f THE W EST f - -r ~ r -r — ,• p r y » -W W i T-W OrERTlSERS YOUR H O H E P A P E R > ; S U P P O R T IT siustAWS om.T p a p ié . '*< O P P O R T U N IT Y jj < VOL. V III. FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, July 9, 1897. G E N E R A L D IR E C T O R Y T R A V E L E R S ’ G U ID E . T R A V E L E R S ’ G U ID E S T A T E O F F IC E R S S team er S T A 3 3 L .I N E . Governor .William P. Lord. Secretary o( State . .11. R. Kincaid. Treasurer...... ........... Philip Metelien Sppt. Public Instruction.. ..G. M. Irwin. ....... W. H. I .eels. State Printer .C. M. Idlenmn. Attorney Gen-r ....... R. 8. B e a n F A. Moore 5 Í .'..1 ¡'. E. Wolv 3 »nid I > i - i n e t . . . .J . C. I u h e rto ii Attorney Second District .Geo. M. Br«»wii COUNTY On the 1st. 10th and 20th of each m onth. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Single trip $3.00. R ound trip #5.00 days and Fri lays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ burg Stage Line for Drain. ' Also with Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge F or P assenger a n d F reight Rate: reasonable. Florence to Yaquina. Mayer A Kyle, EUG ENE-FLO RENCE STAGE LINE. P roprietor. r-easurer...................... .A. 8. Pattersou Assessor. .. ,k ............... . . . D. 1*. Burton School 8iipcrinteiident ........C. 8. Hunt . ,.C. M. Collier Coroner.......................... Justice of Peace.................F B Wilson Constable. ............. Joi n F. Tanner g(„ g je fare R ound trip - - - _ Drew Severy i . .. J. A. Pond ! ,J. R. Weddle I F li/r.'iicp L 'i'ir e N o . 107. N #5.00 #9.00 WALTON, V. H E M IN W A Y .) Drno, M im s , CÊeœicais, . . . . AND . . . . ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. A Complete Line of Drug Sundries and Toilet Articles. C o m e r 9th & W illam ette St». Eugene, TERM S : : : O re. S T R IC T L Y CASH. It Ü N MORBIS HOTEL, *** P u llm a n S leep in g J. C. FLIN T, P ro p rieto r... C ara E le g a n t F lo r e r .o a , O r e g o n . D in in g C ars O U R AIM-—T o fu rn ish th e b e s t , T accom m odations a t reasonable j ; prices. OUflSt S lee p in g ST . PAUL I ;• Head of Tide Hotel, W IM N IP S C THROUGH TICKETS W A S H IN G T O N P H IL A D E L P H IA NEW A. M i i. ion M it iu s . S e c . TO C H IC A C O a O.O. F. Heceta Lodge No. 111. meets • every Wadnesd.iv evening in Lodge Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers *in T w e n ty -th re e good standing invited to attend. M ile s .1. A. Y atks , X. G. THE CHRONICLE ranks with Ihe greatest newspapers In the United States. THE CHRONICLE has no equal on the Paclflo Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and new t THE CHRONICIaE’S Telegraphic Reports are the latest and mo3t reliable. Its Local News the füllest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from the ablest pens In the country. THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent 1a every thiag neutral In nothing. BUTTE »*» I CHRONICLE H E L E N A »nd H O TE L E U G E N E . E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. 3 < X YD F O R K S C 3O O X3TO N C of each month. O. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, NV. 0 . ZEIGLER, Proprietor. meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays each month. Members and visiting E U Q E I M E , * • - O R E G O N brethren in good standing are cordially in vited to attend I. G. K kotts , M. . W m . K yle , Recorder. V > )L I5 - A I J J TO W. W. NEELY, Prop r. **# C ars DULUTH T ab les fu rn ish ed w ith all th e delicacies o f th e season. W ild gam e, fish an d fru it in season. Best accom odations for th e tra v e lin g A. ■ r a Scnural L y o n s P o st. No. ■)«. • meets second and fourth Saturdays public. C harges reasonable. J. I. B ut i r nr;i i.o. C.minuindnr. J. I,. Fi n i- it, V ljiita n t. V NCENT STORE. S 0 . W. Hurd W-n K I Marlon Morris I C. C. Behnke ReguluLSJuimniiii alien on second and fourth Saturdays in each month. F s I. . W . M . I. G. K notts ,(¡Secretary. T R IP S Florence aufl fleaû of Tiio. F. B. Wilson S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . F . A A. M. - _ D A IL Y DRUG ( successors —— B etw een - T ick ets for sale a t E B angs’s livery barn, E ugene, and a t H u rd & D