_ 1 £ YOUR H O H E P A PE R S U P P O R T IT [ A D V E R T IS E R S (j- * i I SIUSLAW’S 0NL7 PAPER. < O P P O R TU N ITY j L~ «ai' KO 12. Liver Ills G reat B r ita in at W ar. CONSUMPTION. Our purely defensivo strength rest» I would th at ray lova w ere a lily fair □]Kin au assumed naval supremacy suffi­ T he C on d ition * W h ic h I n v lie m F i ^ h o li t And 1 would that I w ere a auuboam bold, o f T hia Ih-ead l>i«enae. cient to sweep all enemies frem the seas S till to be dresbina her flow ery hair The ijerw ( Siate ! month. tion not only to guard home waters, but may lie the result of heredity, aud this Would I w ere a breeao th at is w here it w ill ’r-a»-irer. ..«A ,............... Philip Metclien A ud she a leaf in som a lonely plae»L Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ I Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 also to undertake extensive operations, influence in the causation of disease la How 1 w ould clin g to her, King to heft till Inpi. P'lblic Ins, ruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. days mid Fridays. ' offensive as well ns defensive, upon ev- seldom shown to better advantage than She gather»*! mo up in her green embrace. Arrives at Florence rnesdays, Thurs­ State Printer........................H- e a s’ly and thoroughly. ,iy sea. Any serious interruption of our bi the history of consumption. There and Saturdays. Or w ould th at sho w ore a fawn so gay Best after dinner pills. mido would entail consequences almost have lieen instances in which a single Lttoruey (ienaral........... C. M. Idleman. days Connects with Steamer and Scotts- | And I w ith in som e low ly bed 25 cents. All druggists. os disastrous as the complete stoppage ease introduced into a long and sound . ............. K S. Beall burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with For Passenger and Freight Rates Prepared hy C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. Where o ft her s Ivery feet w ould stray of our food supply. Whether the British nucestry has vitiated tho stock forever. S n w m e C .n i t À ......... F. A. Moore Stage Line for Coos Bay. And dim ple th e tu rf above m e spread. Charge T he only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. How"unfortunate that such matters ( . C. K. W olveiton reasonable. navy is or is not sufficiently strong not N ay, leave th ’ sunbeam t h ^ ’ght th a t’s his -A P PL Y T O - only to guarantee the United Kingdom are so little considered in marrying and .1 lx,- its perspective with regard to other me­ »•«•pepar» In th . OnllrS stato». as we. There would be days, even nerves in the tumult of the actual en­ morials and the local estimation in S T . PAUL prices. THE CHRONICLE KM no W|O»I on th« Faclflo weeks, at a time when he would be si­ SECHE r ; r - . counter. Sncli a pursuit us climbing which it is held—is tho statue of Long­ M IN N E A P O L IS C out. It Had» »11 In ability, »ntorprlao and now». lent aud somber—not morose. He was has the same moral effect. THE CHRONICLE’S Tologrophlc Report» or» fellow ut Portland, hy Mr. Franklin DULUTH the latest and moat reliable, U» Ixx-al New» tu» a eheerful man, and yet lie had these Budurance, mutual trust, self control, Simmons. It is a dignified seated figure w a sn n fttlle»! and «pIcleM. and IU Editorials from Ute moments when ho seemed to feel some may be learned on the high Alps, or, of the poet in bronze, occupying a con­ F . A A. M. K' x ’• 107• e AnQO _________ _ ableal pena In tbs country. premonition of a great future—wonder­ for tho matter of thut, iu Wustdnlo, spicuous site in tho t>est part of tho THE CHRONICLE liosalwayaba.n. and al way« ■ R e g a la r£<»-;» n ini<-4ti‘»n on «eco ml g rand fo rks TO W . W . N E E L Y , Prop'r. will be. the (Send and champion of the peopl. a, ing what he was to do and what he was where a slip on the face of the mountain town, in the middle of a square which and fourth ¡VfctnDys in n.ieli m onth ncatnnt combinations, clique», corporation», or CR O O K STO N to become. Ho was moved by a very sin- means destruction. The volley of stones is now knowu aa Longfellow square. appremlon.of any kind. It will b» Independent R - L R oi-'itos. W M Tables furnished with all the I : cere motivo to join the Dialectic society, down some precipitous gulley is not less Tho statue was rained a few years ago W IN N IP E C tn »yw ythins neutral In nothing. X. O. K s o n a , Secretary delicacies of the season. Wild I 1 whicii was the only literary society wo deadly than the hail of shells and bul­ by a fund solicited through a wido field, H E L E N A »nA j had. I did not belong, but Grant joined lets on the battlefield. Aud, in u less but chiefly obtained, I believe, in Port­ game, lish and fruit in season. Best ' while wo were roommates, with the degree, hunting and the manlier forms land. Tho sculptor was chosen through BUTTE accomodations for the traveling, aim to improve in his manner of ex­ cf athletics give the same result Sports that curious local spirit which has ¡if- -■» A.fK'jQbneral Lv.ns Post, No. 58. Charges reasonable. pressing himself.” —McClure’s. 4a ueuts sei»»-, t -in-l fo irti, S aturdays public. involving risk to lifo nro thus of su­ footed unfavorably many of onr archi­ .