CÜKCE W E S T . MB* BEWARB UN HAWAII. QUEEN AND THE BAUE, W A S H IN G TO N ORIGINAL PACKAGE LAW AGAIN. L ETTER . CONFIDENCE Oregonian: —roBLUui The decision of Judge Simonton, of —AT— the Peel Io Support McKinley. British Advanoe and Conquest. the United States circuit court in South — F lobkxc Fio»axcg, l. \ s r CorxTr, Os»nox W ashington , June 28th, 1887. Carolina, that liquor can be brought Sew York Ttioj». A stranger at the Capitol would know ••-BV*** Chicago Chru.dvle. into that state and sold in original The administrant)» oí Lincoln speaks . 1 Eliz«tetb the immediate successor of without being told that the tariff debate I packages, in spite of the state dispen­ W . II. from the past to support that of McKin- James, who held firmly the doctrine of is drawing to u close in the senate, The sary law, is very far-reaching. It not Edit. Editor and Proprietor. j Icy. That is the immediate purport of the divine rights of kings, wan a mon- senators show it by their general goal ' only puts an end to the state nionojsdy a letter from Frederick \\ . Seward, re- arch, She was ruler of England, but the of the liquor traffic in South Carolina; -T russ TO BUILD UP TOUR TOWN, upon the throne of L.ii£iaim England to- to whom the bill, which will be passed | gently published in the New Vork ' i | woman uj>w «i w ««w w aeewu«; '-/■ hut, if it shall be affirmed by the su­ ' Tribune. Mr. Seward is a son of William were she t*'*M wee*c ‘H anything but pleasing, but Entered A more active demand for manufactured goods and product. preme court, it will permit the free Oppose every now enterprise. If you H. Seward, and was hie chief aesistant in to claim the powers that Eiizatetl. as. 1 is doubtful whether there is a • single lame coun importation and sale of liquor in origi- mail matte J.now any one planning to embark in the state department all through the mo* t(,e t|iro,„. would not endure The “ !,,alor w,'° Jov8 not reioi,e to I” know An improvement,i nal packages in all states which do not of the farm is reported an.l at advanced rates any new venture, persuade him not to, I memo... era fro... 1861 to 1805. He was ae,lievelnenls dispute and the arbitration treaty, have j government tl.ere is more quickly re- prior liens and tl.en take steps to fore- broken in its progress to the consumer era’ associa laxly know of it ami throw him down if invariably been marked with clarity of sponoive to tho popular will than gov- d o s e its mortgage, with an amendment after its importation into this state. Mesda.ne Tl.e package may te small, and it n.ay move to A. you can. If you once get him down, thought and convincing sanity of judg. eminent in tl.e great republic this side offered by Senator Morgan, requesting days. te packed with many otters of like jiim ponhim and keep him there. ment. Once more, from a well-earned of the Atlantic. When a government is fhe president “to suspend proceedings The San 1 character in a box, a barrel, a car or Object to every improvement whether retirement, he sjteaks in no uncertain dissolved it is upon one specific, con- t« carry into effect tl.e agreement al- W est one y any other receptacle for safety or con­ public or private, Talk about hard tones, to commend and vindicate the crete question upon which the sense of leged to have teen made to sell the Vance. venience of conveyance, but if it is as fimes. Try to get everybody to move policy of the present administration in the people is taken and tl.e will of tl.e interest of tiie U. 8. in ti.e U. P. R. R. Tl.e secor originally filled, labeled, stamped or $,way. Tell them how much tetter negotiatiug a treaty for tho annexation tractors Ws people becomes immediately law to and U,e sinking fund, until further sealed it is original in tiie view of the they can do somewhere else. If you of the Hawaiian islands. finished. the government in England. There is action of congress is hail in reference ! have any money, Bend it nway to buy That in itself is an impressive fact. nominally a queen who is reverenced thereto,” lias teen favorably reported law. The package is the bottle, flask, Milk is n< jug, demijohn or keg of liquor, not tl.e |»ro|*rty or to loan out at interest or Still more impreseive is the logic which every lea d and who is uncommonly well provided to l *'e senate. Senator Harris, of Kans. he.etofore. pr bury it—ii, short do anything but Mr. Seward brings to tear for 'tl.e es­ with this world’sgoods at the public cost, «rote the report on the resolution, and i If sucii packages can be im­ invest it nt home. tablishment of i.is contention. Hawaii but the actual government is repeatedly i '11‘ presented figures to show that if the ! OUR TER M S are CASH or something convertible to Farmers last long is small and weak, and unable pernia changed at tl.e demand of tl.e people, j l,r°posed reorganization is allowed to go ported and sold without payment of their iiay. JHE FAMINE IN INDIA. ............ into CA SH.............. nently to stand alone. It realizes that Tl.ere is no rigidity in the executive nor , through, tl.e government will lose near license, there is an end to all restraint At tl.e mt fact as well as all the rest of the world. in tl.e legislative powers of tl.e British 125,000,000 and other creditors will also of ti.e liquor traffic, short of its absolute Heceta lodg 8. V. Chronicle. A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUED PATRONAGE IS SOLICITED. Four otl.er greut powers are casting republic. We have fixed terms for both I086 Ouitc heavily. The report makes prohibition as illegal. officers for t Those who feared that the American It will te remembered that the orig­ longing eyes toward it. Any one of them congress and cl.ffif magistrate. If the *'*>at is very near to a direct charge Louis Spii ye!iof cargoes have teen withheld too inal “original package” decision of tl.e man, wasar would gladly take it and make good use people of England do not like either it is against tiie last administration of try- long to te of inqcl) use in mitigating tl.e puller a few of it. They refrain from so doing simp­ witlnn their power to dispose of them at inK to aid the reorganization scheme, supreme court held that liquor could be terrors of the Indian famine will learn, time. carried into the state of low« and sold ly tecause they are on, and wish to re­ once. We in America must endure a and ui withholding information on tl.e with special interest, that more people Melson w. in original packages, in spite of the J main, on friendly terms with the United magistrate to tl.e end of I.is term, con- sul>j«ct from congress. July 2nd, fo are dying of hunger in India than at any prohibition law of tl.e state. This made States, and tl.e United States lias teen gress to the end of its session. nearly a yes : Senator Hoar's report in favor of previous time since the failure of the a great sensation, and, at its next ses­ telling them for a half a century that it man ever lit The English are a virile, aggressive, «eating Ex-Senator Corbett on the certi- props. The details, as given by a re­ i would regard their seizure or annexa­ conquering people, who do not pause ficate of tl.e governor of Oregon has sion after the decision, congress over­ Tl.e Roba W ill C ontinue to C a rry a W e ll S e le c te d S tock of turned missionary, arc pitiable. There It is expect« tion of Hawaii as an unfriendly act. long to consider the right of a question l«en ordered printed by ti.e committee came its effect by enacting tliat liquor js no seed left among tho fanners to steamboat ii They recognize tne right of the United nor hesitate at any cruelty in punishing on privileges and elections, but is not was not a legitimate article of interstate pow, the plowing oxen have died, the look at the : States to say that. But such a what tl.ey deem rebellion against tl.eir likely to do so at the present session of commerce, against which tl.e states grain dealers ask ruinous prices for The bowsi were powerless to legislate as respects warning is not final settlement. Tl.e conquests. But tiie queen is not to te congress. was put in ii Which will he handled on the closest possible margin llicir commodity and the native officials importation and sale in original pack­ time has come when Hawaii itself charged witii all that during tier reign is er Cliambei whose duty it is to distributo food, rob Tl.e opponents of tl.e treaty for an­ Consistent with the original cost and transportation. ages. But Judge Simonton now decides demands some otl.er. I l desires to te chargeable upon the people of England. brush on tin (lie people, who are thus compelled to nexation of Hawaii are playing it smart that this act of congress only applies in incorporated with some great power. She is nothing more than Inquiries. . ¡subsist on roots and grass. All in all, the gilded i by trying to keep as quiet as they can, continue to . It offers itself first to ti.e United States, butterfly upon the swift whirling wheel lest the program of allowing tl.e treaty cases where I lie state, in tiie exercise of between the ravages of famine and ters have te its police power, declares “ that the j J ® and all others expectantly await tl.e of the English coach. An honest wom­ plague, the population of tl.e stricken to go over to the next session should te manufacture, sale, barter and exchange WILL B E T H E B A SIS; T h is WC in te n d s h a ll work about our lu issue. They are willing for this country an, she lias teen a pattern of tl.e domes­ others one d districts lias lasen diminished by nearly abandoned, anil the treaty ratified te- to accept the offer. But if thia country