it t -F! W E ST PERSONALS. '«li Geo. Griffith ot Hecofawa» in town Fill a bottle or common glass with Zw u .n « » Wednesday. •rine and let it stand twenty-four hours ; OUR MOTTO. ----- -AT—---- R. N. Parks of Eugene was in Flor­ a sediment or settling indicates an un­ ence Sunday. For God, Home aud Native Land. healthy condition of tlie kidneys. W lien „F lorence , L am « C ounty , O regon . - G. C. Cumpton is nightn atchman In urine stains linen it is evidence of kid­ - - - BY - - OUR BADGE the cannery. ney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in tlie back, is also con­ P. J. Sliistad departía! for Astoria by A Knot of White Ribbon. vincing proof tliat tlie kidneys and Monday’s boat. Editor and Proprietor. W P. T. U. m eetings are held every alternate Win. Sherboudy came up from Thursday afternoon from 2 to< o’chwsk. The date bladder are out of order. W H A T T O DO. Gardiner Tuesday. aud place of m eeting w ill be announced the „T erms : »150 » year in adv“* » - ----- There is comfort in tlie knowledge so previous week. Geo. B. Camp Is working for Mis. The National W. C. T. U. has over forty de­ often exp-essed, that Dr. Kilmer s Bean on her ranch. partment* or lin es of work, under the four gen­ swamp-root, the great kidney remedy Entered«t tb e post-office at Florence, Mrs. A. P. Knowles was visiting in eral heads <»f Freveutive, Bducational, Evau- fulfils every wish in relieving pain in tlie ¡..„e county, Oregon, as second-class ietic aud Social. Florence a few days ago. „mil matter. back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every Mr. Pond spent last Sunday on Maple part of tlie urinary passage. It corrects T E M P E R A N C E A R IT H M E T IC . ^ K B T IS IN O rates made known on ap - ereek at F. E. Fremont’s. inability to hold urine and scalding pain ’ Absolutely- Pure., * U' PLICA TIO N . Contractor Jacobson went to Coos L„cftl notices 8 cen ts per lin e , each Insertion 1. If a family spends 15 cents a day in passing it, or bad effects following Celebrated for its great leavening for beer, how much is expended in four use of liquor, wine or beer, and over­ strength and healthfnlness. Assures the bay tbe first of Ibis week. Geo. O. Knowles is now employed as weeks? How many loaves of bread at comes tliat unpleasant necessity of be­ W E S T L IN G S . food against alum and all forms of adul­ 10 cents a loaf could be bought for tbe ing compelled to get up many timos teration common to the cheap brands. engineer in the Florence cannery. during tlie night to urinate. Ttio mild J. It. Weddle and Ctias. Cox went to same money? ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Labor day Monday. 2. A smoker spends 20 cents a day for and extraordinary effect of swamp-root Gardiner yesterday after a load ot salt. is soon realized. It stands tlie highest Apple Pare™ Miss Yuba Huston spent last Satur­ cigars. How many dollars will he spend for its wonderful cures of tlie most dis­ Fiddlo creek school closes next week. Cider Mills, at in one-half year? How many books at See our prices on oil clothing. Meyer day evening at My. Harwood’s on Clear »2 apiece could lie buy witli this money? tressing cases. If you need a medicine F. L. Chambers, Eugene. lake. Gen. Lyons Post G . A. K. now meets A Kyle. 3. At 40 cents a gallon, what is a fam­ you should have tlie best. Sold by Mrs. F. J. Kobe is preparing to move ily ’s beer bill for sixty days, taking two druggists, price fifty cents and one dol The rudder of schooner Bella was put at 1 :30 p. m. to Seattle where Mr. Kobe has employ­ quarts daily? How many pairs of shoes lai. You may have a sample bott.o and A fine line of oil clothing just arrived in place Wednesday. pamphlet botli sent free by mail. ment. at »2 a pair will this money buy? A new stock of outing flannels, ging­ at Meyer A K yle’s. Mention Tlie W est and send your ad­ Mr. Goodpasture came in from the 4. If a man drinks a pint of ale twice About 100 people attended tlie dance hams aud shirting at A. O. Funke’s. valley a few days ago, in quest of more a day, how many gallons will lie drink dress to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, at B. R- Bay’s Saturday evening. It is reported that Mr. Tower’s cattle. in ten years? To how much will it N. Y. Tlie proprietor of this paper A commercial traveler eelling the family will move to Florence In a short guarantees the