6 . F 'iH E W E S T > Î' TR AVELER S’ GUIDE. STATE OFFICERS a - a k d in e r TRAVELERS' GUIDE Steamer S T A G E L IN E . Governor....................... William P. Lord. Secretary oi State.............II. R. Kincaid. Treasurer..........................Philip Metchen Supt. Public I n s t r u c t i o n . .M . Irwin. ......... W. II. Leeds State Printer....... .. ,C. M. Idleman. Attorney General. ........... R. S. Bean Supreme Court ■<. ......... F. A. Moore .0 . E. Wolvuton Judge Second D istrict.. ..J. C. Fullerton Attorney Second District.Geo. M. Brown Robarts ----------- S A IL S H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, — ------ apply ,F. B. Wilson Board of Trustees O. W. Hurd Win. Kyle Marion Morris Win. Bernhardt Recorder............... Treasurer ............. . . . Drew Severy . .0 . W. Hurd . .J. R. Weddle M a r s i is i.................... • - Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. ■ F. & A. M. Florence Lodge No. 107. R. Regular communication on second Mid fourth Saturdays in each month. 8. L. R obehdr , W. M. K G. K notts , Secretary. On M E R “ C O O S ,” P ro p rieto r. S T E A o •— W ill m a k e --------o : day following. Returning stage leaves Flor­ ence Tuesdays and Fridays a t 8 a. m. and arrives in Eugene at 6 i p. in. tlio day following. O ic tin iu Of T il 2 E N G L IS H G 347 Editors and Spsciallats ORTHERN Pacific, Ry. * s 5 000 Illu s tratio n s Cost over $ 96 0 ,0 0 0 ‘.¿If Appendix of 4 7 ,4 6 8 E ntries The fu ll ¡number] of^w>>r<1.4'~«n«l term» 1 different dictionarivs for th e entire nlphalret as follow s: S* oiimoj < th , 5J,,wo; ‘ .V ouch * t W ebster (International), 125,000: t ... tur y , (six volum es, com plete,) .STANDARD, over 350,000; Ü The CRANO t h e E. D. BRONSON & C' Prop. BUTTE S A N F R A N C IS C O , C A L 93 3 M a r k e t S t. JOHN C. GRAY, DENTAL SURGERY. O regon THROUGH TICKETS TO C H IC A C O NEW ALL _ General Agent. Hoorn» 2 and 4, Shelton Block, EUGENE, OREGON. A. D. C H A R L T O N , A ssistan t General Passenger Agent. 255 Morrison St. Cor.5d. F o r tle u n c l O r . AND SHASTA SO U TH ROUTE OF THE S o u th e rn P a cific Co. E xpress T rains Leave Portlund D aily. south ■ r " zz zz 15?*® ___ NOTICE to HOMESTEADERS ve been appointed, by the L nited States t Court, t’ . 8. ComrniMdoner for the of Oregon. Entries and final proofs can en before m e at my office in i lorence. A. C. WOODCOCK. I A ttorney a t Law , ' O rogon irw -K > K > m s 7 and 8 M cb,.ren-» B uilding, tal atten tion g iv e n to collectidU a and pro­ t o * : btolueaa. E . O. P O T T E R . Attornev-at-I.a ...................... • Ecnr.se. oezgos . A - Orrn z At lb*Court Horn«. F r . EEM C IC T- A T T O R N E Y - A T - I Z. w u • Floraa««. Oregon. LEADS in Newslness, B.-l’h'anr, Caagrs- henslveness. LEADS in Commlss'ons to AwtU | (W rite for T e .ina • Thî W c îty C h ra n íe b 0 The NEWS PRINTING CO. FV»nv»r Color»**! Ripans Tabules. Ripana Tabules cu,e naurea. Ripana Tabuin»: ai drugglst». Ripana Tabules enr brytl..cue. Ripans Tabules cure dyrpcpsla. Ripaus Tabuleacti c i.a imene*1. Ripana Tnbules atsh t dlg ftlon. Ripans Tabuina ciir-> ’ hr u'»> Ripaus Tabules cuif blllousne«» Ripans Tabules: oi e rive: reitti. Ripans Tabules cdre torpld l.ter. Ripans Tabules: gcntl» cathartlc. Ripans Tabules cure indi, estlon. Ripans Tabules: fo>- sour stomach Ripans Tabules: pl asant larattve. Ripans Tabules cur live. trnuble» Ripans Tabules cure co.iet p.itlon Uu .ry, a k t l l u o l u d l i i ’i »odt i< * - t ) u i «’ ,» t r i if t ie U ¡ i ite I n t ates ’an » In a n I THE WKECaV O I i » < !