«. F.ChaaeAele ■Ttie esubüxlu»ent ©í a aatadbvd f a u x v«a x a u iia a OcRKcaeoancrr I Itm u e R lr tt C o n c i« : ■- -Eugene DeLs’ t-b fis e to «tari a W aax. T u n e îta t. 1W7. Mnaauhip iine bttweon Catana «ad (h» Secretary Sherman, in order to justify • • ’-•iaiietic colony of 100.000 men now te a tr a l and South Amerwan¿»rts may beautiful, Tlie homeliest lasks hia own turn around toward annexa- ***** ln Otiicago, may take shape l>eiore t e « Ä l y regarded as an eton t «f tl>e if loving hands do t»em. tion, made a diplomatic break and gave tbe h ex t winter conica on. He is look- near futnre. In the Arat place, -ancha Sirange that tlie tilings we lo-ig for away a state secret. He said that *“* ' • ’ ®r«bly toward the new state of project is now under way; in the sec­ •Editor and Proprietor. under ordinary circumstance« lie was Washington, where tliere are still most, should be tlie lust to happen. ond, It hi* behind it the practical opposed to annexation, hut tliat when large tracts of stiil uncultivated lami. When we make little sacrifices we encouragement of two sue.-MafuJ pre­ • ARE THEY.” lie learned that a scheme was on foot ^ be •U'cstion of meeting tlie expense like to have them appreciated, at least. vious venture». With the aid of Do­ to put Hawaii in possession of Japan, wil1 ** solved like tliat of tlie Salvation Nothing more annoys a woman than The Cottage Grove Leader under the minion subsidies a > tine of first-class lie favored annexation. Thereby hangs Ariny prospect under Gen. Boolh, by A more active demand for manufactured goods and delicate attentions diluted witli judi- steamers has been put on between Van­ -Above head take* us to task on the the whole story of ttie harrying up tlie a n *PP«al to friends of socialism, who , cions neglect. couver and Hongkong, to the obvious court house question, claiming that we of the farm is reported and at advanced rates. An disadvantage of our local trade, and treaty for tlie annexation of Hawaii, are e>P*cted to contribute funds. Mr. Individuality ami spirit—how weak «aid the people will ba glad to know which President McKinley sent to the D c,li thinks he can raise $25,000 a another l-etween Vancouver and Aus when the superstition of imagination that it is a nettled fact that Lane county along the line will soon be realized senate last week. It would have come ”‘on,b through tiiis means. If this big tralasian ami Hawaiian ports. Both wraps them round ! fa to have n new court liouse. in time anyway, but the administration •‘3tP*,‘’inient is successful it will form a enterprises have paid. Hence it is a Evidently the editor of the Leader in j recently learned of a plot on the part of nu,,le,1B about which will gather other I Clothes possess an influence over In order to keep pace w ith th e tim e s our STOCK w ill be increased to conform th erew ith laboring under a mistake as the only reasonable presumption tliat the Oana- Japanese on the island and the friends iOcialistic communities till Bellamy’s many more powerful than worth of diane will try tlieir I n k along tlie Span­ expression of that kind that we have of tlie ex-Queen, who is in W ashington, idea o{ an ultimate peaceful revolution cbaraeter- or the magic of manners, ish-American coasts, where opportuni­ published ie an article copied from the Often between ourselves and those and who made an opera liouffe protest **** *** reali*c'l. Tlie present trend of ties exist tliat are not afforded by either Guard of June 12tli and which was nearest and dearest to us, tliere exists against tlie ratification of tlie treaty, ■ **‘e times toward millionaires at of the other markets. duly credited to the Guard. Better to overthrow tlie present government en‘* ° * Ollr so -ial fabric and poverty- “ reserve which it is very hard to over- A well-equipped competing line of read more carefully next time Bro. of Hawaii ami set up one of tlieir own, ®trieken families at tlie other, cannot this sort would lie a serious matter for Wooley. witli the ultimate design of turning the *a8t a Ifreat while longer, because tlie To be ill thought of in another per­ our mercantile and shipping