: e w e s t PER SO N A LS. not $200' Leonard Butterfield started for Siletz last Tuesday. E. E. Benedict and wife returned ■ from Eugene Saturday. —F lobence , L ank C ounty , O kkoon .— 1 wo San Francisco grocers— Ring Bros, and T. Salomon Nettie Km « Us has t*en visiting in I —won $100.00 each because they sent the most yellow tickets - - - BY - - - j Florence the past few days. before June 15th. James Furnish made a trip to the : But grocers and clerks can get more tickets than other life saving station tins week. Editor aud Proprietor. h ä J. P. Blunt ol San Francisco visited consumers; so we also paid $10000 each to the two persons Florence the first of the week. -----T erms : $1.50 a year in udvance.----- named below : Chas. Gettys was first mate on the : Mrs. Win. Funk, Winnemucca, Nevada, 13a tickets. Cons during her run this week. Entered at the post-office at Florence, Mrs. L. During, 819 Bryant Street, San Francisco, j i tickets. lAne county, Oregon, as second -class Miss Yuba Huston went to Long j mail matter. Mrs. During got a number of friends in San Francisco , Tom to spend the 4th with her parents. M. G. Dahlin with his wife and 1 and near by (one keeps a boarding house) to give her their ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ 1 daughter made a visit to Seatou tliis 'Absolutely Pure. tickets; and she used the tea herself. PLICATION. ' week. Local notices 8 cent» per line, each insertion Celebrated for its great leavening By the way, she uses Schilling's Best baking powder and Silas Lloyd came up from Coos hay ] strength and healtlifulness. Assures the ' C003J W E S T L IN G S . food against alum and all forms of adul­ to spend the 4th with liis friends on the t extracts—too bad she doesn’t know how good Schilling's Best teration common to the cheap brands. I Siuslaw. spices are! But she says the extracts and baking powder Mrs. M. F. Phillips of Silety arrived Produce taken on subscription at this KOVAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. i are wonderful. ■ on the Roharts for a visit with relatives office. A woman in Stockton, who keeps a restaurant, came very R. Duncan has been quite ill the past and friends. Our thanks to Mrs. Brewster for some ! few days hut is now impioving. Miss Mabel Craw of Eugene spent near getting a prize. She deserves one for supplying her nice lettuce. H ood ’ s pills act easily and promptly Fourth of July week with Miss Stella customers such good tea. Road supervisor’s receipts for Eale at < on the liver and bowels. Cure sick Bean of Mapleton. the W bbt office. Better read our advertisements every day—some contain headache. Ye editor and family went to Maple­ Don’t forget the meeting of the teach­ suggestions how to win the prize. Some ci rrcspondence from Heceta was ton the 3rd to visit relatives and re­ ers' association in Florence tomorrow. ' crowded out thia week hut will appear mained a few days. By the way, grocers can’t compete for the two $ 150.00 prizes offered for the Mesdames Burns and Foster will i in our next. Mr. Jacobsen, son of Contractor most yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15th and August 31st. They move to A. F, Hurd's house in a few tan, however, compete for the $1000.00 prize. B 4 A representative of the hardware Jacobsen, arrived Thursday and will days. house of Miller, Sloss and Scott came in oversee the work here. S C H IL L IN G ’S B E S T T E A SA N F R A N C IS C O The San Francisco Examiner and the by way of Eugene yesterday. L. F. Powers and family departed W ist one year for $2.50 paid in ail- , A fire in Eugene, Monday morning de­ yesterday to the valley where they ex­ T S IL T C O O S T A L K . M ASS C O N V E N T IO N . Vance. stroyed two houses and their contents. pect to make their home. The second acow built here by con­ The buildings were owned by Peter O f R e fo r m F o r c e a C a lle d to M e e t In Mr. Childs a commercial traveler for B y G ail M aker . tractors Wakefield & Jacobson is nearly Johnson. E u g e n e , J u l y 1 0 th . J. A. Folger & Co., of San Francisco did finished. N o -T o -B a c fo r F if t y C en ts. business in our towu this week. July 5th, 1897. A mass convention of all the reform G uamnteed tobacco habit cure makes weak Milk is now tested at the creamery Geo. Prescott came down from his J. W. Brewste returned to Tsiltcoos forces of Lane county is called to meet every lea days instead of fifteen as men strong, blooil pure. 50c, 41 All druggists. home in Mound precinct und secured Some nice cheese made at the cream­ at the court house in Eugene at 1 p. in. last week.