The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, July 16, 1897, Image 4

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L ondon'« O ld est lle ita u n tn L
pie and booklet free. Ad. STERLING BRODY CO.. O itfg o . Montreal. f t » ., or ft** , ,
Desirable ★
Stars ii.
W lte u C od B v ftn u f B lin d .
Several large cod are kept in one of
A F ew Ite m « o f la t e r e s t C o lle d F rom th e
the tanks of the Amsterdam aquarium,
Ix»cul C olum n.
ueceasarily near the surface, and there­
This I* Friday.
fore exposed to a strong light from
sponsible established house in Oregon.
Y<•«(onlay was u fiuo <lay.
above. Now, the ood, though not a
Salary $780 ami expenses. Position
Thing- rather quiet in B illville.
deep sea fish, is not a surface sw im ­ CLAIM THAT AMERICANS ARE DEVEL­ permanent. Reference. Enclose self-
Another baby up at Jed T assy’s.
mer and lives at depths where the sun­
mldresaed stumped envelope.
Horn gy for Jed I
light must be very much modified by
Our w ife spent yesterday over in
passage through the water. It lives in IucreaM ing R e se m b la n c e I n F a c e s to th e National. Star Insurance Bldg,, Chicago.
West Blilerfcerryville.
what to us wonld be semidarkness.
A b o r ig in a l T y p e — A S tu d y o f H eads,
She C onsidered th e Lily.
Grnufima Hanks was 94 yesterday.
Every one of these cod exposed to tho
W ith E sp ec ia l A tte n t io n t o t h e R e si­
A t a teachers’ convention in Detroit
Congratulations, granny.
itrong light is suffering from an ex­
a lady, speaking about the influence of
d e n ts o f P e n n sy lv a n ia .
lin e of the Tweedy twins is qnito
traordinary hypertrophy of the eye. The
t . •
beautiful objects upon the character and
si< k with symptoms of scarlet rash.
whole organ has become overgrown, aa
It is an extraordinary question in an-
young pupils, told a pretty
Measles are in B illville. Two of Jake
if in the effort to adjust itself to the use ♦hropological science which has been eonauci oi
by her from an eyewit
Prnniy’s children are down w ith them.
of more light rays it bad become over- ' propounded popularly of late. Tho in­
They are light.
equipped and then useless. The cod, in fluence of environment npon tho race llCSrt I
“ Into a school made up chiefly of
Sain Sharkey has ¡tainted his front
fact, are blind.
resident in the Uuited States must in
fence and is laying a new boardwalk be­
The most interesting feature in thia the course of four centuries produce cer­ children from the slums the teacher one
fore his house. That’s right, Sain.
change is the extraordinary rapidity tain marked and undeniable physical day carried a beautiful calla lily Of
course ---------
the children -.
Elder Tweak w ill preach at the Meth­
with which increased supply of light results. It is not generally a ck n o w h sig --------
__ about the
odist church next .Sunday. Those who
rays has overdeveloped the organ for ed by American anthropologists that pure, w axj blossom m g
Sold W ith
“ One of them was a little g-rh a waif
have hoard him say ho is fine. Wol-
its use. It has taken nlaoe, not by slow there is a tendency of reversion to the
ooiue, elilcr.
degrees from individual to individual, type indigenous to the soil. But foreign of die streets, who had noc.i
Dave Tcmpy treated his w ife to n new
bnt iu a course of time to be measured students of race, w ith more perspective, uPOEl her’ a s.was evinced y
throe ¡ily ingrain parlor caiqiet last week
by months and in every individual in have offered interesting food for reflec- ragged condition she was a way
and a new sofa. Wish we could do the
— tank.
------ —
. --------------------
If this
is a measure | tion. A writer iu the Chicago Times- Not only was her clothing
same by our wife.
of the rapidity with which such changes I Herald, commenting on the assertion of «oiled, but her face and hands seemen
Uncle B illy Hendricks was 85 yester­
take place among fish, the adaptation ! the Freuch authors that on this conti- totally unacquainted with soap and wa
day and celebrated the day by walking
of those creatures which have migrated : Iienj the American w hite man has varied »er-
. . .
over to l'okeville, six m iles from here.
from the shallow waters of the deep: toward the Indian type, offers a support-
“ As this little one drew near
Go it w hile you’re young, Uncle Billy.
