonleln. safe place for depositing small sums of Tlie uliove is set forth as a preamble P*'1 w,l° is tl,e *uost Quite recently tlie #tate department, money, as being conducted by the gov­ case is to be made of the suit lirouglit along tlie line will soon be realized. Tlie want of occupation is no less tlie nt the Instance nf the paper manufac­ ernment there is no danger of loss from in a District of Oolumbia court, by John to the By-Laws, and in a measure the afore- plague of society than o'solitude. turer# of the Uuited State«, aunt out a tlie failure of the bank. Their object is G. Woods, of Louisville, Ky., to prevent states some of the objects of In order to keep pace with the times our STOCK OF COODj He taut think# he can afford to I* circular letter instructing our conaula to accommodate the small depositors. his removal by the postmaster general mentioned corporation. A# it is well w ill be increased to conform therewith. in Latin-.Luieriuan countries to inveati- The Record's bill provides that not more from a position in the classified service known the Alaskan season covers a negligent is not far from being p-.«>r. without any charges having been made period of only aliout 100 days; by this gnte the paper trade and make a report than $.100 shall be deposited in one year Learn to say No! audit will be of thereon. The«» rcjmrts have just made by tlie same person and no one shall against him. Tlie case was to have we mean the open tea ton when trans more use to you tnau to la* able to read their appearance in “tlonaular Report be permitted to draw interest on more l>een heard Saturday, but a postpone­ jiortation vessels are of any service on Latin. ment for one week was asked ami ob­ the Yuk«n River. Jio. 201" and arc very intcreating and than $1,000 at any time. There is nothing useless to men of tained by tlie counsel for the postmaster The vessel under consideration ami notable; come for the information they sense; clever people turn everything to ADVANTAGES TO TUB PEOPLE. general, and it is announced that no now in procese of construction is de­ contain, and other# for the flippant tone The following succinct summary of account. of the official# interrogated. One of the the advantages of postal savings matter bow it may be decided by this signed for both ocean and river Passions are likened lasst to floods court, it is to be taken up by the U. S service. In other words she can land concilia, who takes a very “hoity-toity” bank# lias been fur-iished the Record and streams: toe shallow murmur hut view of the situation, write# from Val­ by an official at Ottawa, Out., of the supreme court, in order to settle the her cargo at any [mint on the Yukon the deep are iluum. question once for all of tlie power of re­ River as far up as Dawson Oity, and paraiso, Chile, as follows: Canadian postal department: Tlie two powers which in my opinion moval. An attempt is also to he made even further if desired. The vessel is I desire to call their (the pape First—To the people personally: «^institute a wise man are those of to have the decision cover other civil modeled after the “Ulipper” or “ Flyer” makers; attention to the fact that a 1. Abanin a security from loss. liearing and forbearing. service law matters more or less in order. Its length of keel is 125 fe e t; quantity of the pa|>cr used by the de­ 2. Convenience of making deposits. Give to a gracious message a host of doubt or dispute. deck 140, lieam 27 and as the design partment of state, such as is forwarded 3. Repayment not affected by change for the use of this consulate (and if to of residence. France is the first country to notify shows, is sharp in front and calculated tongues; but let ill tidings tell them­ selves when they be felt. this, of course, to other consulates and 4. Safety against personation and fraud. this government of its desire to Becure for great speed, as well as great p..wer. One of the chief advantages of the All loving emotions, like plants, shoot legations,) is included in tho class I am 5. Prevention of properly or temporary both forms of reciprocity provided for requested to re|»ort upon, and is of want by developing habits of thrift and by the new tariff law, and the French vessel to the company, is not only to up most rapidly in tlie tempestuous British manufacture. While they are saving. ainhassadiir has formally applied for carry its uiemliers to the gold field dis­ a> Biosphere of life. OUR TERM S are CASH or so n eth in " convertible clamoring for outside markets, our 6. Gives where no other banks exist, a the reduction in the duty on articles of trict, but to keep a supply depot at Daw­ Enthusiasm is that temper of mind in ............ into CASH.............. manufacturers permit tlie salco, foreign French production that the president is son City or some other equally available which the imagination has got the bet­ means of ready and safe deposit. point as may hereafter be designated. - paper within 200or 300 mile« of their 7. Discourage# reckless and speculative authorized to make by proclamation, ter of tlie judgement. A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUED PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED. factories. whenever, in his discretion, lie considers This depot is intended not only to sup­ expenditures. A vigorous mind is as necessarily It is quite evident from the tone of 8. Educates the young and untrained the concessions offered to warrant such ply the wants of the company, but in a accompanied with violent passions as a Mr. Dobbs, tho writer of these strict­ to a knowledge of the use and value of action on his part. These articles are commercial sense supply the miners' great tire witli great heat. ures, that he has a groat deal to learn money. limited to brandy, champagne, still wnie trade as far as possible. It is believed He knows very little of mankind who about the uso of paper and the course of and vermouth, and paintings, drawings that this department under the manage­ 9. To the young it also help# to give expects, by anv facts or reasoning, to trade, Wc are quite sure if lie bad any book-keeping und business habits. mid statuary, and the reduction of duty ment of a competent mercantile head convince a determined party man. familiarity with the crankiness of writ­ to aliout 25 per cent. The ambassador will be a very profitable adjunct to the ADVANTAGE# TO THE GOVERN­ Greater mischiefs happen from felly, j company. ers he would not 1« surprised to find has also given notice that his country MENT AND THE COUNTBT. meanness, and vanity titan from tlie j The next and 2nd department com­ British paper in use in tlie state depart­ Second—To the government: wishes to negotiate a general recipro­ Will Continue to Carry a Weil Selected Stock of greater sins of avarice and ambition. prises tlie vessel and its earning capacity ment of the United States, even tliough city treaty with the United States, in 1. Prevents borrowing from abroad. Few, without the hope of another on equally good quality of American 2. Places the money (whether regarded accordance with the provisions of the as a common carrier after the closed manufacture was easily accessible and as a loan or otherwise) under the con­ new tariff. This law provides that these season on the Yukon—being adapted life, would think it worth their while at satisfactory prices; and had lie taken trol of domestic legislation. treaties shall, in addition to being rati­ to ocean service and under the man­ to live above the allurements of sense. Which will be handled on the closest possible margin the trouble to examine any trustworthy Third—To the country: fied by the senate, lie “approved by agement of a competent navigator with In analyzing tlie character of heroes its capacity for freight anti passenger it is hardly possible to separate altogeth­ Consistent with the original cost and transportation. statistical work lie would havo learned 1. The people receive profits (interest) congress.” This is the first time that service will have a period of at least er the share of Fortune from their that Great Britain, in spite of hia as­ tlie consent of tlie house has been made of their savings when such are used as sumption that it can make a better a public investment. necessary to put a treaty into effect, but eight months in each year to compete own. for its portion of the Pacific coast traffic. quality of pai>er and undersoil all com The wise prove, and the foolish con­ 2. The increased wealth, arising from that is no reason why it may not be a Under proper management this depart­ petitors, is an importer on a large scale deposits and accumulated interest, is good idea. WILL BE THE BASIS; This we intend shall work fess by their conduct, that a life of of various kinds of tho manufactured kept within the country itself and not Either somebody lias been mistaken ment cannot fail to earn reasonable employment is the only life worth no hardship on our patrons; LOWER RATES MORE THAN dividends for the company. Another article. leading. sent abroad to swell the wealth of an­ about the salary being insufficient to COMPENSATING FOR PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. One of the commonest mistakes made other country. attract a first class man, or a lot of important consideration which must not The tnind profits by tlie wreck of be lost sight of by our home people, is to assume that when a country learns 3. By tho wide distribution of repay­ second rate architects are trying for the every passion, and we may measure to rtianufacture an article, and once ex­ ments, money thus invested can prompt­ position ot sujicrvieiiig architect of the is the great lienefits derived from a ves­ our road to wisdom by the sorrows we cels in its production, it will always ly reach points needing it suddenly treasury. A special examination to fill sel whose port lies within our own have undergone. harbor; thus bringing tlie people of this keep tho lead, or at least lie able to trotn local causes. this office is being held, and so far, Life will frequently languish, even in supply tlie liotue demand. This is 4. In remote places stringency from too nearly eighty architects have presented entire region of country in easy touch the hands of tlie busy, if they have not with the business marts of the great evidently Mr. Dobbs’ opinion, otherwise limited ordinary bank facilities is pre­ themselves for examination. This some employment subsidiary to that Pacific Northwest and a medium lie would hardly have ventured to sug­ vented or lessened. official tins charge of the erection of all which forms their main pursuit. through which the marketable products gest that American paper manufac­ throughout the 5. The laboring people are taught to public buildings Whatever advantage we snatch be- of this entire valley will find a ready turers should take care to absolutely feel a direct personal interest in the country. 