FOR LITTLE FOLKS. S T A T E O F F IC E R S ® ' nor........................William P. Lord. _____ ary of State ............H. R. Kincaid. jMHiiirer ........................ Philip Metelien Public Instruction.. . .G. M. Irwin. P rin ter......... . .............W . H. Leeds. Attorney G eneral........... C. M. Idleman. <......... . .11. S. Bean . F. A. Moore _ Supreme Court r : : . c . ........ E. Wolverton Judge îSecond D istric t... .J. C. Fullerton Attorney Second D istrict.Geo. M. Brown COUNTY OFFICERS- G rJ L P L ID IlS rE F l Steamer S T A Q E Robarts ----------- S A IL S L IN E . ------------ ' H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each month. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ Single trip $3.00. Round trip $5.00 days and Fridays. Florence to Yaquina. Meyer & Ky'e, EUG ENE-FLO REN CE I STAGE LINE. o _ DRUG V IN C E N T S T E A M ER “ COOS," Proprietor. (S U C C E S S O R S STORE. & W ALTON, TO V. H E M IN W A Y .) Will mnke7------- o m e s , M e s u r a is , T R IP S . . . . AND Florence and Heafl of Tide. N ORTHERN Pacific, Ry- Justice of P eace..............F. B. Wilson C onstable.........................Jonh F. Tanner ! Single fare - - $5.00 ! Round trip - _ _ - $9.00 Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd & Davenport’s office in Florence. R A Complete Line of Drug Sundries and Toilet Articles. Corner 9th & Willamette Sts. Eugene, : TERM S : : O re. S T R IC T L Y CASH. * U N F. B. Wilson S O. W. Hurd Win. Kyle Marion Morris C. C. Behnke MORRIS *** HOTEL, Pullman .. J. 0. FLINT, Proprietor... F lo i- e n c o , O r e g o n . Elegant? Sleeping Cars CHRONICLE Dining Cars OUR AIM—To furnish the best T O U f 'lS t accommodations at reasonable prices. Sleeping Cars ST. PAUL M IN N E A P O L IS DULUTH Head of Tide Hotel, W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. Tables furnished with all th e ' delicacies of the season. Wild game, fish and fruit in season. Best MsS. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58. accomodations for the traveling Ill meets second and fourth Saturdays public. Charges reasonable. of each month. S j . 1. B ittkkfiki . h , Commander. J. L. Fcitxisu, A djutant. Pills CORNER Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, R E G U L A R D A I L Y 1 Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. -----Act w een ------ .. W. T. Bailey Commissioners .. J. T. Callison J m., arriving in Florence the day .....................A. C. Jennings j following at 10 a. in. ...................... A. J. Johnson Returning—stage leaves Flor­ Treasurer..........................A- Patterson ence on Mondays, Wednesdays Assessor...............................................D. P. Burton School S uperintendent......... C. S. H unt and Fridays at 3 p. in., arriving in Eugene the following day Surveyor..............................................C. M. Collier at. 6 p. in. Coroner................................................J- W. Harris F. A A .M . Florence Lodge No. 107. E R egular communication on second t faurth Saturdays in each month. S. L. RonEKDS, W. M. M S notts , Secretary. Hood’s Florence, Or. .E. O. Potter. S E C R E T S O C IE T IE S . Are features peculiar to Hood’s Pills. Small in size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As on* tiuux Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs- said: You never knew you ’ davs and Saturdays. have taken a pill till it is all Connects with Steamer and Scotts- over." 25c. C. I. Hood & Co., ■ burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. For Passenger and Freight Rates Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge The only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. reasonable. --------APPLY to ------- E- Bangs, ffyw yder............................ . .Drew Severy Treasurer ............................J . A. Pond Marshal................................J . R. Weddle asy to Operate TO __ FA R G O ______ CRAND FORKS CROOKSTON W IN N IP E G T H E C H R O N IC L E ranks w ith U m fraatest newspapers In the U n ited states. T H E C H R O N IC L E has no equal on the Paclflo Coast. I t leads all in ab ility, enterprise and news. T H E C H R O N IC L E 'S Telegraphic Reports are the latest and most reliable, Its Local New s the fullest and spiciest, and its E d ito rials from the ablest pens In the country. T H E C H R O N IC L E basal ways been, and always w ill be, the friend and champion of the people as against com binations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kin d . I t w ill be Independent l a eve ry th in g neu tral In nothing. H E L E N A a»d BUTTE THROUGH TICKETS TO HOTEL EUGENE. »•« .** W. O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. a O U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, h 'tu e r iH every 1st ami 3d Saturday«’ MttK month. Members and visiting E U G E N E , jWthren in good standing are cordially I jegtid to attend- I. G. K icotts , M. H . IV k .JK y i . e , Recorder. - - - O REG O N W A S H IN G T O N P H IL A D E L P H IA NEW YORK BOSTO N A ND ALL P O I N T 8 E A S T and S O U T H E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. T b , O. F. Ileceta Lodge No. I l l , meets jB fery Wednesday evening in Lodge ■ K Florence, Oregon. Brothers m Twentv-three L ^ ^ B ta n d in g invited to attend. .1. A. Y atb S, N. G. M ario -. M okkis , Sec. C H IC A G O i For information, time card», maps and tickets, ' etc., call on or w iite R. M c M urphey , j General Agent. Room» 2 and 4, Shelton Block, EUGENE, OREGON. Miles West of Eugene. A. D. C H A R LTO N , Assistant General Passenger Agent. 255 Morrison St. Cor. Sd. P o r tla n d O r. C H U R C H D IR E C T O R Y SBYTEBIAN CHURCH, Florence, iregou. Sabbath service. Sabbath- 1, 10 o'clock a. in. Preaching 11 jk a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of ^Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of lary, April, July and October, •ybody is welcome to all tbe services, ir requests Christians to make iselves kuown. I. G. K notts , Pastor. ON EUGENE AND T h e F u n k ;& W a g n a l l s FLORENCE Dictionary STAGE ROUTE. Standard Of The Money Saved By Patronizing it. ENGLISH LANGUAGE TH E COM PLETE S U C C IE N T THODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH P rop. service. Preaching at Glenada G eo . H a le a4 Acme two Sundays of each month. «Vbath-Scliool every Sunday at B U S IN E S S C A R D S - 0 a. in. Prayer meeting every Tliurs- ay evening at tbe church. Everybody ■Mially invited. G. I . R ounds , "T J Pastor. r T o n s o r la l P a r lo r s . A U T H O B IT A T IV E 301,865 Vocabulary Term« 347 Editors and Specialists 533 Readers for Quotations 5000 Illustrations Cost over >960,000 Appendix of 47.468 Entries S h a v in g a n d ARTISTIC HAIR CUTTING. A. C. WOODCOCK, RAZOR HONING A SPEC IALTY -ajc. ttorney at Law, O regon »n», rooms 7 and » McLaren’« Building. ittAntlon given to collections and pro- »iueM. E. O PO TTER. ............Attorney-at-Lsw .................. fIR S T RATIO NA L T O . W B W D R IO K 3. P»«S. BUOKNE, OREOOS. E E. BENEDICT. ® A C C O U N T S . E A K lH » 6 0 ,0 0 0 <60 OOO . OREGON N O T A R IE S . : : Oregon. AGENTS W A N T E D . E . D . B R O N SO N & CO, Pacific Coast Agent« SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 933 Market S t. A. R. B UTTO LPH, Notary Public, Surveyor • F lo r e n o e , PATENTS r tt.w r n r r t. A --« •» « » j 5. A. CHOW & CO. O re g o n . G H A R LFS G ETTYS. NOTARY PU BLIC . SEXTON NOTARY FLORENCE. PUBLIC. - - OREGON SAM PLE C O PIES SENT W A N T F R a E. T IIE Reversible Map? S H O W IN G The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico O N • O N P atents MUNN a M l B ea a d w ar. 0 0 ., Maw t a r li. T H K O T H E R B ID S . Send S 3 and O o t th o M a p and W e e k ly C h ro n ic le f . r O ne T . i r , poaiagn p re p a id on M . p a n d P a p .r . A D D R ra a M . T H A D * M ARAS« O C 8 IO N « , O O P Y fftC M T S A o . Anyone sending a sketch a:*d description may SCIENTIFIC »NHIWH, O N E 8 ID K , A a d th e M a p o f t h e W o r ld BO V C A R S * K X P S S IS N O C . OREGON F R A N K B. W 'L S H N . (Iucludtnsr pofftn to any p tr t of the U n ite d Mtalee. Canada and Mexico. T H E W E E K L Y C H R O N IC L E , the brir w o n m in travel for re- •p-.naible e-’sl-li.hed tmu.e In Oregon, of ft.lary !?89 and ••xnenw , P, aitiot «»•rniNnem. R.