■W » 'W » .....1 the west ~ YOUR HOHE PAPER i f ADVERTISERS ke * ► . SUPPORT IT SIUSLAW’S ONLY PAPER. O P P O R T U N IT Y .? < I - l - ■«- VOL. VUI. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Aug. 27, 1897. NO 18. of her people since the setting of tlie foul, and from , liis medicine chest, sun. I told tho warrior that I had seen which in tlose days was famished to Fnm i Lapland to N apland the w ay Is not long, her wcikiug in the field as we were all agents and conductors by the com- And the anchoi w o lift to a lullaby song, STATE OFFICERS uearing the station, and how, when 1 panv, ho brought medicated bandages, And the rhym e of our m usic go*?« i inging away O -J L R D IlT E F i. Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti­ To shores th at lie over the lum inous bay. looked again a moment later, she was which he bound about her torn auklcs, uud oiutnicut which he put upon her pation, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly A m om ent w e linger and drift w ith the tide. gone. 3 T A O K L IN K , S A I L S ______ wounded head. After thnt she continued cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work Then out o f our gay little harbor wo glide. “ With a start the brave chieftain . . . . . . . William P. Lord. Our cargo is snug and our sailors are here. to come to him every day to accept a threw up hia hands, aud then, control- On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each We arc rocking aw ay on our Journey, my dear. ^Ttary of &'ate.............H. R. Kincaid. li-ig himself with a great effort, he meager meal and nt nigiit to steal away 8t*r ‘ “ .............Philip Metchen month. Prom Lapland to Nnpland the w ay is not far, siguen to me and I followed him out aud sleep upon the prairie with only .................................; _ Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ And our vessel w o point to a fair ev'nlng star. into the field. The Indian put hia face tlie stars above her. At the end of a lie Instruction.... Instruction.. G. M. Irwin. ¿opt. Public Single trip $3.00. Round trip $5.00 days and Fridays. A nd go w in gin g along to a haven that lies close to t f t ground, aud when ho fortnight she was almost well again. In the m agical light of my little one's eyes. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ ptate Printer. ■•• • ............... W H. Leeds. For our are unfurled, and the b reeies aro straightened up he looked all about him Now the woman that was in her nature easily and thoroughly. ¡J days and Saturdays. ,. .C. M. Idleman. F lo ren ce to Y a q u in a . Attorney General Best after dinner pills. III fair, and said, ’Sioux.’ I brought a white caused her to long for some one to Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ And the nam e o f our Rhlp is the Rockaby Chair. 29 cents. All druggists. ■ whom she might tell her story, ill whom I “ ..........R. S. Bean burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with ........F. A. Moore Lowell, Mass. Mass, i O’er th e b illo w s it rides, and its rhythm ical light from the locomotive, aud by tho she might coui’a’e, and she told it, as Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. For Passenger and Freight Rates Supreme Court Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge light of it the wily Indian made eut C. K. Wolverton sw ing The only P1U to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. reasonable. I Is an answ erin g lilt to th e song that w e sing. that two of the hated tribe had slipped well as she could, to the agent. He --------A PPLY TO lodge Second D istrict... .J. C. Fullerton up behind the helpless girl aud seized helped her to arrange her hair so as to From Lapland to N apland th e w ay is not cold. Attorney Second District.Geo.M. Brown hide tho hateful scar nt the top of her There aro shelter and w arm th in the arms that her aud carried her awuy. Presently lie Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. brought a blade of corn tome, and upon head, and persuaded her to return to infold. the w eary one finds on the w elcom ing it there was a tiny drop of blood, und her people •If the white man loved you CORNER DRUC STO R E. And breast yet he insisted that bis daughter had once, ho w ill love you all the more now : A harbor of peace nnd • haven of rest. VINCENT & WALTON, From Lapland to Napland the Journey Is past. not been killed. Later he assured mo und w ill save you from your people if COUNTY OFFICERS S T A G E L IN E . A nd the Rockaby vessel is anchored nt last. thut she had uot been carried, hut hud they try to molest you,’ was the agent’s S T E A M E R “ C O O S ,” ( successors TO V. HEMINWAY.) And the song th at w o m urm ur grow s fainter walked away, taking n different direc­ eucouiaging advice, and she determined o ----- W ill makeZ--------- o E. B a n g s , P ro p rie to r. and dies On the pillow s of dow n w here m y little one lies. tion from that taken by the Sioux. Now to return. “ Slido McAlaster’s severely sprained —A »hurt B. P aine in Y outh's Compunion. I saw it all. She had heard our whistle, ,.E . O. Potter. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S > Judge................ aud while she waited for her lover the ankle had become strong, nnd lie was a t ___ AND . . . • betw een - .. W. T. Bailey Wednesdays and Fridays at G a. pantberlike Sioux bad stolen upon her. work ugain. The unmo of Wakaloua WAKALONA. Commissioners . .J. T. Callisoh “ What mental anguish must have was never mentioned by the Indiana, A Complete Line of Drug m., arriving in Florence the day been hers when she realized that, iustead for to them she was dead. It was never .A. C. Jennings of the protecting arms of her fair god, mentioned by the whites when it could Sundries and Toilet Articles. The old engineer and I had dragged Clerk................ ..A . J.Johnson following at 10 a. in. the arms of murderers were around her! bo avoided, for no one cared to tell the onr chairs round to the south side of Sheriff.............. .A . 8. Patterson Returning— stage leaves Flor­ ......... .................. Love, like the locomotive, is a great awful story to the brakeman, and so he Ireaeurer......... the hospital and were enjoying as well . . . D . P . Burton ence on oivilizer. Wnkaloun had tasted the joy lived from day to day, expecting her Mondays, Wednesdays as the weak aDd wounded could be ex­ Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. of love, aud life had become dear to to come home. His was the only cheer­ Superintendent. and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving pected to enjoy the mountain air aud her. The past to her was veiled iu dark ful face iu the camp during those two Eugene, : : : Ore. the morning. June was in the moun­ mystery, the future was little bettor, weeks. Ho was happy iu tho morning, Rur'ey°r......... ..........J. W. Harris in Eugene the following day tains, but the snow was still heavy on i hut already she had begun to feel that hoping that the day would bring her Cor0“er f'P ' 'c e ............. ..F . B. Wilson at 6 p. in. the high peaks. The yellow river, soil- j it all there must be a brighter back, und happy again at night, for T E R M S S T R IC T L Y C A SH . ed by the Leadville smelters, and still beyond Constable........................ John F. Tanner and better world. Once she had asked there was cue day less of waiting for Single fare _ - - - $5.00 freighted with floating musb ice, splash- i MoAlaster about tbe future, and he, her return. Aud she did come back. night when tho rain was pouring R Round trip - - - - $9.00 ed by on its way to Pueblo aud the terre touched by the earnestness of her na- One down she opened the door of her father's , calieute. The little gray, glad faced ture, had told her iu his own way n aud waited to he welcomed home. Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s CITY OFFICERS. U surgeon catne aloug presently and told story his mother had told to him mauy tent The old scout wus pacing hia tent, livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd Frank that he might go home on batur a time—the story of the Christ. ’Think m e n i s i 1 N of a big, awkward clown like m e,’ said for he had not ceased to grieve for his day, and that made the old eupiuti . & Davenport’s office in Florence. daughter, but now thut she lind return­ usually a little mite cranky ami irrita Slide, ‘trying to unravel the mysteries ed to pim, as one from the grave, her ......... F. B. Wilson President.............. 