T £ £ E ¡ W E S T . HA UAH EXPEL CHINESE. -Hl BLiMHF.D KVCHV FRIDAY MOBXiX«.— Negro la b o r From the United States F lorexce , L ake C oc . vtt , O mmok to Replace—Protectorate If Necessary. THE PENSION ROLL. Nearly Up to Mie One-Million Mark. Literarv. WASHINGTON LETTER. F kuh ora sioulak GosaxaroNDaNT. (ORIGINAL ANPSELKCTID. W ash ., D. 0 ., Aug. 2, 1897. Temperate anger well becomes W ashington , Aug. 7.—The pension “ Do you know why the administra­ wise. HÏ • • M assillon , O., Aug., 8 .—The Ha­ roll of the United States has almost tion changed its plans as to sending Heaven ne'er helps the man who will waiian government decided on July 28 to reached the 1,800,000 mark. Commis­ troops to the Alaskan gold fields?” not act. issue no more six m onths’ residence ,ier- sioner Evans has just issued a state­ asked one prominent army otflrer of mits to Chinese. This practical exclus­ ment, showing that at the beginning <>f He who seems not to himself more E d ito r a n d P ro p rietor. another who had just arrived in Wasli- ion, following the lines of American thia fiscal year the pensioners nuuiliered than lie is, is more than lie seems. ( ington. “ No,” replied the other, “ I legislation, means much to American 083,918, an increase of 12,850 for the There is a majesty in simplicity which — Tn don’t, and the explanations 1 have WHERE WOULD YOU BEGIN? laborers. The foregoing fact, obtained past year. During the year 50,101 new A more active demand for m a n u fa c tu red goods and product, is far above me quaintness oi wit. seen of the sudden change of program from indisputable authority by Watson . pensions were granted and 3,971 persons Enten Our actions must clothe us witti an Youth’* Pont jut n In»». have not been at all satisfactory.” of the farm is reported and a t ad v an ced ra te s. An im p ro v ^ Co If. Wyman und mailed to San Francisco were restored to the rolls. Old age and immortality loathsome or glorious. "W ell,’’ said the first speaker, ”1 can Forty-two persons who resided lor ms was telegraphed to this city tonight. disease, however, ia working inroads Young people are dazzled by the tell you the real reason, hut you will three months or more in college settle­ along th e line w ill soon be realized. Mr. Wyman also says: "I am able to into the list, for there were 31,960 DVKfcYt not find it in any official record. It brilliancy of antithesis, and empty it. m e n ts , thus coming into intimate con state that tl ere is in contemplation a deaths during the year. Other sources tact with the very |>oor, were recently was in short the fear that the troops In order to keep pace with the tim es our STOCK O F c ■ .ocal nut Tne Ore. lan ladies counted their age plan for stocking the islands with col­ of loss were 1,074, from marriage of would get the gold fever and desert as from tneir marriage, not from ttieir naked; “ What reforms or changes will be increased to conform therewith. ored laborers trora the cane planta­ widows; 1,845 orphans attained m a-' soon as they got within reach of the hirtn. have yon come to feel are most urgent jorityj 2,683 failures to claim tions of the United States. No white la­ n*’ ' gold ; it was concluded that the average mid most practicable, and where would Foolish men mistake ■ ransitory sem­ bor can stand the cane field work, nor and 3,560 losses from unrecorded enlisted man was not of tlie so il to blances for eternal lad, and go astray you begin?’’ In the publication of the the wet work on the rieeplantations, nor causes. successfully pass through such a temp­ Church Social Unión the replies are more and more. the humid climate here. It speaks vol­ tation as would necessarily lie placed summarized as follows: production of gold Anger ventilated often mimes toward umes for the patriotisnsof the islands before them by their proximity to the First and universal cornos Improved that they are ready to make a contract forgiveness; anger con» ealed often 1 Olondyke gold hunters and their sud housing of the poor; in quick succession today, when annexation is not even a hardens into revenge. W ashington . Aug. 7.