* * * * ^ * * l k * * X - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * W * * ! ABSOLUTELY GDARAKTEED FOR LITTLE FOLKS. TIi a V a t t e a s P la it. pin «ml booklet free. Ad. STERLING UKWKIIÏ If)., fhlraîro. Montreal. t'«n., orMw lorlu^ DRIFTING ONWARD. From repeated refereneo to tire wift- D rifting onw ard—-ever driftin g , f an fold, you w ill note th at it is at ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN CAUGHT IN TH E ACT. T cw ’rd yon shining, «Lurch as «oa. LEAP FROG 11, sent in great vogue, and w ill in all F a rth e r still from e a rth ’« greun landscapes or women to travel for re­ N earer to etern ity . A Gni’i« o f M any V ariation«, Som e of likelihood pass over into next spring to T h e T e llt a le T ra ck s on th e T a p estry Be« sponsible established house iu Oregon. be used on gowns of ceremonial preten­ Onward—yet wo know not w hither Wkl It A rc t'n nftually E x c itin g . tr a y e d H im . Wo are borno by tim e ’s sw ift tide, Salary $780 and expenses. Position sions. Vhcro it cannot be used for cer­ Leap Top, bombay, foot and a half tain Four or five Washington pastors were Hooding not tho d au g ’rous riv er reasons it is simulated. Ribbon permanent. Reference. Enclose self- Down whoso d ark lin g stream we glidau H!id wiilors' l.embay ure all forms of trimm ing is disposed in such a way as having a pleasant little meeting the addressed stamped envelope. The that game where a loy tics himself into to give a quaint w ntteau effect behind. other afternoon at the study of one of D rifting onw ard—wo nre going To n country ail unknown ; a knot ¡.ml h t: luscompanions dig their Although dressmakers suggest many them, and they were having compara­ National. Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. G uard, O Lord, oad koep thou, o v e r - luim Jclrs into the muscles of his spine pretty ways of using ribbon as garniture, tively as much fuu out of it as that Loa vo U3 n o t to d rift alone. and leap over liim. Leap frog is a sim ­ Ihe plain satin ribbon is generally em­ Shield us from tho w a te r’s perils, many rounders would have had at a sa­ CANDY AND MARRIED LIFE. ple jum ping of one lio.v over another. In ployed. Fancy ribbon is not so popular Sava from d ark and angry storm ; loon knee deep in 41 varieties of tipple. L et thine aria of m ight defend us Ilusbnnils H o o t Supply T heir botuRuy thus leuping have first u free os it was a year ago. The plain kind, They were telling Sunday school stories, W hy Some Everm ore from every harm . W ives W ith Confectionery. over, then they m ust leap upon the either contrasting in color or matching as a rule, but they swung around after “ Oh, how perfectly lovely I” said the spine of the boy who is down first w ith the foundation, if tho frock be of m u ll1 D rifting onw ard—we will unchor awhile to temperauco. girl in tho pink dress. “ I do so dote on their knuckles, then witii a slap on the or seme thin fabric mounted over a co l-> A t th e Leav’nly port u t last, “ In my youth in V irginia,” said the Every care and tria l ended. part of his anatomy sacred to the slip­ ored silk, is preferred. All o u r toils nnd dangers past, host, “ we had, what is rare nowadays— candy.” per. then w ith a kick in the same spot “ Especially chocolate nougat,” de­ Happy on th a t shore Elysian, to wit, a lot of more or less seedy and Fcr ball gowns, faconne mousseline Noverm ore shall storm clouds frow n; as they art, going over. Then each lad rhiffeu, silk tarlatans and tulle are the shabby genteel old fellow’s who went clared the young woman iu white. Oh, tho brig h t, unfading vision, m u s t deposit Lis hut on the upturned about the country delivering lectures on “ It is just too sweet for anything. ” leading fabrics. The more diaphanous Where no paling sun goes down! hack, lit re is v,I »re the finesse conies in; and lig h t tho more fashionable th e , ‘‘Where did you get them? Was it —F rancis A. blinking. temperance mid getting out of it only also a little strategy on the part of the fabric. Only tho hows on the breast and about so much as would clothe and feed Charley or Bob?” ,'ouug man who is down. “ It was Charley,” replied tho girl Sold W ith them. Some of them wero no doubt good i pauleta are permitted to be stiffened 1 When a isiinpuiiit n for w h o m he lia s " ith wire. Full bebe front, embroidered HOMESICK HIPPOPOTAMUS. and conscientious men, but among them »ith the box iu her hand. “ Ho always little love is making tin over iu “ h o t,” « belt and many flowers around the neck j It L u n ged F o r th e L a n g u a g e o f I t . B a b y , were many who, notwithstanding their i nas tho nicest candy. ” h o o d H o m e. ‘‘But you like Bob best?” professions, dearly loved to take a glass and w aist are fashionable. Elderly la- j n te ‘ ’Agnes, dear, you are entirely too in­ During