^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ) ( ç ^ ^ ^ ^ O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * _ _ . N D V CATHARTIC ;ubcah£w> CURECOHSTIMTION 10 < 25* 50* _ _ cure any caneo o r c r t i M « « . f«K»r»‘» » " 1'.hr' , x ; ‘¿»L w OT «rip « «rip».*»« « «“7 B“X t York. «■« ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED I K ft KENEDY CO.® Chicago* Montreal. €•■._* ° r , , <>tr pie ami booklet free. Ad. A B it ® f S s b k W t t . ALL druggists Three ★ Desirable ★ Stars in ★ w prison out of our—our—foolish mistako MEN ANTED—FAITHFUL Soma time ago while I was trading last night. I - I —have just had a In a villagp store one of the clerk« cam# for re­ T A L U Y I^S pin eapples . <;bo w alks in Nealilr • calm ; iw portuns Vide* dr dreadful interview with—that— to the juuie- partner, who was waiting T h a t ullr life's sh.JloAs cannot u tir th e deeps sponsible eHtnblialied house in Oregon. that—onions Lady Slanderson 1 ” Q uirk W o rk Itnue I o I ta n d ll’ B th® F r u it Whoso air >li»- breathe«; sue n e ith e r laughs and said: Salary $780 and expenses. Position “Tho do— Oh, I beg your pardon. But on “ me, on tli® N ew Y u k W h arf. nor weer *: Plea e st p to the desk. Pat Ffruu B u t, through G od's w orld, wlie»o h e r w hite —but—do you mean to say that she dis­ Tlie pineapple season 1 .stsfrom about permanent. Reference. Enclose self- wants to seitle his aocount and wants a MYUl abides, T he’ covered ou—our—mistake?" March 1 i' about A g. 1. New York addressed stamped envelope. b h e flings a song th a t on the stillness rides “ She—she—-thinks that she has found receipt. ” g ts j.iuc«pg*e» from the Florida keys, National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. Jake niununrujit light, und ho who vigil keeps, The mt r: hunt was evidently« ved oat some—something dr-dreadful about Watching the beauty th a t in cheer us glides ' “ Why, what does he want cf a re-i from the West Indies and from the Ba- I O ut of the silence whlln the black ei rthsleeps, us. ’’ F r u te c tiu g an A tlantl® C able. he said. “ We never give one. human, dome come in steamers, some Doth » A’e her t s who sings, for in th a t strain And poor Mabel, unable to restrain Simply era is his account off the book. I in sailing vessels. Pineapples from Ha- Hio makes the two div in er n atu res on« The “ core” is now finished. But as her feelings a” i pines and throw them into the truck, seven different varieties. The occasion But txinigtion was impossible. Ho posed the girl. “ Iexplained everything. which has rocks at the sides; lengths of for such diversity is this: In the middle svas,young, ingle, a viscount. He had the merchant decidedly. Six;—ssin■—scoffed at my version. Blie said $125,000 a year. “ Faith, thin," said Pat, “ I ’li bo after board are placed across the end as the , of the Atlantic a cublo is dropped to a said she would—would—publish tho One uutinnn, three or four years ago, knpin me money in me pocket, for I load rises. Two men stand in the truck 1 depth of two or three statute miles, and to level tho fruit as it comes to them. i Lord Petersfield went down into Sussex scandal to the four winds of heaven. haven’t paid it. ” Tho two counters are experts, and they as it Is payed out to such a depth it to stay with iiis friends the Wentwarps, Oh, Lord Petersfield, what is to be "Oh, well, I can rub that ont. ” must have a great burden to sustain in at Wt'ntwarp ball, a very lino old coun­ done?” “ Fuith, now, and I thought tbe work with great rapidity and steadiness, its own weight. To make the weight as “ But, surely,” stammered Lord Pe- keeping pineapples going all the time. little as possible consistent with need­ try sent. ' eniue, ” said Pat. 