—rczuuitgn / r u t rr.itu Y » o m n a . - «n llt> Opart ti on T bit 9««ion. Fl-OtXXCt, J.AKC Ou'KTg, Ottanox i Omaha Be­ la this republic isolated among the na­ tions of the world? It seeiua to he the W . H , W E A T IIK R S O N ,bto w »* "* * * “ •« National Fish Commission lias decided opinion of tiiose who are opposed to to allow the expeuliture of $500 to American politics that it is. Tlie New I Editor and Proprietor. York Post of recent date says : “ With ) New York, Julv 22.—A special to the things atHict us. operate the hatchery at Mapleton this T bbi tlie exception of Venezuela, of whose World from Plattsburg N. Y., says: Adversity borrows its sharpest sting year. This is welcome news and tlie CLEMENTS OF TROUBLE, A more active demand for manufactured goods and prodU c(s claims we have somwhat accidentally Joseph Ladue, owner of the townsitc from our impatience. tlinnks ot this community are due tu Entere found ourselves the champions, it may c l Dawson, Alaska, is now on the way to ft. F. Chronicle. our congressman for his efforts to bring ionie coi People are sooner reclaimed by the of the farm is reported and at advanced rates. An improv fairly tie said that we stand without an liis former home at Schuyler Falls, eQieut ijaiail ma The Dominion government bus about this decision. side wind of a surprise than by down Clinton county, New York, to be mar­ ally on either continent. None of the along the lino will soon be realized. thrown fairness ami caution to tiu> right admonition. ID V BBTft jowers has any reason to regard us witli ried to Miss Mason. It is said tliat winds and gone to thu unexpected PUBLIC ENTERPRISE. There is no immunity from tlie conse­ a particularly friendly feeliug and Ladue and Miss Mason were to have In ord er to keep pace w ith th e tim e s o u r STOCK OF C0oo socai not! length of imposing u royalty on all pla- several tji them have good reasons for I been married long ago, but Miss Ma- quences of sin ; punishment is swift and cer diggings on the Yukon, besides a $16 Eugene Register. w ill be increased to conform th e re w ith . cherishing sentiments i f ' hostility. IfI son’s parents opposed tlie match sure to one and all. registration fee and $100 annual assess­ The people who oppose public im­ Agriculture is tlie foundation of inan- sucli isolation is desirable, we may *«cause Ladue was poor. Tnen Ladue ment. Tim royalty named is JO per cent provements may be divided into three Mayor went to the Black Hills in search of ufaetures, since tlie productions of nat­ congratulate ourselves on the success new ladi on claims with an output of $500 or less clusses. Tlie first is that class which is of our diplomats in attaining it. gold. He was quite successful, but ure are the materials. Nortlil monthly, and 20 per cent on eyery claim ever looking for something to kick What is tlie excuse for tliis view? The before coming east to claim his bride, for a pie Providence gives us notice by sensible yielding ahovc that amount Addition about! tiui second class is mude up of irritation of England at the positiou of lie went into speculation at Deadwood declensions, that we may disengage The er ally tli.e government will reserve eyery those wbo do not care a rap whether im­ under tin our government in tlie Behring sea and lost every dollar. from the world by degrees. alternate claim in any new gold distyic provements are made or not, just as long Hood’i Ladue wrote to Miss Mason of liis matter and the dissatisfaction of France, Truth never turns to rebuke that may be found, and will impose us tliey can gain popularity by making operate. Germany and some other European misfortune, and soon after went to falsehood; her own straightforwardness lienvy tariff upon all goods coming in “grand stand plays;” and the third countries with tlie proposed change in Alaska. He did not return home until is tlie severest correction. from the American side. The lu class are those who are honest in their With the latter proviso we do not, of convictions of what they deem true our tariff policy, together with the com- two years ago, and then it was settled Acme When we advance a little into life, we Co.'s mil course, find fault, but the proceeding us economy, and though perfectly sincere plaints respecting this policy on tlie tliat upon liis return from another trip find tliat the tongue of man creates to Alaska they would be married. As Cbarat a whole shows tleo intent to keep Amer in their views, are, we believe, often not part of some of the countries of South nearly all the mischief of tlie world. America. Is there any substantial Ladue is said to be a millionaire, tlie Diarrhoe lean miners out of the field in which