Bayard Taylor’s visit to the of something warming to the inner man. dies wear gowns of moire glace and velours, white, pale bine, heliotrope zoological gardens iu London he noticed : “ Most of these tipplers were very par­ quisitive.” ‘‘You mustn’t get married if you like a hippopotamus which lay in its tank j ticular not to have the rumor get abroud and cornflower bine velvet. As regards colors which w ill be fash­ apparently oblivious of its surroundings. that they ever tasted the vile stuff, and candy.” ‘‘What has that to do with it?” ionable, may be mentioned, first, all the Entering into conversation w ith tho J when they took their drinks they ob­ ‘‘D idn't you ever hear that tho mon greens. They w ill be worn in all tones, keeper one morning, he was told that ' served great secrecy. I remember there from the palest to the darkest, passing the creature refused to eat and was : was one whom we thought to be a most who buy candy before you get married through the bronze shades. The mor- gradually starving itself to death. “ I abstemious old fellow, and no one never buy you any after they are mar­ dore, gray and mauve w ill be worn ex- fancy i t ’s homesick,” added the keeper. thought he ever tasted a drop, particu­ ried?” “ Is that so?” tensively. Claiming great at tent ion ia a “ H e’s a fine specimen, and it seems a larly a maiden aunt of mine who lived “ T hat’s what the papers say.” very deliento mauve, called bulgaria.— pity wo should lose him, hut h e’s moped i w ith my mother mid was as rigid a “ PoohI I don’t believe a word of it! over since the keeper who had charge of j temperance woman as ever camo out of Philadelphia Times. him on board the steamer loft. Ho pays New England. My mother was muck But, then, th at’s just like some of the » lo w T w o G ir ls M ade M oney. no attention to anything I say. ” more liberal and wanted always to en­ horrid men. I know ono who won’t do ‘‘A country girl who is determined to Learning that the creature came from tertain these workers in the good cause, i t ” go to Paris to study art is laying aside a part of Africa he had once visited, but my aunt had become so suspicious ‘‘Oh, I say, girls. What luck I Here for this purpose each dollar she has Mr. Taylor, on an impulse, leaned for­ comes Maud. We’ll ask her about it.” lie tiRwlly tilts his hack in order to spill earned, ” w rites Ruth Ashmore, iu an ward and addressed it in tho dialect of all of them except this particular cue “ You’d never dare.” he was the only one w’ho could find tho loml of headgear. Of course that! article on “ The G irl In the Country, ” used by the huuters mid keepers of that ' that “ Wouldn’t I, though?” a nig h t’s lodging at our place. means that tho fellow who is making I iu The Ladies’ Home Journal. ‘‘She region. The animal lifted its head, and Maud drew near, and all the girls “ O nenight this oldehapcam e to stay tin* awkward over is down, und the game I found that there was no ono else in the tho small eyes opened. Mr. Tavlor re­ giggled merrily. till night, mid he had such a severe cold begins anew, in ease “ hats” is passed , village who could make ns good bread peated his remark, when wliatuoes Mr. “ Oh, Maud, you’re married, aren't huee( ssfully, tho next step is an over, nnd biscuit ns she; th at these who had Hippo do but paddle slowly over to th at my mother prescribed a nibbing of goose grease on liis feet and toasting it yo“ ', and the hats are placed on tho ground. ' to buy complained of the baker’s bread. where he stood. Crossing to the other Why, what a silly question! Were A fter (lie next over they must bo picked She niado no effort at sending her bread side of tho tank, the experiment was re­ in by the tiro before he w ent to bed. not you one of the bridesmaids?” up w ith tho teeth and tossed backward to a woman’s exchange, as she knew peated w ith tlie same result, the poor Now, as it happened, iu the room where J “ Oh, yes, we all saw her, and she over the hoy who is down. To touch that such places were always overstock- thing showing unmistakah’e signs of ho slept there was a new carpet which j looked just perfectly killing.” None who are engaged in any of the mechanical the hat of any other hoy in the game, . . d, but she went through her own town joy, even consenting to .eceivo fo o d ! my aunt had presented to my mother as “ Weil, I wanted to ask you a ques­ a birthday gift, mid there was an old' either picking up or after the tons has —a very small one—and naked for or­ from the hand of his new friend. put suits can succeed w ithout reading and fashioned sideboard in the sumo room, j tion. ” been nude, is a fault. The game is nel- ) ders. She is making money because Mr. Taylor paid several visits to tho w ith a two gallon jug of good whisky ! ‘‘Certainly, dear. What is it?” studying this standard Magazine of Sciences