, S- The were gne.- l.ut by sinning we cannot avoid suffer­ ■ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ rillas ot GBfnez, and At tlieir head rode MrssRS. Ftscu A Gampl^ll, publish- discharged, and shall have a propro i diosen representative« of ing. ‘ V the lioAste 1 the “awkward squad’. of the .Maceos. If You Want to Save Money TRADE W ITH 3» erso fth o Silver Iuipr nt at AHwny tionate lien on each lot of said log« or honor of Bpairi, M •: •- 4 Genins unexerted is no more genius have dissolved parterntr.hip and J. A. timber.’ Provisions are added pre- In 1848 1843 Marinis Marcus Maceo maceo lived lived in In in a lit- US, And You Can D q S o . than a bushel of acorn» is a forest of • ..................... - Finch is . tow sole proprietor of the Scribing t ' c uijrtbod of collecting the tl. palm thatched village 'of Btrajag.ia THENEWTBEATYSIGNED ■s - oaks." ’ ’ Rules Are Suah as to Leave no Question as paper. He announces that the course charges/' . ' J-with his w.fe, Mariana, «ml his son I Other vices choose to be in the dark .<* tb^Xwprint will he unchanged. | We have not seen a copy of Senator Auton o. He owned a comfortable to VALUE- All Possible Question« of Controversy hut pride loves always to he seen in the Tilt C hboniclk tell» of Í Fran- ' Í Í ! “"*’8 jU frU " th° P o ta tio n , am. kept pack mules for! to be Referred to Arbitrators. light. ciscón, m named G F I ) I l i a i " ° V‘' k 10 “ subjwt 111 bire’ Tli« mules were driven along t h e ! Some people extinguish their own -nho is writing a book toiling mankind * ^ U41,e'.“¡ aW,’*-nW of »"* 8ilIslaw .mountain roads by Antonio. A treaty wa- signed at Washington the genius t.y striving to assume that of "bow to live to bo 300,” As Diamond f , ,M*<* 0 0 * n'“« t"” hw ‘bis way the lov made trips to I lth inst. between Secretary Olney others. .... ' “ iaml arc directly interested. If its Batacoa, to Guantanamo, to Sautiugo for the United Statys and Sir Julian »already 100 yea,« and f. month« old provisions are such that in case it lx- and even to Holquin We fin y we hate Mattery when all Paun. efote on the part of Great Britian, be doubtless knowsAo,nothing of how comes a law, it will give .guy person that we hate is the awkwardness of the TH OSE W HO D E S IR E TO LA Y IX A W IN T E R S U P P L Y lb: saw slaves toiling tlieir.lives away by which for ii term of live years the to live to old age. flatterer. or company owning a boom, tin. light in the fields fettered and lashed by over- two great nations agree to abide in Should Call and Obtain Honor like the shadow follows those A msw paper is to be issued under to cHtci. all logs coming dow n the river, seers. He saw the red and yellow pea-e and without resort to arm , all »he auspices of the higher classes of except those in rafts, and collect fees for Spanish tl ig floating above the fortiUed poss hie question» of controversy being WHO flee fro 11 it, hut flies from those the state Uoivcrsity, While published booming them, iis effect will laj to tow ns apd came to understand it as an refer/ed tua court of arbitration except who pursue. by the students the paper will be under make every owner of logs tha- are put emblem of rapacity, cruelty and greed, that neither nath.,1 surrendered its T.ie desire of knowing secrets is nat­ the jurisdiction of the faculty and will into the Siuslaw ultovo tidewater pay Young Antonio naturally began todrea,,, honor or dignity to the judgement of urally accompanied with another desire of telling them. take the place of tho present monthly tribute to the boom company. It gives of the whys and wherefores. Why arbitration. tho boom companies a lien oil the logs should one pro pie, with dissimilar in -* .. » — ----- Bulletin issued by tltc fnculty. 1« The only leneMt derived f.oin flattery, ’ «LI---------- jjrjue I tbe h“ 1'*' b'’inK a farOlul admitting public iiiini-ters. uf examin­ limn, Good nature is more niireeable in t : - “ r r - “ - r — - .... ...................... ..................... ....... ing their credentials, and authorizing conversation thun wit, and gives a cer­ ifbe could reveal it in all ita force. But titres.’’ It' resard»'it" fltril'tly "’’"t™1- Antonio chafed tinder their title to the priviledges annexed Io tain air to the countenance which is more lie 1» mostly so situated that thia must ,t ' t ‘*8 "" u" lln“'‘ tbi» restraint, but obeyed. So did his their character l,y the law of nation». amiable than he ,uty. , 7 1 ” u’u"1 that so much mo ,ey »■ requiredaiinuudy brothers , This being the apparent design of tiie forever retuatn a s ,r e t . and it i. often for tl„ pen. ion 1)lH ,„ inkfl , hu I he apprehension of evil is many I? constitu ion, it would ho highly im­ well for tbe world that it is so.