« ■V—~ !>■ »'■■■-T^ ï -J"«" [ r . THE W EST ►> > . fr YOUR HOHE PAPER > SUPPORT IT ► T A T E C F F lO u R S 3 - D Steam;? IJ N T K iR 1» caused by torpid Uver, which prevents diges­ tion and penults food to ferment and putrlfy In the du-nach. Then follow dixzlnesi, headache. Robarts ------ “ S A IL S --------- 3 T A Aid L i I N B ... WOMAN’S WORLD. r h ^ V -L th w ’ foU.Uc T R A V IL E - b ‘ Ó U U E . C .W illia m P . L o rd . M . H . J a rre tt, ......... II. R. K in c a id . ......... P h i l i p M e te lie n ..save- Floreni'e .1 >n lays, AVeiliies- i d i o t i . . .G . M lew ¡n. I »-.-« m I Fri lay«. ............... W . l i . :.e i il-. A rriv es it :'!m e ice !'ie« lay«, Tliurs- . . . 1 M. Id le m u rt. d a y « n i l S-it n-il.i vs. .A t t o f u e v tiC 'i'-« a ! . C im eets vitli Steamer ind Scotts­ . . K S B .-an Also with . 1". A. M o o re b u rg S ta g e h im - ’ ir If tin. - . ip r t ì l l f I'lllli't Stage l.itie fur .'■) >« Hay. Charge . ,C . E . W o lv o ito ii r e a s o n a b le flct ,J . C . F u l l e r t o n I •'’wF**11 * * L ' ' Vrti>r J « y ïS • . i n i s i r i e t e ie u . Ai. B ro w n Hood’s On tir- 1st, 10th a n d 2 0 th o f one m u n ta . s in g le trip $3.00. Round trip $ 5 .I h P r o p ’ r, F lo r e n c e to Insonitna, nervousness, a n d ,. if not relieved, bilious fever I or blood poisoning. Hood’s Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con­ stipation, etc. SS cents. Sold by alt druggists. The only Pills to take with blood's Sarsaparilla. Pills Y a q u iiia . Fui- Passenger and Freight Rates ------APPLY r o ------- .layar A ir t <4 Tr tutee' iccorder . < . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Drew Severy .......I. A i'nn ! Treasurer ........... ...J K. Weddle Marshal.......................... OCI TIE . .... of Tide. Fi •rene.- Lu lg-- No. 107. A. Reg Blur ;um.nimicatimi on second anil fourth Saturdays in each month. S. E. K urkudm , W. M. I. tì. K itotth . Secretary. A d ju ta n t. Sundries nJ To le. ArJcl s : : : Ore. S T R IC T L Y CASE. I b fEtDimMKIi MORRIS *** HOTEL, P u ll n a n I ’if! J. 0. FLINT, Proprietor P l o r a n o •», Oseis j o n .. E le g a n t ; Sleep» ... □ ¡n il* O U R A IM — To iurni.-Ji th e best accom m od ations at reason able prices. C a r. S le e p in g W . W . N 3 E L Y , Prop’r. T ab les furnished w ith all C a r. 8 T . i»A JL DHL J £ r l TO HOTEL EUGENE. «*# F A R O O _____________ Q3A.NO FORKS th e ! CRO O K STO N Wl X N IP 2 3 HELENA CIFIC COAST ¡« ¡IM A C a rs T o u r is t Head of Tide Hotel, d elicacies o f ttie season. W ild gam e, fish and fruit in season. B est -accom odations for th e travelin g A. R. General Lyons P ost,-No. 58, b secuiid anil fourth. Saturdays public. C harges reasonable. each Iboutli. J . I. B i T T E R F iE l.n , Commander. J . L. F uksi » i , . . * *# MI.4 l i A.» J L I 3 4 F. A A. M. AND Corner 9th & W illa m ette Sts. * .. F. B. Wilson President .................... A WALTON, v. meminway J to A Complete Line of Drug ORTHERN Eugene, Pacific, Ry. T E R M S rick ets for sa le a t E. Bangs’s livery barn, E ugene, and at Hurd & D aven port’s o f f i c e in Florence. CITY O F F IC -R '. ( successors DPfl£5.lBiieii6S, Qtiticals, T R IP S Florence and M - D UC STORE. VN~ENT S T E A M ER “ C O O S ,” ) S tage le a v es E u gen e M ondays, R E G U L A R D A IL Y —• Betw een---- W ed n esd ays and F ridays at (5 a. m ., a rr iv in g in F lorence the day follow in g at 10 i. m . R etu rn in g—stage leaves F lo r- «nee on M ondays, W ednes la y s and F rid ays at 3 p. in., arriv in g in E u g en e th e fo llo w in g d a y at 6 p. ut. .Clerk.................... Alteriti’. ................... ........... A. J ./ohusin» Treasurer......... . Assessor ....... .... ............. D. P. Burton Sen.» d «aiH-rinteii lent......... U S. H ’d it Hurveyor j ................ .............C. M. Collier Cormier.................. ............. J. W. Harris J listine of P e a c e . .. ........... F. B iViison Const aide............. ........Jouti F. Tanner S in gle fare Round trip -'V O W SEC RET CORNER ST A G E L IN E . Judge. T H E CHRONICLE ran K b with U»« S’ICiaK's I’elPgrap ilc Reports are the latent and m ov reliable. Its Local N ew s tae fh lea» and nplciett an I its Editorial« from tue •blewt pen« In the Country TH EC tirtO N iC LK iiusalwava been, and alwava w ill he. the friend and ctiain »Ion of the peo »le 1« affuiiiat com bi •atlona, cllqu -o corporation«, w op.T”iMlon«« of an«' t ln d It Alii be Independent ia • vary Ulin g ueutral lu uotulug. >d B jr r s T H R O U G H T IC K E T S TO C H IC A G O W A S H IN G T O N P H IL A D E L P H IA » *» a O. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, N o. l o t , M’. O. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. Ha meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays eacn month. Members mid visiting E U G E N E , - - - O REG O N brethren in good standing are cordially iuvitadto attend. I. <». K t n-rs, M 'V. iVn. K t u Kec>»r l«r. E lk P r a ir ie H o te l. NEW YORK BO STO N AND ALL P O IN T S E A S T »nil S O U T H Fur Information, time cards, maps mid tickets etc., call on »r wiite o.o. F Heceta Lodge Xu. Ill,m eets R . M O M J V ’ HEY, L Hail, WeJiiesd.iv evening in Lodge General Vjent. Ro »ms 2 mnl l, Shelton Block, FI oreoce, Oregon. Brothers in T w e n t v - t h r e e BUGBSB, OitK i JX. goat&tlUHi'hng invited to attend. M ile s W e s t j, Y a rn , X. O. A. O. C H A V -T O M , M ai . ion M i kkis , Sec. Assistant General Passenger Aveitt. of Eugene. 255 Morrison St. C«»r. 3d. J P o r t la .n ,d O r b C H D IR E C T O R Y CHURCH, Florence, . Sabbatli service. Sunbath- o'clock a. in. Preaching l i 7 p ir Sacrament of ’« supper on 1st Sabbath of April, July and Octoiier. is welcome to all the sen ices. Christians to make known. I. G. K notts , Pastor. ON E U G E N E AND TheFu.ik.Sfe W u g n a lls FL O R E N C E D iT im ir v STA G E R O U T E . S ta n d a rd Of The Mo.iey Saved Th« By the CO M PLETE P a tr o n !x iJ ig it. T o n s o r ia l P a r lo r s . S h a v in g an d ARTISTIC HAIR CUTTING. WOODCOCK, RAZOR HONINO A SPECIALTY—age. Jit, k iw , O re g o n . fIR S T McTairen's Building, collections end pro- R A T IO N A L , .. Attorney-at-La w EUGENE. OREGON. A O C O 'J N T S EUGENE. r n c i At the Court Hotme. R.NH3Y - -A.T - Li-A-W. : Oregon. : ÄTENTS ■ endT rede Mart« e t tala M sa d »11 P et n •M con.lai-tsdfnr M ade rata P c « . . model, drew ingorphnto. W e ed rU e l » b le fr -« o fch er -w . I > ir fee n e t d u e t. • c 1. Nlete W eekly Newspaper In the world print« regularly 84 oolainiM. or tw elve pages of Vews. i.lteritu re a n i te teral Infur na­ tion; also a mAguiilcent Agricultural Departm ent. SAMPLc 3 - fT CUHI c S FH .£. DO YOU W *N T TH E C H R O N IC L E A C ÎN T S YA M T2D. R e v e r s ib le M a p ? E. D. BRONSON & CO OREGON Pac’fic Coast A rents SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. O regon . The United States, Dominion of Canada and Nor‘V$-n Mex-ao ON 933 Market S t. O X K iv.’ D E , Aart t h e . ^K mmimìh I Map o f th a ON N otary F .ih lic. S u rv ey o r L P atents T R A D E MARKE« CHARLES GETTYS. I UK OTHKR W orld BXDK. Re »<1 S2 a n i Ge< fh * M in Wr klj • hron’t le f»r O ie T • *r, poe -<>• prepal.l o i M p «n4 l*up>r. ADDItEW, 51. H . de Y O IT M O . Proprietor A P Chrontelet MAN PHA NClhC«», CAU • Ao. PUBLIC. AXTED—F A PIIFU L FRANK B. WILSON. h « hi » fii - - OREGON SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, b»M,lf.llT innwratM. luwMt sfratati' loo PUBLIC. S NOTARY MEN W <»p tn trhvel i«»r <*• ipil )«• »*«»»’ HHliptl |»o$« e i» Orptfnvt. SEATON. OREGON- FLORENOE. $ 1 .5 0 ............. Sa i-i’-h P ages F ree............... A. R. BUTTOLPH, NOTARY t e « 6 0 .0 0 0 a O L IO IT 'D • F lo r e n o e , •avrwr O»ne» - NOTARIES. E E. BENEDICT, The full number of words and terms in different dictionaries for the entire alphabet is AS follows: g’-ORM »NT I, 50.000; WOACHESTF' 105,000; W ebster (International,, 125,000: CBN tvby , (six volumes, complete,) 225, OX). STANO \ RO, over 3.:0.000; gAXK ,. t.rm.»L»n • ,,e e r ; ■IX month,. OSS'» •»'I ILxxu ■ on P atxwts Mot free. Addreae MUNN A C O ., •Wl Mrendn.,. K.w Y erh . »e $780 a » m I «-m enep*. I^eition naneiit. Rnfi-ie» re. Endow self« •rrNerl frtmtt|>eed by the linguistic fact nuive refi, n e t to.