—Mr. Preston, denly acquired fortunes. follow the organization of labor, the certainty, that will result in the gradual director of the mint, estimates the gold , Individually the o:fice seekers w.io 1 Lignt ,s a’Hive us, and ■ ol„r surrounds eight-hour movement, playgrounds and diminution of Japanese laltor—for, of I’? ^ ° n Oi U,e > e‘ r 1896 l° 'mVe '* en have * ro* d«d >obby just outside of us; out if we nave no. light and color parks, improved schools and school course, as time progresses and existing »20o.000.000, of which the United States tbe president’s office, on the second in our eyes, we shall not re eive tneni laws, muuicipul reform, persuasion of contracts expire, the laborers i ow under contributed over »53,000,000; and for floor o , the Wlli,e Hou(w rafty outside us. There the poor to have smaller families, trade contract can he deported and their 1897 , t . . believed, the world’s gold lacked the weight needed to get wtiat nt the la Tlie happ.est I ,t for a man, as far as schools, public baths, the introduction ¡Tues hi J places assumed by the overplus of Louis­ product will rea«'h at least »240.000,000, of poetry into the lives of the poor, in­ they wanted, hut col ectively they were hirt.'i is con aimed, is mat it Should he iana, Texas anil Mississippi. Cham nn increase of »35,000,000 over 1896. come tax, coffee houses, cooking and heavy enough to have made the door I 8Ucl‘ as t0 &ive but Utile occasion l^'Diairhoi "We are today advised that several "That the world’s net product will sewing obligatory in public schools, sag in the center to a depth of four to think much aliout it. prompt Japanese vessels are under way here, continue to Increase for a number of regeneration of the upper classes, con­ Drug 8ti ' inches. Had the crowds which fre- and have it from a most credible source years to come.” says Mr. Preston, “ is qllented the east sum ers’ leagues, the inculcation of GLENADA GLEANING j. Guani room, which is directly that our steamer brought instructions to self-evident, as new mines will he open­ granici thrift, freo silver, municipalization of underneath, on President McKinley’s those in authority here that if the Jap­ ed up In all parts of the world, and, Bv S tranger . Milk railways and lighting, temperance re- handshaking days known the condition OUR TER M S are CASH or so/nething convirtN E. 16. Wi anese make the movement, the Ameri­ with the improved appliances and meth­ Í >rin, sweat-shop regulations and direct of this ttoor as they waited for tlie presi­ V\ il,l filaek-iierries are about gone lint To can flag is to be raised instantly. It is od! of extracting the gold contained in ........... into CASH ............ religious work. Talin O dent, Maj. McKinley woul i have tauie ones are getting ripe. fully felt here that this would precipi­ the ores, It is believed that by the close It C. O. C Some of the suggestions are rather shaken many thousand fewer hands, Alaska fever is raging here but no A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUED PATRONAGE 18 SOLICITED. Pial m tate an uprising of the 25,000 Japanese of the present century the world’s pro­ general, and some parts are a trifle ab­ and there might even have been few fatalities are reported. $6,605 fi who would lie supplied witii arms from duct will exceed »300,000,000. surd : yet the list has its uses, ft proves, George Colles paid his family a short office-seekers had they been informed porttoni tlieNaniwa, and who could then make it for instance, that intelligent and sin ­ fund. " of the danger they were in every time visit the first of last week. very unpleasant for the whites. There A MIDSUMMER DAY DREAM. Win. Bailey is spending a few days cere people may honestly differ concern­ Regis they tried to see the president. Work­ are not too many of these and every visiting friends on Maple ereek. porttoni ing the solution of the problem of men are now engaged in strengthening ma.i of them would have io get out und county i There are no less than eight varieties 8. F. Chronicle. poverty, and the disagreement only this floor. shoot. terson of wild berries growing here in abun­ brings out the trutli tliat there is a The man who has been talking aliout Administrations may come and ad­ dance. »300 les diversity of needs, as well as the "diver­ forcible annexation of the Clondyke ministrations may go, hut the secretary SPAIN’S FAILING CAUSE. s Cool and pleasant weather. Surely sity of gifts,’’ and that any and every has much to learn about international of the navy wtio doesn't find it neces­ no persun could find fault with this part Will Continue to Carry a W ell Selected Stock of m Guarnr ea atro possession or accomplishment may be 8. K. Chronlclo. comity. He says, among other things, sary to “inspect” something along tlie of Lane county in regard to the weather. Drew The story in a Madrid paper that that if miners from Alaska should try so used as to brighten the lives of the L G Johnson writes to his family Atlantic coast during the vacation \ as engir unfortunate, that lie has work at Clifford, Ore., at Americans will allow the Spainards just to annex the gold fields to the United season is yet to assume office. Secre­ ing at tl »2 50 per day. He reports snow nearly Quite as important as the question, four months more of war In Cuba and States this government would wink at W hich will be handled on th e closest possible margin Anderst tary Long, aboard of the Dolphin, lias every day at that place. "W here would you begin?’’ is another they will interfere, reminds us that peo­ the proceeding. But it would do noth­ days, bi gone to cast his official optics upon the Consistent witii the original cost a n d transportation. A good looking young bachelor who inquiry which conscience must force ple must sometimes go a long way from ing of the sort. On the contrary it would naval station ut New London, Conn., Tlie n hy way has a nice ranch on Fiddle creek raised t npoji every thoughtful citizen: "Will home to get the news. No such Infor­ put a garrison on tlie Alaskan line to and tlie war college, at Newport, B. I. says lie will accept anv young girl who the qua you begin somewhere. mation has been given out in this coun­ keep armed miners from violating the The last prop was kno, ked from under will come and propose to him. frotujh try, and it Is probable that the Heruldo neutrality laws, and to arrest those Mrs. J. L. Furnish becoming dissatis­ the industrious newspaper men who mast til STRUGGLE OF THE STRIKERS. WILL BE THE BASIS; This w e intend shall work invented it to fit some exigency in who might recross the border to get fied witii the local hank, deposited a vessel. had been engaged • in manufacturing small amount of money in tlie (Sioslaw no hardship on our patrons; LOWER RATES MORE TH Spanish polities. I Mr. G away from the trouble they had helped 'Fftcvtim Ledger. news showing the certainty of war be­ River) hank. She recovered the most ol But It may be that the Cubans will to make. The Fenian precedent of 1866 The moderation of the loaders and tween the U. S. and Japan by the it at low tide. COMPENSATING FOR PROMPT SETTLEMENTS, tot c l Ik put some such time limit on Spanish I ought to lie studied by men of Henry days ag official announcement that Japan had good management.«»( the details of the Mrs. Eliner who Inis been visiting her river 8s operations. Never since the war liegan Dore s stamp. Though the conduct of I old friend, Mrs. IV. H. Pepper, ¡¡kesil.e widespread strike of the coal miners accepted the proposition of Hawaii to H e exp, liave the putriot forces shown so much Great Britian toward thia country in arbitrate their dispute concerning the country so well, she thinks of returning is worthy of all eomniendation. For in a she next summer and will p-obably in v e st1 activity and seal. They are hero, there Civil War days were bitterly resented at immigration and other I hws of Hawaii. in Glenada property. alm ost the first time concerted action Rosel and everwhore; now raiding the the time of the Fenian raid, President Members of the administration say that o f laboring men to secure compliance That Lather King of Fiddle ereek, a former subnrbe of Havana and then fighting In Johnson sent several regiments of tne is ei this government will have nothing resident of Glenada has lieen slaying j witti their requests lias been followed the very streets of Santa Clara, so ter­ troops to the New York and New Eng­ 8araaps by no over a ct; not even a boycott whatever to do with the arbitration, several weeks with George Craven in ' rorizing the Sprniards that Captain- land border to co-operate with the Brit- suffered unless it should fail to he concluded order to he near medical aid. His is j Jias been declared, merely patient F. W. I General Wcyler does not dare to travel lab forces, and it was a United States a most peculiar as well as an interesting before tlie formal annexation of Hawaii moral suasion. In this the leaders of A h í G 0 3 D Í, C I G IB IN G case. 24 year* ig«> thi marshal who arrested tlie Fenian leader on land, but goes from point to point In Quite to the United S u t, s. In that case bitten bv a large rat the strike have shown good judgement, ’ill ISI down oi liis xone of military occupation in a and lodged Inin in jail. However bur­ Japan would deal directly witti thifl gov­ foniia. Every year m..c • a, find their reasonable action will do „ the Ule Florem sine- at aimât ’ densome the taxes may be on the Olon­ cruiser. ernment alter annexation. much to secure a peaceful and satis­ same time his leg breaks out in brown arrival Four months of this sort of thing, at dyke, the United States has no right to spots in size and appearance as those of i whole « factory settlem ent n l the differences Ttiere are lots of men who would give an expense to Spain of »25,000,000, will interfere with them. It may make re a rattle snake and la-come railing picnic c between employers and employed, to the be likely to bring an end to the war in prisals, hut it