NO NATIVE PLEBISCITE. REHABILITATION of real estate . NEARING THE END. they deseevs it . Junction City Time«. Oregonian Miners’ Committee Agres* to s In speaking of the measures pending It lias been only natural that the Brnntor Morgan has put a damper ty-FIve Csst Rete Until the in congress of direct and special inter upon the acbcmo to parable the Hu- long-eoutinued depression of business in End of the Year. • est to Oregon and the northwest, O011- gniinn aborigine! ngaiuat annexation, states so new as our states of the ?»• ' gressman Ellis said recently that he of or a means of convincing him of “the cific Northwest siiould bring values favored' Oolumlws, O., Sept. S .-T h e end of ,10pedter,he consideration I --- . . . V U l U U J ir u n , V . » J»*» — -- |» n n W l IOT I l i e I favorable it V O f rtU IV — - — .error of bis ways’’ by aaying: "I do not i real property, excep in a ew ! (|,e great miners’ strike is in sight. This , , i n,nan war veterans’ pension • thhik that the United States govern- situations, to a low basts. Tina has , _____ | u .. afternoon the national executive board ; bill by the next session. This hill has ment shtuld seek to aaceriain the tenti- ■ been, indeed, the necessary result of of the United Mineworkers’ Association already safely passed the gauntlet of , mint of the native population on the existing conditions. The country has agreed to recommend to the miners a the parliamentary stages, and all th a t; active demand for manufactured goods and products but a sparse population; low prices of 1 question of annexation. We did proposition from the Pittsburg operators it now , requires is the recognition of the A more we staple products have, through natural ' consult the natives of Alaska when for a straight price of 65 cents a ton, to gpeaker of the house Mr. Ellis lias no j reported and at advanced rates. An improvement all annual acquired That country and annexed it law, borne down the value of lands; T he qvebtios of holding continue in force until the end of tiie doubt ........................* - that the bill will pass if it can , of v oi the me country, |>uui>v « ------- , 1 - county fair at Eugene i to the United States. We can give the , «nil and the <10018 debts of along the line will soon be realized. . public . | year, with the additional mutual under- . vroUj.|lt (0 a vote, but the speaker the ef- 17 . . . urougm > dtacuesed. A county fair■ may am, governmert. It ig j and private, incurred through e l- . f#r itg recognilion 0„ * ainn.lin» Biol o n t trtppfinff nf nnPPA* ' . .• saiimmihnn on ebonW be a great benefit to the people , t empty u ,k Qr a t0 aay that wo for, of all to reahae ultimate result, too ghaH econotliy. The bill pro­ tors and miners shall be held in Decern the ground of economy. The bill pr°-' In order to keep pace with the times OUT STOCK OF COOD® of the surrounding country. It gives have the heat government in the world i quickly, have la-eri felt as an additional I ber. 1897, for the purpose ot determining vides for the pensioning of some i w ill be increased to oonform therewith. y. The m e coil- - con- : them a chance to compare their products it is an acknowledged fact. It lias never weight on all real property. , , , . , what the rate of mining shall be there- VBlcran. W|1O fought in the Indian veterans, who mug with those of others and in that way soe been our policy to consult the wishes of sequence lias been that only such real after 1 wars of Oregon and Washington, and und learn much for which otherwise i the natives when we found it desirable l>roperty as could be called productive A delegate convention of all miners their widows. of revenue, or prospectively so in the they would have no opportunity. J to annex teiritory.” who have suspended work has been G L E N A D A G L E A N IN G S . ure, couiu oe said su iu to i o have i m v « actual » w u .i i could be i There is a great dorl of sentimental­ near future, , . called to meet in Columbus feept. 