r. T- T 'T ' Y T * - JT "T"T ■ JT ,-■*> <1 A D V E R T IS E R S THE W EST ► f YOUR HO HE PAPER S U P P O R T IT SIUSLAWS ONLY PAPIÉ. 4 O P P O R T U N IT Y Î ............................. \ l ì KO IG. FL O R E N C E , O REGON, F R ID A Y , A u g. 13. 1897. G E N E R A L D IR E C TO R Y S T A T E O FFIC ER S T R A V E L C n S ’ GUIDE T R A V E L E R S ’ GUIDE. Steamer C 3 -J L R ID IT T E R S A IL S 3 T A Q E L IN E S . Governor.. . . ................William P. Lord. Secretary oi b ate.............H. K. Kincaid, Treasurer................... P h ilip Metelien 8upt. Public Instruction. . .G. M. Irwin. __ W. H. Leeds. State Printer. Attorney I r flral ........... C. M. Idlemaa. ........... R. 6. Bean ......... F. A. Moore Supreme Court C. E. Wolverton Judge Second D istrict.. .J. C. Fullerton Attorney Second District. Geo. M. Brown eiobarts the 1st, 10th H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, ♦ On month. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thttrs- days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts- burg Stage Line for Drain. Also 'S * with ™ Stage Line for Coos Bay vuarge reasonable. 20th ol Single trip $3.00. Round trip $5.00 A COOKED UP ROMANCE. N o Gripe When you take Hood’s Pills. The big, o ’d-fash- loned, sugar-coated pills, which tear you all to pieces, are not in It w ith Hood's. Easy to take Hood’s and easy to operate, is true of H ood's Pills, which are up to date in every respect. Safe, certain and sure. All druggists. 2»c. c . I. Hood & c o Lowell, Mass. Th« The onlv only Pill« Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Florence to Yaqnina. Pills CORNER DRUC STORE. Florence s ii H of Tide. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. * 6 PAPEI MORRIS «** HOTEL, HOTEL CL Head of Tide Hotel, “”jB i F. HOTEL EUCENE. E lk P ra irie H otel. Standard D ictionary T H E D A IL Y Only $6.70 a Year. ON E U C E N E AND FLO R E N C E STACE ROUTE. M The Weekly Chronicle $ 1 .5 0 A ttorney at Law, __ : Reversible Map? -, “ So, w hile I tire not of the b a ttle ’s din, Because I am a brave and courteous knight, If I m igh t hope your fairy hand to win. I w ould change places, if you think i t ’s right, And stir the porridge th .ck or s lir it thin, J u st as you bid me, mori ing, noon or night, Aud thus togeth er w e m ight keep the inn. For, eased in armor, I ’m protected qu.te, While you w ou ld save your lily , m ilk w hite sk in ." ’ THE AMERICAN NILE. SUCH IS THE GREAT RIO GRANDE, WITH ITS VAGARIES. It Is a R iv e r o f F r e a k is h H a b it« an d M u s t H e Seen M o re T h a o Once to H e C n - derstd— F lo w s M a in ly U n d e rg ro u n d , h u t a t T lm e e T h e r e Ie a T o r r e n t on T o p . "It’s a river 1,500 miles long, meas- r.rcd in its windings,” said the man f.-om New Mexico, speaking of the Rio ; Umndc. “ For a few miles, at its montii, i Tor Passenger and Freight Rates light draft steamers run up from the 1,-ulf of Mexico. Above thnt it doesn't - APPLY float a cr:ift except at ferries. In the old flays, when New Mexico was a province So run9 tho legend. T hus do m en explain Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. The queer design by w h ich is s till bedight cf Spain, tho pcoplo along the river The sigu th ut m arks through w ind aud sun didn't even have fonyboats, and the and rain, only way they had of getting across was “ Tho H ostelry of tho Most Courteous WALTON, VINCENT by fording. For this purpose a special K night." CO UNTY O FFICERS S T A G E L IN E . , S T E A M E R “ C O O S , ” — Ludolph F. Bunner in St. N icholas. V . H E M IN W A Y .) breed of largo horses was reared to bo ( successors kept at the fords. When tho river was u —— W ill make7------ o E -B a n g s , P r o p rie to r . I too high for these horses to wade across, TERENCE. travelers camped on the bank aud wait­ R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S 1 Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, i Judge.............................F" ° ' Potter- ed for tho waters to subside. Now there ____ AND . . . . — ~ B e tw e e n ----- Now, I w, n’t bo afther tellin yo n are bridges over the river at tiie larger I . . . W. T. Bailey Wednesdays and Fridays a t G a. Commissioners J . . \ J. T. Cullison Rio Grande towns, and in other places A Complete Line of Drug word av a lio— 'twas always fond I was av the gyurls. To me the soiglit av a U | S O ® ................ a . C. Jennings m., arriving iu Florence the day ; rope ferries and rowboats are the means Sundries and Toilet Articles. purty blue eyed colleen was all me loife of crossing. following at 10 a. in. Sheriff ' . .' " ' • ■.............. A- J Jobnson ' as refresh!« as u dhrop av potheen, bnt “ In times of low water a stranger leaves Flor Returning— stage .......... ................. I och, ’tis terrible throubled I’ve always Treasurer......................... A. S. Patterson seeing its current for the first time been wid the shy. Au so ye see, though would lxs apt to think slightingly of tlio Assessor................................»• p Bnrton ence on Mondays, Wednesdays Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. If m arried bliss ye w ud In joy, ’tis 40 year ould I am this very month, Rio Bravo del Norte, as the New Mexi­ School Superintendent C. 8- H,’nt and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving J u st ax sw ate Kate O ’Flynu. cans love to call the great river. Mean­ Eugene, : : : Ore. I’m nothin but an ould bachelor afther S u rveyor....»..................... c - M' Collier in Eugene the following To bo your own w ud givo her Joy. all. dering In a small part of a very wide T erence, go hi an w in. Coroner., ...................... J 'V' «.“rn9 'Twas a long toime I had a notion av channel ho would seo only a little muddy at 6 p. m. “ Aeh, 'tis luvely. Are ye afther com- Justice of Peace..............F- B. Wilson Misthress Katie O'Flynn that has a uate perin it yersill?” she axes. stream, for oidinarily uiue-tentlis of tho T E R M S S T R IC T L Y C A S H . Constable........................ John F. Tanner bit farrnm at Bailyboggan, but niver a “ Niver a word. 'Twas from Barney Rio Grande is underground, tho water Single fare - - . - - $5.00 word av have cud I say to her, all be­ the postman I got it this mornin. ’Tis soaking along toward the gulf through Round trip - - - - $9.00 cause av the shy. Howaudivcr, rnaybes wouderin I am who cud have sent it. the sands beneath Its channel. Tho val­ —but wait till I tell ye now. But compose it or not, 'tis a hint I’m ley, bounded everywhere to left aud Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s OFFICERS. a Wan cowld momili this very wake I afther tul.in. An now mavourneen, right by mountains or foothills, is sandy, livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd resaved a letther an ’twas a quare wan, ye’ll be troc! no longer? I luve ye to aud the water, percolating tho sands so it was. luuaue me It tthcr was nothin listraclion, an if yo’d only say tho word down to hard pan, spreads out on oach & Davenport’s office in Florence. at all at all but wan av tliim post I is yer own devoted Terence I’ll be side so that it may always bo found . .F. B. Wilson President.?.. kyards that ould Barney tho postman is ir< i now to mo dyin ind. ” anywhere in the valley by digging dowu O. W. Hurd OF THE so fond av brill,qiu to people, since 'tis l i re 1 g. Is mo chair up beside her to tho level of the river’s surface. For Win. Kyle the inquisitive ould fella he is to be ; u, an lain all the shy wiut out nv tho greater part of the year the river istees Marion Morris sure. On the post kyard was nothin but urn at wanst. I puts me arrum round abovo ground flows swift and muddy, S le e p in g C a r s C. C. Behnke four lines uv the luveliest poctury yo L r waist un tries to draw her to me. narrowing as it swirls round a sand bar ......... J. C. FLIN T, Proprietor... E le g a n t iver seen. ’Twas this: But bi lobo I cud k ss her shetwistsher- and wiflening over shallows. But tho R ec o rd er ........................... Drew Severy F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n . If m arried bliss ye w ud Inlay. thing that strikes the stranger most D in in g C a r s Siif a .. ..y an sez she: ................. J. A. Pond Just ai swat.1 Kate O l-'onn. Treasurer.. queerly is its disappearance altogether “ Is it in earnest ye are, Terence?” To be your own w ud g iv e her Joy, ......... J. R. Weddle T o u r i s t for reaches, many miles in length, of Marshal..... Terence, go in .11 w in. "it is,” sez I; "dead earnest.” OUR AIM—To furnish the best S le e p in g C a r s THE CHRONICLE rinks with th . create* Barney was grinuin ail over whin ho “ Well,” sez siie, “d’ye promise to bo its channel, which, except. It mny be, for a water hole here and there, Is as handed me the kyurd, so he was, so sez tru', true till death, as tho pote sez?” accommodations at reasonable newspapers In the United States. 