'T H E W E S T . IWM. J. liliYAN AU,EFTS FALL IN PRICES. o l d b o l o . e r s o r c a n ix . t io * I We publish Imbur n part of a letter re- - r e a l m uffi r.vxu.v fr i day vtonxixo.— Í ^*** Nofnination i* Accepted cvlveit bv the ol»l soldiers of Florence and in ies|Hinee to which they have organizo«! in a L etter T hat I» Ap- the Union V eterans’ P atriotic Leugne of — AT— I proven by All. Florence, Oregon. O ttroox K i . o r k w e , I .ANC COCSTT, N ational H kaix - uaiitebs op the I.ts'UJl.Y, Neb., Oct. lì, 1896. U nion V k T kryxs ’ P atriotic L eague . Iloti. W illiam V. A llen, C hairm an, M»j. lie u . Ib m lel K. Sickle* L’. 8. A rm y. K noujle«; 5, U j e a t h e r ç o » . anil oth er m em bers of th e Notification M Win. B. fr-iiik liu uí ¡J“" ’ JL'niiU JM’ Porn-r > v ic e i-rei. BY A m 'KISI.KY SUPPORTER. T H E Literary. GREAT WHITE STD (ORIGINAL ASP SELECTEh.l ccbusubd EVERY It is n favorite argum ent witli th e free THE BABY OVER THE WAY. - P u ta ñ e e , 1 silver party th a t free ami unlim ited 1 coinage of silver by our governm ent A rrow in >n>’ iH U nor’s w ind nV W illi its fold* of Mitin and tow» will raise prices of all kinds of produce 1 sue w ith its flov ing ringlets Is An Old Stand W ith An Up To Date Stock of to w here they were a few years ago A baby’s inn o cen t iaee. T he throng in ihe sireet I< m U npwaw and k. ep them there. As th is country And every one, grave and guy. -llaii-t i find free and unlim ited coinage of tioth litis u uod und a sm ile »«»r the baby , C om m ittee of the People #’» P a r ty - G e n - uluiial I.. E 1« In D udley, Sue. o f iny neighbor over the way. E nte AGENTS FOR THE WEST. gold and silver from the foundation of 1 tl « tu m : N ew Y oke C ity , Aug. fttli, 1896. »ne eoi J u s t here in my cottage window th e governm ent till 1873, it is fitting to ■j. VY. B ovkun : : Eugene, O re. i The nom ination of th e People’s To th e surviving soldiers and suitors mil nut' Ills ch in in h is dim pled hand s A nd a patch on his faded apron, G ardiner, Ore. P’» ^ tor th e Preai.lency of the who served in th e Union Army and inquire w hether p rh v s were kept up C rank R oofrs : T he c h ild th a t i live for Mauds. p v B B T ia ix t- bate » _____________ ____ ____ __________ J_ U nited State« has lasen tendered m e in Navy .luring the war of the R ebellion: during th a t tim e. On this point I quote H e has kept my heart from breaking PLU C oyibadks : Your country is ag till ill TH E MEXICAN DOLLAR ARGUMENT, a generous sp irit ami ii|X>n such honor- p e ril! In the present presidential earn from the speecli of lio n . J . T. Y ltJ.eiry F or ninny n weary day, We Desire to Make Speedy Sales, And Are * >’c“ ts A nd h is face is as pure and handsome __ — I able tet-ms th a t I am able to accept the paign dangerous com binations again of Mini csota do livcred in the House of As the baby’s over th e way. W illinq to Take S M A LL PROFITS And BE panic w ithout d eparting fiom the p lat­ ttire ite n tn'J integrity of the G overn­ R epresentatives ttie present year. He X*roin Nc’v York Hvrnhl: Some tim es w hen we ait together» l i k e ’s a d v e r t ii-lii) A bout th e m ost pointless of the form adopted by th e National Conven­ m ent. Misguided men conspire to u rin g refers to a table of prices of principal My bm ve little man of three, terclm uta E x e im in Many Cases None Whatever. Sore vexes me w ith the question'- laliloruia. w lc ic arg u m en ts used to bolster up the cause tion at Chicago. I fully appreciate repudiation, dishonor mid financial ruin com m odities extending back to nearly “ Docs Uod up in heaven love m e’ upon tins nation once saved by your ig can 1*5 u n c l e ii the begining of th e century and gives of a single gold stan d ard is tlio “ Mcxi- the breadth of the patriotism which lias Ami I say “ yes, yes, my darling.” valor. T hough I alm ost