8, at This condition has depressed value ••W ho is the homo merchant?” He ity wasted, which might better lie saved 110 a. m., to act upon the recommenda­ Bv S tranger . ' everything else. But there is now to be Is the man who helps pay for the street for elegiac verses, upon “consulting the tion. President Ratchford and the on which you walk ; for tho schools in natives ot Hawaii about the future of ; a change. other members oi the board say there is Plenty of rain. Two circumstances are bringing that vhieh your children or perhaps you their ¡glands.” In point of fact they 8 .. not tlie slightest doubt but that tlie Mrs. L. R, Johnson was on the sick restoration I islands. Today fewer in ! change about. The first is were cducated; lie helps to keep up tho miners will approve the recommenda­ last week. church iu which you worship; he is a number tlinn tho resident Japanese, of normal prices for staple products; the tion. The pioposition does not involve Eva Pepper is spending a few weeks mat) who builds a home which enhances they do not own one per cent of the soil second is payment of debts that have ai bitration, and it provides for an ! at the cape. __ settlement _ Wm. Fields of Heeeta was visiting the value of your own property; every of the country, their chiefs of long ago, hung heavily over landed property; or, immediate of the _ strike Aa Soon as~ the miners ratify the prop- blends here last week subscription paper that is passed has wlio did own all by the strict letter of in cases where payment was hopeless, liquidation and change of ownership. School commenced last Monday with one ! tribal law, having sold and eeded his name upon it; he is osition work will be resumed in all the Miss Lillian Harwood at tlie helm. Discharge of debts and release of debt­ who cannot afford to swindle you if the whiles. Literally speaking, tho Ka­ mines. Geo. Colter’s dwelling caught on fire ors, in ono way or another, has been nothing else would prevent f ia- bears nakas are people without a country, near the chimney a few days ago, but going on during several years. The his share of the good government and a3,j they owe to tlie kindness Don't Tobarro Spit ami Smoke Toar Lire iw aj. was discovered in time and put out after stays with you in suusldne and dark- ' eraI1Cc of the whites what comforts and good crops and high prices of the pres- To quit tobacco easily and torever. be inag burning u hole about 4 feet across. „ess. Paste th e » facts in your hat, ties they enjoy. To that, also | ent year following the effort of four oettc. toll ot li.e, nerve aod vigor. ta u . N o ^ Dae. the wonder-worker, that makes weak men Rev. Morse, wife and son, arrived a OUR TERMS are CASH or something convertible AU druggists, 60c or •!. Cure guaran­ few days ago from Washington. They pnd then star and consider whenever they arc indebted for tlie privilege they o r five preceding years, will bring out strong. teed Booklet and sample free. Address ........... Into CASH............ you «re tempted to send away for any­ bad for half a century of playing at all or nearly all persons whose condition Sterling Remedy C o, Chicago or New York. moved in the Rogers house for the winter and expect to go to California next is not beyond remedy. Even for those monarchy and government; and they thing kept ip your own town.— E r . A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUED PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED. spring. NEWSPAPERS AND THE PUBLIC. would yet be playing nt it but for the who are beyond other remedy, it will ■ I S --L IL -J -C It seems there is some mistake in be better, as also it will be lietter for astonishing recklessness of the lste sending the Gardiner mail from Flor­ It t,s very amusing to oliserve the « r . n i f r A i n n ö T » ’« Queen in announcing that she would tho country, when the adjustment that The Newspaper maker. ence. We get tlie “ W ist ” from Gardi­ struggles of the Free-Trade press to as­ no longer observe the constitution she Is inevitable shall have been finally ner and some times it is over a week The alleged immorality of the news- certain bow the discriminating duty old when received here. luul sworn to defend and which was made. distributing agencies in furnishing full clause was “slipped into” the new tariff. Tho conditions as to landed property Mrs. Lowe of Fiddle creek was in a the only guarantee of tho suffrage, of I and complete details of prize fights, the There is nothing strange about isnot.ung ano n it, ». The rtyrigbt, andol domestic peace, U during U Illi|£ O V lU ttl .« w w O tv ll a - • 1» few days ago looking for a house to several years jeaaww past . have « P * rt *“ d- move in for the winter Dwelling section as read, and as passed, was sub- that o{ U8Ur. abnormal beyond precedent, and in fact By supporting her in that act of usur­ wholly absurd. That 'good lands' vorce suits, and pictures of the hatchet houses are liegining to be ill demand in nil tied to every member of the way» | pation, so destructive to good gove.'n- Will Continue to Carry a W ell Selected Stock of Glenaila, there are plenty of empty with which some sixteen-year-old boy and muans and finance committees by , inent, the Kankas forfeited their senti­ throughout the country should bo re­ murdered hia grandmother and two of ones but not many in proper condition