f * * («MragWY >F og -g «g»»»-^ [T H E W EST 1 YOUR HOHE PAPER L ^AD VERTISERS < J |i» SUPPORT IT 1 K VOL. VIII. general directory STATE OFFICERS ..William P. Lord. Governor............. ....I I . K. Kincaid. Secretary oí 8 ’ate . . . Philip Metelien Treasurer «not Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. S e Printer......................... W. H. Leeda. . .C. M. Idleman. Attorney General. ..........R. 8. Bean Supreme Court j ....... F, A. Moore C. E. Wolveiton Judge Second D istrict... .J. C. Fullerton Attorney Second District .Geo. M. Brown shtslaw ’S only paper . < OPPORTUNITY J FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Sept. 10, 1897. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. G ’- A . R I D I N ' E R TRAVELERS’ GUIDE Steam er S T A O K L ilN H l. Robarts ' ------ «A ILS H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each month. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Single trip $3.00. Round trip $5.00 days and Fridays. NO 2o. Constipation MONTE MEN IN LONDON Causes fully half the sickness In the world. It retains the digested food too long In tho bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, lndt- A Q U A IN T N A R R A T IV E O F A N E N C O U N ­ Hood’s gestion, bad taste, coated _ TER W IT H CARD SHARPS. A w ay B a c k I n 1*55 th o T h roe C ard T rick W aa F la y e d —T h e N ow W e ll K n ow n M eth o d o f S n a rin g a V ic tim —T h e Fa* m ilia r T rick o f T n r a ln g 1’p a C orner. A H ixtorlo Y e leg iw iu . Oue of the greatest serviees ever ren- ’ dered by the telegraph was the trnus- ! missiuu from Delhi of the fatuous tele- i grunt of Aiay l i , 1867, which warned I the Puujub of the outbreak of the In­ dian mutiny. The telegrapher, Bren- dish, who sent the message, retired from the servicu in receipt of a special pension equal to his salary. Breudish and Pilkiugtou were the two youug sig­ nalers under Mr. Todd, the superintend­ ent of the Delhi telegraph office. Ou Sunday, May 10, at 4 p. ru., it was . found that the line from Meerut was , interrupted, aud Mr. Todd started to j find out the break. At the bridge of j boats across the Jumna he was met by i the mutineers the following morning ' and murdered. The lads, who were left ' aloue in the office outside the Kashmir . gate, saw the mutineers pass aud cou- ' tinned steadily telegruphiug to Lahore , all the news brought in by peons as to , the doings of the mutineers in tire city. 1 Breudish went out at noon to see what I was going ou, but was desired by a wounded British officer to go in and ' close the doors. There for two hours the two. with the widow and child of Mr. Todd, remained, and at 3 p. nt. Bren- dish went to the Umballa instrument and telegraphed the historic message: “ Tne sepoys have come in from Meerut and are burning everythiug. Mr. Todd is dead, and, we bear, several Euro­ peans. We must shut np. And now I am off.” The little patty then rondo its way to the flagstaff tower, where the Europeans bad congregated, and from there saw the blowing up of the tuaguziue. That night they fled to Umballa. Before they left tho tower Pilkiugtou went back to the office to send a message for at) officer. Every step of the way wus taken in danger of instant death, but the daring mission was accomplished, for the message is recorded as having been received. As the last click died away the mutineers burst in, and the signulcr was slain. The effect of Bren- dish’s warning message to the Punjab was that the regiments tainted with mutiny were disarmed before they knew what had taken place nt Meerut aud Delhi. AN ESSAY ON CORNS. IT CONTAINS TH E EXPERIENCE OF AN INQUIRING SUFFERER. T iie I te p ly o f a C h ir o p o d ist S t a r t « ! a a In* r e s tlg a t io u — T h o se W h o W a lk Kutt**r >lo«t T ro m C o rn s—Roar S id e w a lk s Barr* r ise a n I m p o r ta n t In flu en ce . Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ tongue, slek headache, In- M J f _ I H “ What makes corn»?'1 Three curd monte is not a recent in­ days and Saturdays. eotnula, etc. Rood’s Pills I I H F lo ren ce to Y aq u in a. cure “ If people would not walk, they would constipation and all Its “ ■ ■ ■ * * Connects with Steamer and Scotts- vention of the card player by any Bot havo corns,” replied tho chiropodist . burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with results, easily and thoroughly. 