interests. Our position cm the matter of a new islands over to Japan, and tliat American people are not like those of son’s mind is in itself no wrong-doing, With the advantage of cheaply built court house is this: Lane countv is caused tlie treaty to go to the senate In,lia and w i|l >“>t submit to tlie con- although it may signify some discomfort British steamers, low-priced seamen - very much in need of a larger building much earlier than it would otherwise J 'lion# very long without a struggle, to yourself. and low-priced coal tliere would ba tlie in which the public records may be have gone. Tlie Japanese government an'l if Mr. Debs, Mr, Bellamy or any- Even to remember is scarcely pos­ same marked difference in favor of tlie kept with a reasonable degree of safety. has all along denied tliat it had any body else can give us a peaceful solu­ sible; to put ones self back is sometimes Canadian line which tlie British mer­ The condition of the county’s financ -s grabbing intention toward Hawaii, ane tion of our social problem while mak ¡ng a feat almost as difficult as to put ones cantile marine lias long iield over Amer­ is good and the cost of material and its denial may have been perfectly 1,8 a** *reoand equal according to our self forward, ican rivalry. When to these advantages -lal-or is so low that wo think a court honest and it may have been entirely ‘'“fustry and ability, he will he looked would be added suhsidy, nothing could The wall between friendship and love house can be erected now and the tax ignorant of tlie plot to overthrow tlie l,P°n as a second Washington by future be left our maritime trailers witli , is not a fit standpoint for any one. On payers feel the expense as little as for Hawaiian government. As the infor- Ke“«rations. Mr. Debs however, lias tlie south coast except to do business either side is happiness and content, hut «onio time to come. •nation concerning tliat plot was secret “ , arJ task >*f'>re him. at a loss, to go out of it altogether or i betwixt, neither. ami was not mentioned in the presi-I „ ----------- ** 1 i _ T o C u re C oun t! pa tio n F o re v e r, How m aw of the boys and girls can to induce congress to put them on a . We mortals are very impatient iieings, d e n ts message accompanying the Vi18»^}618 Candv Cathartic- MtoorKe. /ru" ,Ma "**“**~ tell why the 4th of July is observed as fighting equality witli tlieir rivals by treaty, diplomats regard it is a had ' and we seem to have some instinct by O U R T E R M S are C A S H or 30 n 3 th in g com 18 a holiday by the people of tho United providing subsidies also. which we make bad matters worse, far break on tlie part of Secretary Sher­ GENERAL NEWS. ..............into C A S H ............. Whatever may 1« tlie abstract opin­ States? Nearly all of them can, but worse than they need lie. man to have publicly mentioned it, how many children or grown people ion about subsidies for tlie merchant and the Japanese minister regards his ! Tlie senate has completed the wool, Simple, sincere people seldom speak 1 A CONTINUANCE OF YOUR VALUED PA I ItONAt.E IsSOI.Rr either have much of an idea what dang, navy we shall have to come to them or having done so as almost an insult to 8’*k and tobacco schedules of the tariff of their piety; it shows itself in acts or and suffering our forefathers endured let what little foreign carrying trade his country and is consequently some- ! kill. There remains now only to rattier than in words, and lias more in- go to gain that independence toward we have left go to the d igs with what wliat disgruntled. There isn’t oppogi- through the bill the second time and duence fl‘an homilies or protestations. which the first step was taken on July we used to posses». It needs but little tion enough to the treaty in tlie senate pa8s on tbe ‘terns passed over. Then When known evil seems absolutely 4th, 121 years ago. Wo som etim es argument to prove tliis. When rebates to prevent its ratification, but tliere is tbe internal revenue features will be all &ooJ to “ “‘an, and conscious falsehood were given by tlie railroads the think the people of thia country do not