av en p o rt’s office in Florence. C IT Y O F F IC E R S . A « - - “ C O O S ,” o ----- W ill nu ikej---------o follow ing at 10 u. in. K e tu rn in g —stage leaves F lo r­ ence on M ondays, W ednesdays a t 3 p. m., a rriv in g th e follow ing d a y R eco rd er.. . . . . Treasurer ... M arshal....... .. I Florence, Or. S T E A M ER Stage leaves E ugene M ondays, R E G U L A R Board of Truste* - Hood’s Chest, alw ays ready, ail- ■ ■ ■ w ays efficient, alw ays sat- a I Istactory; prevent a cold I B I or fever, cure all liver ills, sick headache. Jaundice, constipation, etc. ate. The only Tills to take w ith Hood's Sarsaparilla. CORNER . ..W . T. Bailey W ed nesdays an d F rid ay s a t 6 a. .. .J. T. Cullison m ., a rriv in g in F lorence the, day President....... Is especially true of Hood's 1'iUs, for aom edi Olne ever contained so great curative power in so small space. T hey are a whole medicine -------- A PPLY TO--------- O F F IC E R S \ YORK BOSTO N A N D ALL P O I N T S E A S T and S O U T H I For Inform ation, tim e curd., maps and tickets etc., call on or write R. M c M u r p h e y , Getterai Agent. Rooms 2 and 1, Shelton Block, EUGENE, OREGON. W est of E u g e n e . A. D. C H A R L T O N , A ssistan t General I’ftuteiijrer Agent. 255 Morrison St. C« r. 3d. x’ o r t l a . i i d O r . Ô H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y -------- JRESBYTEiU \ \ CHURCH, Florence, Oregon, - t i n «Mftgll&'ciock a ill Preaching 11 i’claek«> m. and 7 p in. Sacrament of he Lord’s supper mi 1st Sabbath of anuary, A p ru . duly am i iic to o c r. Sveeybody is welcome to all the sen ices, ’astor MNlnests Christians to make heiuseires known. 1. G K notts , Pastor. IKTHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH service. Preaching at Glenads id Acme two Sundays of each mouth. dibath-School every Sunday at ¡a. tu. Prayer meeting every rlmra- IV evening at ttie church, hverylmdy rdiallv invited. G. F. R ounds , Pastor. I AT T O R N L Y S A ^ C . WOODCOCK, Huey at Law, • O re g o n _ 7 »nd S McLaren’« Building. Uoli g iv en to c o lle c tio n , »nd pro- E. O POTTER. . Attorney-at-Law EUGENE, OREGON, il« X At the Court Hon«e. E . B E N E D IC T . N Œ Y - -A .T - L A W , «noe. : : Oregon. The ---------- s a il s H. H, Barrett, Prop’r, E- B a n g s , Coniniissivinore W IN G ED SE E D S . Much in Little ^ ob arts ON EU G EN E AND The Fu n k FLO R E N C E STA G E R O U T E . Standard & W agnalls Dictionary •/ Of The M oney Saved By P a tro n iz in g it. H u lld ln g . ENGLISH LANQUAQE th e COM PLETE : d a il y NO 11. H ER A W FU L ERROR. W in d P la y s an Im p o r t a n t P a r t th e h p re a d tu g o f P la n ts . i» i . a n K a ty M a t t e r to C hange g r a p h ic P ic tu re s . P tio to - Photographic copies of an original, it is claimed, are net acceptable as proof before a court, inasmuch us tho pbeto graphs may easily be changed to suit the wish. Expert picture mukers can take a photograph, and by various proc­ esses secure a composite containing sev­ eral features desired that did not exist in the original. A celebrated photographer of this city declared that it is an easy waiter to change photographs Pictures can lx* made to show the body of one person with the head of another, or it is possi­ ble to insert certain features desired in a photogruph. The producers of art photographs often use the form of one subject aud the bead of another in or- 1 der to obtain the most symmetrical re­ sults aud thus form a sort of composite picture. “ By the use of nitrio acid,” be snid. "any part of the silver print photo­ graph, the one commonly used, can be erased. If the picture) were a platinum print, wliioh is unlikely, tbe same effect could be secured by the use of aquaregia or a liquid comptieed of a mixture of nitric aud muriatio acids,which acts as a solvent for gold or platinum prints.” It was shown that original signatures could he erased aud others pusted or copied thereon snd then a photograph taken which would soem that tho rear It was a perfect photograph of un original paper.