: e w e s t PERSO NA LS. $1000 L. E. Bean was in town Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Morris visited at the head •—■ m e n c e , L ane C ounty , O regon .— of tide this week. • - - by - • - Contractor Jacobson returned from Coos by yesterday’s stage. A. C. Woodcock ttie Euireno attorney Editor aud Proprietor. visited our town tliis week. Mrs. J. B. Hill went to Walton this : $1.50 a year in advance.----- | weeK for a visit with her parents. Mrs. Severy is visiting on Clear lake Entered at the post-office at Florence, 1 and Drew finds baching pretty lonely. Lane county, Oregon, as second-class II. H. Fisk was in Florence Saturday. mail matter. He reports several new settlsrs on Smith Get Sekiuine's Vest tea at your grocer’s; take out the Yellow Tieket river. ADVKBTISING BATES MADE KNOWN ON A P- (there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below 'A bsolutely Pure.., Myron Kobe and Frank Tanner start­ X, PLICATION. before August 31st Local notices S cents per line, each Insertion Celebrated for its great leavening ed a few days ago ou a trip to Asiiland, One word allowed for every yellow ticket. I strength and healthfulness. Assures the Oregon. If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If food against alum and all forms of adul- W E S T L IN G S . Geo. M. Miller, tlie well known real -------- I teration common to tlie cheap brands. estate dealer, whs shaking hands in several find it, the money will be divided equally among them. Road supervisor’s receipts for sale at koyal baking powdkb co ., N ew Y ork . Florence Sunday and Monday. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping the W kst office. Those sending three or more in one Mrs. Chas. Tanner started Wednes­ babies at the end of the contest Tlie scows belonging to Meyer & Kyle day to Gold Hill, Or., where she ex­ Produce taken on subscription at this envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. I and Leonard Christensen have been office. pects to make her home with her par­ hauled up for repairs on tlie ways where ents. John Yates is building a lalting house Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons | Wakefield A Jacobson launched their near the cooper shop. Chas. Budd of California wl o spent I scows. who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between a couple of weeks at Mapleton, departed Fred Molste is building himself a new i City Marshal Weddle circulated a sub- southward on Barrett's stage Wednes­ June 15 and the end of the contest— August 31st. house on his lot in town. 1 scrlption paper in town this week to Which is the best road from Florence raise money for Mrs. Tanner to pay the day morning. Mrs. Schulte goes to Gardiner today to Linneus? Perhaps Joe can tell. expenses of her journey to Gold Hill, Some of our citizens are intending to Nearly everybody contributed some- where Mr. Schulte is at work erecting 11 the new school house in that town. commence fishing in a short time. |thing. L. E. Bollman of Elmira was a pas­ Address: S C H I L L I N G ’S B E S T T E A S A N F R A N C IS C O . A large discount on boots and shoes TH E G O VER N M EN T W ORK. senger to Florence on Saturday’s boat. to make room for our new stock. Meyer Another derrick lias been erected at Monday lie commenced teaching a term A Kyle. IV IS O N IT E M S . of school on Clear lake. The San Francisco Examiner and the the quarry so the work of handling rock Chas. E. Smith of Brownsville arrived XV eht one year for $2.50 paid in ad­ ean been done much faster than wtien B y leu D ikx . only one derrick was used. A scow load in Florence yesterday. He is a member vance. f c of the order of the United Artisans and C onducted by A. B. Supervisor Weddle has been doing °t roc'c weighing about 330 tons has Ivisox, Or. July 9th, 1897. is working to institute a lodge of that some good work opening the road from i|een token to the jetty each day for C. W. Lyons, Sir: We were some­ several weeks, and now with increased order here. Florence toward head of tide. DESSERTS. facilities tlie contractors expect tlie Messrs. Chessman and Wheeler of what pleased at seeing your letter to the I H ood ’ s pills cure nausea, sick head­ work to go on much more rapidly. Springfield with Mr. Long of Mapleton Ivison correspondent for we bad thought Bread pudding; Use only nice light ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug­ They inteud soon to commence putting made a trip to the beach a few days ago, that perhaps that we had been too hasty bread; soak bread in milk and mash gists. 25c. in brusli mattresses on which to dump taking in the sights of our town on their in our statement in regard to tlie ex­ fine. To 1 quart of bread and milk add Mrs. Tanner desires to thank tlie peo­ tlie rock—something that lias not been way back. Mr. Wheeler lias lately be­ istence of that “Satanic hatred.