'For one thing, tiny understood bis tersfleld, who was naturally in a great It is needless to add that Pat got bis Each man picks up two pineapples at a I ful quality aud slrength becomes, there­ stale of mind, “ people w ill accept onr time, one with each hand, and gives fore, important. Tho deeper a cablo is character und did not worry him with receipt. —Romuuce. them a toss into the truck, both men laid the less its liability to disturbance, excesivo hospitality. And then, for version rather than Ilia': of this vile counting as they go along, one after an- ! and tho deep water sections, therefore, another, the daughters of the house, scandal monger!” A n H oncut Judge® “ Alas,” sobbed Mabel, “ I wish I other, “ one,” “ two,” "three,” “ four,” J Mabel and Maud—very pretty girls, “ One of the most honest men who may be niado much lighter than the too, by thi' way—did not run after him thought so! You see, Lord Petersfield, I ever lived was Judge Arihur Shields,” “ five,” and so ou up, each count mean- | shallow water sections. As the cable cannot help recognizing the very un­ ing two pineapples. When they strike ; or mako eyes at him. They wero simply fortunate state of appearances.-She will said C. R. Markham of Cheyenne. “ He “one hundred,” the tallyman makes a draws nearer the shore, where the dan­ friendly and cordial with him. was on tho bench iu the early days of “one hundred gers grow greater, a heavier aud heavier Now Viscount Petersfield bad con­ say that if—if—we had—any—any­ Kansas, aud I was one of tbe lawyers straight chalk mark ou the end of tho sheathing is adopted, until, in what is thing to conceal we should, of course, truck ; that stands for 200 pineapples. tracted a deplorable habit of easing liis who praoticed in his court. Upon one known ns the "shore end,” comes the None who are engaged in any of the mechanicui pinched toes by kicking off his pumps be ready with an explanation, and that occasion I was conducting a case in While he is making the chalk mark the heaviest of all.—McClure’s Magazine. during the progress of dinner and only even at that our explanation is lame which I had perfect confidence when other counter keeps right on, and ho may pursuits can succeed without reading «1:«' and improbable. Besides she w ill en­ have got up to “ two” cr “ three” again, resuming them just lx f ire he had to M odern P ilg r im s, tho trial began, but before it had pro­ large and exaggerate and—and tell— for it takes a second or tw o to make the jump up in dcfcreuco to the rising of studying this standard Magazine of Sciences, “ Yes, Dusty,” declared Weary Wag­ falsehoods, until—oh, I h id rather have gressed fur the evideuoe against my chalk mark, but by that time the tally­ the ladies. client’s side of tho controversy was so gles reflectively as he regretfully laid died than have had this happen!” man is at it again chiming in with He wi s rather sorry when ho saw and mechanical Arts. I t is illustrated with Tho viscount was silent for a minute. strong and so unexpected that I saw the “ four,” and away they go together down the tomato can which he had Lady Wentwarp preparing to make tho case was hopeless. I fully belioved the drained of its contents to the last drop, A sudden idea, born of tlie circum­ all modern cuts of latest inventions in all signal, aial he had to feel for his vacant witnesses lien, but could not shuke them again, counting up rapidly toward an­ “ a genius must be dead many years tc puinpa. Ho found them and got them stances, bad flashed across his mind. Ho by cioss examination, and it looked as other hundred. If a man on the load be appreciated. ” the branches of mechanism, and its fund of on in tinu— phcwl Certainly they were had never thought of Mabel in this though my client would lose bis prop­ finds a specked pine, he drops it over “ Huh,” replied Dusty, who was abominably tight! They seemed to light before. He would not have dono so erty. Judgo Shields hud decided every the side of the truck into a basket that wanting in the ability to express his knowledge is inseparably connected with in ­ tlirow him forward on his toes in a now unless the situation had forced it question with perfect fairness, and it stands there, and says: “ Oneout.” The thoughts Yvith tho elegant grace of his ■wat to which ho was not accustomed, on him, but as ho looked at her pretty, could not be aeen that he was in any tallyman tosses in one without count­ fellow wanderer. ventors and mechanics. Sold with T hk tJuly as tho last fair diner swept past woeful face he realized that it was not way interested until suddenly he called ing, to keep tho count good. “ Now, there’s them pilgrim fathers As fast us the counters empty the him, on 1.