office. A. Hoffman week. Fred F uiiko went 160 psir of men’s shoes Friday. •— FtOBBNCK, C ounty , O kkoon .— cost Meyer & Kyle’s. • Contractor Jacobsen went to Coos Road supervisor’s receipts (or sale at barn. tbe tug. tlie W kst office. Mrs. James H. Leaver came Assistant Keeper Faby came in from from Oregon City Wednesday. Joe Morris Jr. has been reappointed Heceta Tuesday. notary public. Editor aud Proprietor. Fred Rowe is getting lumber together Mr. and Mrs. Davenport went to to build a bouse on bis homestead. Wall Paper 5c. and up a double Roll Seaton Wednesday. at F. L. Ohamhers, Eugene, Ore. Herman Steinhauer and Frank ( bus : *1.50 a year ita advance. The Robarts was a few days A. Schulte came up from Eldridge are going to Modoc county. ago and was given a new coat of paint. 8avi,,‘{ Sut,on y * ‘«rday. Cal., about the 4th of July to work. stored at the post-office at Florence, The Florence and Acme dancing Joseph Gates of Noti wns in town a Lane county, Oregon, as second-class Charles I Rowe and wife have been mail matter. club will give a dance Munday night nt few days ago on ilia way home from up from Gardiner on a visit. Clmrlev Florence. hay. wants tu sell his homestead on Nelson VDVBBTIBINU KATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ Foi bargains in general merchandise James Cussed Murray a representa- creek. ’ Absolutely Pure. PLICATION. ' hve °f Baker & Hamilton was in our James Johnson lias a handsome 4- Local notice« 8 cents per line, each inaerttou go to Meyer & Kyle's. Celebrated for its great leavening j town this week. year-old pony so sinull that lie is read­ There will tie a picnic in McLeod’s strength amt bealtlifulness. Assures the J. Wilson of Five-Mile was in Florence ily mistaken for a small yearling. Its grove next Monilay Julv 5tli. An ad­ WESTLINGS. food aguinst alum and all lorms of adul­ dress by Scott Morris will lie one of the Saturday homeward bound from a visit handsome, too. teration common to the cheap brands. j to tlie valley. attractions of tlie occasion. Either I or your compositor made a BOYAL BAKING POWDEB CO., N ew Y o BK. The Ruhart9 went to Coos Wednesdav. Ole Myrind and P. E. Jackson were mistake. Mr. Evans proposes to bridge E tln r a te Y our B o w e ls W ith C xscnret». Good tinware guaranteed for 3 years Candy Catlmrlte, cure constipation forever, at the metropolis of the Siuslaw vulley Greenleaf creek, near which is bis home, at F. L. Chambers, Eugene, Ore. j tOc.Jdc. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. TO THE IVISON CORRESPONDENT. Tuesday evening. not Deadwood. W. H. Spaugh is hauling tlie lumber A scow load of rock is now brought Rev. IV. O. Forbes departed from Johnny and Ed. Wliisman nnd Bren- W alton , Or., June 22, 1897. for a new house on his ranch at Heceta. J down the river to the jetty eacli day. Mapleton Tuesday morning enroute to ton Lamb journeyed from Jackson Editor W est : I see the Ivisoa cor­ One of the government scows was i Captain Kartiowsky manages tlie work liis home in Portland. | county to Modoc county, Cal., where respondent baa taken except ions to beached Wednesday night for- some in a way ttiat shows him a true master they are getting *1.50 a day and board what I said about correcting tlie Green­ Among tlie callers at tlie W est office i of a vessel. repairs. on farms. leaf correspondent, in regard to road this week were Mesdames Mills and Carrie Chamberlin finished a three Tbe Sau Francisco Examiner and the i Tripp of South Slough. Tlie eloquence of Rev Knotts combined work, witli no intention of stirring up I months’ term of school in tlie Maple Was/ oue year for *2.50 paid in ad­ I Grove district last week and after a two E. Nichols returned to liis home at will, tiie pew varnish on tlie seats nt a "satanic hatred" between neighbor­ vance. Mapleton after a visit to the land of liis tlie Deadwood church last Sunday hoods. Mr. Ivison Correspondent has weeks’ vacation will teach another term E .B . Miller is making preparations helped to hold tlie audience as if spell­ seen fit, without any cause, to come i birth in the Isle of Jersey. in the same place. to build a new house on ids Tsiltcoos forth with that conquering spirit, which bound during tbe services. C. M. Hough who sells stoves and P ractice economy in baying medi­ ranch. lias a very domineering sound lo it, and If tlie game warden does not take H ood ’ s pills are the only pills to take cines as in other matters. It is economy tinware for a San Francisco house came care of liis stock I’ll not answer for tlie try to make a little noise but we all