—Philadelphia Call. Sun day I n C h in a to w n . Only $ Tfc v rs W a s O n ly l ) M T h in « L . ( t F o r to D o. T H E O R IE N T A L PED DLER, B .r Tho usual way for «reds to bo carried 8be was weeping when he entered, and is by the wiud. bomeliuics tiny art) so they had not been married so long that small and light as (o be easily Wafted he felt it unnecessary to try to comfort by the breezes. This Is the ease with her. the seed of the moccasin flowers and “ Why, my dear,” he said, sitting meadow pinks and the other heuutifnl down beside her nnd patting his amt plants of our woods and hogs called arouud her, "what has happened!” orchids. Aud the tiny bodies, like atoms "Oh, I shall never get over it—nev­ of dust, termed "spores,'' that answer er!" she cried, unheeding his query. to seed iu ferns aud mosses and toad­ “Never get over wb't?” he asked. stools, are borne away by the lightest “ Has any one dared to insult you or say breath cf air But most see« s are them­ anything unkind to yon!” selves too heavy for thia So they aro "No-o," she returned through her ofttimes provided with tbiu, broad tears, "it isn't that. I did it myself, wiugs that carry them before the wind bnt—but” — as a sail carries n boat The pairs of "Oh. never mind!” ho said soothing­ "keys" that bang in clusteis from the ly. "There isn’t a piece of bric-a-brac maple trees iu spriu- are Rueb winged in the whole house that can’t be re­ fruits. When ripe, they float slowly to placed. ” the ground, or if a high wind is blow- “It isn’t that, either," she sobbed iug they are carried further from tho "If it was just a money loss, I would tree. The ash has thick buuehes of not care. But it is a mistake—u fearful winged fruits much like these, but sin­ mistake— that I made, and when I gle. Tho elm bus a thin, papery border think what people will say when they all arouud its small seeds, which makes heir about it I just waut to go uway them quite couspicuous as they hang on aud die. It’s simply awful to contem­ tho brauchlets before the leaves have plate, Harrv, aud I don’t see how I can come out live in this neighborhood and bold my Numbers of plants have about the bead up after it. ” seeds delicate hairs or bristles that take "Well, we’ll move If it ’s necessary,” tho place of wiDgs. A dandelion he auswered. "But tell me what it is.” "clock,” or a bead of thistle down, is a She brightened up instantly at the bunch of seeds, each with a circle of suggestion that they might move. fine bristles on the summit When the "I never thought of that," she said. seeds are ripe, along comes a breeze, j "That w ill fix It all right. You see, tho aud. puff, away go the seeds, hanging ’ trouble is all about that Mrs Brown from their tufts of bristles as the has- j who lives in tbe next block. If wo can ket hangs from a balloon. The benches i got away from ber and the people that of long silky hairs that come from a know her, I «oppose I can live it down.” bursting pod of milkweed and fill the j "Yon haven't bad any serious trouble air around have each their precious with ber, have you?" be inquired anx­ cargo in the shupe of a small bi own iously. seed. The seeds that ripen in heads on "Oh, dear, nol” she answered. “ Bnt, the olematis alter the hundsome purple yon see, I called on ber today." < flower leaves have fallen have long i "Well, wbat happened tbeu?” feathered tails, like slender bird plumes, I "Ncthiug. She was punctiliously po­ that do the same Work that is given to lite, but I could easily see she was in­ the silk of milkweed. The "cotton" clined to loojc down upon me as a wom­ arouud the seeds of the willows at the an who did not understaud social cus­ riverside and of the poplurs along city toms, but nevertheless was well mean streets sorvi s the same useful purpose. log and was to be treated with dignified Cotton itself is only a bunch of fine courtesy. I couldn't understand it at white hair around the seed. Ages before first, but later”— men thougtt of spinning it and weav­ "Well?” ing it into cloth it was making itself "Why, later I learned that she moved useful to tbe cotton plaut by helping into the neighborhood two honrs before to scatter its seeds. — “ How Fluuts we did, und 1 should have waited for Spread," by Thomas IL Kturuey, Jr., ber to call on me first. Yes; I'm afraid in SL N icholas. we'll bnve to move, Harry. I ran uevet be any one hereafter that "—Chicago N O T GOOD E V ID E N C E . Post B y M a’I, P o s t a g e P a id . S U C C IE N T I« a Year. A J bvwb U«. The Weekly Chronicle T o n s o r ia l P a r lo r s . $ 1 .5 0 T. Q. M ENOmOKt. Ft««. t. B EAKlN. co, Reversible Map? M a p o f t h e W o r ld Notary Fdblic, Surveyor NO TARY PU BLIC . SEATON, OREGON F R A N K B . W IL S O N . NOTARY FLOR.NOE. PUBLIC. - - OREGON P atents A svoas «Menos » .