& *1 * * * *? * * * ^ Three ★ Desirable ★ ^ A N D Y CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION as* so* ^«^SSuiUaUllBS^9*^ ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED 10 ♦ # * * * * * * * * O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * O * * * * * * O * * * * ALL Stars in druggists ,•!► ■mil booklet free. U . KTKBI.IVU IIKMKIIY < «.. rhlraeo. Montreal. C « . , « R t » Tork. & «»»-J ★ SONQ. There was a pause, which wo em­ SOMETHING ABOUT BEETLES ployed in contemplating the Are and ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN T h e ir S tra n g e H ablte, I nut I n e ts a n d M enu« thinking of our island. o f G e ttin g g o o d . “ Perhaps it might be better, ’’ I re­ marked, “ to put the bicycle man in an­ sponsible established house in Oregon. You are all familiar with the common other house about a mile away from block beetle known os Die tumblebug, Bure, now, If I In heaven, Salary $780 and expenses. Position WATER POWER. D roannup in blind. ours. ” and perhaps may have seen it rolling a permanent. Reference. Enclose self- Hear» I but the x»h le«lc M r. ChaM a. fully as you eon, aud glue to the feet, or the character of a passionate shepherd. two soldiers w ill take it turn alsmt to tentlu to my eldest son. Royal Chester- Mis. Chuflii— I don’t know how J under them, little hemisphi res of lead. ll, we could take our bicycles, at push or draw the ryclu«ar, aud it is fli-UI Chautii-ey do Royster Butts. Family Iatwyer— H’m! Do you think can get JoLuuie to tukc his medicine When thrown iuto any position, the fig. jtuv rati," said Cynthia diplom atically. contended that this arrangement will If I tell him what it is, he won’t take ure, of ronrer, rights itself, and, like a mar. h that's quite fair? “ The roads would lie exquisite; no lulls not merely « liable the troops John Butts, Sr.—Yea. I wont to it, and if I don’t tell him be won't cat, always falls on its feet. It is quite much longer distances, but to fight A R TS and S C IE N C E S Scientific American. THE E n S M n P IIL IT A lt ;T H E ARENA LOOK OVER THIS GROUP. ‘‘Wi to M AKE your selection . THE WEST. FLORENCE. OR.