—Chicago Tribune. ,ee such an important reform to t «.omen was iutoduced as this of keep­ ing their skirts out of the mod, and * GOOD WORK ACCOMPLISHED BY A club whose purpose is to make such a T he M ajority P e titio n . reform general may well be credited CHICAGO GIRLS’ CLUB. Martha R. Aimy cf Jamestown, N. with being the most eminent organiza­ Y., wl.eu inked her views cn the “ mf'- tion of the kind know» for a century. T im M ajority IN tit io n —Pique« an d C otton jerity peti ion,” in a manner positive Mrs. Welby nays that the club w ill do t a n v a e — T h e R ain y Day C lu b — Larap an,i firm replied: more for the health and happiness of 8ha2-fi{mji Shades made a nest egg of $208 to start en. b a is no bi tier tliau old King John. In aspire!11 o riXwl t hem h» • 4 licit Volmiii- But tl.e club very scon ou'grew its ail the pe.gi s of history, ancient or mod- uousness und. blossqnied forth..inf9 Yepi- small quarters, nnd it was decided l e t irn, there is not n corded nn instance table canopies, covered with elaborate to build. About 81.600 was raised by where a determinant majerity rf un- confect ions of silk, lhCC"and ribtjein.^'Last subscriptions, entertainments and ba­ reeegn zed persons ever asked for an ex- year innumerable reefs had been taken in the still ample sleeves and lamp zaars, which paid for the let nt 631 teUFien el rights or privileges. "A volume would not contain the rec­ shades showed their desire to reef also. West Superior street, upon which a ord of instances in the wcrld's hi'tcry Empire shades, straight- and • aeverb, wlie.e au active, aggressive minority moe.crate iu size aud guiltless of..frip­ h.is demand' d an rxtens on of rights peries, were all tho rage. . Yon coaid and privileges mid received them. The huve them with their simple frames who.e story of the rvolutiou of liberty covered with varioifs eolofed silks, gath­ is but an illustrated sequence of exam- ered cn and drawn-tightly over them, p eg win re the few have asked mid the finished top and bottom with a fnll rucfie many received. T' confine ourselves to of the sumo silk or the same colored o.ir own country, wo should never have mcns-iylice de aoie, or yon eohld have hud a Drcuraliui s f Iudepeiidcnee if it the m in parchment, jteccrated with old had been necessary, to have a.mujor ty prints applied, outlined by dainty sorojls of the colonists declare, for it. The ma- in water color, or you eykuld have them j tity, and especially the wcali'hy peo­ decorated entirely in" w^ter color jn s h y ple in ee-.oiiial days, thought it better to design that n est appejQed toyoii. - - • enunre the ills they had than to run thh This year sleeves huvo. shrank: to ih- risk of others which they Jtuew npt of, fipitrsinial proportions anil lqjfop,shades., At one time during the Revolutionary were in etespnir. They conld see no WTty war there were twice as many Ameri- I fcr them to ehriuk. In affeeting--the cans iir arms against tho enuse of itidc- I style ef the empire they hail diseonnted peudcuee os there wero iu the American tiie sleeves nozt stage of shrinkage». army. The loyalists in this country al­ There was one aw frir'ttbftifnt when they ways claimed that they wero iu the feared they would have to acknowledge majority. In New York stn'e originally themselves out of it, when some oner ALICE CAI1Y DUIlKHArOT. handsome and commodious clubhouse 'only freeholders voted. Did the poor with a brilliant mind said “globes,” was built which cost $7,000, $500 b-ing man unanimously petition for the fran- Aud globes it is. They are the very paid each year on tho indebtedncK». ' ehise? D d the poor bluek man iu the latest, anel 1 hey are jnst as close a fit for This amount is ruised 1 y outside sub­ state rf New York in 1G46 unanimous­ lamps as the op to date sleeve is tot scription, entertainments, etc. They ly tr in auy determinant majority poll- women.