A VALSO1CTION. to n .le a l A fric a « W n r r t o w . CITY DRUG STORE, T R A V tL fnS * U U lU c Kisawa volunteered to send two men 1 (For mualu.) c ÌAL DlrtECTORY with me »0 Kutembi's; did not suggest th a t ( a ll. t h . a ig h l, b u t BO« (o r th w T w i l l fa d . I l k . tbo* of yra trrd a y. any p ay; told off two of his young w ar­ Eugene, : : î Ore. Wh.n a a e . M » t . «too« t h . 1 m riors aud gave tliem instructions They STATE OFFIOERS T h . tim orous « lis ts of m oroloff (tra y , clapped their hands after each sentence Tbou w ilt h a w y tw o d »0 go ld . ubmos . H. A. VINCENT, PROP to signify their acceptance of his in­ To la.adow . of pertouilal May, - a r e sca rc e VA"'— S T A G E D IN E . h u M . r v w n t h . v »r» a l ,r « a structions. Two others have come of 1 » o r t n l U . v e n a l I o w a n away. O u th e 1st, I Jtii an 1 2 0 th o f each their own aeoord. The only baggage of veritor ........ W illiam P. Lord. one is tw o sticks, upon each of which I f . ’. r I th la k (6 th M aa »ooe, •.reldrv of Slate..............H . R. Kincaid. m o n th . - _ . . H a '. r I dream o f th M a . aped. are threaded four dry fo w l of fru it, ..........................................................Philip Metchen Leaves Florence Mondays, Wedues- Single trip »3.80. Round trip 15.00 D n i f lf l 1 « S u n d r ie s T w ill M ly h . to wtotor wan. which ra ttls The youth owning this da vs and Fridays. Wk, o k.TM Ito torn and flow.ra have ted. pt, Public Instru ction ... .G. M . Irw in. and Toilet Article«. property has long hair plaited into Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ B a t w hen anew IB . ra a has ahons kte P rin ter.........................W . H . L«edi. Ito wwtooo«« *0 the w orld of .p r le a ropes, which fall to his neck and form days and Saturdays. HtUI hy m y tod . tho n’lt wand.r od Corney G eneral............C. M . Idleraan. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ a screen to his eyes He is constantly TM B C W H O N 1 C L H -------- « a M ‘. r hadal taken win«. i ................. R. 8. Bean burg Stage Line for Drain. Also with K Paa-seuger a u d F r e ig h t Rate« T E R M S S T R IC T L Y CASH. i> «tom T*~i»r** » imam . keeping the rattle going and singing prune Court ] -----. . . . •P- A. Moore Stage Line for Coos Bay. THM CRMON1CLB M a a . R M l • » t h . PoetSo Charge » gull be«M «a d a y ’s d ll.tto g 1--------- (principally about me) in a most flat­ (' w m . It teoO. all In abilito, ratorprtm ooO o e s a ( ir r a t |-~ A M W gow .T th a t May an fait«. ( , . . . C . E . Wolverton reasonable. ____ a p p l y t o ....- tering planner, in which performance T H E CHM OHICLBtl T .ta m W h l. **• Mill ml« toy w sr tsa r wHh t b . i t r w n ' i ige Second D is tr ic t....J . C. Fullerton U>. latra« » a . moM rellab t.. Ila lo c a i N .w . U t. his friend joins, but the letter confines A nd b»M d «hy w m »« with «h. » . r l . a h i!l.et and i , l . ' l w t a n d I I . R t l t o M l N o m I h . tfa/er 1 Ky’e, Florence, Or. tofi^ay Second District.Geo. M . Brown himself to singing. He has other use for Th ea, u to T M p .rU n a l d r M ia a . L I .M mwnm In I h . fnilT itrV . T b . M » ‘. «tred e » y . ranwdln« .to n t, his hands, which carry two baskets