far-sighted enough to determine what j prompt r reason in tliis for believing that tiiis parents of the bride will offer no oh- ' Count up a man’s calamities and who they were tlie pioneers and where they constitutes true economy, ¡Drug Sto country is without an ally on either jection to the union, and it is probable seem happy? But in truth, calamity have uncovered tire ricliest finds, Con­ Tlie first class of people are the men Guard that Mrs. and Mrs. Ladue will sjxrnd Ieaves fully half of y0llr life untouched. continent? Admit tliat tlie British trasted with tlm treatment given ad brought 1 ho have not sufficient enterprise to In extent sorrow is boundless. It government is displeased with our latest their honeymoon on their way to tlie ! • t Cobur foreign placer miners in California, this paint their barns and Imuses, if indeed enunciation in regard to the seal contro­ gold fields, where they intend to live 1 pours from ten million sources, and ' for assail policy is churlish and inhospitable{ and they have any to paint, who have no floods tlie world. But its depth is small. versy, tliougii there is no official evi­ for at least three years. viewed in tlie light of [fjtlander de­ flower garden in their front yards and OUR TERM S are CASH or something convertible ^eduCf It drowns few. dence of it, does it show tliat England contempl mands and grievances in tlie Transvaal have no time while howling about hard T o C u r e C o n s t ip a t io n F o r e v e r . .............into CASH.............. wen toe The use of traveling is to regulate C ascaiets Candv Catliarlie. 10c o r iie . it is one that calls for sliarp remon­ times to hoe tlie dog-fennel and thistles is unfriendly to the United States, or It Take C. C. C. full to cure, druggists refund money. --------------------------------- ------ Railway. would not in a conceivable emergency imagination by reality, and instead of strance, if not for something more, At out of their truck patch which their A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUED PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED EuKene- U nclb S am has discharged all of liis thinking how things may be,’ to see the very least <« shall expect tlie wives and daughters planted, and who be an ally to this country? Not at ail. Latest the repot United States government to adopt re­ lie awake nights cursing their thrifty On the contrary, we have had within a Indian soldiers and will enlist no them as they are. . after beir Outward actions can never give a just prisals covering the use of Alaskan neighbor who has built a now windmill few days a report tliat negotiations more. Tlie Indian soldier is no good. •I» lie regain were to he renewed for a treaty of arbi­ Piie Indian is not much good any j estimate of us, since there are many routes of travel by Canadians, for if our ml a now shed for his separator and somethin tration between the two nations. Ac­ place. There are some, however, in j perfections of a man which are not own people cannot freely mine on tlie hinder. First cl cepting this as nutlioritative, it shows Southern Oregon who are thrifty, ; capable of appearing in actions. Klondyke, Canadians ought not to have The third class which we believo to termedial that tlie British government is still hard working farmers—and are pros­ the untaged privilege of, taking their he vastly in tlie majority, are tiiose who Speech is like the cloth of Arras, River poi gold and other belongings home by way peed only be shown the economy and disposed to maintain most friendly perous. These are tlie exception and open and put abroad, whereby the ern Paci relations with tlie United States. How not the rule.— Medford Mail. W ill Continue of St Michael and Juneau, C ontinue to C a rry a W e ll S e le c te d Stock of General j i imagery doth appear in figure; whereas necessity of a measure, and their aid is is it with other European governments? Gold has, first and last, caused about If you i in thoughts they lie but as in packs. once enlisted. I^et us carefully § Don’t Toharro Spit and Smoke Voar Life Away. It is true that France and Germany are nsult tl as much frouble between nations and diagnose each case of this opposition in To q u it tobacco e a sily and forever, be mag Tlie bee though it finds every rose not pleased witli our proposed tariff netic. Company full of life, nerve and vigor, take N o-Ta races as religion, Tl*e gold of the Amer order that we may avoid misjudging of B ac. the wonder worker, thnt m akes weak un - has a thorn, comes back loaded witli all Eastei jess and territorial questiona concern honest motives. Most men are honest, policy and tliat there is some talk of strong. All druggists, 50c or SI. C u r e g iia m . honey from his rambles, and why Which will be handled on the closest possible margin Murphy, B ooklet and sam ple free. Address retaliation in those countries, but no­ fng it started a train of wars in Europe and with them reason will prevail. The Sterling R em edy (M . C hicago or N ew York. should not other tourists do tlie same. The m Consistent with the original cost and transportation. body can seriously believe that tliey which ran on for over three centuries, kicker and the demagoguo cun beat be on Iter de Solitude has but one disadvantage; and even as late ns J895 almost cause. 