genuineness of this offer. Geo, Anderson arrived in Florence amount at 10 cents a quart? Springbrook knife was in town Tuesday. time. 6. If a man spends 20 cents a day for Tuesday after spending the summer in C O N TR A C T A W A R D E D . Buggies »42 00 and up. Considerable thunder and lightning whisky and 26 cents for cigars, how Maine. Hacks »60 00 and up. Sunday evening and Monday morning. Jesse Nichols came in from Eugene a much will both cost him in twelve I , . N . K o a e y to B u ild t h e F o u n d a t io n fo r Also a lot of second hand th e C o u ri H o u s e . years? How many acres of land, at »40 F. L. Chambers, Eugene, Bicycles, Buggies, Hacks and Wagons, few days ago for a short visit his per acre, could he have purchased with Guarantees genuine at F. L. Chambers, Eugene, Oregon. parents. But three bids were received Oliver plows to scour. L E. Benn is now employed by the tliia money? county court for tlie foundation Mrs. E. A. Evans of Mapleton hns 0. A young man now 21 years old, be­ Alden Hays Is now employed ns U . S. fish commission on a salary of gan to smoko cigarettes at tbe age of 14, new court house. They were brakeman on the rock train at the jetty. been on the sick list for the past three »600 per year. weeks but is now improving. and smoked 10 cents’ wortli daily. How low s: N o -T o -B a c f o r F i f t y Cent». »9,250 O. H. Holden went to the head of tide _ tobacco h a b it euro m akes weak The Alaska Gold Mining A Navigation many books, worth »1 each, could lie Langford A Landien “pure. 8 0 c .il. A ll druggista »9,067 Tuesday to take testimony for final L. N. Roney Co., filed aiticles of incorjioraLioii in the buy witli tbe money spent? »6,933 H. L. Brown who Tell off the grade county clerk’s office last week. The proof on a homestead, 7. How much will a drinker spend for Fred A. Erixon Mr. and Mrs. Davenport visited Mr. Erixon afterwards withdrew liis nt Tilton Rock, Aug. 21st, died ot his incorporators are Geo. H . Colter, J. F. liquor from tlie age of 19 to 40, inclusive lie several days this week with Mr. and W. Saubert and O. H. Holden. drinking two glasses a day nt 10 cents a bid with tlie consent of the court, injures the 24th. Mrs. Fremont on Maple creek. stating tliat lie had misconstrued tlie glass? If each year’s useless expense be Tinware guaranteed not to rust for 3 ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN Miss Chapman who taught school this specifications on stone work. Tlie con­ or women to travel for re­ summer on upper Maple creek, left Mon­ put into tbe bank at 8 per cent, com­ years by F. L. Chambers, Eugene. tract was awarded to L. N . Roney for pound interest, to liow much would it Born, August 27th, 1897, at Walton, sponsible established house in Oregon. day for her home at Roseburg. She is »8,700. amount. Salary »780 and expenses. Position Or., to tbe wife of J. B. H ill a ten pound a sister of Mrs. S. J. Shrum. W'e copy tlie following from tlie Eu­ * . Tom smokes3cigars and bis fatlier permanent. Reference. Enclose self- John Bridges and Sylvester Cicosky gene Register: smokes 5 eacli day, for w liic li tbey pay The San Francisco Examiner and the addressed stamped envelope. The gave up their positions In the quarry Tlie specifications call for a stone 60 cents a dozen. His fatlier drinks 3 foundation, with concrete base for the IV est one year for »2.50 paid in ad- National, Star Insurance Bldg., Oliicago. Monday and went to Coos hay to work glasses of beer a day at five cents a entire building. Tlie dimensions of tlie IN JUSTICE COURT. in the coal mines. rance. glass. Tom’s mother buvs three loaves Miss Stella Bean was visiting In town of bread a day at five cents a loaf, and building are 94.4x97.4, which equals The fall term of school in Florence nill probably begin Monday, September Suit was commenced In Justice fVll- Saturday and Sunday. She expects two rolls of butter a week at 50 cents a about 400 feet around tlio foundation. son’s court yesterday by Win. Brynd soon to go Ellensburg, Wash, for a a roll. At the end of the year how Excavations will lie made aud tlie con­ 13th. against Alfred Mason to collect wages visit with relatives. much more do tbe cigars and beer cost crete floor or base will be about on a J. L. Furnish is building a new barn level with tlie surface of tlie ground. Mrs. Judge Bean and children of than tlie bread and butter. on his ranch, also an addition to his for labor performed by Mattie Brynd a The foundation will extend 9 }, feet Salem, Mrs. Riley Bean ot Portland, minor daughter of plaintiff. 