TH E W EST. T*raci«HM> creer — AT— FtnecMcc, L ax « C ocxtt , • - - »V (9” *onl*n- The coalminyr's strike is not a lul>or movement in the usual narrow sense. It OkKOOK' in a hioader convulsion of general so- ciety, in which capital and labor, cin- F k OM OI'B ««GULAK CoKMUSPONDgNT. W ash ., D. O„ July 12, 1897. Still sugar! There lias been a con- tinual light from the beginning of the II ’ 5VjtjATIII'RS()N Iplo>er,f#n<1 i,1Hr8 that alike' the 11' tariff bill over sugar, 1 'cannot have e,,,pl<,y4*1 eoed ’ notice V uq U i '« Companion. I (ORIGINAJ. AND SELECTED. At a recent meeting in Chicago, the leader in an agitation which aims at To be understoo is to be twice ones the overturn of the existing order .of self. “ Nalure ha8 P™vided The greatest firmness is the greatest an abundance for every creature, and it mercy. is stored mountains high in Chicago • before the very eyes of tlie people who , Fear is the tax that conscience pays are suffering. Why do they not Help j to g“*l* Tlie jest loses its point when the wit themselves? Man is tiie only animal I know of that lias not sense enough to is the first to laugh. feed himself.” Ill fortune never crushed that man and It is being continued in the conference committee, miue otwratora take the strike calmly, which was in session all day Sunday. and anticipate tlie raise of wages de­ , Every republican member of the con- manded witli confidence that it will AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. bring them gain rather tbnn loss. This ference committee has been pledged to A more active demand for unuiufitetured goods ■ »at ..„t pn,i L ondon , July 15.—A joint proposal of altitude on their part deprives the strike set re y concerning the conference, and bimetalism was presented to day on be­ of the usual bitterness, and eliminates I the democratic members will not be of the farm is reported and at advanced rates. An Nature lias provided an abundance J W|IOI1, good fortune deceived not half of the United States and France at the deplorable feature of violence. Op­ , adowed to know what is going on until for every creature? Y e .; hut she yields J Many have lived on a p ^ t a l who along the line will socn be realized. a conference held at a foreign office erators and operatives seek a common I an agreement is reached, which will her abundance In response to human | neyer haye a 8tatue whe„ dead> end through a movement forced upon **’ 801,10 l‘“ e 1,118 week> probably will ne between Baron DeCourcelle, the French toil. It was not unassisted nature, In order to keep pace w ith th e tim e s our STOCK n " *'“ ne8da>' or Thursday. The secrets Hunan foresight often leaves ambassador, representing France; Am­ them by conditions which neither could j ! Wednesday but human industry making a wise endure longer. The strike is a natural I tl,e conferenh‘! •*»*« far been well choice i proudest possessor only i w ill be increased to conform therewith ] bassador Hay, Senator Wolcott, former use of tlie forces of nature, which heap­ in which employers and ..... .loved k<*P‘’ b?t U 1,88 Ieaked out tliat Vice-President Stevenson and General one, / ' ................* I sides are mailinw « «.,!,» » . .u • W liicli I e' ilS‘ ed high high the the desirable desirable things things to to w which J « l.onL this orator invited his listeners to help ! Though flattery blossoms like friend- Paine, representing the United States; ..nite to resist and overcome conditions 0 1 ’ 1 t e 1,OUBe are 1 Lord Salisbury, Sir Michael Hicks-Beuch of low prices for product, which deprive | ! ship, yet there is a great difference in themselves chancellor of the exchequer and J. A. tlie one of a fair profit and the other of I expected to win, not only because the This doctrine amounts to saying that the fruit. Balfour, first lord of tl e treasury, rep­ a fair living wage. Tlie strike is an , original Dingley sugar schedule is more Thofirst fault is the child of sim­ whoever wants anything lias a right to resenting England, and Lord George automatic convulsion of industrial so- satisfactory to the republican press and plicity, but every other the offspring of seize it wherever lie finds it, provided Hamilton, secretary of state for India, ciety, a reaction against an excessive I the rank and file of the party, but be- that lie is strong enough to overcome guilt. representing India. The proposals after tendency to low prices for product. cause .Speaker Reed has said tliat tlie the resistance of its possessor. Of Fanaticism is the child of false some discussion were taken under ad Labor and capital united are striking house would never, under any circum­ course, all law, government and society zeal and superstition, the