M J Hiidsall, J I* state of Oregon U bai become a question of no small i vs Ham Harkleroad (reconsid­ I3S T importance to tlie people of the Siuslaw ered, claimed $12.65, allowed.. 000 C onducted by A. B. country as well as tlie state at large, S J Hubbard special constable <—F u u n u , L ane C ovnty , O regon .— why some provision lias not been made 1 state of Oregon vs Sam Hark Ie­ THINGS WORTH BRMEMBERIXO. ri tad (reconsidered) claimed for the ojieration of the salmon hatchery Bread tliat has been thoroughly $22 25, allowed........... .............. .. 6 00 kneaded will ritot burn so easily as that upon onr river. About four years ago E A Iladsall special constable W EA TH EK SO N which lias been slightly worked. a considerable sum of money was ex- • slate cf Oregon vs Sam Hiirkle- Editor and Proprietor. A teaspoon ol baking powder sifted (recqneidered) claimed pended by tlie state in the errection o f . road 000 witli the flour will make soils biscuits $16.75 allowed............................. a good and well equipped hatchery much lighter and nicer. ___ T erm « : 11.60 a year in advance.----- Ed A Evsns special constable building at Mapleton near tlie head of state of Oregon vs Sat.t Harkle­ Dot bits of butter over your fruit pie tide waters, but owing to tlie uncer­ road (reconsidered) claimed before putting on tlie upper crust if you Entered at the post-office at Florence, 00 want it a little extra. la n e county, Oregon, ae second-class tainty of tlie state legislature to appro- 1 93 cents, allowed mail matter. priate money for operating purposes Geo Hadsall special constable Every house keeper saves tlie strings the hatchery lay idle until 1895, when state of Oregon vs Sam Harkle- tliat comes around pareels, for who does A DVEUTI8ING RATES MADE KNOWN ON road (reconsidered) claimed ’ A b s o lu te ly P u re . not occasionally w snt to use a string? local parties secured control of tlie ■ $2.09, allowed .............................. 0 00 PLICATION. This is the best way to take care of tlc e s 8 cen ts per lin e , each insertion Celebrated for its great leavening building and on tlieir own account suc­ George Barber juror state of Ore­ them : Wind into a ball leaving out an strength and healthfulnees. Assures tlie gon vs Saul Harkleroad claimed cessfully hatched 50,000 young fish. end a couple of feet long when com­ afe» W E S T L IN Q S . food against alum and all forms of adul­ $2.00, allowed................................ 100 mencing the ball to hang up by, and hang The U. S. Fiali Commission was then teration common to • lie cheap brands. in a convenient corner. Produce taken on subscription at tli is ROYAL BAKING POWBKH CO., NEW Y o BK. prevailed upon to take the work in George Bradly juror state of Ore­ gon vs Sam Harkleroad claim­ Place a pan of water on tlie grate if office. charge, and last year, one Dr. Meek, a ed $1.00, allowed.......................... 100 your bread bakes too fast on top, a cool Road Supervisor's receipts for sale at Tlie county court met in special ses­ thorough fiali culturist, was sent to tlie Frank Hartley juror state of lid under under the bread if it bakes too the W est office. sion in Eugene this week. Oregon vs Sam Harkleroad Siuslaw, for the purpose of making an quickly oil bottom. T. J. Gill of Eugene has been granted Work on the new school bouse at investigation and determining the claimed $1.80, allowed........... . 100 i Water for tea should boil, but only r.u original pension. Acme will commence immediately. P E Jackson juror state of Ore­ | for a moment before using; do not use feasibility of tlie station. The report gon vs Sam Harkleroad claim­ V Dorn, July 20tli, 1897, to tlie wife of Quite a number of passengers came water tliat lias boiled tlie second time; made by Dr. Meek was so favorable ed $1.00, allowed.......................... 