tic virtues; a fond mother, or the use as a beverage of alcoholic no h a rd s h ip on o u r p atro n s; L O W E R R A T E S M O R E THAI O?P°rtunltie 8,000,1)00 souls. It isa loss equal numer­ vl.o has I fore the present session adjourns. Ac- liquors are public evils.” Otherwise j decline it? Then Hawaii will repeat seen to it carefully that ti.e people o f ' cording to some hints Coos . ically, to that of tl.e entire number of ------- „ . . ------ ------ dropped by C O M P E N S A T IN G FO R P R O M P T S E T T L E M E N T S . rnn T l.e liquor maybe imported and sold in from Se. it to some otl.er power, and that power England have taken uncommonly good opponents of tl.e treaty, tl.ey hope to inhabitants of tl.e states of New York m orning. T original packages, any state law to the will have a right, in sense and justice, care of her children ; an excellent wom- and New Jersey. accomplish tl.e rejection of the treaty to the picnic to accept it, and the United States will, an, wi.ose reign may te fairly said to contrary notwithstanding. Soutli Car­ While tho British government is in the evenii by a lavish expenditure of money to olina as a state engages in tl.e sale of by its own refusal of the offer, te de­ have teen illustrious, not tecause si.e m orning. doing something to aid the survivors, throw public opinion in the U. S. barred from making a valid objection. was upon tl.e throne, but that si.e liquor, and hence importations and About 85 t its relief measures fall fur short of the against it. It is said that the money is original package sales are lawful The simple question is, then, whether reigned at a time when tl.e sovereign Florence tl.e popular needs and are in no way com­ to come from European governments tl.ere. was ftirnisl.e thia country is to take Hawaii or let contributed nothing to tl.e national parable to its responsibility, for the fact who wist, tl.e treaty to fail, but do not * M rs. Alexar some other do so. President McKinley prosperity but tl.e nation teas uncom­ Here is a new argument to the hand ' $hat a single season of drought and lean wish to appear to be opposing in, and crowd and ei and i.is constitutional advisers favor tiie monly prosperous. of the extreme prohibitionists who in­ props loaves the people face to face A fine snppei DEALERS, IN AND AIANUFACllURERS OF from tl.e sugar trust, which lias opposed former course, and Mr. Seward—with, ris hotel. Victoria sprang from tl.e Hanoverians it from the first. Tl.e friends of tl.e veigh against “legalizing tl.e infernal with dentil in one of it« must appalling no doubt, the mass of intelligent About 50 i but it is to her credit tliat she lias not at­ treaty say tl.ey have no fears. They traffic.” Under tt.is decision, if the su­ I S T forms. It is said tl.cro is plenty of grain American citizens,—thinks that course ¿ j near tho moi tempted to te in England what preced­ believe that the senate will ratify tl.e preme court shall affirm and make it in India, hut that the inhabitants can- ■ day. A n ad. the wise and profitable one. ing Hanoverians upon its tl.rone have treaty, but if it laus, the Morgan bill general, the traffic will be absolutely pot afford to buy it, even in the few M a r tin , the i Nor is tl.ut tiie only value of Mr. teen. She might te compared to tl.e already introduced, will bring annexa­ free wherever it is not made absolutely read, and be places where it is offered for sale at a Sewurd’g letter. He closes it with a pas- ner, candy, i figurehead of tl.e ship of state, but this tion at once, and there is not a bit of illegal by prohibition enactments. It lew price. Why cannot they afford to? I sage that should overwhelm witl. shame may be reasoned tliat there is a differ­ nished tor tl. would not te quite accurate, tecause doubt about their ability to pass that. Is it not tecquse the British govern- j and confusion those timorous souls who ence between tl.e dispensary Bystem and she lias teen more than this. Tl.e n.ent has taxed them tq tiie limit and fear ruin to the republic will couie from ANTED—FAITHFUL MEN tl.e license system—tliat in one case tl.e great conservative spirit of the English at the same time reduced tl.e purchas­ th a t the F it sucii annexation. Such phantom fears liquor traffic is not recognized as a pub­ lying behind their aggressive force lias ing and paying power of thetr savings CfO CUSHMAN. E. P. WAITE. 