1»"P y A D V E R T IS E R S TH E W EST YOUR HOHE PAPER I SUPPORT IT SIUSLAWS ONLY PAPEE. F O P P O R T U N IT Y c ^ U 3átiÍ£dt.JL VOL. MIL NO 17, FLORENCE, OREGON, F R ID A Y , Aug. 20, 1807. A PECULIAR BUSINESS. 1<- Il e t d th e W ln n lu x llx u d . They were' having the usual game of general directory cards in the smoking apartment. The B re e d in g a n il C a tc h in g ’ v e c h e s F o r th e traveling men swapped jokes, nailed lie* N e w Y o r k M a r k e t. Is especially true ot Hood's Fills, for no inedi EVERY GANG OF CO UNTERFEITERS James Purtit aud his children earn and told bigger ones. The stranger who state officers eine ever contained so great curative power In HAS CONTAINED A WOMAN. all the money they make raising leech­ just sat iu to fill out the game contrili- Q J k P C D IIS r E P t so small space. They arc a whole medicine es, for the work of breeding tho blood­ nted nothing but smiles und ail occa­ ' S A IL S ----------- S T A G E L IN E . sional general laugh to the social fea­ I t la a W e a k » -« « o f th e Sax, a n d T h e y A r a suckers on the Partit farm on Toms . . . William P. Lord. tures of the occasion. F r e q u e n tly V e ry C le v e r —Som e o f th e river, near Lacy, N. J., is nothing com­ On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each , 0VeX o f S ' a t e . ...........II. K. Kincaid. Every once iu a while a jovial drum­ W o m e n W h a U a v e B een C o n v ic te d o f pared with tho labor of catching them. month. mer would announce that ho had some iCret* ............. Philip Metchen The wary leech w ill take hold of nothing » ta k in g a n d Paaalng “ Q u e e r" M o n ey . leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Single trip $3.00. Round trip $5.00 , hut human flesh, so the members of tho piker iu his hand, aud on occasional Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. days and Fridays. chest, always ready, al- Women have a weakness for counter­ partit family, big and little, plunge tide bet was made nnder the rules of UP1- 1 ‘ „ ......... W. H. Leeds. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ ways efBcleut, always sat- feiting. The first person ever executed Iheir legs into the swamp aud draw the great American game. täte I nn e i,i|eman. days and Saturdays. i tsfaetory; prevent a cold Fiually one of these challenges elicit, for that crime was a woman. She was Iheui up presently with the prey at­ .tturney General. . ..........R. 8. Bean Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ or fever, cure all liver Ills, ed from the stranger an admission that burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with an English woman named Barbara Spen­ sick headache, Jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. tached. ....... F. A. Moore Line for Coos Bay. Charge For Passenger and Freight Rates The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. cer and was put to death in 1731 for Farmer Partit doesn't seem to think poker was about the only game of cards uprenie Court C. E- Wolveiton Stage of wl'.ieh lie (lid not jxissess some knowl­ reasonable. a little blood letting hurts one. ------- APPLY TO--------- making false shillings. She was stran­ edge, but ho had rather a peculiar hand, Ì t o r n e y C^ lo‘^ D Í 8 t r l e .. t .J. G e C. 0 ‘ Fullerton B r ° W" ••They are as good as a doae of spring gled and burned at the stake. Curiously and because of tho value it would have physio,” says he. ‘ Why, me and the i Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. enough, her accomplices were acquitted. boys get so f it aud healthy doiug nothing j in other games ho woqld just take a Nancy Kidd was one of the most re­ all winter that we need something like chauee. Bets were rapidly made until there markable female counterfeiters ever this to keep us in order. If we fished WALTON, VINCENT known in this country. She belonged to too long at a time, they might do some was $150 in the pot, when a call was C O U N TY O FFIC E R S V . H E M IN W A Y . ) a family of noted forgers. She carried harm, but we know when to stop. Aft- made, and the stranger awkwardly ask­ S T E A M E R “ C O O S ,’ (SUCCESSORS I on her nefarious trado for more than 30 or the season is over wo feel fresher and ed how many points his opponent had. Will make7 E- B a n g s , P ro p rie to r. “ We don’t count points,” was the years in Chicago, and was arrested there better than if we hadn’t been leeching. | many times. On one of these occasions They are just like mosquitoes—they ! answ er, "but I have four eights. I rath­ R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S .F. 0 . Potter. