**************************************** * I * * ¿fc * * * v «NDY CATHARTIC ;abw that I have brought you here, it was observed that the bites, instead of aud infested saloons, doing a thriving swelling aud forming blotches an inch j "Excuse m e,’’ said the old man. “I Capitalists who invest money for a gmu drop trade at all hours until the you may as well know all. There is no was about to say I guess at nothing and f(*>tpnds finally drove tho little man « i t . Yon are trapped—aym like a dog I” °r “ “?roM’ Rrew leM “nn°y>“8 until on insisted on the understanding being es­ return npen the outlay ere very careful in considering the enthusiastic although "Cuthbert Rodney, I knew your true T there were bites on the from his native heath. • - ' 1 hands that produced no results •—------ tablished in my presence. So the two “ I couldn’t stand it uny longer,” said character from the moment you entered the immediate sting of the bite. beyoiui men got together, with me on hand, to sincere views of inventors, and even if A lit­ it is reasonable to believe that compress­ John, with a half sob. “ Not only did the old hall.” tle notice proved the fact that several listen to what they said. I under ed air will eventually take important l ho footpads break me np in business, 1 "Ah, little one, I once had a child members of the family had by some stand"— place in the world’s work the invest­ but they hurt my feelings so that I bad who, it she had grown up, would have "Objected to us incompetent. Your process become practically exempt, and to leave town. How would you like to looked exactly like yon. ” (Fondles the the mosqmto plague became but a tri­ honor, we don’t waut to know What ors who tuke the responsibility are very mnch in the position of the man who be carried into an alley, held np by tho ch ild ’s hair in utter unconsciousness of this man understands was done. We heels und shaken like a meal sack un­ the foot that she is his own offspring.) fling item of anncyancc. It might be in­ waut what he knows was done. We wanted to know how to tell toadstools teresting to follow np this subject and from mushrooms and was advised to "Once on board the logger and I will til everything in your pockets fell out! see whether the introduction of this want”— eat them and if he did not die they Well, that’s what those Chicago thieves throttle her at my leisure. ” "One moment,” said the careful old ’Tie a dark night, lads, and the poison into the system has the same ef­ man. “ I was abont to say that I under­ were mushrooms. Obtaining, say, 10 slid to me, a respectable business man. i fect as vaocinntion, rendering the per­ I was too little to sandbag, and the waves are high, but 1st one of yon fail son almost if not altogether proof stand ordinary conversation with some per cent or less of the heat value of coal footpads used to jolly me and say I was me now and his life shall answer for it." against suffering front future punctures difficulty, and so that there migl^t be in the form of power for available nee is a snre thing, well known, aud, from "I am an honest working girl. Let the easiest thing in town. Then the pa­ from these hitherto troublesome ptsls. no error I insisted that they yell oat the standpoint of facts, cheap. But put­ pers got to printing pieces about John me passl” their propositions in loud tones, which ting Professor Tyndall’s "mode of mo­ —Now York Ledger. "Hector CJayfaurn, you have crossed Randolph heiug shaken down again, they did until yon could hear them iu tion" into some other medium of trans­ from childhood, bat this is the with pictures supposed to be funny, hat ay path fit A r a i / M u s ic I n E a g la a d . the middle of the town. I am inform­ portation and paying toll at both ends last time yon will thwart met" (At­ I couldn’t see the joke. Since 1867 every army musician in ed” — of the line appeals to the man who puys : “This winter was the w ont of all. I tempts . to . . stab . . him . in . the hack -, with - - - a England must have passed through a "Yonr honor,’.' cried the young attor­ the bills with a force not easily appre­ could stand being robbed two or three spring blade knife, but is restricted by course of instruction nl Knell» r ball ney, “ is onr time to be taken np listen­ times a week, but when they got to ,J,d***0*’’’*• in “ plain olothes. ” ) the former residence in Twickenham of ing to hearsay evidence? He does not ciated by tlie scientists. The losses met shaking the coin out of my clothes every Not. by heavens, before yon have gir Godfrey Kneller. The bandsmen know. He was informed that such