th e friends of American shipping. Tho ] mental claims upon the political con­ garded a practically valueless, should hia aunts, is not a proof of the corrup­ to live in in winter. jclause was revised by United States Some of our people were quite startled sideration of tlie white owners of the be offered at merely nominal prices for tion of the press, says tlie Harrisburg Senator Elkins of West Virginia, and ready money, and yet find no takers, is last Sunday afternoon by seeing a deer soil, and us they had no other claims to News but rather a commentary, strik­ come walking leisurely along , lie road Which will be handled on the closest possible margin general informiition on this subject was fall back upon they became little more a fact that could be produced only by ing in its significance, on the actual from the cemetery. It walked down the furnuihuti to tho members of the com­ Consistent with the original cost and transportation. than wards to be cared for by a guard­ such combination of causes, in part na­ state of the taste of tha newspaper’s road to the river then turned and went mittees together with a draft of the tural and in part artificial, as we have ian. That is their actual status now. back through town and when last seen clientage. section by The American Protective was goiDg south. They are tho wards of the Dolo repub­ seen in this period of reaction from too The news features of most of the Tariff I.eague. ’flier« was nothing of a Glenada Sunday school will be reor­ lic, and tlie fact that, like minor chil­ rapid development, (rom conditions oi dailies are not designed as moial studies mysterious nature about tbs proposi­ ganized at once. All interested will WILL BE THE BASIS; This we intend shall work dren, they do not know what ia good speculation and of excessive values, in contemporary history, but they please meet at the church at bell call tion ; nothing accidental, It was purely from prospects of gain and wealth for them, and aro most disposed to com­ aim to tell tho readers what is going on next Sunday. Tlie time is not decided no hardship on our patrons; LOWER RATES MORE THAN intentional, for tlie sole purpose o f ex­ plain of that which is best they should which beguiled everybody into debt, in the lines of their interests. They are upon but will probably beat 2:30 o’clock tending tlie policy of protection to COMPENSATING FOR PROMPT SETTLEMENTS. linve, is tho one that accounts for their joined with unprecedentedly low prices successful only when they are able to p. in. This should interest everyone. American transportation interests both of staple products throughout the world. Let all turn out and do what we can to present political attitude. mirror accurately the general interest ty land and sea,—American Jico n o m itt make it a success. The policy of ignoring the views of Under the recovery from these condi­ and satisfy tlie demand that may exist a native population, whieli Senator tions now at band, values must again S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . as peculiar to their own community. T he keynote io the situation ia to be Morgan cites ns tho rule which tho find their proper level. Real estate Tlie fault is not with the newspapers, On Sunday Sept. 12th, there will be found iu the foreign trade atgtiatics, United States has always observed in both in city and country, will again be but with human nature. So well is preaching in the Presbyterian church in With a constantly increasing bulanco of adding new territory to tlie national looked to as the basis of values and thia understood by the general public Florence at 11 o'clock a. m., at Point trails in this country’s favor as a result domain, is and always has been the wealth. Never would landed property that the citizen who may have occasion Terrace at 3 p. m. and at head of tide of su urgent European demand for Am­ general policy of civilisation. Not only have fallen so low but for the combina­ to acquire a knowlege of some scandal, at 7 p. in. erican grains and otlicr produce at tho would tho whites be out of Alaska if a tion of causes before remarked, which I. G. K notts , pastor. has only to recall his knowledge of highest prices of tine veur, and with a native plebiscite bad been the prece­ are not likely to reappear, and which in­ commnnitiea to know what paper to G R E E N L E A F IT E M S . tariff on imports sufficiently high to dent condition of their entrance there, deed can never reappear, unless pru­ send for. This ia true of the inland meet the legitimate expenses o f tho but they would be outside tho limits of dence shall again be forgotten. No sin­ Bv a W est C obbespondent . districts, where practically homogenous government, there are good reasons to the western hemisphere. North and gle sot of these causes could have yield­ populations exists. look forward to a nmre prosperous state South America are what tbei havo be­ ed such consequences. It required all Sept. 4th, 1897. In the larger oities, the centres of ol them in combination, and aueti com­ of affairs than has ht-on seen in the last come to tho cause of human progress We do not raise much grain here, but foreign trade, where many interests lour •years. Gold imports on a largo because the aboriginal natives were bination cannot occur again. the rain caught some of it out. For these reasons we say recovery of meet and mingle, and where all candi­ scale are a certainty uext fall, In ad­ made to stand aside wtiile the white an­ Peil Bros, have got all tlie machinery dates of public taste are found side by together for their mu ley saw mill on dition to the merchandise which Europe nexation iBts took over land and sover­ values in land nre to he expected—mod­ side, the other character of the news­ Deadwood creek. ia calling for, there is again springing eignty, Australia, Polynesia and Mi, erate values at least, and these only BLANKETS FOR 65c. a PAIR,. paper is of the necessity far from being Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Burnett have plan­ ¡up a good foreign demand for the better cronesia would be the homes of the arc to he desired. Restoration ol confi­ ned to cross the mountains tomorrow uniform in virtue or vice, but each still clues of securities which thia country buslimen and cannibals only if Great dence in city and country real estate SHIRTS 25ct8. TO $1.50 haa its little public, composed of those (or a visit to town, but may postpone the baa to offer, thus swelling the indebted­ Britain bod suited her polities to na- cannot much longer be delayed. It is trip, ns rain has been pouring all day. representing some peculiar idiosyn­ ness which will later on have to lie tivo prejudice. Civilisation demands coming; but it will not rise above a rea­ W. 11. Wheeler, while running about crasy of taste. liquidated with the yellow metal. So the use ot all tlie noil and savagery sonable basis, nor should it. The ex­ barefooted on his (arm on Nelson creek There ia no such thing ns a news­ last evening, ran a rusty nail into hia confident aro the jicople that all danger must make way for it. There can be no perience the country has had, severe paper debauching its public. A man foot an inch and is now a sort of a as that cxpericni« has been, will be­ has been suiely passed that little atten- reversionary process. reads a paper because of the agreeiqpnt eri pple. come the foundation of a broad and sure * lion ia now being paid to the condition If tlie poor Kanakas bad tho capacity of its general policy witli hia own ideas. Mr. Rainsay and family were caught of the treasury reserve, and tlu> “end- of thought they would see that their prosperity. Real estate cannot poesibly The moment that policy changes the by the rain living in a shake shanty remain on the irrational basis to which )eaa chain” has entirely ceased t o l a » own in,create are bound up in annexa­ public patronage of the paper changes. without a floor, on their home­ Jiugbear.—Commercial f i t v i t io, tion; for, if Hawaii remains independ­ the adverse conditions through which When a well-known metropolitan stead on Bear creek, not having dared to put up a house yet, as Mr. Ramsay ent with her present treaties in force, we have been passing liavo forced it. paper, which has been coquetting with busy burning down some large the Japanese lalmrers will aoon bo in C ivil »Kiivtcs may be well enough THE NICARAGUA CANAL. social vice for some time, finally took stubs that might fall on his building such an onortnous majority that there coufluid to certain limit», but when it is the leap, the report of the wholesale site. /•juried to such leugths as to produce a will be neither work nor food for any The time has come when all business casting out quickly followed, but the Some of the people up Deadwood ! result like that which occurwl in San other servile class. On the one hand is interests on the Pacific coast should circulation did not suffer. The paper creek are moving to have half tlie Francisco tlie other day it ia carried too Asiatic submergence, on the other white unite in the furtherance o, the Nicar­ merely advertised itself to its proper school in the winter. They say it would far. When a man is elected or np- j absorption. There is no mlddlo place agua canal. J. M. Eddy writes to the public, which received it with the usual be