*’ But three eggs beaten separately, 1 cup sug­ ple of Florence for their kindness in done before. Some of tlie men who come the owner of some land near Rose | we were put at ease on that line when ar (scant), 1 heaping tablespoon butter furnishing lier the means to return to worked at building tlie scows will now Hill cannery and was anxious to view we noted the tone and spirit of your and a handful of raisins if liked. Bake remarks. They were enough to make and serve hot with butter. For a nice be employed at tlie mouth of tlie river bis new possession. her home. his “satanic majesty” turn pale and variation omit sugar und serve with and others will work at tlie quarry. W ise men know it is folly to build on T A X A B L E PR O P E R TY . tremble for fear of a rival. sauco given for rice nudding No. 2. a poor foundation. Relief obtained by \ D IE D . In looking over your great effort we We ¡rive below the amount of net as­ Cottage pudding: 2 eggs, J, cup sugar deadening symptoms is short. Hood’s just thought that you had certainly % cup milk, 2 cups flour, 2 heaping tea­ 8arsaparilla cures and gives lasting Guhrd : At George Bushnell’s, near sessable property in the City of Florence missed your ; calling. From the way spoons baking powder, 1 tablespoon health. Irving July 9tli, 1897, of consumption, and several school districts in the west you handle sarcasm and Bcbool boy butter; bake and serve with sauce. x part of Lane county as computed by C. H. Holden of Florence lias been Mrs. Bessie Bristow, aged about 30 phrases and sling mud you would make Sauce: % cup sugar and }<,' cup butter Clerk Jennings: reappointed United States Commissioner years. She died quite suddenly having a good ward politician in a city during stirred to a cream; stir in 1 heaping $27,925 Florence cltv for Oregon and is prepared to execute been up and around tlie day before. Amount. a municipal campaign. Then again tablespoon flour; stir while pouring on School Districts. She was well known to many readers No. homestead filings, take final proofs and $ 5,140 from vonr very grand and lofty concep­ 1 pint boiling water; season with nut­ Point Terrace of the W est , having resided on Indian 28 transact any otiier business connected 11,943 tion of moral Christianity you would no meg. Mapleton 32 creek for a time. with the office. 4,155 doubt make a noble success of calling Northfork 53 Corn starch pudding: Take 1 cup of K d a c a t e l o u r R o w e ls W ith C u .c a r e t.. BRYAN IN O R EG O N . 5,529 sinners to repentance. 89 Walton Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. milk out of 1 quart, put the remainder We said nothing about you only what 10c, 25c. 11C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. 32,291 Florence in a spider on tlie stove, mix tw cup of About 1000 people were at the station 97 your own acts and remarks have fully The tariff* bill passed the senate the 15,056 Acme corn starch witli a littl^ milk, stir into at Eugene Sunday morning to see W. 101 8th by a vote 38 ayes to 28 noes ; one 2,455 verified to be the truth. We simply the boiling milk, then stir in 4 eggs Glentena J. Bryan. He appeared on tlie plat­ 102 asked why you used our name when you democrat, McEnery, two silver republi­ 2,940 Meadow slightly beaten with a little milk, salt to form but did not speak. According to 104 cans, Harris and Turner voted for the 15,380 went after our Greenleaf brother and taste and serve witli sweetened cream Hermann the Oregonian lie addressed 5000 people 106 bill and 6 populists and 2 silver republi­ 5.068 you evaded the question entirely. We flavored witli vanilla. This pudding Alpha at Gladstone Park, 10,000 at Lebanon, 112 know we are not good ; all men are bud cans refused to vote. 7,720 113 Aline and 20,000 at Portland and many others but some are just a little worse than can be made in a few minutes. T o C u r e C o n s t ip a t io n F o r e v e r . 4,250 115 Maple Grove NOODLES. (GERMAN) Toko Clascal ets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. at tlie small towns along tlie railroad. others. You are mistaken if you think ■ A full Line o f................ Glenada 15,267 127 I f C. C. O. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Prepare some curd as for cottage we will “chew the rug” with you; we TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE. 7,080 Greenleaf 129 Leonard Christensen is repairing tlie cheese, it Bhould be well scalded and 1,815 have no desire to do so whatever. 