and with it: transfcimingmechauieal(n«rgy night, and sometimes twice of an even­ (Cast» off coat, rolls np are supposed to be mere private soldiers such was so and so. What we must into electrical tncigy and sending it in ing, I left town. I intended to go into shirt sleeves, ejecta hat and palls belt and receive the regulation shilling a have is what he knows about tho trade tliis form over the trolley wire and into the car motor, or iu investing tho me­ Iraniness here, but they won’t let me up one notch, while the heavy villain day, plus a penny extra for the guards, and whether or not ho”— chanical energy in the pull of a cable, j None who are engaged in any of the mechanical wear a tray, nud if I carried a basket waits np stage.) and sixpence pier aiem to provide thvin- "I am informed on real estate values, are moro ihau countei balanced by many I the people would be stepping in it. But “Listen, Lillian. In ten minutes I selves with furnished rooms. having been a real estate agent all nty conveniences and economies, and now I ’ve got a new scheme. See my hair and must leave you for ten years. But 1 pursuits can succeed without reading and It is of course absurd to suppose that life,” the old man said, "and I knew hat? Well, I ’ve got some buckskin w ill return to you cleared of these vile first rale pterformers would be satisfied what the worth of that lease was to tho the hope that some incidental advan­ studying this standard Magazine of Sciences breeches with fringe on them and a re­ oharges In spite of Clarence Armitage. ’’ with this miserable stipend when tin y holder of it. Knowing the facts, I would tages in sight may be realized, and still volver, aud I ’m going tostrike the dime “ Speak up, ladl No oue w ill harm could easily earn £2 or £8 n week by fix his damages at «78.82. 1 believe”— a little better economy be obtained, is and mechanical Arts. It is illustrated with attracting attention tow urd compressed museum circuit as the Lilliputian Buf­ you here." mere evening work at the Iheatirs. “ Objected to as a conclusion and as falo B ill.” —New York Jourual. “ 'Tie a long story, but I will tell it They thtrefore receive a varying extra incompetent. What any man believes is air.—Charles A. Hugue iu Cassier’s all modern cuts of latest inventions in all Magazine. to you." allowance from the band fund of the not necessurily good proof. I don’t want A« O th er« New IT«. "Hark, what was that? Only the regiment, the government contributing to know what yon believe, but wliat C a r ly le ’» D o g g e d a a ss. the branches of mechanism, and its fund of snapping of a twig. What dark demon £80 a year per regiment toward the cost yon know. Wo must insist on your tell­ Carlyle's dogged Scotch uiisympa has a hold of me tonight? One would of music and instruments. knowledge is inseparably connected with in­ ing whut yon know and not what you the tie persistency in nituKuring ev< ry- think I were a puling child instead of The bandmaster, who is a warrant surmise or what yon conjecture or what thiug by his own ideas wus sensibly Basil Bariugsford, with a wrist of iron officer and is under the military orders yon think or what yon imagine. A deepened by a story which Huxley told ventors and mechanics. Sold with T he and a heart of steel.” of the drum major, nominally gets 5 oourtroom is not a plaoe for exploiting me of their mutual relations. Carlyle W est at clubbing rates. "Tell me, Harold, do you remember shillings to C shillings per day, plus wliat a man believes, but what be is and he were for leng geed friends, but the day yon came into my life? The £70 a year from the band fund. Both sure of. I think the court will support had a serious difference ou the evolution ether was full of birds warbling as bandsmen and their conductor, however, me iu saying that we don’t want to question iu the early stages of the eon- I though their little souls would break. derive the greater part of their income know what this man believes. ” And troversy. Their personal intercourse ■ The rhododendron fields were full of from private engagements, and trades the young lawyer looked confidently at ceased in consequence. After an inter- S verdure, aud all the air was sweet with anions congresses have more thun once tho justice. val of many years Huxley happened to i honeysuckle. "—Detroit Free Press. protested that the employment of the “ I was going to say,” said the w it­ see the Scotchman crossing the street iu army bands at fetes, garden parties, ness, "that I believe that is all. ”—Chi­ London, and, thinking that bygones C an».