TBBBIBLS WINT22 AH2A3. T H E I upon which cash postage is paid. The i receipts of the Washington postoffice Astor, tlie astrologer, in the ’ States* It often happens that we RCC* penfffi* • arc about $600,000 a year, and yet its (ORIOISAL AND SELECTED.) -»/•r »¡.tauro a v e s t íkioav MOIKIXQ.— who have sufficient natural ability to work, economically and efficiently done, ' U)an, forecasts as follows: fill positions of great influence and ! takes a clerical force as large as that in I Tlie coming winter will be the most -* T - "Never "Xpond your money Before you responsibility, bnt WTitHiTt'and die in offices which do a business of $1,400,000. ' «cverd since 1818, and colder than can Ou.oo.x FbOfttxct, L v ;t Ç ocmtx , obscurity because they'do not take steps Measured by «eight, from 80 to 74 per le recalled by the oldest inhabitants; have it." "Look tor excellence in every thing to obtain a better* situation than the cent of the mail that leaves Washing­ especially will the south and west Suffer • • . as • • • Is An Old S tan d W ith An Up To D ate S to ck of one they are bolding and consequently ton poatolfice goes • under frank, and iB this respect. - There will- be- heavy and every pers.-n you sec ” K fte o o l« « # C D s a t f i « r s ö n . nothing is ‘ known of their ambition strange to say, the amount of the regis- rain and liail-stoncs of remarkable size, "How much pain have cost us the nnd the opportunity does not come to tered matter which pays regular |x st as well as several- meteors' tha will'evils that have never happened." them to develop their statural abilities, age is half of 1 percent. Tlie registry f»l • , "When two inenila part they should AGENTS FOR THE WEST. On the other hand it often happens that system is tlie only method of getting a Violent storms are to come, one' fol­ lock up one anot.iers se rets an I change J. W. B jcxm : : Enfrib, Ore. men of less natural ability will pase receipt for delivery of a pick tge, an I lowing another. Tidal waves will oc­ the keys." them in the race of life simply by push­ K> When the mails arc forced to do free cur several times during the winter, Tears are tlie softening «bowers which F baxr Roor.ss ; : Ohfffiner, Ore. ing their way from one iiosition to an­ express business,- this form of receipt and the Atlantic coast will suffer from cause the seed of e.ivea to spr.ng up a Wa Desire to Mako SpeeJy Sales, And Are other higher. The necessity of letting is generally insisted upon. The last th; ravages of the sea. More than the human lie. rt. A SCHOOL HOUSE NttDED. our wants be known applies equally congress made some needed reforms in one of the great Atlantic liners * ★ W illing to Tako SM ALL PROFITS, And Never purchase-love or friends.dp by well in other things. frequently . this line, hut much remains to be done, sail tlfbir last voyage, and never gifts; when thuso uained, they are lost When the people of' Florence some hear people say tiipt some law should : These iinmeuso campaign expenses an- history of shipping will be recorded in Many Cases None Whatever. eight or nine yesrs ago, raised money be changed aud perhaps the majority generally condoned on tne theory tliMt such frightful loss of life'and properly. as so n as you stop, payment. and bnilt ft School hottie, they did well of the people in thewtateor part of tlie the benefit goes "to liotb shies - and there Fierce tirés and conflagrations will ex­ "In the morn.ng a-k t ivself what If You Want to Save Money TRADE W ITH considering the amount of taxable country intererted will agree that it is no real loss, but it is probable that tend throughout the laud and loss of thou Hast to Io, m I ui t io evening ask ptoperty nnd number of inhabitants should be different. But unless som e-' many taxpayers do not care to have life from this cause will l>e uppalling. thyself what thou hast done." US, And You Can Do 3o. ★ ★ in tlie district at that time; but now tiling happens to call the attention of I their-motley diverted to the uses of a Tliere will lie heavy failures in trade, "Tne policy tli^t can strike only w.ide t lo number of children of school age the InW-uiakcrs to it, the statute may 1 campaign fund, even of a bi-partisan or I es|iecially among insurance companies