better for tho children to go through the rain to school, where they can quick­ pointed to an office he should have the which could long be held, and by stand­ San Francisco papers a pithy letter up­ amount of fatted calf. ly dry themselves by a roaring fire, than f ight to name hia »ubordinatea, espe­ ing out against the white alternative on the subject. Cot gress can only ,*c for the parents to spare their large boys cially those whom lie must trust, In the Kanakas really invite, though they expected to act in response to the urgent during the only months when they can ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN help oil the farm. the esse in question, one of the sul>- may bo unconscious of the act, a fate requests of the people. If there is sn ap­ or women to travel for re­ ordinates in the Ban Francisco post- as harsh as that of the hairy Ainus parent apathy on the part of the public sponsible established house in Oregon. Position /»like hecaine a defaulter to the amount whom the original Japanese found in the representatives will again ignore Salary »<«0 and expenses. />f nearly |10,000. Tim postmaster was possession of the ¡■lands which they the oft-repeated pledges of the party permanent. References. Enclose self- addressed stamped envelope. The gated o,j hia official Iwnd for the amount, settled, platforms. The rise in the price of National. Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. of the defalcation and Judge Morrow agricultural products and the reviving ■ « • r s b m l/ Bays Sa. la e s s e n t ia l to of the federal court has decided that he I C asearets t'sndv Cathartic, the m ost won industries ot the country, taken in con­ u m u i imilieal iiit-uiiRi tu iw u is i' vs »»•» —e-«-' — nection witli the passage of the new UNITED STATES SENATE EMPLOYES. health. Every nook ie liable. The (acts are that the d®" 1 dsrful diseoiarj_cf ant and rcfrualunic to the ta n e , act gently and corner of the _ au,I i«i«illv. i ly on »»visi«»». kklneys. liv er suit bowels. revenue bill, guarantee a sufficient sur­ laolter was u placed by ---- tlie . MIX fao u cr WB* u b u p m in hia I position -z j vi» b lo o d , and and n n I system Is reached by the blood, on » si • 'i o o a v io « ro ,» ii c ic a n a liig t h è • n t l r a a y a u -m , d U p c i cobi», S. T Chronicle. depuri under tlio UV»I * c r \u c w g u - . cun, h«*itaobe. leve»-, liahltuul c©n»tl|»at»oo plus in the national treasury, above the Its quality the condition of every organ de­ « •I ______ :..a aiul Itiiimisni»«« Pk'Ot* hilV ftlld tTV B b<>! Thirty years ago seventy employes of Ut7m’.7TÌ*»«.t«n--t«’rdiU not appoint I u i a ». a-, ve Â'îÂîÎ pends. Good blood means strong nerves, requirements for ordinary expenditures j « sw» U*X '»0 Latita, a» the United States senate were on the good digestion, robust health. Impure ss .1 « . t u li l i a v a » ! t J W id I to n 1*111*11 curo llT by i ail drutrtsU . bini and could not ______ remove 1 him, but a guarautcixl to construct the canal under the provi­ pay roll. Today the number is 354. The blood means scrofula, dyspepsia,rheuma­ •till lie '»u»1 u ‘ reeponsib1« lor his tism, catarrh or other diseases. Thesureet sions in Congressman Barham’s bill, large inervaee ia in proportion not only way to bare good blood ia to take Hood's LIGHT RUN OF ALASKA SALMON. f^culationa. Tb* ruluiB may be law, without resorting to the sale of a single and to tlie siae of the senate bat aa well to the Sarsaparilla. This medicine purifies, r l- but if so it i» an unjust law, and civil bond. The canal must la* started. Now taliies, and enriches the blood, and sends ; Coast Mail, increase in public business, due to the eerviee carried to auch extremes will > San Francisco, Sept. 1.—The ship it the time to wage a vigorous warfare enormous development of the country. the elements ot health and strength to every nerve, organ and tiaaus. I t creataa • ooh become a stench in tlie nostrils ol 1 Centennial arrived today (rom the in its liehnlf. l-ct the local i-ommercial It takes more employee to transact thia a good appetite, givea refreahing sleep the people.— K oM hurt/ I 'l'iim iin h r laxlies of the coast unite, ask the aid of Print» William sound, Alaska with basineoe. But the number of htgb- and curve th a t tired Icellag. Remember, JC.OOO cases ol salmon from tlie Alaska Great Central basin, pass the word on priced employee has not increased in to the cast and south and by Ikccmber Pai kera’ Association. Tim first report,“’ “ '1 ’ »'''""“ '«''“ " - proportion to the increase in the total ....................... ......................... , " « » '» '• ...... — r ~ — «» “ • '» > ___»f I*----- , u,in