father of in­ viseuient, and tlie British cabinet will for higher prices from the consumers. stances, accept the senate sugar sched­ itself must go down before the carrying tolerance and of persecution. give its answer at a subsequent con­ That is, the striko is a revolt against ule. There is talk of attempting to out of such a monstrous theory ns this. It is more from carelessness about ference. the present low price of coal, which de­ act upon President McKinley’s currency Ostensibly this agitation is directed the truth, than from intentional lying, It is ■ eported this evening that an in­ nies mine owners a reasonable profit, commission recommendation, but it is against tlie rich. In reality, it is war that there is so much falsehood in the ternational conference will bo summon­ even with wages of miners pushed be­ likely that immediate adjournment will on thrift. It is a menace to every one world. follow the disposal of the tariff bill. ed probably to meet in the United low tlie point of a decent living. Ils who lias made any prudent provision Although it was stated when $20,000 You pity a man who is lame or blind, States, with Great Britain participating. object is to stop production until prices for future needs. The old adage en­ but you never pity him for being a fool, All the delegates will be uninstructcd rise through scarcity, and then to was appropriated by congress for the joined men to lay aside Btores against a which is often a much greater mis­ with regard to ratio, although It is well facilitate combination of niineowners relief of destitute American citizens in rainy day. The new theory tells them fortune. known that the United States favors 16 to maintain a higher price, wliicli will Cuba, tliat the amount would not be a that the better way is to lay violent and Fiance 15>£ to one. enable them to pay fuir wages and still drop in tlie bucket, it has turned out There should always be some founda­ OUR TERM S are CASH or something conn hands on the stores which other men to lie much more than was needed. make a fair profit. According to today's report England’s tion of fact for most any fabric, and .............into C A S H ............. have laid aside. participation would mean the reopening This strike is u sign of the times; is Just as soon as the appropriation was pure invention is but the talent of a A large part of the accumulated of the Indian mints, and there is a tlie first conspicuous evidence of tlie re­ available, Consul General Ixie was A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUED PATRONAGE IS SOLIC? wealth of this country is the product deceiver. prospect of some concessions as to the action from tlie era of low to con­ notified to go ahead with the necessary The use we make of our fortune de­ and savings of industry. So far as it is bank of England’s reserve and silver sumers and excessive economies in pro­ expenditures, up to tliat amount. Re­ represented in goods, it is found in the termines its sulficency. A little is duction, which has been tlie plainest so- ports from General I-ee were submitted certificates. crops which hard-working farmers have enough ¡fused wisely, and too much ial feature of the last few years. Tlie to tlie last cabinet meeting, and much drawn from the soil; or in merchandise if expended foolishly. HAWAII. necessary conditions of a period of to the surprise and gratification of the tlie ownership of which is the Fame, as a river, is narrowest where .quidation of enormously inflated debt president and his advisers, they showed result of toil and self-denial by it is bred, and broadest afar off; so ex­ have pressed all prices downward. In that although General Lej had rendered X. F. CJiroatele. men, almost all who started in life emplary writers depend not upon the The senate coinmitte on foreign order tliat consumers might satisfy their substantial aid to every distressed with no better opportunities than those the gratitude of the world. W ill Continue to Carry a W e ll Selected Stock relations will lose no time in preparing necessities with diminished income, in­ American citizen who needed it and of the men who would now despoil Foppery is never cured; it is tlie bad its report ujfon Hawaiian annexation, dustry sacrificed its reward, Inlior was would accept, mid shipped a number of them.' stamina of the mind, which, like those the nature of which is sure to be favora­ obliged to accept the barest support of them hack to tlie United States, he had So far as it is in money, it consists i of the body are never ratified; once ble. It is not expected Iiowevcr, that life, and rapital to go without interest only expended $6,000. largely in hundreds of millions of dol­ a coxcomb and always a coxcomb. the senate will act in tlie premises until and enterprise without profit. That is, Which will bo handled on the closest possible mai; Tlie pressure is so great tliat Presi lars of oBvmg-uHUK saving-bank deposits; in tlie i . ....ou. The eyes of a man are of no use with­ the regular session opens in December, industry lias been compelled to supply Consistent with the original cost and transportation out tlie observing power. Telescopes unless perchance, tlie Japanese issue consumers with products at cost or a President Cleveland’s extension of tiie tions; and in the investment of life and microscopes are cunning contriv­ should at once take on an acute phase. trifle more or lose its market. civil service rules, and the order is Insurance companies which enables ances, but they cannot see of themselves. This could not go on for long, and a liable to he issued any day. Thia is not probable, tlmugh a belief is them to keep their promises to policy­ field in some quarters that Japan means reaction was sure to come soon or late. The coin that is most current among It is much easier to liateh up a con­ holders. The new doctrine invites tlie WILL BE TH E BA SIS; T his w e in ten d shall™ more mischief then slie confesses to. Bo fur us the pressure for cheapness hag gressional scheme than it is to carry it mankind is flattery; the only benefit of the idle, the shiftless, the brutal no hardship on our patrons; LO W ER R A T E S MORI However, the senate will not wait for been met by improvement of the meth­ through, even when working for what which is that by hearing what we are to “help themselves” to theee accumu­ that to develop, as the United fttates ods of production and exchange, by the is favored by a majority. I.aBt week, not we may be instructed what we CO M PENSATING FOR P R O M P T SETTLEME1 lations. minister to Hawaii lias power in case use of labor-saving machinery and the tlie friends of the Hawaiian treaty con­ ought to be. When the lower aminals “help them- of emergency, to declare a temporary economical organization of department cluded that it was advisable to get the Falsehood, like a dawning in per­ selves” by seizure from each other, the protectora.e over tlie islnnds. This was stores and industrial trusts; so far as treaty favorably reported to the senate spective, will not bear to be examined process means violence and murder. done by Minister Stevens in 1893, and prices have been made lower without de­ at this session, and voted upon, if pos­ The Chicago agitator would have men in every point of view, because it is a iio doubt bis friend and successor, Min­ stroying the profit of capital or the nec­ sible. As eight out of eleven members forfeit all tlie higher qualities which good imitation of truth, as perspective ister Bewail, would only lie too glad to essary maintenance of labor, the low of tiie committee of foreign relations is of the reality. make them men, and sink to tho level prices will be permanent and the condi­ •re known to favor the treaty, it looked follow suit. Experience has taught me that the of the brutes in the struggle for life. As to the course tlie senate will finally tions which produced them have brought like an eaBy matter to get tlie treaty Such counsel is as degrading as it is only friends we can call our own, who take tlie friends of annexation have enduring lienefit. But so far as they favorably reported, but it wasn’t as DEALERS, IN AND MANUFACRURERS OF can have no change, are those over dangerous. much ground for hopefulness. No at- were made at expense of tlie return of easy as it looked to be. A special whom the grave has closed; the seal of (xtrent irroads have been made upon capital or the necessary, living wages of meeting of tlie committee was called, Doa't Toharro Spit and Smoke Toar Life Away. death is tlie only seal of friendship. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag the friendly sentiments of tits annexa­ labor, they could last only until the im­ but less than a quorum attended, and Our admiration of a famous man netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, lake No-To tionist body in tlie upper imuse, while mediate emergency that caused them at a second meeting there was only a Mac. the wonder worker, that makes weak men lessens upon our nearer acquaintance strong. All druggists, M lc or »1. Cureguarun- some of tlie doubtful senators, includ had passed. Soon therefore, must ap­ hare quorum present. The committee toed. Booklet and sample free. Address with him ; and we seldom hear of a lug Mr. l’erkins, are showing signs thnt pear u tendency to reaction of liotli will hold an other meeting this week, sterling itemedV