al - Three Desirable 2ri 1 e . I Ï ^9 & •SA I * »J Stars in * -■ta.«’ A NAME. A t Bret i crlimnx r, wi, .e rin s ai-.d pale. P ie rc e d here- ur.d tin ru a cloud's o ’erhansing n il, A nd then a t length a great sta r, fe ll and bright. B rak e fo rth and coat it» ra d ia n cecn tlio night. —C atherine Young Glen ia Century, CHURCHES OF GRENADA. T l i e j A r e a t O n ce M a’j r J flc c m an d I**E- C arly, S o le m n and G ay. I t w as in its churches th at I thought G ra n a d a a t once w est m agnificent aud beggarly, m ost solemn mid gay. I know n o th in g in F ran ce or Italy to compare w ith the effect of tho cath ed ral when th e sun steeped street» w ere left, the leath er cu rtain w as lifted and wo were suddenly in darkness as of nig h t, a g reat a lta r loom iug dim ly in fa r shad­ ows, vague, m otionless figures prostrate before it. T h e ir silen t ferver in the stran g e, scented dusk gave a clew to th e ecstasy of a Theresa, of an Ignatius. B u t it w as w ell to tu rn l ack quickly in to m a tte r of fact d aylight. To linger w as to bo rem inded th a t m ystery has ils price, solem nity its taw driness. In ca­ th e d ra l an d c ap illa real if we ventured to look a t th e royal tom bs a t the g rille— w hich even in Spain is w ith o u t equal— a t tho retablos, w ith th e ir w ealth of o r­ nam ent, one sacristan a fter another kept d o s e a t o u r heels, im pudently expect­ ant. I f in unknow n little church o u r eyes g rew accustom ed to darkness, it w as th a t th ey m ig h t be offended w ith V ir­ g in s gleam in g in silks and jewels, w ith C h rists clothed in p etticoat* A nd if we d id once v isit tho C artu ja it satisfied o u r enriosity w here other show churches w ere concerned. The w ord C a rtu ja hung upon th e lip» of every visitor a t the Ho­ te l Roma. F oreigners w restled hope­ lessly w ith it. Spaniards repeated it tenderly, a» if in love w ith its gasping g u ttu rals. Wo never sat down to a m eal th a t some one d id n o t u rg e us to th e en ­ jo y m en t of its w onders. A t last in self «lefeuso we w ent. The C artu ja'» arch i­ tectu re »track u s a» elaborate, its deco­ ration a» abandoned as the gush th at had Kent na to it. I t hud not even th e am u s­ in g gayety of B ohem ia’s rococo, but w as p retentions and florid in a dull, v u lg ar w ay, m ore in keeping w ith g ild ­ ed cafe o r po p u lar re s ta u ra n t B ut to • hi» v isit m y record owes a place, since i t w as o ur one concession to the guide- lxxik’» comm ands. It pleased us b etter to forget th e exaggerated, tortu red flam ­ boyance in the kindly tw ilig h t of churches th e nam es of w hich we never troubled to usk.— E lisab eth R. P ennell in C entury. W h e r e th e W e lte r » A sk N o Odd«. Common us th e p ractice of tip p in g is becom ing in th is city, th ere m u st still lx? restau ran ts in w hich tip» urn n either given nor expioted, and am ong these m ust bo some, a t lenst, of th e beef and Iv an s place» in tho neighborhood of Park row. I have not tx ou so fa m ilia r w ith these places in recent years as I used to be year» ago, before they hnd grow n so largo and w hen coffee and cakes fu r­ nished tho ch ief staple of tho food p ro ­ vided. In those days I am q u ite sure th a t nobody over th o u g h t of tip p in g tho w aiters, and I believe th a t tho same p ractice prev ails in tin m now. I t m ig h t bo th a t a w a ite r w ould take a tip from some old custom er w ith whom lie was on frien d ly term s, b u t I doubt if lie w ould tak e one from a casual guest. 1 th in k if such a guest should p u t a tip on the table tho w a ite r w ould w ipe it «iff o il tho floor w ith tho clo th w ith w hich lie sw abs tho table. Tho licef and I r a n places nro refresh­ ing, not only in the food they furnish, b u t in tho sp irit of self re lia n t in d e ­ pendence th a t pervades th em .