€ ;.« 11 * <»ri i t »rt and moat co n -I »t1» W ’oìciy se.va »i »er ln t u world prints r-<'i trly Hl c o lin i« »r tv?,z« pago» of sev » .uortt'ir’ s i l le u r t* Inft.- it» taon; ais y a u» tg.iidco.it tgn cu .t ¿r.d depart »a -it. SANIZLÁ DO CJr’l i í YOU 3 . if W » X T Fd i . ’ I I I Lu C H R O N IC L E S ilv e r D a ily T he N ew « publish«» the representative p ip?r (daily and ¿Sunday) w en o: *t I. mis: can.» >n with every issue $5c a ibj ; l j - > i a fui $ m onths—in advance. For samp e copy of any Issue a id res«. tfcj $ 1 .5 0 R e v e r s ib le ’** T h e G r e a t Ar I 8:10 a m Portland 8:50 p in I Lv Lv|3:(K) a m Eugene 1:59 n in Lv 8* ii Francisco Lv (7:00 p in 11:15 a m I Ar A bove train s stop at East Portland, Orvg-m , (:itv, Woodburn, Salem, Turner, Mari n,, J,.fferson. A lbany ,H alaey, Harrisburg, Junction City, Eugene, C reswell, ('«»tune Grove _________ ___ __ bruins and a ll sU tio n s from itoseburg to Ash I land in clu sive. ROSEBURG MAIL, DAILY. Ar I 4:10 p m Portlaud A CLANKING C ’ :OGT. 8:30 a m | Lv Lv I 11:20 a m E ugene 2:01 p m | Lv Lv i 8.00 a nt Kose burg 5:20 p m | Ar A w f u l E x p e rie n c e , f n < ''.‘ '»5:0 V a n I n ► BALBM PAHWtMOltl, DAILY. Proprietor. X IlM o n rl U o tg l. 4:iw p in | Lv Portland Ar i l l » a m “ The moot dinagrerab e 1 xprrieuf n i- f,;l » ¡» in | Ar Salem Lv I h:00 a in H a p ? r-HO The United S ates, Dominion of Oanadi and Nor b i n UN ONK A m i tlae . M ap c f th a W o r ld on iiik o - r t in i t atiutc. Fa cl 9 2 a i l Go H l - M i 1' v v t W e I t : , - I n - o i l - I: * T r O io Y ■ P. p o . ..< * I Papa, I <» . M p u ii.l l*.-P -P. ' Ann i: ess M . Il cie Y 'llJ V O , l*ra,n'tu s F riir» n -t., HAM K l d t N - IsC -. ,'A U A C herte f o r C70O. Th-ro wr.s o:.ce ii rntuediau who out- financed Ed.vurrt E Line, fcturiliuz as tho statement tony seem, it it neverthe­ less true thut when this f recur retired from Mr. Rice's ceinpaliY bo owed the manager $700. To Mr. Rico the condi­ tion was not alone unusual— it was: Iso irksome. Gao merniug, when l.o was MARION MORRIS, fretting niider it, be lean ed that the actor had secured a first into eng: ge- Shaving and my travtla, ” ®r.:d tiio man f’O 1 C. i nicut at a large salary. lie srt down D in i n a C a ra o n O g d e n It«, u te , osgn, “ was whin I icvuki'ii I in 1' P c illm e u n X 3 u .fl0 t S l e e p e r s and wrote an urgeut lettcr, fi-isbing ARTISTIC HAIR CUTTING. with a demand for an immediate rem t- SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, middle of the i.igbt in u M ivcuii I RAZOR HONING A SPEC1ALTY--35C- and beard a chniu 1 lank i.i n:y rnnu . < tuuro of "a check for 7l)0." In due attached to a ll Through Train». don’t know whelht r it 11 tho u»-ot inti- coarse he r-ceived a ocuniunirntion by West Side D ivision . of a clanking > uin that ninkc« 1 mail containing a heavy metallic atsk. FIRST rational bank ®ET mah .N ts ? i < n H oa * y ? x «* x Í: t •onud w> dismal or I lie mere f ct of I Tne letter read: I- - ...... ' ** P iirtl.n il Ar (« :2 0 p m ing awakened 1 y 1» miro t!.: I «bo«'« 1: 7:30 ,I i, III ni i | I.V I. "Dear Ned— Yours received. Find Curvali 1 b Lv I 1 -35 p in pre»enca 12:15 p n I Ar __ N Paient. t*kon through Muun A Co rwrt.