The San Francisco Examiner and the W xst one year for »2.50 paid in ad- «rVBUauBO « vxhy F riday mobsino — vane*. The county t-oard of equalization will -F loubncb , L ank C ounty , O keoon .— .meet on Monday Annual 34)ili, for the ptirpoee of equalizing the assessment for • - • by - - 1897 and continue in session six days. A few days ago, Mate Claude Vales r . n . of the Lillian sprained Ids ankle so E d ito r a u d P r o p r ie t o r . badly that he was laid up for a while. . i Jol n Safley worked in Ida place on the — T bbms : »1.6« a year in advance.----- WEATHERSON id Product, Entered at the post-office at Florence, improv«, -ane County, Oregon, an second-class 1 V**nu»il matter. E. W. Colds Ids wife and son went to the valley yesterday. Mrs. Ida Hartley of Point Ter nice was in town Tuesday. We received a pleasant call from Mr. King of Fiddle creek Mon lay. W. II. Spaugh went to the valley to take care of tiis hops this week. Capt. Fred Bean run the Coos down from the head of tide yestetday. Mr. Seal the well known commercial T. N. Pegar lias leased the Eugene traveler visited our city Saturday. fruit cannery hililding anil is packing J. F. Tanner leaves tlds afternoon (or fruit for shipment to tlie east. He ! Oakesdale, Wash., to work for a time. commenced work witli about 20 bands E. Bangs arrived here by Saturday’s last Monday but expects to employ 50 boat and went to Heceta that afternoon. or 00 later on. Mrs. Weddlo and children started to A lady who was present at the picnic for Eugene Monday to be gone till in honor of Mrs Phillips wishes us to October. say that she failed to find one of her Geo. Bradley, Geo. B. Camp and plates and two knives which she had in use at the entertainment and that she Geo. O. Knowles are sorting logs at the will he very grateful to the one who boom. Guard: Mrs. J. S. Dale, of Florence, does find them if they will leave them i is visiting in Eugene and receiving tuedi- at thia office. ] cal treatment. E d u c a te Y o u r B o w e l* W i t h C aacareta. ANOTHER ACCIDENT. I2ST Silas Lloyd Instantly Killed Last Monday. H A R D W A B ock B o iled on H im W hile Brakeing on the Cars et the Jetty. The First Fetel A R E B aki K0 Aoeident Sinoe the W ork Com­ menced. POWDER O F Monday afternoon Silas Lloyd was Absolutely bure. O Y B M M IN O BATBS MADE KNOWN ON AF- instantly killed while employed as m C A T IO N . Celebrated for its groat leavening hrakeman on the cars on tlie jetty work .oral Holloa* * cent« per lin e , each insertion K OFCOdt'1 at tho mouth of the Siuelatv. Tlie men strength and healtbfulncss. Assures tlie ith . had just loaded two rocks on the last food against alum and all forms of adul­ W Ü S T L IN G S . car of a train and started it to run a teration common to the cheap brands. short distance, 30 to 40 feet, along the BOYAL BAK.NO POWDER CO., N k W Y o BK. P ia c i Florence no« boasts of an art studio. track to couple it to the other cars. The Boharte went to Yaquina Wednea- Lloyd was sitting on the end of the car with his feet on the brake platform, and la y . holding to the brake with his hands, The Maple Grove school closed last the rock being hut a few inches fiom week, Candy C ath artic , cure constipation forever. Mrs. Knotts returned from Eugene his hack. When the car struck the O U R M O TTO . Rond supervisor’s receipts for sale at 10c. 35c. I t C. C. C. fa ll, druggists refund money. 1 Tuesday and Rev. I. G. smiles now just rest, the jar caused the rock next to Register: The news comes by tiie the W est office. F o r G o d , H o m o a n d N a t iv e L a n d . way of Washington that there is a short as lie ueed 10 do him to move a few indies and caught | It is reported that Will Boring is the The Bangs party returned from the him, forcing his breast and throat ami easv route to the rich gold fields of O U R BADGE latest victim of the Alaska (ever in this ! the Clondyke, according to a com­ cape yesterday and departed toward against tlie crosspiece at the top of tlie |ftlviciniiy. hrakerod, crushing « Ids hreast and A K n o t o f W h i t e R ib b o n . Eugene on tlie Mink. munication to the interior department, There were over 20« teachers enrolled James Yates and Harry Springer have shoulders between tlie rock and the W. C. T . U. m eeting* »re held every alternate from J. M. O Lewis, a civil engineer, of nt the latnecounty institute which closed Salem, Oregon, who says he can open lieen at tlie cape for a few days on a hrakerod, killing Idin instantly. Thursday afternoon from 2 t o t o'clock. The d*te lues lay. None of tlie men were looking when and place o f m eeting w ill he announced the up at email expense a route from south prospecting expedition. , Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera !*fl,l‘n.