T H E W E S T . ! THE BASIS OFtìOOD TIMES DOWN WITH ANAKCHY. NO DECISION MADE I by pension ao their faculties long as u o t u i n unimpaired, t , shall v remain hut the end — PÜBU81IÄO XV*A y rtUMY MOAK4XG.— UM in the Prudence and Economie, of | t Mut, bs stamped Out by the United with them is the electrical chair unless In Regard to the Extra Session of the Gaya at Depre.uon some other form of death intervenes. Force* of Civilization. —AT— Legislature. ! The ninth plank, which is to work the ' F l o RSXCC, O rkgo N “ •J’ tniere Aineriran. I. a .vs C o u n ty , Washington star ! greatest work of all, demands th a t' Salsm Stataaman. The people of this country were coin- The authorities of the world aeein extra marriages shall be entered into only “on I As tlie result of the rumor of an - - - fi Y - - - polled to learn many hard lessons dur- alow about reaching a remedy for an- session of the legislature, the following 3 common sense hasi ■men a n ti w o m e n i 1 u H u lt 5V. IT. WEATIIERSON ing tl,e lonK-ve“r" oi ....................................- .preceding the era 9 f prosperity on which a remedy may be reached. question jv«» submitted to G qv . W. I must marry their opposites"—sentiment An outburrj of horror and iudigllation of affection not being allowed to cut Lord by a Statesman reporter: E d ito r u u d P ro p rie to r. ] we have now entered. But among those follows the fall of every victim of the “ It has been rumored that you » » I figure. The many “reforms" de- lessons was one which bore good fruit in uyganization> p o ,,« vigilance for a , ilne would call an extra session of the leg- mandeil are so radical as to m ako them T he T oronto Muil has this suggestive its way, and which once mastered should ¡, ^.creased, and various suggestions islaturealuring the coming winter. Is absurd, still the wild-idead association A more active demand for manufactured good« and products notice; “ Capital ia wliat we want be kept in practice for some time to ; f?r ,k.aIing witl| th„ evi, #ro thrown Qut there any truth in such a report?” has gained a membership of several .There nre stores of it in the Klondike eoiuc. That was the lesson of economy But that is all. Anarchism is not be­ of the farm is reported and at advanced rates. An improv(!nien| The governor replied as follows: “ No thousand in the Empire City, gravels. I-et fhe gslliering of it be The period of smaller incomes, smaller ing stamped out. It is represented now there is not. No session would be along the line will soon bo realized. limited to our jieople, apd the bpoeflt profits and smaller crops brought about in a majority of the great capitals of called now as the people are too busy will soon be seen in all kinds of enter a period of retrenchment in exfiense. the world, and seems to be in but small with their crops to think of anything in In o rd e r to keep pace w ith th e tim e s o u r STO CK OF co o n •/ prise. We should stop the movement There was need of close calculation to restraint. Members of the organization connection with it .” (O R IG IN A L AND SELECTED.) w ill be in cre ase d to conform th e r e w ith . of it in tons to the United States, from see that the annual outlay did not e x ­ are known by name and their meeting Continuing, the governor said that a yvhich, under the Dingley bill, none of ceed the annual receipts. Many who had places are located. Sometimes the session could he called in from fifteen his Each one sees wliat he carries i jt will Hud its jvay back to this country been living extravagantly found that the boldest threats of taking life made at to twenty days, if one was deemed heart. time had come when they must cut off for the product of our industry,” such meetings are reported in the news­ necessary. Nonsense is to sense as shade to light thia or that luxury if they did not want paper. President Carnot and Premier W ell , wki . l Canadian lumbermen to run this risk of insolvency. They —it heightens effeit. j Oanovns are killed, and while King GOING WITHOUT BREAKFAST. will retaliate against the lumber duty found, too, that they could make these No story is tho same to us after a Humbert and President Faure escape by restricting the exportation of Cana­ sacrifices without any great loss of lapse of time; or rather we who read it there is reason for believing that both Herald Disseminator. dian logs. That may cut the profits of •omfort nnd without any loss of hap­ are no longer the same interpreters. The eating habits of the people have are still on the anarchistic blacklist. n few eastern firms, hut the gross re piness at all. Seeing