with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Cure all to get Hood’s Sarsaparilla because it up tlie beach on Barrett’s stage Tues­ consequences Deer have been tramp­ know liis lingo sounds more like a bull contains more medicinal value than any day. liver tils. ing out young potatoes, wallowing without a clapper than a moral Ciiristian other—100 doses one dollar. Capt. Mullancy of Tillamook came in down graBS and otherwise misbehaving wiiose duty it is to keep down all strife The Cottage Grove and Junction City The new rules concerning members of j on last trip of the Robarts. He depart­ on Nelson creek of late. in a neightiorliuod. Now Mr. Ivison papers appose building a new court crews of life saving stations which went ed next morning on a trip down tlie Correspondent you talk about an "in­ house at present. i The Florence musicians who were into effect yesterday caused some change coast. tensified nnd sutauic hatred brought expected at Deadwood last Sunday ■dweate Your B ow el» W ith Cxscnret». in the Umpqua station, shutting out ■ Jason Neely, C. B. Morgan and A. R. about by a non-acquieseence to selfish Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. failed to put in an appearance, but the 10c, 2Sc. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Messrs. Schulte and Jacobson. Buttolph were at tlie cape this week aud petty notions.” N o doubt you church was well filled. Mr. Knotts The next regular meeting of the Sitts- It seems Messrs. Johnson, Landis engaged in surveying the road over Hec- ' preached and there were communion thought I was “selfish" and “satanic” when you took a notion to stop me from law Teachers’ Association on Saturday and Russell who left here some three ; eta Head. service, an infant baptized and tlie peo­ traveling your road because I would not July 10th, 1897. weeks ago for the Bohemia mining Len Harwood who has been teaching a ple enjoyed a basket lunch. sign your road petition >heu again I “Goin’ blackberryin’ ” is the way country changed their minds while on few miles north of Eugene tlie past There are a pair of twins boys at eotne of j the NorthforKers intend to j tlie way and went to Baker City in­ »inter and spring came home last week Lucas Wheeler’s home in Eugene, ami suppose you will tliink I am "selfish” anil “ satanic” and full of “ petty no­ stead. for a vacation. celebrate the 4th. i he has planted a piece in potatoes on liis tions” because I never took a notion to You may hunt tlie world tlie world Buggies and Wagons botli new ami Mrs. Bergman came up from the Life Nelson creek ranch, for lie says with offer to work my neighbors on tlie road second hand at way down Prices. F. L. over and you will not find another Saving StatioD Saturday aild lnade her , such an increase in liis family he must medicine equal to Chamberlain s Colic, | (riendg iu Florenee a short vigit She raise more eatables. Tlie toys are for fifty cents a day and take one dol­ Chambers, Eugene, Ore. lar nnd twenty-five cents for myself to Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy for returned home by the stage nt it day. Heceta Lodge I. O. O. F. will install j eight mouths old and came from some hoes them. I said no doubt tiie Ivison bowel complaints. It is pleasant, safe their officers for the ensuing term on I Philip Berkshire of Goshen and E. L. institution up north. correspondent was a good man but tie and reliable. For sale by Florence Wednesday evening July 7th. Berkshire of Greenleaf came down a lew I Mr. Nichols proprietor of tlie nursery lias got spunky, ho I will take it back Drug Store. See the ball bearing Deering Binder j days ago to do some work on the home- at Mapleton, passed down tlie creek and say I was mistaken in tlie man. and Mowers and yon will have no other. ! Recent reports from Astoria are to the stead lately purchased by the former ; yesterday on liis way home from a six C. W. L yons . effect that tlie run of salmon lias in­ from Mrs. Anna Tavlor. F. L. Chambers agent, Eugene, Ore. j months’ visit to his old home on the R e a s o n s W h y C lis m b e r la in ’a V o ile , C h o l­ i' creased greatly. Both seiners and gill- A Mr. Brown who lately arrived jn island of Jersey. He took in a portion Many letters making inquiries about . netters are bringing in good catches e r a e n d D ia r r h o e a R e m e d y la tlie Itea t, continent and of the tight little this part of Oregon have laiely been and it is likely that the pack wilt he Oregon from Minnesota tins been look- °f ing over tlie country around Clear and isle in liis trip nnd comes homo satis- received