« -n e snd destriptloa mar fr-a. Whether aa Inraattoa w < o«nmaîilratlnnt wtrtctl’ tej fortecurin« paicat« U » ’ a WaRhinffUm »(Dca. ca. W t ht la America. S ■Ictlr Ä V a t.r ta la , ermndentltl. H e w I t ( lo t T lie ra . A young man took bit watch to • (ewcler and asked the reaeon of it stop­ ping. "W ell,” sold tbe jeweler, "there is a hod bug in it." “ Why, bow could a jedbag get in a watch?" "Easily uxrugh,” said tbe jeweler, "It went in MEN w ANTED—FAITHFUL * Mama A C raoeWe ■ WBwOiiNB ronieii to travel ■••>f re­ sponsible established house in Oregon. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, fatly iBa«rat<4. . 1-n _ «tfaR T II____ _ w a _ «HrgUdioa of Salary <780 and expenses. Position aar MMatiSe toaraai. a a sk if. Mrwa 4M« a ■D permanent. Reference. Enrloae self, S li n u j rnootha. e p M M n OTd I jetweso the ticks. * — Hennessy Press- Kuos o s P àtests m b . fraa. AddraM addressed stamped envelope. The Osmocrat MUNN A C O .. N -.icnal, Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago, M l Rraadwav. Rew lark. Tho hawker of the east is picturesqui in coslbmo and of many nationalities. His sunny smile and white, gloaming teeth are of the very essence of tho bin« sky overhead. He does not stand still iu the street aud appeal to passersby to buy his wares. He flits from cafe to cafe and interviews loungers smoking their nor I iles iu tho opeu air. He adopts tho gambling system as being a more direct appeal to human passions. In his hand he carries a lucky bag. When he enters a cafe, lie invites you to dip your hand iu the bag and try your luck for a pair of live turkeys, alieautifnl Egyptian shawl shimmering with gold or silver era- broidery, or some other of the many ornaments pac uliar to the cast. It is difM- tult to resist his persuasive eloquence. Tho method of procedure is this: In his lneky bag the hawker carries 800 uumbers. The figures are neatly inscrib­ ed on small slips of stiff paper. Theso are rolled and curled up in the lucky bag, which resembles a pillowcase more thau auythiug else. When the peddler enters the cafe, his quick eye soon de­ tects a likely custom«'. To start by do­ ing a trade will greatly enhance his chances with others. Terms are arrang­ ed, say three tries for a half franc. Then you guess, perhaps three times, at the lucky number, say between 100 and 120, as arranged. Ou drawing the first number you pay down your half fraue. Of course the odds are very much against you. The hawkers iu Cairo mid Alexandria make a very fair harvest when these cities are full. As much os 16 to 18 francs for a turkey which costs 6 francs is pretty good profit. Somebody, of course, wins it in the long rum The articles disposed of in this way comprise boxes of splendid peaches and other fruits, soap, flowers in great va­ riety, plants and the beautiful poin- sottim turkeys and other live stock, game in season, fish, dates, a great va­ riety of ornaments, canning devices in clocks, furniture, etc. There is another side to tbe picture. The eastern hawker would not be con­ tent v itli the mere gamble for a lucky number without exercising his natural ingenuity. While he is talking to a would be “ flatterer” he drops his hand into the bag and begins shaking up tbe numbers. These, it should be explained, are made up iu batches of tens and twenties, which are composed of a slightly different qualities of paper. In the bag is a false bottom. So delicate is Hassan or Abdul's touch that he eon distinguish one hatch from the other with his hand. Instantly you select your numbers he switches them off into the reserved compartment You may oasily be tricked half a dozen times in thia way without knowing it. Tho face of the hawker ou such occasions ia a study. Never for a moment does he relax his attention to you. His smile is sunny aa the eastern mom. His respectful gra- clousuess nover leaves liim.