answ er ••nay” • an D ollar” argum ent. It is seldom actuated th e m em bers of the People's If You Want to Save Money TRADE W IT H Tiie nisn who once answ ered the call his conclusions as follows; I s 1 see the nursery candles T h at in a period extending from 1818- p u t into tlie form of an argum ent, as party , who in order to consoli- to put down rebellion un i save the Uu- In the m ansion over the way. US, And You Can Do So. 1 .a t would im m ediately expose its date th e sen tim en t in favor of ion, have Ins* none of tn eir love fur tlic 27 to 1813-52, tw enty-live years, th e fall And oft when I draw the stockings Rutwcrilw i'" From his little tired feet, have been willing Com; -- and devotion to tin- Hug they in average prices was practically the lallacy. The m ere fact th at Mexican sil­ biinetallisni, H ili’* Frtniilv I’ Rubs Are Such as to Leave no Question as And loosen the clum sy garm ents fought to npliold, mid th ey see in th e ver dollars, containing more silver th an to go outside of p arty lines and present efforts an a ttem p t to tarn ish the sam e as th a t which lias taken place From his lim bs so round and sweet, Foggy went hcc t I grow too b itter for singing, to VALUE- th e A m erican standard silver dollar, support as th eir candidate one a.ready Repiiulie an I break down its most cher­ since 1873. And had the table extended Re tie i,her the i Aly hear'’, too heavy t > pray, 1 back ten years further th e form er fall m ay be purchased for r.liout 50 cents, is nom inated by th e Democratic party, ished in stitu tio n s. As l th in k of th e dainty raim ent Piceli itniffi seed The Stars and Stripes sym bolize, to would lie seen to have been much the j Of the baby over the way. sta te d , an d th e uninform ed are left to and also by the Silver p a rty . I also bandiera. those wtui offered th eir lives in its de­ greater, for prices ranged much higher in fer any portentous conclusion which appreciate th e fact th a t w hile, durin g Turn nut to lic.u o God in heaven, forgive me fence, a country united an t powerful, For all l.h av c thou g h t and said; »morrow. all the years since 1873, a large ma- respected at home, honored the world for some years before 1818 th an in th a t m ay occur to th eir m inds. My e n vious h e a rt is hum bled— The joint d e b a t e If th e argum ent be expressed in jority of th e Democratic party and a over for its power, its justice, mid still year. My netohbor’« baby is dead! or n week. I saw the little w hite collin T hus we see, th a t our recen t fall in full, it ex h ib its alniost every form of considerable m inority of th e R epubli- ! more I -r its integrity, honesty and fair TII03E WHO DESIRE TO LAY IX A W INTER SUPPLY. As they carried it nut today, The Pitt«, the h prices is by no m eans “ unexam pled” can parly have been consistent advo- ' dealing. f.dlacy know n to logicians. A nd th e h e a rt of a m other is breaking, F. L. Chum béis, :< i Comrades, von believe in liliertv under In th e m ansion over th e way. Should Call and O btain in eith er scope or d u ratio n . It was T he following is intended to be a fair I the law ; in public ord er; in m e in linie- Ver»- npjque p T h e lig h t la fair in my w ind >«’, sta te m e n t of the arg u m en t th a t gold present ratio, yet ever since the or- I nance of our courts of j istiee and in greatly exceeded in both respects by •hild’en si Mi s. 1 Thu flower* bloom a t lay door; udvoentes intend to m ake. ganization of th e People’s p arty its i liation.