29c. A ll druggists. mean«. Back in the early fifties it evi­ t inpbutically. Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge For Passenger aud Freight Rates Prepared by C. I . Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. dently flourished in the Engl ini) capi­ The reply was satisfactory as far aa it I reasonable. The only Pills to take w ith Hood’s Sarsaparilla. tal, as the following letter to the Brook­ --- apply to --- went, hut it didn’t go far enough, and lyn Eagle suggest». The communication therefore the sufferer, not being able to M eyer & Kyle, Florence, O r. cornea iron William Day, who had an rid himself of the pain by riding al- tvays, walked and pondered. experience with card sharpen) in Lou­ He began to notice, when ho walked don in 1865. After slumbering for many In one direction on one side of a street, a long year the detail» come with a COUNTY OFFICERS- VINCENT & WALTON, STA G E L IN E . that oue foot wns affected and when flavor of the old days I d their quaint S T E A M ER " C O O S ," (SUCCESSORS TO V. HEMINWAY.) he walked in the opposite direction that narration: E. B angs,___Proprietor. o -----Will make*? ■■ o the other foot was affected. The distress One day in tho year 1858 I was wua in the foot that was toward the curb. standing at tho corner of Great Holland Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S Judge................... He could not walk ahead awhile aud street and Blaekfriarg’ road, London. . . . W. T. Bailey Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. theu walk baekwurd to relieve the pain, I had not even a «ingle acquaintance in —— Between — . . . . AND . . Connnissioners j ’ ’ ' ‘ ’ . ..J . T, Callison becaueo ho thought that he might be the city aud very little moucy, aud as A C om plete Line o f D rug I was thinking where I could go next m., arriving in Florence the day looked upon as a erank and that snob .A. C. Jennings behavior in a public street would be ab­ so it would cost nothing u plainly dress­ Clerk............................... following at 10 a. in. Sundries and T o ile t A rticles. surd anyway. Then he examined hie ed man epoke to me. He said: “ Gan Sheriff........................ shoes uud observed that the most of the Returning-stage leaves Flor­ you tell me the way to St. James’ park? Treasurer...................... .A. 8. Patterson wear wns on the cuter edges of the soles I am a stranger in Loudon. In fact, ...................................... .. .D. P. Barton ence on Mondays, Wednesdays and heels aud thut the upper leather- Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. I was left some money down in Hitch- School Superintendent. ........0 . 8. Hunt and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving had begun to bulge slightly over tho in, Hertfordshire, and as I intend to go Rurveyor......... ........... Eugene, : : : Ore. to Australia I thought I would like to worn parts of the soles. When he pot ___J. W. Harris in Eugene the following day his shoes ou again, he observed that the see some tiling of Loudon ou my way at 6 p. m. Juitice of Peace........... ..F . B. Wilson leather where it bulged pressed on the there.” I said: “ I have nothing to do. John F. Tanner painful area o f each little toe. TE R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. I ’ll show you the way to 8t. James* Constable...................... Single fare . . . - $5.00 With tho results of the observations park." He appeared quite grateful. I in mind, tiie sufferer proceeded, step by- said, “ Wo must go aloug the new out,” Round trip - _ _ _ $9.00 R step, somewhat painfully at times, tit ccrtaiuly one of the poorest streets in CITY OFFICERS. ascertain tho cause of tho effect on hts Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s Loudon, tliougn it uppears to be nlways ■hoes. He would not acknowledge that foil of people. 80 we went along, but I livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd he might lie hnwlegged and unable to noticed when tbero was a crowd he & Davenport’s office in Florence. wear evenly the soles of his shoes, and went ahead aud pushed through the Preiident........................ .. .F. B. Wilson nobody who met him could observe any crowd. I thought to myself, “ You aro S unusual deflection from tho ordinary O. W. Hurd not like the couutry men that stand OF TOE. Win. Kyle lines of legs. Ho trod carefully, and, aside waiting for the crowd to go by.’* Pullman Bo»rd of Trustees Marion Morris without rnukiug himself conspicuous When wo got to the coruer of the C. C. Behnke Sleeping Cars tried to walk on a level, so that the Waterloo Bridge road, ho asked me to ......... J. C. FLINT, Proprietor.......... pressure would ho equal on the whole take a glass of bitters. So wo entered Elegant Recorder........................ ___Drew Severy surface of enoli sole. His toeing waa the gin palace, aud Ibero we met a F lo r e n o a , O r e g o n . Dining Cars moderate—neither too much outward well dressed young lady. The stranger nor too much inward—and at times he asked her to take a bitter. She said she .. J. R. Weddle Tourist succeeded in walking as his mind di­ would prefer gin. We took ale. 1 notioed OUR AIM—To furnish the best Sleeping Cars T H E C H R O M IC IJ 5 rank» w ith the greatest she had a well Ailed satchel, and when rected, but usually the distress tiiat he T h . Xl* SO UTH irethren in good standing are eoriliuily I took tho man around to the thea­ come from another songster half a mile phalt pavement from oue sidewalk to nvitedto attend. I. G. K kotts , M. v V. game, fish and fruit in season. Best ■ For information, timecard., maps and tickets, ter. He «»id, "There is tho very away serves to throw into relief the pas- another iu certain localities, flint hie V m . K vle , Recorder. place where ho is stopping. ” Taking siouate tremolo issuing from the same tread was even and that he had littio accomodations for the traveling etc., call on or write roe across the road, he said, “ Wait one tiny throut, and all the time the wiuRs pain. Tiie experience suggested tiiat lie public. Charges reasonable. R. M c M u r p h e y , moment.” Then he run up the stairs, are quivering with excitement aud the could generally have relief by walking 0. 0. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets on asphalt pavement, but he remember­ General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, I a every Wednesday evening in Lodge bringing his frieud back with hint, and whole coppice seems to vibrate. EUGENE, OREGON. ed the arrest of an rcceutrie pedestrian fall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in they Insisted that I must go up. So we Tho song is, indeed, a whole orchestra ood standing invited to attend. all three went upstairs into u room. 1 of bird uinsia. Expressive of every shade who insisted on having the privilego of A. D. CHARLTO N, W. H. W eatherson , N .G . remember the room well; half a dozen of ecstasy, we are at times startled by a walkiug in the middle of tho street and Assistant General Passenger Agent. M arion M orris , Sec. chairs aud two tables. Tho frieud or­ succession of deep, plaintive toues that decided that be wonld not risk himself 256 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. , «*» ♦** I d that direction, notwithstanding the dered ale, and while we were sitting thrill likesohe. No wonder the nigbtin H o r t le u n c i O r . W. O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. talking an old man, a peddler, came in gulo's singing season is brief—six weeks relief that might be obtained. He no­ the room and, taking lomo things out only of the entire year. Nay, it is ticed also that the distress was less in CHURCH DIRECTORY E U G E N E , • - - OREGON of his basket, said, “ Gentlemen, I doubtful whether any individual bird some localities than in others and that The Funk & Wagnalls would like to sell you a pair of razors siugs for so longs period. The redwing, all sidewalks were not alike. He tried to iRESBYTERIAN CHURCH,Florence, cheap—ouly two hob and a tanner.” another fine singer, ia a similar instance confine his walks to the localities in S ta n d a rd D ictio n ary Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbath- The frieud cried: "I never saw such u of tbs limited period of soug. Its voice which he felt the least distress, hut bo bool, 10 o'clock a. m. Preaching 11 place as London is for peddlers. Gentle­ I in this couutry is confined to two notes hud to go such a roundabout