cannot permit itself to much to he in the place of Mr. Samuel sores. He has no p,.elite for food and I mutual benefit of uil concerned. It is O. Dunham . who lias started for the subsists on tolar,-oand irin lv , voiieat sight, if not actually within reach connive at physical violence. quite proh.'hle that arbitration will No fiillhuatering will be permitted new gold fields of Alaska, armed with any other time lie says a taolesi«on full There are visible limits to Spain’s ex - I of the liquor would make him drunk ' linally bring the strike to an ffiid with­ Regi) chequer and signs, withal that the The only thing that is open to miners a special commission to make a i He drinks a pint three tunes a day with- chased out loss of life or the destruction of thorough investigation and report just Spanish people are heartily sick of the on trouble bent ia to form a republic on , oat tne least effect. He ...........e-'„early MilMU en e dollar’s worth of pro|>erty, and such what he learns to the U. S. govern­ him,I for about ten days and tne form war and its taxes. No one need he sur­ the Clondyke anil take armed issue wi tli - 3 L A N X E T3 POR 353. £ PAIR,. paid wi nn early consummation • is devoutly to an law prised at any lim e to see the gradual Great Britain, with the Alaskan fron­ ment. Mr. Dunham is a mining e x ­ •d the snake can ne plaiuiv seen „„ hi« be willied. fool and leg, fur .» short time He siv s only or withdrawal of the forces begin, which, tier absolutely closed to them. They pert and is attached to the latwr bureau. SHiRTS 25ots. T O $ 1 .5 0 it strikes him every year, on tlie same Already good lins resulted in a con­ It was known that the government in the days of Spain’s continental evac­ ••onId obtain neither supplies, amniuni day he was bitten ; he can feel it just the ference among ojieraiors and an agree­ uation, always presaged the end of her tion nor re-enforeeinent« from the intended sending a man on this errand, same as on that day. His sys.em is so criptioi m en t for wrlniu changes in the methods if tl P”'»»" Dial lie savs that lie United States. Canada, on the otJier but it was purposely kept secret who , ' full efforts to subdue rebellion. work il , of dealing with the miners. The «'"I wants to nite, will Io« hand, would have no especial difficulty tl.e man was until after Mr. Dunham ■ , feel’’ - and tms »■ -called “ uniformity’’ plan, which will l!,ri‘ Wurk t0 cu ilm l liiniKclf and i;een minate in getting troops into the country got started. It is not expected that he ■ frnm BvervlMMty R ajs Ho. hit«».a His li: . bite l ì . no doubt would j fro... biting. put in effect uniform methods of meas­ of • aw * ^’“1'' l:“l , iartic. the musi w oo through her own territory. During the will he able to make a report before I he as poisonous ns a snake. The case pean- a team uring, weighing and screening the out­ u sriu l nnolicu!,! incuter, o f t|,u about the middle of next year. Caribou excitement a military road was j pnxzies the best doctors in Oregon. and eta put of the mines, and in methods of E u g e n e , Now that the war department has built to the fifty-third degree of latitude •cnipti payment and in dealing with employes, O r e g o i shoot i " R have had an enforced and the man who engineered it is now decided just what sort of a uniform the economy o f b,,y an» makes an adjustment of wages and o il . C. C to-dav; 10, ¡L>, .’Alcenla. Held und wagoni at work upon a trail via the Stickcen to ex-army officer may wear when taking ’'»ring the last five years. In the west ail dm, g ists other mutters moro easily arrived nt guaranteed to cure forth h the Yukon valley. By midsummer it is part in official functions abroad, and a !t ,ias l>e‘‘n especially stringent. But it airead] with better results to all concerned. Iwlieved, the way there will bo w ide young man has had himself «ppointsd l“'«'»orne fruit. It has been an adjunct SEÑOR CANOVAS SHOT. come i This may look like the much berated open to prospectors or troops of all to an honorury military office on a gov- o( industry, a spur to activity, an in- “ combine” to some of the walking did- staff solely for the purpose of ''l'n,ive *° payment of debts and i M ai . rh », Aug. 8.—Senor Canovas del arms. There will he a telegraph line to ernor's . . . . » means «■gates and agitators, hut no doubt the Victoria, and probably one or two mid enabling him to wear showy uniform at °* do,n* «»• 1» is laying the basis of a Castillo, the prime minister of Spain, m asses of working men will accept It way foris will be built. Under such eir- the court of Spain, where he ..as been new Bnd f»r lietter prosperity. T lie le s- qs a vast Improvement over the old was assassinated today at Santa Agueda cumatancea Mr. Dore's idea that the officialiy statione,! as an attache of tlie son is one that was needed, and one by nn anarchist. The murderer fired conditions. three shots, two of which struck the British could only get soldiers to Clon­ U. 8. Legation, it seems about time for ,liat wil1 not soon 1« forgotten.