«« u d C o u g h D ro p s. bazaars and so forth is unfair to the cago Record. might be bygones, went up to him aud Beauty is only skin deep, but that is civilian professional bandsmeu.—New spoke to him. York Times. T h e I n d e p e n d e n t S ta g e D riv er. sufficient for the complexion specialist. Carlyle did not at first recognize him, Figures do not lie until they get on a Eastern tourists who cannot differen­ but when he had made out who it wus Fat Man—Wliat a consummate ass The D river’s Error. tiate betwoen a California stage driver he at once said with his Scotch twang that fellow looks in that get upl—Comic railway time card. "A misunderstanding as to the mean­ and an eastern coachmen meet with The wild man of Borneo who come* as though he were continuing the last Cat«. to town and buys a gold brick or a pack­ ing of a word sometimes leads to pecul­ many a rude shock in the wild und conversation of years ago; ‘You're Hux­ "illy H o ld ‘t n ib u g . age of green goods becomes much wilder. iar situations,” said Rev. A. L Smith woolly west, and they wion learn thut ley, are you? You’re the man that's Rosebushes never fail to grow thorns, of Chicago. "In company with several tho Californian is a knight of the reins trying to persuade us all that we’re the A stogy is told of an eminent legal practitioner who was afflicted with dif­ although the crop of flowers may bo a other ministers I was riding iu a stage several grades higher iu the social scalo children of apes, while I am saying or hack, whicli served the pnrpose t f a ^ a u the meflial of the east. ficulty iu pronouncing his aspirates failure. that the great thing we’ve really got to I his monthly magazine is one of the vtt Some men are such liars that they stage, en route to a camp meeting. The many years ago. He had a particular There is an old driver at Monterey do is to make ours« Ives us much unlike road wound around the mountains, and dJallkt? to a lute lord chancellor who had tell the truth only os a means of decep­ apes as possible.’ Huxley, who had hop­ who is determined that his patrons shall best printed in this country, and is the air was del.ghtful, w bile the scenery published a book of hymns. Upton see­ tion. was almost sublime. 1 was invigorated make no mistake concerning his exact ed that the weather or politics might The ability to discuss the currency ing his rival enter the court ou one oc­ to all subscribers at rates within4 as though by a powerful tonic, and sev­ status, and in a qniet way he checks all have boen admitted for tlie sake of casion ho wus overheard to matter, question does not always imply the abil­ eral times remarked upon the ozone in attempts to make a servant of him. A fx ace, soou found that the best thing he ability ol nil to pay. It is finely ill* " ’Ere 'e comes, 'iinimiug 'is 'ymn ity to garner coin.—New York Bondar the air. After one of these olMiervutious short time ago he was driving a party could do was to retreat and return to tunes; ’oly hold ’nrabng, 'ow I do 'atw Jourual. of tourists about, when one querulous old their tacit agreement todifier."—Nine­ the driver stopped his horses, and, beik- «rated and presents tlie names of f w ! ’ini!"—Westminster Gazette. teenth Century. T h e W old oniug to me slyly, climbed from the lady who bnd annoyed him not a littlo by h«r air of superiority asked: seat. Wchileriug what he conld wont, I But the brave woman insisted that Hl« O nr G reat T rou b le. nuthors ;u. contributors. Tnt For A ll I‘root Irai Purpo “My man, do yon know tho name of she oonld keep tbo wolf from the door followed him, and soon we were behind that wild flower?" An old, berendaeu fisherman at a fash­ “ My friend,” said tho traveler with and the Cosmopolitan arc sold »t* "I will do nty own oooking, ” sh< a large tree, out of the view of the wag­ ” he replied and flicked one of ionable watering place was frequently the skullcap, putting his head out of exclaimed radiantly. on. ’Parson,' said the driver, 'I couldn't his "Yep, visited during his lost illness by a kind leaders with his whip. the car window as the train steppted at duced rates at this ofl.ee Her husband was too full of emotion bear to see you suffer. The ozone you She paused a moment for him to give hearted clergyman who wore oue of a deaoiute looking villuge. "what is the to speak, but it was with hope he re- smelled was in my pocket' With these name of this dried up, God forsaken called that mauy had been kept away words he drew forth a large hottie of the name, bat he merely clacked to the those close fitting clerical vests which button behind. wheelers. place?’ * from their door by her cooking.—Detroit whisky, which he offered to me. It took The clergyman saw the near approach "Driver, do you know the name of ’’That’» near enough," responded the Tribune. several minutes to couvince him that it of death one day in the old man's face that flower?" she repeated in an imperi­ dejected oitiaen who was leaning agninst was not w hisky I bad referred to as ous tone. and asked if his mind was perfectly at the little red shanty (hat served a s the A lw ays C riticised. ozone."— Washington ¡star ease. “ Yep. Git up there, Bally!" railwuy station. “ Let it go nt that. "Widows havo a hard time of it in "Oo sye; I ’m a’ rich," came the fee­ Chicago Tribune. Again sho waited and again demand­ this world. ” ble reply. "What is the difference,” asks a cor­ ed: "How so?*' A ll l*wt O a. "You are sure there is nothing trou­ “ Man, don’t yon know the name of "Half their acquaintances think they respondent, "between a yellow jacket, bling you? Do not be afraid to tell me. ’’ "I don’t like the stage manager," grieve too much and the other half a button or a peacock's feather ou tho that flower?" The old man seemed to hesitate, and said tho souhrette petulantly. "H e’s al­ think theydou'l grieve enough.”—Chi­ one hand, and a thistle, a buth or a “ Yep G'long there, Pete!” at length, with a faint return of anima­ ways malting ns learn some new popular cago Record. "Then why don't you tell me?” garter on the other! Why do we lavish song.” "Oh, you want to know, too, do yon? tion, said: “ Weel, there’s just aue thing so much ridicule on the importance at ‘‘What, of that?" asked the first come­ C s s l F r sp ssM Isu . tacbed to the first Mt of emblems by the That's a wild rose.”—San Francisco that troubles me, bat 1 dinna like to speak o’t ” dian. "My daughter is entirely too young Chinese when we onreelves set jm>t us Post •w . do » « U k . oo..,..,oo , r m "Believe me, I am most anxions to "Oh." answered the souhrette, “ I to marry,” suurted old Goldrick. mnch store by the second set?" There is M r. a a d Mr«. P ig e o n . bat»» a man who puts on so many airs!" comfort you,” replied the clergyman. "W ell," replied the dejected suitor, mnoh force in them questions and I They master ns and force ns into the arena, —New York Press. "There is one very admirable trait "Tell me what it is that troubles and "what would you say to my taking her commend them to the attention of the Where like gladiators, we m u t fight for thou.“ marriage dot now and waiting a few wage in the praas who are always poking about pigeons, " said A. B. Mather of perplexes you. ” Cincinnati. "I have always bad a pen­ K l p n u s l . . O h io , "Weel, sir, it's just like this," said fuu at Li Huai; Chang’s yellow jacket years for the girl?"—Detroit Free Press. Such is the exalted motto of the Arena, and the Teacher—Jimmie Green, you Isay and peacock's feathers. Looking at tho chant for birds, and since I was a small the old man eagerly. “ I canna for the boy have owned a number of pigeons. life o me uiak oot hoo ye manage tae rise. Cuu you give us the gee^raphical matter impartially, it seems to me that entire contents of this monthly magazine Ixrandaries «f Ohio. Mr. Rambo (at I a. m„ Nov. 4>— a yellow jacket, or a glass button, cr a When pigeons mate, they do so for life, get iutae that w estcoat”—London Tit- Bita and the average constancy among them Jimmie—No ma’am. You eau'tcatch Nanshy, 1 ve been warchiu th' txiysbaud peacock’s feather, is more suitable for are upon a plane and in keeping with its lue ou any such game as that Sines blow in a born over th* 'lection. decorative purposes than either a bath it as great as among human beings. I Struck Lo*a Fancy. motto. The Arena’s gallery of eminent last November Ohio hasn't had any Mrs Rambo—I see other evidence» or a garter. I do not say a thistle, be have watched them carefully and never The golf stocking has met with aston­ boundaries.—Chicago Times-Herald besides, Absalom, that you have causa, no doubt, that is an object highly saw one of them desert its mate. I had ishing success in this country, and the thinkers is a group of interesting men and «*) a to o t—Chicago Tri buna. appropriate to many of those ou whom a very handsome bachelor pigeon that gentleman who unreduced it is regarded was quite attentive to one that was it has been conferred.