-T H E W E S T ! j PcR8ONAL8. Fred Bean atar « I on » trip to F.ugene Monday. „P ü BUMWI» «VBMT « « » * * MOWflKO- -A T - Spangler Morfonl I the first oi the week. visited SCHOOL APPORTIONMENT. T h . 4 * o u l P e r C a p ita o» Ik e i a | U > A p p o r llu a a a e a l le S e AS. Florence HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sedimeut or settling indicates an un­ healthy condition of tlie kidneys. When urine stains linen it it evideuce of kid­ ney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pein in the back, it also con­ vincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. Coanty School Superintendent C. 8. Hunt has announced the August school The apportionment S. J. Brand and Geo. Saunders re­ apportionment. • • • BY • • • from the state irreducible fund is made turned from Eugene Sunday. at thia time. I t is »7390.24 or »1.04 per Rev. I . G. Knotts aud son Ralph capita. The fall apportionment of the went to the ca|>e last Monday. Editor aud Proprietor. county school fuud is »10,019, or »1.41 J. R. Weddle made another trip to i per capita. The total amount of the WHAT TO DO. S S t «« m » : »I-50 * y“* r in * dvance-— the Umpqua this week after salt. apportionment is »17,409.79, or »2.46 There is comfort in the knowledge so Mrs. Capt. Karnowsky visited with capita. The allowance to the istricts in often exp-eased, that Dr. Kilmer's her parents on North Fork this week. Filtered » t the poet-office at Florence, the weet part oi the county i t as follows swamp-root, the great kidney remedy U ne county, Oregon, ae second-class Mrs. Ludvig Christensen was visiting 28 Ü W 8t ¡liben» Point Terrace »102 90 fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the nl»il matter. Mapleton 105 35 L E Bean her parents at Seaton a few days ago. 32 back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every 53 90 Florence L C Akerly 63 Joe Felluian went to Yaquina on the part of the urinary passage. I t corrects nvKBTieINQ BATÏH « * » « KNOWN ON AP- 41 46 Walton J L Atkinson 89 Robarta returning by the beach route. inability to hold urine and scaldiug pain *D PLICATION. 49 00 Deadwood 91 Hrs. J. Johnson in passing it, or bad effects following L«cal notice. 8 cent» per lin e , each tiuertton Mrs. A. O. Fuuke and children spent Celebrated for its great leavening 169 06 Floreuce O W Hurd 97 use of liquor, wine or beer, aud over­ atrengtli and healthfnlnesa. Assures the Sunday with her parents in Mapleton 4 U0 Alene 8 J Shrum 99 comes that unpleasant necessity of be­ W E S T B IN G S . food aguiust aluin and all forms of adul­ precinct. 49 00 Ivison 100 I S Day ing compelled to get up many times teration common to the cheap brands. Mrs. W. If. Weatheraon and children 101 Wm Saubert 154 36 Acme during the nigbt to urinate. Tlie mild B O Y A L B A K I N G fOW UEB CO., N g W Y o B K . spent several days this week with rela­ 34 30 Glentena Apple I ’arer* 102 A M Richardson and extraordinary effect of swamp-root tives at Mapleton. 12 20 Meadow Cider Mills. at 104 Pat McEnroe is soon realised. I t stands the highest Work on the Acme school house is F. L. Chat"hers, Eugene. Hermann 22 06 for its wonderful cures of the most dis­ Mrs. A) Reaily, Mrs. M . Morris and 109 W A Gihion progressing steadily. 78 40 Mrs. J. H. Morris visited friends on 112 L Lamb Alpha The Roberta went to Yaquina Mon­ tressing cases. If you need a medicine F. L. Chambers, Eugene, 22 05 Alma 113 E W Collins Duncan slough n few days ago. you should have the best. Sold by day- n Guarantees genuine Pt. Terrace 48 48 druggists, price fifty cents and one dol See Meyer A Kyle's new stock ot hoy’s James Furnish starts to the valley 115 J I Butterfield Oliver plows to scour. Hermann 34 30 lar. You may have a sample bottle and today. He will commence school Mon­ 116 C N Beers shoes. 