tin- >o i is aot, will lie over o nc by the Ru!es Are Such as to Leave no Question as is «o much increased that the district remain in force for* year»: Now is it tri-partisan character; and to each this i Tornadoes and explosions will occur, perseverance tuilt can make toe iron to V \LUE- needs • house of at least two rooms not much better'tortus instead of sit- forced tax is au injustice. j and again will the south and west suffer hot by striking." to nrofido suitable a?cointnodations L. , ■ ~ I ting still and grumbling, to go to work I severely. j "If you would not lie forgotten as for the aeltulftrs. At present t herb arc- atid try Io better our' circumstances? November will he the phenomenal soowns you are dead, either write tilings POWER OF WEEKLY PAPERS. over fifty pupils of all sixes in actual Instead of flailing fAult with cm. laws month of the year. The centering of-worth reading or do tilings worth ntteniUnce. This trtlfnbbr ‘a too large as they are, let us'd A vote' some of our tlio majority of planets in th e’ mystic writing.” for one teacher to hftVW time to instruct energy to having those laws changed. The president of the Reform Press, and accursed sign Scorpio; will produce “If you w ul-i learn the value of as should t>0 done. Tlie school house in Ids "address ’ before the association WHO DESIRE TO LVV IX A W IN TER SUPPLY, startling change*, which will begin money, go an-1 try to borrow some, for riU S E in use now is poorly ventilated and said:' "The'oritur, who teaches in THE GOVERNMENT PAYS FOR IT. I directly after the lunation of the moon, he that goes a borrowing goes a sor­ Should Call and Obtain there is no good chance to build' an tlie public fórbm, tlie pulpit, or on the which occurs on the morning of the 5th; rowing." addition to it, It would lie ft matter From X. Y. EvenihgToat: hustings’ may* exert much influence; f political upheavals will sweep over the "W.iatever tl.minis les t io -ensa of of economy in the end for tlie district In the discussion of tlie campaign hut it is momentary and restrl.de 1 to RD OF ON 1 land, both here and abroad. superiority in men, nukes tue u nore to erect an entirely new building, large contribution it should not be forgotten his immediate audience. Ilis words i England is to mourn the death of her manly, brotherly, and plcasan. to nave enough to aecoinmcdAto all tliccInWrbn, that Uncle Sam himself draws by far may be words of wisdom, but unless they ; noble queen, who will not survive t. o aliout.” w ith suitable prbviskm for ventilation the largest'cheek-for the expense of a are taken up by the newspapers of the i winter, and the passing away of this and other things necessary to the presidential contest. This will appear "If you are young and have the wonderful woman will mark the great- hygiene of tlie school. As building when it stated that the single item of weekly press, they soon lose heir for. e , cst ckange ¡„ jke anna]3 of tho world before you, stoop as you go Engli-di material and labor are both cheap now franked envelopes, which arc supplied and are forgotten. Ilis advice un<' j parliament through it, and you will miss many a since the days of King wo think it would lie better for' all frbe of charge to-tlie members of house admonitions do not take root and hard thump.” gro" George IIIl T h s P bo j I s s ’ l i E R C f l i U parties to make arrangements to build aud Bonatc, has thus far in the cam­ as do tlie seeds sown liy the press. Tiio kingdom of Heaven is a kingdom War will he rampant The down­ ut once. Bonds could be issued for paign cent the government through its "Public speakers are heard mostly fall of Spain and tlie freedom of Cuba of uses. The highest aim of all true a term of yours and the money could public printing office the sum $140,000. I during the heat of a political cani- ' are to come. Turkey Will lie disposed religion, therefore, is to fit men for use­ probably be obtained ut a low rate of in­ These envelopes and their contents are i pnign when excitement prevails, and J of and It issia will assume a dictatorial fulness to each other. terest. A tag could then be voted to carried through the mails free, and are When the public mind is not in the front, with the result that the English There