IN HONOR OF M R S . P M 'L L IP S . PEK SO N A L8 Produce taken oil subscription at office. .Men, W<*>n*n anti C h ild r e n Unlit* 1» S h o w ] I Ye editor is in Eugene. The deck of the steamer Kubarta is T h e ir .A p p r e d a tio u o f t h e F r ie n d ­ ED CVKRY FRIDAY MORNING— Perry Ixjng gave thia office a pleasant I s h ip o f T h e ir F o r tn e r being recalked. N e ig h b o r . call Wednesday. Christensen Brotliers have commented F. J. Kobe left yesterday for the valey | —F lorence , L ane C ounty , O regon .— fishing for Chinooks. Since the arrival of Mrs. Phillips from I Marshal Weddle is hauling brush for , in search oi work. Siletz on a visit to her old home and : • - - BY - - - Chas Starr left Seaton for his home a t 1 neighbors on the Siuslaw a few of her Wakefield & Jacobson. lady friends suggested and arranged for A Lane county fair is being urged by Tangent Monday. Fred Bean returned the first of the a picnic in her honor and to which all our Eugene contemporaries. Editor . and Proprietor. her friends that could come should lie James Morris of Linneus has Ids silo week from Eugene. M. D. Landis has returned from his i invited. It was given on Wednesday -T kkms : $1.50 a year in advance.----- nearly completed. Its size is 10x16x22. last and some eighty persons of different A local teachers’ institute will be held trip to eastern Oregon. 111,1 Pfoducu ages gathered at the grove above town Mrs. Geo. A. Morril left for her home in Gardiner commencing Aug., 16th. Entered at the post-office at Florence, to exchange greetings with their former Lane county, Oregon, as second-class A large stock of fruit jars just received j at San Francisco today. '“•provene, m ail matter. neighbor and enjoy the grand feast and for sale cheap for cash. Meyer A , Calvin Bracy of Hermann called on which had been prepared by those who his Florence friends yesterday. Kyle. had the affair in charge. ’ Absolutely Pure. ADVB^TtSINO BATES MADE KNOWN ON AF- C. O. Cushman spent the first of the Mail Carrier, Frank Vadi r, reports the j On account of its being the busy sea­ '* PLICATION. Celebrated for its great leavening Local notices 8 cents per line, each insertion hardest northwest wind on the beach week on his ranch near Mapleton. son of the year there were not as many : k ofcoj Wednesday that he has ever exp e-, Chas. Gettys came down on the Mink present from a distance as there would strength and healthfiiluess. Assures the vith. rienced. Sunday for a short visit to Florence. otherwise have been, but nevertheless food against alum and all forms of adul­ W E S T L IN G S . The Columbia river firsliermen have ' Mr. Fahy of the Heceta Light House tlie number and character of those who teration common to the cheap brands. decided not to strike, hut will accept! service returned from Baudou yesterday. were there showed that Mrs. Phillips’ ROYAL UAKISO POWDER CO., N ilV YORK. Teachers’ institute in Eugene. the 3 cents a pound offeied by the can- j Len Harwood started Sunday to friends were not few nor confined to any The leading merchants. Meyer & NO T A B EA R. nerymen. Eugene to attend the teachers' institute. particular age, class or church. There . K yle. The Odd Fellows were unable to meet > The Misses Davis of Eugene are visit­ were young and old, rich and poor, the .......... The sea breezes have been very brisk W. T. Carle took occasion one day Wednesday night on account of both ( ing witli Miss Stebbins at Point Terrace. commor.a and aristocrats and Christians this week to go roaming Ihe woods in I of late. and agnostics, all of which received the parties having the keys to the hall being [ J. M. Shelly of the Eugene Mill and same friendly greeting from tho search of hearmeat. While walking along Rond supervisor’s receipts (or sale at out of town. Elevator Co., arrived in Florence the hostess. at tlie foot of tlie mountain lie saw m the W est office. E d u c a te T o n r H o w e ts W ith C uecarcta. 