fu ll 1 H E CHKOMICLE n M n lW V .k w m .n d to n a to gn-h. M ot .Id, t h . wood w K « r. teoius WIU W t h . frl.o d end ehnmplnn »1 111. (U opi. M t f manioc floor, a banghi pipe end spare Tbo i ‘ g * - * - - j - * - '* aw a k ih g n ta n L • « • ‘w t oo m k ln M l.n a clhpi*:«. eorsM M low . or rattles Tor the flrst hour they ataid at » o o o o o • W p r v M l.w to w v ktnd. I t n l l l M In d l.I.S M t my heels A ll tbe time they kept up the Of The » .r m r t B lo s . . . t r a i la n o t a t a . P«to (»Ito «ho Bi««*. I wlu COUNTY OFFIOERS i rattling end singing end told me i t was A h. no) Mo« toara «►•»! bo thy dowor E N G L IS H LANO CA G E To M . r y «hrough tbo fo ld , ot towp what they camo for, and that they o — Will make ------- o to«» t h . to lm . ot toot oat lo w w rl would thus entertain me u ntil we reach- P ort t a ll. t h . algh t. M o e . da rk. m s r . d w u , Stage leaves Eugene Mon lays R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S CO M PLETE id Kasembi, four or five days oft. 1 Each ln ata u t t r o w . Ito M r t . away. r ............E. O. Potter. a g e ...................................* ■poke to them firmly, bus kindly; told Eurtwrll, f»r»„.U . I will oo« w m f , S U C C IE N T and Thursdays at 6 a. m. and ar- —- Between — B a* m a ll. *h M on th y Journey', w n yl I ( ..............W . T. Bailey them their music wee excellnnt, bet _ „ , —W Ullai» T o y a U . to O .n t t o m M '. H a a s s lM A U T H O R IT A T IV E mmfcsioners < .............J. T . Callison rives in Florence at 4 p. m. tlia I must he heard at a distuoca to be prop­ erly enjoyed. The distance I pointed out >rk | .............................. A. C. Jennings •i. AMERICANS AS MUSIC1AN8. 1 was about ten miles away. My mual'.al Returning stage leave« Flor­ eriff ’ ” ” ....................... A. J. Johnson ,01.8 6 » Vocabulary Farms friends took the hint good natunxily, M m a . C a lm Says T h e y B a m «ton C h a ra c - sasJer’ ” ’ . . .............. A. S. Patterson ence Tuesday« aud Friday« at 8 >47 E 6 H .ro sod S p ^ ta lU to hut at times they break out into tbsir «.rtsM ns • ( t h . C o n q u e rla ff n aoa. boisterous entertainment.— " G la re la SM RMder. tor Qiwtotto.. * , ewwr ............................ D. P. Burton a. m. and arrives in Eugene at 6 M — Emma Calve contribute, a pa­ the H eart o f Africa ’ ’ in Century. , o . o H to .tr .tto « iool Superintendent..........0 - 8. H u n t p. m. the day following. per on tbe "Conqosring Race In Mneie” r v e y o r . . . . ..................C. M . Collier C « t . v . r «46 0 ,0 0 « ■ to Id e e . to Tbe Ladies' Home Journal, in which roner.................................. W . H -r r ir Aspeodlx to 4 7 ,4 6 8 Entrtoa Single fare - - - - »5.00 " I w ant to see Mr. Y erkes" he de­ abe specially addrumee stadentsof vocal slice of Peace................. F- B. W.laon Round trip clared as he entered the North Side of- mnsic. She tells of tbs training re­ - - - - »9.00 quired for tbe operatic aud tbe concert 1 flee of the street railw ay magnate. n, U ble......................... J ° nh F - T »,,ner Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s "M r. Yerkee i t very busy just n o *, ” stage, the impersonation of character, tbe value ot suggestions, etc., and