-f. re* <•** Encln-e *el* »i|dre»«ed «•»ii'l’ed envelope. The Nalivnal, S tar Incorai«* Bldg., Chicago. HOW MEMBERS OF A RURAL PARTY GOT TO MORALIZING. V/ATER POWER. A 61 in p i» L i t t le K n r ln e T h a t A »]r S m a rt E lih u ETndrrtook to Sho w t h e n i r e d M a s H oy C an M a k e . I ’la a U T h a t S pread Q u ic k ly . The dandelion isau old world flower, oot native in America, aave fnr to the north and on some of tbe highest of oar western mountains. But somehow it was brought here, perhaps from Eng­ land, iu old oolonial timea. Now we sea its golden heads and feathery balls at every grassy roadside, tbe "clocks" the boys and girls blow to tell the bonr. A few years ago farmers in the northwest found a new weed, • vile, prickly weed, in their wbeatfields. In a very short time this weed, the Russian thistle, has spread over wide acres of the best farm land in that part of the oountry and has done great injury to the crops. How do these plants spread so fast and so far? They are not carried about and planted. No one would be so to I- ish as to sow Russian thistle«. Tbe mother plant must have ways of her own for sending her offspring abroad in­ to ¡be world. Plants propagate them­ selves iu tw j ways, from seed or from buds. Sometimes these buds are borne on slender runners. A strawberry plant, afte- it haa blossomed, begins to send out such ruuners, with buda, nn(olding tufts of leaves, nlong them These tufts are at flrst connected with tbe parcut plant, but later tbe runners between break away, and each tuft becomes a new plant. Many grasses, like Bermuda grass and the troublesome quick or couch grass, have creeping stem«, each joint sending out a bunch of roots below f nd bud on the upper aids. If you try to non up such grasses, you only make matters worso, for each join* when out off is ready to form an independent plant Such grasses spread very fast and soon take possession of tbs land they got into.—Thomas H. Kearney, Jr., in ¿ t Nicholas, The principle illustrated in the ac­ companying cut might readily serve to E»«y I t I * to R o b th e V u o p h lr t ic s t e il. generate power without tho use of ma­ T h e I t r . n l t W a n n ’ t J u t a * H a C a lc u la te d . chinery. We give it, however, mwely Il w as a truly rural party that waited as an interesting and easily mode exper­ In Lanowing cuepeuse (or the train iment. Pour water into a good sized glass which was to leave iu two or three iouis. They had been to a fair, tumbler until it is two-thirds full and and iu their period! of comparative re­ pose | assed the time recounting their experiences and observations. “ 1 can’t he’p beiu auxiens,” the old geutlemau said apologetically to a gate tender. "Ye see, there ain't nobody to L me, an somebody up in our country is developin a ter'bio appetite fur Leg­ horn chickens, which is my specialty. I don’t like the idee of stayin here over­ night, dodgiu bunko atcercrs, when we orter be chusin cbickiu thieves." "Haven't yon got a hired man on the place?” “ We brought ’im along. He was w illin to pay bis own way, an ez he’d of quit ef I hed told ’im he'd gotter stay, I thort it 'ud save trouble iu the end. ” “ Yes siree, ” chimed in the hired man, who cume up just at that point in tho conversation, "I had to move weth stand it upon a canister to give it the the peroessiou. An Iwon.