r HE W EST A D V E R T IS E R S YOUR HO HE PAPER SUPPORT VOI. f V ili. TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. STATE OFFICERS TRAVELERS’ GUIDE Steamer O -J L F tlO IlT E R . S T A G E Governor........................William P. Lord. Secretary of S'ate.............if. R. Kincaid. Treasurer...................... Piiilip Metchen Supt. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. State Printer........... ......... W. II. Leeds. Attorney General. . , . . .C. M. Idleman. ........... R. S. Bean Supreme C ourt ......... F. A. Moore „ .C. E. Wolverton Judge Second District.. ..J. C. Fullerton Attorney Sbcond District.Geo. M. Brown L IN E . Constipation ----- ---- S A I L S --------- - H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, 1 On the 1st, 10th and 20th o f each month. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Single trip 83.00. Round trip $5.00 days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects witli Steamer and Scotts­ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge For Passenger and Freight Rates reasonable. Florence to Yaquina. ------ apply to ------- Meyer & Kyle, COUNTY OFFICERS- Florence, Or. .E. 0. Potter. Judge........ S TE A M P r o p rie to r . ER " C O O S ," o —— W ill make’’— Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, R E G U L A R j ;;;;;;; T. Bailey W ednesdays and Fridays at G a. Commissioners Callison nt., arriving in Florence the day Clerk. .............................. A. C. Jennings following at 10 a. in. Sheriff . . . . . . ...................... A. J.Johnson ■ Returning—stage leaves F lor­ D A IL Y T R IP S — B e tw e e n ----- Florence an! Heal of Tide. Treasurer...................... A. S. P atterso n Assessor. ....................... - D . P. Burton ence on Mondays, W ednesdays School Superintendent......... C. S. Hunt and Fridays at 3 p. m., arriving Surveyor.;......................... C. M. Collier in Eugene the follow ing day C oroner...,........................ J. W. Harris at G p. in. 'Justice of Peace.................F. B. Wilson Constable».^.................. John F. Tanner Single fare _ _ _ - $5.00 Round trip _ _ _ _ $9.00 ■■ - — ....... .............. ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. * Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd & Davenport’s office in Florence. rY OFFICERS. 0 . .F. B. W ilson President... O. W. Hurd Win. Kyle Marion Morris S le e p in g C a r s C. C. Behnke .......J. C. FLINT, Proprietor........... E le g a n t F lo r e n c e , O r e g o n . .Drew Severy ...J . A. Pond D in in g C a r s J. R. Weddle OUR AIM — To furnish the best T o u r is t MORRIS *** HOTEL, Board of Trustees Reconfer............... Treasurer.'........... Marshal................. accommodations prices. SECRET SOCIETIES. at S le e p in g reasonable, C a rs ST . PAUL M IN N E A P O L IS DULUTH Head of Tide Hotel, F. A A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. • Regular communication on second and fourth Saturdays in each month. A FARG O TO W . W. NEELY, Prop’r. GRAND S. L. K obkuds , W. M. Tables furnished w ith all the delicacies o f the season. W ild game, fish and fruit in season. Best A. R. G eneral Lyons Post, No. 58, accomodations for the traveling ■ meets second ami fourth Saturdays public. Charges reasonable. of each month. CRO OKSTON I. G. K kotts , Secretary. C Bb'TTKnriKi.i), C om m ander. J . I.. F u u x isii, A d ju tan t. H O TE L E U G EN E. FORKS W IN N IP E G He was brevetted second lieutenant of the Fourth infantry affh ordered to re­ port to his command at Jefferson bar­ racks, St. Louis, after a short vacation. The entire army of the United States at that time numbered less than S, 000 gestion, bad taste, coated n ■ ■ men, and the supply of officers was em­ tongue, sick headache, In- -In barrassingly large. It w as the custom, soinuia. etc. Hood's Pills IR Q therefore, to brevet graduates second cure constipation and all its ™ results, easily and thoroughly. 25c. All druggists. lieutenant. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. He graduated twenty-first in a roll of The oui y Pills to take w ith H ood's Sarsaparilla. 89, with a fair record in all things— a good record in mathematics and engin­ eering and a remarkable record as horse­ man. Moro than 100 had entered with him, but one by one they hod dropped ont till only 39 remained. VINCENT WALTON, Apparently Grant remained markedly V . H E M IN W A Y .) ( successors nnmilitary throughout the four years’ course. He served as a private through­ out the first two years. During the third year he was made sergeant, but was dropped (promotions at that time were made for soldierly qualities and had no A Complete Line of Drug exact relation to excellence in studies), and during the fourth year he served Sundries and Toilet Articles. again as private. The first year he took up French and .......