—Pearson’s Magazine. T o bacco a n IC u c a tia L Chimmie— Wot a world cf perwerslty In a general order issued recently the an temptnshnu ills is, Rosy! You an I ’d never wanter go on dat old grass rf we president virtually recognizes tobaooo knowed der priveilig wee open ter ns. us an article essential to the well being and sustenance of the soldier in times —New York Bunday World. of great exertiou, as well as in times of I t ’* fto m r tlu iM T h a t W a y . peace aud routino. The order, which She was surprised when she beard of emanates from tbe war department» reads ns follows: tbe engagement, and she showed it. "Under the authority vested in bint "Wby, I was perfectly satisfied iu my own mind that yon liked John tat­ by section 1146, revised statutes, the president hereby establishes an emer­ ter than Harry," she said. "Well, to tell ihe truth, I did,” re­ gency ration to t troop, operating for short periods under circumstances wbtoh plied the engaged girl. "Bui you say yon are engaged to require them to depend upon supplies curried upon tbeir persons. Its compo­ Harry." nent parts are, ns fellows: Bacon, 10 "Yes. that’s trne." "Well, I don't understand it at a il.” ounces; hurd bread, Ifioances; pea maul. "Why, It’s very simple. Yen sec, 4 ounces, or an equivalent iu approved Harry was (be one who proposed.” — muterial for uiuking soap ¡coffee, roost­ ed und ground, 2 ounces, or too, half on Chicago Post. ounce; saccharin, 4 grains; salt, .04 A g re e d W i t h H im . ounce; pep. or, .4 ounce; tobacoo, half on “ I think,” said tbe comedian, "that ounce. ” The secretary of war directs that thia some of the humor which I have intro­ duced is strictly up to dute. ” emergency ration bn resorted to only on "Y es,” replied the friend wbo has a occasions arising in active operations gentle ncthod of saying unkind things, when the use of the regulaily establish­ . "there is no doubt of that. Theie is a ed ration may be impracticable; that, great popular craze for the antique, ut although its nutritive qualities permit its use on half allowance, it will not ba present. " — Washington Star. so used ezeept in eases of overruling ne­ A J o y fu l R o u u ln n . cessity aud never for a longer period "Margaret and 1 hadn't neen each than ten days, and that not more thau other for ten years. ” five days' emergency rations be carried "What did she say wh«n you met?" on the p rsnii nt one time. "8besaid I bud grown awfully gray. ” By order of tho secretary of war, ttai "Aud what old you say Io litr?” subsistence department w ill provide "I (old her she had become enormous­ tough purafllu paper for wrapping the ly fa t "—Chicago Recoid. bacon; w ill furnish hard bread iu grease­ proof packages the pea meal iu cylin­ W h y H « O tJ e e tW . drical pack ng s, and the coffee, tea, Thirsty Thingumbob—I never ban- saccharin, s w pepper aud tobacco iu dies a ho«, boss. It pots blistirs on me suituble packages.— Washington Star. The popnlation of Chinatown on Sun­ A U T H O R IT A T IV E day« is about 4,000 or 6,000, cn week­ days very much less. The difference Prop. Geo. Hale may he accounted for by the fact that 301,865 V ocabulary Terms on Sunday the Chinese from all parts 347 Editors and Sp ecialists of New York and Brooklyn, and from B U S IN E S S C A R O S 533 Readers for Q uotations • Long Island, New Jersey and Connecti­ 5000 Illustrations cut towns, fl«x k to Chinatown to visit Cost over > 960,000 Thi Great st Weekly ia the Comtry, their friends aud to do basilicas. Since Appendix of 4 7 ,4 6 8 E ntries tbe American Sunday does not permit lanndry work on that day, the laundry- MARION MORRIS, Proprietor. a b a r men seize upon it as a general recrea­ The fu ll number of words and terms In tion day A?d go to Chinatown by hun­ (Io d u d ln f pottage) to any part of the United Shaving and different d ictionaries for th e entire alphabet 1» dreds. This, therefore, is the great hnsi- Ftatet. Canada and Mexico. THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE, the brlfhtett ness day of that region, and ail the as follows: d*ORX » mtii , 50,0»JO; W orchbh TF." ARTISTIC HAIR CUTTINO. nnd moat complete Weekly Newspaper In the stores are open