----------- ~ FTHE WEST I YOUR HOHE PAPER Í SUPPORT IT • y • y ^ ’y n ' advertisers [ £ ■ flfc-A . . SHTSLAVTS ONLY PAPIÉ. i O P P O R TU N ITY J e VOL. VIII. NO 21 FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, S ep t 17, 1807. general directory TR A V E LE R S ’ GUIDE. TR A VELER S’ GUIDE Biliousness T h e O r e w t h e f 1.» « « » » # » C a stiu n e . g a r th e N ew Y ear. a Fireman** F e ll. “ Nowadays the woman who has 20 i _\n incident that happened in a large friends or she who has 200 receives cotton fire in the lower part of New S TA TE O FFIO ER S them on a special day. The tea gown, y ork sonic years ago had its comic side la caused by torpid liver, which preveuts diges­ no matter how handsome it may be, is au,j was t|„, means of the firemen dis- tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in g l a - k d h s t e r . uot intended for wear - even k by the stomach. T hen follow dizziness, headache, - the host covering tho main body of Ihe fire, S T A a K L IN S . — S A IL * ess at an afternoon ‘at home. * Instead which for some tiiuo they had been en­ Governor ...................... William P. Lord. a pretty, well fitting frock is assumed, ’ ’ deavoring iu vain to locate. On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each Secretary of S a te............. H. R. Kincaid. writea Isabel A. Mallon in The Ladies’ The traoke was pouring out of nearly mouth. freasurer........................................... Philip Metcl.en Home Journal. “ The combination of every partof tlie building, and although Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ gupt. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. s stnffs t u n s with w i u i velvet w o n or u i satin gives to the s several e v e r a l e entrances n tr a n c e s n a il b een in a n e i it t n an had been made had Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 days and Fridays. Insoiiitiia, nervousness, and, _ _ — _ visiting toilet a rich appearance and j^eu impossible to find the seat of the ,W. II. Leeds. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ State Printer. A L . 1... a «<. . 1 XB contrasts ilileectd tit - fire. -I'l I a iu charge I -V _ some It n o t reliev ed , b ilious (ev er makes possible Artistic iu 0/11 col­ The chief ordered C. M. Idleman. days and Saturdays. Attorney General or blood poisoning. Hood’s or us well as iu materials. There is a windows on the third floor to be Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ i ...............R. S. Bean Pills stimulate the stomach, ™ decided liking for miure. Usually the “opened up,” aud a bidder was accord­ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con- » -» » » C o u rt _ For Passenger and Freight Rates moire ia watered in tno broad fashion ingly raised and u Kremau ascended. Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge stlpatlou, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. The only r ills to take with U ood's "haraaparUla. " reasonable. and has large figures or designs in the With the aid of a hook lie pried open judge Second D istrict... .J. C. Fullerton -------- APPLY T O -------- same color as the background brocaded the iron shutters, aud, lamp iu baud, -------------------------- - -— Attorney Second District.Geo. M. Brown In silk, not velvet, upon i t Brocaded stepped in—aud disappeared. Mis com- Meyer A Kyle, Florence, Or. moire is almost invariably combined paniou upon the ladder, wondering why n D IIP G T flR P with velvet The moire is used for the h e had so suddenly vanished from sight, U liv U W I VllLs skirt and ihe velvet for the bodice, al­ peered iu, anil found that he had stepped though some part of tho bodico, the into the elevator shaft that was directly VINOENT A WALTON, C O U N T Y OFFICERS- back, the waistcoat, tho draped corselet, under this window and had fallen S T E A M E R “ C O O S ,” (SUCOSSSOSS TO V. MBSMMSAV.l or perhaps only the belt aud collar, through to the basement, llustily de­ o ------W ill make*---------o E- B a n g s ,___ Proprietor. must be of the Bamc material as Ihe scending, he alarmed tbe others, aud, skirt. forcing uu entrance, they mude their R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S Judge................................... * ’ Potter- Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, “ Black, in velvet, silk and wool, is way to tho cellar. Here they found their . . . . AND . . . . ( ............ W. T. Bailey -----B e tw e e n ------ more popular than over before, aud tcmraile iu a sitting position upon a Commissioners j ................ J. T. Callison Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. dressmakers endeavor to gain novel ef­ bale of cottou, partly stunned aud dazed A Complete Line o f Drug in., arriving in Florence the day fects by nsing the magpio colore—1. e., from the shock of thu full, but other­ Clerk................................ A. C. Jennings black and white. A new material which wise uuiujured. In his hand he still Sundries and T o ilet Articles. Sheriff................................... A* L Johnaon following at 10 a. in. bids fair to gain great popularity is call­ held the wire hnndle of his lamp—ull Returning-stage leaves Flor­ Treasurer......................... A- P a t t e r s o n ed ‘loleil cloth.’ Lnee nnd passemeu- that remained of it—while iu fiout of terij of jet, steel, gold, pearl and that him, farther in the basement, blazing Assessor............................... D. P. Burton ence on Mondays, Wednesdays Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. rich kind formed of imitation precious merrily, w as the fire they had keen en School Superintendent..........0 . 8 . Hunt and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving stones ore used upon street and honse deavoring to find. His fall had led him Surveyor............................ -C-M. Collier Eugene, : : : Ore. in Eugene the following day gowns.” directly to it, Uu afterward examining Coroner..................................J * Harris the hatchway, or shaft, through which A r ea . A c e e M o r l« . Justice oi Peace................. F. B. Wilson at 6 p. m. he had fallen, they found that it had The various fanciful accessories in- T E R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. Constable.:..................... John F. Tanner bars runuing diagonally across at each ' volvcd in many of tho new fashions, Single fare _ _ - - 85.00 floor, aud iu some marvelous way ho | says a fashion writer, are well calculat­ R had escuped each cue in his downward Round trip - - - - 89.00 ed to fulfill their mission, which is to flight.—Charles T. Hill iu St. Nicholas, give variety without material chnngo in Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s C IT Y O FFIC ER S. the dress. Unusually interesting and B r itis h an d A m e r ica n l t u s in e .. I n te g r ity . * livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd artistic conceits are shown and they are It is in trade especially that tho su­ & Davenport’s office in Florence. most lavishly used, the effect of excess periority of British honesty is averred .. ,F. B. Wilson President.. being easily avoided by good taste nnd i r i X d “ ^ .' " w T t l^ w T a n c y waists j <*<>" The O. W. Hurd it is always well to have a black satin «reatest traders on earth and Bwe^been Wm. Kyle tradeis long enough aud extensively Board of Trustees bodice plain, stylish and closo fitting, enough to have learned what standards Marion Morris S leep in g C a rs U to m m y k M l . U . . o f A m a r le o . w ilh a skirt to match. This may be C. C. Behnke c in c c r o s r of commercial honesty pay best iu the We ore passing through the same quite high in tho neck, or otherwise, cut loug run. Au American who hud trav­ ......... J. 0. FLINT, Proprietor.......... E le g a n t square with one or two semitransparent Recorder................................. Drew 8«very stage of literary evolution as tbe Freui li, eled in southwestern Europe, iu 8oath F lo r e n o e , O r e g o n . D in in g C ars only that with them the habit of liter­ chemisettes provided—black and white America nnd other parts of the world Treasurer................................. J- A - Fond ary criticism and self criticism makes severally, for instance; also one of black that are somewhat out of the beaten M arshal.......................... L Weddle T o u ris t the tendency more marked and more satin trimmed in Borne pretty fashion. path lately admitted to the presen» OUR AIM—To furnish the best S leeping C a rs T U B C HB01U CLB r o o k . « U h t o . g r i . H U easily studied. Here, as there, it might A majority of the new neck trim­ writer that in the countries he hud visit­ seem that for the time ihe miuus of mings are mude to simulate a square o ew .p a p .rs In Ito. U nited HUMS. accommodations at reasonable ST. PAUL T H E CHKONICLB h o . M m »he FoetSo men hud overleaped themselves, as neck or very broad deep yoke bordered ed the reputation of Americans seemed SEC R ET S O C IE T IE S . to him to bo low nnd that of tho British CooM. It lo a d . »U Is sb llltr , . .U r p r U . « 4 . . . . M IN N E A P O L IS prices. though in thia strange fin da merle we with laco or plaited chiffon frills, and very high. In Buenos Ayres, he said, T H B CHBONICLJP8 Tvl«rdially invited. Q. F. Rovsns, A Bcrioua affection ot tbe muscles