* * A * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sufferer Relieved. ^ ree Desirable ★ T a le of Suffering and S u bsequ ent Relief. From Stars in (Az P rtu , W iM tn u , Ohio. th e m an y persona in Colum bus, Pink P ills for Tale People. I haxl never O hio w ho h ave been benefited by the use of hud any faith in medicines of that kind and S H E H AS T A L E N T . lU s tr ib u tln g th e M all. TO M M Y C R U SE . Dr. w illia m s ’ P ink P ills for P ale People is paid but little attention to the suggestion, Any one who has known what it is to M iss Jeru sh a M cK inney, o f 60 South Centre f t was not long after this, however, that i o f 8 t. b o c w HTio w i l l H ard I.uck M’hcx. H e S tru ck Drum S tr e e t Mias M cK inney is w ell and favorably again heard the pills highly recommended wait day after day in some out of the kn W in a Vino® In tlio F ie ld o f A rt. ow n , esp ecially iu educational circles, as by several persons, and then it was that I L uw uaun d an d B lo o m e d O ut. world nook for letters which were all she has been for a num ber o f years a faithful decided to give them a trial and purchased Miss Myrtle McGrew is eno of the When I met Tommy first, liis only the time safely reposing in some neg­ and progressive school teacher. one box o f tne p ills. I soon began to notice prettiest and meat chiirming of at. asset was n serious danger, for his five For som e tim e ahe lias been very ill and the an improvement in my condition and b e fo r e lected corner of a sleepy postofllce can Louis’ new crop of artists. She is tho underfed and underbred ponies wero appreciate the story that is told of Lord sufferings and tortures endured by her for the wnole box had been taken my health daughter of a well known merchant, and about to bo seized for overdue taxes. I was so much improved that I was about ready m onths have been un usu ally severe. ... — "I ^y Mr. Nourse, who was with > The i n e luie tale o f her sufferings and the subsr- to begin singing the praises of Dr. William«* is possessed of remarkable talent. Sho ennlrl not I.fir. o' I t? , i u J ,n,D,y Ti',tb .“““’ey- hut, her majesty’s forces through the Sudan 9"*n‘ ™ J»ef Pink - - ^ule • ~ People. ’ «. P A i" ills for ’ie f and final cure w hich she derived has been abroad for more than a year I tried to with advice. btrike old Sain campaign. I was not yet thoroughly convinced and from t he u» use o f Dr. W illia m s’ P ink P ills for •nd is now studying in Paiij. She will Ashby for a couple of hundred dollars, decided to wait a w hile before growing en­ A t I f n r il ____ a i a av . I F a is Fropl«. aroused considerable agitation t «. a i i'^ Onrso tntojfhe poet- am ong hei. m any friends and others. thusiastic over the results, and had begun I suggested. Sam Ashby was one of the office to look for some letters. The post A r e . p , u te s was detailed to obtain -----------------------— ____ a relia­ on the second box before I was confident rich men of Helena, Mon., at that pe­ master was a native and not much uted ble aoeouut o f th is m arvelous case, and wheu that I had at last found a m edicine to meet riod and ran a small savings bank. Toui- to hand’.: riting. He made a superficial he called h eib u n d Miss M cK inney at her com ­ the requirements o f my ease. I discontinued and have left my Cruse "tried old Sam Ashby. ” All examination of a big pile of letters and fortable as A coxy hom e where she cheerfully m y calls to the phyi sicians w ell and plied w ith his reouest. She s a id : them alone since. I am now I he got, however, was some pretty free papers and said thcro was nothing for com «a I «ver ___ waa in my life; sin entirely : “ T he first indication th at I had that an y­ «troné iff______ i t talk, in which the banker assured To.n- the applicant. Nourse asked to see the th in g was radically w rong with me was free from all pains and never felt better in in i my Cruse that he would rather throw pile of letters, and while he was look­ about three years ago. I