pays answered I be clerk. livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd T b . lull numbor of word, and term. In "Yes, but this is of the greatest im ­ this tribute to Americans: "Tbs Amer­ R different dletionarle« for the entire alphabet Is & Davenport’s office in Florence. portance. I have an idea that in a cer- icans have, it seems to ma. la tbs «aid I aa follow«: « tommobth , 60,000; WoBCMEiTBB CITY OFFICERS. , tain contingency w ill add thousands of of mnute, and especially in tbs «eld of U 106,000; WBSRTBB (International), 125,000; CBM- * dollars to the revenues from hie husi- vccsl mnsic. all of lbs ebsraotoristtos vvav, (»lx volume«. complete,) 226,809: of tbe conqueriag raoe. They are prn- N agseed naturally et tbs moat eaqui.il« "Suppose you tell me about i t . " STANDAKU, over 800,000; ,. ,F . B. Wilson isident,... " W e ll, I don’t know about th a t You voices, which, when properly cultivated O. W . Hurd might steal the idee aud get tbe eredit end trained, are almost unrivaled. They W m . Kyle have indomitable energy, perseverance for it. Then where would 1 boJ” ;rd of Trustees Marion Morris and pluck They stop at uorbing aud are "There to no danger of that. ” Sun o,e Pages Free. W m. Bernhardt deterred by no trouble end prevented • • I can't see Mr. Yerkesi” by no obutacle. ...D re w Severy ' "N o t today- ’ ’ "F orerly, weerinem, exurtioo, bard A fter a pause: ___0 . W . Hurd "Y o u seem to be a pretty honest look­ work— nous of these living speoters ..J . R. Weddle ing chap. I w ill tell you about it i f you which affright and terrify the average AC KM T* W A N T S » . w ill come over in tbo corner and prom- art worker b ----------- T heir 165164 iae not to steal tbe idea. ** physique an B y M a ll. F a e t a g . F o ld . scour- Tbe conditions having been complied ÌEORET SOCIETIES. • T . RAUL made for ioi tbey w ith, the stranger unfolded bis scheme. agement, am M IN N C A F O L I« [ both "Y o u know those tunnels under the are dally acta BtilUO OuLUTH river which are used by the oarr?" operatic and ■ » A . M . Florence Lodge No. 107. Pacific Coast Agents (oroxn- " Y e s ; what of them i" ny to their Regular sommnnication on second F A R GO cxosL SA N FRANCISCO , C A L. " W e ll, my idea is exactly fhie: I f a pliabment ai foWrth Saturdays in each month. G R A N D FORKS TO viably cyclone should «trike Chicago, there They seem, 1 8. L. R o »« bds , W . M. 93 3 M a rk e t S t. O R O O K H T O N ___ ey are wouldn't be any other place where the fitted by ne . K kotts , Secretary. , ener- people oould go and be safe. I f thorn M tu m ing T W IN N IP E G jy fre- 1 rhould be n cyclone, Mr. Yerkes oeuld gy, plnek a Hie GreakA h Ik Cwtry, H E L E N A "nd I grttcu charge the people admission logo iu the queutly add mv :e pub- tunnel and stay until i t was over.” — of form and BUTTE A . R . General Lyons Post, No. 68. factors nd fourth Saturdays Chicago Timee-Horald. lie reoagnlK meets second and ---------- ■ earerr. in tbe eno« acti month. (Ia«ltf4lM î) t e Miy «»art » a n «4 nf »»• » » Ualt»B • V«I1 I T h . C h r is tie « A t l r t . d . « ( F ro y « e . wbtob J . I . B v t t ïb f ik l d , Commander. They have, t ____ 6/---- ------ - Maxta» The commonly received Christian at- ' makes