100 Hans Hansen, a daughter. down on tlie Mink yesterday. ask a philosopher if you wisli to know tliat instructions were at once sent to II B Gray juror state of Oregon Dome new patterns in dress goods R. 8. Cathey died at Cottage Grove, tlie reason why. just received at A. O. Funke’s. of dropsy the 19th aged about 74 years. continue tlie work. The appropriation to ( vs Sam Harkleroad................... 100 Perhaps eve-y one doesn’t know that carry out tlie work outlined by Dr. Meek Geo B Camp juror statute of Ore- The first brush mattress used in the ^/Commencing August 1st, O. 55 . Hurd was very small, but with the help of the I «<>" V8 S-'" Harkleroad . . . . . . . . 1 00 puff halls are good to eat; they are not will pay 10 cents per pound for newly poison ami those who are fond of mush­ jetty work was put in this week. S J Hubbard, witness state of cannerymen and lo««='•<»’« « -The O. pi make final proof In anpp.nl of her claim , amt ■for every yellow ticket—in Mrs. Alfred Funke, L. M. Christensen, . i j not . to . i t tt ie 7- Because it is tlie in «t prompt and iiaving dcchtcd appeal t it tue . . .„^t th at f a ll proof w ill he mado before C, II. Hal- THE STATE PEN. ■ . - , This m.ift reliable medicine in use lor trnwel den U. 8. Coaimtarlmier at Florence. Oregon, W. H. Weathereon, Andrew Brund, amount ha« been paid over, ini«i every package of Schilling i on A uguit SI. MS7, vis: Harriet L Clartio, Wm. Cook, John 8 ,eear, Frank Ken make« (be total amount of atate tax eomp ainila. widow of George Clarno, Jr., deceaaed, on h. e. Superintendent A. N. Gilbert filed big . . V ,t.. nee.ent I »• Bw aitse it produces no imd result, niston and Mr. Ellerhy. no. , sllis for the aeQ eeQ , »re 21; ew-$, nw«4 1 £csl tea. paid l.y Lane county np to tl.e present nlen.aiit ami safe to Ever Refreshing Cold Storage Beer at 5 report of the penitentiary for tlie quart­ awU, aee. '22; tp. IS»., r 10 We»t. time $24,616.14, while $1,348,42 yet to » Because It I. pleasant T O OUR PATRONS- Don't send coupons ; er ending J nne 30, with the secretary Cents a tdass Awaits Your Order. sh e name« the follow ing wttue««.« to prove ) h aeol^ ted .rem 'i n . n n n a K L ____________ u t h e liv e . o , her contliinon» reeblenee apon and cultivation Call for an Imported or i of state the 13th. It ahowa there were save them for something We have made arrangement! by of. u l d laud, viz: 354 convicts at tlie close of the quarter. And You Will • SURK yon get what you want more people than any other medicine | Joseph Dunean, W illiam Kerby, Jitlln» Koepp During tlie quarter 46 were reoived, which we will furnish tlie Weekly else. in the world. ‘ and John Taylor a ll of Herm ann, Oregon, when yon ask for Hood’s Sarsapa­ r / rentre nublished in largr 44 discharged and one recaptured. The Oregonian with the W mt for nne year the 1 R. M. V batch , The 25 and 60c sizes advertisement «ybout The firs, and middh total earning, of the institution for the to any addresa for tlie sum of two dol­ rilla. Unequalled in Merit, Sale«,Cures. Kvilsur. CUCKMB, Florence Drug Store. There's no substitute (or MOOD’S. lars, payable cash io aJvance. ___•»- as » quarter were $4,124 32 KVZRY FRIDAY MORBINO— HARDW ARE W.H. ’M •Qiproi. AP- 0?; rith. Pl Ini: M: POWDER O F The Winner conn sou: R E C E IV E D . We will not be Undersold byAnybody. C a ll an d see us M S E Y E R Cash, ★ K Y L, E. Cash, Cash, Is the Motto of the MAPLETON STORE GENERAL ★ H E R C H A N D IS E C onstantly on H and, a t th e Low est P rices CASH PAID FOR FIRST CLASS FURS. Toi f md OTGLISHBUSINESS ¡0LLBGE BOARDING DtBUfWENT'-« LADIES W . 51. B E N b H A W , LIQUOR DEA ER. W and Sacramental Purposes. One Guess DC IB