24th. The dinner which was spread before above him the back of a black s-rnie- Candy Cathartic, enro eonstiputlon forever. I Schooners Sadie, Lucy and Lillie are 10c,25c. If C.C.C.fall.druggistsrefundm ouey. James Spores of the Mohawk valley this varied gathering was simply grand, thing which lie took to he a hear. He ■ loading at Gardiner. A birthday party will he given at the ' is visiting witli relatives at Seaton tliis and the way it appealed to the inner tired and immediately hia neighbor 1 1 1 1 Dfl' J. R. Hill ia doing some teaming on man can he better felt than described. Austin’s calf bleat its last bleat. Bear U. L. S. S. tomorrow night in honor of i week. I*’ the beacli from here to Gardiner. W e could not find out where it all came fevei is not very prevalent hut occas- Mr. Buitman. There will he dancing Master Gregory Ziegler of Eugene is Ill 11 The milk at the creamery continues and other appropriate amusements. in tliis city visiting liis cousin Ralpti from hut know that there was clam sionally a fellow takes it. ’ * • C to test higher as the season advances. chowder prepared by Mesdamos Foster lleaftoiiH W h y C h u m b e rla ln * « U n ite, C h o l­ Born at Hermann, Ore., July 7 th ,' Knotts. Nil H ood ’ s pills are the favorite family 1897, to the wife of William Caeterllne, and Burns coffee from tlie Morris hotel e r a e n d D ia r r h o e a R e m e d y 1« wore Ludvig Christensen and wife lY lG f, cathartic and liver medicine. Price 25c. t h e H eat, a daughter. It is grandpa J. C. Phelps visiting at Seaton from Saturday till and sandwiches, boiled ham, pies, cakes, The service of tax warrants on delin­ now and he feels proud of his title. cheese, roast beef, eggs, pickles, apples, Monday. 1. Because it affords almost instant plums, nuts, candies, and a thousand quent tax payers was commenced last B. H. Lyons has been appointed dep­ Mrs. C. B. Morgan returned relief in case of pain in tlie stomach other tempting eatables from every­ Tuesday. uty sheriff to serve delinquent tax Tuesday from a visit to Seaton where. Tlie children took no unimport­ colic anil cholera morbus. —' Those who attended the dance at warrants in Florence, Mapleton, Her­ Mapleton. 2. Because it is tlie only remedy ant part in tlie enjoyment of tlie day. c o n v ° r ’ Acme Saturday evening report the usual mann, Glentena and Walton precincts. Jas. A, McLeod and W. S. Brewer Masters Lisle and Kenneth Phillips ac­ that never fails in the most severe cases ’ good time. T o C ure C o n s tip a tio n F o r e v e r . contemplate a trip to Eugene in the companied tlieir mother on her visit of dysentery and diarrhoea. Casearets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 26c. The San Francisco Exandner and the If Take C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. near future. 3. Because it is the only remudy that and were present at tlie picnic, and W est one year for $2.50 paid In ad- Miss Vanderturg left Monday on horse their former playmates were out in full will cure chronic diarrhoea. Rogue River Courrier: Mr. Win. ¡. souoit J v • nce • 4. Because it is tlie only remedy that Crow shipped another carload of rich hack via., Alsea to attend the state and force. T. J. Hudson had Ins thumb badly ore to Gilroy spur near Ashland, last county teachers’ institute. It was late in tlie afternoon before will prevent bilious colic. mashed while working in the ruck Saturday, where he sends it to h e ! 5. Because it is the only remedy that J. L. Dublin spent a few hours in tlie party broke np and not until they D V t *lu*rry Ht Point Terrace last Monday. had previously adopted resolutions will cure epidemical dysentery. assayed. Florence the 25th. He appears as if Ids L r ll I We are prepared to supply fishermen 6. Because it is tlie only remedy tliat thanking all for tlieir assastancein mak­ Reduced rates to the East. Parties j new position agrees witli him. - with every thing I hl v m e .1 ill the line ing it an enjoyable occasion and Mrs. can always be depended upon in cases contemplating a trip to the East will do Register, June 21: Mrs. I. G. Knotts of oil clothing am i m i l e r fei-tu ea r. well to consult the Northern Pacific! of cholera infantum. of Florence arrived on last night's stage Phillips for tlie honor of her presence. 