—Farm D E A L E R S, IN A N D MANUFACRURERS OF country’s greatest misfortune lies in war reached tho little plantation at proper to magnify the function into an times worse than the evil itself and i large expenditure for river sad harbor Bahjugmt. T, o Miceos aecretly ex- important prerogative, even when no tilt* ills a man fears he shall suffer, he 8 iffcrs in the very fear of them. a n d B U IL D IN G M A T E R I A L ^ U k o i i i n has a new idea in tho ed- l Improvements. It has sent out a mt,-d over the sue,-c»s of their country- rights of other departments could he Ui special crcqlar. letter asking all news- men in the Meld, and it may have been \\ hen you have no observers, be affé led by it.” Mr. Madison contended ‘ ucational line. It is proposed that a "parents’ day” shall be established in paper, to Join it In an effort to get np- tl« t the Spaniards obtained an Inkling that the jMtwer to recognize indepen­ afraid of yourself. Observe yourself i | oitlleir ^ ntilllenl8. At sny dent states was vested in congress as your greatest enemy: so you shall the publjc schools, wlntu fathers, moth­ propriatious of this kind reduced. Many pa,xrs lxs.de the E mum,1st in Spanish spies began to annoy tltem ninne, hut Hamilton held that it was liei-onie your greatest friend, e r . and instructor» shall meet in the i The tallest trees are. most in the echool buildings to discuss things of mo- the eastern states are making a great ami more than once they were threat- essentially an executive prerogative , , power of the winds, and so are the am- woot anent the teaching of tiie young show of virtue by criticising river and ened. j bitious men in the blasts oi fortune. The rctolujlon had been in progress '1 THE FUNDING BILL. hopeful. As the main importance of the harts,r hills us recklessly extravagant, c c CU5HMAN Toevdothis Ixcause their own state, for some months, and tho Spaniards . Great marks are soonest hit. J*cw dpy is to compel un interest by tho E P W MTS. . r fsio en t . are already supplied with suqh improve- „ere wild over the series of disasters ' The citizHts of San Francisco -public in its own affairs, and not t„ ele- I Affectation in any part of onr carriage TRE8A U R ER . CYRUS CUSHMAN trtePtoo largely to its agent., the Idea is ments as have Ixen nsecury, and now when there appear«! at the Maee^ brated the defeat of the funding bill is lighting a candle to our defects, and V IC E P R E S ID E N T . I 3 CUSHMAN. a good, one, and should not Iw con fine, I thetr people can urge et omuny and ap- plantation a band of Spaniards, I«*! by by an opep air meeting w lifc lt was never fails to make us he taken notice 8ECRETARV. prove it without suffering any loss them- Captain Oampillo. Senor MMto and attended by several thousand person. j of either as wanting sense or wanting Io ,1* city of churches—Vtydt X . o m e , ----------- ' ' ' 1 T''*7 n ° r’ * 'rd fer the 1>U older sons were away wiih the mule* The Oregonian of tho 14th mentions sincerity. T hk NtXT tune a traveling peddler sail, »«»w »1»«*’« in which no improvements, train in the direction of Baraeo» several prominent railroad then who Good breeding i. the art of showing At >our door and tries to sell goods, aak or very few at least, have yet Ixen made Thev returned at nightfall As the have expreMetl regret that the funding men, by ext. rnal signs, the internal him If bn will take your butmr and eggs »"<1 wbieb need «11 that the older states „„lies, with their tinklmg l„ ||, an | bill was defeated. The impression pre­ regard which we have for them. It ~ and other farm pro.luce; ask him If, one time needed. These newer states heavy ,w, k saddles, „.rnwl a lxn,I in the vails that the government will begin arises from goo-1 sense, improved by when your neighborhood gets ready to bare done their sliare to help the older road and the ph,mat,on came into fore.-lossre pro.