1 exterminated by depriving them of tlie propose to isolate the United States, F rom tub reports of companies being terday tli it is apt to give one too high an opinion commercially, or otherwise, for the Terrace u a rupture between the United Stutes sympathy tliey depend upon for life. formed in many eastern cities, it is of himself. In the world we are sure to obvious reason that they could not do in positio and Great Britain, ft is gold that plain tliat the Clondyke excitement lias be often reminded of every known or WILL BE T H E B A SIS; T h is w e in te n d s h a ll work being U8i so without very dumaging consequences threaten* tlie peace of South Africa been utilized.by swindlers for their own THE PANAMA CANAL. supposed defect we may have. to their own interest*. The impulsive no h a rd sh ip on o u r p atro n s; L O W E R R A T E S M O RE THAI Tnosda We cannot say that tlie conditions profit. Men who are selling stock in through I kaiser and some reckless French states­ No one can exist in society without which produce jnfernationsl discord arc Orcgouiati. cooperative enterprises for tlie Yukon C O M P E N S A T IN G FO R P R O M P T SE T T L E M E N T S. Marion u men have said threatening tilings, but some specially. Eighty years ago it country know very well that their ex­ any the less menacing in Canada now If the Panama canal is really doomed trestle be these count for very little, because they peditions will begin and end on paper. was only necessary to he well dressed than they are in the Transvaal, Miners to failure, the persistence witli which its wrecked < injured. Who have outfitted at large expense and work goes on is certainly refreshing. do not represent the public judgement. The great majority have no other aim and amiable; today a man of tliis kind Tho trutli is that a large majority of tlie Up to i than to peddle out stock at so low a i would be too much like the garcons at paid heavily to gat their goods to the Our consul-general at Panama is now j the cafes. statesmen and tlie intelligent people of the Nortl line are a dangerous class to take by in Washington, and asserts hi* own be­ price tliat it will appeal to people of very | I The world could not exist if it will sell f were the throat, with the demand to stand lief to be tliat “ its ultimate completion Europe understand perfectly well tlie small means. There ought to be some 1 points at tlie value of commercial intercourse WBy of reaching ami punishing these i not simple. This ground lias been and deliver, Tliey way not clmose to a certainty.” There are, he says, callbn or with tliis country and tliey will not do frauds, hut, unfortunately, the laws do tilled a thousand years, yet its powers obey—and what then? eral Agee funds enough on hand to continue op­ unything to destroy tliis intercourse. not reach.thein.— 8 . F . Chronicle. remain ever the same, a little rain, a Fortunate)/, no serious question of erations at tlie present lively rate for A lady So long as tliis is tlie ease we shall not little sun, and eacli spring it grows boundary obtain* at tlie present points two years more. One-fourth of the honor he isolated. green again. that < B v c r v lio d y S a ys So. of contact, a* tlie disputed lino is 500 cannl is completed, including a $1,000,- But what aliout having allies? Perhaps platea am Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won miles from the gold fields. By treaty 000 wharf at tho Pacific entrance, which medical tliscoiery of the ape. pleas­ use at the we do not need any, but if we should aerfiil ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ant.and refreshing to the tasie, a c t gently the dividing point between Northern vessels can resell without having to will be ve ami |K)siUvcly on kidneys, liver and bowels, is it true tliat we could count upon no and Central Alaska and the Northwest lighter. The work of modern stone- cleansing the entire system, dispel eolds, doe* find nation in either continent to befriend cure headnohe, lever, habitual constipation Miss Gussie Smith, of Marshfield, has Territory