7. Because it is the most prompt and B B Meyer & Kyle. Railway. R. McMurpliy, General Agent, -I and will visit relatives in tliis city. G REENLEAF IT E M S . most reliable medicine in use for bowel V H The first wheat that was taken into Eugene. Joseph Israel, the good natured dark complaints. Albany this year was taken in by It. L. Str. Mink has been slightly under the eyed representative of the firm of B y a W est C orrespondent . 8. Because it produces no bad result. Stock Of Burkhart from a field yielding 42 bush­ weather having bent her shaft by the : Sclieitzer & Co., was witli ns again tliis 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to els per acre. propeller coming in contact with a snag. week. take. July 24th, 1897. A farewell dance was given at Seaton Str. Coos was put on the route in her 10. Because it lias saved tlie lives of J. B. Hill went to the Umpqua, Sat­ the 26th in honor of Mrs. G. A. Morril place, The hay crop is the heaviest in years. more people than any other medicine urday, to take down Ivy Morris and Mr. who is soon to return to her home in There «ill he a school picnic nt Alpha in tlie world. Two good looking schoolmams and Tron8on who intend to fish on that e margin San Francisco. quite a number of the residents in the stream tliis season. August 7th. Tlie 25 and 60c sizes for sale by tlie M o-To-Bac fo r F i f t y C e n ts. vicinity of Linneus enjoyed a picnic at Lucas Wheeler is spending a few days Florence Drug Store. Guaranteed tobacco habit euro makes weak tation. E. E. Brodie, one of the assistant men strong, blood pure. 60c, »1. All druggists. the residence of Jos. Morris Jr. last keepers of the Tillamook light-house, on liis Nelson creek farm. OREGON NEWS. Ordinarily a steamboat or a big scow week. The Deadwood and Hale teams play passed through Florence Sunday, on his First class tickets to Chicago and in­ way to visit friends at Bandon. is large enough for two persons to ride baseball one week from today. on but a few days ago Claud Yates got termediate points for $31; Missouri E. D. Starr lias been appointed post- Little hy little Earnest Rowe isgetting Mr. Gibbs and wife left Sunday on all work too big to ride with any one and took River points for $28.50 via., the North­ their way to the valley witli their team, liis hnrn covered. It will he a good one master at Brownsville. ern Pacific Railway, R. McMurpliy, to the water in consequence. where Mr. Gibbs expects to work har­ when done. There are now 11,113 patients in the 1ORETHI If yon are going East do not fail to General Agent, Eugene. Raymond Miller lias gone away to insane asylum at Salem. vesting. They took out about 500 lbs. The crenmery made cheese a couple ■ A full L ine|;of- work nnd 8. 8. and liis wife are doing of wool to market. SMENTÌ consult the Northern Pacific Railway, Company as they are selling tickets to of days thie week to supply home de­ The Virtue mine sent in its monthly tlie haying on tlieir Chickahominy farm. Captain Brown of San Francisco was all Eastern points at half rates. It. Mc- mand. We are informed that the home Alpha district lias tlie largest scliooi clean-up oi $20,000 Monday. demand for creamery cheese and butter a passenger to Florence on the last trip Mtirphy, General Agent, Eugene. hereabout, though Greenleaf, witli four of the Roharts. He came to look over Last week tlie thermometer registered Butler, the Australian murderer, was lias thus far exceeded expectations. the Bella with a view to purchasing a attendants lias more assed property 107 degrees one day at l’enleton. H ealth means a perfect condition of hanged at Sidney, \ . S. th e lo