by residents of the Siuslaw. j nearly as large as last year, 1. Because it affords almost instant Oregon and with the Siuslaw Register: The delinquent tax roll i “ Last summer one of our grand-child- Teiitcoog lakes with a view of purelins-1 relief in case of pain in tlie stomach, country. ing a home in this vicinity. is about completed and Sheriff John­ ! ren was sick with a severe bowel colic ami cholera inorhus. son’s deputies will commence levying : trouble,” says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of S U N D A Y SERVICES. N O T IC E T O FARM ERS. 2. Because it is I lie only remedy in July. I Frederickstown, Mo. “Our doctor’s tliat never fails in tlie most severe esses The suit of the Schooner Danielson remedy had failed, then we tried Chain- Preaching in Florence on Sunday Who cannot deliver milk to cream­ of dysentery and diarrhoea. vs. Steamer Robarts wbieli was tried in ; herlnin’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea July -4th at 11 a. m., and at Point 3. Because it is tlie only leinedy ttiat ery, I will pay 9 cents per pound for Portland in March lias been decided in remedy, which gave very speedy relief.” Terrace 3 p. ni. for butter, well washed, taken fioin tlie will cure chronic diarrhoea. lavor of tlie Robarts. I. G. K notts , pastor. j For sale by Florence Drug Store. 4. Because it is tiie only remedy that churn nnd delivered at H. & D.’s Flor­ Several residents of Northfork were In An exchange says: As it is now LAKE ANGLINGS- ence, or Seaton store, or creamery. Re­ w ill prevent bilious colic. • A full Line of town Saturday and put in bids for tiie pretty certain that the California prune j 5. Becauso it is tlie only remedy ttiat member do not work or salt tlie butter. contract for carrying the muil between j crop will be very light, the Oregon ! Crops are booming. Will be received Tuesdays and Fridays. will cure epidemical dysentery. Florence and Linneus. crop should be dried and prepared for! School is progressing. 6. Because it is the only remedy ttiat O. W. II urd . can always be depended upon in eases A stalk of rhubarb measuring six market. The petites ami silver primes | Stock is thriving. FRICHTFUL ACCIDENT. of cholera infantnm. inches in circumference was brought in ! are almost a total failure in California,! Sirawberries are blushing. which, coupled witli tlie short crop in by Mr. Jackson from his ranch on 7. Because it is tiie most prompt and Fish are biting—some—Mr. Lawton Know!«* creek tliis week. The leaf was France renders a good market liable, Const Mail: A f-lgbtfnl accident most reliable medicine iu use (or bowel and the Oregon prune growers should says. 41 inches in width. happened yesterday nt the Sugar Pine com plaints. 8. Because it produces no bad result, i It is not our affair, Mr. Editor, but saw mill, on the Coos hay wagon road, How many people try the strength of put themselves in position to reap tlie 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to you have never noted that W. T. Carle which resulted in tlie death of a young their clothes lines frequently? Mrs. benefit. Howe was testing hers the other day Register: The county court thia of Maple creek lias built, this spring, mail named William Groat, an employe take. 10. Because it lias saved the lives of in the mill. From what we can learn, mid now when she walks she steps week appropriated *500 for tlie Gale 100 roils of new picket fence. quicker with one foot than the other. creek wagon road to the Blue river mines, i Green peas are very slow this season. lie was working about the mill, when more people thun any other medicine Tom Sauhert was around this week Thia road is already partly constructed, There ought to be plenty of them by I *n 8o»'e manner he stumbled nnd fell in the world. Tlie 25 and 50c sizes for sale by tiie with both eyes swollen as if he Itad been and the county court will allow the the 15th or 20th of June but they do not sgainst the circular saw, which was Florence Drug Store. materialize. ; running at a high rate of speed. Tlie above sum to tlie contractor who will in a fight. Inquiry developed the fact New patatoes, variety "Burpees Extra i Baw cot l,iB hody con,Plete|y in two, that hfs antagonists though small were to build the most road for that amount. TO OUR PATRONS- active and numerous. We did not learn The court has also appropriated *150 for Early” were reported bv Scott Morris on entering at the shoulder on one side whether t lie bees or Tom came out the Sharp’s creek road in the Bohemia June 15th. They were dry, mealy and »»d cutting through to