(r way out, did lm realize that such an unwelcome light in which to to an attorney, ‘Mr. Block, take the W est at clubbing rates. that you hear people making so much his toes w r e being tortured in a pair of think of her after all. bench fo» the rest of this ease;’ then, baskets they push them off tho box, and fuss about. Do you know what they “ My—my—dear Miss Mabel, I—I— the man nt the stringpieocsetsup a full lady’s chocs. turning to me, be said: ‘Have mo sworn They wi re high heeled, ef black satin, might, for’ all that Lady Slanderson ns a witness. I will not see a man one in its place and tho counters keep are?” "Dunno as I does. ” knows to the contrary, have—have—ac­ with large rosettes and silver buckles. robbed iu t -,is court in matters of which the pineapples going without cessation. "No, of courso not. You see, you Ho had no difficulty in recognizing quired the light to— to—take your— I am personally cognizant. ’ He took the At tho fifth hundred the tallyman makes haven’t such a good education as this your—slipis rs to your room.” a murk diagonally ucress the four he them. They were Mabel Weulwarp's. stand, and his testimony saved the ease here gent. Well, then, you just look in “ I_f—v,hut do you mean. Lord Pe- Then ho saw how it was. An unin­ for mo. The other side appealed, bnt has already made, in the cemmouly the dictionary, and you w ill find that used mothed cf tallying freight; but tentional cxchango. The young lady tersfieh.?” “ Why,” riplied his lordship, blush­ tho judgo was sustained, the only case these five marks hero stand for 1,000 pilgrim means a wanderer who journeys must have kicked off her shoes also, and, ing and stammering “ if I were—were of tho kind in the b o o k s.W a sh in g to n pineapples. Ou a double truck there are ou foot. Now, ain’t that just what you meaning to resume them, have un­ ________________ —engaged to be married to you, Miss Star. usually carried from 4,500 to 6,500 and me aro?” knowingly resumed his instead. “ Yea.” Mabel, it w-would make a—a—differ- Cremation*. pineapples; on a siuglo truck, from Ho decided that his host coarse was “ Well, I guess it was just the same It is noteworthy that though in each 2,000 to 3,600.— New York Sun. to slip away, on some pretext or other, tuce—wouldn’t it?" with them as with us. Nobody made “ Oh, no, Lord Petersfleldl Not that, of the American crematories more men while tho gentlemen were still smok­ any fuss over them until they were LAUGHTER. than women have been cremated the ing their cigarettes; then to hurry up not that,” slio cried, starting away. dead for hundreds of years. When we “ Couldn’t yon s stand mo at—at— movement abroad was practically begun stairs to his bedroom and exchange the I t E v o lu te d F r o m th e B r u ta l Y ell are dead hundreds of years, peoplo will satins for a second pair of pumps, any price, lien?” gasped tlio viscount, by women, Ludy Dilke of England und O ver a T o r tu r e d E n em y? be making a fuss over us. We will be p ainfully morlifled. a Oertnan woman having teen ere which he had fortunately brought with Just as the hoof of the horse is the pilgrim fathers sure, if the dictionary “ Oil, yes! It—it was rot. flint, I muied at Dresden. When efforts v ‘ This monthly magazine iH one of the veij him. remnant of an original five toes, just as is right and we get married. We strug­ Having decided on this line of action, shoqld—I liiouu I ei u d net let you inuue in the years 1878-4 v ■ the co tho pineal gland iu man is now said to gle now, but our posterity w ill be mak­ best printed in this country, and is soli Jm murmured—with a very red fact— a H-saeiitieo yourself to—to—save my rep­ neut of Europe, in Engl tuti aud i:i lie be the survival of a prehistoric eye on ing a big fuss over us. I’d rather some United Btutes iu favor of the creinutiot; the top of tho head, so, perhaps, this few excuses ami npologh s to his host, utation.” fuss was made over us now. But, Dusty, to all subscribers a t rates within tb “ It wouldn’t be much of a sacrifice,” of the dead, Ludy Rose M «’ and then performed a skillful and speedy levity iu regard to particular ailments ’such is life,* os the immortal poet re­ said bis lerdship. “ Do you kuow, I r.tu was one of its prominent u at's. A exit with so much rapidity us to make (in others) uiny be the descendant of an marks. ” ability of all