146 Mercer Lake covered acow which lias been a familiar Lane county teachers’ institute will 149 We repeat what we said before, that drained very dry, rub and work tliis 1,820 Heceta eight to the people of this vicinity for meet in Villard Hall July 28th, and 8,370 you cannot show one instance where we I smooth witli tlie band, salt to taste; to 158 Minerva several years, and intends to fix it up continue in session for two weeks. This said anything about you in our corre­ 3 cups of curd add 2 uggs slightly beaten, for a salting I muse in which to salt is tlie annual meeting which all teachers CO PIES O F O REG ON SCH O O L L A W ' spondence until this “ little tempest in a mix well, add a little flour enough to salmon. are required to attend. Superintendent teapot” commenced. We will make no enable you to handle the mixture—after The following circular lias be?n re­ , You may hunt tlie world tlie world Hunt announces that he will follow the further efforts in this controversy as we a little experience you will be able to ceived by School Supt. Hunt: over and you will not find another law strictly in this matter. The insti­ don’t consider it either interesting, in­ get it just right—form into rolls the size S alem , Ore., June 23, ’97. will be divided into two medicine equal to Oliamberlnin’s Colic, tute of your finger and fry in plenty of liot structive or very good manners. County Supt. Hunt:—In a few days Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy for grades; one for those who have never butter, serve witli honey orjsugar syrup. Resp., yours I will send yon a supply of the new bowel complaints. It is pleasant, safe taught or who hold second and third Ivisox C or . These are a very good substitute ior edition of the Oregon school laws. bread. and reliable. For sale by Florence grade certificates and tlie other for those holding first grade certificates, state cer­ There will not lie sufficient copies to NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Drugstore. distribute them as fully as might be 8U N D A Y SERVICES. The ladies of tlie W. C. T. U. will tificates or diplomas. The tuition will desired, hut it is my purpose that the be free. Laud Office at Roseburg, Oregon, meet with Mrs. Hansen on Thursday, Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching Prof. Ackermen, Prof. Friedei, and county superintendent shall supply July 10,1897. July 22nd. This will be a “ Mothers’ each district in his county with one Notice is hereby given that the following* at 11 a. in.—Subject—Fire that must Miss Chase are among tlie instructors. meeting.” Selections will be read by copy of the law, the same to be placed named settler has filed notice of his intention different members and good music will Superintendent Hunt will have general in the hands of the district clerk, that to make final proof in support of his claim, and not go out. An illustrated sermon in Manager. charge of the institute. Lectures will that said proof will be made before C. H. Hol­ the afternoon at 4 o'clock, will take be prepared. Everybody welcome. the same be present at the time of any den, the place of the evening service. This lie given by Pres. Campbell, State Supt. 17. 8. Commissioner at Lake Precinct, r e C o n s t ip a t io n F o r e v e r . board meeting. Douglas Co., Ore. on August 20, 1897, vis: will be something new, and of special iretg Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. Irwin and others. I trust the school boards will be care­ Josiah W. Brewster on H. K. No. 55R5 for the interest to nil. tail to cure, druggists refund money. The institute will continue in session ful of the copy furnished them, as they lot 1, 8W'£ NW'4. sec. 12; NE^, sec. All are cordially invited to these i suit of tlie county court of Lane till the August examination. 11; Tp. 20 8., R 12 West. are not private property and do not be­ services. tinet Treasurer Patterson to A C M E SCH O O L R E P O R T . long to any individual, but are tlie He immes the following witnesses to prove I. Q. K notts , pastor. Itlie treasurer from remitting at his continuous residence upon and cultivation property of the school board. of said land, vis: the present time more than 25 per cent, Tlie following is a true report of the Yours truly 8. B. Colvin, L. F. Anderson, KnutO. Husby B e w a r e o f O in tm e n ts fo r C a ta r r h T h a t of the state tax due from Lane county C o n ta in M ercury* River View School in district No. 101, and O. L. Brewster, all of Lake Precinct, Doug­ G. M. Iawix, from ibis year’s taxes, Judge Fullerton las Co., Oregon. Acme, Ore., for the month begining State Supt. •attained tlie demurrer and decided in R. M. V batck . June 7th, ending July 2nd, 1897. School districts having no copy of As mercury will surely destroy tlie Register! favor of allowing the treasurer to 20 ; Days taught the law should apply to the county sense of smell and completely derange lie state tax. 500ls superintendent at once. “ attendance tlie whole system when entering it ■ o - T o - B a c fo r F i f t y C en ts. H EC ETA CORRESPONDENCE. 