and every employ-« is 105,000; W kbstrr (international), 125,000; ClN world, print« regularly H 4 oolurnna. or twelve RAZOR HONINQ A SPECIALTY--JSC. of Newt, LI ter store and fHneral Informa­ oonstantly occupied. TV BY, (six volum es. com plete,) 225,000 paget. tion ; alto a magnificent Agricultural Department. Hore the lauudrymen buy all their STANDARD, over 300,000; SAMPLE COPIES S£NT FR-E. dry groceries, tbeir clothing and tbclr FIRST RATIONAL gAXK laundry supplies. Here, also, axe tbe gTeat family headquarters whither bands. S il I-I h- Pages F re e ........... D O Y O U W A N T T H E oomes tbe mail from China and where OF EUGENE. Farmer—That won't hurt you. ------ C H R O N IC L E tbe Cbineae meet to disenss tbe affairs Thirsty Tbiugumhcb— Yes, hut dey’« Jr,.. C a « m - w of tbeir people and incidentally tbe got water in 'em.—Philadelphia Kcoord. AGENTS W A N T ’ D. various phases of American anti-Chi­ t&O.OGO PAIO UP 0A«M CAPITAL. nese legi.lation. — "The Chinese of Now H a r d L o t. « 6 0 OOÛ SURPLUS ANO PROFITS, York,” by Helen F. Clark, in Century "It’s pretty tough," sighed Ihe small, HHOW INO A O O O ’J N T 3 3 3 L I 3 I T E D sickly true "There are tin girls in this E. D. BRONSON & “ t a r t p - . ” H a s N o P ria a U a l a th o J o a g la . block learuiug to ride the bicycle, aud I EUGENE • • OREGON Pacific Coast Agents Birds and monkeys will often warn am absolutely the only ohjict they can The United States, Dominion of tbe jungler of tbe approach of a tiger; SAN FRANCISCO, CAL run into. If there was only s hydrant Cana-da and Northern Mexioo tbe latter especially take every oppor N O T A R IE S . or something I*'—Detroit Tribune. ON O M R K i n i s , 9JJ Market St. tanity Io express by load bootings tbe A nd th e intensity of tbeir feelings at the bated r a U i a « I t K la .lly . presence of either of tbe dread beings of "Do you think he re-uily wants to A. R. BUTTOLPH, SO V1ARS* tbeir jungles. I have heard, too, that uarry me for my m< uey?" IXFISMSCI. O N T H E O T H E R S ID E . peculiar hark of th e sanabar stag wand "I don’t suppose he really wants to. S e n d S 3 and Get the Map and again aud again in tbe night air from We kly « hronlcle f»r One Year, □nt the dark jungles on the banks of tbe tiaiher say, he thinks, in order to get poaiage prepaid on M .p and Pap.tr, Nerbudda aa be sends out a warning tbe money, be'll have to."—Indianap- Jis Journal. i to bis kind that mnrderons "stripes" O re g o n . ADDRESS W lox*«ncM , M . I I . dn Y O l ’ N G , is stalking n ear—"Pantnei Hhootlng A W etnaa'a R a a .a a , rroprt«tor S F rhront^la In Central India, ” by Capcaiu C. J. TRADE MARKS, Toss Barry— Mould you accept tas if SAN FRANCIMX), CAfc. O S S IO M S . CHARLES GETTYS, Melltss, in Heribner's. I wets to propose? O O P V R IO M T S A o . 6 .7 0 T h e H a w k e r o f th e E a t t A d e p U th e b llu g System . A T h ir t e e n M o n th Y e a r. It Is suggested thut ou Jan. 1, 1000, a new division of tho year into 18 mouth« be instituted. If such a division were made, the first 12 months would have 28 dnys, or four weeks each, nnd tho new mouth 20 days, to make 846, and 80 in leap years. After a few days there would be no need to refer Io “lir a d an, as the same day of the week would l...ve the same date through the year. If Jan. I were, say, Monday, every Mon­ day would be tho 1st, 8th, 16th and 33d; every Tnciday the 2<1, 0ih, 16th aud 23d, and so on through the year. Tho changes of the moon would be on about the sumo dates llxrough the year, and many calculations, like interest, dates of maturing notes, Easter and many other important dates would be simpli- fltsl, —Exchange. Perdita—Try me and see. Lawyer—Well, proceed. Witucss—Tbe plaintiff ressrtad to an ingsmoui« use of circumstantial evU A r a t a l R rr a s . ilsnce— “ Why did tits Beverlys call in the io- ' Tho Judge (interrupting)— For the vital ions to Mabel’s wedding?" benefit of tbe jnry, rials iu plainer htD* "They bad mods a mistake and is- •■Ogc exactly wbat you mean by that. snsd tbs tu vital mos lot tbs soak's after- < Witness—Well, iny exact meanil —that he lied!—Pearson's Weekly. noon oat tb iesg a Htooid. Tom Barry—Bui I just wanted to satisfy my flauues’a curiosity.—Truth. ‘