— Cor. New York Kun. THl MS» W lltL T ROGKY MOUNTAIN FLASHED INTO EXISTENCE. News I I g w D a u b ig n y S tu d ie d a D oor A ll D ay to I'alr.t a P ic tu r e . C harles Noel F lag g c f N ew Y ork tells interesting stories of bohem ian life in P aris in the seventies. ,1 .0 0 Per Year in A . vmicv . " I w as a t Ilonfienr one su m m er,” LEADS the Sliver forces of America. m id Mr. Flagg, "w h e n tho D anbignys— LEADS la Mining an# Mining Stock Reports. fath er and sou—w ere there. I have a l­ LEADS In Special Departments. LEADS to developing Colorado's wonderful w ays th ought D aubigny the strongest mid sanest landscape p ain ter in the Bar- resources. LEADS in Neivslness, Brightness, C oajr;- bizon group, and it w as interesting to tienslveness. see how he w orked and how he tau g h t LEADi la Commissions to Agent* his «Oil. T his son w as a m an of b rillia n t (W rite for T erm «./ talen t, w ho died soon after, u n fo rtu ­ nately. He w ould take an enorm ous T h e G reat canvas out in to the field anil cover it in nu hour and a h alf— th is w as to get composition, m assing of lig h t and shade, T he News publishes the representative paper etc.— mid then his fath e r w ould couie filailv and unday) west of a t Louis; cartoon with every issue. Ouc a m onth— >1.9«) foi 3 and criticise i t Seme of these big sw ift niofiihd in advance. th in g s w ere shown in tlie salon a fter­ For mu nip e copy of any issue, address, r ’ e SEW- PRINTING CO.. Denver. Colorado. w ard. The p a iu ltrs used to ccntributo in one way or another to the fine old inn w here we stopped, end the landlord w anted young D aubigny to p ain t the Sclentiflo American panel of a certain door. A t las t tho pain ter prom ised to co it the next m orn­ Agency for ing. I resolved to see th a t th in g «lone, so I got up before dawn, planted m yself in tho old dining room a t a good point of view and pretended to sketch from tho window. P re tty soon young D au­ bigny came down professed to be not in C A V g A TS . T R A D ! M A R K S, the least disturbed by me, so I staid, DESIG N R A TB M TS, li e sat down in fro n t cf the door and C O P Y R IG H T S , a te . looked at it h ard for an hour c r so. For Information anti free Hand boo a to MUNN & CO.. 361 B roadway , N tw Y on«. Then he got up and view ed it from d if­ Oldcflt bureau for securing patent* In America. Every ratent taken out by uh U brotifh . befoto ferent angles. Then he gazed at it from the public by a notice s ir e n free o f charge In the th e cud of the room. T hen he sat down again. Tho hours cam e und w ent, and J h t u f i f a n still ho w as studying th a t door, w ith Largest circulation o f any w lentiflc paper In tho seaice ly a pause for meals. By afternoon World. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man Khould be w ithout It. W eekly. 6 3 . 0 0 n I w as n early w ild ; if he d id n ’t open his vearj <1.30»lx month». A ddw ti, MCN n A CO., F lblibukbb . 3 6 1 Uroadway. New York Cite. puiutbox soon, I w ould sm ash the dexir. A t lust, at th e beginning of tw ilig h t, presto!