suffered the most my life. I eat regularly and sleep lik e a pains in different parts o f my babe. No more are my slumbers haunted his mowy into tho home of liis satanio ing them over a man with nothing to excruciating body and was alm ost erased at tim es. My with fearful dreams and when 1 retire nt | majesty than loan it to sneh a drunken designate his rank came into the office. sleep was disturbed by horrible dreams and night I go to sleep at once. I regard Dr. I shiftless fellow. I hod begun to waste aw ay to alm ost a Williams* Pink P ills for Pale People as mv • He took in tho situation nt a glance. shadow. To add to m y other afflictions the salvation, and would recommend them to all 1 Tommy Crnso got the money, how- "Let’s clear this thing out, ” he said. m alady assum ed a catarrhal turn and I was ladies troubled as I was. The pills are more ( I ever. Three weeks later he located the They jumped on the counter and pro­ soon a victim to that horrible as w ell ns dis­ than what is claim ed for them and anyone , great Drum Lnmmond gold mine. He ceeded to "clear it out" ty first bun­ gustin g disease. I consulted th e fam ily givin g them a trial will soon come to the ’ knew he hud a big thing, but somehow dling out the postmaster. Then they be­ physician w ho g a v e m e som e kind o f a nos­ same conclusion regarding their merits that I | trum and I was foolish enough to im agine h a v e.’* i he could make nobody believe in hit gan a careful < xaminatiou of the post- that it benefited m e. I followed the advice Dr. W illiam s’ Pink P ills for Pale People mine. For years he worked at it, how- office and found it congested with ntnil o f the p h ysicians but noticed no perceptible contain all the elements necessary to give new j ever, living ut times a dog’s life. life and richness to the blood ana r estore shat- [ for the army. They serahed every nook to'&mreTr* of'* my -eondi“on *nd **' abo,,‘ - 1 ever becom ing a strong and tered nerves. T hey are sold in boxes (never | z>wo . i v letters . . . .. . Once, while tulkiug to a friend oi aiirl and cranny, throwing a the for w ell woman again. in loose form by the dozen or hundred) at 50 mine, he fell forward unconscious. He each regiment into a different pile and “ Som e o f m y la d y friends were c a llin g oo cents a box, or six boxes for $*2.50, and mnv be > , had not eaten a mouthful of food foi heaping up all tho newspapers iu tho me one aiternoon and before them I h fro hail of all druggists or directly by mail from f Dr. W illiam s' Medicine Company, Scheneo not return until a year hence, and will 80 hours, and yet, with dogged persist center of the room. Then they went pened to m ention m y troubles, when one o _, them recomm them recom m ended th at I ’ try Dr. .......... W illia m s’ I tady, N . Y . then bo introduced to society by her ency, had worked on till he fell in hit One of * Toan< W arns In GEN S' mother, who is with her during her stay in Paris. Her efforts wit h t lie brush huve found great favor among the art­ ists of the French capital, and, encour­ aged by their praise, Miss McGrew hopes to bo able to let the world know of her existence. Miss McGrew has shown such rupid development in her studies that tho roseate hopes of her friends can by no means be said to be extravugant. It is said that her tech­ nique is remarkable for so young a stu­ dent. Her efforts in black and white arc really meritorious, especially her pen drawings, some of which show unmis­ takable signs of a talent fn llof possibil­ ities. Miss McGrew inherits her benuty from her mother, who was n Miss Don-1 aldson of Lexington, Mo., und whrse | beauty of person and eliurufter form a taro combination in womankind. Governor.. Secretary u Treasurer. Supt. Pnbli State Print Attorney ( And The JLFLTS a n d through oach pile and separated it into 1 tracks. At last his day camo. He open­ companies, Before night every letter ed up a big vein and had $1,000,000 tc was iu camp and distributed, and the i bis credit in a good safe