W E ST R . R. Bay will give u lionfe wanning Rahmhty evening a« his new rvHhlence On Monday m orning, Aug. lfl’h the <»» Northfork We predict h good time f i ll a bottle or coinm.ni glass with lor tli<«»e who attend. Now, young institute work begun T«»e teich ers iu urine and let it stand tw einy-f‘>ur hours , ladle*, improve your opportunities. tow n desired to go to. work as they w ish* a aediuietit ot Settling indicates an un­ ----------AT---------- •d to get ail o it of toe in stitu te p«»s- Don't I m * ha-hfol l>e.*ause Boh is. healthy condition of the kidneys. W lien j . fLo,zKc«. L a « C o V! i ” ’ The adoption by th e A. O. U. W. of s.hie. Prof. J. H. Akerman of P o rtla n d had urine stains linen it is evidence of kid­ • • - DV - ’ • ä the with m e system of ot graded grivien assessments, wtiu . . , ’ . , , . , i . charge of the work of th e d a y . That ney troulde. Too frequent desire to some other changes lately made in th at • .... ■ , , . . . t it whs a n r.ih tah le «lav o es w ithout urinate or pain in tlie back, is also con- , profitable day g goes lodge, sevim* to Is* unsntiM tetnry to saying. Ilis work for tlie dav was in vinciug proof th a t Die kidneys and Editor and Proprietor. Mime <>f the meml»*rti of the order here the forenoon, an nolv condiiete I exercise bladder are mil of order. nii'l several have announced their in­ W HAT TO DO. iu language work. In the nfleruoou, , ZZ tkbmh : 0 -5 0 a ye«r in advance.----- tention to withdraw from the order. T h era is comfort in the knowledge an • lie took op as a study in L . S . history Tuesday moruing one of the rock the period of confeileration, ordinance often expressed, th a t Dr. K ilm er a at Florence. seows at the quarry settled upon a of 17X7. and «he cause of the adoption swamp-root, the great kidney remedy entered at th e pout-office :VH ^ 'c o tld -eines a,........utV. Oregon huge rock at ebb tide. The seow was of our eonstitolion and a study of its fulfils every wish in relieving pain in the parity loaled with roek and these slid chief provisions. As no one ever tires back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every '„,¡1 nin»,er- £LL off Into the river and the seow tilled under Mr. A kerm an’s instructions, I. e., part o f ,t he urinary passage. It corrects , . T I* ,X I . K A T K t ” ' " t K N O W S ON \l with w ater. It was brought to Florence no student, tlie whole afternoon session , inability to hold urine and scalding pain . ’ Absolutely Pure. P I .H A T I O N . next day by the Lillian and taken on was devoted to this work. in passing it, or bad effects following vnch Celebrated for its great leavening untie«» » cents per hue I the beach to get the water out In th e evening the institute was use of liqaor, wine or beer, and ovor- strength and healthfnlness. Assures th e Ttie Marslitield cannery will lie formally opened by music, addresses of , comes Hint unpleasant necessity of lie- j San food against alum and all forms ot adul- ------ ------------ ---------------- W E S T L IN G S . ----------------- i-~. ~t ,i.„ i. ttelcom eaud responses followed by a I ing compelled to get up many tim es j teration common to the cheap brands. reaJ? for operation the last of the ...... week. during ttie niglit to urinate. Tlie mild fio m M ere & K vle’ I for th e liest nil I KOVAL BAKING POWDEU CO., X e W Y o KK. Tlie interest of our town depends largely lecture by l)r. K uykendall. and extraordinary effect of swamp-root Tuesday morning tlie work of tlie upon tlie success of tins new interprise --------- --------------------------------------------- mi,. I.... and ...... -• and everything points to a bright institute was taken up by l’rof. Bargee. is soon realised. It stands tlie highest . See Meyer & K yle’s new stock of boy’s hales of Imps s S„„.,.,l shipped 3ft future (or tlie new concern. A Sun Ha chose to present tlie subject of for its wonderful cures of the m ost dis- ■ I shoes. ¿„i E'tircne Tuesday, treysing cases. If you need a medicine Tlie house of Mrs J . J . Poil in Spring- representative visited It. D. H um e's Alcohol