( e . e l i m o n t h . preme value from t.ho national point of tectural nnd other niontuneuts. Ho win V n a u t h .n t lc P o r tr a its o f F r a n k lin . TO 4.1. B oT T K iiriE im , C o m m a n d e r . view, and this should be remembered avowedly selected liecause ho was a C H IC A C O It seems the height of absurdity to J. L. F uuntsh , Adjutant. when the ignorant nnd degenerate assail Maine mini,” though he had never look upon the so called “ Sumner Por them.— Fortnightly Review. W A S H IN G T O N se< n the poet. However, the result in trait of Franklin at Twenty, ” belonging ' P H IL A D E L P H IA this case *»:ma to have been happy. The «*» »** to Harvard university, as an authentic C u ttin g b y Strain . statue lias much beauty, and the like­ NEW YORK portrait. Where did Franklin, who wbh W. O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. a • l. U. »V. P e rp e tu i L'slge, No. 131, It is not generally recognized that tho ness is said to be excellent. grubbing for hinds to carry him home friction between air and other gnses aud f ls iiet-ts every 1st ami 3d Saturdays BOSTO N A N D A LL This statue stands in tlie poet's nativo at the time this picture is supposed to solids or liquids is very great. It is on eac , nonth. ' Member« and visiting E U G E N E , - - - O R E G O N P O I N T S E A 8 T and 8 O U T H brethren iu g»s,d standing are cordially have been painted, get the money for account of this friction that wo havo town, as is entirely proiier. It may ap­ invited to attain! I. G K kotts , M . W . the “purple and fine linen” in which lie such enormous waves at sea during peal every day to the eyes of thousand» For Inform ation, tim e cards, map» and ticket», ’ V«t K vlc , Recorder. is arrayed, let alone to pay the artist gales of wind. The film of oil which of young people, liorn very much as he etc., e s li on nr w iite for his work? Aside from Fiauklin's .-ir- reduces the breaking of the sea seems to was born, who should wi- in it the sug­ R. M c MUR’ HEY, cumstances being against its authentic­ act not only by its cohesion and deaden­ gestion of ixissibility for them. Poetic­ Heceta bulge No. I l l , meets ally it makes tho stranger fancy the General Agent. Room» 2 and 1, Shelton Block, nesdav evening in Lodge ity, his “ Autobiography” i” »»lent upon ing action npon the water, but by hav­ EUGENE, OREGON. s, Oregon. Brothers in T w e n tv -th re e so important a subject as this portrait, ing a less amount of friction with the genius or spirit of the man still linger­ ing among the scenes of his youth, anil invited to attend. and its history is purely mythical. air. Be that as it may, however, air, A. D. CHARLTO N, M ile s W e s t . H . \ \ EATllKRKOS, N . G . Another picture that has no better steam and most gases have a great deal it synilwlizes the satisfaction which ev­ A»»iatant General Passenger Agent. M arion M orris , Sec. of E u g en e . claim to be considered a likeness of Ben­ of friction with solid« When under ery man feels to have his name remem­ 255 Morrison 8t. Cor. 8d. jamin Franklin hangs in the Metropoli­ pressure, this friction is increased, and bered in his native town.—J. E. Chaui- P o r tlin d O r tan Museum of Art and was painted by it the gas is escaping through a small lierliu in Atlantic. Stephen Elmer, an English still life orifice the law of friction in regard to directory T h e S ou th C a r o lla la a . painter. There is nothing to show that speed, while pressure aud surface re­ Ths Fu nk & W agnalls The South Carolinian has ulways ar­ it was given tho name of Franklin until main equal, still holds true. It is a fact BIAS CHUKCH, Florence, 1834, when a plato engraved by Ryder known of long observation that the rogated to himself the name Caroliniau, Sai,bain service. Satibath- aud published iu 1783, as “Tho Politi­ small valves of certain kind of steam and he has never lieen on very familiar clock a. m. Preaching 11 cian, ” was relettered aud issued with drii»a cut with great rapidity if allowed term» with his northern neighbor. His . and 7 p ni. Sacrament of Of The feeling for his southern neighbor, the tho name of Franklin. a very small rise or opening. That ■upper on 1st Sabbath of The last picture to lie mentioned in steam cuts and cuts like a knife, espe Georgian, is also one of mere tolerance, ENGLISH LANGUAGE April, July and October. M oney Savsd this expurgatorial list is of the first im­ cially when the pressure is high and for the latter has long been called tbo welcome to all the services, portance as a work of art. It was paint­ the outlet small, is a fact tolerably well southcru Yaukco and fairly deserve» the CO M PLETE By lies I s Christians to make He ba» much of tbu ed by Thomas Gainsborough and is in establislied and known to most old en­ appellation. ■ r Ma'I, Postage Paid, known. P a tro n iz in g it. shrewdness and push that mark the S U C C IE N T the collection of the Marquis of Lands- gineers.