that there were very much to do with their health and Kegret at their escape was promptly A philosopher lieing asked what was suits will not be perceptible as compar­ rocks in tlie waters nhead of them , they happiness, and a regulation in such mat­ the first thing necessary to win tlie love expressed by anarchists at the time. ed with the advantages of the tariff on simply steered a course that would keep But what is tlie remedy? Strange as ters may effect considerable improve­ of a woman, answered ; “ Opportunity.” manufactured lumber. have logs them out of-dangcr. it may seem, the difficulty would proba­ ment nlong that line. The New York Crators are the most vehement when enough in this cou n ry, and if Cana­ This economy was practiced in the bly have been promptly met if the ob­ Journal of Hygiene sayg tliat it is not they have the weakest cause, as men dians are kepi out it will give employ East aiid-South, hut probably the West ject of the organization had simply safe to say positively that is best foi get on horseback when they cannot jnent to many more Americau work- saw the most of it, ns the need of such been plunder. Imagine an erganization everyone to go without breakfast, eat­ walk. tneu.— Tacoma Ledger. retrenchment was greater there. Thia whose members would state this case: ing enough at the other meals to make Partiality in a parent is commonly is now"given, and we believe rightly, as “ wo hold that the goods of the world up any deficiency caused by it, but T his yeah when every one that is able unlucky; for fondlingt: are in danger to one of the principal reasons why the are not properly divided. We do not many of those who have experimented is picking up and going ip.to the cattle be made fools, and the children that are farmers in many of the western states get our share. We have banded to­ on this line have found that for them it l>usinces we find calves selling for al­ least cockered make the best and wisest OUR TERM S are CASH or something convertible now find themselves in a prosperous gether for the purpose of forcing a re­ has proved a blessing. The corpulent, most as much us old cows were selling men. condition, why they are paying off mil- distribution, and one of our means of dyspeptic, the over-eater, and sedentary ............ Into CASH.............. ¿or three years agp, when these same The sacred books of the ancient Per­ ions of dollars in old mortgages, and bringing that aliout is to break into the persons are almost always benefited, people and others were rushing out ol sians say: If you would he holy in­ asking for new loans. They have for A CONTINUANCE OP YOUR VALUED PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED establishments of the rich and help our­ and the non-breakfast diet lias more ad­ the business. This is just the constant several years past been living very selves to whatever we find there. Those herents than many suspect. The theory struct your children, because all the example of the profit to be derived by economically from force of circum­ of our number who do this work arc on which these two-meal-a-day folks good acts they perform will be imputed a man who will stick to it through thick stances. They bare learned to save, chosen by ballot. Any one of us may base their conduct is tliat, no work be­ to you. and thin. He is sure to win in the end, have learned lessons in thrift, and have lie selected any day, and when selected ing done after the late and hearty din­ How will you find good? It is not a while the man who is constantly jump­ readied the wiseconclusion that no man he goes unhesitatingly about the busi­ ner, and little tissue waste following thing of choice, it is a river that flows ing in ami out is nlways behind. It can make a success on the farm or any­ ness.” How long would an organiza­ during the hours of sleep, the body has by the Invisible Throne, and flows by docs not pay to jump in when prices where else who allows his annual e x ­ tion of tliat kind, boldly proclaiming its sufficient energy stored from tlie even­ the path of obedience. are high and sell out when they are penses to exceed his annual receipts. It is only in some corner of tho brain purpose, with its members known by ing meal to meet the demands of the low.