lli share in that vessel. than Alpha. inst. Durrant hits got another stay of the whole svstem. Pure blood is essen- Tho merchandise store of Day A We "are evpecting Frank Potterf home Mrs. M. Fountain of the McKenzie is execution until the U. S. Supreme Court tini to perfect health. Hood’s Sarsapa- Franklin, at Dayville, Grant county, visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. W. from California soon. Times are not rilla makes pure blood and thus gives meets next October. Neely, at Seaton. She is accompanied much better in tlie golden state than burned this week, loss $20000. You may hunt the world the world health and happiness. by l er graml-daugliter. Mrs. Click, who here among tlie web-footed people. Tlie Oregon State Teachers’ Associa­ Mr. King lias been ill fora few days over and yon will not find another lives in Washington. The survey of township 17 south, tion will begin its session at Newport on OF medicine equal to Chamberlain's Colic, at George Craven’s home in Glenada. Bandon Recorder: Isidor 1’. Fahy range 7 west, was completed last month Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy for He was bitten by a rattlesnake some who is home on a visit from Heceta so llans and tlie Millers 011 Cliicka- Monday evening, July 26, 1897, and bowel complaints. It is pleasant, safe twenty years ago and the limb swells Heads light station, was in town last homiiiy creek, know “ where they are continues four days. and reliable. For sale by Florence up and pains him every year at about Monday. He will return again next at.” The assignment t f J. II. Witcaker, the same time. Drug Store. week to Heceta Heads. Young Joe Whismnn and Mike Alintsi the Cress well merchant, in Lanocounty, A Lady who was present at (lie picnic brought in a full load of twice recently caught a bear in a trap shows assets valued at $850. Tlie as­ r return from Astorin Sat­ in honor of Mrs. Phillips wishes us to SUNDAY SERVICES. tliat wouldn’t hold him. He pullfd out in g the tilings were a wind- say that she failed to find one of her signor’s liabilities are not known. Manager. Preaching at Florence at 11 a. m., of tlie trap, ate tlie bait and disap­ p quantity of ropes, cable, plates and two knives which site had in The Oregonian stated tliat 5000 people peared. rigging of the Schooner use at the entertainment and that she at Point Terrace at 3 p. -m. and at Head J. A. nnd Clarence Burnett, in ad- listened to Wm. J. Bryan’s speech at will be very grateful to the one who of Tide 7.45. dilion to carrying on tlie home farm Oregon city. Tlie Uhnutauqua gate­ I. G. K notts , pastor. does find them if they will leave them including August 9th, 1897. and Herman Steinhnuer’g, have cut keeper, however, declares tliat the day aite . at this office. Pacific Railway Company POINT TERRACE ITEMS. TRESAURtl j all tlie hay on Leaver’s farm on Nelson class tickets to all Eastern “ Last summer one of our grand-child­ creek, on sliares. Tliis lias delayed was begun witli 8000 tickets, and that JSHMAN If rate. For full information ren was sick with a severe bowel after all had been sold 3000 or 4000 B y M ore A non . their tarn-building. SECRET** address, R. McMurpliy, Gen- trouble,” says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of people were admitted. Tliis would indi­ Tlie road through Chickahominy bot­ Eugene. Frederickstown, Mo. “Our doctor's tom is navigable by other crafts than cate a crowd from 10,000 to 12,000. July 27, 1897. excitement was caused near : remedy had failed, then we tried Chatn- Rev. I. G. Knotts will preach at Point boats at this season. A two-horse sled Another populistic county heard from: Irving on the 23rd inst. by tlie attempt herlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea buggy got through tlie remedy, which gave very speedy relief.” Terrace at 3 p. in. on Sunday next, nnd a one-horse of Mrs Mollie Baker to end her earthly Since then a. tree is reported j during the year covering