mer­ enough to make the debate quite re*“ ain. takes on tlie semblance and the author- appreciate tho blessings of indepen­ chant who could not get one was un­ lengthy, so it is intended to allow it to It is expected tlie house committees ty of t,le devil I“1® liim fast, able to compete with the other who dence near as much as they should. go over to tl.e regular session. j will be named by Speaker Reed on tlie 1,1 8° u‘e »ays disappointment This wan impressed on our mind by could, Tlie same is true of shippers. It is as W ill Continue to Carry a W e ll S elected Stock j No stronger plea for some action on last day of tlie present session of con- i 8°od aH success, for it does not prevent this remark ma le a few years ago by is a familiar principle of trade, and A friend who is of Gorman descent but needs no special elucidation. We ail tlie part of this government tliat will gross. Ellis of Oregon is to be ch air-! tlie sincerity of your good intentions, born in Canada a few miles from the know tliat tlie man who can do busi­ restore peace to Cuba lias been put man of the committee on irrigation of j nor alter the truth of your feelings. txmndary line between that province ness at least expense is the one who fortli than is contained in an official arid !ands, Kerr of Ohio on invalid It is true that interest itself fails at w . H. WEATHERSON Rates T h ro u g h o u t W ill be p- ........ A T B E D ROCK Fresh Groceries and P; sions by Each Boat. Imf tant Reductions Will Noticed in Footwear, M e Hats and Suits. ••"HURD & DAVENPQR THE SEATON ST0 ■GENERAL 4 - MERCHAND nnd the United States. “ My father gets the most of it to do, all other things report prepared by the agricultural Pensions and Hooker of New York ' times, and that life is then very saltless department, showing our trade with river8 “nd harbors. wae born under the rule of King W il. being equal. ! and ashy to tlie taste, hut even tliis is Consideration of Corbett’s claim to a a Part ° f ' experience, if honestly ac- We subsidize a good many enter­ Cuba for a period of years. For tlie Ham and did not think anything about tho difference between living in a king­ prises in this country, railroads directly fiscal year 1893, our commerce witli seat in tlie senate lias been postponed cepteil. dom and in a republic but I began to and manufactories indirectly. We Cuba ammounteil to »102,864,204; for till tlie next session That tide which flows and ebbs, that think about it when not more than ten even subsidize patriotism in our costly tlie fiscal year 1896 it had dropped to A young man named Edward Walker alternate waking and sleeping which killed years ol-l and I determined that I would pension system. We subsidise labor, in »47,54 ,610, and estimates for tl.e fiscal was is killed near Bonanza, Klamath belong t° all living emotions. If our no year 1897 place it at less than »20 - go to the United States becauso there a fashion, by eight-hour laws and vari­ June 20th by being thrown from ' hearts did not heat witli alternate 000,000. ’ I county . tho people make their own laws and ous other special easements. We sub­ I » Horse and ins foot catching in tlie Pulses, they would not he alive. | I Tlie administration is moving very stirrup. H e was draggei elect their own officers.” Perhaps if sidize inventive genius by giving it tlie about 100 | People are made up of so many con- leisurely towards the inauguration of yards liefore his we were deprived of our privileges for a enormous gains of monojsily. What companion could re- tradictory feelings, that when a person’s tim e wc would then realize something is tlie tariff hut a wise, necessary and its Cuban policy. Gen. Woodford, of lease him . j conduct surprises us, we forget how About their true value. D on’t fail to profitable subsidy io citizens who make N. Y„ lias lieen nominated minister to A railroad trestle near Missouri City, ,nueh circumstances have to do witli give the children an outing or a treat of something which they wish to sell at Spain, and the official statement made Mo., gave way on June 26th carrying tho outward aspect of life. come Kind on Independence day. Teach