® and it U uird , . t ¡0 be a ) C coon l.- .t h at c f tire »nn and tapping t a central «UKiU notM . In the tlielio lil popk-ow ned 1 d In-h I • d beat cl the globe. Uuc.cr the reign of SCIENTIFIC AM ERICAN, FRANK B. NILS 'N (■rapt (l from its qa .rt-T« 1 d fool I 1 s chtmisiry I u earth, wc i re told, v.ill way 10 my leom. L..I I v <. I i ( u ia h-sowa a vast p -u-erd ga den and the nionlhn n —Hnirn w n l-. w d ttA >P Buoib, r ingbt like li: it f r ., f rui a. d I U u l on P atzwt » rau, Ir e . Artdrere ait rate Will Hve iu pence and , wood lo ll” —3L I xjch 1.1public. M U N N * C O ., b.tuij. episcopal church M ethodist service. Preaching at Glenadu Acme two Sundays of each month. Tonsorial Parlors. IN S U R A N C E P u n r .is;? -' resources. For inform ation, tim e cards, maps and tickets, etc., c all on or write THE B E V T B B . C « I.R . LEADS the Silver forces of Anrrlci. LEADS in Mining ant U n.nt Smcz i ’portx LEADS tn Special Depar menu. LEADS In developing CuloraD'« wjaleriul P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H EAST 1 ROGKy MOUNTAIN iVCV/C • 1.0® Pre Year in .Advance. YORK BOSTO N A N D . _ _ WEEKLY W A S H IN G T O N R. M c M u r p h e y , B uck-Eye Mowers and JtESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, »Oregon. Sabbath service; Sabbath- -------- Rakes.-------- Mool 10 o’clock a. m. Preaching 11 ■lock a. tn. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of All other kinds o f------------- be Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath ot Farming Machinery. ianuary, April, July and October. Sample» may be seen at my place. Everybody is welcome to all the services, ^stor requests Christians to make Prices are the lowest. W m. Brynd, hem selves known. I. G. K xotts , Pastor. oin t Terrace, Or. R E L IA B L E Cn’y $ 6 J 0 : ú ? . ? . Thj C m it st W o .l ii t m s 11» tr e tn r P H IL A D E L P H IA I am agent fo r ........ IE . A N D . A C C I D E N T , d a il y W IN N IP E G I c . H HOLDEN, .at-Law and Notary Public. : ' ’ u 'ld l a r « Pacific C oast A g n ts FO RK S CRO OKSTON W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. gO . O. F. Ileceta Lodge No. I l l , meets Tables furnished with all the Severy Wednesday evening in Lodge Wild H»!i, Florence, Oregon. Brothers m delicacies of the season. End standing invited to attend. game, fish and fruit in season. Best J. A. Y ates , N .G . accomodations for the traveling M arion M orbi », Sec. public. Charges reasonable. ATTORNEYS Chv»»^«®.iw H y M a I, P» a a ;e I'a t.l. FARGO Head of Tide Hotel, labbath-Scliool every Sunday nt Oa. m. Prayer meeting every lhitrs- Itv evening at the church. Everybody •rilially invited. G. F. R ounds , 1 Pastor. ÍB ‘225,0 • M IN N E A P O L IS TO The bent work a t th e m ost R easonable Prices. Office over Loan en d Savings Bank. CHURCH DIRECTORY mi ST. PAUL M oney Saved By P a tro n iz in g it. 1 ) A U T H O R IT A T IV E 533 Readers for Quotations DULUTH Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays Elu. R e n e Och month. ‘ Members and visiting artthren in good standing^ are cordially incited to attend. I. G. K kotts , M. W. B i . K yle , Recorder. » la «varytAUAig beau-ad 1U uolalug. T w e n tv -th re e S leep in g C a rs .Sample Pages Free. M ile s W e s t of E u g e n e . E le g a n t D in in g C ars T o u ris t A C E N T S W A N T S >. ON EUGENE AND S lee p in g C a rs A a o. U. W. R, T a iE C i t a t o Y iC u l*: a ts a ' v * ’« oeen. a H al va^s wii! be. the tri« id hi I c aaau >io'i o > lie mh do »4 • g > nat comol -otlous cliqu s c*>r.»r ill-» is. >r e p r-*a«ion-* <:, a m {in-4 f t v ill be taa4upw ul«ut 301,865 Vocabulary Tern.