— dyke by way of American territory is either congress, the president or the ^ rr9onion- T u t continiki > improvement in the premier in the head und the other in the department of the state to fix things so not tenable. liusiuess conditions of the country, ■ chest. The wounded man lingered that no diplomatic representative of We sym pathise with the feeling of the which is no sense to be ascribed to any- { unco,” ciou* ,or '« » hours, and died at A this country shall he allowed m wear miners that the Cana,liana are oppress­ 3 o ’clock thia afternoon. His wife was thing that congress lias so far either ive and even predatory ¡n t(,eir new any other than a private citizen’s «lone or left undone, Is one of the hope­ hut a short distance away when he < fell. clothes while in perioruiun, e of his mining laws, and agree that all the ful signs of the times. The increased guments need hy the Uitlanders against d ",ie* “l,ro,,d- Tl.e adoption of gold “ Merit talks” the earnings and tlie iuereaso in tonnage U Z A N T E D -F A IT H F U L MEN the policy of the Boers in the Trans- **'* *"d tinsel t,y American diplomats Intrlnvc valae of reported by the railroads tor the past or women tu travel for re- vaal apply to the situation in which | *nd Uieir underlings will make us the H oodhSarsaparltla. l Merit in medicine __ lew week« show a larger movement of ¡ sponsible established house in Oreg-ui. American gold-hunters And themselves l*,’*l‘ln* g,o< k of Europe The greatest cure. H ood's Sarsaparilla p oeaeseesactn .i •Hila DowwwfM m erchandise than has been reported lor ¡ SldHry »***• »»■• expenses. I*<«>ii c in the Nortoweet TWr.tory hut at the diplomats this country has produced several years hack, and promise an era porina tient. Referentes. Enel .se self addiesse,! stamped envelope. The same time there is no use in any one thought plain clothes good enough lor «>( business activity for which tlu coun. National. Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. cherishing illusions alanti Jameson tl,ein’ ani1 Ben Franklin even stuck to •a rilZ T m I’ PO r ‘, y your blood ’ try has long been „ a ilin g .—C vm ninciol c raid s or Johanneslwrg uprisings. They I is Quaker clothes wliile lie was repre­ nraan yoftb e many blood dt Jitriftr. T hs l.niisLATtaxa throughout the would not pay. Canada is a powerful senting us abroad in a diplomatic «»• m- ll y certain to receive country seems to get Hie idea that fish state, and Great Britain is twfaind her. capacity. If the uniform habit ia not The power to cure b there. You a propagation simul i lie eelf-eupportiag. ' The t niled Hiates Goveraaieat is atoppni t.« n , we shall he made to feel I They do not seem to realize that the friea By to loth ami will not ralpably ashamed of some of some of our official 0 R E N C E » E A T money invested will ooms liack to the offend either. It is hot for an isolated representatives abroad, just as tlie rich state tenfold. Indirectly it is estimate,! little com m unity in the Arctic with a American toadies abroad have tong been i r S c h illin g s »I.OtW.OOO is spent annually in Maine month'a provisions on hand and no making us aahamed of tliem. ha kit if powrfrv flax or mx extrada hy visiting « porta in ea . Uood Ashing military equipment worthy of Hie asma. and spkex h I > 4<"e I MV tw.«. will draw sportsmen to any state, aside to take arms against the British com hi- **""> TSbarre .T” I * 1 »«rerer be mac from the benefits to the .-on.mereiai nation, with tlie American neutrality • • t ic . fu ll of life oorro and rlr »¡»To by ^ ^ ^ - • .O r n T r u e ^ p ^ liase U2T* “* ** "• AUi-cr N Kyle I (Jazrftr, j of enppiiesv •Üwüag"«? * fi*,‘ * Os. VW«e»e or New Verb W. IL WEATHERSON Rates T hroughout W ill be ......... AT BED ROCK Fresh Groceries and Pro sions by Each Boat, tant Reductions Will Noticed in Footwear, Me Hats and Suits. HURD & DAVENPORT THE SEATON STORI GENERAL MEECHANDIS Cash or A n y th in g M ark etab le — HURD & DAVENPORT H A M P T O N BROS. All th e L a te st In Dress Goods, Trimming Etc. >ia~ A BEOS. g - enterprising leading s. H. FRIENDLY. s. H. FRIENDLY. I PROGRESSIVI merchant Merit _ _ _ w- Talks CARIVI AN s 1 CHEAP CASH STOREI — How to expose huni- bug — money-back it. I low to establish such tilings its Best -money-back them. s <*«»«»;. . . d , M arket . , Hoed’ 8 Sarsaparilla Ju stOpened. j Coods as Represent propm * Ok*