8 of t t s future— trying to convert this ble, as happy as a boy about to be looai u O. W. Hnrd white souled woman who,without know­ coming served only to augment his mis­ OF front school. Win. Kyle P u llm a n ing it, bus been the means of making ery. At sight of her he had taken a step “Say, Frank,” I began, “ have you or two toward the tent door, and then, Board of Trustees Marion Morris M O R R IS *** H O T E L , ever known an Indian girl who ecuid me a better man.' S le e p in g C a r s C. C. Behnke CIFIC CQASr I've noticed all along, though, that pausing to look upon hor for tlie last by any stretch of imagination be con .. J. C. FLINT, Proprietor... love of a good woman always makes u time, his face grew grave us he pointed E le g a n t sidered hnndsontc?” . . . Drew Severy long arm down tho darkness. In a Recorder.............. man gentler, braver aud better F lo r e r ía s , O r e g o n . “ Yes,” he said thoughtfully, plAciu* D in in g C a r s , . .. J . A. Pond “ When Red Fox had explained to me hoarse voice lie uttered those ominoua Treasurer............. his well foot on top of the railing uud words, ‘The shadows lie upon the shore . .J. R. Weddle frowning from mere force of babil that Wakalona bud not been killed, but —to tho river be gouo.' With a despair­ T o u r is t Marshal................ had wandered away, I urged him to OUR AIM—To furnish the best S le e p in g C a r s THU CHRONICLE rank, with the «m ate« “ We were at North Platte at the time, call tbe scouts aud search the plaius (or ing look the princess turned back iuto that being the end of the track, aud newspapers In the Unl«.d state«. accommodations at reasonable the rain swept night, uud now a new 8 T . PAUL there I knew a Pawnee rnuiden who was her, but bo shook his head. ‘It is true danger confronted her. The guards had T H I CHRONICLE h u no equ.l on the P acIB o SECRET SO CIETIES. that my child has uot been killed,’ he Coast. It lead, nil In ability, enterprise and news renlly good to look upon. 1 never km w M IN N E A P O L IS prices. sten her nt the tent door, by the dint THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Report, »r. her name. We called her Walk Alorn said sadly, ‘but she is dead. It hi trui light of a grease lamp, aud now they th . lateat and most reliable It. L o ci N ew. U*. D U L U T H ____________ that she still wulks the earth, hut she at first, because she seemed never to h l l u l and epicle«. u d IU Editorial, from th . seized and bound her. Her father had FA R G O I F A A.M. Florence Lodge No. 107. a b le t pen. In the eouhtry mix np with the other squaws, but ii dead to me and to all her people,' and left to her the one chauco of flight; the THE CHRONICLE h e ninny, b e n , and nlwnys tho great brave bowed hia head in si A , Regular communication on second when Slide MoAlaster, the head Lrnkt GRAND FORKS HO TEL TO M IN N ES O TA will ba, th . frt.nd mid champion of th . people at guards had shown less pity, and while and fourth Saturdays in each month. atau on the construction train, began lent sorrow. against combination., cliq u e, corporation*, or CRO OKSTON “ Then I remembered having hcaro she sat, bound and guarded, in a dimly o p p r c lo n .o f any kind. It will b . ln ilep .n i.il t to make love to her he numed her Wa- S. L. R obkbds , W. M. lighted tent, her lover slept aud dream­ In .vary tnio« o.utm l In uothin«. W I N N I P E G ____ ' kalona, which he thought a mi re fit­ that an Indian who had lust his scalp ed of her coming, not 100 yurds away. I. G. K notts , Secretary. P R IN C IP A L H O T E L ★ ting title, inasmuch aa she had already waa looked upon as one demented or Tho day dawned grudgingly, the dark­ HELENA O NE BLO CK FRO M D E P O T been called by Colonel Cody the Prin­ dead, and I knew then what had hap ness seemed reluctant to leave the earth, BUTTE' pened to tho Priucesa Wakalona. cess of the Platte. -----BATES $1.00 Per D AY----- “ How best to break the news to poor tho sun remained behiud tlie dark A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58. “ Wakaloua's father. Red Fox, was clouds, from which the ruin continued a meets second and fourth Saturdays T H R O U G H T IC K E T S ouo of the bravest of the Pawnee scouts, McAlastcr waa a question over which 1 to fall iu torrents. At noon the ruiu M rs . L , L. M arsterh , Prop. pondered on my way back to tbe camp and his daughter was naturally some of each month. • ; : O regon. ceased, the sun came out, meadow larks TO E ugene, J. I. B utterfield , Commander. thing of a belle among her people. She He was strong and sensible. He had caroled free iu tho blue ubove, but the C H IC A G O was tall, tawny, graceful, willowy aud seen mauy a comrade pulled out of t hapless Wakalona lay fettered iu u raiu J. L. F uksisii , Adjutant. W A S H IN G T O N wild. It wus a long time before b.,Je. wreck mangled almost beyond recogni soaked tent. The story of her oaptme P H IL A D E L P H IA big, bloDd and handsome as be was, tion. He had been iu more thuu one lu wus kept u profound secret, for tbe dian fight, but ho had never lain help could gain the confidence of the stately w . W. NEELY, Prop’r, Indians knew that tho United States N E W YORK lesa upon a stretcher uud listened to a O. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, princess. It was mouths before she army officers would interfere if they tale such as I might tell. Aud while 1 • meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays Tables furnished with all the BO ston ano a l l would allow him to walk with her, and learned that the princess wus to be pu» framed a story of how Wakalona hud each month. Members and even then the feathered bead of a jeal delicacies of the season. Wild FO ints east bouth to death. Iu the darkness of their igno­ brethren in good standing are ous buck could always be seen pi eping gone that very day to visit a neignbor rance they believed that they were do­ i„ ( urmation, tim e cards, maps and tickets, game, fish and fruit in season B est' invited to attend. I. G. K kotts , M. from the high grass aud keepiug con ing camp the poor princess wandered W ji . K yle , Recorder. over tbe prairio. All night she walked ing their duty. accomodations for the traveling etc., call «n or write stallt watch over the girl. “ Ou account of tlie raiu we bad not “ Wakaloua, like the other women, the trackless wilds, and when the stars gone out thut duy, but late iu the ufter- R. M c M u r p h e y , Charges reasonable. paled ahe lay down upon the damp | 0. 0. F. Heceta Lodge No. Ill,m eets public. worked in the fields when there were General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, noou an order came from tho dispatch­ I , every Wednesday evening in Lodge any fields to he worked uud at other earth to sleep. She knew that she wus er for ns to run light to Omaha to bring EUGENE, OREGON. expected to die, that she ought to die, Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in times made herself useful about h e t out n train o f steel. As we pulled out good standing invited to attend. A. D. C H A R L T O N , father’s tent. Her mother was dead but she shunned death, not from any over the switches I noticed a great W. H. W kathbhsos , N. G. She was the only child her futlier hud, dread of it, but for the love of life. A isistant General Passenger Agent. crowd of Pawnees down by the river M arios M orris , Sec. “ No doubt she fully intended to die 256 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. aud lie was very proud of her. hi a but­ near tho railroad bridge. As wo ap­ ••• P o r tla n d O r. tle between the Sioux and the Pawnees, but she would put the thought of it by proached wo could see that they were W. O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. near Ogalnlla, the Sioux had captured for a little longer aud dream of the pale waving their iiunds und putting up Wakaloua, aud her father and Buffalo faced brave. Ah, be might love he CHURCH DIRECTORY E U G E N E , - - - OREGON weird signals. Now, as the engine, still T h e F u n k ’& W a g n a lls still; who could tell, for tlie whito peo Bill had reacued her almost miraculous creeping along, working the water out pie were so strange. She slept and ly from four of their foemen, three of of her cylinders, neared the bridge, Mc- nRESBYTERIAN CHURCH,Florence, whom they had slain. After thut the doubtless dreamed of the little field, of Aluster suddenly cried,1 Wakaloual' aud S ta n d a rd D ic tio n a ry her father, of the twilight time aud i Sioux had marked Red Fox and bis i Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbath E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. leaped from tho engine. I stopped the daughter us their own, aud tuuuy lures the sweet surprise of her lover’s arms engine, and, looking over, saw Wakalo­ school, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching Of The about her, aud thou she started np eud o’clock a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacramen had been set to ensnare them. ua seated iu u canoe, witli her head bow­ the Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath ENGLISH LANGUAGE “ At North Platte Red Fox had plant­ denly, potting her hand to het head, aud ed down almost to her knees. A stal­ January, April, July and Octo • T w c n tv -th r e e . tbe recollection of her misfortune made ed a little field of corn, and it waa here, wart Pawnee sat iu one end of the ca­ Everybody is welcome to all the services. COM PLETE when the sun was low, that fclide used her heart sad, and soon she slept aguin M ile s W e s t noe. holding a siuglo our, while anoth­ B y M a ll. T u t a * . P a id . Pastor