1,R 8 80,d 50 01 sponsible established house in Oregon have teen conjured up before. There lic evil where in a license state it is; p r e s id e n t . been satisfied with the queen, who Salary $781) and expenses. by closing tl.e mint to the free coinage TRESAURt?' ’"on to a Aim Position were those who opposed tl.e Louisiana CYRUSJCUSHMAN, would not attempt unduly to magnify permanent. References. Enclose self but such reasoning would hardly hold ! pf silver? When to this responsibility I B CUSHMAN. Z,” ? l o r i á C1' purchase and the Florida annexation V IC E -P R E S ID E N T . Tl.e either in law or morals. The supreme her office and lias teen personally ami­ addressed stamped envelope. js «died that of tho defective adminis­ SECRETAR». among fisher and the acquisition—or holding on to— National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. court can l.ardly discover any difference ■ able and virtuous. tration which permits corners and C . B . Morg of Oregon, and the taking of California, between the state which licenses the sale Ousts in grain apd turns over to cor­ 0 2 ? © £ ? 0 ï l ’ iew ert ° * Ml t u r T H IS O U T AND SAVE IT . and finally ti.e addition of Alaska to tl.e and the state which itself conducts tl.e Ooa't Tubarro Suit .ad Sawka Tear l ift Sway. rupt native officials the work of distrib- ________________ , route over tl. national domain. What ridicule and T o q u it tobacco e u .lly and forever, be max sale of intoxicants, and tiie recognition ------ ng about i nting relief, it will te seen that Eng­ oetlc. fu ll of life, nerve ami visor, take N o T a The Scientific American tells how to of the traffic as a public evil in one obloquy were heaped upon the head of lia r , the wonder worker, tlia t makes weak men distance by I land I. oh enough tq answer for in this Mr. Seward's illustrious father for that strong. A ll drug gist., 6<)c nr SI. Cure guarun keep cider sweet. It says tliat pure, case is no more palpable, than it is in m iles from tl teed Booklet end eumple free. Address matter to put her under the strongest government i last-named act! Yet how superbly s te rllu x Keniedv O n , Chicago or New Y o rl. sweet cider that it arrested in tiie pro­ tl.e other. If it admits, original pack­ moral obligations to keep life in tho ocean beach cess of fomentation before it becomes ages in one case, it must do it in the have the procMsea of time vindicated g.iunt bodies of tl>p queen’s Indian sub­ T « C are acetic acid, or even alcohol, and with other. If this decision shall be sus- ! A PRECOCIOUS PEOPLE. his wisdom in performing it. Tliat, and Take Cascare ió :ls until new crops n.nture, l!ut dews I f C. C. C. fall i carbonic acid worked out, is one of the tained, congress will have to come to ' all the annexations named, only She reform the commissary, distribute Eugene Guard. F ru it of ne most delightful beverages, and gives the rescue of the license states, as it strengthened and enriched the nation seeds, remit taxes, make parliamentary abundant cm Oregon, cr rather the territory n. tl.e following scientific method of came to the rescue of tl.e prohibition And so, as Mr. Seward confidently says, are nearly all grants of money ns congress did in the composing Oregon, was rather preco­ treating it to preserve its sweetness: so it will te with Hawaii. His words states, with additional legislation. are plentiful case of Cuban sufferers and spnd ship­ cious in her infant days. Tl.e old When the saccharine matters ly the m arket e< are a trumpet call to the nation to have loads of foigl to tl.o starving? Not she, pioneers believed in early marriages and fermentation are being converted into There cannot te a more glorious sui salmon te rri. courage of its convictions and of its England is too busy hurrahing aver tl.e were not slow in legislating concerning alchol, if a tent tube is inserted in ject in creation than a human being, berries, thi.n manifest destiny. They will not fail to glories of the Yictorian age and too berriea, etc., them. Oarey Martin, of the Secretary to the bung, with the other end into a replete with benevolence, meditating in b f widely heeded. abundant tin busy contriving plans to undo the lite of State’s office has teen delving among pail of water, to allow the carbonic what manner lie might render himself prty of other native races to care historic records in the state department acid gas evolved to pass off witl.oyt most acceptable to I.is Greater by doing Kvarvltody Baya Ito. whether a few milliq.is of Hindoos snd gives tl.e following: Cascarela Can.lv C athartic, the moat won admitting any air into tl.e barrel, a most good to his creatures. inore or less, lie down and starve on derfut .in dicai d .m si.crv o f Ilio age. p sat­ "A law of the provisional legislature beverage will te obtained that is fit ani and r e f e . lung to the ta lle , act gently Jho.r ta xml acres for the want of a lit­ and i>o*.lively on kidnova, liver mid laiwrla, of Oregon June 22, 1844, made it legal of one of i nectar for the gods. A handy way is cIcanaiiiR the en tire m a u n i. dl»i«4 colila, tle of that of which England has so curi' heuiluolio, lever, lialdttial i o iiati|«tloo for malea over the age of sixteen and to fill your cask nearly up to the her yellot and liiilouincva. Pleaac buy and try a box much. of C G. G to day ; IO, A’., ’O venta Hold and females over twelve to marry, the con­ wooden faucet when the cask is rolled I. By guarantovd to aure by nil d r a gitta. sent of the parents being given.” M b *. S arah B. (Jollier, of Medford, is so the hung is down. Get a common 3. By ‘An act of the provisional legislature rubber tute and slip it over the end in “ Cures talk ” in favor (lie owner of a certificate, calling for $40, of Hood's Sarsaparilla, I lia x is a lis t of questiona for the of Oregon of December 12. 