- he.etofore. ery is now on the marKet here. The employment at tt.e jetty this week Saturday July 10th, 1897. Farmers are wishing for dry weather Mr. Erliart’s new barn presents the L. C. Akerley goes to Gardiner today | v e r tid All who believe in economy and a to last long enough for them to make number of farmers sending milk con­ to install the officers of the I. O. O. F. appearance of being quite a large affair. tinues to increase. genuine reform in the county, state and their hay. Quite a number of Tsiltcoos people national affairs, the free and equal L ook for the facts demonstrated by lodge at that place. A t the meeting Wednesday evening Mrs. Lawson came up iron the Life spent the Fourth at the beach; some coinage of gold and silver, that all experience. Thousands and thousands went Saturday, otheis Sunday. Heceta lodge I. O. O. F. installed their of people suffering from the effects of j Saving Station to spend a few days with money should be issued bv the govern­ DITED. officers for the next term. A certain school superintendent sever­ ment and whether it he gold, silver, or her friends on the Siuslaw. impure blood have been cured by Hood’s Louis Spina, a Columbia liver fisher­ Sarsaparilla. Mr. Hansen of Heceta and Miss Rey­ al times in speaking made uso of the paper should be full legal tender for man, was accidentally shot hv his boat- nolds of Alsea graced our town with word “broughten ” Can it tie found in all debts public and private, and ail At the school meeting in Northfork Webster's Unabridged? I haven’t one who believe that the government should puller a few days ago and died in a short district last Friday the proposition to their presence the 4th and 6tli. and do not know. time. lie by the people, are urged to be vote a tax to buy new seats for the Inspectors Edwards and McDermott Mr. Wilkes says Fiddle creek is rais­ present. Melson was hanged at Grants Pass school house was defeated. came in on the tug yesterday. An July 2nd, for the murder of Chas. Perry This call Is to all alike, democrats, examination of the Mink, Coos and ing in the world, is likely to overflow E d u c a te T o u r B o w e ls W ith C u sea rets. nearly a year ago. He was the first Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Lillian satisfied the inspectors that its hanks. Cause why? It supports a populists and republicans, and is for 10c, 05c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. bicycle. Teacher Vanderburg rides her the purpose of effecting a Union party man ever liung in Josephine county. these boats are ail in good condition. hike to and fiom school. organization in Lane county. Good The Florence hoys gave a display of The Roberts went to Yaqnina Sunday. of Mr. F. J. Buettenback of Minerva It is expected she will bring back the fireworks the evening of the 5th. The Oil yes! Mrs. Grumble, and wont we speakers will be present. returned last week from Eugene and steamboat inspectors for their annual ! pieces were sent up from the Morris J. G. S tevenson , just take on about the way men drag while there he took out his final natu­ Hotel and from the street near by. County Chairman Union Party. tlie streets with their trouser legs gath­ look at the various crafts here. ralization papers. He told a reporter At this season the farmers like to j the other day that he was happy to ering up microbs and baccili, and wear­ B e w a r e o f O in tm e n t« fo r C a ta r r h T h a t The bowsprit of the schooner Bella C o u ta iu M e r c u r y , was put in its place Wednesday. Paint- j handle their liny quickly and easily, state tiiat he was now a full-fledged ing them out in an extravagant and gin unseemly manner. er Chamberlin has lieen exercisinig his Mr. Benedict likes to do his work that American citizen. : way so lie has purchased a fork to en­ The Lakes country bids fair to rival brush on the vessel for several days. As mercury will surely destroy the E A S T E R N O Y S TE R S A L L R IG H T . Hood river in the production of straw­ sense of smell and completely derange Inquiries about the Siuslaw country able him to use a horse to pitch his continue to come. Within a week let­ hay. Lincoln Co. Leader: Prof. F. L. berries; several hundred gallons were the whole Bystem when entering it E d u c a te Y our B o w e ls W ill» C u searets. taken to Gardiner this summer, where through the mucous surfaces. Such ar­ ters have been received by us asking Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Washhurne, of Eugene, and Mr. Geo. about our luinlier dealers and among 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. King, of Oysterville, have make a com­ they met a ready sale at a good price. ticles should never he used except on tork Jntliers one desiring information about Messrs. Dale, Erliardt, Schuster and prescriptions Iront reputable physicians, O. S. Journal: Win. Miller and Ex- plete examination of the eastern oysters as the damage they will do is ten fold to E THAI opportunities to locate fifty emigrants. Oouuty Treasurer J. G. Gray, who have planted at Yaqnina last full. This Miller are the principal growers. It looks as if the hard times period the good you can possibly derive from The Coos and Mink both made the prime orchards a few miles north of j examination has disclosed