requests Christians to ni “ When she awoke, tbe snn was high to woo the dark eyed Princess of tbe S U C C IE N T themselves known. of Eugene. in tbe heavens. Shu was hungry aud er Indiau, equally well proportioned, Platte. I used to watch her working in I. G. K notts , Pastor. sat near the girl, whose feet wero fet­ A U T H O R IT A T IV E tbe field, and wbeu we whistled she thirsty. The blood had dried, and now tered unil whose hands were hound be­ would always pause in her labors aud she went down to the river to drink and hind her back. Now tho whole baud look up to make sure thut it was tbe bathe her fevered face. Then she sat by ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH begun to chant: M service. Preaching at Glenat whistle of No. 49, although she never tbe river for a long time, trying 3 *1 ,6 6 5 Vocabulary r w M •'The «I um '- ows li« U l»n tho shore. make op her mind to die, but she could looked up for the whistle of any other ,4 7 Editors and Speclollsts Tli« ilm il Shull walk th« earth no moro. and Acme two Sundays of each inont i. not engine. I think, us she began to lose “ The sun sat like a great, red wheel SJJ Reader, lo r Quotations • Sabbath-School every Sunday at her heart to McAlaatcr, that she came ] “ She knew that ahe was counted that had sunk hub deep iu tlie sand, and 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every in * 5000 Illu s tra tio n . among tlie dead by her people, aud if to know the sound eveu of the bell aud when half the rim wus below and half I k Gmkrt Weekly b the Conlry. day evening at the church. Everybody Cost over ,» 6 0 ,0 0 0 the rattle of tbe spring hangers on tbe she returned to them she would be above the earth the second stanza of tho cordially invited. G. F. R° drowned in this river when the sun AppendiT of 47.46k Entries old work engine. Jim was McAlaster’s death chant arose fiom the river as th® M o n e y S a ved real name. We called him Slide because went down. Late in the afternoon she boat wus pushed out iuto the stream: a t o came to a little station where thure wus ho coaid never set a bruke if he used By “Whoa tho grout rod snn ts Imlf tn tho sky The lu ll number ol words end term . In (IncJafilni poatag«) to any par’, of th« United both bauds without twisting it up so a lone operator and a water tank. The And half tn llio earth, the dead m u st die. Btate». Caaada and Mexico. ATTO RNEYS P a tr o n iz in g it. different dictionaries lor the entire alphabet Is station agent gave her food and offered tight that tbe wheels would slide, so T i n i W M K L Y OHMOMICLB. the bright«* “ Now for the first time Wakalona as follows: S vormosth , 50,000; W oncH lsT «« and moat co.opleta Weekly Newspaper In the marvelously strong were his long, sin­ her shelter, but she shook her bead anil lifted her eyes, aud she beheld her lover asked him where the river lay. Tbe ewy arms. When we wero coming into 105,000; W bbster (international), 125,000; Can- world, prints regularly 84 ooiumu», or twelve leaping from the shore. A few strokes of Mewa. Literature and General Informa­ A. C. WOODCOCK, Prop. TOBT, (»lx volum es. com plete,) 225,000; pages, tlie Platte on a summer’s evening, Slide spectacle of a woman wandering about tion; a magnificent Agricultural Department. brought liim within reach of the little Geo. H a le half crazed, half starved and alouo was SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. used to jnnip off tbe engine, where he a sad one, uud the operator, feeling his , boat, and ho climbed aboard. Tboludi- STANDARD, over 390,000; always rode, open the switch, close it A tto r n e y a t L a w au ut the our stood up aud faced him. behind the caboose and then stroll over own utter louelineK*, tried to persuade The big brukemiin swung his long right D O Y O U W A N T T H E business cards - her to stay. Foiutiug to tho west, she , Sample Pages Free. into the little cornfield where Wukalouu S u g a n e , - O re g o n - arm, caught the Pawuco under the ear, began to chant: worked C H R O N IC L E and over he went. Beaching down, lie ‘■When th« great red mm I . half In th e aky C W R o o ra s 7 and S “ Now, she always knew he wus com lifted tho other Indian bodily, turned Special attention g iv e n to c o lle ctio n s an I And half In th« earth, the dead m u st die. iDg, but, like her white sisters, .he bate business. him btilf over aud with all his might fIRST RATIONAL ßANK AGENTS W A N T E D . “ Then «he bared her bowed head, aud liked to play that she didn't, an ' wlien drove him head first iuto the