seas, shown by the total loss or enormous | ing study which is curiously fascinating lovely flower, sho suddenly turned and
Will some of our farmer friends bring
ran away down stairs and out of the
development of their eyes and tho growth | —possibly vastly im portant
ns a lord of w ell seasoned hickory wood
of illum inating orguus to light the
First, the familiar faces of the carica­ building. In a few minutes she returned
iu return for a subscription to The Clar­
abyss, may have been as rapid as it is turists’ creation are called in ns w it­ with her hands washed perfectly clean,
ion? A fair exchange is no robbery.
marvelous.—London Spectator.
nesses. The V ankee and the southron— and pushed her way up to the flower,
Ye editor w ill be 4 1 years old next
large and loose limbed—of these pictures where she stood and admired it iu
Setene llfu Neglected Eggs.
Monday. On our last birthday we re­
are types, even as the stout, full faced tense satisfaction.
ceived the g ift of a barrel of Hour and
There is nothing in an egg to prevent John Bull is u type found in another
“ It would Reem,” coi tinned Miss
freshness being maintained. It is there­ environment. Both American favorites Coffin, “ that when the child saw the
two limns from appreciative citizens ot
the town in which wo then lived.
fore a question of treatment, and the of the cartoonist have high cheek bones lily in its white purity, she suddenly
Our w ife ’s giandmother deceased in
domestio treatment of eggs has not pro­ and usually excellent straight noses. realized that sho was not fit to come
T h e R e a l N ic e K n zlln h G ir l.
Indiana last week, nged 90 years, 3
gressed or cheapened in lOu years, and These witnesses are not, of course, seien- into its atmosphere, and the little thing
It is a bonny sight to watch the lithe P oetica lly poultry keepers are only a . i ¿fically
months, ) week and 3 days. Had she
admks’ib“ e. The faces given us fit d away to make herself Huitable for
lived eight months, two weeks and four und breezy English girl promenading far advanoed today os in 1788, when by the caricature makers are impres­ sueh companionship Did not this have
days longer she would liavo been 91. with her bally dog upon the bowldery the Dutch process of lime pickling was sions, not testimony.
an ele vating, refining effect on the child?
Our w ife did not go on to the interment. beach at Brighton, according to Sterling first introduced iuto England, and those
Scientific, however, is the study of­ Let us gather all the beauty weean into
Aunt Jan« Poole has just completed
who do not know what has transpired fered of the Pennsylvania Germans— a the schoolroom. ”— New Ycik Tribum
■ i ‘ , ■
a quilt containing 2,649 pieces. The de- . her 8-year-old brother down the main since are no wiser than their forefathers. happy, thriity, frugal pcc.ple, who have j
hom e T enple.
sign is of her own get up, and it is a .
There is ample evidence to prove, lieen subjected to American conditions !
of attracting attention. If she happens thongh the facts ore not generally
I don’t wonder tln.t tho carriages of
dandy. Keep at it, Aunt Jane.
for nearly two centuries, with very lit ­
Mush anil m ilk sociable in the Bap- 1 to pull up breathless and glowing, known, that eggs can be delivered fresh tle interm ingling w ith other races, the rich and noble so inflamed the pas Xoib wi
•» ' 1 any of i e m echanical
tist church Monday night. Proceeds to Unshed and m oist eyed, w ith her golden from the most distant countries, even at tnnch less than the English people in sions of the peasantry that tho result
less cost than the present stale ones. New E n-land or in Virginia.
go toward adoubic seated baby carriage
i’ ' * *
I .viihou t
, d in g an d
I am not a peasant, mid 1 hire a tab
for the pastor’s twins, born throe weeks center of udiniring friends, it is to ex­ This, of course, seems improbable, but
It is t ..e that the pervasive and be­
whenever 1 want one. but 1 must say
ago. The cause is n good one, and it has
at one time it was deemed absolutely
rd Ahtga;
ning. “ Such larks I Tommy and I have impossible that foreign sheep, lambs guiling Iriei have intermarried some­ that my gorge rises at the sigh of some
our best wishes for its success.
lb;: tra te d w ith
Wo would like to give advertising or been running a fo o tra ce.” It's not to and beef could compete with home tlers, bui in the main it is a very exclu­ of our fashionable iqnipugi s und their
job work in return for a ten gallon keg make her effect, ns a French girl w ould gro,.,,, or , bal aleam ^ i d di„r)ace sive, pure blooded Palatinate stock. occupants.
ali m odern cuU of la t ist itiventioiis in all
.if new sorghum molasses. Would also Keally, it isn ’t. She doesn't know | ¡abor> or that steel could be produced at Data have been secured rc!a:ivc to a
It’s a case of nose in the air alt
he pleased to negotiate for a barrel of enough.
a cheaper rate than iron and supereede large number of school children and to 1 through.
the branches of mee! IfUt’BUJ. Í1,nd its fund ol
Sho w ill scratch herself in company, iron.
sauerkraut. We must eat to live.