8 T . PAUL dry as Sahara. The river is keeping THE CHRONICLE baa no equal on the Pacific I to him: S E C R E T S O C IE T ItS . “1 da” Coast. It leads all tn ability, enterprise and news. M IN N E A P O L IS prices. “Ach ye ould spalpeen, yo’vo been “ An will yo niver lave me, deceive right along about its business, however, THE GHRONTCLE’3 Telegraphic Reports are and where a rook reef or clay bed blocks afther readiu mo privit corrispondence. ’ ’ ure, nor grtevo me?” DULUTH the latest and most reliable, its Local News the its subterranean current it emerges to fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from the “ I have,” bcz he, “ bnt where’s the “ Niver, me own Jewel.” ______ Florence Lodge No. 107. FARDO ablest pens In the country. AsS'RegnlM‘ harrnni? An sure ’tis the best av advice “ Au if I jhuii ^ ye will ye always get tho surfoco and takes a fresh start above . . . Regular communication on eecond j M THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always G R A N D F O R K S TO ye’re afther gettin, Terence, me boy. ’ ’ up Arst in the mornin au put on the ground, run ning ns a big stream wliidi, will be, the friend and champion of the people as and fourth Saturdays in each month. farther down, may lose itself in tho against combinations, cliques, corporations, or “ F a il an ye’re roiglit, Barney, but Are an give me a cup av tay in bed?” CRO OKSTON * B. L. R obkrds , W. M. oppressions of pny kind. It will be Independent d’ye think she’d be afther lookin twice "D atie w ill I, nie darlint, mo precious sondR again. 1 a everything neutral In nothing. W I N N I P E G I. G. K notts , Secretary. "It is when the floods come down P R IN C IP A L H O T E L ★ at a gossoon loike me?” wan. ” H E L E N A a " 9 60,000 through his still longer hair. and, buried iu sands or east away on I was afther thiukiu I must have “ I have written poems, essays, plays, Appendix of 47,468 E ntries M o n e y Saved offlnded her iu some way, an miglil be criticisms and stories. I have ranged in desert bnukR, no liumuu eye has ever shteppin home again widoat a word uv my work from tiie most profound meta­ a il) them again. a l a By "Tho great river has its pleasing aud lnve, but I determined to liuve another physics to the veriest rough and tumble The fu ll number of words and terms In (Including postage) to any part of the Uni tad P a t r o n iz in g It. States. (Canada and Max loo. thry, so I sez: humor cf tho day. Disposing of political romantic aspect, so fascinating thnt it is different dictionaries for the entire alphabet is 1 THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE. the brightest “ Is it not lonely ye are sittin hero i.t problems, removing tRo clouds of mysti­ a saying among people who live in its as follow s: SroaMOWTn, 50,000: WoacifisTr.R and moat complete Weekly Newspaper la tha noights all be yours.If?" sez I. cism, iK’couiiliiig by natural laws for valley that ‘whoeoever drinks of its wa­ A. C. WOODCOCK, prints regularly 81 columns, or twelve “ 'Tis not,” sez she. “ I'm afther in- what 1: is been regarded as supernatural, ters and departs w ill come again to seek P ro p . 108,000; W kbhtbr (international), 125,000; CBN- 1 world, Q e o . H a le pages, of N ew s Literature and Oenerai Inforrna- TtJRY, («lx volum es, com plete,) 225,000: ttoti; also a magnificent Agricultural Department Joy in the best av company. ” predu i .{ the most bountiful conceits them.' Liko the Nile, the liio Grando STANDARD, over >00,000; “ Who’s that?" see I. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. in the r. aims of romance, writiug under ciirichffl the soil of its valley to the "Just mesilf, an no other,” sez she. I tho insp.ration of prepitious muses and point of inexhaustible fertility. Along B U S IN E S S C A R D S O re g o n “ Och sure now, ye cun't mane it. shi.wii g mys. If the incarnation of true Its banks in New Mexico sre fields tlint me, Sample Pages Free........... I D O Y O T J W A N T T H E Whin ye’re all bo yeriilf ye must be wit, I have done a vast labor for tho for two centuries have been cultivated 8 McLaren’. B uilding. c h r o n ic l e „«Ion g iv en to c o lle c tio n , . n d pro- feelin un achiu void this worrnld can g( i ,1 