#*»......... mathematics, and though the course Corner 9th & W illam ette Sts. wus severe, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry, application of nlgebra to Eugene, : : : Ore. geometry, etc., he stood fifteenth in a class of 60 in mathematices and forty- ninth in French and twenty-seventh in TE R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. order of general merit. The second year he climbed three points in general merit and stood twenty-fourth in a class of 63. Ho stood tenth in mathematics, twenty-third in drawing, but was be­ low the middle in ethics and French. In his third year he rose in his di awing to 19, and was twenty-second in chem­ istry and fifteenth in philosophy, which was a very good standing indeed. Ho OF THE rose to 20 bi general merit, 16 in en­ gineering, 17 in mineralogy and geology, but was a little below the averago in ethics, artillery and infantry practice. In general, it may be said that ho left the academy with a good average record as a student and a very high record os a man.—Hamlin Garland in McClure ’a Hood’s CHRONICLE TUB CHRONICLE ranks with U>. (ro.tete newspaper« in the United states. THE CHRONICLE has no equal on the Pacific Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and newn TIIK CIIRONICLK’H Telegraphic Reports are the lrAest and most reliable. Its Local News the fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from the ablest pens lit the country. THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent la erarythlng neutral In nothing. H E L E N A »‘ »'1 BUTTE' THROUGH TICKETS TO C H IC A C O W A S H IN G T O N P H IL A D E L P H IA Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, W. Oj ZEIGLER, Proprietor. 8 . meets every 1st’ami 3d Saturdays each month. Members and visiting E U G E N E , brethren in good standing are cordially invited to attend. I. G. K kotts , M. W. W m . K vue , Recorder. - * - OREGON NEW YORK BOSTO N A N D ALL P O I N T 8 E A S T * ’><» S O U T H Elk Prairie Hotel. Ileceta Lodge No. Ill,m eets »Wednesday evening in Lodge Bnce, Oregon. Brothers in T w e n t v - t h r e e ling invited to attend. M ile s W e s t W. H. W eathhson , N. G. ■«" M arion Mourns, Sec. For inform ation, tim e card», m ap . and tickets, etc., c all on or w iite R. M c M u r p h e y , General Agent. Rooms 2 and -1, Shelton Block, EUGENE, OREGON. A. D. C H A R L T O N , of Eugene. A ssistant General Passenger Agent. 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d. P o r t la n d O r. RCH DIRECTORY ON E U G EN E AND T h e F u n k ]& W a g n a lls FL O R E N C E D ictionary STA G E R O U T E . Standard TERIAN CHURCH, Florence, . Sabbath service: Sabbath- o’clock a. ni. Preaching 11 , m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of ’s supper on 1st Sabbath of April, July and October, ly is welcome to all the services, quests Christians to make known. I. G. K notts , Pastor. I"’ Of The M o n e y Saved By P a t r o n iz in g it. Tonsorial Parlors. A. C. ARTISTIC HAIR CUTTING. RAZOR HONING A SPECIALTY-JR. A ttorney a t Law, O r e g o n . fIR S T ms 7 and 8 McLaren*« B uilding, n iio n given to c o lle ctio n s and pro- . N A T IO N A L OF I PAIO •50,000 UP 0A3M CAPITAL, SURPLUS ANO PROFITS. AOOOUNTS OREGON EUGENE, NOTARIES. B E N E D IC T , BUTTOLPH, I R N E Y - A . T - L A W . Oregon. Notary Pablic. Surveyor O regon. P lo r s n o s , ÄTENTS itearoi co o .lw ted far M a tea n te Pre*. . 4 m o d .l.d r » « ln » o ip h o « a . W aatevlroft* ita b l* fm o f chars«. On r f a .n o » da a till« i t i . rowarot. A A te n te le « •'“ «>• *®,°t« SM .au," or u r n a l a tha C. • « p i oou&trlro mb » fraa. AddRaa E A. SNOW A CO. . Faresrr Or*»««. WaGMtvnTDW. O . C -A CHARLES GETTYS, NOTARY Only $ 6 . 7 0 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle PUBLIC. SEATON. OREGON FRANK B. WILSON. NOTARY PUBLIC, FLORENCE, - - - OREGON .m i /». Appendix of 4 7 ,4 6 8 E ntries $ 1 . 5 0 a Tear (lucludlng postage) to any part of the United Stales. Canada and Mexico. THE WEBKLY CKROXICLK. the brightest as follows: S tormont «, 50,000; W orchkster and most complete Weekly Newspaper In the 106,000; W erkter (International), 125,000; C en - 1 world, prints regjlarly 81 columns, or twelve TUnr, (six volum es, com plete,) 225,000; 1 pages, of Mewa, Literature and Genera* Inform»» tloa; also a magnificent Agricultural Department. STANDARD, over >00,000; SAM PLE C O P IE S YOU SENT W ANT FR£E. TH E C H R O N IC L E AG ENTS W A N T E D . • 6 0 OOO S O L iI O I T H J D d a il y Tha Greatest Weekly ia the Coailry, Cost over > 960,000 ------ > . ■ . E A K IN . : B u ild in g . B y M a ll, P o s ta g e P a id , Sample Page» F ree............ j D O EUGENE. T. Q. HIMD.IOKS. *"««. ir n e « At the Court H oiim . 533 Readers for Quotations 3000 Illustrations ßA N K l ie s « . • • • . . . . Attorncy-at-Law. . . . KUeXNK, OREGON. >47 Editors and Specialists The fu ll number of words and terms In different dictionaries for th e entire Alphabet Is S h a v in g an d C h r o n ic le ■ 301,863 Vocabulary Terms flARION HORRIS, Proprietor. WOODCOCK, E. O P O T T E R . the S U C C IE N T A U T H O R IT A T IV E )PIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH P ro p . _ 'ic e . Preaching at Glenada Geo. H a le and Acme two Sundays of each month. 8abh*tb-S