-il lio mr mi l goo I f.iiiti Y >-i fall in prices n ear the begining of the My boy is claw ing the a u u lx a in s Brvau cl a h m T h a t dance oil the cottage itoor. “ The silver dollar of Mexico, which m em bers have unanim ously supported are unalterably >ppuu I to Hie re 1 ll u century, d u ring the so-called “ bim e­ ' Im portant busi.... T h e rosea of h e alth arc bloom ing lias tree coinage of silver, is sold in such coinage as the only m eans of re- ¡of anarchy mi I in ih rule. tVe oeuuve tallic” per.od. AI h e n Bri On my d a rlin g ’s cheeks today, ‘ th a t y m reseat with s i f i u t m u i d a t ­ I Silver and its advocates are very Hut th e baby is gone from the window, th e m ark ets at its bullion value. T h ere­ storing bim etallism . »alnuin to E ? ■ c tacks up ui the •xecutive mid j I llcial . Of tlm m ansion over the way. By persistently pointing o u t the fore if th e U nited S tates should adopt departm ents nt nur government, mid sym pathetic, very anxious to am eliorate am O uver steel oh" The present is made up largely of any« I ¡ere b> 15 1 tree coinage (of silver) its dollar would disastrous effects of the gold stan d ard , coi.imend all measures which vindicate the sad conditio of m en. Silver is Seinina has o.c and protesting against each successive th e suprem acy of the law and restore claimed to be able and willing to “ re­ fragm ents of the past. depreciate to its bullion value. week on ace- mnl 1 It is the fate of many to be unjust to T h u s stated , it is seen io lie w hat step tow ard financial bondage, the publie onler w henever endangered. store prices.” B ut it. is well w orthy of î l e Peonies’ m e r c h a n t s All those I " -i o note, th a t d u rin g the long period from mute so much as to themselves. logicians call a non se q u itu r; th a t is, Populists have exerted an im p o rtan t tVe feel assured th at in th is crisis, you will do well to sel too conclusion does not follow from influence in aw akening th e public to a will rally to the support of our gallant 1809 to I860, a period m arked first by it A good many sermons are aimed too A party of ' trem endous fall and then by a great I high ever to hit any thing on earth. th e prem ises, of w hich, in th is case, realization of the n a tio n ’s present Comrade, Major M ckinley. are at H u e rise in prices of com modi ties, tiie price [ I’igs have been washed hut none have t icro is b u t one. Every com plete nr- peril. In a tim e like th is, when n Casearn 8.« t ' l’ Maj-ir Mckinley is u comrade tried of silver varied slightly. Though silver piim ent, m ust have, expressed o r im ­ great political party is attem p tin g to laxative for « I ever been cured of ttieir love for mud. and trusted. II? is pledget to tiie p rin ­ advocates frequently boust of this un­ plied, two prem ises as well as a con­ surrender th e rig h t to legislate for o u r­ Salmon no t h V irtue could see t o d - w hat v irtu e w ould, ciples for which volt so freely exposed By tier own ru d iu a t light, though s n u a n il niixia clusion. This has but one, and th at selves upon the financial question, and your lives and fur which so many thou­ iform ity in tiie price of silver tiiey never that ttie ciioi" Were in tiie flat sen sank. one, while not wholly false, needs I seeking to bind th e American people toil sands of your com rades died oil liatt I • p u t it in connection w ith th is other Several it " ' Stiallow men heleve in luck, heleve con-ptetion i o " i t foreign m onetary system , it behooves us, fields in fever-infected cam ps amt in fact. T hus it is never revealed bv them niinii qualification. Nasal c i l t a r r l i t th a t d u ring this long period, when g j|- p n circum stances. Strong men believe in Mox¡co has no t tlio gratuitous coin- ' as lovers of o ur country and friends of prison pens. s ) by th e use ot Dr anse and effect. ago of eith er silver or gold. A heavy American institutions, to lay aside for ver had “ free acc as to tiie m in ts,” it Therefore we invite all sons ol V e t e r a n edv. held itseif aloof from other eonimodities The great tiling In this world is, not - barge is made for tlic m intage of gold, tlic present such differences as may s ite s to unite » i t t i ns in lids campaign Mr. McLeod i-' im potent alike to prevent th eir fall or to so much w he'e we stand, as in what i nd it less charge for silver. T his of exist among us on m inor questions in against N ational dishonor. Dunean Sioi'-'b ■ HARDWARE, FIX WARE, LtH/TS ,-l.C l !