-X- * * * ^ —*.»—<^ O 3D X 30 A W D E N D S . • % A PIONEER SHOEMAKER. Ï * WORKING IT MS TOME ILTIOIIfil EISSTT-FITE TEARS OLD. ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CARRY TIIEIR EGGS. Mr. James McMillen, of Champaign. Has Followed the Shoemaker s Trade All His Life— Every Day at His Bench Working with Appar­ ently the Same Vigor as a Toung Man— A Sketch of His Life. Lnantpaipw, ,* fra r» Uu iloatUa i Champotg», JU. “ I rend iu the newspaper testimonials from A t tks advancsd age of eighty-fivs years, people who claimed to have been cured of James M eM illsa, o f 112 West Washington Sidney trouble by the use of Dr. H street, is o n e«f the uoet active men in Chsm- Pink Pill» for Pale People, and £ ou«ht. to rive them a trial. pairn, Illinois, lf r . McM illen it a pioneer it would do ine no harm at the ana . drug - lrug - - store -- eltisen of the oity, and his form is as fam iliar I bought a box of them k ___ ____ . Io taking them according to a.--------- directions. on the streets as that of any eitiien of the began I t may seem strange, but it i i a fact that I town. A11 hie life M r. M cM illen hne fol­ felt the benefit of them' almost as soon as I lowed the trade of shoemaker, and every dav finds him at his bench, bending over his work began to take them. After I had taken a with apparently the same vigor he com­ few pills my urinal discharges became ».most as black as tar and I noticed at ths aame manded when he was s young insu. He hue s little shop on North W right street, time that the pain and soreness were tear- in the vicinity of the University or Illinois, few' duys later the swelling began to gw and he is the official shoemaker, se it were, out of my ankles, and at the end of five for the students ot that institution. About a year ago M r. McM illen woe absent week* i t had entirely disappeared taking from his bench for several weeks, and his with it that terrible scurf which hud formed fhm ilisr form was missed along the streets. on the bottom» of my feet and caused me ao I continued to gather my The local newspapers announced that he much trouble. wes dangerously ill. For months he was s loot strength, and at the end of »lx weeks I sufferer, but finally he appeared again at felt entire!;» recovered and returned my work his shop, end has lest but very few days at the shop. I think I took from four to five since then and none, perhaps, on aocouat of boxes of the pills and have taken none since. Mr. M cM illen’s residence on West Wash­ ■leknese. His friends were surprised to see him out again, and they were more surprised ington street, is more than a mile distent from his shop, but nearly every day he watxs when he told them the cause o f hit reoovery. There was no small amount o f local inter­ the entire distance, morning and evening, anil he could not do thia if thst »welling est in hit case, and a reporter visited him, atill existed. , . to have him relate the story. Mr. McMillen has no backwardness in ta lk ­ " I feel," mid the epry old gentleman, " that I owe my life to D r. WiUiame’ Pink ing of the merits of D r. W illiam s' Pink Pills. Dr. W illiam s' Pink Pills for Pale People Pills for Pale People. Something like a year ago it appeared to nte that I was almost contain in a condensed form, all the elements a physloal wreck. I was suffering from a necessary to give new life and richness to the disease of the kidueys. A thick scurf had blood aud restore shattered nerves. Pink fbrtned on the bottoms of my feet and my Pills are told bv all dealers, or w ill be sent ankles were terribly swollen and inflamed. post paid on receipt of price, 50cent« ft box. or In fact, they reached such a oomlition that I six boxes for $2.50 (they are never «old in bulk could not walk, and it looked oa though my or by the 100), by addressing D r. W illia m r Medicine Company. Schenectady, N. Y . days were numbered. Stars in Wife and fire childreu iu a parlor cur, aud at his suggestion the little crowd divided and approached the two men to LARGE BIRDS D IS C O VE R E D BY E X - argue with them. T h a W sya or t b s f n w U l t PLORERS T H A T DO T H IS . “ Gentlemen,’* replied the first bad Ju tb« niGiuiug Mr. T1 umas brought .out suil saddlnl bin mull-, cleuued and man when asked not to do any shooting, loedrd LU shotguu uml wui about to "that feller iusolted me, and I must T h« N u t o f th e A lb a tro ss Bad Som a O th­ e rs I s W h ere T h ey Hit D o w n —A u Isla n d Tide away when I asked him if he v.ero Lev his blood. I'm a good nutured man and alias willin to