« Elk Prairie Hotel. BUSINESS CARDS- of V. General Sheridan Camp, Oa No. 5, meets lirst and third Satur­ days of each month. G. R. M ills , Capt. E. E. B iiodie , 1st Sergt. THE CHKUX IL'LK ran kb w lla uia gre alert newspapers tn the Cn t** 1 Matm, THE CHit i N a CLK nas nv« r.fita >i« its L>;s. V e.vsti« fu lest a n d s p ic ies t -in I its E L tu n aJ d fr o .u ia « ablem pens in (tie Cuii iiry T R IP S C O M P L E T E S U C C IE N T Florence and Hoad of Tide. Single fare - - - - 85.00 Round trip - - - - 80.00 Tickets for sale at E Bangs’s livery barn, Eugene, and at H urd & Davenport’s oflico in Florence. Geo. Hale CHRONICL LAN j J a Q u H E L E N A and ( A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58, L meets second- and" fourth Saturdays of each month. J. I. B uttekfield , Commander. J. L. F uesisii , Adjutant. ¡LEADING PAPERI CFTHE The Funk & W agnalls S ta n d a rd FLORENCE STAGE ROUTE. SECRET SOCIETIES. : to ------ * ’president.............. : month. Stago leaves Engene Mon Jays CITY OFFICERS. : NO. H Ou the 1st, 10th and 20th of each D r a O f l i r a s , G l n ® l s , R E G U L A R D A IL Y Judge................................... F- O. Potter. and Thursdays at 0 a. m. and ar- . . ( ............ W. T. Bailey ----Between----- I Commissioners < ............ j T Callison [ rives iu Florence at 4 p. m. tlia Clerk.................................A. C. Jennings Sheriff.................................. A. J. Johnson ¡Treasurer......................... A. S. Patterson ¡Assessor................................IL P- Burton ¡School Superintendent......... C. S. Hunt ¡Surveyor...............................C. M. Collier ¡Coroner.................................J- W. Harris ¡Justice o( Peace.............. F. B. Wilson ¡Constable........................ Jonh 1'. Tanner Eugene, F lorence to Y aquina. E- B a n g s , . SIU8UWS ONLY PAPER. | O P P O R TU N ITY j S H Z C K in a TH E witness . H . A. VINC.fc.LT» PROP “ STAGE LINE. CO UNTY OFFICERS CITY DRUG STORE, | Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ ' Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 Druggist Sundries days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs- and o et i rticltt i days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts- "■ ' * * # I burg Stage Line lor Drain. Also with . Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge i For Passenger and Freight Rates T E R M S S T R IC T L Y CAS ! reasonable. EUGENE-FLORENCE 1..... .. k F z . FLORENCE, OREGON, FRIDAY, F e h . » I«»'- GENERAL DIRECTORY jC ie e ^ e - [ A D V E R T IS E R S b YO UR H O H E PAPER S U PP O R T IT VOL. VII. I vz, N otary L ab ile,S urveyor NOTARY PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. F L J R 2 N J 2 ..............OREGwN P atents Ml Urnndwav. N.w lerk. T e s tim o n y o f a C a r e fu l Ol«l M a