-. prom ote th eir rise. We urge every veteran ami son of vet- direction we are moving. toiirse virtually dem onetizes gold, mid i order Hint our stren g th may be united ilenee. We note, in toe tnird place, th a t the HATS & CAI’», MEDICINES N l Tb «Y CANDII >, lienee Mexico is seen to be on a basis in a suprem e effort to w rest th e govern- I erau to semi Ids address to o iir Secretary. recent fall in prices did not liegiu ill A great many rich people keep theiu- New tpxids ..id C olonel I.. E dwin D udley . silver m onom etallism . Tlic policy pro­ uivnt from th e hnndH of those who 1873, hut in 1865. W hen those who are Belves so by acting poor, an fully as rOBACCO, CICA Kb, I I R M b lil N(. I i t 1 ery a t Mrs. K.ui JIEM11EKSIIII’ o r FLORENCE LEAGUE. trying to fo,st upon this country the j tunny poor people make their ondition them . posed by the dem ocratic platform is im agine tiie nalioii's finances are only j C. II. Holden, Pres. linlimit- d «oinage of silver as a panacea W. W. N e .-ly | t lie free coinage of iiotii gold and silver, secure when controlled by a few tinan- j Yv rse by trying to act rich. S. L. Rohenls, See. 1 for all our ills, real and im aginary, seek ‘ of sh eep ¿ a - : « on equul term s. T here would be eitlier ciers, and tlic national honor can only 1 I,. F urnish, Treas. ! to establish th eir position by statistics of j Do not waste precious davs in emplia- Goods as Tapresaniod. Prices W ill be found f casciu Jason. no charge for m intage, or tlio slight be m aintained by servile acquiescence in S. B. Colvin, Vice Pres average prices and by giving tiie prices gizin , what you do not nelievc, hut H ood ’ s p i i i - II. H. Law ton of certain great eonim odities like w heat « barge for alloy would he m ade equal any policy, however destructive to the Chas. M itchell operate, fc 'ire rath e r glorify them by putting all em­ H . 1*. Jnhnsm i ; and cotton, Yvtiy, in tiie nam e of candor, in both case«. T his Is radically different interests of thu pcopl-i of th e United R. B. Mills 25 cents Jo h n Morris do they not go back at least a few years phasis upon the tilings which are known Elisha Johnson front th e coinage system of Mexico, States, » hicli foreign creditors, present B. H. 0 - v . 1 H I.n tlier King , further and show th at, in relation to to lie true. 8. E. I.nwe and m akes any argum ent draw n from or prospective, may desire to force Jos. Campliell liltld m i H 1' Il Rilev Mills some of ttie most im p o rtan t items Do some thing, no m atter how Small, Campliell. conditions in th a t country en tirely upon us. Albert P. Kmnvlcs. quoted, tin- fall in prices between 1865 an I do it we I, and you will eventually Messrs. Pn inapplicable to tills country under It is a cause of congratulation th a t and 1873 dout-le discounted anything in C t f a g«xal sised i i l l the way of a fall th a t has taken place fin I yourself clim bing the ladder of *ue- bim etallism . we have in this cam paign not only the That Wonderful Churn. th is week. since 1873, ttiat was the greater in those «cis. Tiiere are many obstacles to over- W hile it is valuable for th e liime­ support of Democrats, Populists, and IJ. D Ch ild eight years t ian in all the years since toine, hut toil, grit, and endurance will l d list to know th e above facts, tlic R epublicans who have all along believed I want to add my testim ony to the W hy, for exam ple, don’t they rem ind overcome them all. H elp yourself and appearance " f t DEALERS, IX AND MAXUFACRURERS OF following is a full and sufficient a n ­ iu independent bim etallism , but