way to ar­ Of The clock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of men cannot hold a private conversation ; and these by no means musieal, yet the rive nt any particular place, especially T h e C h r o n ic le B u ild in g . le Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath of but they are intruded on by some one to redwing is the nightingale of Norway, his place of business, that the plan had ENGLISH LANGUAOE inuary, April, J u ly . and October, Twcntv-three to bo abandoned. Besides, ho never trod sell aometbiug." to which laud lie returns for breeding verybody is welcome to all the services, The old peddler answered: “ I am a purposes each succeeding April. So a perfect rout«—a route that throughout COM PLETE istor requests Christians to make Miles West B y M a li, F n a ta g a P a id , poor matt trying to mako an honest liv­ with our nightingale. From tiie day ita length had a surfuce that could be euiselves known. SU C C IE N T of Eugene. ing. Now, geutlemen, I ’ll tell you the eggs aro hatched he beoomea gradu­ paced without pain. At one point or an­ I. G. K notts , Pastor. wbat I will da Wo will play for the ally silent, until of the marvelous voice other tho patient Investigator felt A U T H O R IT A T IV E razors. I’ll put up the pair of rucors that stirred a mile of woodland nuught twinges that were almost nnbenrable. Lining np the subject ou the best against your two uud six. Here aro the is heard save a dismnl croak, hardly to ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH cards.” He said: "Here are three cards, be distinguished from the hoarse cry of route ho could flud, he devoted his at­ service. Preaching at Glenada j o i.S ó j Vocabulary Terms tention to tho spot or block where he one court and two plain cards. Now, the bullfrog. —St. James Gazette. and Acme two Sunday« of eacli month. >47 Editors and S p ecialist, hud tho most severe twinges. That sent can nny gentleman show me where the Sabbath-School every Sunday at him to the sidewalk, describing the ac­ g jj Readers for Quotations • court card is?" The two friends argued A Carlyle Letter. 10 a. in. Prayer meeting every Thurs­ tion figuratively. He did not drop on 5000 Illustration.« about it and then decided, utter pluyiug day evening at the church. Everybody One of Carlyle’s letters is dated his knees, nlthough he had the impulse Thu Snitrst Weakly in the Comtry, Co»t«ver >960,000 a few times uud passing sovereigns or cordially invited. G. F. R ounds , yellow boys between them. The jieddler March 18, iSfii), uud refers to his ! to do that nnd to howl also, but 1 • Pastor. Appendix of 47.4*« Entries Money Saved set tho cards out once mors. Then the “ Frederick tho Great." Pome oue hail . ■topped nt the curb nnd thought awhile. peddler dropped a dirty handkerchief criticised his book, referring to a certain ( He inferred (hat his suffering« were By collection of letters "gathered at Ucr ; greater in thut particular block because on the floor, and in trying to And it put The full number of words and terms In (In c lu d in g post «<«) to any part of the U n ited ATTORNEYS aomo peculiyity or iuflncuee presented Patronizing it. States. Canada and Mexico. bis head below the table. One of tho lin:” different dictionaries fnr the entire alphabet Is “ I had not htard of the Monstrous i itself there. At first tho tentacle« of T H E W E E K L Y C H R O N IC L E , the br1ro' iu prudent darkness and flunkey innlev- i drainuge, anil ns tho incline was a few card, aud the other said it was another. te business. oleuce than oars 1st I set Neuberg upou degrees more there than in many (duces fIR ST RATIONAL ßANK ACENTS W A N TED . I said, “ Gentlemen, I ant not betting, but I think I know the court card,” for i it in The Athcuaenui; but know not ■ it was natural thut any one walking certainly tbero the court card lay, with what be ban m i | ‘ of it. No Editor, in there should tend slightly toward tho OF EUGENE. E. O PO TTER. «KO W 1NO the corner turned up. The friend said, my time, has crowned himself with such enrb. The friction of the soles i f tho T 0 « « « , . — . . »AK.S.U- . <«►. - E. D. BRONSON & CO, “ I w ill bet you a sovereign you cannot a Pair of Ears ns he of the Williams mid shoes on tho sidewalk being greater ............. Attorney-at-Law. . . . The