-c-dings and it is l'eare.1 i ;l«,y or b u ild , road, or a bridge over a ®"es. It is only fair now that they view, a horrifying sight met the ease that the Vanderbilts will get control conversing with j:o»id «ompany. .Itndjk or slfitigll. if be will l»3 willing to should lx helpe.1 in turn. It.w ill ho _ of Maceo and his sons. Where his of the road. donate a few dollar, to help it al.ng, *i» u •"<>'«»»» for the gi.vernme.tt to lx |1<(ll,e had Ixen there wai nothing but Tel» him there iv,i Po,< widow down tl.e •" ,,»rv * ,n' *t8 «Ppropnatrnna 4,,r needed „ s,1H>u|,kringl„.ap ,,f ashes and emlxrs DEAR D E E R . GENERAL ★ MERCHANDISE Consideration Cash O nly OF ""HÜÄD S- DAVENPORT" THE SEATON STORE DRY GOODS a GROCERIES, Knowles & Geliys, Managers. The Siuslaw River Lumber Co Cargoes Sawed to O rd e r -A O re g o n ENTERPRISING LEADING Good road and ask him to donate a few pro- vi.io«e::w k h im ifh ew .rt,-ontr,bu te.o an enterpriw just starting. If he agrees to tids then patronize him. Your homo merchants ilo all thi s and more.— Myrtls Enttrjiritt. ""1-ovements when they are no longer His barns wer. burned his erotw CiiiexAiioMiMv , Jan, 16. 1897. Th.demands olcoftim erc are ^rovej, his mules, slmep hones d it­ ami J »hitny OAr.is.« au I R a n iin i M. u.iier Blood is e sentlal to health. Every nook no* m<** ur*”'“ *'«" *'er before, and patl,# ||riwN ((ff „ went ndiuipg III the Uuickdh.Niuiiv and corner of tLe system is reached l,‘"-v “n> 1,l,' ,’|n>"K most rapidly pressi-ig mell|,Kir, hjg country, fliey saw « .leer. Tliey slio- Oy the blood, and ou its qua ky the in some of |b e newest states. These . - ., every org*n depends. Good Out tn the the jung u a woman at it. Carlisle got the ean-Mss. Mil e blood means strong nerves, good di S it This may mean much or nothing. That pro—?ttt, gs-x-ge I lue g tu awray, tnouzn young girls cower, weeping an I ball ft I were jreu. and hsd a trleiet, there is ne.,1 of reti+nchmcnt no one tii.ropi. no pro.Miiility in ti it wmld Wli.1 called s plsasatit hour to ip rn d . dead in the hushes. liste Is-eu a rot if he hadn’t. feen can doubt. Komelimes, bow ever, the I'd Is, petit« SHutiali to M t , On the following morning, the female Uprli.i. got madder and vii >ulderd H it Barsapsrllts, This medicine purlfles, vi­ "Y o u insjr eh«na* «ml » and cure, that tired feeling. It |, because And tt shouM he ttie lewetier’» |oy, coiiaiAlile earned tees .... .. out to never lav down their arms until the the state was well rid of tho swamp, To Miy «be had no heller boy. of Its great power to parity the blood that And 'tw ouhl lie irtle j invader was driven out an l Out»« was Cluckah »luiliy and serving tliein. riien lands at any price, but the issue wa. a ft I were you. nil L’lin-k ihoointy carne I fees and iidh- free. D ry prodtsblc on. for reformers. One man «ge going Io R igeoe, not tho case wr ,s I I I were yon, I d alwaya tell «uceerJixl in getting himself into tlm The truth, no m atter what hetelt; pot »»ver for a week S ituni iv, tiie Ittr », For two Ihtuxa only I dosplaae— the wn »|ei-rp.v I sr -nt j t ikctiog to E i iavesbgationa in-aome shapo to make it D o n ’t expect SeMtotJs A coward heart, and ta U iu . Uaa. gene again at the I- > in v's expanse, an i Hood’s Sarsaparilla has accomplished to yay. In tbe last m vetigstion lx got And jo n would, too, Best the ease w«a trie I i»>f ,re a j irv and, or many wonderful cur«. It m. ke, I f I were y.wt- bifttself appninteil aecond clerk of tbe «*• hab ine pow der e<> true. C.trn-le w is seq»nlle- blood pure, drives out »he germs of dis- coffe« I I I were you. I ’d do thy bevt, Bai or u ( extracta iBYHstigating cqmniittee, and wlitl. lb . •od 4 aad sp .ea Isvlyi.uild swear that ne sito» it. H.- esse. Thousand, today T n do the th in s * I hrre «usaed: first clerk draw five dollars per day for Th.wish at nee 1 am uooue but uie, Miignt ha « iieeu »h.a>ttng al « tir stump as tbe natural rei-ult of S. H. FRIENDLY. S. H. FRIENDLY. progressive MERCHANT Blood C A R M A N ’S From ««rviers mndered, thi. i-ati her of thieve, • i' informed on good autnoeity, drew |«r day for Ilia rerviive. * _ Let i t . Idtte' retrenchment and reform by aU’nu'Xmrv - but let us keep aa o | x n I cannot very * » • * . youaea. K now what I'd do I I I were you. Lanav. to tu rn the w o rld upside «n I Miller might have shot the deer. dow n. H »I the etiarge i aren “ having tenisoii in T he y w o n ’ t; b u t they d o poswswion” there might have taren a ta»n- . „ , , . \ , vi.ti»»n, tpit Imr that w...,l.| tsuuhl have coei cost • some- vien.m, I I i e V V J the w rin k le s •«"ly •«*!■•*« ii «» c ••imy w.im>tiiing. take M ,o A F m of Wantsd-ln Idea àSSB T v.,nr «-A—- ^TT IUAV hrtbff »Mlth of A im ! »> the C tiiekalpim iiiy «fowr caw. came to an em l, ami iue c.inntv will pay Ä r “ CHEAP CASH STORE! Goods, » Grocer.’. , » and ¿ FLORENCE MEAT MARKET “ 11 Notioni | J u st O pened. Hoods G o o d s as R e p re s e n te d . Sarsaparilla rur'B.'r. AH druggets, gi. 4. W, C A R M AN , y