-in’to f missed necessary elevation. Through the flat seein what I did fur nothin. I guess I cork on the surface of the water is a got through weth more sights than any­ stout straw, which transversrly supports body else in tho hull o u tfit" one of the same diameter. To the latter “ I reckon ye didn’t como across any are attached two other straws of smaller more that was new nn startlin than diameter, each of these having a bit of some of tho rest of us," replied tho old straw about au inch in length uttachod gentleman iu a blase tone of toleration. to the end at an obtuse angle, with the "I know of one thing thet ye didn’t see, outlets cut on the slant to facilitate the fnr mother says she had her eye on ye exit of the water. "Hello,, Htimson, what’s all that all the time. Hcv yo got any money?" All the joints ore hollow and are “Two dollnr an sixty cents," was made water tight with sealing wax. The whistling about? Not trying to raim the wind, are youl” the self satisfied response. ends of the transverse straw are like­ "N o,” said hslasMti, unpuckering his "Then ye didn’t see whut I'm tnlkin wise closed with the wax, but the ends mouth from ■ violent effort to produce about Ye run over to thet store an of the depending straws are left open. "Benny Havens, Ob.” "I am merely buy 8 cents' wuth of English walnuts Now, to start this unique homemade an I’ll show it to ye. I'll he overwhnr apparatus inaction, let two persons suck reviving old melodies." “ But I never before even anspected mother an Zeb is, ’cans« it ’ll interest the epen ends of the depeuding straws you of being musical," and his lrieud them too.” until the water begins to flow, and when When the hired man came back from they take their mouths away the device looked anxious. "Ob, I «ay, bang It, can't a fellow his errand, the old gentleman was saying w ill begin to revolve, while the water whistle without being called to task to his w ife: "I was out fur cxperienco, pours steadily from the open ends. about it?" an ye can’t git experience without its This revolving siphon w ill scon "Not when whistling 1« so seldom costin a leetle somethin. I learnt a new empty the tumbler, but you may keep game, an I want Zeb an the hired man tlio action up as long as you please by beard that it is in danger of becoming ter know about it, so's ter put ’em on pouring water in as fust as the straws one of the lost arts.’’ “ Well, 1 must own np, I tee. I am their guard again the wickeduess of this let it pour out. ; not whistling for amusement, nor for here world. AU ye need is some walnut tbe music that’s in it. I am whistling A B o y a n d a B a n a n a S k la . shells au a paper wad.” for my health ” The members of his household fol­ One day last week a white haired old lowed him to the window ledge, and, gentleman was walking up Fifth avenue I "Your health? Moasenssl" "There’s no nonsense about it, Look after a few preliminary passes to loosen with his cane. Not for in front of him up his muscles for feats of legerdemain, duwdled a Ixiy eating a big ripe ba­ at my chest. It haa increased two inches in girth since I began to wbl«tle. The he paused to remark: nana It was near the noon hour, and exercise has dona i t I have expanded "Now, ye'll understan, of course, the street was thronged with people thet this here ain't no lesson in gam- hurrying eflf to lunch. Presently the the muscles, and the pull ou the riba bliu. I jes’ wantcr show ye how it’s boy, having finished the banana, drop­ has strengthened them, and my general done. When ye go tor town, ye’ll ped the skin ou tho sidewalk and went health is benefited. You see, 1 have em­ know jes’ cz much about it cs them whittling tip tbe street. The old gentle­ ployed a new method of oompresaed air sharpers does an bo on yer guard. It's a man stopped and bent over slowly, lean­ treatment." game wbur tho mau cz does tbe guessin ing heavily on his cane, and picked op I "You mean that yon have added one more to the list of cranks." ain’t got no show whutsomever. ” tho banauu skin. Just then the boy Ho manipulated tho shells and the looked over his shoulder and saw what | "Nothing of the kind. But I have paper wad in imitation of tho man he the old mau had done. He stopped, with given the iuiots who are always asking had seen at the fair, and stepping back his hands ill his pockets, nnd watched fool questions one more question for their repertories. 