— I w as too excited to see. A ll R lpans Tabules. in a m in u te a few lig h tn in g s flashed out R ipana Tabule» cure nausea. from him , anti there w as tho m iracle! R ipaus T abules: at druggists. R ipans T abules cure dizziness. Anti breathlessly I realized tliat he had R lpans T abules cure headache. been p ain tin g th a t p ictu re a ll d a y .” — R ipans Tabules cure dyspepsia. C hicago Tim es-H erald. R lpans T abules cure flatulence. R ipans T ubules assist digestion. MAKING A MINE. R ipans T abules cure bad breath. R ipans Tabules cure btllousness. In S om e Inatnn cca I t Cort» N o th in g —In O th er» th e Coat 1» IHil.ion». R ipans T abules: one gives relief. R ipana Tabule» cure torpid liver. T here are no h ard and fast rules in R ipans Tabules: gentle cath artic. reg ard to m aking a m ine from tho tim e R ipans T abules cure indigestion. it pusses into the prospector’s hands u n ­ til it becomes a dividend payer. Many m ines arc such, as tho m iners say, T h e A r r a n C aw baya. T he study c f domestic ca ttle should "fro m the gras» ro o ts," und tu rn out be of especial intercut to us because they large q u an tities c f ore from tho begin­ have undoubtedly occupied a more im ­ ning. J. B. H agpin, tho m illionaire m ine p o rtan t place in o n r own nncestral his­ owner, took ¿3,000,000 from tho C uster tory than any other specie« of auim ul. mine, in L em hi county, Ida., before T ho A ryan tribesm en from whom nearly a ll w estern civilization folk are de­ i t become necessary to use a candle scended w ere cowboys alm ost to a man. (g ian t powder). T his m ine w as know n L ike the Kaffirs and dom aras c f South as tho M ineral m ountain. A m an came A frica today, all th eir thou g h ts were along one «lay, and a fter looking a t it about th eir herd«. T his is »hown in a rem arked, "W h y , tho hanging w all is curious w ay by the study of th e early gone.” T his w as true. N ature had as­ developm ent «if our language. T he San­ sisted the m iner in th is case; tho m oun­ sk rit w ord for a king m eant o rig in a lly ' 'a tain side had been eroded, leaving the chief h erd sm an ." The w ord for an as­ m ineral standing there. Mr. H uggin sem bly, or tlie m eeting place of a con­ also spent ubout. 93,000,000 in develop­ gress, w as the sam e as th u t fcr u cow- ing tho Anaconda m ine before it w as on yard. A soldier w as ‘‘one w ho fights a paying basis. M ines have been discovered contain­ about cows. ” It w ould seem a« if they regarded n o th 1 ng else as w orth ruling ing fabulous w ealth, although u pros­ over o r talk in g ubout o r fighting for. pector w ould starve to death in try in g Professor M ax M uller trocea th e word to work them. T his w as true in regard “ d a u g h te r" to th e ancient term for a to the H om estakc m ine, in tho Black m ilkm aid. In the g?x»l old tim es they H ills. The prospectors w ho m ade the p lain ly d id not take any account of diseovei-y could do nothing w ith it, and young ladies w ho w ere not accomplished it passed into the hands of Senntor H earst and other C alifornia capitalists. perform ers in the cowpcn. The cow or ox was for long ages the They «x-.iieluded th at, unless it w as chief stnndurd of value*. E verything, worked on a large scale, it could not he from a new coat to a new w ife, wns made profitable. An SO stam p m ill w as priced at so m any eowa. M any o f our ordered and shipped in from Cheyenne, w ords w hich refer to money b ear traces a t a cost of 9135,000, as an experim ent. «1 this, such a s “ f«x?" and “ p ecu n ia ry ," The m ine has paid in «lividentls$37,600 w hich ura d irectly derived from the old a m onth for 17 years. It require» a large am ount of money E nglish and L atin w ords for cattle. Doubtless there w ere currency disputes usually to put a m ine oil a dividend w hen o th er m aterial« begun to b«> used paying basis, anil, as a rule, th is the for coinage, and difficulties arose about prospector cannot de, although prospect­ th e adju stm en t of relativ e values "Cow ors have made foi tunes w ith th eir prop­ m e ta llism " m ig h t w ell have been an erties.— Spokane Spokesman-Review. im p o rtan t p lan k in some of the A ryan Vc-Jptablo F lo w e r ., ¡sd itieal p latfo rm s.