the hip on the We have made arrangements by Manager. good, having been plauted since March the 1,alveB of bis bodV ,allinK to which we will furnish tlie Weekly mining district. i the floor on each Bide of the paw. The tiuxrd publishes a letter from Oregonian witli tlie W kst for one year T he school boards of Fredonia and The lake people are taking many I Hod. C. II. Baker opposing the erection Preston townships, in Plymouth Coun­ to any address for the sum of two dol­ ABOUT THE TAXES. lars, payable cash in advance. of a new court bouse by Lane county at strawberries to Gnrdiner and consider-' ty, Iowa, have arranged to build storm tbntprtsent time. Mr. Baker thinks able trade is going that way. *50 spent FOR 8ALE OR EXCHANGE. tempoary buildings could lie put up caves at each of the school houses, and on tlie road across tiie isthmus will give i Guard June 25th: Tlie following Meeesary to have more room for the they have already advertised for bids. us an open sesame to Gardiner. Flor­ figures were today secured at tlie A house and lot in Glenada. The ,Sn^HWofhcers and tlie matciial could These storm caves are to be twelve ence lias got to hump iterseif if site sheriff’s office regarding tlie tax collec­ tions. Tlie original tax roll was *120,- house is 10 hv 24 feet and one story and be used again when tlie court bouse is feet long and six feet wide and 6% feet holds tlie lake trade. 285.77, and this together with correc­ a half in height. Also h good woodshed Jot, bnilt. Buckwheat is in evidence on every tions and sheriff’s assessments make a deep. They will be lined with cement, on premises. For further particulars Kegiatcr Richard Rush, aged 65 place around tiie lakes. 2c. wheat and total of *120,801.54, of this amount tiiere JMMfcdied of dropsy at liis home at have brick arches and be proof against 10c. eggs a combination that must 1« lias been collected *103,625.26, which nquire nt this office. PORTLAND ORIGON sday, June ’22, 1897. Deceased rats and snakes, as well as cyclones. broken. Ruck wheat is oue means of less *662.93 corrections, leaves the ATTACHED FOR TAXES. F ull E nglish course . everal children. He held tlie It is doubtless wise to provide places grace nnd we have taken hold of it. delinquent roll »16.613.25. ____ FRENCH AND GERMAN. [ sheriff of Lane county at one of refuge in sucli localities, but there Good hens of laying breeds, if well ; Oll j „ |y lst 8lierifr j ollllgon wi|| A dispatch from Astoria of June 24tii BUSINESS BRANCHES. time, and was quite well known by the is something grewsotne about tlie cared for, will bring their owner *1.30 continence serving warrants on tiie says: BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. old timers. Tlie funeral was held Wed­ 1 in eggs for one bn. of wheat. If wheat delinquents. Sheriff Hare today levied on the nesday and tlie remains interred in the necessity of sucli annexes to school | costs *1.20 you have too little for your! ________________ Steamer W. H. Harrison for the col­ houses.—Clyde Herald. Sltults cemetery. labor of raising and caring for tlie liens. R E V . FO R B ES’ SER M O N . lection of *148 taxes due oil that vessel I W/A‘ and the Augusta. It appears tlie own­ Wet, too wet. We want dry weather J now. Somehow |>eople never are satis-j Ill the Presbyterian church last Sun­ ers agreed to pay the taxes in Tllla- tied. It is too wet, or too dry, or too day Rev. Forbes of Portland gave an . monk county, hut, failing to do so, the hot, or too cotd. Always a growl on address to the children wliieli took levy was mude here. The steamer will hand. If nothing else presents itself place of the regular lesson. He after- lie sold July 3rd. ue growl about our neighbors. If lie ! wards occupied the pulpit preaching an Beware of o in t m e n t » f.»r C a ta r r h That HOMESTEADS WANTED. i is a lazy drone we growl. If he is a interesting sermon from Exodous x, 29. j C o n ts ln M e r c u r y , , live wide-a-wake citizen we growl. If "Come thou with 11s and we will do -------- I am in correspondence with several he lins no energy or public spirit we thee good.” Thespeaker devoted liis As mercury will surely destroy the «4 Wholesale and Ret»ll families wanting homesteads for homes. condemn him. If lie is enterprising and time principally to allowing tlie benefits sense of smell and completely derange Those wtio know of claims with ten clear-headed we are mad because lie in thia world of leading a Ciiristian the whole system wueii entering i acres or more of tillable land can secure knows mere or is trying to do more than life. ' through the mucous