TH E W EST. — CCSUSilEO FVKKÏ ri^PAV gi»ftg|8B.-- — A T— f I.O R EXC g, I. tXE Coc.vTjr, O rkqos - - - »V CUBA LOST TO M A IN , Oregonian. WASHINGTON LETTER. F u p t i MTI i i m i A B OoSKBSPONDXMT. letter to Senator Wilson and resign and it is supposed that he will do so us soon as he gets the communication tent him, but suppose he shouldn’t? There might be no end ol trouble in Alaska before he could be removed, Literarv. •/ (OKIGINAL AND SSLBCTED, 1 It is ft common opinion With tin» w I k > arc well informed at to the strug­ Short absence quickens love, long gle in Cuba that Spain will lie compelled 1 W ash ., D. C., Aug, 9, 1897. ab«ence kills it. ; to aba nJon her efforts to quell the revo- The return ol Secretary Sherman to Hon. Benj. Bulterworth, commis- ' lution, and consequently will lose thia Washington and his resumption ol his , si oner of patents, has just issued an Human judgement, like Luther s greatest of her remaining colonial pos- duties as secretary of state, at tliie time, order requiring all patent attorneys to drunken peasant, when saved from i sessions. European stater,lien are more when almost the entire administration be registered in the V. 8. patent office, falling on one side, topples over on tiie chary of their opinions on such a subject is cn a vacation, has started tl.e rumor and g; a[ing tbe re,,uireulen't8 tor regis, other. than ours; but the European press, and mill to working over time, although Mr. trationg> i t ¡8 considered to he One of An apology in the original sense was jin particular that of Great Britain, Sherman declares that his return has no tb(J importartt order8 ever 1Bsued L pleading off from a charge or imputa- J clearly.foreshadows the opinion that ( significance whatever; that he resumed L , of patent8> and to , ion, by explaining principles or con- W. H, WEATIIERSON! JCditor nnd Proprietor. T H F LUMBER TARIFF, A more active demand for manufactured gooda and product« of the farm is reported and at advanced rates. An improvement m ; Spain must give it up. I work because he felt like it, and that he ,ong gtep tQwarJ |h# re(ormation of duct. It tb.efore amounted to a j vindication. Tiie democratic papers are revelling in | There hga been almost continual in- intends working right through the rest wlne oi llie , bu8e8 of along the line will soon bo realized. wliat tjipv indifferently call the inequal- I surrection in Cuba for nearly half a cen -, of the summer, unless a spell of warm The contemporary mind may in rare BETTER CONSIDER IT . j ties and tiie iniquities of the Dingley tury. Spanish commanders have, in- weather should drive him away for an- cases be taken by storm ; but posterity In order to keep pace with the times our STOCK OF GOODS bill. and their kind have done !deed’ at ««««rent time. reported the other little rest. Most of the rumors are w ill be increased to conform therewith. never. Tiie tribunal of the present is the same with regard to every tariff ' iel#nd ‘‘l'aui,ied 5” X «¡‘ ,iaa ¡*®'> * » » » connected in some way with Japan and .. , „„..i l.lrt , I.. Í 1 ■ ■ Un.l.C • fit,,, Of tiie accessible to influences; that H erald Disseminator. since the beginning of the government, 'y Possible to tell where one rebellion Hawaii, but this may be because of the j Those affected with tiie Alaskan gold future is incorrupt. It will probably never be possible to ha8 ended and anothcr la,Kun- The - reported intention of Minister Bewail fever would do well to look round, near- Tiie soundest argument will produce determine how equitable and ,nmilitary oporations both ar patent offlee Weak arguments are often thrust be- OUR TER M S are CASH or something convertible liave forced us to experiment with. It instance, patent oflice ollicials trouble which warrant his friends in her, ou account of the stale of the roads i have tegUfied that ot the mor„ than it robe a f:iv by takipg front them a using reasonable means of inducing j fore my path; but although they are .............into CASH.............. 1 rifle more than they ought to pay, it and the prevalence of fevers engender- 3>700 app,itation8 for patenlg fil)ed with. him to change his mind. The lure most unsubstantial, it is not easy to t'ompensates them again with advantages ed by heat and dampness. The mn and tla! «"ormous cost of living No one prd persistently overlook. They do not that within six months silver will fall ou8'lt to go to Dawson City with less he who does not mind this, will hardly the rebellion. But money she lias not, mind anything else. yealize how much of an clement lumber and her credit is virtually at an end. to 40 cents an ounce. There is no de- than a ton of provisions. Saying noth­ manufacturing is it) our home business, in and for it anywhere; China is not I ¡n8 “bout the first cost and the ocean There are two things that grow Every deficit in the revenue of Spain, how many men jt employs, or how buying any, Japun is out of the business I height, tiie expense of packing it over stronger in the breast of inan, in propor­ every full of tier securities, every un­ great an advantage it is to us to hare and tiiere seems to be no demand for it the Ohijeoot mountains is $560. Then tion as lie advances in years: the love paid bill for transportation, is a victory these men continually employed a t , in any country to any extent, even to the high Canadian duties must be paid. of country and religion. Let them be comfortable wages. In the