are two wavs of being happy. raise jiart of the money each year and often refthipped several times. Since condition to properly receive, weigh government will lose some of its valtia- We may either diminish our wants or in that way the house could be paid tlie government pays 8 cents a pound and digest impressions. Keeps a full line of E x ira Q uality ble possessions. increase our means: either will do—the for without the people fueling the tost. for tlie item of transportation alone in "Tlio weekly newspaper visits tlie There will lie more unrest among the result is the same. its mail service it bceomeu clear that i fireside—t,ie homes of the people once great foreign ¡lowers than for many “ Real foresight' consists in reserving CuAVLks H. Crisp, son of cx-speaker the cost of paper and printing, in'mak-]each week; fifty-two times each year, years. Death of prominent people will our own for es. If we labor with anxi- Crisp has been nominated by the demo­ ing these envelopes is tlio smallest sort and deliver* a lecture and eoinmunes oeeur, and under peculiar circumstances. <.,y about tho flltlirei we ,le,„.ov tha, crats of Georgia to fill out his father’s of a eliargo by comparison witli the with the family as would a neighbor on HARDWARE, TIN WARE, ROOTS A isl'C l.8, Daring robberies will take place, and strenu,|,t wIli(.h wil, enablc Io meet uttosjiire) term in Congress, a-id" will!Other expense that tlie government a friendly call; indeed the weekly news­ tliere will be an avala* die of . rime of thc future." HATH & CAPS, MED1C1N1>, N I TS & CANDII.h, lio doubt be elected. Mr. Crisp is Just< b‘ i.rt. Over 5,000,000 envelopes have paper becomes a recognized member of a shocking and 1 einous nature. Dur­ "A deep true love will lift a soul nut b ecli printed for Representative Lin­ the family and its visits are waited VA years old sud will be one of the TOBACCO, CIGAR,s, I I K M b lilN G ( v o lt ing tiiis month stocks will advance youngest members that ever occupied ton’s celebrated A. P. A. speech, and with as cordial a welcome as .lie return rapidly, and commodities of all kinds' i of the shallows of selfls'inest. and the mud of fleshliness, when all other I some "other speeches have been spread of an- absent member of tlie family a seat in the national legislature. w ill command higher pi ices, hut will over tlio country less broadcast. Prices \A ill be round Reasor.iblt- circle. Here is tlie rich soil where tlie recede again and trade will not revive powers combined have failed to extri- j Goods as Represented. cate it from the slough.” ■ So enormous lias been the demand for lessons on economic subjects are as A rxxsoXfti. friend of President Olcve- until after Ajiril,’ 1897; Tliere have licen religious enthusiasts,' T»ud says that be hks made up his printed envelopes to be used in the seeds east upon good- ground—where New and startling diebveries will be in iu j to rocoguixe' the independence of present campaign, tliat the government they can spring tip and' grow. Not made in science, and with tlie incoming rhapsodists, devotees, hut the wort-1 is M a n n in g s. o Cuba, unless the rebellion Is put down has been obliged to buy two additional ■infrequently the weekly newspaper of spring we will have made wonderful discovering that 'heir religion consists by 6pain within thCncxt throe monthB, envelope presses, which turn out each doc« not remain in one f: wily to wear j strides in the mode of traveling on land, of sentimentalities, which are' hut a species of refine 1 selfishness. aud that a hint to'that effect has I cen about 10,000 pieces an hour. These ma­ out its wvlcome, hut passes aWmnd an-1 1 water and in the air. given Hpaiu. We will wait patiently chines will 'have nothing to do after delivers its lectures to half a dozen j Besides the queen, tho planets fo etell "Tho liarfnonv and happiness of life, fo see if this personal friend' of Cleve­ this campaign closes, until the next families each week, families tbnt arc so I tlie death of England's brightest man in man or woman, consists in finding land knows what he itr tklfting about.