—Philadelphia Record. I. G. K notts , Pastor. typical “ down caster,” aud he has n dowue, but it is clearly not Benjamin A U T H O R IT A T IV E considerable share of that worthy*» Franklin. It is, in my opinion, the por­ A M s n a c n r • » tb « P e rio d . moral earnestucas. Iu addition he has a trait of Governor William Franklin.— 1ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Walter Kennedy wrote to tho man Prop. Preaching at Glenads Qeo. Hale Charles Henry Hart in McClure’s Muga- eg, r of a prominent theater in Connect­ good deal of the Virginian s geniality j o i ,8 6 s Vocabulary Term» two Sundays of each month. I xine. ________________ icut, asking for his open limo for - and love of comfort, of the North Caro­ M 7 Editors and Specialists linian'a unpretending democracy and of ihool every Sun,lay at week iu tho follow ing repertory: "Ssm T h « F lr « t N taam P o w e r. BUSINESS CARDS the South Caroliniau 'a teudenoy (o ex- J33 Readers for Quotations yer meeting every Thtirs- son," “ Othello." "Virginius” and The power of steam was known to hibitioua of fiery temper. gooo Illu s tratio n s Rt tl»e church. Everybody "Damon and Pythias,” nnd this was Hero of Alexandria, who exhibited what But over and above everything else he The 6re&t?gt Weekly ie the Coe itry, vited. G. F. R ounds , Cost over $ 96 0 ,0 0 0 the answer: "Walter Kennedy—Dear seems from the description to have been Pastor. has au honest and hearty und not un­ Appendls of 4 7 .4 * * E ntries Sir: I must say that I have uevei beard a small steam engine to Ptolemy Philii- founded pride in Georgia, and a sort of delphus and his court about 150 B. C. of but two of the actors you mention in Masouio affiliation with every porson, flARIO N riORRIS, Proprietor. Pliny describes a small bout, built Iw a yonr company. Samson wnsat the dime animal, institution, custom—iu short, The fu ll number of words and term s in attorneys museum here not long ago, breaking (Including po«u<«) to «ny p. CAU was going to live through this week. know why those oats that itay out late tunes—one is 'Yankee Doodle,' snd the O t S IO M S . CHARLES GETTY8. Now I won't have to. Very kind of you. nt night carry on ml —Clevelauil Leader. other isn’t ,” —(ventral Hi »net Porter in O O W V W IO N T S B e . , »aTWtfn» a »ksteS and d.-arrlpfl'S, Shoot away.— Boston Transcript. Century. . Í I X í i M r S r j r e ^ - l w t k « O« U>.en oon i» Il is raid that tho pilgrim to Mecca, Tho aopthcru entrance of the Red sea ’¿ ■ f f s Z s g s .- « - . AXTF.D-FAITHFUL men j The willow is oik 1 of the movt adapt starting from Washington, would havo SEATON, OREGON 4 Trot» IT »rt» oW»iflM sod»II T»l aide of plants. A willow switch »tuck to travel fi.698 m ilea in order to reach 1» conum mdcl by tlie fnrtreas of Ad« n • oieen to travel for re- ' Apeaa. BOO«»I« tb» and the fort on thio little iditnd i f .nccoBd-rtedfor J * « * ™ * « ? " ? ; ; ,, I sponsible eatal,li»l,rf the latter eonipletelycover- : permanent. Reference. Knelooe seif-1 ___________ i'iZS'ri «•».••* in ^ < W ? » /« » » « I ’» th* In ten days a letter from New York Caiiforuiu. a busbi 1 of tya ia 6« pounds, ing the narrow chnuuel and tho fesdrewa rn « m x i »*«1 Uve- < o» P i r u n i 1 addrereed stamped envelope- Tlie I w ill be delivered in B, usscls. dominating the eutraun. to the «pa. in that state it is 61 pounds. M U N N A O O l , A. CNOY/ & CO. National, Star inrerance Bidg.,thie»go. SSI Sraad— av. Sew fo r k . FLORENCE. - - - OREGON 4 Steamer Robarte H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Hood’s Pills Florence tu Yaquina. CORNER ORUC STORE. ST AI iE LINE. "' Florence and Heal of Tide. N ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. * MORTIS «*• HOTEL, CHRONICLE Head of Tide Hotel/ Ä THROUGH TICKETS HOTEL EUCENE Elk Prairie Hotel. ON EUCENE ANO FLORENCE STACE ROUTE. Standard Dictionary TH E D A IL Y Only $ 6 .7 0 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle Tonsorial Parlors. $ 1 . 5 0 a ter rney at Law, BANA Reversible Map? Man o f th e W o rld Xotarv Faillie» Surveyor ÄTENTS D’ M NOTARY P atents PUBLIC. w NOTARY PUBLIC.