— G uard. W ill C ontinue to C a rry a W e ll S e lec ted S to ck of Now that a new era lias begun—an era name, and its meetings held for the next forenoon’s work. To take a hearty which we leave empty that vice can A m I owa editor is authority for the that promises to be one of unusual celebration of every notable burglary breakfast, they claim, is simply to pro­ obtain a lodging. When she knocks at statement, and is backed up by the boyy, industrial activity and agricultural committed under its auspices, be per­ vide a surplus supply, and by just that your door be able to sa y : No room for 8 that it is one of the most difficult matters prosperity—there is danger that these mitted to fiourish? Would not means much over-taxing the system . Tlie elim ­ your ladyship; pass on. Which will be handled on the closest possiblo margin in all human experience to gauge the valuable lessons of economy will lie be found to disrupt it and apply the ination, therefore, of one-third of the At present we can only reason of the editorial work or influence of a new* forgotten. Of course business men will just rigor of the law for the protection meals a year means conserving of energy divine justice from what we know of Consistent with the original cost and transportation. paper. As a rule the editor never hoars branch out as they should do. With of property to those whose confessed which, in tlie aggregate, can be used for justice in man. When we are in other directly from his work except in a case confidence fully restored, they will feel object was to set the law aside? other purposes. They say that after the scenes we may have truer and nobler where a criticism may provoke a retort justified in enlarging the scope of their Anarchism defies law of all kinds— first week or two it requires no effort to ideas of it; but while we are in this life He may put out columns of best thought trade, nnd will look about them for new that pertaining to human life as well as begin tlie day without food, and even we can only speak from the volume that WILL BE T H E B A SIS; T his w e in te n d s h a ll w ork in a political campaign, and get litple es­ markets. This is to be commended, tliat pertaining to property. It boldly tlie aromatic Mocha, steaming througli is laid open before us. no h a rd sh ip on o u r p atro n s; L O W E R R A T E S M O R E THA! timate of its value except jhrough an nnd the farmer, too, can work on the proclaims that it is not governed to the house, produces no effect upon their Let not a day pass without exercising occasional kick from the opposition. He same principle, but at the same time C O M P E N S A T IN G FO R P R O M P T S E T T L E M E N T S . uit itself. It marks certain lenders resolutions. Many years ago there was your power of speech. There is no may spnr 1>is wits to their best endeavor both should keep in mind the danger of a similar practice advocated, but it was for responsibility, pnd orders a ballot power like that of oratory. Caesar in keeping local interest to the front, going too far, even in tho best of times, for an executioner. One is chosen and to go without the third meal instead of controlled men by exciting their fears; und receive no especial sign of recogni­ and the wisdom of always keeping in lie executes the bloody edict. The the first one. Those who advocated it J Cicero by captivating their affections tion. He may cnrcfully and skillfully view the fact that a heavy debt is al­ The organization meets and exults over the also claimed to be much benefited, and swaying their passions. gather up and present the developments ways an olistncle to success, a* it is an deed. May not this sort of thing be There are still people who omit this influences of tlie one perished with its within his local field, yet aside from the enemy to true comfort and peace of reached by law? May not men be re­ third meal, but the latter day practice author; tliat of the other continues to fellow who happened to be missed, the mind. strained in some way who openly con­ of omitting the breakfast instead of the tiiis day. public i s ' ‘silent and silent a ll.” He There recently appeared in the New fess to membership in an organization third meal is considered to have hyien- The effects of opposition is wonderful. may strew with choice flowers the paths York Commercial Advertiser an article that any day may by ballotconvert them ic advantages. Only experience can de­ There are men who rise refreshed on ol the bridal party, bring myrrh and on this very point, which closed with into assassins? Is it necessary to wait cide the matter. It would be a great t.earing of a threat,—men to whom a incenBe to the bier ol the departed; hind these sensible words: “ Prosperity will until such creatures have actunlly been saving in household labor, and women crisis which intimidates and paralyzes up the hearts of the Borrowing, and on come surely; nnd will abide much drawn by lot