the 12 months other day. tv cutting her throat. Her For sale by Florence Drug Store. Aug. 1st. Nelson from July 1894, to July 1895, the war- across the road near the foot of |e d . Tlie doctor who was Coos Bay News: Tlie improvement Mr. and Mrs. Perry Long ami their ! rants issued and contingent fund paid to sew up tlie wound says she of the Coos river will commence tliis little daughter Mamie showed tlieir mountain on that eide. out on current ruuning expenses in B e w a r e o f O intm ent»» fo r C a ta r r h T h a t w ill live. week, under tlie supervision of Capt. pleasant faces nt Point Terrace today. C o n ta iu M e r c u r y , Baker county, amounted to $53,837.59. Water lor (tie use of tlie quarry at Pollicmus. We understand it is tlie The Anderson brothers, Charles Hart­ Tlie next year from July, 1895, to July Point Terrace, which lias formerly Ireen intention to remove rocks, which ob­ ley and some others are cutting brush As mercury will surely destroy the taken from near tlie resilience of Mrs. struct mavigation, a« well as snags, and J 1896, tlie amount was $33,671.29. Du- Stiles, now comes from across the river Capt. Polhemiis is determined to accom­ (or mattresses to place under tlie rock sense of smell and completely derange ing the past jear ending with the pres­ in tlie jetty improvement. tlie whole system when entering it o n t o f a small creek on Win. Brynd's plish tlie greatest possible benefit with ent July, the amount was $29,978.96, Tlie ranchers about here have taken through the mucous surfaces. Such ar­ ranch. Tlie former supply had become , the limited appropriation at liis com­ ticles should never be used except on $3,682.33 less than during tlie year advantage of tlie fine weather of the insufficient, lienee tlie change. mand. past few weeks nnd nearly all have prescriptions Iroui reputable physicians, previous, and $23,858.63 less than tlie In conversation witli F, M, ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN as tlie damage they will do is ten fold to tlieir hay crop well secured. Wilkins today a Guard reporter learned first year's expense given above. tlie good you can possibly derive from j that tltoifcugene Cannerj Company | 8pon9it,|e established house in Oregon. Charles R. David returned last even­ them. Hall’s Catarrli Cure, manuiac The Roseburg Flaindealer will herc- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. W . M. R E N ô H A W , would begin operation in about 15 days, Sa|arv | 78O and expenses. Position ing from a business trip to Portland. tnred by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, «(ter he issued weekly instead of semi- or as BOOB ns they could secure French,. permanent. Reference. Enclose self- Little Ray Hartley is quite ill witli O., contains no mercury, and is taken Land Offlce, st Roseburg, Orexon. weekly. silver of Italian prunes, They will can adj regged stamped envelope. Tiie something like malarial fever. •^WholeMle and Rettll*» July 9, 1S97. internally, acting directly upon tlle , Notice Is hereby given thet the following- tomatoes ami probably handle pears as jfational, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. mucous surfaces of the system. In buy- The commissioner of the general land I acknowledge a very pleasant but n.ined settler has filed notice if his Intention well. Preparations are now being made _ , , . . . . . , ., ,■ ’ Guard: A movement is on foot in short call from Mrs. M. F. Phillips, Mrs. ing Hall’s Catarrli Cure be sure you get office says sheep can he pastured on tlie to make Anal pried In support ol his claim, and to begin this work and their budding Eu e to ile „ C0Ilipany t0 g0 to that ssld psoof will be made before Joel Ware, Chas. Harwood and Mrs. Chas. R. Dav­ the genuine. It is taken internally, j Gascade forestry reserve, and fine plant is being thoroughly over- go|J.bearing ciondyke re- It. 8. Commissioner at Eugene, Oregon, on Aua- and made in Toledo, Otiio, hy F. J id the latter part of the past week. Leading Branda for Buyers in Polk county, Oregon, have ustza, IS97, vis: Joseph W. Kays on II. E. No. le n o iu t c 1 gion. They will organize with the Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. 