and its e (Tecta upon Die human p £ Fremont brought a scow load of system . H is work was clear, pointed you should have tlie best. Sold by , cannery at Rogue river last week. This Held was burned Monday niglit. IV ,,, Glemidil Tne»d-iv. druggists, price fifty cents and one dol­ is tlie host equipped canning establish­ and forcible. Tlie R obarts arrived from Astoria •15 lar. Yon may have a sam ple hottie and h-iv , m-w n iic of ll After recess tlie professor took up ment on tlie I’ucitic coast, which has yesterday w ith three fishermen and been made a success chiefly by th e mental arithm etic upon w hich lie gave pam phlet botl, sent free by m ail. • e„t,rait»Ht A .O . F u n k e’e. few twenty-one Ohinamen aboard. proprietor’s reputation in England, a good talk and solved some knotty Mention Tlie W est and send your ad-1 51,« Licdsicv rent,-nd,ere,1 ns ISitamte Your B ow els W itli (’ns caret». which sells his fish nt a much liiglier problems and unfolded tlie sim ple prin­ drees to Dr. K ilm er & Co., B ingham ton, blV«„SO " i'll « » " « lHrKp ' “ "“ lu c t. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. figure than any other brand. Tlie sal­ ciples involved. He made tlie point N. Y. Tlie proprietor of th is paper 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. H, .mi's p id s t,Te d ie only pills to take difficult mon put up ,i,h' Hood’s S arsaparilla. C ure all Joint H olt, proprietor of tlie Coburg "ton tip a at t Rogue Kogne river are no tliat th a t there are no m ineuii problems. p ro em .-.. guarantees tlie genuineness of th is offer. liverv stables is under bonds of »750 to better than the fish caught on Coos bay, The difficulty is in the m ind o the stu- SO LID CAR LOAD liver ills. aw ait action of the grand jury on a but Mr. Hume built up a reputation by ,lent. We d o n 't read well is the trouble, The Guard «avs nianv reports of dam- charge of rape on bis fourteen year old canning th e very beat of salmon, and it I To read ia to in terp ret. Whon th e pro j - Of Oliver Plows at F. L. Citamliers. I,, hops from mould are in citcu- is hoped the managers of the Coos Bay |ein read it is solved. Eugene, direct from factory with all the daughter. Packing Co., will try and em ulate tlie An exercise by Prof. A kerm an in His- l»’i"n- . latest attachm ents. Buggies »42 00 and up. Unbarts started to A storia Mon- actious of the man, who lias made tlie tu ry ,o n e b y Prof. Barzee, followed by Hacks »00 00 and up. morning after 'I o C hinam en and greatest success of any one man in sal an address by Scott M orris m ade up T O OUR PATRONS- Also a lot of second hand „„pplies for tl.e Florence C an n in g Co. tlie work of tlie afternoon. ¡non business. Bicycles, Buggies, Hacks and W agons,' Ttie evening session consisted of music, We have made arrangem ents by Apple Parer» PERSO NALS. at F. L. Chambers, Eugene, Oregon. ' recitations, and a lecture by M r.Cosliow which we will furnisli tlie Weekly t ’i.ler Mills, at Frank Reid is in jail in Eugene ! Oregonian witl, tlie W est for one year F h Chambers E m eite. L. E . Bean was in Florence Tuesday. one of R oseburg’s attorneys. cream ery aw aiting action of th e grand jury, on Wednesday was spent in regular insti­ to any address for tlie sum of two dol­ All),t|,er shipm ent from th e John Safley made a t< p to Astoria on tute work, Prof. R. B. Dilworth of lars, payable cash in advance. „„„le > .v th e R oberts on lier last a tlia r8e of attem p t to commit rape tlie tug. j on Dora B. Justes a girl aged 13 years, Roseburg participating. Tlie day's s e s ­ Al Ready took a trip to Astoria on tlie sion closed with an experience meeting trip. Reid lias been employed in Jo n es’ saw­ NOTICE OF FINAL S E T T L E ­ F. L Chambers, E ugene, mill and tlie girl resides in tlie vicinity. Robarts. or “ T eachers’ Love F east” and tlie ben- MENT- Guarantees genuine J. W. Brewster started to Eugene i ediction bv Rev. R ounds. In tlie even- i To Cur© Constipation Forever, 1 Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25c. W ednesday. Oli>pr plows to scour. In