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, a lot of fiber paper was discovered on Buck out ull the bud blood and leave er think that w ill take the plunder.” lodge................ • Between - her person. The government officials the good, and Hint's why, I suppose, wo "Well, I declare!” gasped the stran­ T. Bailey Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. I ,...W . T Callisoii A Complete Line of Drug were completely at a loss to know how feel so good ufter a mouth’s work in tho ger, as he leaned back and mopped his Commissioners I ' ' ........ she had obtained this. Finally she con­ swamp. 1 think we’d all have malaria brow. "Hero I am with high, jack, m., arriving in Florence the day A. C. Jennings Sundries and Toilet Articles. fessed that a chemical solution had beon down in this wet place if it wasn’t for game, big casino, an ace, a run of five Clerk............................. . . . A. J. Johnson ! following at 11) a. in. used to wash the faces of the notes and the leeches. No man oonld wade through and a flush,” as he threw down the Sheriff........................... ..A. 8. Patterson ........ ........... Returning-stage leaves Flor­ make them perfectly clean. Thus she such a mudhole without gettiug wuluria ace, kiug, queen, jack and ten of dia­ treasurer...................... monds. ” 1 really thought I had you was in the habit of taking $1 bills and uuless something helped him. " ___D. P. Burton ence on Mondays, Wcdneslays Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. beat,” aud he shoved the money toward A ssesso r....................... • " ' changing them into larger denomina His. farm yields 600,000 leeches a cbool superintendent ......... C. 8. Hunt and Fridays at 3 p, m., arriving Eugene, : : : Orc. tions. The government authorities re­ year, and the price is 30 or 80 cents for the paralyzed drummer. __ C. M. Collier In the midst of the roar that followed leased her in return for this valuablo 100, giving an annual income of $1,000 .................................. ___J. W. Harris in Eugene the following day information and for telling them what to the family. The market is New York “ A royal flash!” was Hhouted by some Coroner......................... ,F. B. Wilson at 6 p. m. solution was. However, they had or Philadelphia, where the leeches are one, nnd tho stranger was hilariously T E R M S S T R IC T L Y C A S H . the Justice of Peace........... assured that he had won. His surprised her shadowed by detectives and finally distributed to tho trade. . John F. Tanner Constable...................... caught her with $17,000 worth of coun­ Single fare - - - - $5.00 Hulf a century ago this would have face never gave away so much us a R terfeit money in a box. She was found been a great business, but the belief in chueklo until he was alone that night. Round trip _ - - - $0.00 guilty ujKin seven different indictments leechos has fallen off in this country. —New York World. for counterfeiting and was sentenced to Europe clings to the practice, and Puns Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s CITY OFFICERS. S piders a nd T h e i r W a y » . eight years In the state prison, where consumes 3,000,000 leeches yearly, livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd Wc find us marked differences in hab­ she finally died. while Loudon finds use for over 7,000,- & Davenport’s office in Florence. One of tlio cleverest tricks ever played 000 a year. its, tastes and characters among spiders . F. B. Wilson on Undo Sam was invented by a woman ii Janies Partit or his boys, when wad­ as among human beings. Some kinds president.................. who lived ia Philadelphia. Her plan OF THE, ing. discovered the presence of tho leech­ prefer always living in bouses or cel­ O. W. Hurd was to take $10 und $30 goldpieces and es in his swamps. He looked up the sub lars, not seeming to caro for any fresh Win. Kyle with a small drill worked by steam jeet and decided that he would supply air or out of door exercise. Mr. Jesse Marlon Morris yard of Trustees S le e p in g C a r s power to boro out the insides and then the Aniencuu market, which hitherto tells of two spiders that lived for 18 C. C. Behnke ....... J. C. FLINT, Proprietor ...... E le g a n t refill them with come base metal, being had