is fixed at the H ist meridian cutting machinery, which we have re­ at this oil and hniousuess. Please buy and trv n liox us? Why would not Kussia be our of C. C. C. to-day; 10, go. i,o cents. Wold and formed a class in music at Gardiner and of longitude, and it only remains for garded as sure to lie demonstrated in friend, as she was during tlie civil war? guaranteed to cure by all druggists. will remain there several months, the surveyors to mark tlie line of the Nicaragua, he report* an already ac­ Steamer Alice Blanchard left Coos Why might we not reasonably count meridian with mile posts, But tlie de­ complished fact in Panama, where ex- | bay for San Francisco Monday. Tliis JURY D IS A G R E E . upon tlie aid of Mexico rnd Brazil in an sire of the British to obtain a port on cavatioiis once thought impossible are ! is tier last trip on tliat route. Hereafte r On Tuesday last a suit was brought «he will run regularly between San B LA N XETS FOR 6 5 c . a PAIR, the Pacific wjil probable lead flicm to now easily accomplished. It is obvious emergency? And why should not the Central American states be our allies if before Justice Hadsall in which George J Francisco and Alaska. press their claim with much vigor for tliat, if money can be liad for this work Bradley was complaining witness, the we needed them. S part ot the Alaskan panhandle which now, witli the Panama scandals fresh SHIRTS 25cts. TO $ 1 .5 0 State of Oregon plaintiff and Fred Ma-1 n The y gasoline ^ i ^ ^ ”^ There is no substantial ground for tlie includes Juneau, and here is a chunce in mind, it will lie far more readily forth­ son defendant The charge was assault -------1 _1__® • j cisco and coast ports in the lumber idea that tlie United States is isolated or and battery. for further cent plications, ¡Should the coming when tlie operations now under A ” ■ trade, will shortly leave the city for tlie ia likely to become so. This country is The northern country prove os rich sb the way have been completed. Wc must and Teif defendant Hoffman, called Wm. for Mnrfordh Wm.‘ Sanguine liope it will, we slial) hear u not forget that the problem of problems as strong in tlie respect of the world as Nichols, George Hartley each. After the schooner Chetco was it has ever been, and it Is not going to great deal about it iu diplomacy very in isthmian canal work, tlie mountain John C and Wm. Brynd were finally selected lose it* standing because a curt note lias wrecked on the southern Oregon coast soon. torrents, is so far us menneing in Nica­ were examined, she w a s llt te .l „ .;,i i- 6 8 licen sent to England and a tariff policy 6 in behalf of the state an.) 3 on behalf1 en,?ine8’ ragua us in Panama. If we ever build a shocking accident occurred J avan has renewed tier protest against our canal, it will be by supplementing is proposed that ia not friendly to Eu of the defendant. The attorneys were pean industries. and brea) Geo. O. Knowles for the state and L. E. near Gardiner Sunday. Annie the little the annexation of Hawaii by the United tlie hill* and reports, resolutions and >e|y in in tl Bean for the defense. After the plead- daughter of Mr. Chas Marks was shot ptates. ft is pretty generally hplieved i speechc now directed at the Nicaragua ing by the attornevs and an able charge r " 1..ln ,,’")tly l‘i"e'1 by ller .vo»n>«‘8t member < A practical mining engineer publish­ tiftl,« .. . jury .. s brother who - ' was plaving ’ ’ with a shot­ tliat this country will simply place Jap. route by some such prosaic effort as Church, i tojthe jury hv the judge, the was es in one of tlie Ottawa papers a Eugene I locked up and ^the interested citizens gun that bad been carelessly left within an's protest on file and go ahpad and , digging earth and damming streams. catechism, which, lie says, every would wailed anxiously for the verdict. The Jhe reach of tlie little ones. The shot ratify tlie annexation treaty, It is u Th>« is a great country, and its eagle lie gold-hunter should ask himself be­ iiry was out about 6 hours and then at struck just behind the ear causing in­ question in which Japan lias no right to I has a loud voice, but acts of congress fore he starts: Have I a capital of at about 12 o clock M., they agreed to stant death. The parents, are prostrated mid the sympathies of the entire interfere, and if thp Mikado chooses to and presidential proclamations have not least $500? Am I subject to any organic disagree. Tlie affair was quite amusing community are with them rush into war with tlie United States *« so far as known, stirred from its rest- all the way through hut especially so in their or chronic disease, especially rheuma­ when Attorney General Idleman who