— begins; In tlie matter of folding the oppressed by the merciless hand of un­ and the mortality among tho learned our vocations the emploement of our DEALERS, IN AND MANUEACRUREKS O F speeches and putting them into enve­ merited poverty that they are compelled N-indan Jkcorder. men throughout the world will lie highest faculties, an-1 ns many of them ' lopes, the crafty statesnian-again sees to omit tiiis luxury. They peruse its as can he brought into action.” severe. and I t ts hoped that the election of sen­ Hr it t? at Uncle Sam pays the hills. columns, and imbibe the economic In tiiis month will be liorn a ruler' ' “Tiio native brilliancy of the diamond An appropriation is made each year principles it sets forth, meet and dis­ ator at Salem next January will be whose power will lie long and mighty. needs not the polish of art; the conspic­ accomplished without friction" and loss for folding public docaments at the cuss in tiieir neigliliorbood gatherings There will been extreme suffering uous features of preeminent merit, tired of time. Tlie state is actually suffer' eapltol, and it, presidential years the tlie question most important and among the poor in the cities, and acts not tlie coloring pencil of imagination, ing for important legislation and‘ the figure is made very largo. This-year, soon they lieeome united in aim anti of lawlessness and desperation from nor tho florid de-'-.rations of rl.etorie.” members should sec that relief is give. however, the appropriation has already purpose." them will be frequent; never in the “Surelv tliere is somctliing in the nn- Tlie senatorial qireatiou is principaffyf given out, and tlie clerks at the eapitol history of living man will tliere he re­ niftled eahn of na'nre that o-eriwc- otir are working without salary in tlio ex­ OF INTEREST HERE. • war uuioug politicians and however corded in so short a time such carnage, little anxieties and doubts; the sight of C- C CU‘ HMAN- it may end wifi not benefit the com pectation that tlie next congress will W M T". wreck anil ruin as this present jear will the deep blue skv an 1 tho cl tst riig PRESIDENT. reimburse them. TRESAURER. mot» people greatly.—Ouar J. From Chlcos'i Luiatcnuan: live to tell, with the worst yet to come. stars above seems to imp ir- a quiet to OYP US CUSHMAN- • The actual printing of the spsoehis CUSHMAN, Do the lumbermen of the United VICE-PRESIDENT. the mind," SE C R ETA R *. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. i i bor paiifTor by the government, but States want a protective tariff on their . ’sta tu and Uuekuer carried one "Pride is as loud a I e -gar as Want, is dine at cost by the pohlic printing proi, uet? If n6w i9 tho timc t0 precinct only in the United States, and A c m e , The state board met at Salem Decem­ and a great deal more saucy. When O r e g o n most remarkablu of aTT that In Kansas. offiee. when destred, and in the « « M U-gin working for tt. Tim next con- ber 1st. I, has been customary fur tlie you hnve t-onglit one fine thing, you mate ofcost no account is made of tho greBS is a een8C pk.(|gct, to thc , clerk to come to Salem some lime liefore The place was Duifly tbwttship In Ifas- tlie date of meeting to prepare for the must buy ten more, that your appear­ le ll county, in the short grass country. plftte^vhteb have already Imeu- pre-: ^ ¡ ..y o( prote(.tion> ,)Ul it not ,ikely I pan'tWor’ thb Congrtssional Record. that wj„ w,8 protectior> i t ! hoard, but th a t w!is not done this year, ance may lie all of a piece; hut it is eas- Jo ttmt township five dkgnoerats voted the reason perhaps being t: at tlie m a -j ier to suppress tlia first desire t.-an to the Indianapolis ticket and" carried it Even with t h ir iw a saved in addition ' is „ „ ul(l(, |Q onk.M a gtr(jng . , lowinJ il(r„ y of Ul0 ,M,ar<1 are „„„ I satisfy all that follow it.” by one plurality. Against this Mc- toth e act-that* the public printing ¡g |Ilrt,|e ¡„.fore the ways and means i Out of 32 assessment rolls necessary to Kiuley and Uotairt hod (our votes, office pays nb ostensible rbftV on its ,.onilnittw wken ,,lt. , ariff hm ig u„(|er I f-e re.eive.1 by the Secretary of State IN­ . , . . fore the hoard can go to work but 14 ha Bryan and bewail two votes and Bryan great workshop, tho government is consideration. The lumbermen cannot , .. ... ' I h - cii receive.) , tip to N o v . 