ui humanity and have nothing to yearly, yielding great crops, and they 5««. niver fill, as the pote sez. ” show for it but dusty pilesof unaccepted are as prodnetivo today ns when they fIR S T R A TIO N A L gA N K ACENTS W A N TED . “ Thrue for ye—I do sometimes. ” mauoscTipt. No wonder that ambition first, were tilled Irrigating canals, call­ “ I was sartiu av it, ueus.d.u Where is «rushed and that the fruits of my en­ ed acequias madrns (mother ditches), convey water from the river to be dis­ E. O POTTER. OF EUGENE. is it at all, at all? Is it in yer h< urt deavor seem as the apples of Kodom. ” tributed through little gates to the flolds now?” S H O W IN G “ Brace up, old man,” advised his E . D . B R O N S O N & CO, y. O. mínohicks . e ss a « ■ C“ M‘" ,.. Attorney-at-Law .. “ No," sez sho, “ 'tis iu me hollow .ricna Letti rgo. "You are not the Arst of the valley, which it both waters nnd The United States, Dominion of wisdom tooth.” Pacific Coast Agents p uiui lo suffer the pangs of the unup- enriches. A trip along the river reveals EUGENE, OREGON. > 6 0 ,0 0 0 R AID U F 0 A 1 H O A R ITA L, “ Ach now,” sez I. " 'twas always p iclaled. Keep plugging away with a a succession of pictures of a primitive Canada and Northern Mezioo SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. > 60 0 0 0 SU R PLU S A N D P R O F IT S , fficb At th e Court House. fond av yer Joke ye was, Muthross s ..I upper lip. Never suy die, my man. civilization of the old Spanish-American O N O N K B ID E , 933 Market S t. O'FlyniL ” Get your name before the public and type. Adobe village««, with small, flat Aart tba “ riorra Joke there is about it, Mistlicr n..die the jxopiu talk about you. 1 cun roofed houses built alxmt antique A O O O U N T S g O L iI O îT E D M a p o f t h e W o r l d Magee—on less ye call it a joke to have hu e your name paraded iu every news­ churches, and the spacious houses of the OREGON E E. BENEDICT. EUGENS, M VBAar a feelia in yer jaw loike a riohot needle paper aud magazine that you want, pro­ vieos, or great men; orchards, vineyards, O N T H E O T ltK R B IU K . BXPBMKMM. Wheatfields and grazing cattle are all stitchiu away at double quick toiino to vided you follow my advice.” a JLTWORKXBY - A T - loA -W . B end B 3 an d G e t th « M ap a n d the tune av ‘The Wind That tahakes tho features nt tho srenery of the Rio N O TA R IE S . “ Commit some crime, I suppose?” W e a k ly C h r o n ic le f»r O ne T e a r, Barley.’ " Grande, tho American N ile.’’—New “ No, sir. Advertise your wares. 1 p r e p a id on M ap a n d P a p e r, Florence. : : Oregon. “ ’Tis lougiu I am to oomfort ye, Blow like u si«ic ihow man. Ruu your I York Hun. alanuah. Wud ye not be afther givin picture with every advertisement. Pay ítóS A. R. BUTTOLPH, M . H . do Y O Ü M G , me an ingagemint as reshlint physician? in advance, and tiie world w ill learn Frnrr\rtnr <1 F ctimnlrta The fortifications of Revastapol, which Foil, on ’tis mesilf wud be of:her ehus- for the first time thut there is such a TBAO B M A RK S, ■ C g FRAMClaOll. CAI» • B R IO M B , iu away from ye the toothache, tiie hidden tri’asuro as yourself.”—Detroit euuse«l the allies so much troublo during tiie six months’ defense of the foxtresa eO .ri PTR K lH V B e A o. headache, the heartache, an all the other Free i*ri »s. O M C T lp tlo mn by the Russians, were at first very aches that flesh Is heir to, as the poto ■ a s Invnttioal. A K ao« of Il w a r f t . weak, and military experts say the town O r« t o n . r ANTED— FAITHFUL MEN The Inhabitants of the Andaman is­ might Have l«e«si taken l«y a vigorous F lo r o n o e , “ 'Tis tbinkin I am I'd be sab r Wid w Z™'*? for r$»- a dentist for the toothache than wid an lands are said to be (lie smallest race of bombardment and assault during tis» TrU. V - t J ' E M " ! * I k bnHneai con dar tad for M$ iorata ree«. 1 Fpcntiblc linnw» in Or*»ote talks av. ” “ Is it feud uv poethry ye are, acush- la?” "At toimes—good poethry.” “ Well,” sez L "I have some gran j etluy in me pocket. Maybes ye'd loike to hear it.” "I moight. What’s it about?” “ time now 'tis about yer luvely s:lf, an no \Van else. ” “ Let’s hear it thin.” “ Arrah now, maybes ye won’t bo ioikin it. ” “ How can I tell yo till I hear it." “ Well, this the way it goes.” Wid that I takes tho kyard out av mo pocket au reads it: P atents PATENTS Notary Pablic, Surveyor NOTARY PUBLIC.