3, outlet. The 3rd and last department yond the curtain portion allotted us by secure their home market beforo turn­ stability of the country. (Is there any­ The civil service commission wishes ing their attention elsewhere. He prob­ pertains to the mining operations in the nature is like money spent before thing that can tend more to solidify a everybody to know that it is simply ably belongs to that enormous class field. The company is provided with it is due which nt Ute time of regular people than a people’s universal bank, throwing uway money to pay for any which still imagines England to be the mining experts, men who have served payments will be missed and regretted. such as this?) informatRn connected with its exami­ leading manufacturing uation of the To think we are atile is almost to lo­ a full apprenticeship in placer and 6. Sectionalism among the less intelli­ nations, either in Washington or else­ earth, and will no doubt be grossed to quartz mining, and fully competent to s e ; to determine upon Attainment is gent classes is lessened and the welding where, when such information may be loarn ¡but in 1898 she was so far from instruct those o. less experience in the frequently attainment itself. Thus or fusing of foreign elements promoted had without paying a cent, by address­ beiug supreme that slie was compelled art of mining successfully. The opera­ earned resolution has often seemed to by such a common national institution. ing the U. 8. civil service commission, to buy from other countries uianutac tions carried on in all the departments have about it almost a savor of om­ 7. By special investment the people's Washington, D. O. tured articles to tlie value of £81,250, and all work and labor performed in nipotence — B L A N X E T 3 F3J» 853. s P A IR ,. savings might lie made the foundation The experiment of using carrier pig­ each of the aforesaid branches is execut­ 453. A competent nutliority informs The longer I live, the more deeply a n of securitiea for certain other financial eons to cariy information from our us that nt least live-sixths of tliusc im ed by the uiemliers of the company I convinced that that which make# the SHIRTS 25cts. TO $ 1 .5 0 institutions of a trustworthy character, warships to land, which was tried dur­ ports belong to classes of articles which under the co-operative plan and prin­ difference liet ween one man and anoth­ or loans for municipal improvements, ing the evolutions of the North Atlantic England once fancied slie could manu­ ciple, each meinlier sharing equally in er—between the weak and powerful, the or special national undertakings. squadron in the Atlantic off Cape the profits in proportion to his stock facture more cheaply than uny otlicr great and insignificant—is energy, invin­ Charles, was such a complete success aliares and interest in tlie company, - Mount rv. Bvarrbwdy Says bo. cible determination; a purpose once Cascarela ( ’and v Cathartic, the most won that the navy department will hereafter and further each person in its employ In 189H the United Htates imported formed and then death or victory. This derful medical «lÍM-oierv of tlie age. peas paper to tlx’ value oi $3,169,480, but it Out and r e fr slung to the tasto, nel genti] regularly make use ot these birds for receives tlie same wages that would be quality will Io nnvthing that is to lie •m l iwsittvcly mi kldueis. liver sud bowels, does not follow ou that amount that we cleansing Hie entire ayah in, dispel colds, news-carriers. The news was in this paid an outsider for like service. done in the world; and no two legged cure tin»'tache, lever. Iin liilu u l ronstlpailou case taken from the flagship New York, hare much to learn from foreigners •m l biliousness. Please buy and try a hex In conclusion it may he proper creature can liecome a man without it. of C O. C to-day ; III. 1ft, ’ ll cents. He leid I to Norfolk navy yard, and from there to say that the projectors of this •bout tlie conduct of that particular in­ guaranteed to cure by all drui gists. Emotion has no value in the Christian j telegraphed to Washington, thus keep­ enterprise have endeavored to place the dustry. Onr Imports were balanced by system save as it stands connected with ing the department informed of every guard of protection around each of its our exports, which aggregated $3,333,157 BRITISH MANUFACTURES. right conduct as the < ause of it. Emo- j movement of the squadron. but this forms but an iniiuitcainial part nieuiltect to the end that the rights of lion is the bud, not the flower, and The commercial directory, issued by tlie small stock holders shall share with of the American pajier trade, which sur­ S. Chronicle. never is of value until it expands into | The well known British statiatican, the bureau of American Republics, has passes that of any other country on the equal fidelity tlie same as the larger ones a flower. Every religious sentiment, globe. In 1893 tlie production of paper Mr. Mulhall, points out in a paper on nnnexed Hawaii without waiting for the and in a just proportion to the interest every act of devotion which does nut by American mills amounted to 3,000,- the subject that, relatively to popula­ senate to act upon the treaty. In a involved. This principle will be ob­ produce a corresponding elevation of tion, no European country can vio with 4MX) tons, 750,000 of which was l.xik and hand l>ook just Issued by that