bank. Hard next day tho papers were out. times over, be decided to pose as a "sol­ Nourse did not know the name of his ' id citizen, so he opened a saving! oompauion in the benevolent deed, and j bank in Helena. One of tho first men when ho asked the answer was, “ They to apply to Tommy Cruse, banker, foi call tne Charlie. ” a small loan was the one time banker, Sotno timo e.fter Nourse found it old bam Ashby, now less prosperous. necessary to see tho commandant, and, Then came to the old prospector the sitting near tho tout to which ho had happiest moment of his life, one that boon directed, he saw his companion of wiped out all memory of starvation and tho postofllce. privution. For Tommy Cruse, showing “ Hello, Charlie 1” he said. " I’m his would bo customer to the door, as­ looking for tho commandant. Whoro to * ALL sured that customer, in lauguago toe shall I find him?” 25* 50* DRUGGISTS emphatic and graphic for English ears, Well,’’ said Charlie, "you won’t j ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED r**e o f constipation. Cascarete are the Ideal Laxa-i that he w«nld sooner throw his money have to look far. I’m tho commandant. [He and toot.et u , sjgBMlieBEmmT Ä K Ä & S S c’.*¿ into tho house of his satanio majesty Como inside and have a hit to cat and .o r New York. an. than loan it to such a drunken, shift­ drink. ’ ’ less fellow us Sam Ashby.—C ouhill Itw as Lord Wolseley.—Youth’sCoin- Muguzine. p an ion. SL A U G H T E R O F DEER. 'UZANTED-FAITHFUL MEN ¥01 Supreme C S O IE K T C ^ J udgo 8eeo Attorney Si Sold W ith oot J udge. 1 Commissiai C k r f . TT. • Sheriff---- Treasurer. Assessor. . School Supi Surveyor.. Coroner... Justice of F Constable.. »ANDY CATHARTIC CU RtCOnSTI PATION Cl S n iE n tifiE Ä m E r in a n . President.. Board of Tr None who arc engaged in any o f th e m ec h a n ic al T h e A r t o f ||<>w Tylnff. T H E W E L L M A NNERED BOY. or women to travel for re­ A V a lia n t Inv-rlid. G am e K ille d I n M on tan a b y Sp ortsm en The art of l«w tying is taught tc pursuits can succeed w ith o u t re a d in g a n d sponsible established house in Oregon. Recorder.. Huron county, O., 25 years ago boast­ J n » t F o r th e F u n o f th e T hing. young women, who like always to be Uo I s S im p ly C h a r m in g , b u t A lt o g e t h e i ed a resident named Jedediah Crouce, Treasurer. W. H. Wright tells iu neereatioti Salary $780 and expenses. Position T o o S carce. Hinaitly trimmed with correct bows nt studying this standard M agazine o f Sciences one of those halo invalids who sit all where much of Montana’s game haa ;-‘.io;anent. Reference. Enclose self- Marshal. tho nock and belt. Even the bow for the Is there anything nioro charming in day at south windows, reading gone. H»i : while addressed stamped envelope. The and m echanical A rts. I t is illu stra te d w ith hair has a different tie from tho bow ut this world than a nice, well mannered their wives do (ho work. “ I have known two self called sputts- National, «tar Insurance Bldg., Chicago. »ho slipper, and the waistband lias a | boy? I don’t want to be bypercriticul, | Ono day Jedediah grew querulous. all m odern cuts of la te st in v en tio n s iu a ll knot entirely unlike that ut the throat. I but I must add, ns I am a strictly vera­ Ho had "such a distress’’ in his stoin- men to leave Spokane for two days, and SEC SH E W A N T E D PADEREW SKI. To know tl'e difference is ono of the' cious woman, that they are, alas, nt j ach. Nothing solid or liquid relieved on returning tell of having killed 63 the branches of m echanism , an d its fund o f deer, a story the ranchmen at whose B u t HIs T erm s W ere A w ay B eyon d th e arts of bow tying. The next is to be i rare as they ure charming. I him, hut when the hollow eyed wife homo they put up corroborated. That uble to tie. Suoh a boy, tho woll mannered gen­ M nsiciang’ U nion R ate. knowledge is inseparably connected w ith in ­ npplo dumplings he folded was years ugo. It would take a long F. A A. I A bow «.f