and smeared their hands who have so many little cares would tlie majority—demanding, not the all occasions endeavor to write "words longer if wc shall continue in the liubit witli blood before moving on them? certainly be benefited. Those who try faculties ot prudence and thrift, but fitly spoken” which “ are like apples of of economy which has been forced upon There linve been international con­ it should not content themselves with a comprehension, inunovableness, the gold in pictures of silver” without the us. It will take a great amount gresses of many kinds and much good few days’ trial; nothing less than a readiness of sacrifice comes graceful faintest expression—except, perhaps, of money to replace tho capital that has has resulted from them. Why not an month, or even more should be thought and beloved as a bride. a suggestion ns to a wrong figure or a been expended in purchasing the neces­ international congress on the question of, and certainly no hnrm could come It is the close observation of little turned letter that may have appeared in saries of life in the last four years, of stamping out anarchy? What civil from it. One great benefit is in the the work.— J u n ctio n C ity T im et Oa.teful saving is needed to do this. ised country ought not to lend itself to splendid appetite guaranteed and for tilings which is the Becret of success in BLANKETS F O » 65c. a PA IR,. And when these accumulations are a well ordereil effort to make the known brain workers tlie clearness of the brain business, in art, in science, and in every A GOOD SCHOOL. pursuit in life. Human knowledge is entirely restored the saving should still existence and activity of such an organ during the fornoon when no energy is SHIRTS 25ets. TO $ 1 .50 but an accumulation of small facts made go on, in order to create a surplus which ization impossible within its borders? drawn off to digest the food. Attention is called ta an advertise­ will be a strong defense against want by successive generations of men, the ---------- • — • • • ment, in another column, of the Holmes and distress in rase of a financial or little bits of knowledge and experiences T o C a r e C o n s t ip a t i o n F o r e v e r . ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN T a k e Cuscnrets Candv Cathurtic. lOcorCSe. English and Business College, of Port­ trade depression in the future. The or women to travel for re­ I t I . C. C. ta ll to cure, druggists refund money. carefully treasured up by then» growing land, Oregon. This institution has mere fact that adequate provision is sponsible established house in Oregon. at length into a mighty pyramid. Position probably educated more young men and being made against disturbances of Salary $780 and expenses. To he vain is rather a mark of humili­ REFORM RUN WILD. women (or business, and found them this kind helps to render their recur­ permanent. References. Enclose self- ty than pride. Vain men delight in addressed stamped envelope. The employment, than all other rence less probable. As a nation, we telling wliat honors have been done National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. The Dalles Tim es-M ountsineer. s bools of the kind in them, what great company they have I : • North- must not only live within our means, In New York Oity, under the leader­ west. Miss Holmes in addition to being hut save a fair proportion of our nbund- kept, and the like; by winch they plain­ PROF. MoCLURE'S PLACE. ship of Mrs. Montgomery McGovern, assisted by an able corps of six teachers, ance if we mean to stand ou a sure ly confess that these honors were more wtio is described as a charming young gives her entire timo to the upbuilding foundation.” than their due and such as their friends Rogue R iver Courier. woman, society lias been formed that of the school nnd every thing that will would not have believed if they had Applications for the place in the is known as an "Association for tlie KverrlMMir Bays No. add to the advancement and comfort of Caaearcta Candv CaUwrtle, Uie most woo University made vacant by the death of Perfection of the Human R ace.” The not been told. Whereas a man truly the student is provided. The school dei'ful iiu-tlli-al ihacoverv of Gio age, p eas- proud thinks the greatest honors be­ ant and retr, slung to the taste, art gently Prof. McClure nre coming in thick association with this rather imposing maintains six departments, n am ely; and positively on kldue.v a, liver nnd liowrls, low his merits, and consequently scorns the emir» system, dls|>el colds, and fast and ere long the Board of Re­ name, announces