sand at he saw tbe little round spot where tbe he would steal up behiud her and cu ti h the bottom of the tlvcr. skin had been cut awuy aud understood. O F EU G E N E . her in his arms (If no one was looking) “ While this wus going ou tho little S H O W IN G E. O POTTER. This revelation, however, caused the CO, site would start and shudder as natural E . D . B R O N S O N & g. g. EAKlH. ja . CASH-■ hark wus drifting rapidly toward the MfNOmCKt. agcut to reoooble bis cfii tts to eave the The United State«, Dominion of ly as a country schoolma’am. bridge. MeAlaster cut tho cord that ......... . Attorn«y-*t-Law.. . Pacific Coast Agents huplcsa maiden from herself. “ We went in tbe ditch one day, Slide bound the woman, seized the oar and ,6 0 .0 0 0 Canada and Northern Meiieo ‘‘After much coaxing he succeeded in EUGENE, OREGON. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. had bis ankle sprained and was ol liged PAID UP CASH CAPITAL. made tho land j~st below the engine. , 6 0 0 00 ON ONK HIDE, getting her iuto his little room in the SURPLUS AND PROFITS. to ride in that evening in the . uloose. Lifting the girl in bis arms, lie ran np 933 Market St. O r n i » A t the C ourt Hons*. A n d th e rear of the telegraph ( Hi«'«, where she I whistled us nsnal for the stmi'. i, and the dump, placed her lu the calicose, soon fell asleep Tb< sun went down A C C O U N T S S O L iI O I T E D M a p o f t h e W o r l d in the twilight saw the Indian > .1 till and still she shpt, and he knew she was and wo were off As we reached tbe . OREGON working in tbe field aud w a i l . t . g for east end of the bridge I looked back EUGENE, ON 1 H E O T H E R B ID E . E . E. B E N E D IC T , the sweet surprise for which she had safe, at leusl f< r uni tb i I d a y . The dark und saw tho bullied band swarming in S e n d * 3 A nd G e t t h e M a p e n d learned to wait. As we pulled in liter neoadeepeued on the< • it. the evening from the w« st, but eveu us they run the wore away, the op i- or got ‘Good ATTO RNEY - A T - LA W W e e k ly < h r o n ic le fo r O a o Y - a r , the switches 1 glanced out iuto tbe held NOTARIES. snn went down, the death hour had night' from the til l.tr at Omaha ^ e e te g e p r e p a id on M a p a n d P a p e r . again, feeling sorry for Slide and for passed and they turn« d hack to th< ir and fell nsletpn. air Presently his sweethc:wt as well, but now she was F loren ce. : : Oregon. tents.“ —(>‘y Wurinuii iu Now York Hun. addursi ha was awakeucu iy u sound, us of a nowhere to be seen. Wbeu we had made M. H . d e Y O U N G , A. R. BUTTOLPH. rm prl.lor a r. CbyoaUIO, •he big brakeman comfortable in the door closing softly He stole inyi the G r a n t aa a F a th e r . ■AN TAAWClaCO. GAL. T R A 0* m aw au. boRpital tent, he eignaled me ahead, little back room only to learn that hia O S S IO M S . Nellie Grant Barloris says of Presi­ guest bad gone. He slipped outside aud aud when I bent over him he pulled me N otary P u b lic, Surveyor COPYRIGHTS Ao. dent Grunt: “ My father was one of down aud whispered ‘Wakalona,’ aud 1 listened, but save for tbe doleful cry of those meii who impre.s their cblldrcu a lone wolf the night wus voiceless, aud knew what he meant. I found her fa­ with a thorough upprcciation of their rAXTED—FAITHFUL MF.N ther and told him that tbe brakeman be returned to his narrow room. O regon. S ,DS X , Ï Ï ; w T h ." a WaablMV,n oj«- sterliug worth. To me my father is no* “ Next day. when the snn waa falling M r a U P . thrcivb a m A V r«atva nr women Io travel for re- had been hurt aud asked him to allow y io r e n o « , the soldier he seems to the minds of i o ■acm, aulica fa lb a aponaihle eatabllebed honor in Oregon. his daughter to see tbe sufferer in the away in the west, tho operator, sitting •nany, nor ia it as tho president of tb® aa his little table, noticed a shadow in SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, surgeon’s tent Red Fox was much sur­ lg , Chicago. GENERAL directory TRAVELERS' GUIDE. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE Steamer Robarts H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Liver Ills Hood’s I I Ä I I ■ EUGENE-FLORENCE Floren anil Head or Tide. M O R TH E R N Pacific, Ry. CHRONICLE G Head of Tide Hotel, A H O TEL EUGENE. the : D A IL Y Only $ 6 . 7 0 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle ON EUGENE AND FLORENCE STA C E R O U TE. $ 1 .5 0 Reversible Map? P atents PATENTS ■Ç. Pavau* A. Or*»r. S N O w»a* W w NOTARY PUBLIC.; FLORENCE. . . . OREGON >tl araedw»». Pew A VOYAGE AT DUSK.