the fact • A full Line of NTS. rnn from Seaton to Florence Monday thiseity are buildingdryers. Mr. Miller is I that at least 95 per cent of the oysters was settling the question as to the them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufac­ morning. The Coos took the passengers j putting in two dryers that will dry 460 «re alive and in a flourishing condition. position of the new woman. It seems tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, to the picnic and to the dance nt Seaton bushels of green fruit a day, while Mr. : They found many of the oysters filled that everywhere woman’s work is more O., contains no mercury, and is taken 1 with mature eggs, almost ready for in demand than man’s. If the wife and internally, acting directly upon the in the evening bringing them back next Gray’s will dry 100 bushels. mother goes out from home to tench, mucous surfaces uf the system. In buy­ morning. “Last summer one of our grand-child­ : spawning. T liis demonstrates beyond sew, cook, wash etc., and thereby keeps ing Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get About 85 tickets to the club dance in ren was sick with a severe bowel ‘ a doubt that eastern oysters will spawn the wolf from the door, is it any more the genuine. It is taken internally, Florence the 5th were sold; The music trouble,” says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of ! in these waters. It now remains to be than right that the husband and father and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. was furnished by Mr. Woodcock and Frederickstown, Mo. “Our doctor’s seen whether the spawn will flourish who can get no work to do, should stay Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. here or not. It is believed by old and Mrs. Alexander. They were a jolly remedy tiad failed, then we tried Cham­ Sold by all druggists, price 75c. per nt home and cure for the house and the crowd and every one had a good time. berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea experienced fishermen that they will bottle. , and grow after being children? A fine slipper was furnished at the Mor­ remedy, which gave very speedy relief.” thrive Hall's Family Pills are the best. If a woman lets a batch of cookies spawned iiere. If this is a fact tlien ris hotel. For sale by Florence Drug Store. the fate of the eastern oysters in Ya- burn up while absorbed ill writing re­ T H E P IC N IC . About 60 persons attended the picnic Guard: C. TV. Dority has been ap­ cipes for the newspaper, is it the fault qtiina bay is an nssured success. Jji near the mouth of Knowles creek Moti- pointed Wells, Fargo’s express agent The weather Monday morning looked of the recipe, the cook, or the W est ? l t f . An address was given by Wm. for Eugene vice Jno. M. Whitney re­ lC easoiis W h y C h a m b e r la in 's C o lic , C h o l­ threatening and prevented many from e r a e n d D ia r r h o e a R e m e d y is But who wrote Mrs. Grumble? Martin, the declaration of independence signed. Mr. Whitney made a excellent attending the picnic in McLeod’s grove t h e B e s t, *’Twa’n’t I ” said Mrs. B. «* dea the regular picnic din public servant, and Mr. Dority will he who were all ready to go. The Coos “ ’Twa’n’t I’* said Mrs. C. uts and oranges were fur- ( just as courteous and accommodating, 1. Because it affords almost instant came down from Seaton that morning ” ’Twns I” said Miss D. entire company. we believe. relief in case of pain in the stomach, and took the pleasure seekers up to the Manager. “ ’Tie strange you don’t tumble, Astor I Bn dget: It is reported on You may hunt the world the world colic and cholera morbus. grounds arriving there shortly before “ ’Twns I, meek and humble, jrU C lw|wt Jeved to be good authority , over w h a t | is al anj y01, wj|j not g nj another 2. Because it is the only remedy noon. A picnic dinner, which the Silts- “ I wrote Mrs. Grumble.” (?) ermen’s Union cannery medicine equal to Chamberlain’s Colic, that never fails in the most severe cases th a t law people know so well how to pre­ cases of Chinook sal- Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy for of dysentery and diarrhoea. r baa SUNDAY SERVICES. pare, was soon ready and every holy did in Scotland. The price j,owe| complaints. It is pleasant, safe SAURE»' *non more tlirni justice to ttie nice bread, 3. Because it is the only temedy that There will be preaching in the church cake, pie, chicken, cold meat, and other r le, which means $299,000 | ' and reliable. For sale by Florence will cure chronic diarrhoea. MAN, fir and that to be divided Drug Store. RETAR* ,Or 4. Because it is the only remedy that in Florence on Sunday July lltli at 11 good things with which the table was a. in. anil at 7.45 p. ni. men who live here. will prevent bilious colic. loaded. W. H. Weatherson, who was A large company attended the dance I. G. K notts . n informs ns that the in the hatchery at Mapleton the 5th 