—Laodon Truth. f ‘men, and their thoughts re worthy the Irish Mama*. mated When the mate retnrmd borne, as a public benefactor by those young Manager—Everything set for that Ttxjr Like he fonnd this pigeon hovering around men who cannot boast of mnch develop, Traveler (in Ireland)—I don't sea farmyard scene? «»‘»«¡demtion of all people. The Arena The bleak cannibals of north« m the cote, and, taking in the situation at went of the calf. But the rage for golf Property Man— Evervthing hut the how it is you paopla kaap in such good ts humor Queensland are exceedingly partial to a glance, attacked tho gav bird and stockings in civilized communities is hen. *old with I hi EOT. not a circumstance to what occurred in Irishman—Sura, wa do niver have Uhinamer.. The reaeoa is said to be that nearly killed him After that there was O we more tlie eternal feminine and Chicago the other day among a party of the exigencies of realism were in dire enough to ata to get bilious— Naw York the flesh of the Chinese it peculiarly no attempt upon bis part to break up 70 fall blooiled »ioux who stopped off tender and palatable owing to rice be­ tho little homo. They have no divorces Weekly. conflict.—Cincinnati Enquirer. ing their staple article of diet There is among them, nn«l altogether valuable in that city for a few hours. All of Chi­ ■•v View. now a aumerous Chinese population in lessens iu domestic happiness can be cago's most boasted sights were regarded HI« I d e a o f IU "Do you snjoy novel reading. Miss the north of Queensland, and are res of learned from pigeons."— Washington by them with i^ilegmatic indifference, Tho Giddy Young Thing—What is Melinda?" hut when these uututored children of •_______ them who have ventured beyond the Star. (hat iimverb al«>ut there being no mar the forest and prairie beheld a job lot "Oh, very much. One nan aseooiate ronfi jts of civilisation have been rup­ tyin g iu heaven? T h e P brb I o b F lo w e r . of golf stockings they indulged in a war with people iaficnon that one wonldu't tured aud devoured by the natives.— The Clironic Bachelor— Fools rush iu dare to speak to in real life. Chioago Loudon htaudard. The passion flower is intimately as- dance and exhibited their joy io various where angels fear to tread. — Indianapo­ R e c o r d . _____________ i sociatrel in popular legends with the other w ays.—fet. Louis Globe-Democrat. lis Journal. * ' ■ ts Wmt Salt. crucifixion. Its three petals are .opposed Jm * U k e a W em M . ( h la a t n w a H igh . "What did old Muflhy have on when to typify the Father, Son and Holy Appropriately Mam»A. "Well," said the newly wedded one, Spirit, while in its other parts the im­ Parties doing Chinatown are advised “ What made you advertiae yonr vaude­ "I at least got a huaband who is eaailv be cecaped fn m that burning hot« 1?” "A vtry n pid move."— Letreit Frew aginative eye finds the cross, the nails, that »be fee to the gnide will be uo ville sfliw as 'Elisabethan?' They pleased " Presa. the spear, the crown of thorns, the halo small matter. Four of us cuce found xiidu't have such things in thut age. " “ No doubt abont it," quickly replied and various other emblematic objects. that one of the resident loughs whose "You ar»\ I've got five girls named the single but jeaioua one.—New York In the winter season a new moon oc­ st rviees w e had secured for u couple of Lisxie iu tho ballet."—Chicago Record Harald. curring between IU a m. and 12 m. The first visit of pestilential fever to hours valued them at «10. We com- means colder weather. With puaeibly this country was in 1708. It was premised with hmi, I believe, bnt the A ■ e m a a e M otive. T I m D * aeo»'. A larm . high winds from the north. brought from »be West Indies to New slamming expedition, including admis­ "Why is it that you football men The New Minister—Six hours' sleep York by trading vessels sions to the theater, suppers which conld wear long hairP’ Is »-nough for uny man. | Francois I et F rep was deeirnated not be eaten, tributes to joss and Chi- “ Why. to show the world that there Falhi r w L i. > re on mcooui u i „( , o - The Ahsentminded Deacon— Good Charles VI of France was bated by nese curios that we bouglg, WM rather grs»ci»>us! You don’t preach us long aa are other kinds of Intelleetaal maa he- cosr..gement be gave to the arts and lit- his people, aud iu densiou was termed expensive Out cl i l « men ««»cfi.ed it sid eap osit ’’—Chicago Record. «IWtu.e. ¿bat, do you?— Yonkers Statesman. the Well BelovedL to bis tutor.—New korkfitua. W h y J o h n Ita n d o lp h . t h . D w a rf. D roppad Mie G um D ro p In d u stry . D rod lr Array Agatas* Moma CharUhed Theatrtoal Traditions. w And The A R TS and. S C I E N C E S , Scientific American. THE COSMOPOLITAN, THE ARENA LOOK OVER THIS CROUP make your selection . the WEST. FLORENCE. 0