depended on Europe. Ho found that years in opposite comers of a drawet .. .Drew Severy very careful that they should weigh ex­ buyers prefi rred the Hungarian fellow which was used for soap and candles. F lo re n c e , O re g o n . ecorder.............. D in in g C a r s actly tho right amount when sho had of olive g n tu without spots, or else the Others delight in making burrows iu __ J. A. Pond treasurer ........... finished. This she accomplished by drill­ German leech, with dark green body the earth, in dwelling under stones 01 T o u r is t . .J. It. Weddle ing through tho milled edge of tho coin, spotted below with black. He got a few behind the loose hark on trees, and oth­ Marshal................ OUR AIM—To furnish the best S le e p in g C a r s T H E CHRONICLE ranks w ith t o . greslM » and then, after filling tho hole, cover jt specimens uuil put thini iu the pond. ers live under water. Many never leave aew,pap«ra In the U nited sta tes. accommodations at reasonable ST. PAUL with a little of tho exlraeted extracted gold. In ;,f. cv'ninjtipiied'rapidly ufter their ene- their webs, but patiently wait, hoping THIC CHRONICLE h a , no equal on th e Paelllo this way sho mado $7.B0 on every caglo * gu„ke8> wero extermi- Homo insect w ill become entangled in Coast. It lea d , all In ability, enterprise and n ew s SECRET SO CIETIES. M IN N E A P O L IS prices. T H E CHRONICIJCS Telegraphic R eport, are and about $10 on every double eaglo. nated, and soon tho . . first . leech . pond . in tho snares they have set. Others dash the latest and moat reliable, Ita Local N ew s the DULUTH The officials of tho Reerot service say tho country was established. The young about and seize upon every luckless in­ fullest and spiciest, and lta E ditorial! from lha that this is tho safest device ever in­ are really lor market iu abonl a yeur, sect that crosses their path. Tlio most ablest pent Io the coontry. FARG O F AA M. Florence Lodge No. 107. T H E CHRONICLE has alw ays been, and alw ays vented for cheating the treasury. G R A ND FORKS but reproouction takes three years. Tho adventirrons of all are those that sail ■ Regular sommunieation on second TO w ill be, the friend and ohatnplon of th e people as Counterfeiting is very apt to run in average lift, of a leech is 15 or 30 years out into the world on one of their own against com bination», cliques, corporations, or CRO OKSTON ind fourth Saturdays in each families. This, of courso, is natural, as Usually a healthy mail can fish in the little threads. oppressions of any kind. It w ill ba Independent 8. L. R obbbds , W. M. In evarytblug oeutral In u o U d u g , a father brings np his son or daughter swamp four or five hours without losing W I N N IP E G I11 the bright autnmu weather, if wc J. G. K xotts , Secretary. P R IN C IP A L H O T E L ★ to follow his profession Women who enougli blood to exhaust liiiu. The lcecli observe closely, wo muy sometimes see H E L E N A and would otherwise bo good are often led has three jaw s and from 20 to 00 teeth. some of onr own small spiders ascend ONE BLOCK FRO M D E P O T BUTTE' into this sort of crime by marrying men When those get going, in u short time to the tops of trees, fences aud other -----RATES $1.00 Per DAY----- who carry it on as a business. But some­ tho loech will swallow five times his high objects, rise on tlieir I och , turn the i R General Lyons Post, No. 58, times it works the other w ay-w om en weight in blood. spinners upward, throw out a quantity meets second and fourth Saturdays M bs . L , L. M arstebh , Prop. teach their husbands how to make false All this is more pleasant than the of silk and sail away. They grasp the ¡ : O r e g o n . bi each month. TO money. This is what happened when practice elsewhere about New York of silken thread with their feet and seem E u gen e, C H IC A C O J.L B utterfield , Commander. Ben Boyd married Mary Ackerman of fattening letches for the market on tie to Lo enjoying themselves us mnch as J. L. F ubnihii , Adjutant. W A S H IN G T O N Indiana. Her father was one of tho crcpit old horses which have been con­ tho birds and butterflies.—Margaret W. most successful counterfeiters of his day, demned to the boneyard.—New York Leighton in Popular Science Monthly. P H IL A D E L P H I A and his dunghter had a thorough ac­ P r e s s . ________________ w . W. NEELY, Prop’r. N EW YORK quaintance with tho art. Mrs. Boyd D r . N lc o ll on A m e r ic a n N ew sp aper«. 