bureau, served in the construction of tlie vessel. life, is worse than useless; it is abso­ New England in the matter of manu­ is a prospectus of the commercial direc­ The work is to he performed by the lutely pernicious, because it minister«! news paper ainl 150,000 writing pa|wr, factures, the (act being stated that, in tory, and a list of the countries that will Tho latter embraced varieties equal to corporation's nieinliership. No man to self-deception and tends to lower the the case of the latter, the value of the l>e repreeen’ed therein, and in the list the best turned out by European mills, will have a say in furnishing material line of personal morals. annual output represents $319 per in­ ie, “The United States (including Alas­ end some of them enjoy great favor or performing any service in its con­ habitant, while in the ease of Great ka and Hawaii.“ ) This is keeping up abroad. In 1894 tlie American product struction unless he is a stockholder. of the laxik and news paper was worth Britain it is but $115, Belgium $88 ami to date and a little ahead. The poor but industrious artisan and >45,000,000. Exact figures for the other France $74. The rate, moreover, at One of the knottiest problem« yet woi king man has now his opportunity which manufactures have advanced in varieliea are not available, but it Is tackled by Attorney General McKenna to purchase hi« stock share« and pay New England he finds to lie incom- «•(« to assert that tlie pafiec industry is the construction which shall be placed for them hv his labor and is not de­ Made and M erit Mainiains tbecontldcnce 1 parably in excess of the rate in Great of the people in Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I f a of no other country even remotely ap­ upon that portion of the new tariff im­ barred from becoming a member of the medicine cures you when sick; if ft makes ! Britain; thus, the annual value of man- proaches in magnitude thut of the posing discriminating duties. It was «■operation because he lacks the money wouderful cures everywhere,then beyond ' nfactures per inhabitant of Great all question that medicine possesses merit. United Hates. referred to him by Secretary Gage, consideration. Britain was $111 in 1850 and but $4 0. U. 5Vc shall goon increasing our output sometime ago, for an opinion. The more in 1890, while during the same of paper, and will in ull probability, ■natter is of vast importauce to those I t is not generally known, perhaps, period in New England it rose from $104 maintain tlie first place wc now hold who arc interested in our foreign com- that the United Slates pays annually Io $319. In other words, British manu­ ao easily; but Mr. Dobba will find tliat tnerce, involving it is claimed, revenue $582.736. 38 in pensions to residents of I factures in general, during the last forty I That is jast ike truth about Hood's Sar­ when the domestic product readies to the extent of $30,000,000, a year. foreign countries. Canada leads the saparilla. Wa know It poaseasea merit years, have done little more than keep four or five hundred million« annually list, with 1889 of our pensioners, Great because It cores, not once or twice or a pare with the population, while thoee WHERE THE X RAV FAILS. we shall still continue to import paper, Britain setxnd, with 005, and Germany hundred times, but In thousands a n d thousands of eases. We know It cures for, no matter Iww excellent tlie quality of New England show a ratio per in­ third, with 001. Then follows Mexico, f2n°t ? rfly ’ p'™ * ? ent,7 '- k e n all o t h ^ S F. C hrnntrl«. habitant three times greater than that tall to do any good whatever. W e repeat or how low the p rl« , there will always The French authoritr hare found a with 85 pensioners; Switzerland, 79; of 1850. |lunibia. 24 each; Hawaii, 90; Bm't Taberee *plt Mas»« I « “' *••» - sponsible established house in Qrwguft. pbic plates and films have Iwen ruiaed Denmark, 18; China, 13, and Japan To «1 ill* ti.lte c .c o easily so« forarar. ba a, a , Salary $780 aud expenses. I'oeition and Weat Indies. 10em-h. nett«, full of Ufa. nerve amt »K«r. to*« N w l» by exposure to the rays. A way must Bar. the woniler worker, that makes wool« torn permanent. Keferemm. Kncloee self ta the h e M -In Met the One True Wood atron«. AII druggists. Sue or SI. Caragaaraa addressed t a r a i. Tear K aw .M W ilk Taararata. stamped envelope. The now be disrore'ed to prevent the M ed Boohlei and sample free. Aiwreea Candy iw ik a r t lr , r a r . riw i.tlp ailn n forarer. National, 8(nr Insurance Bldg., Chicago. deal ruction of these articles of liaggage. » . » « . U CGC. toll, ¿rásatela retan« ■ «Wtrllng Ba®«4* 1 » . Chi"«»« "f K «< Hood’s Pills eure nauaea. ted.geatte^ (tenari j- W. CARMAN, W. IT. WEATHERSON Rates Throughout W ill be Placed AT BED ROCK Fresh Groceries and Provi- sions by Each Boat, Impor* tant Reductions Will be Noticed in Footwear, Men’s Hats and Suits. ‘HURD & DAVENPORT“ 1 THE SEATON STORE GENERAL 4» MERCHANDISE Cash or Anything M arketable HURD & DAVENPORT HAMPTON BROS., ; FOR DM All the Latest In Dress Goods, Trimming Etc. A HAMPTON BEOS., E ugene, : : : O re g o n . E N T E R P R IS IN G " leading r. s. H. FRIENDLY. S. H. FRIENDLY. M e rit M ade progressive merchant C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Dry Coods. * Groceries * and * Notionfc FLORENCE MEAT MARKET 'lust Opened. w C, Hood’s . . Sarsaparilla LiOOds as ReDresnntnH R 1 ** W V I 1 L W VI ■ PROPRIETOR