< and l ! <>f Copper river by which the Clondyke week. Alice and Hazel Weatherson were tiie accident occurred but John Morris prevloua Th e N ational W. C. T . U. has over forty de­ reac|,e,| i,v a journey of not visiting at Win. Brvnd’s at Point Ter­ noticed it immediately afterwards, and ¡lyDiairhoea Remedy always affords j partm ent* or lin e * of work, under the four gen­ called to tlie engineer to back tiie train eral heads of Preventive, Educational, Evan prompt relief For sale at the Florence ■ much more than 300 miles from the race tlie first of the week. bo they could resell the rock from tlie latlc and S ocial Drug 8tore. coast. T. J. Neely made a trip on the Mink derrick to remove it. T l i e track being Guard Oth: A marriage license was T o C o re C o n s tip a tio n F o re v e r, Thursday while Win. Bernhardt was up grade at that place and the brake granted t'siay by Clerk Jennings to L. T a k e Cascareis Candy C athartic. lUc or 25c. running the engine on the Coos. The first diamond medal contest of the I f C. C. C. (a ll to cure, druggists refund money of that car set tight made that hard to Woman's Christian Temperance Union E. Millege, 24 years, Nellie H. Howard, B. H. Lyons started up the river do. After trying to back tiie whole of Chicago was lately held In Willard ïonv.’rtj 18. Written consent of parents filed. The summary of the report of Expert George R. McKenzie, who exported the Saturday afternoon having finished train, all tlie cars but tiie last two were Hall. Of courso each of the five con­ T o C o re C M B t i p u t l o n F o r e v e r . q-.. j .. f-imesw».« Candv C a th a r tic , lo e o r2 5 c . tiooks of the various county officers of serving warrants in this vicinity. run 011 a side track and another trial testants had alread won three medals, I l C. C. a fa ll to cure, d r u g g is ts r e f u n d m o n e y Mr. Waynoff and party who reside on made. Then tlie brake was loosened a Silver, a gold and a grand gold. The ( Lincoln county, lias tieen filed by County Plaindenleri Douglas county gets 0 ollllllisgioner Charles P. Williams in tlie McKenzie arrived here yesterday on by taking out the bolts, the cars were IOLI0ITÄ diamond was won b y Edwin S. Hutchins. $6,006 from the State school fund ap­ the county clerk’s office. According to tlieir way to view tlie scenery at Heceta. bai ked and tlie rock was removed from Mias Cook fell but six-tenths below Mr. portionment, and »2,191 fro m the county tlie summary the clerk is short »4,800, Mr. and Mrs. Kvle went to Astoria on the body of t lie unfortunate man. Hutchins, and was presented with a fund. The rate is »1.40 pel-capita. Word was immediately brought to the sheriff »2 200, and tlie treasurer the Roharts. Air. Kyle goes to make year’s subscription to a magazine. All Register: The annual school “ I*" »9 05. The shortage in tlie clerk’s and tlie necessary arrangements to tie ready Florence and liis parents were informed did well. Mrs. Rounds president ol portioument from the state for Lane sheriff's offices are cause'! l»y a disagree­ for the fishing season. of the accident. A jury was summoned Illinois, presided. Fred McCay Burch and an inquest held by Justice F. B. of Fairbury, contributed much to the county «as received hv Treasurer Pat­ ment aa to whether the officers are Mrs. M. L. Tower and Miss Lilly terson today. It is »7,380 24, about entitled to salaries or fees. A case is Pool started for a trip to Marshfield Wilson acting coroner. Tlie following enjoyment of the occasion by liis admir­ now pending in tlie supreme court to Tuesday. John Hill accompanied by witnesses were examined. John H. ably rendered violin selections. Mr. »300 less than last year. Morris, Chas. Moody, Dan Hill, M. L. Burch is a young lad who will make liis test this matter. N o -T o -.B y e f o r F i f t y C ents. Mr. Tower took them as far as the Tower, E. Palmer, W. A. Rowan, Ixjon mark in the musical world. One of the G uaranteed tofewceo hai n cure m akes w eak id tolxvrcf Umpquu witli a team. It is always gratifying to receive testi­ m en strong, b.ood pure. 50c. »1- A ll druggists Smith and Marion Morris. The most contestants was the daughter of a saloon of tlie testimony was upon tlie points keeper. The son of a saloon keeper Drew Severy has given up his position monials for Chamberlain's Colic, Chol­ M U S T RAY T H E BILLS- as to w hether reasonable care had been recently won tlie gold medal in a musi •e engineer on the Lillian and is work­ era and Diarrhoea Remedy, and when tlie endossement is from a physician it used in loading the rock and whether • V L ing at the mouth of tlie river. J. J. ZÆ E Y E T t er with its load. The 400 Chinese pheasants to tlie hoard of Canada, where lie was born March 1st, named aettler has filed notice o l hla intention Wholesale Druggists. to m ake final proof in support of hl« claim , and scraper which drags the gravel up a fish and game commissioners of Cali­ BUSINESS BRANCHES. 