also j list of those th a t I ibvc used th e L ight th e cotton planter th a t tiie price o f , coat of M i'" . !lR,| go<(l| men will help you. sw er to th e argum ent as usually the active co-0|>crutlon of those Demo- ning C n u rn . It does all th a t is claimed m iddling cotton fell from $1.015 a |xiun«1 Cha«. H a d i « No young man «■ in make a success in - ^ 7 c.rats ami R epublicans who have hereto for it, you can churn easily in one inin- in 1864 to less than 17 cents 18717 Do H a-ileys^le Oav stated . j ute, and get a large percentage more they not |K>ssess adequate in format ion on ¡life unless lie works. He cannot loaf, ton th is W eek . 1. The Mexican do llar passes iu fore waited for in tern atio n al bim etal­ 1 b u tter than w ith the common ch u rn s. vital point«? Or are they willingly around street corners an I saloons witli- F a n n e rs r, , th is country for about 50 cents, simply lism, now join w ith us ra th e r th a n to I never took (he agency for anything lie- suppressing a |x>rtion of the tru th , hav­ out. deteriorating. He m ust learn a ; 8iuataw nun I. I. Is-eause it is not a legal len d er bere, ami trust the destinies of the nation in tiie fore hut so many of my neigliliors ing a liY’ely appreciation of the let tim e expect' I. 1 trade or do some l-onest w ork; or before ! I. cnee it is rated a t its bullion v alue; hands of those who are holding o u t the wanted churns, time I or-lered 30 and th u t this sim ple statem en t would lx- lie knows it lie will lie a chronic loafer j ist as our own “ trade d o lla r” was, delusive hojie of foreign aid while they they are all gone. I th in k in a vear sufficient to overturn th eir en tire con­ i < X 3 p r ''\ every farm er will have a L ightning tention? ! despiseil by all witli whom lie comes in w hen its legal ten d er was repealed. labor secretly for th e ]H*riiinncnt es­ Iron. A s s' in C hurn, in fact they c an ’t afford to he 1 eoiitac-. 2. In Mexico, when it is a legal ten ­ tab lish m en t of the single gold stan d ard . w ithout one as they m ake so much more C onstali' CONSOLE YOURSELF. c c CUSHMAN T here is nothing better than to be P WAIT¿- is known a- d er, it passes as a dollar and will buy W hile diltieultics have alw ays arisen butter, an,I a g,x>d little hit of money P R E S ID E N T . THESAUREN happy. Joy is the real root of m orality. addition to 1 i.s much as it did when its bullion in the settlem en t of d etails of any plan can lx- made in every tow nship selling CYRUS CUSHMAN BY A BRYAN* SUPPORTER. I 3 CUSHMAN these churns. By w riting to J . F. Casey No virtue is worth praising which does A notl.er - y .due was more than 90 cents according of co-o|H-ration between d istin ct poll- V IC E P R E S ID E N T . SECRETAR»- «k Co., St. Loui Mo., you can get circu­ at F. L. Cl not spring from m inds contented and t - th e testim ony of the ex-governor of tieal organizations, I am sure the ndvo- lars and lull particulars nliout th e G o v ern m en t! Ex-Gov« i convinced and free of dread ami gloom. lot- D istrict of Columbia, who has I1OW eutes of bim etallism are so intensely in clittrn. A R eader . W hat is it? Tillinau of O r e e o r - No religion was ever divine which relied i sided in Mexico nixtctn years, and earn est th a t they will lx- abl«> to devise the ptxtple "! K An in stitu tio n to insure you the right on terror instead of love; and no philos­ Marry This Girl, Somebody! o th e r au th o rities. some m eans by w hich tlic free silver Oliver pi bws to life, liberty, and the p u rsu it of hap­ ophy will ever h e ir any good fruit, 3. Does any one doubt th at, if tlio vote may lie concentrated upon the with the sa me piness. B ut dix-s it do th is? G et out w hich propounds despair and deduces ed to scour I niti-d States should m ake these Mexi- electoral tickut in c a d i state. To ««cure I have been reading in your paper o„ gunny side of tiie house and en- annihilation. W ork, t«> t>«* i an dollars a full legal tender, th at , th is result, ch arity tow ards tiie opinions about several men anil women th a t have .