—N orth A m erican The far fam ed vineyards of the R hine Review . ure a great disappointm ent to tourists T ub B est EST w ill, r R " I L IT E R A T U WEEKLY P k ’BLlSH Er •i ‘ SSUOL?:» BuyabairorthiMcck-M. • k. V- .»«ut.M.-u - w h ic h g i \ e» a U a io t va iu ^ u iw p i 1 ‘j •- ■ uug itu h o w u> And The lb v iu . A R T S S ilv e r D aily I learn sev eral g reat tru th s— as th a t i t 1» im posaitdo to see iu to the ways of " I w ish ," said the editor of the ctan­ f u t u r it y ; th a t p u n ish m en t alw ays a t­ te journal, "that yens would give as te n d s th e v illa in ; th a t love is th e fimd souiethiug tlrst rat«? iu the way o f a bi- WMither o f th e h u m an b re a s t.—G old­ py-le jo k e ." " I ’m afraid «lie bicycle Joke haa been sm ith . _ If is »aid th a t th e fir t E n g lish duke overworked lately," was the aitswei “ H ’m l Maybe it has. Well, give as -was E d w ard th e BlaeJt P rin ce, w ho, by b is fa th e r, E d w a rd II I. w as creab-4 something aUrat the bk-ycle juke being S O IE 3 S T O E S . Sold E N G L IS M IM £ S S COLLEGE! PORTLAND F ull OREGON engli h T M E j W ith W E S T - fci r -A C > urse . FRENCH AND GERMAN. ■' • * ’• ' BUSINESS CLANCIES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORT : N ) , TELEGRAPHY. B0ARDRI6 MPAmEi’T'=«i.A51ES gmntiiit Charging a Hear With Bayonet., R ussian soldiers in S ib eria are n o t only encouraged to exercise th e ir m a r­ tia l ardor on big gume, hut are aetnaliy led ou t in squads to take p a rt in tho h u n t. On u recent occasion a local po­ lice inapeetor joined in tho h u n t and g o t tw o of tho soldier I i nters to act as h is txxly guard. W hen tho bear eauio T h o T h o u g h t S w itch . merrily rom ping tow ard him over tlie " I suppose," said Mr. G lim inerton, snow , th e inspector got flurried, missed both barrel.», flung down his gun and “ th a t if a m an is blessed w ith fuirly bu ried h is head in the snow, s eking to gd t u The explanation enough to clim b the h ill to the level, is th a t th e Bibles disappeared sosystein- w here the going is easy, and whom the Mtieally th a t th e Am erican Bible society track lies stra ig h t fcr «ireomlsnd. “ T h era's money for the inventor in .liseoutilined fu rn ish in g them , believing th a t they could employ th eir money ill this, and w hat a boon he w ould «-outer fields in w hich it w ould be mom appre­ on his brother man. “ — New York Sun. ciated. The suggestion has been made S M r t l a a U lr l. th a t th e B ibles be attached to the ear w ith ch ain s, as city directories are in d rag “ Proud b e a u ty ," said he, strik in g an sto res and hotels, b u t the idea of ch ain ­ a ttitu d e he had learoad by eonstaut a t­ in g dow n » B ib le is so incongruous th at tendance a t tho 10, SO, SO dram a— it has m e t w ith little fav o r.—Chicago "p ro u d ts-Auty, I go from here to the river, w here I shall end my sorrows by T rib n u e . ____ ju m p in g in ." W h,r “ I w o u ld n ’t go to the trouble of ju m p ­ ••Why aking of ‘Hamlet* w ith H am let left o a t," said the w em y and w ayw orn erstw hile Poloniua, “ it a in ’t a m arker to ’H am let’ w ith the ghost left o u t." Anil the R ialto w as 4«)0 m iles away. —lntliauiap«.li* Journal. An Italian patent, iia-luding fres ami taxes for one year, cost* $100. It is g ranttsl for 16 years and m ust be w orked w itliiu two. The lead«« of a flock of migrating w ild gee«' heruiM tired sooner than others and are frequently relieved by ence and th e S iuslaw valley can not afford to ignore th e m . women, and th eir thoughts are w orthy th e consideration of all people. T he A rena is sold with T he W est . C o m p le te Description of the Property w ill be given On application. LOOK OVER THIS CROUP HUNT MISS These 0PP0RTUNIT1 ES. make your selection . FLORENC