0 U W. I’erpetua Lodge, No. 131, GETTING PATENTS. carefully taught her husband all tho so- nierts every lit and 3.1 Saturdays Dr. Nieoll, who came to this country Tables furnished with all the B O S T O N A N D A L L crots of tho trade, and lie hceamo onoof with Mr. Barrie, read the American tach month. Member, and visiting deHcacie(, of the season. Wild P O IN T S E A S T »»») S O U T H T h e D is co v ere r» A re N o t L fW ftlly tlie One» the most fatuous forgers of tho age. newspaix-rs while he was here nnd au­ brethren in good standing are . t o H e a p th e lie w a rd . They carried ou tho business with daciously admits that ho liked them. TuviteJ to attend. I. G. K kotts , M. « game, fish and fruit in season. Best For Information, time card«, maps and tickets, If you look buck on the hiitory of hu­ such a high degree of skill that they He has confessed to The Westminster |W m . K ile , Recorder. ' accomodations for the traveling etc., call nn or wilte wero not captured for years, and when man progress, you will find that noun of Budget that in his opinion no American M c MURPHEY, 'edge No. I l l , meets j public. Charges reasonable. at last tho secret service Ilawkshaws did the great epoch makiug inventions has institution is more mi .understood abroad General Agent. Rooms 2 and I, Shelton Block, I 0. 0 . F. Heceta 1 run them down not a siuglo counterfeit ever been patented. Tho man who lit than the press. lie Ihinks onr newspa­ in Lodge EUGENE, OREGON. every Wednesday evening plate, note or coin was found in their the first fire— whether Prometheus or pers less sensational than they seem to Brothers in (Had, Florence, Oregon possession. When their house was the party from whom he stole tho idea lx. and says, very truly, that yon may A . D . C H A R L T O N , invited to attend. tool .1 standing searchod, $8.000 in good money was —did not get a patent for it. Neither look in vain in them for such matter as W. H. W eathkbson , b . u- Assistant General Passenger Agent. found. This small amount was all tho did the niHti who made the first wheel, the divorce reports which tho most prop­ 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. M arion M orris , Sec. •** • money they had accumulated during all in every sense ono of the most revo­ er English papers pubiisli. Undoubted­ P o r tla n d O r their years of crime. Of course the offi­ lutionary inventions iu the history of ly wo Americans liko the newspapers w . 0 . ZEIGLER, Proprietor. cers could not touch it. Afterward suffi­ man. Tho same thing may be said of we have better, on tho whole, than any CHURCH D IR E C T O R Y cient evidence was secured to convict the invention of soap, candles, gun pow­ others in (I10 market, hut we are so con­ EUGENE, • - “ OREGON T h e F u n k '& W a g n a lls them, and they wero sent to prison. der. umbrellas and the mariner's com- tinually advised that our passion for They both claimed to bo converted while puss, or, to come dow n to our own duy, them is guilty, that while we satisfy it RESBY I’KIIIAN CHURCH, Horen «, I iu state prisou, and after their release cf the «team engine and the electric tele- with pnsiigality wo seldom attempt to Ore.-on. Sabbath service. Sabbatu , settled iu Ghicugo, whero they appar­ graph. cbool,19 o’clock a. in. ‘ re!’ch'"« ‘T : Of The Patents are mostly concerned with justify or even to excuse it, go that to T h e C h r o n le le B u lid la g . ently lived an honest life. hear onr journals praised by a visitor ’clocks. 111. and 7 1». m. 8»«r*?\e"h .j A case that nnnoyed the secret servico small mechanical details and improve­ excites emotion t of considerable novel­ ENGLISH LANGUAGE lie Lord’s s’.pper on 1st 8ab(^ lt(Jber ments—it may bo in the application of very much was that of a woman who ty. After all, a liking for newspaper» T w e n t v - th r e e -ainiary, April, July and employed a clever dodgo. She went to a steam and electricity—aud by means of is, like a liking for one’s fellow crea­ COM PLETE Bivervbo.ly is welcome to all the se ' B v M a ll. P o .t » « » P a id . these patents cuoruious profits have been M ile s W e s t large shop and selected a valuable shawl. Pastor requests Christians to tures, apt to concentrate itself on indi­ S U C C IE N T To pay for this sho handed the clerk u secured to second rule inventors, but the viduals. If Dr. Nieoll had been impoli­ of E u gene. liemselves known. ________ _ - B’f*1 ideas aud discoveries w hich nn I. G. K notts , Pastor. United States treasury not« for $1,000. tic enough to say which American pa­ a u t h o r it a t iv e HetookGte momy anddiHuppeareil, not ,i,.rHe these detail» have been given to pers he liked, his comments would hav» returning for several minutes. When he the world gratis. There is a general notion that if yon gained iu intenist all that they lost iu camo back, she asked him why lie had IETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH discretion.