1875. When very young his parents Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Inter­ th a t «aid proof w ill be made before C. H . flo l shoot in to B hopper, under which tlie fornia the birds to l>e delivered between BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. nally, acting directly upon the blood moved to Kansas and thence to Nebras­ den, U. ». Commissioner at Florence, Oregon, wagons drive, is conveyed hack and Octolier 16th, and Noventlmr 15th, 1897. and mucous surfaces of the system. ) ka. In the summer of 1895 lie removed on September 24,1897, v ii: Oeorge E. Bradley, on h. e. no. 6981 for the neQ A nwJ4 aec. Si forth by means of cables. As the countv These excellent game birds will tie pro|«t- ! Price 78c. |-er IKittle. Sold by nil Drug- j with tliem to Oregon where they settled tp. IS a., r. » weat. already has an engine tlie loader will turned loose in California for on Maple creek having traveled tlie gists. Testimonials free. H e names the follow ing wltueaaea to prove galion. come in good play. entire distance with teams. He was a hla continuous residence upon and cultivatio n I Hall’s family Pills are tlie heel. young man o l good moral cliaracter ami of. salo land, via: respected by his associates. Besides a A. F . Know les, E. C. Knowlea. If . B. Gray of IVISO N IT E M S . father and mother lie leaves a sister and M apleton, Oregon, and W. If. Weatherson of Florenoe, Oregon. several brothers to mourn his early R. M. VSATCH, B y I ch D ien . N O T IO E FOR PU B LIC A TIO N . ■leath. Reel-ter. The sorrowing family have the sym­ August 6th, 1897. pathy of the community in their N O T IO E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N . L in d Office, at Roaeburg, Oregon. • * W holesale and R e t a il* * July 9.1897, Items scarce. affliction. N otice la hereby given th a t the following- Lund O Ses a t Roseburg, Oregon, Coni nights. named settler has filed notice of hla Intention July 1«. 1097. l N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E - Fnggv mornings. Notice 1« hereby given that the follow ing, to m ake final proof In support of hla claim , and th a t M b) proof w ill he made before Joel Ware, M E N T - named «ettler haa filed notice of hla In ten tion Every body done haying in these . u> m ake final proof ft. .u ppo rt of hla claim , and U. 8. Comralaaloner at Eugene, Oregon, on Aug­ L e a d in g B ra n d * fo r parts. ust 28, 1897, via: Joseph W. Kays on H. E. No. In the m atter of the ealate of A n .tln M ann, t ^at aalil proof w ill be made before C. H . llo l NW aec. IB: A few of our citizen« are out working deceased. I den, U. ft. Commlaaloner at Lake Frectnct 70B8 for the lot 5, aec. 12; N W Notice 1» hereby given that the un drrd gned I Co.t ( , M Alignât 20, 1897. vl«: E 54 N E %, »ec. f t ; Tp. 1» 8. R. 12 Weat. in tlie harvest. lie names tlie follow ing witnesses to prove »dm inlirtrator ha» filed hl» final account In the j -4, nwhg Ever Refroghlng Cold Storage Beer st » pects to hold a meeting. Mr. Reed's having elalms against m W estate are hereby ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN ewW. «ec. 22: I p IS«.. »■ 1» ««»« Cents a Glass A wails Your Order. notified to present them w ith the proper 15 a n d th e end o f the contest— A u g u s t 3 1 s t daughter remained taking charge of tlie She names the follow ing wltiieases to prove romen lo travel for re­ vouchers to tire undersigned at her residence her continuous reehlence upon and cultivatio n Walton school last Monday. Call for an Imported or Ihmiestic Cigar, at Fo hit Terreee. Lane C ounty, Oreg'm w ith in sponsible established house in Oregon. said land, viz: Ami You Will h« Satisfied. Salary »780 snd espenws. Position of, Joseph a ll m onth , from the date of this notl Je. Dunean, W illia m Kerby, Julius Koepp n u « * «a * i B L O O Is ------ the --- foundation T ” D . . — ... . Dated August 3rd, 1897. permanent. Reference. Enelous se’f- and John Taylor a ll of H erm ann, Oregon. - oflreail „Iliealtli. Hood’« SarBaparillamakes i « a H abtlsy . ■ adtlressed stamped envelope. T lie R. o n ria W n ra n d , Adm|ni»tretrlx ol the «state of Thomas the blood p ore, ure, rich * and »d n itopriahlng^and National. Star Bldg., UhicaHO. F r a n c i s c o . giv«s»ndm»iuuin8<d h e a lth » Ï. C. T. 0. DEPARTMENT. Pro ill I Me J U S T R E C E IV E D . not be U n d erso ld byïAnybody. w ill >RT C a ll and see us C ash, C ash, Cash, lx the Motto of the MAPLETON STORE GENERAL ★ H E R C H A N D IS E C onstan tly on H and, a t th e L ow est P rices CALL AND BE CONVINCED.. CASH PAID FOR FIRST CLASS FURS. E. BEAN, ®¡GUSff»BUSINK,§ PORTLAND OREGON MAMIM6 PEMItTflEHT'« LAMES $1000 W . M. K E N ö H A W , L IQ U O R J>E A .ER« W h o will get it ? NI S c h illin g s B est tea is not only pure biu it js-— -?...... because it is fresh-roasted. W h a t is the missing w ord? fan g* is R M. W' this out. You won’t see it again weeks. T E A »A N : SCHILLING’S H. VlATcH,