f T’ T T y THE W EST ► YOUR HOHE PAPER £ J 1 A D V E R T IS E R S 4 SIU3LAWS ONLY PAPES. 4 O P P O R T U N IT Y < S U P P O R T IT .-’i,*-“ ' O F i l l. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Aug. 6, 181)7. GENERAL DIRECTORY TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. STATE OFFICERS TRAVELFHS’ GUIDE a -J k R Z D H S T E n 4 S te a m e r B ilio u s n e s s L..... s a il s --------; 3T A Q B U N B , G overnor.. William P. Lord. 1 the lst>10th an<120th °f each Secretary qf Sj a te .............II. It. Kincaid. H . H . B a rre tt, P ro p ’r, ° 1 month. T reasurer. . . . ................Philip Metchen Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 Supt. Public In s tru ctio n . . .G. M. Irwin. days and Fridays. .W. H. Leeds. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, T hurs­ State Printer. C. M. Idleinan. days and Saturdays. Attorney G en era l Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ i ’l l i .......... K . S . B ean burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Supreme Court -................F. A. M oore Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge For Passenger and Freight Rates ( C. E. Wolveiton reasonable. -----APPLY TO- Judge 8econd District . .J. C. Fullerton Attorney Second District.Geo. M. Brown F lo r e n c e to Y a q u in a . Moyer & Kyle, EUGENE-FLORENCE STAGE LINE. Í V OOUNTY OFFICERS E- B a n g s , S TE A M Single faro . . . - $5.00 Round trip - - _ _ $9.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd & Davenport’s office in Florence. CITY OFFICERS. .. ,F. B. Wilson P resident....... '. .......... 0 . W. Hurd Win. Kvle Marion Morris C. C. Behnke Board of Truffiees MORRIS *** HOTEL, .. J . C. F L IN T , P ro p rieto r .. F lo re n o a , O re g o n . .. J. R. Weddle M arshal........ä............ OUR AIM—To furnish the best accommodations at reasonable prices. SECRET SOCIETIES. i F. A A. I I . F lorence Lodge No. 107. la Regular sominiiniccaiiiii on second i MINNESOTE nd fourth Saturdays in each month. P S. L. ItmiKKUs, W. M. . G. K kotts , Secretary. HOTEL. I P R IN C IP A L H O T E L * O N E BLO CK FR O M D E P O T ---- RATES $1.00 Per DAY---- A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58. a meets second and fourth Saturdays M rs . L. L. M ai . stees , Prop. each month. E ugene, : : : O re g o n . J. I. BvTTEurir.i i), Commander. J, L. I UBXisn, A djutant. O. U. W. ff’erpetua Lodge, No. 131, I meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays ill month. Members and visiting ¡thren in good standing are cordially -ite d to ittin d . L G . K kotts , M. W. a. K y LC, Recorder. O. O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I ll, meets every Wednesday evening in Lodge ill, Florence, Oregon. Brothers m od standing invited to attend. W. H. W katiiehsos , V M akion M ohuis , Sec. “ C O O S ,” D A IL Y C H IC A C O NEW T h e C IirlK tia n A t t it u d e o f P ra y e r. YORK BO STO N ANO ALL P O I N T S E A S T aa 60,000 >60 OOO . . Pacific Coast Agents SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 933 Market St. S O L IC IT E D . OREGON so vcAsa* ■ X F S R IS N O K . NOTARIES. P atents Oregon. A. R. BUTTOLPH, « Tr»4e Mark« obtained »nd »1! T«i M c o a d o rte d fo rS to d c ra t. Fee«. « b iT fb n n e tS n o S d * Addreaa. W M M li f lf M , D. Cw- do y o u w a n t t h e • krtz-h and PUBLIC.. FLORENCE. • - - O REQJN O N E B ID E , A n d th « U N Map of the World O ff T IIK O TH K R H I I1 IS . * 2 a n d O e t th e M a p a n d W e e k ly C h r o n ic le f > r O n e Y e a r , p o s ta g e p r e p a id o n M a p a a d P a p j r . Send A P I) URSS M . II. de Y O TTX r», Proprietor 8. P f’hronidw, BAN mA \ < I'M », CAU ptlnn m*J .^>roa«h Man. * U NOTARY The United State., Dominion of f. , , u « • Canada and Northern Mexiao . w hether mi lnveott>.