United States, Dominion o f pick it up.” I said, "I lellyou I do not Norgut« Periodical. It ia a clear fact, ! than tho friction of the feet ou tho in­ Pacific Coast Agents SEO.OOO EUGENE, OBEGON. b e t ” The other friend said, “ I don’t though not clear in England, that here ner sol*-« of tho shoes, tlio w< iglit of the Oanada and N orthern M e iia o PAID UP OASM CAPITAL, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. »BO OOO believe the fellow has a mag. ” Tin «Ch­ is the moet brutish (it mooncalves Intely Ixxly caused the feet to «lido sidewise SURPLUS AND PROFITS. . O N O N E H ID E , O ffice At the Court H on». 933 Market S t. er one laid to me, “ Yon have not got a heard of iu the country; that to have in the shoes. Tho < ffects on tint feet sovereign, and 1 don’t think you have one moment's belief or doubt ou such a were different, nnd the painful effect in A C C O U N T S S O U O IT E D subject is to make affidavit that yenr one foot nnd then the other depeniieil a boK” . . vSEGON knowledge of Frederick and his affair.« on tiie direction in which tho sufferer SO TSARS’ E. I . BENEDICT. EUGENE, I found it waa getting warm, aud, oa O K T H E O T H E R B ID S . ■XPCWWMOC. walked. When tho right fool was I aat near the door, I uroso aud said, is zero aud leaa.' ’ Send « « and G e t th e M a p a a d toward tho curl», its small fiat was T T O R N E Y - A T - lx A ." W • “ Gentlemen, I must be going. ” Theu NOTARIES. B *4 Ltae Oraws TM aacr. W e e k ly th ro s s te le fo r O ne T e a r , pr( used ugainst tho leather nnd tortured, I went down the stairs, treading loud­ postage p re p a id on M a p and P a p e r. The historical “ (bin red line” so t l while the left fm t by niaintainiug a ly. Theu I crept up, opened the door Flnrnnce. : : Oregon. ADDRESS about an inch aud saw all three with teu mentioned by English writers in level, the worn edge of tho left shoe he- M . H . de Y O Ü K r t, A. R. B U T T O L P H , their heada together aud in deep cou- connection with their scarlet coated ar iug about equul to the degree of the in- Proprietor B. F. Chronicle, verwuion. I cried, “Gentlemen, that ia iny is becoming decidedly thluuer, for cli-ie, lnul very light pressure ou either • A N FR A N C IS C O . C A U not the first time I have seen three card according to orders leaned by the win aide. Guided by tl>c revelation, the suf­ department in London, the okcat unaa ferer trod carefully thereafter and kept monte.” ______ . arement for infantry recruits bus been clear of slanting sidewalks as frcqnriit- reduced to ¡13 inch« a The standard iu ly us paseillc, but iu time he was com­ A Man r f M e n « . anted — faithful men "Man of nerve!” he exclaimed. thia particular bae been gradually di pelled to acknowledge thut the petioda O regon F lo r s n o s , . uiintsbing for some time past, aud a* of relief from pein were far apBrt, be­ or women to travel for re- “ Well, I should aay he was!” la and Trade M m -V. obt»4« rd »nd »11 Î rpnnsihle establishes) honee In Oregon. “ Has he ever done anything to show the present rate of progression the “ red cause the rule is that sidewalks should ptaew conducted for M oderet* .. line" will soon become so thin as to ba slant toward the gutter, uud the rule ia Salary 1780 and expenara. Position i t r * FRANK B. WILSON- “ Done anything I Say, that man has invisible to the enemy, which, of followed generally, aud he realised tha» permanent. Reference. Enclose self- course, will no» be wtrbont certain ad­ • he chiropodist's reply wan accurst«.«*• addressed stamped envelope. The a standing offer to umpire amateur baee- vantages.— i.ctnbiu Letter. «•Iga ecun tri*« »eat ft**» Addre«*. New York Time« National, Star In «a rance Bldg .Chicago. ball games to a finish.” —Chicago PoM, . A. 8NOW * CO. FLORENCE. - - ' OREGON W»»wi—vow.-P'-gj EUGENE-FLORENCE CORNER DRUG STORE. Florence and Head of Tide. orthern Pacific, Ry. N MORRIS *** HOTEL, 5*2SisMCIFIC MIST CHRONICLE MINNESOTA HOTEL Head of Tide Hotel, HOTEL EUGENE. E l k P r a ir ie H o te l. T H E Only $6.70 a ïcar. Thé Weekly Chronicle ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. M D A IL Y $ 1 . 5 0 a fa Reversible Map? >» And tbn Map o f th e W o rld P atents PATENTS ¡Notary Public, Surveyor W fcSM KfiKSSJjÄ« NOTARY PUBLIC.,