in a preamble that it Three year’s course in English branches, licaualug io lioast, 1, therefore deliver it as a cum iioailaulie, fever, linbliual constipation intends to secure the practical realiza­ and hiliousues*. l ’leasc liny and trv a I kix gents will settle upon the lucky man. course in book-keeping, penmanship, maxim, that whoever desires the* of C. C. C to-day; 10, tri. Ml rents. Hold und As wo are very much interested in tion of its aim s that are embodied in a shorthand, typewriting nnd telegraphy. guaranteed to cure by all ilnugiata. character of a proud man ought to con­ the state university—its teachings— platform of nine planks, by bringing The Holmes College is a Christian ceal iiis vanity. NO HOPE FROM PRESENT CONGRESS. both by precept and example, we desire pressure to liear on congress and the - institution and has at heart to suggest to tlie board, for the good of j Htate legislatures Some of the prin­ not only the mental but the moral C in c in n a ti Common Cause. the institution, that if there are any ciples enunciated nre, to aay the least, and physical welfare of the stud­ Il is announced that the American applicants who frequently saturate rather startling, and propose reforms ent intrusted to its care. The principal Federation of Lalor officials have given themselves with intoxicants and who that are not based upon sentim ent. baa given much thought to the home up hope of getting legislation from the First, it demands that ail deformed, engage in ward politics, such applicants life of students nnd is able to provide present congress. They would las much This is the com plaint of arc not eligible to so important a place. idiotic and constitutionally diseased safe and comfortable rooms at a low more in the way of progress if they thousands at th is season. children shall be “ peacefully electro* No man should call himself an educa­ They have no appetite; f o o d _________ cost. The past years of business de­ would give up once for all the practice i cutcd.” Arotlier plank provides that tor whose example teaching may la- does not relish. They need the toning pression has impressed upon tho minds of howling and begging for class privi­ toning upof upof “ called in question, hut there are men i “ all insane persons or persons of un­ the stom ach and digestive organa, which of all the necessity for practical educa­ lege in the same breath. No one is who do and they frequently find places sound mind shall be electrocuted,” but a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla w ill give tion and never in tho history of •he entitled to rigtita or privileges because them. It also purifies and enriches tho i nothing is said about the “ peaceful” I in our liest institutions. blood, cure, that diet res. after satin g and country has the work of the thorough | he Is a workingman: but all are en- The university of Oregon cannot operations in such cases. This part of i internal misery only a dyspeptic can ----------------------------------- business college been so appreciated as , titled to right and justice Iw-cause they boast of absolute purity in this respect, (tlie platform appears to be rather; know , creates an appetite, overcoujts that D f V i l n n r i o -i- to lay. are men and citizens. Petitioning for * *-*0 0 (1 8 , ★ G r O C e H e ’S fb- if reports are true. It seems bad when I dangerous, and if rigidly en forced / tired feeling and bn'.lds np and sustains any thing in the name of workingmen the w hole physical ,y,«em . Jt ,0 prom pt- ' -------- ----------- ------------- tlie educational Headlight of anr state would perhaps in time of exciting po­ ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptiesym p- 1 fm«r» too much of “ fake” business— Schilling's Best cannot burst forth with pure brilliancy. litical campaigns result in the electro­ tom s and enrea nervous headaches, that it , which, indeed, it usually is. Not be­ Tlie responsibility rests with the ap­ cution of half or more of the voters, seems to have alm ost “ a magle toneh ” cause they are workingmen, but beenu-n* pointing power, therefore see to it tliat provided their opponents were made they are men, let then» stand up erect, judges of their mental conditions. you do your work well. Schillings B ts i scorning special consideration on ac­ The cold bloodedncss of tlie declara­ b«*ktn< count of vocation, A man is a man coital fl.iroi r»« eatiteW tions of the association do not stop here; ' U m l Tokaere Spit ta g Kamke Tnar I Mb Sway. •oda and «pice« before he is a blacksm ith; and when l e T o q u it teba co eu«lty und to re re r. t