(>v t(|e jH.n u ti(u | sunshine and be m erry steadily, K m 1 p art of »**" very •u- fesshd ael'ing svfffd.eating no hng jn i its price would advance to th a t of the j of others and liberality on th e milk Wl«koo:. t A m erican dollar th e 100 cents? If any all ,s necessary; lx,t honest and sincere ( , have W()rk(l(1 , 2 v c u a l a plan by w hich you can lx- sum m er. » < ie doubts this, let him give his rea- friends who are working tow ard a ,)Uyg |1RVU oo|(| 151 irons amt have 218 fo r» -1 to pay toll to a corporation for » n. common resu lt alway« find it possible to dollar« left after paying all expenses. the air you breathe and th e sunshine If tiie gold stan d ard advocates have agree upon just and I'quitnble term s. Everylxxiy is delighted witli ttie iron you enjoy. T ry to recall the fact th a t S to m ach .so m et. se a 1«d w nterhra«h. l ic American proven equal l*ni' I ,,,u‘ alm ost every place I show am i b u rning p..i. . distress, nausea, . nv real argum ents to show why gold T The American people people have have provi it, as jieople thin k they c a n 't afford to you are in big luck to he out of a nice, dyspepsia, are clu ed by llinxl's »arsa- i ononietullism gives a more stable to every emergency which Inis arisen in be w ithout one, ns th ey save so much warm, com fortable jail. Cock your hat p.-irilla. T his it uec«iiii|ilislies because i i-l b etter stan d ard th an bim etallism th e past, and 1 am confident th a t in tiie f(lp| |in le ,n!rn e|otheg. over vonr ear and work yourself up to w itli its w otulertul pow er as a blood ■ I, is it n o t about tim e they brought present emergency tliero will he no I know I can clear five thousand dollars a conditio i of m errim ent over the “ pros­ purifier. H ood's Surs.-piirilln gently i forward? T heir argum ents h ith erto , tones and stren g tu en - the stom ach and a year. How is th a t for a girl. perous signs of the tim es.” I ive consisted in pointing out thu evil antagonism lx-twecn tlio various regi­ digestive organs, invigorates the liver, A G raduate . • nditions, ns to value of silver, etc., m ents ol the one great arm y w hich is D on't do any g reat am ount of th in k ­ creates an appetite, gives n-lresliilig Splendid, niv girl, splendid, you are a shx-p, and raises t,,e m-alth tone. In I » n ig h t about by the adoption of th eir m arching Io repel an invasion more ing for tiie soup sucking American lias cases of d \-p e p ia and indigestion i l l ; true A m erican girl. Anyone can get i. stein, th e gold stan d ard . dangerou« to our welfare th an an arm y com plete inform ation alxiut ttie self- skilled (?) statesm en like C leveland, C ar­ seem s to tu n e •• a nt .gie I m eh.’’ with banners. “ For over 12 year* I suffered from gout healing iron by addressing J . F. Casev lisle, and S herm an to do ttieir thinking GRAY HAIR MADE DARK. Acknowledging with g ratitu d e your «E Co., 8 t. Ixitiis, Mo. It seems to be a for them . W hen “ c ran k s,” “ an arch ists” I saw in your paper a statem en t th at expressions of confidence nn«l go«sl will, w inner, as everylxxly selling it w rites and "calam ity bow lers’’ a 1 Iress yo i, I. in its praise. do Y ulier would restore my head of 1 am , very truly vours, tu rn a deaf c a r lo them and stick to w i.h sever« p«ui» m io-s uiy »Boulder*, l d r to n atu ral color in three weeks. W illiam J . B ryan . your ol.l p arty . I • n,‘ d I l««J violent ti. ,w. Ice Cream Made by a New Process. . s I was very gray 1 sent for a sa m p le , which would leave me vary west, miff- The less you get to eat, and the less (slut, difficult to g?t my breath. These, j ekage, and in less th an th ree weeks I A G