«lF Cmninantrar kni» a t r t 't lf O re g o n . FRANK B. WILSON- S H O W IN G O O FYR IC M TR Ao« Anyone «ending j «iule»I . «ecertAir F lo r « n o a , Reversible Map? T R A D * MARKS, D C 8 IO M 8 , Notary Public, Surv eyor del,dr»wbigorpboto. w # »d»l«elf ■d. A P*«w:ile< -H o » »o Ob- tritfc ©f the V. 8. co, E . D. BR O N SO N & N E Y - A T - Iu A /W . XTENTS a ter The full number of words and terms In (In c lu d in g postage) to any part of the U n ited Ntatea. Canada and Mexico. different dictionaries for the entire alphubet is T O K W 3 R K L Y C H R O N IC L E , the brightest as follows: «-» ormonth , 50,000; W orchestzk aud most com plete W e e k ly Newspaper Lu the 105,000; W rbstrii (international), 125,000; C’EN ( world, prints regularly 84 columns, or tw elve pages.of News, L ite ra tu re and Ooneral In fo rm a ­ tvry , (six volumes, complete,) 225,000 tion ; also a m agnificent A g ricultural Departm ent. STANDARD, over 300,000; SA M PLE C O P IE S S E N T FREE. ß A N K AG ENTS W A N T E D . PAID UP CA8H CAPITAL, 8URPLU8 AND PROFIT8, E. B E N E D IC T , Th) Great si Weekly ii the Ccn¡try, C H R O N IC L E IC OESE, OREGON, lee At the Court House. The M y Chronicle 347 Editors and Specialists 5 j j Readers for Quotations ...........Sample Pages Free........... OF EUGENE. T Q HENDRICKS, P«»tS. • • 8 EAKlN, Jn . C A ttorncy-at-Lavr .. Only $6.70aY car. $ 1 .5 0 BUSINESS CARDS- fIR S T O PO TTER. d a il y Appendix of 4 7 ,4 6 8 E ntries P ro p . Geo. H a le : 301,865 Vocabulary Terms Cost over > 9 6 0,00 0 M o n e y Saved By P a t r o n iz in g it. C h r o n lc la ,, B u ild in g « B y M a 'l , P o s ta g e P a id . 5000 Illu s tratio n s 7 and 8 McLaren’« Building, tou given to collection« and pro- «•«. H is Id e a . THROUGH TICKETS EUGENE. i SNOW & CO. Ore. CHRONICLE P H IL A D E L P H IA WOODCOCK, Attorney at Law, A. : E U G E N E , - • - O REG O N ATTORNEYS a c o o u tr W » * n i free. : CIFIC COAST W. W. NEELY, Prop'r. Tables furnished with all the delicacies of the season. Wild game, fish and fruit in season. Best accomodations for the traveling public. Charges reasonable. *** P a sto r . o o fo h irf* : Kisawa volunteered to send two men with me to Kaeembi’i; did not suggest any p ay ; told off two of bi« young w ar­ riors and gave them instructions. They clapped tbeir hands after each sentence to signify tbeir acceptance of his in­ structions. Two others have come of their own accord. The only baggage of one is two sticks, upon onch of which are threaded four dry rows of fruit, which rattle. The youth owning this property has long hair plaited into ropes, which fall to his neck aud form a screen to bis eyes. He is constantly keeping the rattle goiug and singing (principally about me) in a most flat­ tering manner, in which performance his friend joins, but the latter confines himself to singing. He has other use for bis hands, which carry two baskets full tf manioc flour, a banghi pipe and spare ruttles. For the first hour they staid at my heels. All the tim e they kept up the ratliiug aud singing aud told me it was w bat they camo for, and th at they would thus entertain me until we reach­ ’d Kasembi, four or fivo days oft. I spoke to them (irmly, hut kindly; told them their musio was excellent, hut must be beard at u distance to ho prop­ erly enjoyed. Tliodistance I pointed out was about ten miles away. My mn«i--al friends took the hint good naturedly, hut ut times they breuk out into their boisterous entertainm ent.— "G lave la tho H eart of A frica” in Century. “ I w ant to see Mr. Verkes,” he de­ T E R M S S T R IC T L Y C A S H . clared as he entered the North Side of­ fice of the street railway magnate. K ‘‘Mr. Yerkes is very busy ju st now ,” answered tho clerk. “ Yes, but this is cf the greatest im­ portance. I have an idea that in a cer­ tain contingency w ill add thousands of dollars to the revenues front his busi­ ness.” OF TH E “ Supposo you tell me about it.” “ Well, I don’t know about th a t You S le e p in g C a r s might steal the idea and get the credit for it. Then where would I be?” E le g a n t ‘‘There is no dunger of th a t.” “ I can 't seo Mr. Yerkes?” D