—Harper’s Weekly. 301.865 Vocabulary Term» G leñada kept her waiting, and ho confessed that did not protect inventions by menus of service. Preaching at 147 Editor» and Specialist» patents inventors wtuld cease to iirvent lai.,1 Acme two Sundays of each inont i. ho had taken the bill to a bank near by T h e C a re o f C lo th in g . jjj Reader« for Quotation» • to be sure that it was good. Sho pre­ aud material progrets would como (o n |8 ;ib b a tli-8 c lio o l every 8 ,,n ', ?.X1,r«- "Always shake, brush and fold- your stamlmiH. But history does not Is nr this 5000 Illustration» tended to be very angry and said that I I a in. P rayer H irelin g ev e r y T l Tia Graileat Weekly is lha Corntry, clothes at night," is Walter Germain's sho would not buy tho shawl on nny ac­ out in tho least. Men with gteut me­ atlviec to men In The Ladies’ Horae Jour­ I,lav evening a t th e church. Every y Cost over $060,000 G F . R ounds , count aud walked out of tlio shop. A chanical gifts do not exercise them sole­ nal. “ Never hang eouls—fold them. [cordially invited. Appendix of 4 7 .4 *8 E n tr le i Pastor. M o n e y S aved little later in the day she returned aud ly with a view to commercial profit any Trousers should be folded by putting tho a W said that as sho could not find any ether more thun astronomers search the heav­ two waist buttons together and preserv­ By (lu o lu d ln g postage) to aar part of tho U nltod shawl that suited her as well In the ens for new worlds with an eye to regis­ ing (lie crease. Fold lengthwise nnd The full number of words and terms In State», (Canada and Mexico. other shops »he had decided to tako it tering patents and flouting compnuies then double. Goats are folded length­ ' different dictionaries for the entire alphabet Is P a tr o n iz in g it. attorneys T H B W KKKLY OHBOMICLK. th» brtfbM»* in spite of tho insult offered her. She on the results of their discoveries.—Lon­ wise, the sleeves iu lialf first, then each follow»: 8VOSMONTH, 50,«10; W oschxstks and moat com plete W e e k l, N ew ep a ^ r la the _____ world, p rin t, regularly 84 colum ns, or t w e lv . gave him tho $1,000 bill, and, getting don Truth. 105,000; W ssstsb (inwruatlonal), 125,000; Csa half of the eoat lo the sleeve line, then . . . . . . of New». Literature and General Inform a­ A. C. WOODCOCK, Prop. F la lt t e g . 225,050; tion; also a m agnlftcent Agricultural D epartm ent. the shawl and tho change, left tho shop. the two remaining halves, the lining be­ tckv , (»lx volumes, complete,) Geo. H a le The owner of the shop afterward discov­ Very narrow plaiting is a favorite ing ou the outside. Waistcoats are fold­ SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. ered that the note he finally accepted STANDARD, over » 1 000; dress trimming. A costumo of gray was a counterfeit. The first bill had cumel’s hair is made np iu a plain prin­ ed iu half, lengthwise. Never lounge about your room in your elothea—noth­ D O Y O U W A N T T H E boon good, but on her return she gave cess fashion. The waist cloaos at one ing destroys llietn so much. When yon business CARDS. Sample Pages Free. O '.'SSo n him tho false one, which waa a won­ side, and the skirt, waist and rleevea come in during the afternoon or at C H R O N IC L E H J u g Q lie, derfully etever Imitation. The aem-t are, aa ono euthusiustio yontig woman j Building. Room« 7 given and to s collections and pro­ service was much agitated at*»ut this expressed it, absolutely smothered iu night, remove your eoat, waistcoat and ano p Special attention flR S T ||A T I0 N A L RANK a c e n t s w a n t e d . aud several others of the $1,000 bills piuked out rallies of iridescent taffeta. trousers and put on a bath roLo if you I bate butiuSM. which turned np, bnt they have since In addition to the plulting the»e rnffies are to remain in your room for any time. Always havo aa old eoat at the office.” captured tho plates. are plaited, then drawn out a little to ■ EUGENE. S H O W IN G » O F Practically every gang of counterfeit­ rank.