the matter of tlie estate of Austin Mann, | ing Prof. Dilwortli gave a lecture on . . i If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money, « Mrs. Tower returned Wednesday from l Tlie E volution of tlie T eacher.” This deceased. W. L- Wilaon, one of the commi8- 1 Notice is hereby elven that the undersigned rx 1 a io d nt Rid- Last Saturday afternoon a Mr. Brown . in keeping witli tlie oilier lectures of the administrator lias tiled his thial neoount In the ; ...... ',D ,,7 'J i v e l r , of Eugene fell from the road a t Tilton : her tu p to Coos bay. week, was a masterpiece. Some fine mutter of said estate, unit that Monday, Sep- | |jn.f caneer, i « roek into th e river, a distance of about; Mr. and Mrs. Kyle arrived home ¡music and Prof. Barxee’a poem, “ The teinber 6th, 1897, nt the hour of 10 o'clock In , Tinware guaranteed lint, to rust for 3 20 feet. Tlie result was a collar bone ! from Astoria Saturday, ! W hite City by tlie So*," read by Eva the forenooii of said day 1ms been fixed by the vp.in, i,v F L. C ham bers, E ugene. County Court, of Lane County, Oregon, for and rist b broken, and . head bruised.., JVC»! Rev. I. G. K notts held sevices at Cornwall closed tlie in stitu te course. H i ll ! w W IlO U 1U A V “ | «All'« the hearing of objections to said account and Tlie Florence C inning Co will com- Tlie injured man was taken to tlie h o m e: Deadwood last Sunday, ' for the final settlement of said estate, and all N otes . next • — —• ■ -i- - - i - - t....:„ ! ,- I - . . . . niem-e iilieratiuna fur th e season next q[ w . 'Niehola and a physician was | Rev. Rose and family of Eugene are persons interested in said estate are hereby Mr. S talker of U. of O. was present to notified to file any and all objections which I taking a vacation nt Heceta. week. .sum moned. enlist m em bers in university extension. they may have to said accouut iu said court Tlie San Francisco E x am in er and tlie MEN | Cl,as. Russell came in from Eugene At tlie exam ination preceding tlie in ­ on or liefore said day. w ANTED—FA ITHFU L for re- ( after a load of fish a few days ago. W est one year for »2.50 paid in ad­ Dated at Eugene thlB 5th ilsv oi August, 1897. or women to travel stitute a class of 11 appeared. Six were O eo . O. K nowles . ! sponsible established house in Oregon. Elder Rounds of G ardiner preached in vance. Administrator. granted certificates. an(| expenses. Position tlie Morris hotel Sunday evening. Alder Ridge school com menced Mon- j ga| arv Mrs. S hort, of W ilbur, O re., rendered n o t ic e t o o r e d it o r s - day. Prof. Scott M orris again w wields ield s, penn8nent> Reference. Enclose seif- D avenport visited several days several fine solos at th e evening sessions. 'the rod of correction. addressed stauit>ed envelope. 1 lie week witl, Mrs. McCornack. Miss Maud Cornwall and others ren ­ Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned Chauih r a in ’s Colic, Cholera and i National, S tar Insurance Bldg., Chicago. j Sbistadcaine from Astoria on tlie has been by the County Court of Lane County, dered some tine instrum ental music d u r­ Oregon appointed administratrix of the estate Diairlioca Remedy alw ays affords i Y outh and old age joined fortunes or Robarts and will remain a few days. ing tlie -week. of Thomas Hartley, deceased. All persons prompt relief For sale a t th e Florence i misfortunes at tlie courthouse in Eugene O. W. H urd and family have been A choir of many voices renderod having claims against, said estate are hereby Drug Store. j Friday afternoon. About 3 o’clock rusticating tiiis week at tlieir cape choice music a t every evening session. notified to present them with the proper 710 shares of stock in Hie Alaska Gold j c ,erk j en n ings was called upon to issue vouchers to the undersigned at her residence ranch. Tlie town of G ardiner and tlie citizens at Point Terrace, Laue County, Oregon within Mining and Navigation Co. liavealready j a )[cenge to Peter Weaver, aged 00, and A VESSEL T o BE B U IL T and O W N E D BY T H E Amos Haring and family and Mrs. of tlie