41 65 pamphlet both sent free by mail Walton Dell Elion deck hand on river steamer 118 V F Lyons day in M t. Hope district near Eugene. E. 15. M iller lias hia old position as 83 30 Mention The W bst and send your ad Glenada Ocean Wave, fell overheard and was C E Harwood 127 niglitwatcl.inan in the cannery. Mrs. J. S. Dale who has been in E u ­ Green leal 22 05 drowned near Burnside bridge the 129 Cath Downing dress to Dr. Kilm er & Co., Binghamton, gene for some weeks receiving medical Tinware guaranteed not to rust for 3 6tli inst. 20 40 Minnie 143 W G Sharinan N. Y . The proprietor of this paper treatment returned home the 6th inst. years by F . L. Chambers, Eugene. Hermann 22 06 guarantees the genuineness of this offer. 146 Robt Paeschke M r. Titman of Newport quite well Mr. Tenbrook who spent several days 146 O W Sutton Florence 31 86 S E. Lotlman, a grocer of Portland known to many of our citixeus is in town in Florence and vicinity buying cattle, 146 Geo Griffith COURTHOUSE M A T T E R S . Heceta 31 86 committed suicide Monday by shooting. with a grapliophone. departed for his home in Marshfield 157 Ernest Pugh 14 70 Alma Italian Prunes 25 cents per bushel. A. Hickathier, the photographer, is in Work of moving the Lane county Minerva 19 60 158 Jas E Bay Come and get ’em quick.—J. A. McLeod. Florence ami will remain till Sept. 30th. last Sunday morning. Alice A Bernhardt Florence 96 75 court house to make room for the new 161 TSILTC O O 8 LAKE. The San Francisco Exam iner and the Call and have your picture taken. building wss commenced Tuesday morn­ SOLIO CAR LOAO- W est one year for »2.50 paid in ad­ ing. The county w ill occupy the build­ Guard, 4th: A paper was circulated B y S. M. today for subscriptions to pay attorney ing as usual for the years 1897 and ’98, vance. Of Oliver Plows at F . L. Chambers, or until the new court house is finished, The Robarta returned from Yaquina expenses in the injunction suit to re­ Having, (oats) is seriously handi­ Eugene, direct from factory with all the after which the old building becomes Wednesday with a load of goods for our strain the building of the court house. capped by rain. latest attachments. the property of M r. Campbell who is merchants. Go to Meyer A Kyle's for the best oil Gardens over here are good and the moving it. From the Guard we learn DEADWOOD AND ALPHA ITE M 8. A fine assortment of granite ware, grain boots aud shoes. blackberry crop is simply grand. the following: gtew-kettles of all sixes at A. O. Funke’s. Children and grown folks too should We notice that potatoes on low lands At torney Scarborough says that the B y Correa. A sunflower raised by W m . Brynd of call at the Morris Hotel to hear the are badly blighted. Sound seed planted work of enjoining the commissioners Point Terrace measured 47M inches graphophone. M r. Titman will be in on high land is yielding a crop of sound from erecting a new court house will be Bept. 3rd, 1S97 town till Tuesday then go to Point Ter­ potatoes. in circumference. begun at once. Two suits w ill be Every other house contains a widow. Much more than the usual amount of race and Head of Tide. brought; one to restrain them from B. F. Wilkes has greatly improved h it G. Lundy and Charles Potterf both L. E. Bean informs us that he is only road to the landing. A great convenience n in at this season of the year has fallen huiding, the other to restore the square temporarily employed by the U . S. fish to himself and those who receive mail have new dryers at work. within the past two weeks. as it was originally. H e says the papers Miss M illie Howard and Mrs. Anr.a will be filed this week. The money for commission at present. He was offered at Ada. Go on, Bro. Wilkes a piece of Buggies »42 00 and up. Taylor from Hale attended the picnic. steady employment at the Clackamas work like that is a public benefaction. the suit has been subscribed but not Hacks »60 00 and up. hatchery some time ago hut declined it. M r. Jas. Buinctt is hauling shingles collected yet. Also a lot of second hand During the next decade we will have E d u c a t e T o u r l l o w e l * W it h C w sca r ete. Bicycles, Buggies, Hacks and Wagons, a wagon road to Siuslaw. W e hope, from Nelson creek for I lls large barn TO SUCCEED PROF. M ’C LU R E . Candy C athartic, cure constipation forever. Miss Elinor Hale lias returned from at F. L. Chambers, Eugene, Oregon. 