in in g C a r s “ Not today. ’’ T o u r is t After a pause: S le e p in g C a rs ‘‘You set m to he n pretty honest look­ T H E C H R O N IC L E ranks w ith the creates! ing chap. I will tell yon about it if you ST. PAUL newspapers In the U n ited states. will come over in the tornor uud prom­ T H E C H R O N IC L E has no equal on the Pacific M IN N EA PO LIS Coast. I t leads all in ab ility, enterprise and news. ise not to steal the idea. “ T I I E C H R O N IC L E 'S Telegraphic Reports are The conditions having been complied DULUTH the latest and moat reliable, Its Local News the with, the stranger unfolded Lis scheme. fullest and spiciest, and Its E d itorials from the FARG O ablest pens In the country. ‘‘You know those tunnels undor the T H E C H R O N IC L E has always been, and always G RAND FORKS TO river which nro used by the oars?" w ill be, the friend aud champion of the people as “ Yes; what of them?” against com binations, c'lques. corporations, or CRO OKSTON oppressions of any kind. I t w ill be ludependeut “ Well, my idea is exactly th is: If a W I N N IP E G la eve ry th in g n eu tral In nothing. cyclone should strike Chicago, there H E L E N A sail wouldn’t bo any other pluco where tho people could go aud bo sate. If there BUTTE should be a cyclone, Mr. Yerkes could charge tho people udmissiou to go in the tunnel nnd stay until it wns over.” — Chicago Times-Hcrald. TO W A S H IN G T O N HOTEL IETHOM8T EPISCOPAL CHURCH I MKvipe. I’re.idling at Glenada d J f c i s E o Sundays of each month, bbath-School every Sunday at a. m. Ptayer meeting every Tlmrs- r evening at the church. Everybody ¡dial I y invited. G. F. R ound ., «. Eugene, Pacific, Ry. A U T H O R IT A T IV E - ----- **#.......... Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. ORTHERN E lk P rairie Hotel. Standard : H E M IN W A Y .) T R IP S )regorf«i? Sabbath service. Sabbnth- »1, 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 ock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of Of The Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of uary, April. July and October, T w e n t v - t h r e e ENOLISH LANGUAGE irybody is welcome to all tiie services, tor requests C hristians to make M ile s W e s t C O M PLE TE nisei ves known. of E u g en e. 1. G. K notts , Pastor. S U C C IE N T : V. Sundries and Toilet Articles. H e a d of T id e H o te l, EsIfiSfcRl AX CHURCH,Jr mrenee, F lo re n c e . ( successors A Complete Line o f Drug W . O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. - STORE. «VA LTO N , General Agent. Rooms 2 and 4, Shelton Block, EUGENE, OREGON. OHURCH DIRECTORY A. C. DRUG VINCENT Between - : m., arriving in Florence the day I following at 10 a. m. Returning—stage leaves Flor­ ence on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving in Eugene the following day a t 6 p. in. .A. C. Jennings . .A J , Johnson .A. S. Patterson .. .D. P. Burton ....... C. S. H unt .. .C. M. Collier .. J. W. Harris ..F . B. Wileon John F. Tanner Florence, Or. ER .. W Bailey Wednesdays and Fridays at C a. . . J. T. Callison C U ... " Sheriff---- F¡3fo>“. T reasurer.................... Assessor. ....................... School Superintendent S u rv ey or.............. Coroner.................... Justice of Peace C onstable... .■«»........... P ills Will make. Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, R E G U L A R . .E. O. Potter. H o o d ’s lnsoiuina, nervousness, and, if not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood’s Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con­ stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists. The ouly Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. CORNER P r o p r ie to r . M u s ic a l A fric a n W a r rio r s . Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges­ tion and permits food to ferment anil putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, R o b a rts NO 15. IM.I«. SCIENTIFIC ANTERICXN, b «M t1 f« ll T C MUNN A CO., M l ,rw4