great TO T - » « « T WFRKIay P tT R L IE R E i: J. L. F u b n is h , Adjutant. T W « W C K K I.T CKBONICLE. IM CHICAG O titude o t prayer, w ith beaded knee, and the aritotio for ita M d aw to M m p ito . W M kly N i o R t o , » to t h . •l.SS Pw V«M to AdMBM I « » t a « t o t o tod tow ty a* otoumiw, «r t o . l v « the palms of tbe bande brought together, BUSINESS OARDS iS FUt- W A S H IN G TO N AffdM tbt S U ,« totes, t f AEHriat. mm U .w a U t o n t u n »»d Itoototo Ia to v m o ia simply emblematic of abject snbaais- standard pe U M I b M aiag gad StglBg Stock l*p«tg. Uon ; to w . m M .iaM U « A « « e .ita m l ItopartntcoL sion. The bands thus placed eannot be tefled w ith 1 F H IL A D E L F H IA el V . General Sheridan Camp, L I U t H Special «spanaMts. SAMRLE COR1CS S E N T FRâC. used ia defense. They simply say N E W YORK No. 5, meets first and third Satur- L t U t I b devetoptag Celared,-, «M frrfkt own to "D on’t strike," just as tbe thrown up s of each month. G . R . M il ls , Oapt. A oortain Rteurcet. ■O S TO N A ND A L L D O Y O U W A N T T H E '< Lands of the unarmed buraeman on the "battla U. B bouie , 1st Sergt. k i t i t in Neirslam BdgfcTMek. fame aud 1 P O IN T S B A S T and SO U T H 1 story plains aay "D o n 't rhootl” to approach­ for bread,” heisi veatuE ing savages or ontlswe. I f to tbe kneel- for a norths T h . best work at the rao.t Reasonable Prices. k i t i t U Cotan,!««!eai ta Agsatat was 13 For Information, time card«, map» and ticket«, Office over Loan end Savings Bank. (VVrito tor Te««« I ing attitude to added a bead thrown for­ yea» ago, 1 ave h ir j W . Perpetna Lodge, No. 131, etc., call on or w iite O re g o n , ward, w ith eyes on the ground, the rug- eck for its every 1st and 3d Saturdays E u g e n o l c urfhev gestioo of abjectnew i« oomptotB. Tor it, but year id— the uonth. Members and visiting are coñlially passed the opposite ides take tbe elastic figure «tory never General Agent. Room» 2 and t. Shelton Block, in in good standing » H O W IN O of the "Praying Boy" in the long gal­ from bis n EUGENE, OREGON. « other Ito attend. I . G. K KOTTS, M . W . The New. puhltohev th» r.*r*waMS1*. pauer ■om the ptle , Recorder. The United State«, Dominien of lery at tbe Museum of Fine A ria He day. «eben I (daily and Suoday) Veli St Lonto: carraeo A. » .C H A R L T O N , w . W. N E E L Y , P ro p ’r . • illustrates tbe pagan attitude. He stands publishers i : would Wiik evtry to.ue *>v a monin—81. te fet 8 Aulatant General raasewrer Agent. ■ M ih .—In advaace. • Oaneda and Northern Mexieo , at tbe utmost bright of bis young man­ shortly put a serial k F. HeceU Lodge No. Ill,m e e t« F w « « , . • copy •« aay toM.. addtMa. Tables furnished with all the 255 Morrison 8t. Cor. 8d. O K O N E « ID E , hood and looks straight up to tbe sky, y Wednesday evening in Lodge s. Thu The M W “ ! PMMTIXO m,. Penrer. Ceinraffa F o x t lB ix ic L O r . \V ild hie arms are sent straight upward, too, ing tel- Florence, Oregon. Brothers in delicacies of the season. ba forti__________ a « d in g in v iU to a ytte n d .N o and bis extended palms seem to be tak­ game, fish and fruit in season. Best ing trustfully tbe good thingi tbat the 'guppsem story rod return mann- accomodations for the