—Chicago Chronicle. t en for the lnmchisef D.d Alnihnm , ■till owe $3,000. Tha Height af StyU. > The house was dedicated nmid great L ncelu insist open n majority petition I Upon stylishly attired young women from the slaves before s piling the emun- I enthusiasm and bus drawn an immense membership from that vicinity. It is eipation proclamation? D ii the negroes in aiternneu dress at the various picture finished acniirably and furnished for iu the «oath in the days cf reconstruc­ galleries in the city are noted gowns of the special needs of the organization. tion circulate a petition to find out how cloth, soft India cashmere or drap d’sto in black or colon, elurk or pale, tho On the ground floor are the rooms oeen- i many wanted tc vote? pied by the janitor and his wife, tho ; “ If a majerity test is to be tvqnirrd, costume consisting merely of the gnyin matron, nnd consist rf u little five room I tho logic i «Mie situation deniunos that lined With silk and a little teiy bohavi flat Tho bathioonis, which ara always it be a me.ji ritv <>f citizens, both men jacket Sou velvet,- brocade or rnoiht, i eelged with far, with a girdle to match, open for the use of the members, are al- , aud women."— l ew York Tribuna a huge empire mnff, aspreading picture «o on this floor, as well as the furnace h:.t with a witrhlffco crown, and ahy I'lqnea a n d C o tto n C anvas. and storage' rooms. On t lie second floor [ Judging irt ni tlie quanti les of piqne number of eiisjoiiitW 'looking feathers are the e.ffic'vH, library, two largo recep­ tion root ., and a well appointed kitch­ displayeu in the shops, it is to be a fa- apparently fastened cn with one stitch en where tlic eexiking lessons take vorite mnterial the coming summer. It nnd a promise and blown hither "and place aud which, as furnished, is u r.ieid- is of light! r weight, net nearly rostilT us you over the r‘picture” creation. The el kitchen in every reuse e f the term. it nsed to be, and the ilifti rent colorings wrarers of these jackets, spite of th«ir The third floor is divide el into a huge nrp very i.traotive, the pule yellews, big umfTs and big huts and merely or- auditorium and two rausio rooms in picks and bines especially so, while nanie ntal fnr trimmings, look cold and there are dark bine striped with white long skiite-d »Mil short waisteei: f6$Tr front. The entire house has hard finished and tan with u hairline of white which abnormal hats and tunffs out of all sort floors, and the nem s, with tho exeep- j shmld make up very smartly. This is a of pnqiortioii to their insufficient little tion ef the large auditorium, nre fur­ fabric which is particularly pretty fer 12 itieh jackets. Certainly until oue nished with rug». All the furuittiro ex­ rhiidren's wear, nun iu tbs coals and has tieeome neenstomed to this mode o f cept the auditorium folding chairs was capes trimmed heavily with bands of ure ss it scarcely appeals to one’s senge donated by friends of the institution. openwork insertion is much Letter for cf the appropriate or liecoining for w in­ This is probably us attractive a elnb- summer than any silk ce-nlel possibly be. ter wear on the Street. However, it ;ia hottse os there is in the city, especially For grown up people piqne loe ks best considered “ the height o f style;" there­ when it i.s taken into eousideration that made in a se rere style, and a exiat and fore what further need tie said aguinat it is managed entirely by girls. These j .ekei in tailor fasl.ie u an' always satis- it or in its favor ?