8 ’Joug. "•-* Detroit said: curiously. Close to the curbing stood a "Course, I don’t want yo ter bet forlorn old druy horse, with its head Free Frees._______________ _ nothin, ‘causo that ’ud ho jes’ like rob- hung down and one leg bowed out. He An Aetor*« S ta rt« . bin yer. Hut it won't do no harm far looked as if he hadn't had enough to cat Mr. Merrisou recounted two anecdotes ye ter make a guess, eo’s ter show ye iu months. in his experiences in playing Faust. how the dag-on-ed swindle operates. ” The old mau held out the banana Atone place tbe trapdoor thiough whiob " I’ll bet yo my now knife agin that skin, and the discouraged old horse in­ he disappears iu the fifth act refused to buckhorn bandied one of yer’n thet I stantly pricked up his ears. lie was evi­ work, and, to nse bis expression, "his kin pick out tho shell cz lica the paper dently suspicious ut first that a joke was plume stood erect ” wad under it, "remarked tho hired mnn. being played ou him, but it was only "Can't yon open it?" be asked m an "I wouldn’t let ye do it. Don’t ye fnr a moment. He reached forward excited tome. onderstan’ thet this is a skin game I ’m eagerly and nipped the banana skin with There was an awful pause for a mo­ a-showin yo?” his soft lips. When it was gone, be ment, when away In the gallery some­ "I don’t keer nothin ’bout that I've looked up wistfully, but the white hair­ body sang oat: got that tber papirwad located on ye ed old mau was walking cn np the street i "Holy Moses, bell’s full!” da'sn't bet thet I a in 't ” with his cane. The boy stepped whis­ I At another time, while breakfasting "I da’sn’t, da'sn’t I? I don’t like ter tling. He was thinking, and so were a at a betel, he noticed that the colored take no advantage of ye, hut ye're a score of other people who saw the little waiter who brought him his mewl kept man growed au responsible fur yer own incident.—Chicago Record. i staring at him. He told tbe waiter thet acks. Put up yer knife. ’’ , he might go. “ When 1 need yon," be Schoolboy D e fln ltlo n a . The sttkes were laid «n the window added, **I w ill send for yon." In a recent examination some boys ledge, and tho hired wan promptly se­ "Need me?" exclaimed tbs waiter in were asked to define certain words and evident recollection of Mepbista "Say, lected the right shell. to give u sentence i. uctrating the mean­ "By hokey," exclaimed the old gen­ Mr. Morrison, I went to your show last tleman, "ye've guessed itl It must ’a’ ing. Here arc a few: Frantic is wild; I night. ” picked some fruntic flowers. Athletic, | been by a miracle. ” "And how did you like ItF* He tried it again, end this time not strong; the vinegar was too athletic to "Like Bay. Ms. Morrison Like it) ill Bay, ' only tho hired man, but Zeb and the old use. Tandem, eno behind another; the last scene was awfuL, Qut one lady, risked all their available small boys sit tandem at school. And then consoled mc. I cooldn t see any change. Again the amateur thimble some single wenis are funnily explained. in belli” —New York Letter. rigger juggled the shells, and with the Dust is mud with the wet squeezed out Fins are fishes' wings. Stars are tbe same nsult. "Better own up au quit, father," moon’s eggs. Circumference is the dis­ Of tbe many an tance around the middle of tho outside. the genial humor suggested Zeb. "I won’t do nothin of the kind,” was —Educational Gazette. * e MU ry of Oliver W tbe