22-1. still unable to compete with outsiders, aud W»teon one vste.—Nostlury Zf<- expect to get what they want unless Following are the memb-rs of th e •nJ comparative»# few of tho ptthlic tl)e, fjr Thure is moro moncy ririr. Stale Board of Equalioalion for 189ti: doscuieuts for' rampAign use are now I inv(?8Uw, tbe ,!MaK,r blwi|ici8 Rm| •• There are fads ia medicine as well a. First Dislriel, A C. Anldon, Lukr- printer at Washington.' Linten’a s,,rtch ., mart ,noIMV (,ut (or wages ,n „æ view : Seem,-I, Robt. Wnlker, of Bandon ; in other things," said a busy druggist, Fa. U ivav Lane, who tor severaf Third, 8. D. Gilison, Sah-in; Fourth, "but the most rems-' i-hle thing about which 5,000,000‘copieu have bcêiy . . . .... i .u Hood’s Sarsaparilla i customers who * 1 v olünu fact five of lumber, than any other years wae superintendent of the Ore­ D. P. Thompson, Portland; Fifth, G. try other rem edies «o come back to 1 isaued, wad nrftftfc)'in* Pftthideinhia. nxIrtHiy - • country; yet . . lumlvr . g in this gon Insane Asyluur, says when there Wingate, Astoria ; Sixth, Chas John- Hood's, and this is why the enormous and as a rule the-j+hiting for the cam- ¡, onH|,e wkUu cvcry o„ „ run. lip p n e r; Seven’ll. W. C. Wills, .ales of this medicine keep up while¡otheis such ■ large number of patients In paign has bren-d&b. in the places most lar(rirtuiW y, wd* M re happiness by bringing people winter English Govcrnuicnt make provision Chicago, 40 extra men have been put ' lielng abolished entirety by the Wilson- on, and the regular clerks throughout Mfni. Tavlor, who represents liiiusel to secretly buy a yoar’rsopply of breod- (iorlnan hill. A united and svstematic as (Arinorly connveie-l with the 8. F. the country are sail lens-1 by tha Know­ ► tuffs, should a war cloud of' nsagnitodo effort at either end would have secured E xam in er, s p m t several -l ira this ledge that there will be lew promotions health than any other medicine. Its ever arifte. The United Kingdom annu- better trFatfbeM for lumber than St, we»k in Florence. IV* aeknnwle-ta* wonderful cores of the worst cases of ’o r » tiiis year, the money available for that •»11» rakes forQr to sixty ui IIII jo buihels then received. ' some of his work on this irsuo of the ■crofala,runningsorvs,ulcers,Mltrbenm, T l f l D r i l l n r - — ------------ --------------- I W m . issriajte being expended in extra clerk or wheat and buys in foreign countries *‘«er two- hundred millions. How hire lor handling thia mass of franked C m il,lates fur spmker, pre-i-ieiit nl tton wae needed; o, catarrh, rheumfttbm r t IA [ \ E 1 . i the senate, and other of the more bn • require to lcaru what is matter; Mteauee tho printing is so malaria ta d other trou hire arising from ■ You can make the nC_ ' P-Wlant offices in tin* gilt of the iegia aovo ever bo generally Jotur utanwhere, »ho Wash- ! l.itftre aWcoining to the^fnmt. Ex-Rep- or promoted hyimpurehteod, hare mad......................... Agri- I ir.gion p-wt-Wllr« dftes iww get tlm exeat- quaintantc of S c f r i l f i t t g ' s «••ontatire K L Mo-irhcalof Junctio- tlie ' sive amount of tliiw campaign matter City aepiftM to Iw cbiei clerk. hrit !r»t | k .wttov the I whU'h ■» wo-ild have if tlie government Sevenil teua-bers of this vb-iniiy ltnv< lars'iR. «virarte I Bptt M -wikiy ! nriuting office war able to -lo at a imst latelv m-eive-i ollh-ial letters a-kiuj ; outsider« can do (or profit, for nothing, ant! w e l c o m e . •*•*»* fc»»l*ki» m attendance at the r i i last tenrirers' institute. As tlie insti- rlopcu. amt aneli frankeille g ro c e r k n o w s - itate was held t^p«. 8, alcby i reema as though route body « .is in no I ag»,rc*a*« ' hare« 10 make inquiries. MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN. L ite r a r y . GENERAL ★ MERCHANDISE C o n s id e ra tio n C ash O nly " HUhD & DAVENPO RT"" THE SEATON STORE DRY GOODS a GROCERIES, K n o w les & G e tty s , l< i i’h e S iu s h iw R iv e r L um ber Co., Cargoes Saw ed to Order ENTERPRISING LEADING— «a- They All s. H. FRIENDLY. S. H. FRIENDLY. ^ ^ ■ P R O G R E S S IV E h Come M ERCHANT C AR M AN ’S CHEAP CASH STORE! Back to Dry Coofs, ceres ★ arc’ No FLORENCE MEAT M ARKET j USt OpCHed Hoods « Ü ~ R ! Ä L . C o o d s as Represented. V Mood’» 1 ’ w- c ARMANI PROPRIE"