131>i “ absence through tlie mucous surfaces. Such ar­ cd tobacco he’..It cure makes weak R e a s o n s W h y C h a m b e r la in 's C o lie , C h o l­ , blood pure, toe, 11. All druggists Boys enrolled 13 e r a e n d D ia r r h o e a R e m e d y Is ticles should never he used except ori | H eceta , July 5th, 1897. 19 t h e R e s t. Durrant’s case goes to the U. S sup­ Girls Editor W eht , Sir: Please allow tliis prescriptions from reputable physicians, 25 reme coart on an appeal. As that court Average daily attendance little ad in a conspicons comer of your as the damage they will do is ten fold to Those not absent during the month 1. Because it affords almost instant will not be in session till Oct. 12th, most valuable paper in order that tlie tlie good you can possibly derive from Durrant is reasonably sure Io live were Eddie Mitchell, Eva Cushman, relief in case of pain in the stomach, lieople of tlie Kiuslaw will know where them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac­ several months yet at least. Ilis parents Gertie Fisk and Alice and Roy Alex­ colic and cholera morbus. to enjoy tlie good old Fourth, when it ’ tured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, 2. Because it is tlie only remedy « have decided to place photographs of ander. * comes around. Tlie undersigned by ! O., contains no mercury, aud is taken Those w hose class standing was 85 that never fails in tlie most severe cases hinion aale to raise money to defray invitation of Mr. W. E. Warren and internally, acting directly upon the the coat of liis defense. 1 and above were Fannie Hewitt, Ollie, of dysentery and diarrhoea. family met witli tlie following named 1 mucous surfaces of tlie system. In buy­ 3. Because it is tlie only remedy that "Lost summer one of our grand-child- Carrol and Ula Cushman, Bertha and settlers of Mercer lake to wit: Mr. O. ing Hail’s Catarrli Cure be sore you get r«n was sick with a severe bowel Eddie Mitchell, Mary and Warner will cure chronic diarrhoea. W. Sutton, wife and family, Mr. Ezra I the genuine. It is taken internally, A L IB E R A L F IR M . 4. Because it is the only remedy that trouble,” says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of " site, Alice and Deo Alexander, Ora Marr, wile and family, Mr. Levage,' and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. W . M. K E N o H A W , Frederick stow n, Mo. “ Our doctor's Cates, Alfhill and Eddie Peterson, will prevent bilious colic. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. wife and family, Mr. M. Rath, wife and Evidently the makers o( Schilling's Martha Harney and Pearl Brainard. 5. Because it is tlie only remedy tliat Sold by all druggists, price 75c. per best tea believe in good measure, and remedy had failed, then we tried Cham­ family all repared to the residence of L illian H akwood , teacher. will cure epidemical dysentery. berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea • * Wholesale and Rabil*» Mr. Warren, at Heceta where we found bottle. don’t seem to care if tlie meusure runs 6. Because it is tlie only remedy that Hall’s Family Pills are the best. 3y, which gave very speedy relief.” W A L L A C E . T H E R IDING L IO N . eveiytliing in readiness for tlie occasion over a trifle. can always be depended upon in cases on Saturday third. After partaking of ie by Florence Drug Store. Moet all our readers know of tliis C IR C U IT CO UR T A T RO BBBURC. Of all the great equestrian perform­ of cholera infantum. a fine and sumptuous dinner prepared missing word contest; but something Seecond scow built by Wakefield A 7. Because it is tlie moet prompt and by Mrs. Warren and tlie respective Ion for use here was launched ances of the circus world is none more We learn from the Review tliat last happened in connection witli it tlie Leading; Brands for most reliable medicine in use for bowel ladies of tlie assemblage, we all ad­ week In the circuit court at Roseburg other day that may he news. It seems ' evening. Quite a number of strange or attractive than tlie per­ com plaints. fectly trained equestrian lion to be journed to tlie beach by the lighthouse queer, anyhow; hut tlie right word fur it l were present to see the large seen with The Walter L. Main Enor-1 8. Because it produces no bad result. where tlie boys and small children had Bob Hinman was found guilty of assault | craft glide from tlie blocks into the witli a dangerous weapon and sentenced 1 *• litierality. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to a good play in tlie foaming waters tlie to five yeais in the penitentiary. Wayne You may rememlier tliat their large water and they were not disappointed. mous R. R. shows, 3-ring circus, 6- j take. balance of tlie afternoon. On tlie Drollinger was sentenced to tlie pen advertisement contained tliis sentence: Tlie «cow stopped on the ways before continent menagerie, Roman Hippo-1 10. Because it lins saved tlie lives of it wad afloat, but by using jack screws drome and trained wild beast shows. more people than any other medicine Fourth tlie men repared to tlie mnsael itentiary for five and John Zachary for “ In addition to t l i e $1000.00 offered, we May ba Found in and clam banka of which they procured two years for stealing flonr from Rust A will pay $100.00 each to tlie two persons • few mi miles it was started again and Tliis remarkable animal, which a few in tlie world. a good supply, while tlie ladies and Criteser’s mill. Edward Case pleads I who send tlie largest nuuilier of Scliill i Was floating on the waters of the years ago roamed, king of an African The 26 and 50c sizes for sale by the children enjoyed another run in the ing's best yellow tickets liefore June 16.” I Cdobratcd Jcwno Moofe w hiskey. forest, is now seen at every perform­ guilty to larceny of a watch from a house ance of tlie Walter L. Main shows, Florence Drug Store. serf. Pots, kettles, and pans were pro­ and was sentenced to tlie reform school No one could tell from tliis wording The Craie Orchard Hour Manti riding a bare back horse with all tlie M A T R IM O N IA L B U R E A U . cured, and the cooking of tlie bivalves for one year. that they wanted tlie plums to go to ease, grace and agility of a champion commenced. It is not necessary to say the people who used tl e tea—not to human equestrian. There is no Ret O. 8. Journal: Perhaps not many of that all hands did ample justice to tlie grocer«, tliongli such wus tlie case. But T O OUR PATRO NS- or part of any act, performed by our our readers know that Eugene can bill of fare. Next—by unanimous con­ Genuine Old Castle Bourbon I it happened that two atirring grocers te stamps. Save u p _________________ champion bare-back biped artists which boost of a matrimonial bureau where sent we filed up to tlie lighthouse and We have made arrangements by took hold of tlie proposition, sent in a tr Schilling s B est yellow thi* ‘»‘•'««•"t quadruped does not one can meet Ids “ fate,” go through were welcomed by Mr. Hald, tlie very which we will furnish the Weekly ; »mall cart-load of tickets and won the The O F, 8. Fony- hicti lie courtship and be married before tlie gentlemanly superintendent of tlie light­ Oregonian with the W est for one year | prizes, f , . , ' ' duplicate, and many things i.. ---- t i c k e t s , a n d S e n d S C V C n i l excels the gentlemanly artists of the end of one week. But such is tlie case. house, « ho conducted us to tlie Kreat to any address for tlie sum of two dol Of course that was not turning out The big .how exhibits .t One certain yonng man in Eugene was light apartment and showed and lars, payable cash in advance. just as A. Hcliilling A Co. wanted it; ses for that m issing Eugene on Thursday, «------ » July 29ib, and introduced to a lady on Wednesday of explained to us all about tlie workings tint it did not seem to worry thorn in one envelope. everyone should see the only horje-rid- last week, became engaged on Saturday of the machinery, which waa a grand ANTED—FA ITH FU L MEN much—they got out of it by paying the Evcr Refreshing Cold Sfora«» Beer al and waa married on Monday. Rather treat to all. or women to travel for re­ grocers $200 and then paying two ad­ Cents a Glasa A waits Your Order. ¿R & gr'J B est m oney-! ing ,ion i**0"""- short work. | Spend your Fourths at old Heceta if sponsible established house in Oregon. ditional prises of $100 each to the two j Cali for un Importai or Domestic Ctgar, te i at vour vrocer’s What is the disposition which make« lea, ai your grocer s. men in ^ ,¡ „ ,7 Tliere B E T T E R tlian cure Is prevention. you want [wrlect enjoyment. Salary $780 and eapenacs. P>«itiou consumers who sent in tlie two largest And You Wlll he Katisfled. permanent. Reference. Enclose s e 'f - numbers. W m . B ailey . of contest published in large are few people who will not lie Iieneffled D By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla yon Thai is ratlier a graceful and elegant (The above waa omitted last uetk on addreseed stampai envelope. The iaement about the first and middle by pondering oyer the morals of shop may keep well, with pure blood, strong nerve« and a good A P R K T I T * . National, Star Inaurane« Bldg., Chicago. ' way to get out of a difficulty accoup t of lack of «pace. Ed, J ■UGXMC, month. a i 6 P'n8- — W B U SH E D EVERY FRIDAY MUBMNU— W ho will get it? W .II. WEATHERSON ^AKlH® POWDER I2ST HARDW ARE Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it is---- ?-----because it is fresh-roasted. W hat is the missing word? O F Cut this out. for two weeks. You won’t see it again HOUSEHOLD DEPARTMENT JT JS T R E C E IV E D . We will not be Undersold byZAnybody. Call and see us M E Y E R Cash,