closing' for the insurgents. The policy of the 12758828 Freight between Dawson City and the ever so much forgotten in youth, they insurrection, therefore, is a deliberate use us subsidiary coinage.” Other men debate on the hill Senator Burroughs,' diggings costs about the same as over sooner or later present themselves to us of prominence who tiave studied tiie one, and its purpose is to wear out the (it Michigan, presented some figures on silver question long and earnestly de­ the Cliilcoot, that is to say, a little less arrayed in all their charms, and excite power of Spain. this subject that are almost surprising. eline to put themselves on record as than $560 per ton. Clearly, therefore, in the recess of our hearts an attach­ It is curious to observe that the West TheBc figures are from the census of positively us Mr. Preston does, but no poor man can bear the expense of ment justly due to their beauty. Indian wars are all on the same pat­ 1890, and show that in that year the nearly every one questioned whose putting himself with enough supplies What waste, what misery, what tern, determined by climate and topog­ pupital investment in tiie lumber busi­ opinion is entitled to weight expressed to save him from starvation upon tiie bankruptcy, come from all this ambi­ raphy. The French were as unable to ness by 21,000 establishments, was $750,- Clondyke ground. His food will then tion to dazzle others with tiie glare of subdue San Domingo as the Spanish are grave doubts about the future of silver. 000,000; that they employed 600,000 liave cost him over $1 a pound. He apparent worldly success, we need not to sulxlue Cuba; und the maroons in The interior department is now wrest­ ]>eoplc and pajd thorn $130,000,000 each may get all the assurances to the con­ describe. The mischievous results show Jamaica, in their rebellion against the ling with a new problem, which, while .B LANK ETS FOR 65c. a PA IR , year. The effect pf the Wilson law on trary from transportation ani outfitting themselves a thousand ways—in the English, held mountain fastnesses from it does not involve any great or really (his immense industry was disastrous. companies, from syndicates that want rank frauds committed by men who which they defied lhe British govern- important question is more or less in- SHIRTS 25cts. TO $ 1 .5 0 In 1804 the failures numbered 314, with to congest the labor market, and from | dare lxi dighonest> but do not dare _______ • • • • liabilities aggregating $5,897,000; in ment for 75 years. The headquarters of teresting, because in it are tangled up the rogues who prey upon the credulous, to seem poor; and in the desperate 1895 the failures were 208, with liabili­ the Cuban insurgents is the top of a the official fortunes of two individuals but the facts as we state them will bear I da8,ieg at fortunC) in which the pity is ties o f $6,084,000; and in 1806, the mountain 25 miles from Puerto Principe, who have been nominated, and con- the test of the existing freight schedules not so much for those who fail, as for the It is extremely difficult of access, in the firmed by the senate, for the same failures 493, with liabilities of $16,- and of Canadian laws.” hundreds of innocent families who are face of even very slight opposition. For office, and who are both on their way, 314,532. so often involved in their ruin. a considerable distance the pathway is by different routes, to the scene of their It may be that there is some inequal­ AN TED—F A IT H F U L MENi , for re-' Klc,iea lnay enable us to confer favors, E u . g e n e , ity or eycn iniquity, in a lumber tariff, a mere spiral trail winding round the future official labors; but the official : ; ; O r e g o n but there can scarcely be any iniquity side of a steep mountain, and over- labor of one of them will be short lived, sponsible established house in Oregon, but to confer them witli propriety and in it that u i|| compare with one that grown with tropical vegetation. Num- as his resignation will lie demanded us Salary $780 and expenses. Position with grace requires a something that hers are of no avail in such a position, soon as the official papers can catch up Permanent. References. Enclose self- riches cannot give; eve,, trifles maybe! destroys nt thia fearful rate. stamped envelope. The L u . , At the top of the mountain is a large with him. Tiie story ia not so com pi i- addressed National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. I M be’ t° Weda8 10 CBMe t0 trifle8’ space tolerably level, where corn, sweet cated m might be supposed. As soon ________________ The citizens of Megara offered the free- j A h * x evidence of returning prosperity potatoes and other island products are as the Sundry Civil appropriation hill, | dom of their city to Alexander; such nn is the (act tliat business ip railroad pas­ RESULT OF POSSIBLE WAR. grown. Held by a small body of reso- which authorized the appointments of j offer excited a smile in the countenance ' senger and freight traffic is greatly in­ lute men, the place is equally difficult additional U. 8. commissioners for i of him who had conquered the world; creasing, necessitating an increase in to storm or to starve. One great care of Aluska, Itecame a law, Senator Wilson Sunday Welcome. j but he received this tribute of their ! employes. There is a demand in rail­ the Spaniards naturally has been to of Washington, succeeded in getting W. It is not lieyond the . ranie 0 rea respect with complacency on being in-' road hands ol all classes, caused ¡>y the possibility that the United ,, , , „ , maintain a coast guard, so that military J. Jones, of his state, nominated for a sonable ix u . _ iii •. m .u _ formed that they had never offered it to increase in business, and men who have supplies, and especially arms and am- commissioner at St. Michael, and his '',l ,e8 " dl en'ar8® >ta Northwestern any hut to Hercules and himself. been discharged during the past few munition, may not reach tiie insurgents nomination was promptly confirmed. l*°S9e8,,‘on the lapse of many yearn for vnrious causes are now asked from without, but in spite of all vigi- Then Mr. Jones wrote to Senator Wilson Jcar’ ’ 11 wou'd l>e putting it too to come back and go to »ork.