to pay. I t is finely illm it impossible for tho black satins to be rather glad now that this—this—unfor­ number of well known wone n i.i f aboriginal ferocity in man. It is a well But Dusty had fallen asleep. —Chicago tunate sit nation lias opened my eyes? It country huve expressed thi tnselve d trated and presents th e names of famoa seen. known theory that what wo call humor Times-Herald. Now, as be passed with rapid ami —it—shows me something I didn’t real­ oidcoly in favor cf cremation. A arose from the same source; that the ize before. I— I —sill, Mabel, w ill you? them aro Olive Thome Miller, V nervous etealth along tho corridor which authors as contributors. T iik W e # O ccu p ation a n d H e a lth . first human laugh that over woke the “ He is a noble man, mamma,” said Lupineott, Mrs. J. C. Croly. Mrs. , led to his room, he happened to notice astonished echoes of gloomy primeval "There are occupations which men 1 aud the Cosmopolitan are sold at ir (hut one of tho bedroom doors on the the newly engaged girl to her mother a Wheeler Wilcox, Mrs. Al.ee D Le I’ -, forests was not an expression of mirth, do not shun as they do work in a gas- way stood open. He recognined whose few hours later. “ He— he—says ho geon, the late Kate Field, llese Lu but exultation over tho misery of a house,' * said a lifo insurance examiner, duced rates at this office. rcsim it was. It was Mabel Wentwarp s. didn’t realize that he loved me till this both Cleveland aud Euitb Thomas, tortured enemy. “ tvhich we consider far more hazardous! In an instant be bud popped them safely morning. And I did not realize that— a public meeting Mrs. BulliiiRton B There is to this day something ter­ You w ill be more likely to find old men inside the door ef her room and was that—I loved him. If I had, I wduld referred to the time when her I rible in laughter. The laugh of madness in a gashouse—men who have worked pions ding with a lighter heart tow ard li nei'i r have played that horrid practi­ should be carried to the crematory, ’i or of cruelty is asoundmoroawfnl than in the business for many years—than in his own apartment at tho end of tho cal joke upon him about his—his pumps. total number of cremations in the Un. a brewery. In the brewery men look But when he—he—sn-poke to me I ed Btates from 1876, when the first eri that of the bitterest lamentations. pa sage. By means of that strange phonograph robust aud strong. They have every ex­ knew in a moment ttiat—that—I did nintory was established, to tlie close i f On reaching bin own room he turned that w 3 call literature we can listen ternal appearance of health and would up the gas end was about to hunt out love him. You w ill—w ill—never tell 1898, was report»d to be 4,617. Tla even now to the laughter of the dcud, be looked upon by the average man as him that I meant it originally for a number of men cremated In N e w Y o rl, to the hearty guffaws or cynical titter­ bis second pair ef pumps from a cup­ ‘good risks. ’ But the fact that oue rare­ board when Ids eyes fell upon his best stupid hoax, w ill yon. in Ullin t doar?” is more than double the number of wom­ ings of generation after generation of ly sees an old man iu the business shows “ Don’t bo afraid i f that, Mab. Your en.—New York Tribune. pair—the pair which Malsd Wentwarp bygone men aud women, and if we are that tho calling, coupled with the hab­ had j.pp'V'priut.'il—standing ill a eon- old mother will not give you away. It curious iu such mutters wo can probe its which it creates, has a tendency to •‘I Ix>re l ’out" Mpieneus position by bis dossing table. was a risky sort of joke, wasn’t it, into the nature of the changes that have shorten life. The irou worker is anoth­ though it lias bad the happiest result«, He saw bow it. was. Miss Mabel, hav­ •‘I love you!” passed over tho fashion of men’s humor. er who is a less good risk than the gas­ as it seems to have opened both your ing discovered her mistake, bad had the Oh, what musio thera was la those For it has been said, not without tbe man if all other tilings are equal. The eyes?"