the tube clean; microbes breed in it nnd resein bianco to one another ure iu tho Appendix of 47 -4 68 E ntries 1 Pastor. habit of shaving at (ho same barber’s caused the beaat to lose tbe sight of cue Money Saved wny -- - into the infnut's »hop. Not long since ouo of the broth- a Tsai oye. As tbe public didn't appreciate n quickly find their stomach and intestines, when the little VIlterc(j the P|,op early it; the morn- By one eyed tiger, the beast was put under one soon succumbs to "bowel trouble. Tbe lu ll number ol w ord, .n d term , in jnR #u() wRg Hhuved by a German who (iMt^lM « U U . . I U to y p~rt o , U u O .lU d cocaine and the useless optic removed hum cuuda uJ H.xlca ATTORNEYS P atro n izin g it. different d ictioim rie. for th e entire alphabet i . hud been at work iu the shop only a few A Q o a la t M eek lam . m W BRKLV CHBOHICLH. tb e brt«htiM» This was a ticklish operation, several dnys. About noon another brother camo M fo lio « ,: 8TOBMOWTH, 50.0U0; W o . c h s . t s r Md m m t eam pIM . W mHly X u w M la t o . strong keepers holding the beast dowu One of the most unique necklaces world, p rli.u ra .u l.r ly 81 oolum iu. or t w . l v . in aud underwent a similar operation nt 106,000; WXBSTSB (I n te n i.tlo ii.I ), 125,000; Can while tbe eye was taken 00L worn this winter with an evening gown , i f — H m v . M uratura M d ftoiwral I .f o r m « A. C . W OODCOCK, Prop. TV.T, (stx volu m e., com plete,) 225,000 O « .; *Uu • m M U t d c t A «vtcaltural tU i« r tm .u L He was measured for a new eye, was made or combined after an original tbe hands of tho samo barber. In tho Oeo. Hale SAMPLE COPIES ScNT FR .E. which had to be made with a special idea of Ihe wearer. She had a beautiful evening the third brother mude bis np- STANDARD, over MO.OOO; degree of ferocity. For tbe first week he chain of silver, of a fine design. In a pesranee, when tho Gertnau, dropping triad bard to rab it oat, bat be now shop in the city where antiques are to his razor in nstoniabuient, exclaimed: D O Y O U W A N T T H E BUSINESS C ARDS ............Ssnple Page» Free......... O fto g o » , rests contented as tbs only wild animal be found she discovered some benutlful "Veil, upen my vord, tin t man hash do lu s« C H R O N IC L E old Spanish pnr.te brilliants. They were fashtest benrd I never huw . I shuves him : with • glass eye. » • R o o m . 7 and S M c U w n ’s Buddln«. Ions a beautiful, rich crimson, almost like dis niorniug, shaves him nt dinner -1-1.1 a tten tio n g iv en to o o lle c tlo “ « and pro- le buaineaa rorbunclcs. Borne of them were on time, and ho gomes back now niit hia AGENTS W AM TED. p k S T RATIONAL "Doctor,” said tba patient, "1 be quaint Spanish bracelets. She secured a beard so loug as it never vush. ” —Ex­ lievs there ia something wrong with niv number of lliera, had them fastened ns change. OF EUGENE. stomach." pendant, to her chain, nnd the effect E. O PO TTER. S H O W IM O H e r r in g D u ll » « a l l o w , a S p a rr o w . E. D. BRONSON & CO, ’‘Not a Mt, ” replied the medical mat; has been the admiration and envy of «. B. S * « * . . hchomoks . Half a dezen English sparrows flr w The United States, Dominion of ............. Attorney-at-Lsw................... very promptly. “God made your atom her fricuds.—New York Letter. PacifkC oast Agent» Into the wild fowl inclosnre iu Central ach, and ha knows how to make them « 6 0 .0 0 0 Canada and Northern Mexioo BÜQENE, OSEOOS. park and began T k a H o t W a te r PI s o . . . . perking at some groin SAN FRANCISCO, CAL PAID UP OASM OAPITAL, There’s something wrong with the stuff « 5 0 OOO O K O M K S ID X , set out for the while cruue’s SURPLUS ANO PROFITS. A plumber, caflwl in to thaw out | crane’s nee. Tho ^ •—O ptici At th e Court Honee- yon pot in it. maybe, and somethio 033 Market St. AtoO tlM crane's loug and slender utik shot out, pipes lrc zen up in a cold ,nup. gave us A O O O T J N T ^ O ^ C ’IT B 5D n» O x l_ wrong in the way yon stuff it in ai • thia piece i f advice witli l.is bill: A h it anil a fluttering sparrow was grasped iu O P l f l Stamp it down, hut your stomach ttac ia the l,«.t water pipe that is tbe first Its bill, while the others flew away iu «OSCHE - • • ° " EG0M B» TSASS» U ______ ___________ is all rig h t’’ K. E. BENEDICT, O X T H E OTKM R M D and surest to freeze, it is letter not to alarm. A birring gull ran lo theciuue, BXnRMNOC. And then tbo poliont Immediate) flood A3 and Go« »Mo Map ato« went out to find a physician who und> i nsc the hot water ut ull late iu the even­ seized the sparrow, elevated its head T T O R N i r r - A T - X *A .W - and gnlpeddowu the live bird with evi­ W e e k l y < h s w o lc le f o r O « o T » o r , NOTARIES. stood hia buaineaa. — Naw Orlean ing. K'cp it out ef tho treacherous dent satisfaction. Thru it went to tho p « o t« « < p r e p a id 0 0 M a p a a d P a p e r . pipe, mid you w ill I t* it Ihe danger o f Tiaaes -Democrat. a sti pp ige there before morning.