surrounding country covered six months from the date of tills notice. i,een subscribed, so we are inform ed b y | 0 nrrlu ¡¿eeterm an, aged 10. Tlie girl is Landsclioft spent several days a t tlie them selves with glory, doing everything Dated August 3rd, 1897. one of tlie originators of tlie com pany. ! „„ orp|,an and her au n t and guardian I p * II ahtley . cape tiiis week. C O M PA N Y- tliey could th in k of to make tlie in s ti­ Administratrix ol the estate of Thomas F. L Chambers still lias a nice assort- gave her consent to the. H ardy Miller, junior partner of tlie tute a success N othing was om itted Hartley, deceased. men, o, Charier Oak cook stoves bought W e a - ,s a we l - . ^ I « » e ^ t ^ Woodburn Independent, made us a from a box of choice apples to tlie free NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. C i X p " X - A- — a n J departed pleasant call a few days ago. use ot a steam boat. E verybody turned out on on Thursday picnic Jason Neely Hnd family, Alden H ayes out . i i fnr home ! Jason xnurou»/ to the beach — L"inl Office, at Roseburg, Oregon. to Eugene and investigate. , for home. • ! nnd wife and Riley Mills formed a p arty gjven ¡n bonor of the teachers. . July 9,1897. | A R. B uttolph’s N orth Fork ranch 11 is always g rat‘ ' who went to the cape last Saturday on I i t was unanim ously agreed th a t this Notice ts hereby given that the following- , a favorite resort for picnicers t>l0Se [ monla’3 ^ .r Clia'U ,e',^ lnJ anj wllen pleasure in ten t. was an unusually good in stitu te and named settler has filed notice -if his intention vs. One party gath ered seven kinds era am D ianboea «, ’ an ¡( B . II. Miller and M r. M artin who th a t th e people of G ardiner are the best to make final proof tn support of his claim, and j ripe fruit in M r. B u tto lp h ’s oriliar.l the endorse,nent . ¡tl) their falniiiea have been camping and most appreciative people to m eet that said proof will be made liefore Joel Ware, U. 8. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Aug­ witli on siicli an occasion. ust 28,1897, vlt: Joseph W. Kays on II. E. No. ,,l> , They hen, Io, » 1.« d W . d .|» , T hat we mny again go to G ardiner 7036 for tlie lot 5, sec. 12; NW bi NW I*, n e. 13: -an, plums, prim es, cu rra n ts, raspber- | J rU ili,B ColiCi Cliolera al)d D ia r-' ward last F riday. tlie avowed sen tim en t of every E iz NE !4, see. If, Tp. 18 8. R. 12 West. >s and blackberries. i , ‘ Keme.lv,” writes Dr. R. E. Robey, Jack Sm ith and family of Eugene was . . . lie names the following witnesses to prove nil visitor. his continuous residence upon anil cultivation Practice economy in buying medicines . ¡cian anj ’pharm acist, Olney, M o .; after taking in th e sights a t the cape for , eac.ier ant S cott M orris . of said land, vix: Persons Desiring to Subscribe for Stock Can do so by in oilier m atters. I t is economy to : ul(j aa |)e [ias ,,ge,i the remedy in his own a few days, returned to Florence ru es- j _______ Horace H. Fisk, of Olenada, Oregon, Jesse i ■t Hood's Sarsaparilla because it con family and sold it in tiis drug store for j Jay On tiieir way homeward. NOTICE- Bounds, of Eugene, Oregon, Francis M. Wil- I Leaving Their Names W ith Dr. Saubert, of Acme, Geo. H. ins more m edicinal value than “ ny six years l.e should certainly know. kins, of Eugene, Oregon, and William T. Kay- Mrg Cummings of Michigan arrived ser, ol Elmira, Oregon. 1 For sale by Florence Drug Store. ! fr0ll, Coos Bay last Saturday for a visit her—100 doses one d o llar. Colter, of Glenada, or C. H. Holden, of Florence, Or. Tbe C ounty Board of Equalization R. M. V kxtcii , ou r B w c e is l. W ith c a .e .......... a r .t a witl. daughter, Mrs. Captain Han- of Lane Co., Or. will meet on Monday In the M onteitb-B rew ster land c o n te s t: M d u eat.T you u o o w ............ her — ----- - Kepi ste» ddence in which was to be taken b e - I Cnndy ennd"^Cathartic, constipation foicter. forever. | gen< grand-danghtcr, Mrs. Ellerby, August 30tli for tlie purpose of equaliz­ Cathartic, cure constipotiou re U .S . Com m issioner H olden tlie ioc,25c. an m jc;=5c. if If C.C.C. fall, fail, druggists druggtsw re refund money. j ; acco accom p n n iej h er. ing tlie assessm ent for 1897 and continue notice for publicatio n . _________ I h, Montieth who filed th e com plaint \y e publish this week the by-laws | j Wilson and family of Five Mile . in session 6 days. :ed that tlie hearing be postponed Alaska Goid Mining & Navigation jn Florence a few days ago on tl.eir : Land Office at Roseburz, Orezon, D. P. B urton July 12,1897. J one m onth. As tlie date originally recently organized in tiiis td«y- way (O Independence to piek liopa. M r. | Co, Assessor. Notice Is hereby Riven that Hie followinx- ; S T O C K S U B S C R IP T IO N BO O KS C A N BE S E E N A T T H E s selected at bis request, tlie a p p 'i- , q,|ie’ projectors of this company are on ^-¡)gon wi|| return soon b u t Mrs, Wilson 1 named settler lias filed notice ol her lule.illnii O F F IC E O F C. H . H O L D E N .. SUNDAY SERVICES. ion for postponem ent was refused. I t |,e ajert and perfecting plans for e ar'5’ an d tlie children will remain through to make final prool tn support u( her elslni, and No-To-Bac for Fifty c e . » work on tlie craft. We are advised th a t U e winteI.( lb a t tlie children mny attend that said proof will be made beinre C. It. Hol­ In Hie Prestiyterian church in Flor­ den U. 8. Commissioner at Florence. Oregon, □ siroDK^bllw^putel^WcIsi-0 | about one-tbird of the school. ence on Sunday, August 2 9 th , there will on August 81, 1897, vlx: Harriet I,, flarno, 'n s r i- A snpei-d dispatch says is already either subscribe On tlie m orning of tlie 21st, -Irs. be Sunday School as usual coiiimencing widow of George flarno, Jr., deceased, on h. e. ' ' ' ’ ,, l airm an of th e I The plan nnd model of tlie \es«e Bllrns M attie nnd Jo h n Brviid, and no. , 8166 for the ne'.i se'4, see 21; s’i swL, nw , ngressman H ooker chairm an o P (,,e(, e|I wi,|, dimensions as f° N ^ d reW B rand went to Tsiltcooa lake j at 10 o’clock and preaching at 11 a. m. swiff, sec. 22; tp. l« s., r. lo w e st. I. G . K notts , pastor. er and harbor c o n ,n iiH e e w .ll react , b e ^ lxsngti, of keel 1 » X e th e , met Messrs. Dorsey and! She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation jany in a few days. • • ¡pa 0(J. d n ift 7)4 and depth of hold b. Cab f aw(on Rnd Misses V anderburg and GREENLEAF ITEM S. of. said land, vlx: ’ l i X p o i n X i X t o?, th e m O fe e tin the clean to i The wboie paHy Joseph Dunean, William Kerby. Julius Koepp a jV.II. WEATIPRRSON A S iu s la w C o m p a n y O r g a n iz e d , CAPITAL STOCK $20,000 POWDER No. of Shares 2,000, at $10 Everybody’s Opportunity Who De­ sires to Visit the New Eldorado. Th is is a Home Company. Every Citizen of the Siuslaw V alley Should.— Own at Least one S hare. ITS AIMS ARE PORELi CO-OPERATIVE; W o r k to C o m m e n c e a t O n c e . DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFE TIME. 1 *, r - R, R - ; ; r 2 1 ^ “ s s ° x ‘, s “ z : . , “ Bv a W est C ohrespo . ndent . i and John Taylor all of Hermann, Oregon. K. M. V rati - ii . Register. „ a t bis disposal for tin s purp , | J? , win be „ staunch vessel tb e hight Snnday cve. ew representative business men ot i|i,.iliiy u" and river river navi- navi- . . • ^ - . . 1 . (X:elln ami foiir o( tb(j par(y retu rn ed to gene will be invited to accompany 1 designed for botl, ocean Florence having very much enjoyed gallon their first trip to t ithll® creek. August 21st, 1897. NOTICE for pu blic atio n . Alaska CoM Mining ßt. Navigation Co. Hop-picking outfits going out daily. Dogs have been w orrying C harles Laiul Office, at Roseburg Oregon. August 6,1897. P otterf’s sheep. Notice is hereby given that the following C O M M ISSIO N ER S A P P O IN T E D . E d. W ins,nan lias gone to Roseburg named settler has filed notice of his luteiiliou to pick fruit. 