orange velvet of the new ius, thank heavens, I met not long suggested "Is Mr. Paddyrooski in?” inquired a his hands resignedly nnd sighed. On a Regal hunt there now to kill «3 deer. I once •hnde, eapneine, is a valuable adjunct ago, und my instant thought wns, Whut ventors and mechanics. thin faced little woman, with a com­ Sold w ith T h e and fourth 1 for u somber dres^ Upon a light one it a flue mother his must he. I know her the atreugih of that sigh Mrs. Cronee knew a man to go and make a winter plexion liko a sugar cured liam, as she 12 large and luscious dump- camp and kill over 100 deer, which ho W est a t clubbing rates. becomes positively brilliant, a beautiful by reputation, a eolebrated actress, who ' prepared struck the Palace hotel counter with the lings. I. G. K mott decoration for dinner. For such a bow has carefully shielded her private l i ro; ! With much complaint the suffering hung up. He tried to sell them where handle of her parasol to attract the they hung, but failed. Ho went cast clerk’s attention. and its belt there must bo a crush of from the public, und my estimation of farmer drew his chair to the board, tuck­ somewhere, whore ho lived, and I’vo j velvet to go aronud the waist snugly. that woman- immediately rose 50 de­ “ I don’t know, madam,” he replied. This must be crinolined to set like a grees. None but a woman of culture, ed a napkin under his chin, and after never heard of him since. Ho claimed "T.0” 'Vil1 haTe ,0 FF“d np J’onr card-” a fault finding grace attacked the A. R. to have killed 100, hut I counted 150 girdle, and to It must be sewed the how refinement and truo nobility of eharao- "Well, I ’ll tell you what I want, and a meets si of velvet . Each separate loop is lined ter could rear a son whoso every light- dumplings, brown and steaming. Ono carcasses in sight near his camp tho fol­ maybe you can help me. I ’m going to . ___________ of each mon anil stiffened and tho ends have sharp "'°rd showed respect for women, iu- by ouo they disappeared, with hungry lowing spring. J. I. I eyed little Sammy looking on, too wise ' “ VVhilo going from Palmer’s lake, in give a dance over at my hotel at To­ Titltf'ia z»F : 6»GP. . .1 I.«»» .A J is .. . pioccs of stiffening net : in. rwi The whole is Iintn uate good breeding, and, best . of . all, in to ask for a portion. As he saw tlio males Washington, to the Salmon river I pass- to nl-iv tomorrow night, and I want him brought nndcr a small knot. A Ixiw, this day of affected skepticism among day. '' Do you think he will?” curefully made like this, withstands a tho jennesse doree, nil honest belief iu eleventh sent below to mitigate his od through Toattcoulce nnd stopped Well, yes. He is a professional mu- •ire s “distress” ho slipped from his overnight near a small lake on which great deal of hard usage, nnd if it is tlio existence of good among men and chair n.nd sidled around tho tablo to was cuniped a party of hnnters. It sician, aud I ’m pretty sure he will ulav lined willi taffeta instead of with velvet women iu general. if he is paid id for it." where the Invalid sat. j would havo been easy to load a four it is not too bulky a thing to ho worn And I couldn't help thinking sorrow­ "Oh, I’ll pay him all right. I ’ll de­ "Papa,” he pleaded, “ can’t we have horse wagon with tho heads of deer under a coat.. fully as I chatted with this delightful jus' ouo apple duinplin?” nlono that were piled up in one place. posit the money with you here in ad­ hoy how few mothers really understand D e c o lle t e G ownn In L o n d o n . The old mail waved his hand. There were deer carcasses all about the vance. Of course I couldn’t give it to their meter. It's tlio most responsible him in advance because he might not “ Run away, child. Papa’s sick.”