The horses have their nenes 111 tie mt
adult from 25 to 50 years cf age,
Grandpa Byler killed and dressed a no matter where the mosquito has been.
A s there is nothing iu an egg to pre­ and many of portraits of original because they are “ cheeked up’ fo r • tic-
knowledge insega »
nected w ith in-
2-10 pound hog all by him self last Tues­ Sho w ill fall in love w ith a man and vent freshness being maintained it is settlers, it appears that stature in ­ purpose, while tlio coachman and toot-
day. Pretty good for a man 83 years. w ill follow him about like a dog. Slio therefore a question of scientific treat­ creases and that other important génér­ man are obliged to keep their probes
i<i XUcChiUlic:
w ith T he
A in 't laid on the shelf yet, are you, w ill sit on a rock and be hugged, ob­ ment, and opposition comes only from alisations may be maue, tentai iveiy < [ rises “ tip tilted’’ or they’d be dis
livious of tho fact thnt every one is look­ those who fear old established interests
gruiiddau?— flew York Sunday World.
charged, but why need tl..i haughty rid
ing. She is wonderfully frank. Sho being extinguished. However, this sat­ course. The increase of fiug r reach is ers do the same?
w ill say to a seasick m an : "What a isfactory phase of the egg problem seems marked, and the head measures are im ­
H e th itJ o n « o f a lla e lie lu r .
They seem to be saying very often
A girl w a y bn ns pretty ns a picture shocking bad sailor you arel Your liver one that m ight be advantageously taken
“ Dear me! What can those creatures
“ The anthrepologi it places consider­
and yet be hung in a bad light.
up by those interested in developing able value upon certain proportions < 1 be who aro actually walking? Don t run
poultry and eggs as a domestio Indus relations between measures,” says th j over them, Janies, for I'm afraid it will
Women love babies so much because
all the timo blushing. She has freckles try. —London Standard.
they don’t seem to cure a hang.
student of the subject. “ Thus the letigtl. ! spoil the looks of tho turnout. ’’
Most women don't know enough to on her hands. When she walks oat with
the head anti the breadth cf the heat.. . Some people affect me just tin same
her bully dog upon tho blooming sands,
T h » A lp s W ill B e W a sh e d A w » j.
lie egotists; most men know too nineh.
when compmed, give numerical exprès- 1 way when they enter a private box.
When a woman doesn’t know any­
They come in uoisily. and turn around
siou, which is called the cephalic index
thing about it, she tries to hide it by both are go in telligen t.—San Francisco view , are very recent Our Welsh hills, To find it the lenglh is divided into the ; half n dozen times ere they can find a
though comparatively speaking insig- j breadth and tho result m ultiplied by ' resiing place, like a deg before the fire.
b ein g very positive.
When a girl Itegius to study elocu­ C lim b er s H a v a C on gn erW A ll a t t h e A lp s. nifleaut, are far more ancient They hud 100. A hind one-half as wine as it is and then tin y survey the rest of the au­
tion , Nile is never happy till slut learns
Of course tho mystery is gone from been moan tains for uges and ages before long would have an index of CO; ono dience w ith such a patronizing air of
to recite a dialect poem.
the Alps— none but climbers knows how the materials which now oompose the threo-fourtlis as wide as long would proprietoisliip that 1 almost hope they
A mail never accomplishes anything completely. Every mountain and point R igi or the Pilatns were deposited.
have an index of 75; one as wide as it w ill fall out of the box or be dragged
Indeed, we may say that it is b< cause was long wonld have an inuex of 100. out by the irate populace.—Polly Pry
touch in the world until his friends bo- ' of view of evou third rate imjiortunee
g in to call him a crank.— New York has been ascended, most by many routes
There is no race whose head is normally in New York Recorder.
Almost every gup between two peaks mnch worn down. The Alps themselves so wide as to hiree an index of 100 or so
l liis monthly magazine is one of th
M ark Y our W h e e l.
bus been traversed as a pass. The publi­ are crumbling and being washed away, narrow as to have one of 50. The higher
I I I . O b ject.