—London Truth. promptness and delicacy to replace words as they flowed mellifluously— support of weighty cumulative evidence, tine particles of metal which find their Ila ,a thus io his room. It was certainly which means noinothing about honey— that, as wo penetrate further into tho way into his breathing apparatus have t 'a n t I te c a rilln « Star® Se«tln«. We do not take possession of our ideas but are possessed by tbonii un s t te iftil and ( onshlerate ef her. from her parted lips. Her lipa were past, we find the sense of humor de­ on effect on his lnngs, and strong men We hoar a great ileal of cant talked parted in the middle. M li n tb.y joined the ladles, Lord pending always more obviously and They master us and force us into the arena, iu that calling frequently develop pul­ Peter tielit i.tii. however, felt rather by those who insist that the ideal stage "I lovo yon!” solely upon the enjoyment of the pain, monary consumption. In fact, all trades si tting should 1» a g ecu baize, whose Where like gladiators, we must fight for them.” nerveas in case any of the fair guests The sours of tbe birds in tbe trees misfortune, mortification or embarrass­ and occupations which require working q . . . plight have shared Mias M diel s discov­ devolution should cons! it of placards In­ overhead seemed Jangling and ont of ment of others. The sense of superiority iu dust are detrimental to longevity aud Cfl 18 exa‘'e<* motto of the Arena, and the ery nlxiut the exchange ef alioes. Hut scribed, "This is a street,” “ This is a tune in comparison with these words of was tho sense of humor in our ancestors; w ill kill much more quickly than work­ he was w on ‘i t fie front anxiety ell house," “ This is heaven." In all this her. entire contents of this m onthly tuRgaziue or. in other words, vanity lay at the ing in a well regulated gashouse.”— this point I y Ml«« Wentwarp her elf, tli. re m eins to me something of affecta­ “ I lovo you I” root of this, as of most other attribute« New York Tribune. are upon a plane anti in keeping with its who, taking tlie opportunity to upproa» It tion. If Sltakespoare’s poetry eonlil be Aye, for such a one as she kings, and xf our bumptiona species! him us ho ntood for u moment alone, lietter or mere reverently illustrated by even actors, would have given np their P lctn rr« n f R onM eaa and Ham«*. Putting car to our phonograph, we motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent murmured, with a blushing, downcast such means, I w’ould say, “ Take away all and fallen captive at ber feet. catch tho echoes cf a strange and merry "The portraits of Rousseau anil Hume those b tables of scenery, of costume and ” 1 love youl” look: tumult; boisterous, cruel, often brutal, are historic. Both were executed in thinkers is a group of interesting men and •’I fixtnil out in r little mistake, Lord of nn hti' - .’H al aeivssort s. ” It was all And be? Did hie heart leap within yet with here and there a tender cailenco 1766, the year of that absurd misunder­ I’l'terslield, anti 1 at emo restored year very well for David Garrick to appeur him? Did his panting breath denote the from some solitary voice; and presently standing between the self tormentor and 1 women, and their thoughts are worthy tho property to your renin. h! No one iu a imudered tie wig, a Georgian eout ardor of hia longing to olasp her in hie this lonely note grows stronger and his guide, philosopher and friend, over ami silk stockings wlieu he was iniper- knows anything «tout it. Ah!" (turu- arms? .Did be fall ou bended kuee aud sweeter, as we travel slowly toward our which so much i lghteenth century ink consideration of all people. The Arena is jug her eyes down upon his varnished soinit ng the Tliauc of Cawdor, but ho cry: time, until at length, through all the was spilled. They must have been paint­ m ated the effect (which undoubtedly sold with T he W est . to"s). “ I seo that yea have already re­ "And I love thee!” merriment, we can hear the soft uuder- ed shortly after the arrival of the pair he ilnl create) is t by virtue i f the in- No He gave a blithe bark and wagged murniur of pity. Doee the pioture not iu England in January, aud that of claimed your own!” ixirreetness ef his costume, bnt in spite At that moment Julia fHamleruon hia tail, for he knew he was her favorite aeixe the imagination—the long laughter Rousseau was apparently interrupted swooped down upon her prey and to of it. Tlie gn'ator knowledge of historic­ poodle.