700* for the lot 6. see. 12; NW % NW (4, sec. 13: By a miss stroke at the quarry the Astoria Budget: F. P. Kendall, who ¡„tendon of tak:ng in a large stock of Sold l>y all druggists, price 75c. per been paying from $1.50 to $2.00 per head K 14 NE %, sec. 1»; Tp. IS 8. R. 12 West. day before yesterday, Thomas Hudson Ile names the following witnesses to prove peseed'^nine years at Cook's Inlet, goods to dispose of ns well as to pros- for sheep for shipment to Oregon. bottle. had his thumb severely crashed. It j hts continuous residence upon and cultivation Alaska, tliinks there is more or less ^ t . Tlie parties interested are kcep- Hall's Family Pills are the best. latne county lias purchased a second I of said land, vis: will probably lay him up for several trulh ia the gold reports coming from • ¡„g the matter quiet until tlie success of lloraee It, Visit, of Glenada, Oregon, Jesse days. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. hand traction engine at a cost oi $600 j I Rounds, tbaOIObdyke district, and would be tlieir expedition is assured. of Eugene, Oregon, Francis M. Wll. * — May be Found in ----- * i to furnish power for its rock crusher. D. W. Stih'.ins made a flying trip to ! kins, of Eugene, Oregon, and William T. Kay- Inclined to go tip tlie Yukon nnd take 1 Tlie Northern Pncific Railway ia Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Eugene last week. (In his return lie • chance if not tied up by other busi­ Austin Pfanner, tlie Forest Grove i ser, of Elmira, Oregon. the only line out of this country running July 10, 1807. 'Celebrated Jesao Moore whiskey. R. M. VBATCM, was accompanied hy Misses Etta ami ness. Tie says tlie time to start for. Notice I n hereby given that the following ; hank president lias been found in a through Palace and Tourists sleepers to Register in February. Those going Fona Davis who will remain for an ex­ named w ttb r hoi» filed notice of bln intention The Craie Orchard Sour Mush the East without delay ; also tlie only line I fields now cannot do any tended visit, nnd also hy Gregory Zie­ 1 to make fiunl pri, sec. 22; tp. Ma., r. to West. R. M. VBATCM. Cents a Glass Awaits this season. Ph. names tlu- following witnesses to prove shillings Best tea is i ----- Kegikter her continuous residence upon and cultivation Call for an Imported or ¡ar. A house and lot in Glenada. The A two story building with basement of. said land, vis: e r f t i l l v frpvth a n d f i n e ",ade »’-’•■"Ke.n.-ntB hy eriuiiy iresn ano nnc. W" ,mre wj|, |orBtaH tlie Weekly house And You Will •>. is 16 hy 24 feet and one story and E C O N O M Y in taking Hood’s Sar­ is to he erected at Eugene for a Divinity J w p h Duncan, William Kerby, Jnlliia Koepp of contest published in large Oregonian with tlie W est for one year a half in height. Also a g'sxl woodshed a i sapori Ila, liecauMt “ 100 (loses dim ami JotiidTajl ir all ot Hernimn, Orapink dollar” U p ecu lU r t o j n d true only of j ■ ehoo‘ u,1<1ct ‘he Obr1*' . K. U. VsaTCH, U r ” ia peculiar to aement about the first and middle to any address (or the sum of two dol- on premises. For further particulars Regbtcr. tian cliwrch. At8 I lari, payable cash io advance. the One True B L O O D Purifier. nqui.-e at this office. I month. I2ST HARDW ARE W.H. WE ATIIERSON POWDER OF- Pia« JU ST R E C E IV E D . We will not be Undersold bySAnybody. Call and see us NWS M E Y E R Cash, & K Cash, Y L. E. Cash, Is the Motto of the M A P L E T O N 8 T O R E GENERAL ★ H E R C H A N D IS E Constantly on Hand, at th e Lowest Prices er CALL AND BE CONVINCED.. CASH PAID FOR FIRST CLASS FURS. ,L . E. BEAN, o Ord« .J . eso i w 5SIV IAN’ LIQ U O R D E A LE R . aid Sacramental Pnrnoses, .ugust 31st »BII ■- ■ - J ».