John D. Carroll, chief detectivo of a
cations of some dozen mountaineering and if no fresh elevatiou takes place the the index, of course, the broader and
“ I w ish ,’’ said the artist who had
best printed in this country, and
societies have recorded these countless time w ill come when they w ill be no sounder the head; the lower the index, wheelman’s insurance company, said
been no absorbed in his work as to nog- ! expeditions in rows of volumes of ap- loftier than Snowdon or Helvellyu.
recently: “ E’ cry owner shonld have a
to all Hubscriliers at rates wit
leet his eating, "that you would send
They have already undergone enor­
palliug length. Of late years vigorous
mans generally are notably round head­ prn ate mark upon his or her wheel.
out und get u nice large head of cab- i
attempts have been inode to co-ordinate mous denudation, and it has been shown ed. Topinard gives for some people of By this I don’t mean a simple murk
ability of all to pay. It is finel
huge, ’’
npon the saddle post or cu the saddle it­
this mass of material iu the form of that from the sum m it of Mont BI ano
“ C ertainly,' ’ replied his w ife. ' ‘ Have climbers’ gnides, dealing w ith particu­ some 10,000 or 19,000 feet of strata Lorraine the index of 85.3. The average self, as those are the very places where
trated and presents tlie names of
index of 100 Pennsylvania Germans is
you an inspiration for a new still life?” ,
lar districts, wherein every peak and has been already removed. Denudation 81.9, which is notably less and nar­ a thief w ill look for such a mark, and
“ No. 1 merely want it for a pot boil- I
authors as contributors. T bj
pass is dealt w ith in strict geographical
rower. The heads of our northern and should they be there both saddle and
o r .W a s h i n g t o n Star.
succession and every different route and sea and the main river valleys were ex­ eastern Indians are still longer and nar­ post w ill be removed. If you want to
and the Cosmopolitan are soli
all the variations of each route are sot
rower. We cannot at present make a make the private mark on any part of
T h e A tiian onlan C at.
forth, with references to tho volumes
further comparison w ith profit. What your frame, say on the underside of tho
T w b ThBorte*.
First Amazon of Dahomey— I was
duced rates at this office.
iu whicli they havo been described at
we havo already said may provo erro­ top tube, turn your wheel upside down
eiuupletely hemmed in by the enemy,
Fond Mother (in passenger car, with neous when we learn the actual Palati­ and remove a portion of tho enamel, say
length by their discoverers. Nearly half
but 1 cut my way out.
the Alps has been treated in this man­ her children)— It just scared me when
1 inch by 1 inch, and clean well till the
Second Amazon of Dahomey—Wliat? ner, but the work has taken ten years, I read— Johnny, stop palling flowers off nate type. We assume now that the metal is freed from any part of the en­
F’irst Amazon of Dahomey—That's and of course the whole requires period­ the lady's bonnetl— when I read in the Palatinate Germans were of medimn
amel. Then cover the spare so cleaned
what I said. It took nerve, but I did it, ical revision.—Sir W. M. Conway iu papers— Richard, yon just keep your stature, light haired, bine or light eyed, with a greasy material—candle grease,
round headed, witli a finger reach of
J just didn't notice them any more than
bead ini— the paper the other day that 1.043. We find that the Pennsylvania for instance— then take a pointed instru­
if they weren't there at all.— Detroit
—George, if you pat your sticky hands
German children are dark in hair and ment of some kind and w et the point
W h y T hay W e a r H ata.
on that lady's dress agsin. I'll thrash eyes, that the men are probably of in­ w ith carbolic acid. Proceed to write
History does not tell, so far as we you!—the other day that a woman went
creased stature, that heads appear to be your initials or private mark on the
know, how it came ntiout that members crazy— Richard, don't yon dare slap
lengthening, that arm reach appears to tubing, being sure that you have suffi­
of the English parliament wear their that little girl I— when 1 read that 11
be increasing. In all these respects the cient acid 011 tho pointed pen’ before
hats. The custom has descended from nil womau went crazy just from the dis-
Pennsylvania Q im iu i varies from the you begin. After allowing the acid to
age when its proceedings were not re comfort, of trie-Johnny, stop punching ^ ^ ¡ ’^ r a .in a te tvpe and in the di- ¡eave its trace on tho tubing, yon can
corded, hut ono may suspect that there­ that geutlemanl— of the joorney i n f
rection of the Indian. If our assumption mb off the grease, and one application
by hungN a tale of sturdy and victorious railroad train. I wonder if sbo had obil
proves valid, we may claim that our of enamel w ill cover all trace of tho
revolt ngaiiiNt privilege, such as broke dren w ith her?
i evidence shows change, whicli, if con­ mark you have made.’’— Philadelphia
“We do not take possession of our ideas hut are possess«
o u t at Versailles, could It be recovered.