9. A young lady in San Francisco house. and Mrs. Einma Lucas of Gray’s Har­ furnished her New Year’s callers witli above the top of the concrete, and will The first fish canned on the river this SUNDAY SERVICES. bor, Wash., who have been Bpending wine. Sixty-six young men called up­ form a basement. season were put up by the Florence Tlie stone used will lie obtained at tlie some weeks with relatives at Mapleton on her. One-third of them drank sherry, Sunday school 10 a. 111.; preaching 11 staited on their way home this week. Fairmount quarry, and so far ns possible Canning Co., Tuesday. one-third champagne, and one-third a. in.—subject—Great Blessings Difficult all labor and material will be secured E ,in c ite V onr B o w e ls W ith C aacarcts. GREENLEAF ITEMS. declined to drink at all. Tlie sherry CAntlv C athartic, euro constipation forever. 10c, SSe.y It C. O. C. fa ll, d ru g g ists refund money. of Acquisition, or Gain Through Suffer­ cost 20 cents a drink, the champagne at home. ing. The Sacrament will follow the The building will be located on tlie B y à W est C orrespondent . 12]^. How much was the wine bill? D. S. Tuthill of Portland, for many preaching service. The Session will center of tlie square on which the old years cashier fur Allen & Lewis, com­ meet after Sabbath school to receive 10. In the United States 103,000 building stands. Aug. 28th, 1897. mitted suicide Aug. 27 by shooting ldm- any new members. drunkards die annually. How many The committee appointed by a public The fruit crop is immense. die each day? How many each hour? A special invitation to this service. meeting to oppose the building has not A VESSEL T o BE B U IL T and O W N E D BY T H E Charley Row’s farm is for sale. H e’s Allowing 12 square feet for eacli grave, retained legal counsel, but it is slated We are glad to learn there is prospect ADVERTISED LET f ERS how many acres will be required for tliat as soon as work is commenced tired of Nelson creek. hat a contract will be obtained from COMPANY. One Deadwood creek settler has a »300 their burial. mtsiile parties for building another on tlie foundation they will serve an The following letters remained un­ CO AL O IL D IS C O V E R E D . claimed in the Florence postoffice for team of mules. This region is no slouch ______ ressel here. injunction. on stock, if cows are a drug. Hood’s Pills act easily and promptly the week ending Sept. 1st, 1897: A S U R PR ISE P A R T Y . , rro a p e c to ra a t W o r k N ear W a lte r ­ Mrs. Bate Johanson, Miss Grace Kyle, Six dollars, and in some cases more, in the liver and bowls. Cure sick v ille . Daniel Ross and Emil Seifert, 3 letters. is being paid for good calves, while cows lead ache. A few of tlie friends of Mrs. Wm. Any person calling for the above will are hard to Bell at »12 and »14. M l>y? Guard, Ang. 27: Word reached us Brynd gave tliat lady a surprise by call­ The Belshaw farm of 1280 acres lying Henry Tabor of Alpha went outside today tliat coal oil hns been discovered ing on is a body last Friday evening our miles west of Eugene was sold last please ask for advertised. W m . K yle , postmaster. this week and swapped one horse for two on the David Brooks farm, one-quarter tlie occasion being Mrs. Brynd 3 39th reek to Myron Pine of Esconditas Cal. and a saddle—pretty good looking of a mile from Walterville, near the birthday. Quite a number of presents 80H 33L T E A 0H E 8 A PUBLIO OFrlOER. or »25,000. horses, too. were given to tier, and after a pleasant bank of (lie McKenzie river. F. L. Chambers still lias a nice assort- i The oil rises to tlie surface of tlie evening tlie company separated all Eugene, with Plel of Deadwood in Oregonian: Judge Sears decided yes­ nent of Charter Oak cook stoves bought terday that a school district is a public the nine, got beaten in the baseball water. An old prospector from the wishing tliat she may see many more it Bankrupt sale, and is still selling at corporation, n teacher in a public school game with the Cottage Grove nine, 12 coal oil field of Pennsylvania, is con happy birthdays. factory prices. It will pay you big to ducting tlie work, and is quite enthu a public officer, and his earnings ex­ to 14. Return game next