— camp. A Loudon writer, commenting on the work in the world, thut of motherhood, give satisfaction." fact that decollete gowns aro becoming and is entered into with tlie least train­ Chicago Record. “ I could name more than 50 cf such "Here’s his manager, Mr. Gorlitz more popular in New York, says: As ing and preparation. Women aro pro- hunters who have killed thousands oi Mrs. l l i i s m onthly m agazine is one of the ■ o. O. F. ------?” ’ D e p a r tln r n t S to res, low nocked dresses become fashionable , verbially proud, vniu, their masculine deer and left (hem where they fell On­ Department stores have advanced for­ ly lust winter two men left Spokane | "Potts. ” in New York, iu London they are rap­ critics say, and I wonder whether they best p rin te d in th is country, andi Is Hail, Plorai "Mrs. Potts. She wants to get Mr. idly ou tho dteliue, except for a hall or realize how they are reflected iu their tunately iu both tho quality of the goods and killed 33 deer in Idaho, not bring­ good Btandii a very largo dinner. At one timo it wns children? If they did, would they not sold and tho amount of tho sales. Tho ing out a pound of meat to show for it. Paderewski to play tomorrow night.” to all sub scrib ers a t rates vitU ‘ ‘ We have no engagement for tomor­ almost necessary to wear a low gown to muko a greater effort to have reflected business of several amounts annually to “I have seen many Indian hunts, cne tho theater in London, but now when only their good points, their gentleness, from $7,500,000 to $16,000,000, and of which resulted in the death of over row night, aud he will play if he is a b ility o f all to p ay . I t is finely ouo sees a doeolleto gown it looks pro- breeding, nnd, above all, their faith in this, roughly speaking, is us much mon­ 400 deer, but not ono of the deer was paid for it. ” ey as many a prosperous railway 1,000 wasted. The Indians hunt and then eat n„a?H ce!?ai,l|y- 1 exPect to pay him, tra te d a u d p re se n ts th e namesofi vinciid, as all tho smart set huve adopt­ humuu nature.—Philadelphia Record. miles long handles in a twelvemonth. tho meat before they hunt again. They and liberally too. He can come over bv °H U I ed fluffy chiffon blouses for evening a u th o rs as c o n trib u to rs. T hi ' One grout store in the west carries a kill to eat, hut the whites kill for fun. (be afternoon train and play for tho T h e Nealy A n t L a te r. wear. The reason for this is that the p R Îm s theaters are insufficiently heated, nnd An animal made of tin pluto, of tho rent account of almost if not qnito $400, - Last spring one man in the Bitter Root dance and go back in the morning, and and th e C osm opolitan are soldi tha liouses in winter are always n little shupo of an elongated fir cone, about 000 a year. The mail oriler business of valley killed seven elk without stirring I 11 allow him two days’ pay. I’ll «» »f t l.e A rena, lh e 1« H 1 , « oM Wri“ eU h0“"' tOhis style than the other idylls as dealing fed upon unts and their eggs, and also to voters nsking support for their meas­ grin eyard for an hour!” She had boeu m the old country. R was at a time ™ ,.ee coatenta of th i, ,|y ure und giving many good rcasous why exhibits a partiality for cockroaches looking out at the white painted corner with the awfuluess of birth and death, ” when provisions were so abundant in scalded in milk. The scales with which stakes of au embryo city gleaming in and she wished this statement of the it should become a law. its body is covered are hard and sharp the mooulight. There were hundreds of poet to be put on record in her son’s the west as to be almost without value ’•poll a plane an d in keeping w ith its ISiTfC. “Ila.aktm .- U,W,.t,“",uK u K°°d many things us steel, and it can give a terribly cut­ such towns in south Florid^ in which biography of his father.—New York th.o thut he wished to have written to his Tribune. T he A ren a’s g a lle ry of e m in en t The Denver Daughters of the Revolu­ ting blow with its powerful tail. It can P a ^ V !",!,rela,1 ago Reo?i< must he traveled. | And so saying he snatched nP hi« bat, and departed.—Tarapaca. A C a m zx zn THE C D S M n p n L l T f l N . - H g j M the arena . look over this croi ) make your selection . TH E WEST. FLORENCE.