Lady (quietly)— Perhaps some other
tinued, may form an Indian type from Ledger.
Now nuil ngnin we find antique allusions woman had?—N ew York Weekly.
They master ns and force ne into the arena,
I the German. ”
to the practice. When the commons
Rome M en H ave L ack .
AU this, it must bo noted, is abso­
Where like gladiators, we must fight for th «
voted that everyone shonld “ uncover
R etum iug to Paris from Brazil after
“ You will pardon the qnestion, I lutely distinct from any of the reasous 30 years’ absence, with 300,000 francs Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the
or stir or move his hat” when the speak­
for discussing the tendeucy of Americana
er expressed the thanks of the house for know, if you think it obtrusive, ’’ said
to revert to original typ s from the in­ in his bag, M. Georges H. took a cab
any service done by a member. Ixird the enterprising newspaper reporter as
entire contents of this monthly magazine
filtration of the red Indian blood itself home. He called at a friend’s bouse, en­
Falkland "stretched both his arms out be talked through the prison bars to the
tered for a moment and returned to find
and clasped his hands together on the captive train robber, “ but why uo you
are upon a plane and in keeping with its
days of the old French and Indian wars the cab gone with his bag and his
Tailor (to mother who is having a crown of his hat and held it down close gentlemen always go through a train fln side tales of New England intermix money M. H. prepared to return to
The Arena’s gallery of eminent
suit made for her boy)— Do you want to his head, that all might see how odi­
Brazil to make another 300,000 francs,
“ Well. ’ don't mind tellin g yon," re- tore of that sort have been common
ous that flattery was to him. "— Pall
the shoulders padded?
but en route called at a prefecture of
thinkers is a group of interesting nu n and
plied the bandit, “ seeiug tbat I am enough. A recent novel Inis expressed
L ittle Boy— No, mamma; tell him to Mall Gazette.
the country knowledge iu New England police. Here they handed him his
pad the pants.-»N ew York Sunday
money, w ith apologies from the cabman
women, and their thoughts are worthy the
A C h ild 's lle e r t .
year or two. Wa do that to gi t ahead that there is un occasional "streak'
It appears that while M. H. w as in
Among the bizarre articles offered of tba dining car pirates.” —Pittsburg from ancestry that approached New-
consideration of all people. The An na is
England from the west as w ell as that the house the driver went to sleep
I lls E x p la n a tio n .
for sale at the Hotel Druot, Paris, was Chronicle.
whicli approached it from the east across W hile the driver was asleep the horse,
a child's heart immersed in a jar o f ,
My |> »rtioT (exported I, you tuts.
sold with T he W est ,
Aa Agml TMek.
the Atlantic. Iu the western states ano getting bored, moved on round several
W .s hom ely b e t w ealthy Ml". It.
spirits, and, although 97 years hnd
Otic w rv to , ‘ H ave rnught r u lil,’’
¡Missed Mince the organ was placed in its
Poor old g ir l- g e tlllts old.
breeds whose drooendanta find their way could not remember where he had come
transparent receptacle, every portion of and fell w ith a bang itnm bis wheel
Is th a t w ill I lo v . Bert W r ll-o n ll
into the life of cities brings to bear a from Therefore be drove eff to the po­
it— the right and left auricle and ven tri-1 "W hat is it?” oried his favorite |u
N ow , the P o ll, hi lp<st mo out o f the plight
curious and unnekoned force iu the de­ lice siai ion.—Paris Messenger
pil, as she circled around him.
With a g irl w ho w in ‘‘there for th e night.*
velopment of the filler and sinew of the
arch— was in a perfect state o f preserva-1 “ I l’a a tack," moaned the master.
Momu ouusln, I thought,
T br E d u ra tlo a C o a tr o v .r » j
rae>> iu North America.— Boston Tran­
"In your tire?"
Whoso dot w h s a naught—
tlon. It was catalogued aa the heart of
Teacher—Now, Patsy, would it bi
Home n sie tn or l it e r
“ No, in my saddle. " -In d i-n sp o k s script.
iT h e y 'ie s dosen s p i r e ) —
proper to say. “ You can’t R ani n
from the documentary evidence which Journal.