— Jtrifiiter- lance, this is not quite successful; and saying that he didn't want the place *,r<”,8'y t° predict war in the near the insurgents often succeed in captur- and would resign and tiie senator noti- ' *ulore between the United States and Tut ittdhnky - iikskh . u ., in an opinion ing small quantities of military supplies tied the secretary of the interior. In *,'n8lan’i ®r Lanada, yet such an event to the secretary, lias decided that goods from their enemies, , order to save time Mr. L. B. Shepherd j ma* ¡‘“PP0" a8a>n, “» it has happened and productions of a foreign country Secretary Sherman recently said it was nominated and conflriued, and ' twic# befor*- Any oPPrt‘"s>'e or illib- “ Cures talk ” In (avor of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, not contiguous to the United States, was certain that Cuba was lost to Spain, started for St. Michael, the Clondyke eral on ,be Part **ie Bomin- us for no other medi­ which are regularly imported into Thia judgement, which is that of many gold excitement having added much *°n F°vernn,e,d with respect to tiie cine. Its great cures recorded orded in truthful, w w ™ Canada, and after exported tu the observers, is founded on Spain's flnnn- importance to the position. When the $<>'d"l,eld’ Wl11 »lmoet certainly result convincing language of grateful men and United States, are subject to a diaerim- cial exhaustion. She it quite incapalrfe interior department heard from Mr in double, and it would need no very women, constitute its most effective ad­ vertising. Many of these cures are mar­ natiou of 10 per cent, provided fur in of further effective effort, through lack Jonee. instead of getting his resignation a8Krav»ted injuries or insults to Amer- velous. They have won the confidence of the new tariff act, and also that the the people; have given Hood’s Sarsapa­ of the sinews of war. it got his bond, properly approved, and can miner, to lead to a declaration of rilla the largest tales In th . world, and method of conveyance, whether by tbs notification that lie bad taken the war. A president is necessarily a have made necessary for its mannfsctnra water, rail or otherwise, is not material. Tekarre Spit Kaiake Tear IJfb Away. oath ol office anil started for St. Michael, politician, and knows that war with the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood’s T o q u it U 'la t-M easily and forever, be may England on any reasonable provocation Sarsaparilla la known by the cures it has neilc. fu ll of Uto. nerve and vl«or. ta ke No To- 1 Both men cannot hold the same offlee, m ade-cures ol scrofula, salt rheum and B ar. the wonder worker, th a t m ake* weak men and the department bat decided that would I* popular. The result of a war eczema, cures of rheumatism, neuralgia The world will keep on strong. A ll drum rlsu, *0c or I t . C urefuarw n- would be ths certain extension of our and weak nerves, cares of dyspepsia, liver *.aed B ooklet and turn pie free Address turning round if you con­ H ta r I lag K em adt ( ) a . CMtcwwo or Naw Y o rk Mr. Jones has got to live up to bis boundary lines, and the poeeible sc- trouble«, catarrh-cures which prove qnitition of British Columbia and the tinue to buy trash spices FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. IwnlHxtr Say. »«. Northwest Territory. Great Britain's gnd flavoring extracts. -------- I , Cascareta ('andv CaUiarUc, the most n o» possessions on the Pacific are a constant , , I aeifql mcdicwl diK-oierr of the age. p eas- - -------------------- Tneoin« Ledger. R a tes T h r o u g h o u t W ill b e Placed A T B E D ROCK Fresh Groceries and Provi­ sions by Each Boat. Impor­ tant Reductions Will be Noticed in Footwear, Men’s Hats and Suits. “HURD & DAVENPORT”' THE SEATON STORE GENERAL 4 - MERCHANDISE. C ash or A n y t h in g M ark etab le^ HURD & DAVENPORT HAM PTON BEOS., FOB B HOODS, (W H IG , GEMS’ All the Latest In Dress Goods, Trimming Etc. A HAM PTON BROS., w ENTERPRISING— - LEADING — s. H. FRIENDLY. S. H. FRIENDLY. progressive merchant Cures iZik C A R M A N ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Pry Coods, ★ Groceries * and * Notions* FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Schilling's Best, however, pre pure and money-back. F o r aale by A M b Hood's a hall in Also a good wood «lied _______ ___ _ try _ a box lay them down till he has driven > liiilou. P>5*£- buy and on premises. For further pirtieulars • and f C C. C today; 10. a \ centi rividi uquire at Ibjs e ffie p , f uaraahMd to cure by ah dru,guts. land from these shores, Eng­ ........ Just Opened. la.rÄ iLa_ Goods as Represented. 1 Hood’, rh » j, w, carmak SROPmeToa