no risk from the cheap competition of that Ex-Congressman Aldrich, of III., down 4 cars of an express train. Tlie One of tlie sweet uses of adversity 18 them to look forward to that day aa one foreigners? Under all these circum­ will shortly be nominated consul-gener­ n u m b ero,d ead isestim ated at from 9 tl.e genuine eatisfaction which comes for rejoicing showing them the reasons stances why is it objectionable to sub­ al of Cuba, But tliere is little proba-| to 25. | from hearty work of head and hand; therefor and so cultivate patriotism in sidize commerce? Tliere may be spe- bility tliat either of them will b eat tlieir Tlie Rogue River Courier has been and to the inspiration of necessity we their young minds. cial privilege involved, but surely it is post inside of a month, and the new sold to Price A Voorhics, owe half the wise, beautiful and useful widely enough spread to give it the 1 l)0,icy is not to be started until Gen. blessings of tlie world. i J ohn C ovktrioiit , who stole about | features of Woodford gets to Madrid. Report says general privilege. Any. E v e ry b o d y Says So. four bits worth of tobacco from tlie tiling tliat puis American merchant tlie policy will be to request Spain to Some people have a gift of magnetism ?nrv Cutllurt‘c, the most won store of A , Bond A Son, of Irving, was ship« hack ii ,ion tlie sea docs not merelv withdraw its troops and allow Ouba to ' aeilul nodical discovery of the age. pt-as- ! of personal influence, which is quite AV Inch will bo handled on tho closest possible marga Consistent with the original cost and tr a n s p o r ta tio n . Cash o r A n y th in g Marketable» WILL BE TH E BASIS; T his w e in ten d shall w hardship on our patrons; LO W ER R A T E S MORE! C O M PEN SATING FOR PR O M PT SETTLEMENT HURD & DAVENPORT The Siuslaw River Lumber DEALERS, IN AND MANUFACTURERS OF and BL'ILDING MATERIAL ' inde8Cribable> wllicb beic mgs partly to sentenced last week to one year in tlie aid tlie owners. It re-creates shipbuild- l,ave b°n>e rule under a system similar ’mlfftuiil^oMtlDMiM th® interert th«y ‘»ke penitentinry. W'e have no desire what, ing with its three hundred eontributary , l° U,at in voglle in Canada, and tliat in tlie concerns G• cJo-d n yH O j^ Mi'eents. ^ vtdind 01 otlier8> Par,|y to some natural ever to cast reflections on either judge trades. It opens markets for farmers Sp4“ n '* wi,linK. provided tliat tliis sim- or jury, and presume they performed and helps to build up seaport cities g,,vernment ian persuade the rebellious gUaru“te<' t0 tuie by al‘ dra-gi»ts. plicity and elevation of soul. C- C CUSHMAN. tlieir duties as tig. law directs, but tlie ' wi.ere men of all kinds and classes find ! Ouban8 to *cce»*t a,,d t0 “«roe to assume Our motives are never so good is we P R E S ID E N T . SUN NEVER SETS ON U. S. DOMAINS. outrageous inconsistency of tlie law and work. In the final analysis its uenefits the debt of Cuba. think, and never quite so bad i s our CYRUSJC'JSHMAN. coutya is what causes justice to droop are national. enemies suppose. Our best is inter- Senator Morgan called attention to V IC E -P R E S ID E N T . “Tlie Britons proudly boast that the iier eyes in sham e. Here is a poor boy So let ns have subsidies for ships. tlie failure.¿f tlie tariff bill woven witli evil, and our worst, let us to provide sun never sets on tl.e Queen’s dominions liope lias some strand sen t over tlie wall for a y ea r; hia char­ Then if Cansda or any other foreign ,or the reP*al of «he income tax, of good. Only - A . O X X 1 © , im - as if they were special subjects of solar Go t acter ruined forever; liia gray haired state attempts to invade our markets I’08''*1 by ‘ I'« Wilson tariff can unravel tlie complexity. bill and father and mother weeping at home, we can meet it on even terms and can declared to’be unconstitutional by the favoritism,” writes William Çeorge When woman is tlie adviser the lords Jordan on “ Tl.e Greatest Nation on w hile Eugene's ex-post master “ appro­ go still further and enter its markets supreme court. He said lie of creation don’t take tl.e advice till » “» klad Earth,” in tl.e July Ladies priated” —we have to say it easy—»2,100 in tlie same way. Home they have persuaded themselves tliat it tliat tiie bill did not provide for 'ts ¡Journal. “ But it is equally true that end walks the etroets a free man to- repeal, liecause if it were left upon the there is always sunshine on some part IS just what they intended to do; then d ay!