acrommodute, but I d t h e A n ta r c tic R a g fo a s—T h e E x p e ­ going ( n a journey. dont’ ask me to spare him. In three r ie n c e o f A ad a bon. “ Only jeit over to Hcottsville," bs ininita he’ll bo a dead man.” replied. The other mao was just as ferocious Heme time ago a small party of ex­ •"I was tbiukiug of going over there When the passengers hoped he would plorers lauded ou one of the apparently myself, tosee if 1 had any mail. Haven’t restrain himself aud preserve the peace, barren inlands just on the borders of the y o u go t another mule around the place?” he wared them aside und said: I antarctic regions and found it inhabited “ I've spared that critter half a dozen by a remarkable colony of birds that “ I’ve got the mewl all right,” ho re­ plied, scratching bis baud and looking times on his mother’s account, but now lauged from large Mother Carey like around, "but yo’d bettor jest wait till his end has come. His grave bus bin birds to penguins of all kinds and de­ tionorrer. Bcin yo’ Mr’ a stranger yere, dug and his headboard is ready, aud grees. The island was fairly covered yo’ don't know the ways of the keutry I’m goin to fire six redbot bullets iuto with tbe feathered inhabitants, and, as the boat nut on to a rock that apparently bis carcass,” and might git Inter trubble.’’ Neither of them could be rnpved by afforded a landing, tbe birds, instead of ’’What sort of trouble!1” Sold W ith "Waal, stranger, let me sorter ex- argument, and we could see that each moving away, seemed determined to plaiu thiugs to yo*. That ar inewl has was growing fiercer aud fiercer, when resent tho intrusion and stood their got a gait ou him, and I ’m goin over to the baldheoded man trotted iu and had ground, viciously attacking tbe men, .Soot Millie to ridu him iu a race ag’iu a word with the station agent. A mo­ who, though they knocked tbe birds ment later that official appeared, hav­ aside with clubs and oars, mode no ap­ I>sit Carter's m ewl.” "Then I should certainly like to go ing iu his baud a stout club. He walked preciable inroad upon their numbera. The party then formed a compact »•ver. I don't remember that I ever saw up the platform to where the men stood eying each other with folded arms and body, and, armed with boathooks to a race between mules. ” ” What I’m suyiu to vo’. stranger, is heaving breasts, aud halting before (be push the shrieking throng aside, moved I ap wliat apparently was a street here that yo’ don’t know the ways of the one on his right bo said: “ Ike Hooper, you want to chop it und there dotted with singular stool­ kentry aud had beat stick right here till like objects about 8 feet iu width, lomuirtr. In the fust place, rne’u Dun right off abort and git out of this!” Iko hesitated aliout five seconds and larger at the top. These were the nests .Carter ain’t any too friendly. He’s a gieat baud to blow uronnd, and if he then got into his saddle aud galloped of the albatross, and, as the men were gits to blowin too much thar’ll be a o’ , and the agent took a fresh grip ou especially desirous of obtaiuing a set of eggs, they observed tbe nests very care­ tout aud no mewl race. The tout will his club aud said to the other: "Jim White, you make me tired, aud fully, but in every instnnee the bird ntuit between me’n Dan, Lut beto’ it ’s ! when approached shuttled clumsily tbiongh all the crowd w ill mix iu. It I’ll give you one miuute to fly!” It didn't take Jiui over half a minulo away, and no eggs were found, though yo' wt« tiiar, yo’d probably git hurt Is to mount his cayuse aud head away, ; the birds were supposed to be sitting that plaiu?'1 aud as the passengers murmured their upon them. “ Y mi . ” Finally a nest was found containing “ If Dau don't git to blowiu, mebbe I astonishment and thanks the agent an egg, bnt just as the meu drew near will, ” be continued. “ I ain’t, much of a flung his club away and said: "Those critters acted iu a play for the bird alighted and took her place all hand to blow, but I can’t alius bold myself down. If 1 blow, it will bo the two or tbreu nights last year, aud they upon it. eying them with suspicion and DRUGGISTS 1R Q A I TTTPT V ilT T lP S V T P P B to care say rise of coaetipatloa. Caecareta are the Ideal I.axa- same as if ho blowed—a tout and mo* come down hero every day or two to uttering a curious hi>!? hissing sound. A D u V b U l u b l llU A ilA IV lu u D tire, never «rip or «ripe.bat raise e u y aaturnlresaltl. Sam­ ,ur less shoot iu, aud nobody kin tell how pose aud show off and scare women aud They watched her for a few moments ple and booklet free. Ad. STERLING BKMEDT t ’O.. Chicaro, Montreal. Cao., or New York. «H. many will be hurt. Cuu'tyo' uuderstsml children. I'm getting weary of it, and and then forced her from the nest, when, to their amazement, the egg had disap­ if they don’t quit I’ll chuck tbo both of that:-’’ ’em into a barrel and ship ’em out o' , peared as completely as though it had ” 1 think I do.” ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN None who are engaged in any of the mechanical been swallowed up. The nest was ex­ M C -*n “ Waal, mebbo tbar won't be any the couutry!” GRANT AND PORTER. amined closely and finally torn apart, or women to travel for re­ pursuits can succeed without reading and the men thinking that possibly the egg T he t a t t e r ' s r t r s t M e e tin g W ith Hto S u h- sponsible established house in Oregon. might have slipped into it in some mys­ s e q u e n t C h ief. Salary $780 mid expenses. Position studying this standard Magazine of Sciences terious way, but without success. While sitting iu my quarters in the permanent. Reference. Enclose self- One of tho party attempted to catch little town of Chattanooga about an and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with The an albatross, and while he was follow­ hour after nightfall ou the evening of addressed stamped envelope. ing the bird in a ludicrous chose over Friday, Oct. 23, 1863, an orderly National. Star Insurance Rldg.,Chicago. all modern cuts of latest inventions in all the stubble an egg suddenly appeared, brought rao a message from General dropped by the running bird, which had George H. Thomas, commander ot the the branches of mechanism, and its fund of C oal M in e W o r k e d b y O ne M an. all the time been carrying it, not under Army of the Cumberland, on whose Tbe smallest coal mine in tho world knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ her wing, as she is supposed to do at sea staff I was serving, summoning me to Is in the southern province of Now Zea­ by superstitions sailors, but in a pecul­ headquarters. A storm bud been raging land, where, according to the reports of ventors and mechanics. Sold with T he iar sack in the skin provided by nature for two days, and a chilling rain was the inspectors of mines for the colony, for this very purpose. ■till falling. A few minutes* walk tho Murray Creek colliery is worked by W est at clubbing rates. j The albatross is famed for its power brought me to tho pluin wooden, one ono man, T. Bolitho, a Chinaman, who I of flight, following vessels hundreds of story dwelling occupied by (he com­ owns, manages and works this »mall : m iles Yet when nesting it apparently mander, which was situated on Walnnt bnt to him valuable coal mine. There forgets that it has w ings as it can be street, near Fourth, and upon my ar­ handled and pushed about in tho nest, rival I found him in the front room on is another small colliery in tho same making no attempt to fly or move un­ the left side of tbe hull, with three province worked by oue man with the less driven away by blows This may members ot his staff and several strange assistance of a donkey. Tbo next small­ est colliery is in England, in tbe village be due to tbe fact thut the egg is held officers. of Nelson, in Lancashire. It is situated in the curious sack and the bird in­ In an armchair facing the fireplace stinctively knows that it cannot fly off was seated a general officer, slight in near the Colliers’ Arms and nffords employment for two miners, father and with it -, so it resists figure and of medium stature, whose This sly bird is called the mol!y faoe bore an expression of weariness. son, who combine in themselves tho mauk. Aud its cousin, tho great alba­ He was carelessly dressed, and his uni­ positions of proprietors, managers, miners and haulers of tbe undertaking. tross, has a similar habit, the egg, MR. TUOMA» WAS ABOUT TO RIDI AWAY. form coat was uubottoued aud thrown which is five inches in length, almost back from his chest. He held a lighted The have the assistance of a donkey, as largo as that of a swan, being held cigar iu his mouth and sat iu a stoop­ and all the output of the mine is sold to tho householders who livo in the vil­ Jilowin 'tall, and me'n Dan w ill bev a in a perfect incubating pouch. ing posture, with hia head bent slightly drink together. Arter awhile w e’ll git The burglar noiselessly opened the On Marion island the explorers found forward. His olothes were wet, aud ltis lage or its immediate vicinity.