sorrow. Although there ■ re several might be «big to teach thp Japs a little ¡ng,place a single pebble between Brito boys, Annie was the only daughter. tism? Am I physically sound in every iwppened to be a passenger on foonnon sense, and (iraytown. Is this also among the 1 ,e The funeral was held at Gardiner way and able to walk 30 miles a day steamer Coos, stepped into tlie court Mon- ■ " [ things they “do better in Fiance” ? dav. with a 50-pound pack on my back? Am room. Upon liis appearance our am­ I t is estimated that Oregon will pro-1 I willing to put up with the rough fare, ateur attorneys went into consultation iluce eighteen million boehpls of wheat ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN sleep anywhere sad anyhow; do my with the judge and with one another this year. I>rducting what will be con­ or women to travel for re­ own cooking and washing; mend my seemingly anxious to find some place where tliey could be buried until sumed at home there will be a good sponsible established house in Oregon, Position own clothes? Can I leave home perfect­ morning, hut no chance of escape pre­ many million dollars brought inlo Ore, j Salary $780 and expenses. ly free, leaving no one depending on me sented itself so they concluded to finish gon tliis year from this source, Linn permanent. References. Enelose self I addressed stamped envelope. The in any manner for support? Oan I do tlie matter, live or die. There will Made and Merit Maintains theconfldence county will receive a generous share of National. Star Insurance Bldg , Chicago. probably be a new trial. of the people in Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Ita entirely without spirituous liquors? this wealth, haying, it is estimated a In the second trial of the above case m edicine cures you when sick; If it makes Can I work like a galley slave for held Wednesday tlie jury returned a wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond yield of a million and a quarter bushels EXTINCT RACE. months, if need be, on poor fare, and verdict of guilty and recommended the all question that medicine possesses merit . pf wheat this year. This is a pretty , sometimes not enough of that, and Still defendant to the clemency of tlie court. good gold mine of itself, Oregvnian. keep a cheerful and brave spirit? Am He was fined $6 and costs amounting to A Tacoma policeman committed sui- $«•». i -T»-H wc , d t Firty Caats. handle boats and canoes; put up with Guaranteed toboeeo habit pepper-hot, and ginger gin- duty, and rifled of $*., the burglary the extremes of heat and cold, aiid bear bwod ^ ri~ • * cure * make, weak ' b ^ 2 ^ it “ P088” * 8 ------ ..enrW’ B<* once or or g er-h o t; but ginger caping hi* notice. Ttie death of this incessant torture from tlie countless hundred times, but thousands of policeman, is for obvious reasons, an ■ T E A M E N SINKS. pepper-hot- swarms of mosquitoes, gnats and sand­ ; esceptionally sad event. It requires a Mtever. We repeat flies. Passengers on the Elder who' The steamer Gypsy I degree of sloiuism to look unmoved upon ■iti» four lady cannot answer these questions in the passengers rnd several tons tea hakhif pn«'lee of freight Oav«*ri»ig •tiiat'ts the eztinctiop of a species, though re­ •uUa a«tU *f»ce« Hlfiriiistiy» may yet repent and return Í board, struck a snag between Hnrris- gret in this instance will be doubtless are money-back ifyou don’t mitigated apmewhat by the fact that i Iwfore it ia too late reach burg apd Corvallis one day last week testing a bole forty feet in length and I’.ves.—OnrgoMiaw. like them. prior to this sad event this type of po­ sunk in less than a minute. Tlie pas­ •> sengers were taken to the shore safely liceman was sup|>o*xHo have vanished fhr sets for «•«■r »CM- a, t^, tbr the freight was considerably j from the earth, M m st A Kyle damaged, • A letter from Congressman Tongue to Postmaster Kyle, which was received Rates Throughout Will be Placed' ........ AT BED ROCK Fresh Groceries and Prov sions by Each Boat. Impôt.. tant Reductions Will be. Noticed in Footwear, Men Hats and Suits. ""HURD & DAVENPORT THE SEATON STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISES Cash or Anything Marketable- KURD & DAVENPORT HAMPTON BROS. FOR DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS’ FURNISi¿ : All the Latest In D r e s s G o o d s, T r im m in g E tc. HAMPTON BROS. E ugene, O re g o n ENTERPRISING lead in g — S. H. FRIENDLY. S. H. FRIENDLY. w M erit Made progressivi M ERCHANT CARM AN CHEAP CASH STORE! and * Notions -1 S ñ i ’FL0RENCE MEAT " MARKET. SS; SchiUingi Best Hood’s Sarsaparilla Hood’s HlbSEÄ-pejg JwM5t Opcnod........ Coods as Represented w. carmak P R O fftlE l w