— JuneHun C ity T iintt W A N T E D - FAITHFUL MEN statue book, a change in the court they act upon it. and if it succeeds, they of Uncle Sam ’s great posseasions. - ' ' 11 • !* y y or women to travel for re­ might cause it to lie sustained. f When it is 6 p. m. on A ttoo’s Is,and, | £ <>f How MICH better it would be if all sponsible established house in Oregon. Quite a number of the senators who Alaska, it is 9:36 a. m. of the dav fol- i'-ey generously give lier tlie (leople living in one town and en ­ Salary »,80 ami expenses. Position the whole ! out tlie Pettigrew anti- lwwing lowing at at EMtport, Eastport. Maine. Maine „ If we lw locate gaged in tlie sam e business could speak permanent. References. Enclose self- , .eliNNl . to knock , ale addressed stamped envelope. The trust amendment to the tariff hill, have the eentreof the Unites States calculat T1,ose deceits, those a kindly of omi another and devote tlieir National, Star Insurance Illdg., Chicago. offered amendments of their own. es- ing it as midway between 'longitude ° n ilin g ’ "PP™ 8^ 8 by which peop.„ energies to tlie upbuilding of tlio city -Cargoes Sawed to Or E- P WAITE, TRE«*» I B CUSHM» SECRET O r e e c EN TER PR ISIN G leading P^'otlly aimed at the sugar trust, with sixty-seven of Eastport and longitude which they appear to have a dread „1 one hundred and nintv-three of Attoo’s being considered friendly. One of these Island it will be found on the one offered by Senator Pettus, proliiliits hundred and tw enty-sixth degree of ll,e importation of raw sugar by the longitude, about two hundred and "»gar trust, and anotiier, offered by eighty inilee west of San Francisco, in too trivial to lie worthy of notice. Senator Nelson, provides tliat any at- ' tlie Pacific ocean. The complaint was signed by quite a ••‘»‘pt to monopolise tiie trade in raw - number of the leading citiaens of Eu- w refined sugar among the states or I t ts reasonably safe k. state that tl.e instead of calling one anotiier names THE UNIVERSITY DIFFICULTY. and saying bard things. When tlie city prospers all tlie people prosper in 1 lie board of regents dismissed tlie greater or lesser degree, and times of d e p ^ s io n am felt by a l i . - ^ g , - , ‘. " 7 " Chapman of P U M er the S ta te li niversity considering them T o C a r o C o n r tlp o tlo n t o r r r o r . ^ ‘•c a re ts Caiulv C atim m e. Ido or Sfls. I f V. C. C. fa il io cure, d r u « tu i3 refund nivuey. gene and shows a feeling against Cl.ap- D avid B. Hill occasionally says a man that unless tilings change, is likely good thing, though he has not been to prove detrimental to the Uuiversity. saying much of anything lately. Not If the fault is in Dr. Chapman then it not long since, however, lie said to a seems to us tliat tlie interest o, tlie New York interviewer: *’Tlie country's I Diversity would tie advance«, liy mak- prosperity in tiie future depends on tlie prudence nnd foresight of its liusi- liese men, not upon any policy dictated by crank demagogues, or political ad- venturers.”— T iiuoimo Ledger. A rc Scfüüing's Best IM foffte baktng p»«rd«r Aavnnnf rxirxM • n by July 1st. Tl.e -«..va,», national <»» lumbermen through ita «ha executive officers is entitled to to ths credit of secoring ttie passage o, this ”* **'r e s a H s m A, c o , T*"1 v a iM fo ar New y ark • c l.— C, A P. S . itt i ihrrstjp. ** ” ’ •»» ~ tO 8ave ot,iers fro'>> Pain. are tl.ev WOrth the grief tl"*y occasion? Very PROGRESSI! often ttie se ise of confidence and se curity far outbalances any pain of frankness, and even of con !em nation expressed. M ERCHAI Merit c A R M A N ’£ “ Merit talks” the intrinsic value of Hood’,Sarsaparilla. ___ Merit in medicine means the power to cure. Hood’sSsrsspariliapoassssesartnal and unequalled curative power and there- Hood' tr“C m