1845, author­ the pail. Tl.en turn tl.e plug so tl.e u tor no other medi­ leaued by the Confederation of the wideawake boys: Gan you answer all ised tl.e ministers of the gospel, jus- interior of the cask will have com- cine. Its great cure« recorded in truthful, United Slates in 1778. Jt is a valuable of them? hou can any day see a white ticee of the supreme court, of the circuit convincing language of grateful men ami heirloom, having been in the (Jollier Imree, why do you never see a white J court and justices of the peace to per- munieation with the pail. After tl.e women, constitute its most eSective ad­ water in the pail ceases to bubble bot­ vertising. Many of these cures are mar­ family f«jr over a hundred years. The to try the i coll? How many different kinds of form marriage ceremonies. This was tle or store your cider awav. velous. They have won the confidence of indorsement qn the certificate is: trees grow in your neighborhood and ateul the earliest legislation on this the people; have given Hood’s Sarsapa- "Tl.e hearer is entitled to receive lorty Tnx MCMBia of children in the pub­ rills the largest sales | n the world, and what arc they good for? Why does a subject in Oregon.” Spauish milled (Judars, °r an equu| lic day schools of Roston is now about have mode necessary for its manufacture horae cat grass backwards an.l a row The people of this day and date would 72,000. For the past five years the in­ the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood’s sum in gold or «liver, according to a forwards? Why do hop vines always hold np tl.eir hands in horror at the crease has averaged over 2,000 a year; Sarsaparilla la known by the cures it has resolution of congress of tl.e 14th of wind one way and t*an vines the oth- ides of uniting tevs of |6 and girls 12 in last year it was considerable large/ m ade-cures of scrofula, salt rheum and January, 1779.“ Tl.o preaoqt value of ert Where should the inside of s the holy bonds of matrimony. Yet This is double the annual increase ten eczema, cures ot rheum.tUm, neuralgia and weak nerves, cures ot dyspepsia liver $iiia piece of paper is said to te $500. chimney he the larger, at the top or that often happened, and old settlers years ago, at which time, according to troubles, catarrh -cu re. w h i c T ^ J ------ — « Superintendent Seaver’s report, the bottom and why? Cun you tell why s 1 have told us that such niarr.gea seldom average annual expenditure for new Money-back horse tethered with a rope always un­ went amiss. No such things as separa­ achool houses was less than $200 for ba kin 7 pow.tw (f 4 V « mg c tu a c ly ravels it but « cow always twists it in­ tions and divorces were l.gard of Ig tte I »•»>' new irnpil. For the last two ubflb* «•¿a and a|» to kinky knots? Why da leaves turn piopeer days of Oregon. , years this expenditure has increased | Io nearly $2fi8 tor each child, bringing upside down just te fore a rain? What the coat of new achool l.ouavs from ln>e animals have no upper teeth in front T . C ara C w M Ila a lla a F a ra .fw . For «ale by t l^wcarsu Caatlr (a lk a m ia lue « r tSa than $300.000 to more than $500,000 and tfby.— Jnnflivn Citj/ Tim ei, I l V- Ç. C. fall te cura. dru««ftta tvfaaU asuaey. annually, I « - . ' i a x jk iik h t v t l t x re:«A V m urkìxo .— Adm inistration o f Lincoln Speaks From N el H « r* tl,« Glory e r the Shame o f F a u x o n t iuoviak U obresposdknt . w . H. WEATHERSON Rates Throughout Will be Maced AT BED ROCK Fresh Groceries and Provi- sions by Each Boat. Impor- tant Reductions W ill be Noticed in Footwear, Men’s Hats and Suits. ""HURD & DAVENPORT' THE SEATON STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE Cash or Anything Marketable— HURD & DAVENPORT The Siuslaw River Lumber Cft ^LUMBER and BUILDING MATERIAL* Cargoes Sawed to Ordef^^,,® w A cm e, ENTERPRISING leading s. H. FR IEN D LY. S. H. FR IEN D LY. progressive MERCHANTqph, s CHEAP CASH STORE! Cures C A R M AN Talk -------------------- - ry Coods, - ★ Croceries ★ and ★ Notions81*«*- PTAnn FLORENCE MEAT MARKET. .^SSWABpof Just Opened, Hood's Sarsaparilla Goods as Represented ■ ir * ~ — ........ — — flood-. Pill, æ tlfcki 3. Byi J. W. OARM, an , ------------ PRopa.e