Sunday. Persons Desiring to Subscribe for Stook Can do so by S O LID CAR LOAD- 50 to Eugene and investigate. empt from attachment. The opinion Several of the farmers along Lake siastic. The Guard last week published a was rendered in the case of Miller vs. creek have added sheep to their stock, WOOD W A N TED . Of Oliver Plows at F. L. Cham’-ers, Leaving Their Names With Dr. Saubert, of Aome, Geo. H. etter from C. H. Baker proposing to Russell Bros., proceedings upon writ of hoping tbe bears and cougars are scarce Eugene, direct from factory witli all the Colter, of Glonada, or C. H. Holden, of Florence, Or. Bids will be received at the office of latest attachments. leave the question of building a new review. Russell Bros, hold a judgment enough to make sheep raising safer than :ourt house for the voters of the county against Miller for about »60, and gar­ in the past. O. W. Hurd, clerk of scliool diet. No. 97 nisheed bis salary as teacher in the to decide at the election next June. N O T IC E . S. S. Miller of Chickahominy is bach­ of Lane county, Oregon, till Monday Woodstock district. In the East Side ing, it is reported, his large family Sept. 13th, 1897, for furnishing 8 ricks Coos Bay News: Following are Bis­ justice court it was held that garnish­ having moved out into tbe valley for of vine maple wood two feet long, and The tenth annual convention of tlie hop Morris’ appointments: Gardiner, Woman’s Christian Temperance Union Sept. 5; Florence, 8tli and 9 th ; Empire: ment was legal. Miller having suc­ tbe sake of better school facilities. Mr. ricks of dry fir wood the same length. ceeded in having the finding of tbe Miller lias lived so long nn Ills home­ The wood is to be delivered at the scliool of Lane county will be held in Creswell sto c k subscriptio n books can be seen a t t h e 12th, morning, Marshfield, evening; justice court reversed, it is now stated stead tliat it will not take him long to tiouse in Florence district. on tl.e 14 and 15 of Sept. All temper­ O F F IC E O F O. H . H O LD EN .«»-.-------- Port Orford, 19th; Bandon, 26th; Co­ to tbe prove up, now that tbe land has been ance workers are invited to aticnd. Bv order of that Russell Bros, will appeal quille City, 27th ; Myrtle Point 28th. B oard of D irectors . By order of supreme court. surveyed Look for the facts demonstrated by C ounty P resident . T O OUR PATRONS- IVISO N IT E M S . CORRESPONDENCE. experience. Thousands and tliousan s of people suffering from the effects o notioe of final settle ­ B y I ch D ien . We have ma,le arrangements by Editor W est : No project liasl yet impure blood have been cured by Hood s m en t „liicli we will furnisli tlie Weekly been advanced on toe Alaska and Klon­ Sarsaparilla. Aug. 23rd, 1897. Oregonian with the W est for one year In the matter o l the evtate ot Auatln Mann, dike question, and bow to I!«/ “ ’«"’- The county Board of Equalisation which seems to me as feasible and [Received last week after we went to to any address for the sum of two dol­ deceased. N otice la hereby given that the undcralgned is in session in Eugene this week. The practical as tlie plan adopted by the press.] lars, payable cast* in advance. adm inistrator bat A id hl« lino! acco u n t In the assessor has assessed all property he ■■Alaska Gold Mining & Navigation Very warm weather. m elter of »aid eatate, an,l th at Mondny, Hep DEAFNESS C A N N O T BE C U RED. longing to the different churches, not Company” recently organized in year temher #th. 18J7. at the hour of 10 o'clock In Warren Nichols of Meadow was occupied ns houses of worship, being citv, and as outlined in tlie By-Law tbe forenoon of eeid day ha« born fixed by the By local applications as they cannot through here buying calves last week. County Court, of Lana C ounty, Ores»», for all vacant lots and parsonages owned y published in your last week s issue* Albert Worden lost one of his work resell the diseased portion of the ear tbe hearing of objection ! to »aid e, count and them. History records that the Phoenician horses last week. It jumped the fence There is only one way to cure deafness, for the final ecttlem ent of »aid natate, and all T o C u r . C o n s tip a tio n F o r » » * '. became tbe great maritime nation o and broke a front leg and had to be killed and tliat is by constitutional remedies. ■a-nem. in u re-ted In «tld catate arc hereby notified to die any and all objection» which T ake C ascarets Candy Cathartic- ’ " ' ‘ " made great through Deafness is caused by an inflamed II C. !