surfaces. Sucli ar good settlers for the same by sending we. If he does as we say at all times tides should never he used except on we despise him as a "sucker.” If lie TITANTED—FAITHFUL MEN prescriptions from reputable physicians, the legal descriptions uf the land to mo Leading Brande for honestly differs from us and stands like i ’ ’ or women to travel for re" as tlie damage they will do is ten fold to at Eugene. Gzo M. M illcb . a man, for his rights or works for tbe sponsible established house in Oregon. ,,le g(- tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, liirn; we lie about him; we misrepre- addressed stain|>ed envelope. Tlie O., contains no mercury, an I is taken There will lie a Grand Ball in tlie t Schilling't liest tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket sent liini and show our ow n idiocy in National, Star Bldg., Chicago. internally, acting directly upon the Hatchery ball at Mapleton on Monday May be Found in ----- gt is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below every way we can T’is a funny world ¡ inuenus surfaces of tlie system. In buy­ evening, July 6. 1897. First class music Crasa cards are being used in Swit­ anyhow. August 31st. ing Hail’s Catarrh Cure Is- sure you get ' furnished l.y N.-ely’« String Bsml. Bas- ' Celebrated JeaBe Moore w hiskey Much complaint is heard, at times on zerland ami Germany to check pro­ the genuine. It is taken iuterually,' ket Supper. Free hot coffee. Free 8 tr .1 « word allowed for every yellow ticket. ** only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If Fiddle creek, of petty thieving. That fanity. People go almut witli ranis in and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Coos. Tickets *100. I The Crain Orchard Hour Mash there is a thief or two at liberty over their pockets, and whenever they hear Cheney A Co. Tesiimmiials free, T. J. N bkly 1 find it, the money will be divided equally among them. Managers. F. C. B ban here is not questioned. Missing articles bB,j language present one to the swearer Hold by all druggists, price 76c. per Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping have so often turned up in tbe posses- i Genuine Old Canile Bourbon SYS. 1 . • . a bottle. DIDN’T HIVE THEM. at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one sion of certain parties that there is no ° ' tin' The **ar I has printed on it Hall’s Family Pills are the liest. question of said parties. Tlie question ahatain from swearing for ,pe will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. ROBBERY AT PLEA8ANT HILL -The O F, 8. Pony- is: Are these parties guilty of all tlie specified time or to pay a pfennig an A few days ago a resident of Clear lake received a cull from a neighbor who thefts committed? A close watch is oath to some charity. Nearly 40,00(» Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay J 150 each to the two persons Tlie store ot J, Wheeler at Pleasant being kept and some one will come to | |lBve lieen distributed in Hwit- Hill was entered by rohtier» the. night wanted to borrow s liee hive. Not send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between grief 8-----» one of these days. When caught | having one to spare, lie made some in- zerland, where there are three Ian-1 of June i4tb and over *60 ) worth of 15 and the end of the contest— August 31st. | qulries and was told there was a swarm Ever Rcfrnaliing Cold Ntorege Beer at S with anything ot sufficient value a trip 1 goarilla—stom- return of the g-nsls. Judge Potter " I insde a hive but upon taking Itepa to fers an additional reward of *150 bir j place tlie ls-es therein the aupisise-t lu-es tbink we have endured ««h. Hsrer, kidneys, heart, nerves are arrest ami con vieti >n. Addraa: SCHILLING’S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO. E. Nvrr. strengthened and • U t T A I N B O . were found tu lw yellow jackets. BUCBNB, ■VBLI9HKD D on’t forget the dauce July 5th. BVKBY W .II. WEATHERSON POWDER O F JT JS T R E C E IV E D . We will not be Undersold by Anybody. Call and see us M E Y E R Cash, «& Y L Cash, Cash, Is the Motto of the M A P L E T O N S TO R E G ENERAL ★ M E R C H A N D IS E Constantly on Hand,.at the Lowest Prices CALL AND BE CONVINCED.. CASH PAID F03 FIRST CLASS FURS. L. E. BEAN, EKGLISHBUSINESS BOARDING DEPARTMENT'-* LAMES $1000 W. M. KEN b HAW, ho will get it ? LIQ U O R D E A LE R . chilling s Best tea is not only pure but it ---- because it is fresh-roasted. hat is the missing word ? Cut this out. two weeks. Helical, HecUcch ani Sacramental Purposes, You won’t see it again ,, Ä Ü