I lo n e e n lw l w ith th o u g h t. Impolite.
S a lt a L n ia r j l a A frica.
accompanied it there was little doubt
The greatest of all luxuries iu central
Y ou'll rznuse in . Just here If I e w esr —
Patsy— Y is’m.
Moplabo ie the name of a tribe t
T hat g irl h sd no sit g lo r lo u . h .tr,
Teat her— Why?
Mohammedans which forms 1 fourth Africa is salt. To say that a man cats
Am i r y e . o f true blur,
part of the population of the Mnlabar salt w ith his victuals is the same assay­
Patsy— ’Uuuso ycr can’t.— Pick M
And her foot la s eleni
N o sp rite e 'er attem pt'»! to wear.
A simple test for digestibility given coast of south India. They are supposed ing that he is a rich man. Mungo Park Cp
says. "The long continued use of vegeta­
to a close of nurses, by which one can to be descendants of Moors and Arabian
lin t b r n a ly w as not In m y Hue.
of Mecklenbmv-St.--
ble food creates sft painful a longing for
' l e s s gold tiis t J w anted. In line.
easily detennino if a »d id food ia one who established themselves on the or.
lit«, on toe strength ot her c o n n -c e u
A nd I ,e t d th e hear
which is proper to give a sick person, is
with the royal family, receives
Aa far a . n i.B d .r o
»cribe it. ’—Chicago Tribune.
to drop a small piece of it in cold wa­ Some years ago there were about 600,
Whi 1 hie partn er Is poor—
per year
ter. If it walks up the water rapidly, OOO of them.
Y e-, I . ‘‘fed th e boor
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps relates that
With that rum tia trd beauty of m ine.
the food ia moderately digestible. —New
In Cauada models of patents are not
The flags to be riusted at one time in oiks ', wiieu Lougtellow was visit ing her
A n I u o l till t il l, m om ent, from you,
signaling at sea never exceed four. It it at her Gloucester home, she poind'd out required uuless specially asked for by
D av.i I learned w li.t w ould make a mlrt
Many women have excelled as exec­ an intereating arithmetical fact that, to him the rref of Norman's Woe and toe Canadian cotnuiissicinr of patents
blu e—
T h a t I dan eed t h .t oolilhiu
utant» in mnsio. N o womau has ever with 18 various coiorod flogs, and never was surprised to find that, although he
A bushel of sweet potatoes eqaals 46
W ith,a g irt w o rth a m illio n
be«'« a great or even a mediocre ecu»- more than 4 at a time, no fewer th:-« hail wrecked the arhooncr Hesperus on
pounds in Iuwa and 66 pounds in most
A n d th o u g h t th a t she hadn't a sou.
P ««
____ - . __________
- Tt«u F i i 1» K'W Turk Mnuday World
M Iks other states.
Probably the oldest restaurant in Lon­
don is Crosby Hall, in Bishopsgnco
stree t, in the city. Tliis was built more
titan 500 years ago, was once the palace
of Hichard III und afterward the resi­
dence of Sir Thomas More. It was in
this building that Shakespeare laid the
scene of Richard's plots for the murder
of the young princes. The structure was
injured by lire, fell luto decay and in
1838 was restored. One tumbles up the
narrow, winding stairs, leaving below
the modern restaurant, passes through
low doorways that show wulls 3 feet in
thickness and enters the halt, a great
room lighted by high windows and a
beautiful oriel. In the restoration the
old features have been retained, and at
one end is tho m instrel’s gallery, look­
ing down on more prosaic scenes than
it once witnessed. The white capped
cook stands at the bug«! fireplace, now
converted into a grill, and the chops
and potatoes come smoking to year ta­
ble. Pretty waitresses wish to know if
you ilou’t w ant a pint of the famous
“ 'arf and ’arf,’’ und tho wayfarer is
wise if ho accepts the h in t This would
seem a fitting place to sit and muse in a
Johnsonian fashion on the variety of
hniuau life, bnt there is little seclusion
about th<j spot today, for bankers from
Threadneedle street aro continually dis­
cussing trade and securities in this
room, which lias known tho presence of
Sir Philip Sidney and Ben Jonson—a
room where it requires no very vivid
imagination to fancy the Countess of
Pembroke reading tho famous sonnet
t hat Spencer wroto to her honor. — Home
And The
an d
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