-c C. - c C. .in ta ’itoeuro.druggist»**®"“ ll to oure, druggists refund mon y i the •nciendWdHo„r x e r y ^ every yard in a short time, we don’t expect that cannot tie enred by Hall'» Catarrh Dated A usuat Zrd, 1SB7. rence on tl.e Mink Saturday. Two opens up a mar tlie fo x llA « T h « r . ‘ ‘ nor pleasure, onr I cure. Sen,I ciruiilars, free. 16 en- i to go for our health the tl.ree, an old lady and gen- rancber, trader and citize A dmlnlatratrls of the estate of Thom as J. F. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. tire community derives a main object will be to earn a little l man, are cripples tlie result of a run benefit, not only tbe increased J e m a > m0Dey t0 b,ly our ga1t to eat with our ; Hartley, deceaaed. ____ Sold by all druggists, 76c. av accident, tlie old gentleman for the production of tlie soil, h it b e in g and galnlOn tins winter and to Hall'» Family Pills are the I-e»t. ving lost a leg. Tl.e party landed at NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. a reedy and active source «here ^re, wegr out goIlle of our old clothes, A R R E S T E D FOR S T E A L IN C C A T T L E snada and proceeded down the river munerative prices are the rule « j ordon o( franklin, secretary i out half a mile, where they camped Land Office, at Roacbunr OreRon. than tlie exception. It|op of the Christian Sunday Scliool Union j A band of 35 head of cattle stolen in ! A ugnai ». 1M7. maining there till Tuesday. late building enterprise, " ' en. 1 of Lane county, was here last Sunday Modoc Co., Cal., were tno-ed up through N otice la hereby Elven that the followdn»- growth in village and, rM J . #n<| in , (^ til,g 0»r Sun,lay the Klamath Indian reservation arid nam ed settler haa tiled notice of hta Intention . courage emigration and make . prepflratory to maklnw a tl.orongl, found last week on the West Dc« Chutes ' to make final proof In support of hla claim , and ! that »aid proof w ill be made before C. II Hoi- lands of this region ' report of the strength and condition ot in tlie Cascade mountains. W. F. 1 den, II. 8. Com m l.aloner at Florence, Orermn. |rpge. Tl-e future benefit» den cb risti.n Sunday schools of the county, Meredith who was in ebarge ot tlie ‘ on Heptenib. r-H, 1S»7, via: George K. Bradley, on J not easily be measured, and b t( e rolin, y 8 „lllUy „.,,<><,1 con­ band was lodged in jail in Eugene to n. e. no. ««#1 for th e »H ne% A »5» nwQ see. « | ed spot would become a vention which will meet m November. wait a requisition from the governor of tp. IS E., r. » west. I He name» the follow lt.s wltneaaea to prove iv ------------- activity- The way to 1 era It is not deterniin.-d yet at what pnce California. Hiz partner, T. E. Cornell, i hla cm itlnuona residence upon and cultivation rizan’» l i V p i t VOUT CTO" is to make them, and no ’ . . , o,„ , be convention will be held. Brother made ids escape. ______ __ I of. aald land, via: A I’ Knowle». E. C. Knowlea, If. B- 'Hay of U t On , prosperity d*’rn’ aP” n "a‘; ne, ing j ordon is a wide-a-wake progrewwive , Rd worst form Mapleton. Oregon, and W. II. Weatheraon ol r returns you r money. I citizen« one and romi* rnnn n m lis working in a gran 1 C C R O FU LA in cleansing powqr . Florence.O refon. W yields to the blood bloc----------------- Y o t. m av find unexpected band to enterprise. W hich d thenwel e. , broU R. M V batch , Y o u m a y nna tthen understood, mean the greate u llü bonorable onder- of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thouaattda of MsgtoUf. uses havo been perfectly C U R E D . Icasure and profit m »L good ,he greatest number. 8 J (takjnK8 \V. H. WEATIIRItSON & aki M6 POWDER A Siuslaw Company Organized, CAPITAL STOCK $20,000 No. of Shares 2,000, at $10 EACH. Everybody’s Opportunity Who De­ sires to Visit the New Eldorado. W This is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw Valley Should — Own at Least one Share. ITS AIMS ARE PD8ELÏ CO-OPERATIVE^ Work to Commence at Once. DON'T MISS THE OPPORTDNITY OF A LIFE TIME. Alaska Gold Mining & Navigation Co. FLORENCE, : : : : OREGON. RAGTIME MRBSÓIVS You probably pzy teo meh a month for tea; it is robablv not very good. Try Schillings Best. If g j& yhmfriti 5t< PomriAmoR kh.Uinc A Compeaf baa f raaciM* n I aw ni