n blare»vd V o u n < A tto r n e y . to a The young lawyer wuh determined that if vigilahce cm id aeeonipihb any­ thing the i ik-ie shculd ba decided in fa­ vor cf bis o ieut. and so when the care­ ful old man went npou the stand for the defe se the attorney le.uni foiward, prepared to fight every in- h of the way. "Mr. Johnson, ihe plaintiff,” said the car fui old man, "said that if I w n il buy tb louse he would gel Mr. Gim.sou to relinquish his lease. He s..i I he thought Mr. Gimpsou would agree t > go. I tuo-s”— “ Never miud what yen guess. We don't want any heuraay or guessing. Your Louer [to the court J. I object to I.us witness' t stimouv. Ho is guessing tit what he say». We w ent fncts. ” “ i x nso me,” said the old man. "1 was about to s.iy I guess at nothing and insisted < u the understanding being es­ tablished iu my presence So the two men tot together, with me ou hand, to lisnu to whut they said. I uuder- staod '— “ Oujected to us incompetent. Your honor, we don’t want to know what this t r a i l understands was erne. Wo want w hat bo knows was done. Wo want” — “ O~e moment,” said llie careful old man. “ I was about to say that 1 under- ■land ordinary convcrsati« u with some difficulty, and so that there might l-o no error I insisted that they yell cut their propositions iu loud trues, which they did until you could hear th nt iu the middle of tho town. I am inform­ ed”— '•Your honor,” cried the young attor­ ney, "is nor time Io bn taken up lisicn- lng to hearsay evidei co? He docs not know He was informed that aucb and such was so and so. Whet we mint have is what he krows about tho trade nu.l whether cr not he"— "I urn i.iforinidru real estat'1 values, having been n re..l estate agent all my life," the eld m..n said, "und I knew wh it the worth of that leu-o was Io the bcl :cr < f it. Knowing the L.cts, I wou.d Cx bis damages at $78 33. 1 believe"— “ Objected to os a couelu- ion oud as incompe tent What any man I beves is not necessarilv good proof I don't want to know wbat yon believe, but whi.t you know. Wo must insist on y -ur tell- big what you know and net whut yen sur disc or wh .t yon eonjeciure or what yoa th k or wl’.ut yon imagine. A ccjr,rno'.ii is not a pl ice for exploiting wl ut a man bclicvis, hut whut bo is suio of. I think the court w ill support mo in saying that we d -u’t want to .know what this man believes." And the young lawjcr looked ccnfiucntly at the justice. ‘I was going to ray,” »aid the wit- uc~s, “ that I belicvoihut i9 n i l . C h i ­ sago 1. cord. CULTUEE OF CELEEY. KALAMAZOO RECOGNIZED A3 ONE Or ITS CHI_F CENTERS. W h a t H o lla n d e rs H a v e A c c o m p lis h e d I n th e V ic in ity o f T h is M ic h ig a n T o w n —V a ­ r y in g C la im s as to th e 1'roflts o f C e le ry G ro w in g . Kalamazoo celery is so well known iu every part of this couutry that the uamo is used Icr ell tho letter kinds of cel­ ery, and, liLe Elne Point oysters and Littlo Neck clams, the guarantee con­ tained iu the name sells the article to the rxclu'ion of o:her brands. The ex- i dienes of this cch ry is said to be duo t three things—good seed, dark, heavy t ¡1 and eaie tu growing and bhaching it. Caretnl packing might be added. Bus as any gardener can »elect good reed and give the plants good cultura Kalamasoo must excel iu the coil’ or better