—New York Post. young women say the organization is taetory. There is a rntneir, and one thnt | B rid a l T o llr U . what its uamc indicates—ib-ligh'fully se'enis to have more found»lion in fact On aenne oi the exrsages of bridal mutual in its hem fits. The members ef than ment rumors, to the effect thut the toilets the neck is rounded low, the the leisure class huve time and ways to loi se ei-ekecat is to be made up in space thus left filled in with shirred or plan and to work for the support of tlie these piques This is a style w hie h re- plaited monsseline de soio or a full club ontside the club's own limits. The quins f re ut cure in eut unel m i ke. Russian gn:m]s; of embioidered satin, wageworkers do their part in dues and When it is leeemilip, it is immensely the sleeve puffs mulching thia gninipe. but v. hen it is not it is the very ug- arc always ready to engage in entertain- When a high close, satin bodice is prefer­ mento, for which they pay a regnh r ad- iest garment any e no can wear. T he red, it has u battlemeuted eollgr bunel Diisaion price as a help to the s< venue gered ak.rls, tnae.e with the narrow of the- satin, with plaiting* of very rich of the rlub. It is impossible to < Kt.mute ; ores, are to be fashionable for rique lace showing between Ibe stiffened pearl the value to the leisure class cl the les­ anil such materials, eae h se-am having trimmed tabs. Below this a dainty jubot sons which they learn of the girls und a eertfing rr pip.up, lin esef braid or of the same lace, caught here anel there young women who every di y glean ex­ uarieiw anel effective insertion. The eonviis cloths are mneh on the with jeweled pins, urupes the front of perience in the business world These erile r of due ks and come in a great va- the corsage from throat to waist industrial members are blight examples ri ty ef coloring. They wash Well, do of patience und perseverance. “ I should be glad," wrote Mrs. Julia The classes are all free, with one ex­ not rhriuh unel nre nut so heavy or Wurd Iiowe to some Chicago reformers ception, and the fee for that one is on­ t arm us the iinek, and therefore prrfrr- the ether day, “ to joiu in any effort, ly 10 cents, the rharge being made cn reel ly many, but they huve U mi e.isad- made with wisdom anel charity, to bet­ nceonnt f f ucecssaiy expeuse involved. e.ntage of mussing very easily. The ter this state of things, bat the burelon The other class»-« are carried on by 24 I i.s, the tail, the blue and the black of years Is gius to weigh n[»ou me and volunteer t<» ehers, who aim to make mid white are particularly netieeable my powers, sneli a s they remain, aio their instruction as practical as possi­ this year and sheniel leek very well bcuvily mortgaged.” ble. For the i.rcssmnkii'gclas- a sew iug mane up in the tuilrr styles, and braid­ machine has lieen given, sotli.t n< thing ing is especially pee-el on them! there- | A sleeve that terminates at thewritt is left out ef the fullest i-istruf t.i-u fore it would be well for any woman boue murks the gown Io which it br­ who is cleve r with her uceeile to begin nwi-ssary to cut, fit and mare complete ie ngs as l.eing u relic of last season, anything iu a girl's warooihe. The now unel braid herself a smart Etew, while a plain er low collar ii equally eisikiu* classes nre especially interest­ Lolero or tv y other slient jacket, fof reliable as an indication of uutiquity. ing, the tjgory being followed by prac­ she will erituinly find it fiwiiionuble tice aud illostration iu the shape of n v. lie u I hr warm weal he r e < mrs. De nim, A blackboard is a most nsefnl thing r hie b i» very mneh on l he same ordtr in a nnrsery. Chilure u will find a resi­ supper. —ut least resemble sit elewcly in uppenr This institution is not for the co call st ant souree of amusement in elrawing e- speaking their native languages in their ings.—Harper’s Bazar. tors are petitioning the School erf Fine »Himes, it is hard to gel ut the hi ails of Aits for auniiasiou on t»w same tt