—Phil- basin, took two sups of water und F loren ce, s : Oreson. Annana scanned tbe skiis 10 see if there wero upas b . hot . s adriul.ia Pri ss. A. B. BUTTOLFH, any m ire too trustful birds in sight.— yrcprtoMr to ». C WalAto “There are many more women living C anra« C lo th . BAM ytoAMClOOO, CAU N«w York Huu. than I used to think. * * The couTailike materials are in great » » n « *. o o p v p io m t s “ la that so!” J n a l F r ie n d I j . demand. Meshes of every size nnd style rtrti and deeerlH l»» m»r "Yea. Before I married I used to are seen, both in solid hoed and figured , w tu to er M la v e n t» ? , le “ Tnere is such a thing us neighbor» think my w ife was the only woman in eauvaa One of ihe most open of canvas getting too intimate.” r T K S g - anted - faithful men the world. " —Colambus (O .) JonntaL O regon w weaves is suggestive of a fish net and de­ “ What’s the instance?” «to Mmm A V ramto. T lo r s n o e , mands n siik lining, which w ill be dis­ “ Why, my next door ueighbor bor­ sponsible eotahlished house in Oregon. Every Chineas Implement has ita "•CÎÜfTÏFiC «MUIUN, tinctly visible through the large squares. rows my pup»r from tho doorstep before Salary 1780 and expense». Position ' deitv. There U a god at knives, auolh F R A N K B . W IL SO N - There are plaid cauvasi-s in fancy color I am up, mid his wife cots out all tho permanent. Reference. Enclose sell- w of spades, another of hatchets, anoth __ » — Oh- B'i has oomls nations, covered with flue fibers poetry ter her scrapbook. "—Washing­ ___ OtoM. APWsJLB-a*ï.*.0Î •ame 1* Ito V. B - addressed stamped envelope. The at of swords «very kind of a n i- ' *“ i Paten U," w ith ol hiaek. ton »tar. . .. ____ * °° A S a lk n a l, Star Inturaoce Bldg.,Chicago. IS/ deity. .flew York. Steamer Robarts Hood’s H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, _ I I I H I ■ I ■ »« Florence to Yaquina. EUGENE-FLORENCE CORNER STAGE LINE. Dints, Miflici», CleiBicals, Florence ani Heal of Tide. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. MORRIS *** HOTEL, No committee can tell whether * word ia a good word or a bad word, or whether it ia wanted or not. Old fash­ ioned people w ill alwaya tell yon that t new word ia not wanted and that there are pleuty of exact equivalents for it al­ ready in the langnage. Thia aeema con­ clusive, yet experience often proves that they were wrong and that there was a shade of meaning which they did uot perceive, but which was nevertheless pressing eagerly for expreasiou. Thou­ sands of words which we now consider absolutely eseeutial to the langnage were, when they were first introduced, (lcaoribed as quite unnecessary aud the mere surplusage of pedantry or affecta­ tion. Let any one tarn to that most ! humorous of Eliaabethan plays, “ The Poetaster," and read the scene iu which the poet (Marstou is the subject of the satire) is given an ematio aud made to bring "p all the newfangled words which be baa nsed in his works. The character who is watching the results keeps on calling oat that such and such a monstrosity “ has newly come up. ” Thia was thought n brilliant piece of satire at the time, and yet now half the condemned words are admitted by ail readers and writers, in troth, there can be no censorship iu literature. The only possible plan is to give every word its chance and allow the fittest to survive. It was in thia sense that Dryden de­ clared that he proposed new words, and if the public approvod "the bill passed” and the word became law. In­ stead of a writer being on the lookout to throttle and destroy any and every . new word or phrase that may be sup- gesled, it ought to be his business to en­ courage all true and fitting develop­ ments of his native tongue. Dryden, in the admirable pasaage from which we have quoted already, uses the memo­ rable phrase, “ I trade both with the liv­ ing and the dead for the enrichment of onr tongue. "—Loudon Spectator. CHRO NICLE MINNESOTA - • HOTEL A THROUGH TICKETS Head of Tide Hotel, H O TEL EUGENE. E l k P r a ir ie H o te l. Standard Dictionary T H E D A IL .V Only $6.70 a Year. ON EUGENE AND FLO RENCE STAGE R O U TE . The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 . 5 0 Attorney at Law, R e v e r s ib le M a p ? BANÍ^ MaD 01 th o w P atents Notary Public, Surv eyor PATENTS G. A. SNOW A OO-. IX ' notary public . FLORENCE. - - OREGON M. Ä. «• YOÜITD. A Tig«* WUh ■ Kyw