natural ccuditious us u celery re­ gion. The celery mcadort» ara just outside of the town ct Kal-an uzoo, uonh and south ef tbo city, and »urroni ded hy bills, divided crosswise by a high ridge, o:t which tho houe.'s are built Tho meadows aro about three miles long and a mile wide. These bottom lanes are not common farm ug lands, but aro composed of n peculiar form of black made, the result of vepciuble decompo­ sition, and formerly tiny were eo rich that no fer.ilizers were need-d Not more tbau u dozen ye: rs a-o very littlo celery was raised on th(»o n endows and none ler »b’rmeut to o’litr mar­ kets Joseph Dutkly, the florist, was one of tho pioneers iu the industry, rec­ ognising the peculiar value of the uinck soil for orlery. He owued one of th ■ earliest celery farms, and if is re­ potted that he umassed a fortune from the business before it was injured by competition. In recent years the output has been so enormous that prices have dropped front 30 rents to 10 cents per cozen, mil many growers have been complain­ ing Tho seasons of 1803-3 were cum- puratively poor ones, and a number rf the growers left t'toir farms to engage in the s n business in tho suburbs of N'-w York, but they siou returned io the.r hometown. Tho growersura near­ ly all Hollanc.ors, and thpy live ia dwellings on their small- -hcldingv, which generally oonsi-it of from five ta ten acres. Tuey are a frugal, indnatrioua race, uud they adopt the most advutic.d system cf intensive farming. Five acres here easily support nu ordinary Holland family, and there is no doubt hut tho heu-l of it, saves money. The city t f Kalann-zeo is ouo cf tho pren,icrt in the country, nnd it owe9 not a little rf this t i the indoatry of the rclcrv growers. The nmoent f tourists id: t, when on q - loi it'd incl rswido nnd G to 8 iut has deep. la y v o l a lu n m y . -1 1 in ia t a little Ferlilizirs arc now used frce.y npou l-y 1 r air < t » icrionty i;::h d: the already rich I ettoin I n r!a, and < v- "My niL'i-. c o you Lnow tho inline cf ery t mo n grower takes u I iad of telery lb: I w ild fl ..V into the io.-.u ho I r ngs l a It u load t f “ Y ;»,” h ei lied and C.ah lc a io f fertiliser. It isrluimed that four crops bis i aders with l.u w h p. of colery ere nised ia ouo season oa the t h p .u i I a moment f< r him to give land, lint t h is rot literally tine. Tho the fan e, but l.o inert.y Clacked to tho farm-rs m-iks f nr plantings, which .' eeli rs. mature from J ly to Deromfccr, bat “ D ver, do J c j kno w tho narr- ct these can Ii wi.lv to called four crop». t t fl .wer?" »ha repeated i.i an in.peri- Th? fir11 plan ing is made early, und as o. s ti no. this relcry mu t bo bleached with "Yep Git in t'rre. Dally!” boards it it f i i.ifer.or grade. Tho old A-.-n.u thus waited und again cler.ia :d- say-n;: it thut celery is not fit to eat cd : until uftcr thu first fro t, nnd i i a rcuso “ ?I in, don't yea know tho name cf this is true, but modem conditions of that 11 we;-;" onr markets demand that celery r.bi.II bs. “ Yip. G’lorg there, Pclet" ready for n--e ull tho year tonud. The "Tlun why don't yn t tell me?" southern growers scud it north early in "Oh, yoa vaut 11 know, to.», <’ a y u? luinmrr, and sines peopl? will buy ti ls That s n wild tose "—uan Emuciboo vegetable out of season tho Kalamazoo P oll growers