traveling Maaio.s M obmis , Sec. gods send. There la much tbat Is beau­ roript mid w ill par three times amount OM T H B O TH E M B ID S L Ripana Tabule«. public. Charges reasonable. tifu l— nothing abject or Beared or eowed uf original cheek." Ripant Tabule« cure nausea. ea st a nd south Ripana Tabule«: a; druggiat». about it. The praying pagan boy meme The yabltobers replied: Ripana Tabules cure headache. Io represent betto r the spirit of Chris­ "C a n ’t do i t We know n good thing hurch directory Ripana Tabule« cure dyspepsia. tianity then does the kneeling monk when we l.ave i t Tbe story to in your Ripana Tabule« cui e flatulence. AMtaaua w ith tbe bony, clasped hands— Bouton best vein. ” YOÜW O. Ripana Tabule« asatot dlgeetion. M. H . OF T H E 7VM»toto, a F. Ctowld» Transcript. __ ______ Letter after totter, telegram after tele­ B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H , F lo/ence, Ripana Tabules cure h»d breath. Southern Pacific Co. aa» raauciBOG. ca«. ton. Sabbath service: Sabbath- gram pasaed, but uo, he didn't have Ripana Tabule« cure blllouancaa- 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching I I . gxpres« Train» Ixiave l’ortland Dally.__ money enough to buy tbat story. So be Ripana Tabules: one gives relief. This lunatic asylum atory comes from a. in. and 7 p. in . ^ a e n u n e n t o t , o€h Robert Chambers told me bswasoueo TH O D IS T EPISC O PA L C H U R C H aer the good lady w ill trust tbo task of W hile tbe councilors clamored to be re­ Ari C40 p as Lv Purtlaud talking w ith a man of real, ragged gea- g:30 service. Preaching at Glenada Lv 11:20 a m w aiting on the table to no «me, and, leased h« remarked: Lv Itugene im , who came to a sorrowful and. Ha Lv S:0ü a m “ THE VOCAL STUDENT.’ Ar Koseburg Acme two Sundays ol each month. 5:20 donning a w hite apron, aba performs " I f I were yon, I would be quiet. M id go tbe geninr: "T be populetioa uf SALKM rA SS SH G K K , » A 1 I .V . __________ e 8Ä - e e eU ^ . « p r yh u 4 Ì (be office of butler Her husband baa a ■ *d a . Mu help coming, the councilors grew this world to about 1, >00,000.000 hu­ n A R IO N n O R R IS , Pro p rieto r. Poctiand Ar 110^15 a m 4?« T o [L v private fortune of 000,000, but <*'« geeperste. f — *- of perspiration stood p m I Ar Baleni man beings. The little religions body 6;15 iy"‘Ä eC Ä Ä , y Mma. Melba toWrewe. atudents of "A u n ty ’ ’ Kruger's tmeat tbat they live 00,000. O f that aamber not »00 could artistic hair c u m no . r l »2,000 a year allowed them by the saotbingly. " I would keep quiet.' give an inislligent account of its erssd. S L C O N U C LA SS 8 L E E P IN G CARS, in The Ludiea' Home Journal. She tell« " B u t w e’re no d a ft," pleaded one of in her article on “ The Vocal S tad en f’ government. RA ZO R HONING A S P E C IA L T Y -a g c l e t you think Ils creed seta out vital attached to all Through Train.. tbe vtoitora matters Is it oonsistsnt w ith your be­ wed Hide Dlvtolo». ! <>* nocc-aaity of MCunn, gUraly OwnaKtorMe. attorneys "Honrs, raoo.that's what I mid masol R f t w e e m P o r t l a n d a n o C o r v a l l is , iy competent teacher, of prectioe, end He (p layfu lly)— How old eve yen. when I was broebt iu l" — New Yorb lief that God A lm ighty vronld perm it mail tra in daily ( rklkft su n u a t .) the care of the beeHb i empbailee» the just »00 uf bid creatures to know thorn M i « Browimf T r ib u n e .