—Ex­ change. them mewls out fur the race, and Dan door of the bedroom aud glided in. Att­ the great king penguin— a bird which This monthly magazine is one of the be’ll want to work things so that his ar flashing his hnllseye lantern srcuud stands half as high as a man, with its trousers and topboots were spattered A n U n e x p e c te d G r e etin g . critter w ill git about ten feet to start. the room he placed It on the dresser aud bill pointing directly upward instead of with mud. General Thomas approached best printed in this country, and ii The gcutle Elsie sat drearily in tbe Dan's purty straight on most things. coolly prooeeded to collect everything oat, as with other birds. As they landed this offioer, and, turning to mo and gloaming in the front room. but when it cums to a mewl race he'd | valuable. He had been at work perhaps nnd approached the singular creatures, mentioning me by name, said, "I want to all subscribers at rates withi She was very miserable, for on tho beat his own father. If I see that he's two minutes wbeu the occupant of the which had been standing about, they to present yon to General Grant ” previous night she had bad words with Thereupon the officer seated in the workiu ag'iu lue. I’ll git mad, aud bed awoke aud said, "I say, Mr. hopped away alowly, but not an egg ability of all to pay. It is finely her own, and now she fears her banghty ,(bar'll he a font, and jest who’ll he killed Burglar — " But the gentleman ad­ oould be found, a aet of which was the chair, without changing his position, Harold will not call. glanced up, extended his arm to its full trated and presents the names of fa aud who'll git away nobody oan't say. dressed promptly covered the speaker object of the visit She henrs a step, a ring, a voice she Wouldn’t like to git shot, I reck­ with his revolver and remarked bnskily: Tho birds hud a peculiar movement length, shook hands and said iu a low knows, and some one speaking to (he voice and speaking slowly, “ How do authors as contributors. T he on ?*’ “ If yer say Htiuddcr word cr make a Instead of walking aud moving oue foot servnnts iu tbe hall. “ No, of oourse uot.” move yer’ll be lately deceased. See?" sftor the other, or alternately, they you do?’’ This was my first meeting She will not wait until a light is and the Cosmopolitan are sold “ Mebbe Dan won't work ag'iu m s,” “ I beg your pardon," said the other, held them close together and hopped. with the man with whom I was des­ brought, but gently calls, “ Come in .” continued mine boat, “ but if he don't I whose name was Wheeler. “ I don’t In­ This excited the laughter of the men, tined afterward to spend so many of the duced rates at this office. The visitor enters, and. with a sigh may work ag’iu bin). Ten feet is a party tend to make an angel out of myself who finally toppled a bird over, where­ most interesting years of my life. of awful volume tbe fair Elsie casts her­ The strnuge officers present wore good stsit in a mewl rare, and I want Just yet. I only wauted to know where upon tho egg rolled out upon the Band. self into his arms and softly ninrmurs: it If I kin git it. If Dan sees I'm tryln I can buy a bicycle lamp like yours. It’s Tbe king penguin was also an egg members of General Grant's staff. "Oh, my darling, I am so glad you to git it, fbar*11 be a font and a lot of the best I ever saw.**—Truth. carrier, not only holding it while stand­ Charles A. Dana, assistant secretary of have come. 1 have so wauted to make war, who had been for some time with sfaootiu, and- I can’t akassly see no call ing still, but carrying the big egg about it np and settle.” f nr yo* to mix in. ” with it by placing it in a pouch for the the Army of tbe Cumberland, had also And ho of the embrace remarked: entered the room. The next morning he "It seems to me that yon ought to purpose, holding it iu with the broad He doubled h it money. “ Well, miss, it’s very nice of yon, sent a dispatoh to the war department, pull off a race without any jangle," I W ithlti a fraction of a second be webbed feet that are kept closely to­ beginning with the words, “ Grant ar­ and I’m very glad, too, that you’re go­ said, feeling anxious to go along. doubled it again. Then be repeated the gether. This explained the curious hop­ rived last night, wet, dirty and well. ’’ ing to settle np at last *' “ Yes, mebbe it does,” be replied as operation. ping motion of the birds, as they could It was the gas collector.