reply. h 0$ the pMTs lowing was relatMf C o r k Toy«. In tbe course of time he issued (Kestof Mas/- classmates, Job« Bt Curious toys may te made of cork. land: promissory notes for a saddle blanket, a One ef these is the well knov.u little pair of boots, six pearl collar buttons, a Mr. Kerr seas as calico dress, u pair of bear» k i l l gloves, tumb:cr such as is generally constructed notions as Holmes btasdrK and was so seven plugs of tobacco and $4.60. But of piih. but cork, especially if it Le unusually partloofaS a*0ht tbe spelling be was not discouraged. He was pre­ hollowed, w ill answer the purpose quite of bis name the« tS-bstmBM • laughing paring for another shuffle of (be walnut ns wclL Make the puppet of throe or matter w hti tita student* Twenty yean lour ccrfcs, shape and point it as skill­ after tbe class bad graduated Mr. Kerr shells, when his wife exclaimed: "Elihu, ain't it purty Lear train fully us you can, and glue to thn feet, or bad occasion to t M t Bouton, and while under them, little hemispheres of lead. there called upon his old clawniarc, time?" There was a simultaneous rush for Wlten thrown into any position, the fig­ then grown faniona. When Mr. Kerr the gate. Their truia had been gone ure, ef course, rights itself, and, like a was ushered Into Holmes’ study, the rot, always falls cn its feet It is quite port harried forward, acd, seising his nearly 16 minutes. "Waal, ” said the old gentleman, "It’s possible to make a cat of pith or of cork old friend with both hand«, cried hearti­ disapp’iutin ter Lev tir tet hew irll tbe tea ly. "Welcome to Boston, J-o-h-n B o-s- uex’ one goes, but we re had t1:« benefit ni-a-n K-e-r-r, ” as fast a« be oould «pell of the ex posy, an; hew. Ye «in alius it.— Washington Post “ If it wasn't for me, my dam in dror a morul from most auytbiug that i licol wouldn’t havo any standing at III* O e l r J o k e * happens. It all g cs ter show thet there i. .1,” «aid Hubert. ain't any way of be in re'ly safe in John Anthon, who live* in law li­ "Nonsense!" said his auut "Your games of chance, lo matter which tide braries between tbe covers of an oM lucther Bays you arc the foot of it. " ye’re on." callskin treatise labelod "Autben's Nisi "I am," said Hubert "How could It "Yes. ” said Zeb, "it all come ter pass Frias," wa» a gentleman of solemn vis­ 'long of bavin ter lull Line iu thia hero »fand if it didn’t have nfoot?"—Phlla- age, solemn mien and solemn adores» i.elphia Times. place." while ut tbe bar Bnt be w n known h* "Whnr's tbe hired man?" L IM I« M ary*« L o g l« . a moment of impatieuce to be cnee fun­ "He told mo thet, ex it would tengood Ll tie M .jy was srnt to f e store one ny, Opposed to a lawyer named Ed­ while tell the train went, he nckomd y to have ixiine sirup sent up far the mund J Porter, be began hi« addreaa to the jure by aayiug, "Now, gentlemen, he'd take tome of bit w inniu’s uu |.aint ...hie. tho town u littlo bit.” "Does your mother want refined I shall auk your aid to bottio up Por­ The old lady passed around some red eirup?” astui the merehal:*. ter, ” who quickly responded, “ If they apples and ri marked: "I think she dom,” answered Mary. do, I «hall foam. ’’—Green Bag. ' "To my way of thmkin, there's an­ “ Lhe is a very nice lady."— Youth's TI m Itay W « WlUlay. other eternal truth thet this altcinoon Companion. Hired Boy (ou a farm)—Kin I go hez demonstrated." fiahiu ibis afternoon? "Whet is it, Alirnndy?" Farmer—No, BuFbe a good hoy and Bettie Witless Why does that little “ A fool au his money are soon work hard au mebbe next week yon kin noy always go barefis'teo' parted. ” Hallie Knowall—Why. Is-cause he has go to a funeral. And lier husband never took the trou­ Hired Boy—Kin I go to yonrn?— ble to niqnlie whether sbe meant him more fret than shoe« —Harper's Found Epoch. Tsble. or tbe htied man.— Washington Star. a nd O t h e r M e m b e r* o f I l i a F a m ily H o w