________________ things aad heap nil tbs millions Igno­ gbe— I cannot tell a lie I — c . H HOLDEN, rant uf t h s r u f The geuias 8enei dared E«Wr and WMltto. ••Ob, tf tbet to tbe o b m I w ill sol f.kt-U w and Notary Public. Oregon central « n a«er» ~- , ■ , Labor in some f<»m is tbe usraae by for a minute r speoe. thru Mpltod. take » M tb b I bbb of job I w ttb ». ». väki »». oseM-fr ■ i r n e » t ik in » daily (ax< kvt hi hdav .) V. a. Htnoam«». e»a- which Ibe true wealth oi a natiua to ia- " leu I think it quite right that Ood R E L IA B L E «:«* F m I l.v Portland Ar I » 26 • ______ o< • capable stl P .w A N D . A O O lD a iH i . Lv 5:M » m eveased, and it ought to bs the means rhould do th a L " Whoroapon the good p m I Ar McMinnville P A ID UR OABH O A R tT A L , • • > 5 0 .0 0 0 7:2» _____________ m Melba say»: "T o a gfrl properly asrd to increase tbs wealth of nay in d i­ Robert Ohamben raid very resolutely. S U N F L U S ANO FWO F I T t . . • «60 0 ° ° w f,— T t e S S n e Y in W S L K ’ t lt o 'F i ia m traiaed and qaallded (be profaaaior, of a vidual. The varieties of labor amen aa- “ Then I ’m tremendously sorry for you." — ----------- ___________ ..I _ l i t ~ l States. Canads and Kurope can be obtained a t oeeal I.saber ie mra of tl memos that every healthy man and Aud ha n e rrr rpoke to the genius save A L O O O X J IN T S S O I j I O I T K D luWOTt rBU, (rom u o Adair. Agent, Euganc ken he lore me at my oBce to Florence. trans too t iaeidsato soy moro.— Ix)og- .mtowetlva. Good teeobefU K t la tbe E. F. Rnaaas. H . Kov.HLxa, EUGENE. - • • OWEGON. A n t . O. r. and Faaa. A g t end lu great demand, and ae the tuea Manager and beltsk but to try to obtain money, much or Portland, Graffo». are large an rneritoet iaeome amp be little, without rendering in seme way a obtained. Meat emaea Ibe • " » * " • * tbe C. WOODCOCK, of uuwer. Home French trials iu fair equivalent for it to to Uva a life of NOTARIES. abusub tfutfer. B w ry church bee M " I haven’« anything new to ring to _ line, m reported in Kngineering dependence, which i t equally dtograoe- eboir, end ia tbe m ajority uf _________ M^ekanice. ware mmle. 1» appeme, w ith ful under whatever guise It may seek to ym tonight. George. " «B TEAMS anl'data composing it are paid, I " W e il, give we somethingoM then, • M 0 horsepower engine, fitted w ith hide itself.—New York Ledger. ■he broke into a refrain tbat was " • well paid, ftegagmneata « • — 7 - 3 rope and belt «/wheels H H **** *» <11' O i-w « o r i toroM singer can be secured in large ^ . . iw song of the day” 17 yearn befora. The steam engine had n fly­ 'Room. 7 and ( McLaren'. Bntldln«. " T h a t’s very, very old, t i e « , ” eittoewbea oneibae I t w ill uni prise mom pc'd»1« ,o wheel for the belt and one for the ropes. ention given to coltoctton« and pro­ and when tbe voice to net mMoteaUy Tbe dynamo vena driven direct off the hat 1 tore 1« an English law to punish remarked at the sloes. ie» . " Is a . George. 