—Spare Mo­ — “Campaigning With Grant," by Gen­ lie mounted his male, “ but that's ksse He doubled it again and put it in his not move their feet without dropping menta _________ yo' dou't know the ways of tbo kentry. watch pocket. "Perhiips my wife will the egg, but the moment one was forced eral Horace Porter, in Century. R e m a r k a b le S to ry A b o u t A nte. Jest take my advice and stay to bum, not find that dollar bill,” be said.—New to givo up the prise it ran away, using Mar L oss B is G ala. and if I cum hack alive 1*11 tell yo’ ell York Journal. both feet like ordinary birds. A traveler returned from South Africa Dramatis personae, a small street tells of a singular combat that he once aliout it this eveuln." This remarkable habit docs away with gamin leaning idly against a tree. On Mar C hotee. He came back alive, hut be had it the necessity of a neat, as tho birtl car witnessed in a deep forest in the heart the opposite side of the street a young ballet in his shoulder and had been “ Whatl You cannot mean to tell me ries its egg with it as it moves about woman carrying her pocketbook in her of the dark rontinont. Happening to ••W. do not U k . possession of onr id .* , bnt poMeMwi stabbed twice, and as I »sainted Mrs. you found the professor stupid? Why, In these instances the birds rarely trans­ cast his eyes toward the ground ho no­ They master at and force ne into the arena, Thomas to bind up bis wounds he ex­ be knows everything." port the egg to a great distance. If un­ band. Coming toward her the ubiqui­ ticed a caterpillar crawling along at a tous man who rescues damsels iu dis­ rapid pace, followed by 100 or more plained: “ I know be does,” said the sweet disturbed, they probably remain about a here like gladiator., w . must fight for them “ Tbar was a font, jest as I said thar young tbing, “ but I’d ruther talk with certain locality, but there are birds tress. Just as these two met on the small auta Being quicker in their muddy crossing tbe young womau drop­ Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the would be, and sum teu or *l»v«n men some one wbo kuows everybody. "—In­ which have been known to transport movements than the worm, the ants enm out wuss than I did. Jest as well dianapolis Journal. their eggs from one place to another, ped her pocketbook in the mud. It fell would catch up with the caterpillar, and open, and the usual assortment of thim- entire contents of this monthly magazine yo' wasn't thar, stranger. Yo' don’t literally flying away with them. When one would mount his back «nd bite him. know the ways of th« keutry, suit three O a t a f IS. Autlnbon first heard this story of the bles, pennies, scissors, samples and Pausing for an instant, the caterpillar dimes was scattered broadcast are upon a plane and in keeping with its gw four critters was axin arter yo' to wonld tnm his head and catch the ant “ Madaui, is yonr sou expecting to nighthawk, called Chock W ill's widow, “ Allow me," said tbe young man, I’h-w yer head off!" carry off any honors at college tills he thought it a story of tho negroes. and the owner of tbe pocketbook blush- in snch a way as to kill it almost in­ motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent Some iusisted thst the bird carried the stantly. This slaughter of their fellows yest?” ad becomingly nnd allowed him to go thinkers is a group of interesting men and T h e r e W a s H e S h o o tin g . "No, poor fellow. Ho injured bis egg away under its wing; others that it down on bis knees in the mud to rescue did not. seem to have any effect upon the We were side trucked at Blue Hill to kneecap Iu (be first game of tbo season." rolled the egg over the ground. To de­ her possessions. When be had picked up attackiug hordes, the place of the dend women, and their thoughts are worthy the warrior bciDg presently filled by another termine the truth Audubon concealed w ait for the eipress, wbeu a man dressed —Detroit Free Press. himself in the woods under a nest, hav­ the rolling dimes and peunies and re­ hero willing to sacrifice his life. After tu cowboy's garb and having two guns consideration of all people. ing first haudled the eggs, and waited stored them with the other articles to slaughtering a dozen or more of his tor­ C u rren t I te m s. and a knife in bis arsenal came riding The Arena is ths puree, be saw that the was still un- mentors the worm began to show signs up to the station on a oayuse. All the “ Oar wbist club is going to play all to sec whut the old bird would da The sasy. sold with T he W est . first bird to arrive appeared very de­ of fatigue, whereupon tbe ants made a passengers on the platform and In the