10c, 25c. I f C. C- C. fa il, druggists refund money. next jear, to get to Umpqua as a road an extended visit to Eugene and Hale. Prof. Arthur Lscliinan has been The hoard of directors of Eugene A large snag which had lodged in the can be made that will entirely avoid Rain, bad on the hop pickers, of elected to the chair of chemistry in the school district have added a higher river opposite Ruse H ill cannery and Lytle creek hill, the only real difficulty grade to their school. was in the way of the fishermen’s nets on the way from Five M ile creek. G ar­ which a large number went from these U . of O. made vacant by the death ol Prof. McClure. H e is a graduate ol the Hoods Pills cure nausea, sick head­ while drifting, was towed down stream diner will generously aid this enterprise. places. Miss Vanderburg closes a successful Greenleaf school closed with a picnic, University of California, of the depart­ ache, indigestion, biliousness. A ll drug­ a few days ago by the Robarts. ment of chemistry in the University of A company has been formed at term of school on Fiddle creek on the Miss Alice Burnett and Edith Crowley gists. 25c. Munich, Germany, and a post graduate 10th inst. Miss Vanderburg has given carrying off highest honors. Mr. Huddleston, who was engineer in Albany who propose to construct a large of the chemical department of Harvard entire oatisfaction and it is to he re­ Rev. I . G. Knotts preached an excel­ the quarry at Point Terrace two years ocean steamer. Plans and specifications, gretted that the district cannot keep lent sermon, at Alpha, to a full house. Uuiversity. He was recently professor ago, was drowned in Smith River one prepared by Captains Hansen and Rob­ of chemistry in the University of M ich­ ertson, were forwarded to Albany the her for three months longer. As we are The Klondike forming a very interest igan. H e was elected by the executive night this week. practically out of debt now, we hope ing part. 0. B. Jacobson has established a place first of this week from Florence. committee subject to approval liy the hereafter to run a school from Marcli to Mrs. Ed. Potterf met with quite an board of regents at its next regular The cape is becoming decidedly pop­ for salting salmon on the Umpqua river, October with a short vacation during six miles above Gardiner, where he will ular as a summer resort. There are the heated term. A winter school is accident, while drying fruit. H er dryer meeting. ______ ___ smoke and pack salmon during the more people going lb e for a pleasure not practicable owing to various natural caught a fire and burnt up, loosing a 11 2L M A Y LO SE THE SIGHT. her fruit. trip this year than r before. When fishing season. conditions. the road is open from Mapleton to Flor­ M r. Oleson and Clayton Pope started One day last week Fred Saunders of John Duffy, 76 years of age, was found Klondike (ever rages here. M r. ence the number of visitors will be out with quite a liand of fat cows for Point Terrace met witli au accident lying dead in about Bix inches of water IRAGTI(AE You know coffee is used resh - roasted. Tea ought o be—for the same reason ¿¡stance of about is -the taste. ' rpre pi"ion’!d Ours are ring works in the United U7ANTED- % kyamfritl 5t< lways fresh-fired when It nerves aud a good APPETITE. r iv .i’