5. Because it is the only remedy that selected to act as president of the day, Elder Round will preach in Glenadn tlien announced that the program for =fOE °f Mie Heceta road found a inst. Mnsic was furnished by the will cure epidemical dysentery. route over the ridge on an easy grade Neely band. A basket supper was 6. Because it is the only remedy that Sunday, July lltli, at 11 a. in. and at afternoon would open with singing My •bout ten inches to the rod. The eaten about midnight after which danc- can always be depended upon in cases Acme 3 p. 111, Country T’is of Thee. PORTLAND OREGON W. M. R ound . by the survey is about 3% ing was continued till four o'clock in the of cholera infantum. The Declaration of Independence was miles from the point of leaving the morning. The only regret expressed by 7. Because it is the most prompt and very well read by Mrs. Butterfield. | full E nglish course . T O OUR PATRO NS gemaMM* road to where it strikes the the company is that such occasions do most reliable medicine in use lor bowel Scott Morris made a short address which 1 FRENCH AND GERMAN. ,n beach north of Heceta. complaints. not come oftener. BUSINESS BRANCHES. We have made arrangements by was followed by recitations by Luman 1 T n C u re C o n s t ip a t io n F o r e v e r . 8. Because it produces no bad result. which we will furnish the Weekly Butterfield, Jennie McLeod and Delia Some time ago Matthews Bros, of B ookkeeping , shorthand , telegraphy . Taka Casoarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to Oregonian with the W est for one year Morris. All delivered their parts well I t C. C. C. ta ll to cure, druggists refund money. Pleasant Hill lost a Hereford bull, 18 to any address for the sum of two dol­ but we fear one young lady injured her Fruit of nearly all kinds promises an days afterwards some hunters found the take. * prospects seriously by her invective 10. Because it has saved the lives of lost animal in a deep hole or depression lars, payable cash in advance. abundant crop this year. Strawberries against the op|wisite sex. The program more people than any other medicine are nearly all gone now hot rasplierries in the side of a mountain. He was SCHOOL R E P O R T . concluded with singing Home Sweet are plentiful ami black berries will be in alive but very weak having probably in the world. The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by the Home, and soon afterward s most uf the uiarket^toon. Wild fruits such as been all that time without water or food The following is a correct report of those living down stream hoarded salmon lierries, black raspberries, black except a lew small shrubs which he had Florence Drug Store. District No. 161 for the month ending the boat on her trip to Florence. TO ODD FELLO W S. berries, thimble berries, red buckle- eaten to the ground, June 25th, 1807: GREENLEAF ITEMS. W . M. R E N » H A W , •re ripe now and No. pupils enrolled 8 FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE. ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN A full attendance of members of He­ Average daily attendance abundant than for several yenrs. 6 or women to travel for re­ ceta lodge I. O. O. F. is desired at the No. days taught B v A W xST CoRHZHPOXDENT. 19 sponsible established house in Oregon. A house and lot in Glenada. The ♦ * Wholesale end Ret»ilt"* next regular meeting on Wednesday Cases of tardiness 0 house is 16 by 24 feet anj one story and Salary $780 and expenses. Position July 14th, 1897. Work in the initiatory No. of visitors 16 a half in height. Also a good woodshed permanent. Reference. Enclose self- GRREXi.gAr, O r ., July 3rd, 1807. degree. l Those neither alisent nor tardy were on premises. For further particulars addressed stamped envelope. The W. H. W eathebson , N. G. Thomas Kensler has had a ditch dug Frank and Albert Chamberlin and Lillie those $ TO O prizes got National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. nqui.-e nt this office. of along the base of the mountain to carry HER U N FO R T U N A T E D A Y . Bernhardt. Leading Brands for the seepage off from his swamp. He E O U C A TIO N A L A F F A IR S . her yd >w tickets in this v.ay: Guard: J. C. Goojale, the Coburg A N E W E V E N IN G P A P E R . thus reclaims a tract of the best soil in lumber man, is shipping large lots of Western Oregon has many energetic By using the tea herself. lumber to both Utah anil California, on teachers but the one referred to in the Prof. T' M. Gatcli lias been elected the country. Herman Nteinhaner dug ■ y asking some friends orders, and is now behind over 600,000 following tale deserves success on ac­ Eugene Register, July 1st: The pub­ president of the agricultural college and the ditch. He’s an expert ditcher. lishers of the Register have had a man director of the experiment station at Frans Potterf lina gone to seek his for­ who me the tea to give her with his mill rnnning at full