1 to make final proof In support of his etalm, and Register : Governor Lord holds tliat Miss E leanor H ale lias returned to I that said proof will tie made t-efore C. it. Hol- the offices of railroad com m issiontr Alpiia after a visit of several weeks a t ! den. U. 8. Commissioner at Florence, Oregon. | on September 14,1897, viz: George E. Bradley, on | If B. Compson, and dairy and food Hale. h .e. no. 0M1 for the neV< A ».'a nw 4 commissioner IL B. Luce a-c vacant be- Fred Pell lias gone to Eugene to play tp. 18 r. 9 wcm L causeof the failure of Hie legislature to | He names the follow,ng witnesses to prove baseball with tlie Eugene team aguinst elect successors, and appointed A. I. bis ciritlnuoiis residence upon and cultivation Cottage G rove’s. Wagner, dem ocrat, of Salem, in place of, said land, vix; Ilavm ond M iller save lie got bis wit­ A. P. Knowles, E. C. Knowles, H . n. Omy <>f i i of Compson, and W in. W. Baker, of II. Westhenon of ' Portland in place of Luce. A test case ness fees in th a t C hickahom iny dear Mapleton» Oregon, and W. Florence, Oregon. deer case, so tl,ere is »7.60 more tliat it will made of the m atter, and tlie action R. M. VlATCH, iff tlie governor will be tested in the cost the county. Tlie county court d is -( RnarUter. allowed R aym ond’s dem and (or fees on ____ courts. o f C h ron ic i Memarksble Cars th e supposition th a t lie was the com­ IHsrrhocs, H OW 'S TH IS? plaining w itness, but lie says it cost Idm just fifty cents to get a law yer to con­ In 1802, when I served my country as , . Ve out the Ydlo-U) T icket \Ve offer One H undred Dollars Re- vince tlie court tliat lie w asn’t, and lie a private in Company A, 107th I’unn- got hi» f7.50. j x - - - - - — contracted F red P eplot's little girl came into the sylvar.ia Volunteers, I house the other day With tlie report ct.ronic diarrhoea. I t ha* given me a fore August 3 1st. M’e th e nndersigned, have known F. tliat som ething was worrying the goats. great deni of trouble ever since. I have One word allowed for each yeHow tteker. thousand dollars. If j .1. c vnciivy h en ey ------------ for u ,e last fifteen years, and .. On investigation P epiot found cougar tried a dozen different medicines and - If only one person finds the word he gets o ....................- believe Idin pctfectly honorable in - all tracks and a freslily killed kid. He put several prom inent doctors w ithout any . creeping business transactions, and linancia y out poison, t>ut tlie cougar didn’t want perm anent relief. N ot long ago a friend ' veral find it, the money a set of cardb cardboard #ny obligallo„ n„ d „ it. Then lie resolved to cam p in Hie sent me a sam ple bottle of Clinml.er- Every one sencmg a yellow ticket w 8 mofe one barn and w atch. On Ids way to Hie lain’s Colic, Cholera and D iarrhoea by tlieir firm. barn witli Ids gun and blanket lie look­ Remedy, and after th a t I hongl.t a n d , W est & T kuax , Toledo, O., Wholesale Druggist»- ed around and saw Hie cougar close by. took a 50 cent b o ttle; and now 1 can W ilding , K innas * M veviN ,Toledo,O . In ten seconds it was a dead cougar. say th a t I am entirely cured. I cannot l i ó lp r iija n U ’ tie thankful enough to you for thia great W holesale Droggi»»«. Æ k Penmanship» » « a a j « t«.i- T H E W H O LE syst/m feels the Remedy, and recommend it to nil Buf­ H all’s Catarrli C ure is taken in ter­ io send in the largest n.iinDtr , effect of Hood’s Sarsaparilla—stom­ fering veteran-. H in d n o tt wrire m e l i y upon Hie blood nally, acting dir« ne .5 anti -J« « .n to s - A u » « 3 ach, liver, kidneys, heart, nerves are y - 11 . 8 ’ and mucous irfaccs of tlie system, strengthened and SU STA IN ED . per b o ttle. Pohl by all D rug­ A. • nti.w n, »’a. tin •• >7 Fiore.lie D -a Price 75c Seaton Dancing Oiuo meet» toiuoi OW gists. Testim onials free. Ktoie, evening. $1000 00 OREGON. FLORENCE, All, or your share of it, if y °u find the lissing w o r d . _____ S ch i/littg s B est tea is not only fa re but it 9PV1AR1 -PRACTICAL ¥ ...... ?........because it is fresh-roasted. W ln t ¡c the missing word ? will be ir r I C u t this out. You w on't see it again. 3 C H .L Y 1 N O -S B ^ S T T ? * SA N F R A N C IS C O . llall’8 family I’lR» are the Lett. ' Wt.vvû.«. «wft-’yt- -,