summer. ” “ Is anything misting?” he asked so­ combined attack. At this the worm cars had a look at him as he dismount "That's good. Now we shall not jected at the discovery that tho secret licitously. sought safety by ^irnbing a stalk of •4. aud it was tbs* general verdict that miss auy neighborhood Dews "—Chica­ home had been found, ruffling up its “ N a That is, nothing but a penny. ” grass, going np tail first and defending feathers aud uttering a moaning cry I e was a tsid man and must be treated go Record. “ Oh," and lifting his hat he walked himself with his head and strong jaws. Just audible to tbe listener. Then the tend' rly. He was enjoyiug the atten­ A Sara M gs. mate arrived, and, after various move- on, uot having received so much as a Seeing themselves outdone on that score tion be attracted, when another man Freshman— What makes yon think nieiits indicative of alarm, each bird “ thank you” for tbe service. But then the ants set to work and soon felled the osiiie riding up from the opposite dlrao took an egg in its rapacious mouth aud she was very pretty. su lk with their mandibles. When this these eggs were stolen? • iuu . He was also mounted ou a cayuse There is a climax to this story. When was done, they all |x>uuced upon the flew softly away. Clnbmats — You can see yourself Add bad guns and a knife and a tied, the young woman had ceased looking Le Vaillaut tho French naturalist, helpless worm and made short work oi tssd appeaisncc. He dismounted with­ they'vs been poached.—Princeton Tiger. observed the collared goatsucker of the for lost property, she went on her way, him.— S t Louis Republic. in Pi feat of the other aud then A Monies Malta. Cape of Good Hope carrying off its eggs and tbe street gamin darted across tho draw himself up nFstiff ns a ramrod street from his post of observation, and Artist De ChaTaanea. aud koked the first comer over with su Hha maatorod all lha point« o f atiq u rtle with iu the asm« manner—a comparatively in a moment he had found that lost ■m at fa clU li- M. Puvis de Chav annex, the French easy feat, as the mouth of all these* bird» eapr< seton of deep contempt on Ids face. l a laarnln« to play w hlat aha showed remark is very capacious, a veritable trap when penny under tbe stone where he saw it painter, live« in Montmartre. His pal It was plain to see that there was bad able Ability the jaws are opened for the various in­ roll, and as be walked away with it ace consists of a studio, a bedroom and llond between them, sod the women She un dern ande I hr harp aa.1 plays lha »lolls d e lig h tfu lly . sects upon which they feed in the dusk hidden in his cheek butter wouldn't a dressing room; his furniture, a big •ad obtldrcu were bustled Into the «ti­ A d laiord - tf It's not lha Wa«aar h la d -a a n o y t have melted in his mouth.—Detroit table, a few armchairs and a sofa Hit I between day aud night ring iix.in to be clesr of the expected tier frigh tfu lly. ordinai? garb is a long, brown, monkish Many birds carry their young short Free Press. i»»w. Of a sudden each man n sled his looking dressing gown. His working distances, as the woodcock, which has She -lu gs and pain ts and rides io hounds and T h e D t w i l km d «si the halt of a pistol aud looked dances very prettily jf«flaut?y ut tfco other. Then onch stepped Mha sneaks the Prrnv-h id Paris, and she talks been seen carrying off a little one be- j Professor—Now, Tommy, tell ns studio is at Neuilly, outside of Paria a tween the claws, while it is well known ■ what you know about the dews that fall bare room vast enough for his great piack, lifted his Laud aud began walking Is tlrrniaa w llllly canvases. Here he works alone on a lad AP ntudero w ays to ''har-tn y o u n t man. la that the wood dock carries its young in the night. up and down the platform. down from the nest in trees to the wa- , Tommy—They are the only dews that dcr every day from 0 in the morning dart, have been dtacloaad to her. “ Tbera's going to he bloodshed and R nf aha c a s t ta k e a p o t o f heana, ao a o on» 1er. using her b ill fos the nutil evening, »topping only for a light Mbuth bera If wo don't lutcrferc," whls- don’t have U I >• paid.—Waanuigloo repast at noon. hae p i anoasd tu nar. ' ’ i Philadelphia Tim ex - U m b o elite .1 wrnel MsHd the ha!db«odcd rain who bad a Tintea. . . . ___ ___ SKETCHES BY M. QUAD •o ♦ 25« S0< I Illir a iilT i" And The A R T S e tn e i S C I E N C E S . Scientific American. w THE EnSMAPHLITAN, the arena LOOK OVER THIS CROU MAKE YOUR SELECTION. T H E WEST, . FLORENCE. DI