—New York Journal. of the ages which begins in cruelty and py (lle ,jUi m I. since it is asserted that his givat annoyance forcibly annexed al p, nods pi ssesHisl by our theatergoers ends iu h 'rr Review. , he refus.xl to continue the sittings, aud i f teilay, tin ineri'nsisl sense of humor, W h e n Tow a*® I t l a P r ta t. him for the rest of the evening. - —------------------ I the portrait, iu which he wears tlie the demand for luxury, require general N< xt inoining after brcakiunt the un­ A sensitive man is never so hnmiliated .<•* a -erty. American dress he had recently adopt, ami dit.al sl illusion in the appoint­ fortunate viscount noticed that this pci- ss when he is obliged to read his own After the guests bidden to a garden ed, is snppox il to havo been finished sisteut young lady was still hovering on ment« ef the stage, and to deny it to proofs. Type mocks tho writer. The party given by the queen have with­ from such furtive glimpses of him as the politico. He i vailed Herat the ex tin ati rg« i rs is to be affectedly superior sentence that in manuarript moved drawn, the police, with a staff of men, could be obtained in public. That of pells»' ef some skill, and slipped off into to one’s nee nml Ixdatisl iu the move- with the stride of an armed man or go carefully through the grounds exam Hume exhibits the historian in his the damp, st and m«»t secluded portion m i Iits of th e time. Every artist uses the danced as a swooning strain of Strauss initig the interior of the marquees aud charge d'affaires jx'riod, when, as the material w hich his generation places at of the garden to enjoy hi i cigar alone. is now liuip aud lame. The phrase that srrut miring uooks and retreats in seoreh ap'stle of deism, he divided with whist Maliel Wentwuip start led him liy sud­ his d.spesal. If the painter tacked paiut glowed with color is now pallid. Spar of lost Jewel». Everything that is found th e admiration of the Parisians.—Aus­ and canvas, he would content himself denly apts .-ring at Ins side. II, i face klmg wit is flat Sage reflection is in the way of trinkets, sticks, lace hand­ tin Dobson’s “ Eighteenth Century Vi­ was white und distressful. Her eyes, li with the tbigstone aniha piece of chalk; jejune. Tho thought, “ Shall I ever get kerchiefs aud love letters is forwanlixl gnettes " is tie d , where bright with unshed tears if the innsit tan lack«! a Stnulivarius, the money for this?" is Jostled by. “ Who to the lord chamberlain's ofl'uc.—P h il­ R im ir ile M r. ChaM a. “ Ob, ls-rd P etersfield ,” she , Xelaim he would still bo returning to the elil would 1» fool euoogb to pay for it?” — adelphia Ledger. Mr» Chaflic— X dou’t know bow 1 d . “ furgive my intrusion, hot I sa, tis>th eiitub. But why complain of the Boston Journal. you eem,' out, and 1 have followed you. rauvaa, and the paint, ami the Btradi- It is believe»! by some naturalists that can get JoLuuie to take bis medioine. Tk® Ooml B®®»«lfal. Lecauxu I— I— have »sum thing 1—1 - varius? I he increase of pictureaqucuM wasps, like beiw, establish ‘ sentinels at if 1 tell him wbiit it is, he won’t take in all tlie arts, the complete revolution To see the gixxl aud the beautiful and the doue of the aeat to prevent the en­ it, and if I dou’t tell him he wou’t piust tell you." in taste as regards house decoration, the take it. f —in s t »here is nothing tie (O have no strength to live it is only to trance of intruiler» gr ater euluvation of the eye—all these bo Mceee on the menutsiu of Nebo, Mr. Chaflic— I’ll tell you what todo. ■ la tte r ! " n .n a rk e d b is lo rd sh ip , of a have tendesl to what lias lav'll contemp­ with the land at yonr feet aud no power The i«w h blossom indicates suhmis- Just put it on the table and forbid him ing em l tuously called the millinery of thv to enter. It would be better not »0 ••• ‘ though why notxxiy has been able to touch it, and then be w ill take it ■ of ulgnu. A Ipi'i“ drani., — Bis vbehui Tree iu North Awer- iure-— Londoj Tit-Bita —Olive dchrenter _ _ _ loguesu. ____ _ . jc an lie view. THE SERENE GODDESS. And The jftuIT.nrS e t n e i S C I E N C E S . (HANGED SHOES. » Scientific American.; THE EnSM UPnirlTAM , THE AHENA LOOK OVER THIS CROUP MAKE YOUR SELECTION. THE FLORENCE. OR