begin to Fend their p-o. urt to tho cities much ca.Jier than five years Jllr. anti 5Tra. IV^ pob . ago. “ There is m e very admirable trail Tho quertiou cf profit i-t < elery grow­ nloat pigeon',” su. I A II Mather if ing is a disputed one, mid. like si raw- Cincinnati. “ I have nlwav* h. d u pen fier y fanning, them aro stories eu-rei t chant I r birds, mid slice 1 v.as a tmiill of farniert making 03CO p r acre, while bey have owned a numh- r c f pigeons. others ela tn that if they make C'O per V.'hen pigioi.s lu .te, i cy do so I. r life, acre they i. r? l.o ug well. At Green tow ut und t.iC av- rage const..ney r.u ong tin m O . where tho largest ed sy farm under is ui great us gun ug hum: d beings. 1 th- rotitri 1 ef cue tuiiu is located, fl.:» have watched them car, lnlly und never proilfs arc sa.d I > nverago between $300 saw o: e of them ilrsctl its mate. I l.::d und C100 j er nrre There i e neatly ICO n ve-ty buncisome lnch< lor piiu-on IhSt a-wi s planie I v. It i rclery o:i that farm, was quite attentiro to one thut was and if the»« figatfsi re correet the own­ ■iintod Wh'-n the taste return'd boil e, er In .1 e very reason to belli ve that L.r:u- he found ibis pigren hcveriug around ing does p:y. Like the Kalamazoo cel­ ..ie cote, and. taking iu the sito-it.ou at ery lards, tl.o toil nt Gieentowu. O.. is a glance, all .eked the gay bird and exceedingly rich and well adapted to nearly killed hint After thut th- re was the initcre cf the rclery plant. But no attempt upon bi» part tolreu k u p even ro, eheap labor mutt be employed ♦’•• 1-tlc hojie. They have no divor- es to tnako tho farm pay uuyihn.g liko . o:,g them, rnd abeg-thcr valuable t TOO or $100 pe r aere Here iu Kalama­ -sou» in i.e.if tie h. ppi' ess enn bo zoo tho growers believe that $:00 und vned from p geoue "— Wusbiugton $200 per aero is n good profit, uud a .ar hi 4i with t?u acres of »oil need not suffer greatly with such an income, bix T ib l'airalnn Tíonrr. The pv» o i fl ¿er is intinni-ely as- years ago tho same laud confil have .-o i..te-l i i i ptilur b ,tends v,.th tho made profits cf (400 per arro, tat then ruciflxien 1. i lin cei: tais are H'pnestd the glowers were receiving Jnst tv.ico io typily tin- Father bon and Holy us mue h ler the r eclcry as Ih-y n o to­ pirit, while in il'cth f» pails the im- day —Kulaniuzco Ccr. Now York Post. ■giualive rye finds llie crors, the nails, Pre-w ore a t the earth’s Csnter. il.o spear, the cn v u c,f ihtrns, the halo The philosophers who have fljcre l o-i and various other emLh n ui.c objects. the i-oiiditicn of things ut tho far.h» The first visit cf p itilrntiol fever tn cvi.ti r give opinions which vary wiuily. this conn ry was in ¡7. 3. ItSS'.as .Seme tbn k ll at ihe ei.v.h s it tenor hr ughl from the V.'csl Jut.iis to Riw con posed i f wl Me hot molfeu matter, •«hers are cf the op nion lhat tho York by tran’ng vciscls. Sure is so great that ail sab.-tai c Chartes VI cf Prnucowi.» hated ly lieeu tot:deu»ed beyond ocr paw bis |<-'ple, ci d in d.eriricu was tinned conception. Dr. Young goes co far as to i l.e Well I ci'cved. say that a block of steel 10 lei t wenld be pic!»«ed into a l.krk i A new moou filling Lrtween fl an 1 8 b eirquuretf lakeu 4,000 Bills» I a tu. in the summer season menus raiu. thu earth’« caitaca- . , 7-3 _ ____ g ..... . _