- funs, which arc laid so as to form E. O POTTER. T h e L a rg e s t n r l t l . h P a in tin g . E . D . B R O N S O N & CO, s B E A K IH . Jn.. C a « h " The United States, Dominion of ers ever arrested has had women csso bands of trimming from shoulders to ! The lafgi st picture ever painted by I T a . MfUORIOKS. •»«.». Pacific Coast Agents .................. Attornoy-at-L«w ................ ciates. In tho office of the secret service waist Hue as ootlim s for yoke« and to British artist is said to be Sir James Canada and Northern Mexiao in Washington tliere is a large frame, 4 supply Ihc place of the almost collapsed >phornUll*8 work ou the ceiling of tho 0 5 0 , OCO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. E U G E N E , O REGO N. PAID UP OA8H CAPITAL, O N O N E H ID IC , $ 5 0 OOO foet square, filled with tho photographs sleeves. One dress lias cu outlined yoke gr,.nt hall at Greenwich hospital, rvp- SURPLUS AND PROFITS. A n d th a 933 Market S t. of women who have either made or of very iiurrow pinked and pluited jx-wntiii.T the founders, William III :tud Orncr. At the Court House. passed false money. Men almost always raffling. From tho seams whero the Queen Mary, suiroundid ty the attri­ S O L IC IT E D ACCO UNTS employ their wives or daughters for the sleeves are sewed in ate similar ruffles butes of naiioual prosperity,which meas- . OREGON ■O VIAB8» purpose of ‘‘shoving” their oounterfetta. O X T O T O T H E R K IC K . K P IR K N O l. EUGENE, of varying widths, tho lower one being nreil 113 fact ty 6(5 feet. E . E . B E N E D IC T » — Washington Post Rend a n d O e t t i t . M ap a n d about 14 inches wide and the upper ono The hugest pictnro ever painted and W e e k ly i t i r o n l c l . f<»F O n e Y e a r, not over 6 inches wide.—Now York exhibited as such by a British artist Is A T T O R . X S Y - A .T - Iu A " W notaries . Het O u t T r e e . l a t il « S p rin g . p o s ta g e p r e p a id on M ap a n d P a p jr . one by Jehu Martin, tlio subject being 8pring is a better time to set trees Ledger. ________________ “ Joshua Commanding the Hun to 8tand address than fall, because at that season trees are Florence. : s Oreston. To chungo one’s nationality in Russia Still. ” It was hung ou the walls of the M . K . de Y O G N O , beginning to grow and will, then fore, is not at tho command of every purse. F n p r l.to r a F. C hroiitcl* a . R. BUTTOLPH, in 1S10. SAN FWANCtatXA CAU be iu a condition to nupond mon' rea.il- The flist condition is that you should be aciMlomy T W A IF * M A * » » » Another lu g e portrait group picture, O 1 S IC N « , l v to treatment, while In fall they are • landowner for five years at the short­ O O F V H IO M T B k e . unlikely to establish themselves before est, aDd that during the whole of lhat painted by Phillips, containing over 00« An.nM irmilrff a -ketoh .w l 6**v(P” ‘'V cold weather sets iu. Pn-sorve the roots period you should have resided upon portraits, measured 2(5 foet by 17 tceL— MEN to the fnllcet possible extent and do not your property in thnt oonutry. The next Btranil Magazine. ANTED—FAITHFUL ooondettfHi. «M tonton ML w O regon . ta Ai TS«.. for re- disturb the tree until after It has ripen­ condition is that yon should take the ÜuTÍ * O «sa«»« r t a c t l a s I n Sxr« / pBtenU p - l o r e n 0 ®' n a,paaan4UA»D Pittabura Disp atih. dzeu also change their nationality. addressed stamped envelope. The Rexford iu Ladies’ Home Journal. rum ta." with co”* AdJre-. M U N N A CO., National, Star Insurance Bldg-. Chicago. w Tevk. Much in Little TRAVELERS' GUIDE T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. Steamer A FEMALE MEMBER. Robarts Hood’ s ■ I I H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, g a III l l O F lo r e n c e to Y a q u in a . CORNER E U G E N E -F L O R E N C E STAGE LINE, z DRUG STORE. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. H E R E ’S ! MORRIS .»« HOTEL, « ÍC1FIC COAST ’ & CHRONICLE MINNESOTA HOTEL. THROUGH TICKETS Head of Tide Hotel, R. H O TEL EUGENE. E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. S ta n d a r d D ic t io n a r y T H E D A IL -Y Only $ 6 / 7 0 a Year. ON EU CEN E AND FLO RENCE STAGE R O U TE. hr The Weekly $ 1 .5 0 A tt o r n e y a t L a w , Reversible Map? a f Map o f th e W o rld $a P atents N o ta r y P u b lic ,S u r v e y o r PATENTS c. & notary A. SNOW A CO .. »»• FaWirt Or**e«. FLO R EN C E. public . OR EG O N H l ■ rM dw ay. Be T tm