Co,. Chicago or New York celebrated person without a catalogue Alley will fall in at the proper time with prices of products and wages of lalior, but it is fur from certain that it will of some notorious weakness nnd ¡in­ SUNDAY SERVICES. tlie ruling sentiment of the party. For which would carry both above the low­ decide Io report the treaty. firmities. ourselves we see much reason to believe est point of depression, but not to the 10 a. m. Sabbath school, 11 a. m. The report, by way of Europe, that What a desolate place would be a I leaching, Subject: The Preserving that tlie senate’s margin in favor of old level of extravagant production and O- C CUSHMAN. Spain and Japan are trying to coax Quality. 4 p. m. An address oil the world without a (lower I It would be a E. P WAIT! PRESIDENT. adding Hawaii Io the Union will b« as reckless living. TUB England to enter with them into a National Christian Endeavor Work. face without a smile, a feast without a I CYRUS3CUSHMAN. wide ns that which stood between suc­ Tlie miner’s strike was the first lurge, triple alliance for the puqiose of wliip- All are invited to these services. I. B CUSH welcome! Are not the flowers stars of vic e p r e s id e n t . cess and a possible failure of the tariff plain sign of this reaction. It will carry SEC I. G. K notts , pastor. ping the United States into keeping its the earth? And are not our stars the up tlie price of coal, first by creating a hands off of islands in both the Pacific bill. flowers of heaven ? T o C a r e C o n a tlp a tlo n F o r e e rr . The chief peril to the cause of the scarcity and then by combination Candy Cathartic. ]0c orSSe. and Atlantic oceans, has not caused if T '1*." Foolish men imagine that because' if C. c . G. fall to cure, druggists refund money. islanders is not in democratic and among niineowners to pay higher wages anybody in Washington to lose any judgement for an evil thing is delayed, I mugwump hostility to tlie treaty, lait and exact higher prices. Goal is tlie sleep, and it would not even if it were j there is no justice but an accident alone, T A R IF F B IL L P A S S E D . in the plots and intrigues which will foundation of all manufacturing and known to be true, instead of a hit of ¡here below. Judgement for an evil now he started among themselves to transportation, and rise in its price un­ midsummer silliness on the part of its The conference report on the tariff thing is many times delayed some day overthrow the Dole government. Roy­ doubtedly will send up that of some iron originators. hill passed the house the 19th inst. An alists see tliat their uniise is desperate, and steel products and of railroH.1 rates. analysis of the vote shows that 180 or two, some century or two, - but — it is as No member of the senate enjoyed tiie republicans and five democrat« voted 8,,re 88 ■•k', it is as sure as death, and they will do anything which their For a certain distance along the line, respect of tlie newspaper men to a for the lull and 106 democrats and 12 — resources will permit to ssvo it, and in this will propagate the wave of higher Every day of my life makes me feel greater extent than did tlie late Senator populists Against it. this have the sympathy of resident prices and better limes, but the wave more and more, how seldom a fact is Iihaai Q. Harris, of Tenn., whose Japanese. A revolution would lw awk­ will break helplessly against those ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN accurately stated; how almost invari- funeral services were conducted in the ably when a story has passed through) ward just now, and Mr. Dole and his products whose price is dependent on or women to travel for re­ senate chamber Srturday, although he friends need to concern themselves local conditions, liecauge it is made in sponsible established house in Oregon. tho mind of third person it becomes, so always professed to desire to have Salary $780 and expenses. Posidon ( far as regards the' impression that it I chiefly during tlie summer and fall in the markets of the world. I.uckilv, every newspaper man drawn and permanent. References. Enclose se„- makes in further repetitions, L i e ' guarding agaiust it. then1 are Indian famines, and possibly The ' ^ 7 ' . J" T " " rt‘pet,tionSl ’¡‘He quartered. Nevertheless they got a.hlresse.l stamped envelope. European wars, to help out here. d. Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago " “ f",8ehood i "nJ this, too, National, much useful information out of the old — - ____ ’ I t though h o i l i z h f the lir t n o s e o t ^ . tie A. narrator the most truth-’ I n 1891 tlm state of Oregon brought gentleman—at least, those did who suit against Baker county for hack tuxes seeking person in existence. K veryhorty Kays So. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. knew how to interpret his burst of an­ amounting to alout f i t , 000. After five u.9?*í’ar<’tí ' i”'1' U*UiarUc, the m ost won aei rul metileni diseovrrv o f the age. tiesa- ger when lie was asked shout any secret years of litigation, Referee B. F. Bon­ •J'1. *"'* " ’freabm c 1,1 the Lisle, aei gently A house and lot in Glenada. The ami iMisItlvely on k iilnets. liver mid tiñuela, action of the senate or of a committee house is 16 by 34 feet and one story and ham appointed by the supreme court clean sin g the entire sta tu ii, dH,.el «dits, benditeli«, lever, luihitual constipât imi upon which lie served, A page, who a half in height. Also a good woodshed hns rendered his findings to the effect curo ■"‘•" h tou sness P lea se buy and trv a Imx particulars C LHln.’ : 'U. *•>. M» cent». Suiti und had grown a little familiar in his inter on premises. For further thnt Baker county must pay all but guaranteed nqui.-e at this office. to cure by nil dim gists. course with senators, approached Sen­ about $3000, barred by the statute of This is the complaint of ator Harris one day and asked him in a R E C IS T E R E O IN D E B TE D N E S S . thousands at this season. limitation. This is a costly result lor tux TRVit standing of an editor is free and easy manner if the senate i They have no appetite; food _ « Baker county, when the expense of the Treasurer Patterson informed a Gnard does not relish. They need the toning upof appreciated after death if not before. decided to adjourn until noon the next reporter that I-tnr rountv’s indebted lengthy litigation is taken into consider, A lawyer sent the following words • nd.di^ tiTc ™ day. Turning upon tlie boy with r ........... .. ... ntion, ami further a lien the amount of of consolation to tlie widow of an feroeiotw look, the irate senator sa id : Not many counties of the state make ,hcm- «Iso purifie, and enrich™ the interest tliat will accrue to tbs state a . . * --- - l ie editor: 1 cannot tell you how pained “ Yes; and immediately after we adjourn so good a showing. 1 tll"~’ — - that ■ ■ - blood, — cure, distress after eating and twfore this judgement is finally paid ofl Internal misery only . dyspeptic can I was to hear (hat your husband had today, we shall proceed to hang every ENC IN E PUR C H A SED . is figured in. Baker county would gone to heaven. We were bosom .1 “ *PP*’tlt«. overcomes that -----impertinent page on this floor.” tired feeling and builds up and su sf.ln « better have paid without all this trouble friends, hut we can never meet again."— Register The wnnty court hns the whole physical syatem. Tlie page was said to have been nearly mid expense,—(iuont. Luu clI Sua. mg an affected gruffness of manner, j county’s rot k crusher power for the tom. and cures nervous headaches, thnt R m e engine is a •cerna to have almoet “ a magic touch.” Tlie Ns»-To-IU»<» for F ifty Cents. S chilling's Best Senator Harris was personally popular ’”'’‘”"»1 hand machine, and was bought Guam nt red tobacco habit cure niixlu'e w o k belt inf powder -„ .I ------------- .. mvoatrontf. blood pui-a. We | l AU druffgiftU. and no uinn stood higher . in the politi of B F. Howard for $660. It has iw n »vori’.f e«ilactt »d »pien - I cal councils of bis party. Bad health pronounced in first class condition by an 1'iiK ntii.v Register now cmmo to our prevent«! bis taking any part in tins expert, and the county is thought to hsve sei ured a bargain when they made tuhle. It is a five column pniwr (trim non of cougrt'se. the purchase Refore buying an engine full of news and is published at Eugene the county hired one. psymg $5 per day , - - S a. r-s 2 t ± Z C o o d s a s I by Condon A Etlwards the new pro- ■ '• • r u le T anr n e w e l s W ith ('« •s a r e te . I tor tlie --------------- use of it " and engineer. The ’™ an vim in ei co,"” y • ' * ’ • 'en,’* r * ith t>ie ijtrivtursof lltc weekly Register, * Editor and Proprietor. R ates T h r o u g h o u t W ill be ..........A T B E D ROCK Fresh Groceries and P sions by Each Boat. Im¡ tant Reductions Will Noticed in Footwear, N| Hats and Suits. HURD & D A V E N POR THE SEATON STOI GENERAL 4 - MERCHA1 C ash or A n y t h in g M ark etab le1 HURD & DAVENPORT The Siuslaw Jiiver Lumber ^LUMBER and BUILDING MATERI.ll a r g o e s S a w e d to i -A -o m e , O re l ENTERPRISING leading 8. H. FRIENDLY S. H. FRIENDLY w PROGRES! merchi Can’t CARMAN Eat 1- CHEAP CASH STOKE Dry Goods, ★ Groceries ★ and A FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. Just Opened. R Hood’s »« taas ewaey. purchased front Mr, Ifow Howard. Hood’» Pills Represen w . CA RM AN .