force. Mr. count of energy and perseverance. The soliciting for a daily edition this week. Corvallis in the place of H. B. Miller Goodale, by selling large quantities of teacher referred to is a young lady who tune Rgain. He went to California. If sufficient guarantee of advertising their tickets. the present incumbent. lumber in these markets is doing a lionrds about Z1.; miles from the school * May be Found in — 4, J. A. Burnett and Ida phonograph are and subscription is obtained a daily 3. By inducing some friends great deal toward creating a market lor house. There is a good road which she will be issued, the first number to ap­ At a meeting of ti e Regents of the entertaining the Junctionltes tislay. Celebrated Jetwe Moore whiokey. State University held in Portland June the Oregon product for years to eoine. travels the first mile, then she goes in a to try the tea and give her their pear about July 15. The success has Janies H. leaver is selling off Ids per­ Coast Mail: Al. Reed of Gardiner, boat another mile, then by walking the been so good tlms far that tho publish­ 29th a [>sper expressing confidence in The Crale Orchard Hoar Manh ttie management of the university, and sonal properly, intending to return to and John Daly came down on Thurs­ rest of ttie distance she arrites at the lion* tickets. ers feel wsranted in announcing «list a , rep(„,iil, in){ tlie , enliment rx p re ^ -d in Han Francisco, lie says lie does not rne of her friends kept a day's stage. They will return to the scene of her labors. A few days ago daily evening paper will soon be a per- Ul(, K,j(fWie O|lgrd eo,|Cen)illK uni­ want to sell Ida farm, hut will keep it Uinpqns on the Truckee, which has on it was rattier late when she set out on manent adjunct to 'he Register plant Genuine Old Contle Bourt*on ng house, and sent her board versity, was presented liearing the sig­ for a nest-egg and perhaps couie hack to Mr. Reed’s gasoline launch. The her daily trip. +*ome cows desired to it some dsy. lots of tickets. The English girl from her birth is natures of alxnit 40 of the leading men Truckee will take away from Uuipqua make her acquniutance but she escaped Piel Bros are getting their saw mill z-The O P. H. Pony-x from them and reached her bo.t in taught to comprehend and observe the of Eugene and of the graduates til the the boiler aud engine of the wrecked Haven t you some friend Bandorille, which waa purchase*! some safety. Here she wailed a time for laws of health, especially ns regards university. The charges against Profs. msehinery into position on Deadwood whoheeus a boarding house or time ago by the life saving c»ew at the some pupils who rule with tier and who McElroy, Hawthorne, and Johnson < reek. outdoor exercise. This is the funda­ were dismissed also the romplsint 8----- 8 Ed Potterf shot a bear on Nelson creek * Iggpurunt, or who has in- Umpqua for $300 After overhauling happened t> tie late that morning. the machinery they sold it to a Tilla­ After leaving her boat and while cross­ mental basis of the training of a g rl. against Prof. Cluipiiian. A ehair o f near J<« Wliiainan’t, not long ago, but Ever Refreshing (Mill Rtorsge Deer at (k in some hospital or mook firm for $1200 ing a slo gn by a narrow 5« it bridge I,et her understand the huuirn mechan­ logic was esL'ddjslied and Prof McElroy it got away. Hie almt was fatal, how­ Cents a Glass Awaits Your Order. she slipped from the bridge Into the i s m , end at t e same time realise what eleetsd to it at a salary uf $2000. The ever, for the Wldsmsn boys fonnd the Call for an Imported or Domestic Clgart blic institution? They C C R O FU LA in its worst form mud. In spite of all these difficulties ia required ol a woman, and liow chair of ethics and pedagogy was als>l- ' carcass a few days ago with Potterl’a And You Will he Satisfied. tea there. isliesl. Prof. Lillev of Porllsml waa j linllet-liole in it. It was n big fellow, W yields to the b blood cleansing power she reached the school house brfor» context m large adver’!«»r»«ni of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thousands of nine o'chs k and taught the pupds s> essential it is for to I* per e i in elected to the e< air of mathsmatics al a I hot had decomposed so l*a*ily that the have been perfectly CURED. usual duiing die day., health. salary of $1600. and Middle of the month. A a • skin wa« wortli Isas, KUCENK, — rUBLUUED EVEHY FRIDAY HOMKI.XO— , . — X nsr HARDW ARE W. II. WEATIIERSON POWDER O F laced rovi- ipor- be len’s *TL. JTTST R E C E IV E D . We will not be Undersold by Anybody. Call and see us list YL, M E Y E R Cash, Cash, Cash, Is the Motto of the MAPLETON STORE GENERAL ★ M E R C H A N D IS E Constantly on Hand, at the Lowest Prices Cft CALL AND BE CONVINCED.. CASH PAID F03 FIRST CLASS FUSS. L. E. BEAN, ENGLISH »BUSINES^ MMIIIN6 BEMKWEMT'-LAHES 1IVÉ W‘ The Winner L IQ U O R D E A ER. Medical, M e c iia iiic a i= aiifl Sacranientai Parposes,