reat Chance to Make Money. i y lisir was perfectly restored to until- j clothes you w ear, the b etter it will lx- spells came oftener a d more severe. I I have an ice cream frt-eier th a t will i I «-olor. My w ife's h air was light red, did not receive any bisttr-» benefit from I w ant to tell you of my iny w onder­ fr«-e«e cream in stan tly . The «-renin is *’V >«"- •<* deapito of your preju-licc. physicians, but fo ind s -. Iwpnv effects i id by using Zulu V idler, her hair is ful suei-ess. Being a poor girl and need- put into th e Ireeaer and i-nme» out in- such conditions will excite great brain from a tris! «>, Hooff'v t 'a .t h a t l i -w a beautiful au b u rn . Aliy one ran ing money badly, I tried the Dish stan tly , amootli anil perfectly frozen. activity, and ix-fore you know you will took sev-ral bottles and mean to always I -t a »ample package of Zulu Y ulier by W arber business and have cleared |2tX) This astonishes people an-l a «-row-1 will eith er vote right or fight. keep it In the house. I a-v now able to » m ling 21 tw o-rent stniiqw to Wilson >k do all m vow n wrork, w-htch for six years every m o n th . It ia more money th an I gather Io see th e fn-eaer in operation i i.. New Concord, Ohio, and if it does ■ . ... . . . Uleveland, C arlisleheiner, and Sher- I have been unable to do. My husband , , ever bail l-efore and I can t help telling and tliev will all w ant to trv the cream i t restore votir h air to n atu ral color ill «. „ . . . , can sell *---- «-ream as last it — can lx- nianburg have made B em stlet Arnold and eon have al«o b n <-ratly bene­ , j you ab o u t it, ,or I lx-lieve any |«er»on You ------------ - — t -ree week« they will retu rn your «•an do as well as 1 have if they only m ade and eell freeaera to m any of them a n -'J u d a s Is« a riot get a hum p on them fited by Hoo t'» Saraapa-illa for rains In e ’ a iiip s ; it no t only re«tores th e liair to the back, and after the grip. I gladly try . D ishw ashers sell on sig h t; everv who wouhl not boy an old alvle treeser. ae »iw to protix l th eir nx-ords. recommend this grand blood medicine.’’ „ ifiiral color, b u t will atop the h air fall- i’ll« «rlfishneSM ol im lividualism make« lady w ants one. Ttie Mound C ity Dish It is really a curiosity and you can «ell Mas. P» tk « U ia a v . Leomin«t—. ' j g out Im m ediately an d is one of th e W ssher C«i., 8 t. Imu'S, Mu., will give from |5 to >8 worth of « ream an«l six to man a b e n t . The worat enem y .u aa- I -at h a ir tonics m ade, am i you tak e no ' j ymi all n«x-e«aary inatrurtions, so you can twelve freeaers every «lav. fhia m akes kind h at is m an. i -Ir, a n d if it does n o t eiitisfy you per- The w ar ol th e survival of th e fittest begin work a t OOee. The Dishw asher a profit these hard tim es an-l is a 1« etly t!icy w dl te tu rn y o « r »tam |w ^^ j does splendid work ; you can wash and pleasant em ploym ent. J . F. Casey A «Tien fought to a Anisli, m eans that only ’ ilrv th e dialie« in tw o or th ree m inutes Co., 1143 Hi. C harles 8 t„ St. Louis, Mo., tiie m ost cruel, b ru tal, an-l strong sur- t-OLDî V< tk for B ryan an«l you will j w ithout p u ttin g your l.anda in th e will «enti you full particulars and in- vivo. H um an« i-leaa, unaelftabneas, i w ater n t all. T ry th is huainvas and l«i form ation in re g ar) to thia new inven- generosity, intelligence, an-l decency Is thetkie True Btoixl fu r fler. A tlffru s r.ts .il. 1 -- ju at lik en M exican. lion on application and will employ stand a m ighty |xxar chance to survive S ilv er: Yolo for M cK inley an d you | ua know how you•ti.-cee.l. 1 " r "l* K atix M. i in auch a csvntcat. gix-d aaiesuK-R on salary. E lu .«avril C, GENERAL ★ MERCHANDISE Consideration Cash Only.’ PRICES UNHEARD OF ON THE "HURD & DAVENPORT THE 8EA70IM STORE Keeps a lull line of £xrra Quality DSY GOODS » GROCERIES M;uia