1 sang that to you the Its flywheel, without a «onnter ahafl, and «rrvauts w to In r lle Ito ir friends into O x *« tfo n . war provided with two pulleys one f<* «heir rnoub » ' b o n *« It seems the in- aigbt we ---------- P *lo x *« x x o « , T b e fe»e of tbe eaocemfui ooncert the l< It and oue for the ropes 1 he ily- trader, can he charged w ith being "ana- Utohu E. O. PO TTER. singer are large; abe to conetautly iu u .mo wae driven direct off tbe flywheel, o«cted perrotiu" a««d Ibe servant who beem bb . 0HARLE8 QETTY8, OOPVUtOMTU B e. la tbe ftftcrntb century the beer gat- . . Attorney-at-Law ........ demand; bar repertory to uf songs, txn being mounted on adjusting screws, «0 admits them w ith aiding and abetting , a rttote» aM »W ion tararure of Kngland was a I'™ “*** _ of entira roles, and to more easily so­ that tbe leneion of the b tlt or rupee •,:<>in — L tl Rn QaetD. F V Q E N E , O EEG ON. ,'ommoT.lra(l.-n» VCHI, larger than tbe wine geltats, to aNeW quirrd ; ber expenses are lim ited to tbe roold be regulated at w ill. A cotlou The flrst spelbi 1 book printed In Ibis for the froth. The present legal yard cca A t t h . c o u rt H o m .. sort ,. a few evening gowns, iu the belt, a leal her belt, and a homogeneous tbroMch Mtuui A Co re*-*»l»» SEATON. OREGON acurea of cuetemea. For the leather belt and rupee were of atanrtard country was entitled "Tbe American w m toetltuted in Kngland in 17»A place Spelling Book." by Ko»h Webster. It opera singer there ie plenty of hard qnelity. baperimeaia of Bdomparatiye was issued iu 178S. aud foi con.iderahiy The work, but for that there to Ibe c m 'e n - FRANK B. WILSON- , i u n were made alternately w ith tbe mtton e< bring aseranatedin U t o ) laace rupee and belts, aeveral teste each day, •neve than iitlf a rauiury was c i j, rk ased iu all At * ** with tbe famou» « '..«ts uf the wurid. tbe reeultr being as ebevt * M U N N A CO to know to a liberal g a i B re e d w e v . Hew Q NE T R A V E L E H f Ü U lU c. StC kJ‘“ï G A R D IN E R obarts H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, BFTHE Druts,Medicines, C ta to is, ^ ^ ¡ n c W I *. COAST C H R O N IC LE Florence to Yuquiua. The Funk & Wagnalls EU G EN E-FLO R EN C E | STAGE LINE. Standard 1 STEAM ER E- B a n g s ,___Proprietor.; dayfonowlng. Dictionary " C O O S ," ROilUCI i l l BWl if Tilt H ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. E lk P r a ir ie H otel. S Pullm an Twontv-three Sleeping Cars Miles W est of M urene. Elegant; D ining Cars I Tourist ON E U G E N E AND Sleeping Cars FLORENCE 8TA G E RO UTE. T H E E. D. BRONSON & CO, Money Saved ■y Patronizing it. Only $ 6 .7 0 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle Wnkly Prop. Geo. Hale D A IL Y THROUGH TICKETS rvr vffnr ROCKY BOUNTA» N C W S $ 1 .5 0 a lear ■ H JOHN C. GRAY, DENTAL SURGERY. C H R O N IC L E B. M M . Head of Tide Hotel, w T h e G re o t S ilv e r D aily Reversible Map? Map of the World © I am agent for........ Buck-Eÿe Mowers and Rakes.------ THE SHASTA BS i ltvwwicl« aatf O-t fto» »*• o >■•» W tood wekly >9ve»aM » ra>or. Teer, an Map aw< ROUTE T o n s o ria l P a rlo rs . »1». Shaving and pIRST ||ATIONAL |ANK OP KUOKNK. . . M . ea A. ttom ey at Law, A. R. BUTTOUFH, Notary Public, Surveyor P atents NO TARY -;- PU B L IC . IcÌMTÌFlC MKIBM, NOTARY PUBLIC. FLORENCE. • - - OREGON «gg to ibntef the g ponadaaadta ~ totehM*